Re: [Mailman-Users] Slow delivery

2007-03-09 Thread Herman Privyhum

--- Brad Knowles [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I'm sorry.  I don't see how Phil's views from eight
 years ago on this subject are relevant to how 
 computer systems should be operated in 
 this modern world.

Thanks for the in-depth commentary.  

Here's the modern FAQ entry, FWIW:

(The reasoning does not differ substantially from that
in Hazel's seven-year-old email.)

If disabling IDENT is so crucial, as both you and my
experience with a triflingly small list seem to argue,
it must be important to amend the Mailman-Exim Howto,

Found here:

Linked from here:



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Re: [Mailman-Users] Nomail members

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Brad Knowles ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 At 9:19 PM -0700 3/8/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Tell me that isn't true, Mark.  From this mail list administrator's
   perspective, I can't find/use my password ranks just below the AOL
   flaming demands that we unsubscribe them NOW!
 Who needs periodic reminders, when there will be a reset mechanism 
 that the user can make use of at any time of their choosing?

I give up.

I'm starting to think that my average mailing list user won't remember the
URL they used to subscribe, they don't file away that email they get when
they subscribe with all the instructions, that they don't read the footer
on every message, and they don't read the monthly message.

At least one idiot reported his monthly message to SpamCop, which reported
it to my isp at the time, which suspended ALL of my access to their
outgoing mail server for a couple of days while they investigated.
Another idiot asked why he was on a cross country skiing list when he
signed up for a Linux users group mailing list (my domain name is  I explained that if he couldn't tell the difference between
the domain name part and the user part of a mail address, then perhaps
Linux isn't the OS for him and sent him the address of the local Apple
users group.

Because of all that, I'm resigned to having to respond to mailing list
members emailing me demands to change their address, unsubscribe them, or
whatever piece of mailing list trivia they want.  There doesn't seem to be
any way around it.  I have a form letter that I send back to them.  The
form letter makes it look like I don't read their request, but mostly I do
for the amusement value.

If these requests for human intervention go up when the monthly reminder
mails go away, I may have to make my own monthly reminder mail.

You'll get access to my computer room right after you pry the Halon test
key out of my cold, lifeless hands.
  -- Simon Travaglia
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Slow delivery

2007-03-09 Thread Christopher X. Candreva
On Fri, 9 Mar 2007, Brad Knowles wrote:

 So Phil says that he runs a trustworthy IDENT server on his box. 
 Fine.  But plenty of spammers, phishers, and other nefarious types 
 out there will try to use IDENT as another vector to exploit for use 
 in breaking into your system, or for tricking you into believing 
 whatever lies they want you to believe.

This is a common misconception of what IDENT is/was for.  IDENT was not 
intended to provide reliable authentication, as to who owned a connection. 
Rather, IDENT was a way of providing information such that a sysadmin could 
figure out later which of their own users had done something bad, or had 
their account compromised.

People then started using it this way, possibly due to the inclusion in tcp 
wrappers, but as I recall it wasn't the original purpose.

In other words, as the recipient I have no reason to trust the string. But 
if I am on the reciving end of an attack from a multi-user machine and am 
reporting it to the owner of the machine, I would give them the IDENT data I 
capture so they can better track what happened on their machine.
And even on a non-multi user machine, it could help narrow down what process 
was compromised.

There was at least one IDENT server that would return a seemingly random 
string, that could be decrypted by the sysadmin to know what the account was 
without divulging the actual name to the outside.

Chris Candreva  -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- (914) 948-3162
WestNet Internet Services of Westchester
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Nomail members

2007-03-09 Thread Mark Sapiro
Paul Tomblin wrote:

I'm starting to think that my average mailing list user won't remember the
URL they used to subscribe, they don't file away that email they get when
they subscribe with all the instructions, that they don't read the footer
on every message, and they don't read the monthly message.

Sadly, I think this is true, and it argues that for this group of users
at least, the reminders are useless anyway.

But, for those for whom they are useful, here's a possibility. This is
not a promise, but rather a suggestion. I first saw it it a comment by
Glen Seib on the wiki

The suggestion (with interpretation by me) is that the list owner could
provide a text template with substitutable parameters such as list
name, user email, user options url, etc. as a list attribute. This
could be used to remind users of list procedures and policies, how to
get a password reset, whatever you want. It would be sent periodically
to all list members. It would not be a list post, so it wouldn't be
archived, and it would be personalized even if the list normally

To bring this thread back around to its beginning, there could also be
a mechanism to treat a bounce of this message differently from a
bounce of a post or digest.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] shunt

2007-03-09 Thread Josh Greenberg
Earlier today one of my users sent a message out to a list but it never 
got there. It took a long time to figure out what happened to this 
message but when we finally found it, it had been shunted. There was an 
entry in the mailman error log that read Mar 09 11:26:51 2007 (9048) 
SHUNTING: 1173457464.059757+0856bb6e7edddefed75767308c85d69536288426 
and we had to find this message in the /var/spool/mailman/shunt 
directory and release it. There were other messages in the error log 
surrounding this one about an uncaught runner exception: unknown 
encoding: and then it listed the subject of a message that had been 
posted previously to the list.

I'm completely unfamiliar with this shunting process and its kind of 
disturbing that mailman would quietly discard a perfectly good message 
that had been sent by an approved sender and not throw any errors except 
this cryptic line in the error log. I can't find any good documentation 
on shunting either. Can someone explain what happened here or point me 
to some docs that might help? Thanks.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Nomail members

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Tomblin
Quoting Mark Sapiro ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
 But, for those for whom they are useful, here's a possibility. This is
 not a promise, but rather a suggestion. I first saw it it a comment by
 Glen Seib on the wiki
 The suggestion (with interpretation by me) is that the list owner could
 provide a text template with substitutable parameters such as list
 name, user email, user options url, etc. as a list attribute. This
 could be used to remind users of list procedures and policies, how to
 get a password reset, whatever you want. It would be sent periodically
 to all list members. It would not be a list post, so it wouldn't be
 archived, and it would be personalized even if the list normally
 To bring this thread back around to its beginning, there could also be
 a mechanism to treat a bounce of this message differently from a
 bounce of a post or digest.

That would be awesome.  That would be everything I've ever wanted in a
monthly reminder.  I assume it would be VERPed the way existing monthly
reminders can be, right?

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Slow delivery

2007-03-09 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Brad Knowles has said:
 At 8:46 PM -0700 3/8/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Maybe this is a good time to ask just how DNS-intensive the
   non-sendmail MTA's are.  I am finishing off the basics on installing
   sendmail with Mailman, and am including some discussion of the need to
   install a good fast-response caching DNS server to work with sendmail.
 All MTAs I know of are pretty DNS-intensive in their operation.  The 
 more anti-spam or anti-virus filtering you do, or the more other 
 things you do to check the incoming mail, the more DNS-intensive that 
 work is going to be.
 Of course, most MTAs should give you options on how to configure them 
 so that they don't generate any DNS traffic at all, but then what 
 you're doing is effectively turning off about 99.99% of what the MTA 
 is intended to do when handling mail.
Thanks for the confirmation of what I'd suspected.  Since I've lived
with sendmail ever since there was a sendmail (not true, I think
more like since 1988), I haven't tried to work with the other MTA's.

The need for a quick, robust, and reliable name service is in the
nature of the beast, particularly when supporting a mail list server,
where one incoming mail goes out to a thousand (if not thousands)

I'm not going to try to address LDAP, NIS or NIS+.  It takes about ten
minutes to set up the tables for named for a caching server.  That
is what I would recommend for the shop that's currenly using
/etc/hosts and remote (i.e. somebody else's) DNS servers for
everything external.
   Since then I've installed master and slave servers for my Intranet
   LAN, but I would heartly recommend having at least a plain caching
   server on the box that's running the MTA.
 Years ago, this was actually a bit of a sore point amongst the 
 experts.  Some said that you were better off having a smaller number 
 of centralized caching nameservers, which handled all DNS traffic for 
 the entire network.
 Others said that you're better off having caching nameservers running 
 on each box, to spread that load out.
I'm going to snip this discussion of how to configure DNS on a site
here.  For one thing, I think that we need to keep the focus on
Mailman, and simply answer the question do you need local name
service with Mailman? with Yes.  

For another, Cricket Liu and Paul Albitz, in the current 5th edition
(2006) of DNS and BIND have done a very good job of discussing far
more of the ins and outs of configuring DNS in a 600-page book.  They
devote an entire chapter to DNS with Unix mail.  

For Mailman support purposes, for both sendmail and DNS, I think we
need to focus on a keep it simple approach.  Both my site and the
former Mailman host site for my primary list are one worker, one box,
one routable IP sites, where Mailman, Apache, sendmail, and named all
get handled on a single node.  I also administer another ISP site 400
miles away (along with five others) that has separate boxes for login
server, mail server, web server, news server, NFS RAID server, and two 
DNS servers, all with their own routable IP's.  We did put Mailman on
that site as well.  Suffice it to say that there are a few differences
in sendmail, apache, and named configurations between those two sites, 
none of which affect Mailman.  

So I'd have to say, Mailman with sendmail and BIND DNS, yes, very easy
to do.  Follow Barry Warsaw's excellent Mailman build guide, go
through four steps to configure sendmail (I'm about to send this off
to the list), configure your DNS per Liu and Albitz, and go.  Needless
to say, doing this on an earthlink-sized system and doing it on a
one-box system aren't the same in many ways that are
quite separate from Mailman considerations.  

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[Mailman-Users] On behalf of mail header

2007-03-09 Thread Mike Maughan

A simple problem I'm sure but I cannot find the setting :(

I'd like subscriber/poster email addresses to be reported as they are on
this list:

from: name email to mailman-user

instead of what I presently have:

On Behalf Of subscriber name

I've trawled the admin settings but am not seeing how to do this.

Can anyone help, please?

Regards, Mike
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Nomail members

2007-03-09 Thread vancleef
The esteemed Brad Knowles has said:
 At 9:19 PM -0700 3/8/07, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
   Tell me that isn't true, Mark.  From this mail list administrator's
   perspective, I can't find/use my password ranks just below the AOL
   flaming demands that we unsubscribe them NOW!
 Who needs periodic reminders, when there will be a reset mechanism 
 that the user can make use of at any time of their choosing?
 I'm sorry, I'm just not seeing the reason why you would ever want to 
 continue using the reminder mechanism, when you can just go to a 
 page, enter in your e-mail address, and have the system generate a 
 new password for you and send it to you by e-mail.
If three years as a Mailman mail list administrator has taught me
anything, it is Never underestimate the inability of list members to
use the user member management resources of Mailman.  That begins
with an inability to click on the links we put on headers and footers
to get to their options page, much less clicking on the button that
mails a password refresher to them.

Then there's the group who are running something like Windows ME who
are adamant that my time is too valuable for me to learn anything.
What are we going to do, kick them off the list with a learn-ya
damn-ya!  I certainly feel that way at times.  So does my partner.

These are the hard realities of the Consumer Internet.  The last thing
my partner and I **need** is a Unix-like encrypted password and having
to reset passwords as root.  

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Re: [Mailman-Users] On behalf of mail header

2007-03-09 Thread Mark Sapiro
Mike Maughan wrote:

I'd like subscriber/poster email addresses to be reported as they are on
this list:

from: name email to mailman-user

instead of what I presently have:

On Behalf Of subscriber name

I've trawled the admin settings but am not seeing how to do this.

This is not a list setting. It is how MS-Outlook and perhaps other MUAs
present mail that has a Sender: header different from From:. See

Mail from the list will be presented similarly
by MS-Outlook.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Nomail members

2007-03-09 Thread Mark Sapiro

These are the hard realities of the Consumer Internet.  The last thing
my partner and I **need** is a Unix-like encrypted password and having
to reset passwords as root.  

You won't have to do the reset as root or at all, except of course for
those clueless users who insist you do everything for them and have no
need of a password anyway.

The way I envision this is the current 'Remind me' buttion on the user
options login page is replaced by a 'Reset password' button. Clicking
this results in an email along the lines of the current subscription
confirmation email except that it would say that confirmation will
result in the password being changed to ...

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] A Mailman Log Viewer script

2007-03-09 Thread Dragon

Here is my gift to the Mailman community.

I have created a PHP script to display Mailman logs via an HTTP 
interface. (I used PHP because it is what I know best, Python is 
still too new for me).

It was developed to aid list owners on a server running Plesk with 
very restricted access policies. Most of those list owners have not 
been given shell access and they have no other way to access the logs.

This script allows you to view any of the mailman logs and apply 
filter criteria to them such as by date, by e-mail list or by a text 
string you are looking for (such as an e-mail address or message-id, 
you can use Perl-compatible regular expression syntax). It also 
allows you to view the entries in default chronological order 
(earliest to latest) or in reverse chronological order.

The filtering is highly useful when you have very large log files or 
only care about certain entries.

To use this script, un-tar the attached file and follow the 
instructions in the README.txt file.

I highly recommend putting this in a location that requires 
authentication for access and you may also wish to use encryption (https).

The script and all associated files are distributed under the GNU 
GPL. No warranty of any kind is given or implied.

Anyway, I hope some of you will find this useful.


 Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)
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Re: [Mailman-Users] A Mailman Log Viewer script

2007-03-09 Thread Dragon
OK, so the attachment appears to have been stripped by the list. :-(

To get the tar file for the script viewer, please go here:


  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Nomail members

2007-03-09 Thread Denis Morejón López
Hello guys:
I have about 15 lists. Some of them become a dark hole some times, since 
users can not send to or receive from these lists. I do not see any error 
log in /var/log/mailman/error, only some pck files into 
I just tried /usr/lib/mailman/bin/unshunt  /var/spool/mailman/shunt but 
although some of the pck files are deleted, It remains the problems with the 

Some help please!

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Nomail members

2007-03-09 Thread Mark Sapiro
Denis Morejón López wrote:

I have about 15 lists. Some of them become a dark hole some times, since 
users can not send to or receive from these lists. I do not see any error 
log in /var/log/mailman/error, only some pck files into 
I just tried /usr/lib/mailman/bin/unshunt  /var/spool/mailman/shunt but 
although some of the pck files are deleted, It remains the problems with the 

Regarding shunted messages, there should be three entries in Mailman's
error log for each shunted message. These are an uncaught exception
entry, a traceback of the exception and the shunting entry.

If these are not in the error log, perhaps your logs rotate and they
are in an older generation or have rotated into oblivion.

Regarding your list not delivering, see

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] Weirdness

2007-03-09 Thread Jay Chandler
I'm new to Mailman, so please bear with me.

There's an existing list that was set up a few weeks ago.  All was well, 
until I noticed something rather odd.

When a user was unsubscribed (through the web interface), they continued 
to receive emails.  And when additional users were subscribed, they 
still haven't received any of the list traffic.

This is on FreeBSD / Postfix.  Anyone know what I might have forgotten 
to do?  Everything else works correctly.

Jay Chandler
Network Administrator
Chapman University

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Weirdness

2007-03-09 Thread Dragon
Jay Chandler wrote:
I'm new to Mailman, so please bear with me.

There's an existing list that was set up a few weeks ago.  All was well,
until I noticed something rather odd.

When a user was unsubscribed (through the web interface), they continued
to receive emails.  And when additional users were subscribed, they
still haven't received any of the list traffic.

This is on FreeBSD / Postfix.  Anyone know what I might have forgotten
to do?  Everything else works correctly.
 End original message. -

Mailman maintains a current version of its config file and a backup 
that is one generation older. It sounds to me like the current config 
is corrupt and it is falling back on the backup.

This should show up in the logs, probably the error log or maybe qrunner.

Something you can try is to run bin/dumpdb on the config.pck and 
config.pck.last files for that list to see if it throws an exception 
or reports a problem.


  Venimus, Saltavimus, Bibimus (et naribus canium capti sumus)

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Weirdness

2007-03-09 Thread Paul Tomblin
On Fri, 09 Mar 2007 14:52:54 -0800 Jay Chandler 

This is on FreeBSD / Postfix.  Anyone know what I might have forgotten 
to do?  Everything else works correctly.

Any chance you have two installations of mailman and the mail aliases are 
pointing to the old one?
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Weirdness

2007-03-09 Thread Mark Sapiro
Jay Chandler wrote:

When a user was unsubscribed (through the web interface), they continued 
to receive emails.  And when additional users were subscribed, they 
still haven't received any of the list traffic.

Do your subs and unsubs require approval? Any admindb requests waiting.

If sub requires confirmation, did the new subs receive the confirmation
email and respond?

Is the unsub still in Membership management...-Membership list? Are the
new subs there?

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Weirdness

2007-03-09 Thread Mark Sapiro
Dragon wrote:

Mailman maintains a current version of its config file and a backup 
that is one generation older. It sounds to me like the current config 
is corrupt and it is falling back on the backup.

This is unlikely to be the case. First of all, config.pck.last is at
most one transaction behind config.pck. Then, if config.pck can't be
loaded, the list will be loaded (if possible) from config.pck.last,
but saved back to config.pck so after one fallback event, config.pck
will have the latest list state.

The only time you get a significant rollback in this situation is if
you magrated from an old config.db and left the old config.db in the
lists/listname/ directory after the config.pck was created. Then, if
both the config.pck and config.pck.last became unusable at the same
time, you'd fall back to the config.db which would really be out of

This should show up in the logs, probably the error log or maybe qrunner.

It's logged in Mailman's 'error' log.

Something you can try is to run bin/dumpdb on the config.pck and 
config.pck.last files for that list to see if it throws an exception 
or reports a problem.

At this point, after one or more posts or other events, even if the
config.pck had been corrupt, it would have been overwritten with a
good file.

Mark Sapiro [EMAIL PROTECTED]   The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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