[Mailman-Users] Add to filter from commandline?

2007-08-06 Thread Willendrup, Peter Kjær
Hello everyone,

(Sorry if this one is documented elsewhere - did not find anything similar
in the FAQ...)

I have two mailinglists sitting on the same machine, one being the general
user mailinglist (A) and the other one the software developer list (B) (B is
reachable by a commonly known 'support' email adress).

Is there an easy way to allow members of list A to write messages to list B
without being members of B?

My current solution is to add the members of A to the accepts filter of list
B - something that I am currently doing using the web interface...

My real question is: Is it possible to add addresses to the 'accepts' filter
of a mailinglist from the commandline?

(I would then let a cron job periodically extract the A members using
list_members and add those to the 'accepts' of B.)



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Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] Is it possible to filter what is archived?

2007-08-06 Thread Mike Peachey
Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> Make a custom handler (see
>> )
>> that checks mlist.umbrella_list, and if true add an X-No-Archive:
>> header to the message. E.g.
>> def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
>>if mlist.umbrella_list:
>>msg['X-No-Archive'] = 'Yes'
>> The handler has to be in the pipeline prior to 'ToArchive'.
> I should know better than to post code when I'm in a hurry, but ...
> The above is a bit too simple. Something like
> def process(mlist, msg, msgdata):
> if mlist.umbrella_list:
> del msg['x-no-archive']
> msg['X-No-Archive'] = 'Yes'
> is probably better to avoid creating multiple X-No-Archive: headers.
> Also, if you insert the handler prior to 'ToArchive', the message (any
> message to an umbrella list) will not be archived at all. If you
> insert the handler after 'ToArchive' but prior to 'ToOutgoing', the
> message will be archived in the archive of the first umbrella list it
> hits, but won't be archived in any subsequent lists which is probably
> more like what you want.

This is just what I need, thank you!

However it seems that the "if mlist.umbrella_list:" statement is 
superfluous. On the assumption that the handler is being inserted AFTER 
the first archiving, then surely it's safe to assume that no message 
should be archived a second time and so ALL messages should get an 
X-No-Archive as soon as they've been archived once.

Let me know if I'm off base here.

Kind Regards,


Mike Peachey, IT
Tel: +44 114 281 2655
Fax: +44 114 281 2951
Jennic Ltd, Furnival Street, Sheffield, S1 4QT, UK
Comp Reg No: 3191371 - Registered In England
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[Mailman-Users] question about entries in Mailman logs

2007-08-06 Thread Christopher Adams
A list subscriber ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) regularly posts to his list
(listX) successfully. However, the mailman logs fill up daily with
these kind of entries, coming seconds apart. They have the same

I don't know how to interpret this and if it is a Postfix problem or
related to Mailman. I would appreciate some clarification.

smtp.log.6:Aug 01 03:56:06 2007 (10919)
to listX for 72 recips, completed in 17.070 seconds

post.log.4:Aug 03 03:56:25 2007 (30474) post to listX from
[EMAIL PROTECTED], size=5318,
message-id=<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>,
72 failures

smtp-failure.log.4:Aug 03 03:56:25 2007 (30474) Low level smtp error:
Server not connected, msgid:

Christopher Adams
Mailman-Users mailing list
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[Mailman-Users] a few questions about the NNTP gateway

2007-08-06 Thread Manlio Perillo
Hi all.

I'm using Mailman 2.1.5.

I have enabled the NNTP Gateway but there are some problems.

1) The messages from the newsgroup are not sent on the mailing list.
I don't know why, there is nothing in the error log
2) When sending a message to the newsgroup, Mailman does not obscure the
email address
(there is an obscure_addresses, but it only works for the web

I would like to know if 2) has been implemented in recent Mailman releases.

One last thing.
What happens when Mailman have to send an email message with a broken 
Subject header (R: instead of Re) to the newsgroup?

Thanks  Manlio Perillo
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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[Mailman-Users] Help syncronizing privite/public archives

2007-08-06 Thread Mario Silva
Hi all:


This is Mario Silva, and I am asking you assistance with an issue
administering Mailman software.


First at all, I am completely new administering Mailman software, so please
if you can help me I ask you patient if I reply your email asking you more
details about your answer.


Another issue is, if you do not understand what I am asking please do  not
hesitate to reply my email in order to give you back more details about my


I have a server running Mailman software version 2.1.5 , and my boss told me
the Mailman server did stop to synchronize the public and private archives
before July 2006, we do not why and I’ve been trying to read about how to
solve this issue. 


Can someone please help me out whit this issue ?





Mario Silva
Systems Administrator
Supreme Court of New Mexico
Judicial Information Division 
2905 Rodeo Park Dr. East, Bldg. #5 
Santa Fe, NM 87505 
Phone:  (505) 476-6959 / Mobil: (505) 660-1026 
Fax:  (505) 476-6952

Website:    http://www.nmcourts.gov


The content of this data transmission is not considered as an offer,
proposal, understanding, or agreement unless it is confirmed in a document
signed by a legal representative of Supreme Court of the State of New Mexico
or the Judicial Information Division. The content of this data transmission
is confidential and it is intended to be delivered only to the addresses,
therefore, it shall not be distributed and/or disclosed through any mean
without the original sender's previous authorization. If you are not the
addressee you are forbidden to use it, either totally or partially, for any


El contenido de este mensaje de datos no se considera oferta, propuesta o
acuerdo, sino hasta que sea confirmado en  documento por escrito que
contenga la firma autógrafa del apoderado legal de La Suprema Corte del
Estado de Nuevo Mexico o de la Division de Informatica del Estado. El
contenido de este mensaje de datos es confidencial y se entiende dirigido y
para uso exclusivo del destinatario, por lo que no podrá distribuirse y/o
difundirse por ningún medio sin la previa autorización del emisor original.
Si usted no es el destinatario, se le prohíbe su utilización total o parcial
para cualquier fin.


Mailman-Users mailing list
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Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] Help syncronizing privite/public archives

2007-08-06 Thread Brad Knowles
On 8/6/07, Mario Silva wrote:

>  I have a server running Mailman software version 2.1.5 , and my boss told me
>  the Mailman server did stop to synchronize the public and private archives
>  before July 2006, we do not why and I’ve been trying to read about how to
>  solve this issue.

Mailman doesn't "synchronize" archives of any sort, either private or public.

Can you explain in more detail what it is that 
was previously happening but which doesn't happen 
now?  Maybe then we'll be more likely to be able 
to help.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Consultant & Author
LinkedIn Profile: 
Slides from Invited Talks: 

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] a few questions about the NNTP gateway

2007-08-06 Thread Brad Knowles
On 8/6/07, Manlio Perillo wrote:

>  I'm using Mailman 2.1.5.

BTW, the most recent version of Mailman is 2.1.9, which has a number 
of new features and some fixes for certain security holes.  I'd 
strongly encourage you to upgrade.

>  I have enabled the NNTP Gateway but there are some problems.
>  1) The messages from the newsgroup are not sent on the mailing list.
> I don't know why, there is nothing in the error log

Go to the web admin page for your list, then go to the sub-page for 
"Mail<->News gateways".  Is the news server hostname filled in?  Is 
the newsgroup name filled in?  Is the moderation policy set 
correctly?  Do you have the radio buttons set correctly for passing 
traffic both ways?

In your mm_cfg.py file, do you have the correct definitions for the 
username and password you need to use when logging into the news 
server to retrieve and post articles?

>  2) When sending a message to the newsgroup, Mailman does not obscure the
> email address
> (there is an obscure_addresses, but it only works for the web
> archiver)

Correct.  Mailman does not attempt to obscure addresses when posting 
mail messages to a newsgroup.

>  I would like to know if 2) has been implemented in recent Mailman releases.

Not so far as I know, but it shouldn't be hard to add.  However, one 
problem you'll have is that many news servers will reject your 
articles, if you use an address obfuscation scheme that they don't 

So, your choices are to not do any obfuscation at all for news 
articles (which is what Mailman does today), or see if there is some 
common format of obfuscation that virtually all news servers are 
known to support.

Of course, if they support it then the spammers probably already know 
about it as well, and anything you can do they are likely to be able 
to un-do.

>  One last thing.
>  What happens when Mailman have to send an email message with a broken
>  Subject header (R: instead of Re) to the newsgroup?

I think what happens is that the subject header will get treated as a 
normal subject, and may have additional things tacked onto the front 
of the subject line, whereas normally Mailman would have recognized 
the "Re:" portion and potentially tacked those things on between the 
"Re:" string(s) and the rest of the subject.

But one of the core Mailman developers would be more likely to know 
the answer to that question, and they're also on this list. 
Hopefully they'll be able to respond to you within a few days.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Consultant & Author
LinkedIn Profile: 
Slides from Invited Talks: 

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] antispam patch, and private archives not found

2007-08-06 Thread BobLaJolla
In a message dated 8/3/2007 2:01:15 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time, BobLaJolla  

Hi - I've been working on the anti-spam harvest patch to  dynamically X out 
the addresses in the mailman archives via the private.py  script, but have been 
running across an error.  After putting in the  httpd.conf rewrite rule, I 
get the error:
Private archive file not found
This is generated from the patched portion of the private.py  script, so it 
looks like I have the patch applied properly, but the private  script can't for 
some reason locate the archive.  Checking the  /archives/private directory, 
the list I'm referencing does indeed appear in  there.  However, checking the 
error log in /mailman/logs I  see
Private archive file not found:  /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/list/
What is "list" supposed to be?  This /list/ doesn't  exist as either a 
directory or a symlink  in the private (or public)  archives directory - has 
been rewritten since this patch came out to  no longer use this 
link/directory?  Or have I installed the build or the  patch incorrectly?
Any insight into my problem?
Thanks  :o)

I have made some progress on this issue, apparently the antispam  patch was 
munging a variable for the list name or URL, and instead of looking  for the 
actual list archive named "clist" I was testing, it looked for  "list".  It 
seems to be taking the first letter off the list name, and thus  for a list 
entitled "events" was showing in my error log as 
Private archive file not found:  /usr/local/mailman/archives/private/vents/
Admittedly I can't program much Python, but any idea where I might  look for 
the mangling of this list name in the private.py script (I don't think  it's 
from the rewrite rule the patch had me insert in the httpd.conf  file)?

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Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] a few questions about the NNTP gateway

2007-08-06 Thread Manlio Perillo
Brad Knowles ha scritto:
> On 8/6/07, Manlio Perillo wrote:
>>  I'm using Mailman 2.1.5.
> BTW, the most recent version of Mailman is 2.1.9, which has a number of 
> new features and some fixes for certain security holes.  I'd strongly 
> encourage you to upgrade.

Mailman runs on a Debian Sarge server, so this can be a problem without 
an upgrade to Etch (but security problems are not a problem, with Debian).

>>  I have enabled the NNTP Gateway but there are some problems.
>>  1) The messages from the newsgroup are not sent on the mailing list.
>> I don't know why, there is nothing in the error log
> Go to the web admin page for your list, then go to the sub-page for 
> "Mail<->News gateways".  
 > Is the news server hostname filled in?

> Is the newsgroup name filled in?  

> Is the moderation policy set correctly?  
The mailing list is not moderated (but requires subscription), the 
newsgroup is not moderated, so I have set the value "None"

> Do you have the radio buttons set correctly for passing traffic both ways?

> In your mm_cfg.py file, do you have the correct definitions for the 
> username and password you need to use when logging into the news server 
> to retrieve and post articles?

The NNTP server requires no password

>>  2) When sending a message to the newsgroup, Mailman does not obscure the
>> email address
>> (there is an obscure_addresses, but it only works for the web
>> archiver)
> Correct.  Mailman does not attempt to obscure addresses when posting 
> mail messages to a newsgroup.


>>  I would like to know if 2) has been implemented in recent Mailman 
>> releases.
> Not so far as I know, but it shouldn't be hard to add.  However, one 
> problem you'll have is that many news servers will reject your articles, 
> if you use an address obfuscation scheme that they don't support.

Not sure.
As an example I always use an obsured email address on usenet, without 
But, indeed, I see that on comp.lang.python many people use their real 
email address.

> So, your choices are to not do any obfuscation at all for news articles 
> (which is what Mailman does today), or see if there is some common 
> format of obfuscation that virtually all news servers are known to support.
> Of course, if they support it then the spammers probably already know 
> about it as well, and anything you can do they are likely to be able to 
> un-do.

Yes, this is true, unfortunately.

>>  One last thing.
>>  What happens when Mailman have to send an email message with a broken
>>  Subject header (R: instead of Re) to the newsgroup?
> I think what happens is that the subject header will get treated as a 
> normal subject, and may have additional things tacked onto the front of 
> the subject line, whereas normally Mailman would have recognized the 
> "Re:" portion and potentially tacked those things on between the "Re:" 
> string(s) and the rest of the subject.

It would be nice if mailman can apply a filter to the subject, and to 
fix it.

> But one of the core Mailman developers would be more likely to know the 
> answer to that question, and they're also on this list. Hopefully 
> they'll be able to respond to you within a few days.

Thanks and regards  Manlio Perillo
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] a few questions about the NNTP gateway

2007-08-06 Thread Brad Knowles
On 8/7/07, Manlio Perillo wrote:

>  Mailman runs on a Debian Sarge server, so this can be a problem without
>  an upgrade to Etch (but security problems are not a problem, with Debian).

You could always install Mailman from source on that system, or you 
may be able to find a pre-built package that is based on the latest 

This is one of the typical problems when using programs from 
pre-built packages, because you're totally dependant on the 
person/group/entity that creates the packages.

And I'm not at all convinced that "security problems are not a 
problem, with Debian" or any other OS, for that matter.  Especially 
not with an old binary package that is based on old code that is 
known to have security flaws.

I help run the Mailman server and the mail servers for python.org, 
and we use Debian Linux for the OS.  But we don't use any binary 
pre-packaged software, at least not for the critical bits like 

>>  Not so far as I know, but it shouldn't be hard to add.  However, one
>>  problem you'll have is that many news servers will reject your articles,
>>  if you use an address obfuscation scheme that they don't support.
>  Not sure.
>  As an example I always use an obsured email address on usenet, without
>  problems.
>  But, indeed, I see that on comp.lang.python many people use their real
>  email address.

In part, that's because we provide the news gateway function for this 
newsgroup via the mail servers at python.org -- using the same 
Mailman server and the same mail servers that are used to host this 
mailing list.  Mailman is a Python project, after all.  ;)

And certainly, addresses that come in from USENET in an obscured 
fashion will most likely have their messages thrown away by most 
modern mail servers, even if the Mailman server accepts them and 
processes them as normal.

So, when you run that gateway, you pretty much always want to use 
real addresses and not make any attempt to obfuscate addresses 
crossing one way or the other.

>>  I think what happens is that the subject header will get treated as a
>>  normal subject, and may have additional things tacked onto the front of
>>  the subject line, whereas normally Mailman would have recognized the
>>  "Re:" portion and potentially tacked those things on between the "Re:"
>>  string(s) and the rest of the subject.
>  It would be nice if mailman can apply a filter to the subject, and to
>  fix it.

There's a limit to what Mailman can do to fix the subject line, at 
least in terms of out-of-the-box code.

If you're a Python programmer, it shouldn't be hard for you to add 
your own module to the system to handle these things, and to hook 
that into the appropriate place in the flow of messages through the 
system.  In that case, we'd ask you to contribute your changes back 
to the project via the Mailman patch page on SourceForge, so that 
others may benefit from your experience.

Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Consultant & Author
LinkedIn Profile: 
Slides from Invited Talks: 

09 F9 11 02 9D 74 E3 5B D8 41 56 C5 63 56 88 C0
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

Security Policy: 

Re: [Mailman-Users] a few questions about the NNTP gateway

2007-08-06 Thread Manlio Perillo
Brad Knowles ha scritto:
> On 8/7/07, Manlio Perillo wrote:
>>  Mailman runs on a Debian Sarge server, so this can be a problem without
>>  an upgrade to Etch (but security problems are not a problem, with 
>> Debian).
> You could always install Mailman from source on that system, or you may 
> be able to find a pre-built package that is based on the latest source.
> This is one of the typical problems when using programs from pre-built 
> packages, because you're totally dependant on the person/group/entity 
> that creates the packages.

Well, having a pre-built packages systems has also some benefits.

> And I'm not at all convinced that "security problems are not a problem, 
> with Debian" or any other OS, for that matter.  Especially not with an 
> old binary package that is based on old code that is known to have 
> security flaws.

The Debian Secutiry team still supports Debian Sarge.
And in theory, if a security problem is found in an upstream package, 
the fix should be back ported on the Debian package.

> I help run the Mailman server and the mail servers for python.org, and 
> we use Debian Linux for the OS.  But we don't use any binary 
> pre-packaged software, at least not for the critical bits like Mailman.

Ok, thanks.
I will try to install the new version.

> [...] 
> And certainly, addresses that come in from USENET in an obscured fashion 
> will most likely have their messages thrown away by most modern mail 
> servers, even if the Mailman server accepts them and processes them as 
> normal.
> So, when you run that gateway, you pretty much always want to use real 
> addresses and not make any attempt to obfuscate addresses crossing one 
> way or the other.

Well, the question of email in clear was raised by an 
it.comp.lang.python newsgroup user.
And on this newsgroup, many of us do not use their real email address.

>>>  I think what happens is that the subject header will get treated as a
>>>  normal subject, and may have additional things tacked onto the front of
>>>  the subject line, whereas normally Mailman would have recognized the
>>>  "Re:" portion and potentially tacked those things on between the "Re:"
>>>  string(s) and the rest of the subject.
>>  It would be nice if mailman can apply a filter to the subject, and to
>>  fix it.
> There's a limit to what Mailman can do to fix the subject line, at least 
> in terms of out-of-the-box code.
> If you're a Python programmer, it shouldn't be hard for you to add your 
> own module to the system to handle these things, and to hook that into 
> the appropriate place in the flow of messages through the system.  In 
> that case, we'd ask you to contribute your changes back to the project 
> via the Mailman patch page on SourceForge, so that others may benefit 
> from your experience.


Thanks and regards  Manlio Perillo
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ: http://www.python.org/cgi-bin/faqw-mm.py
Searchable Archives: http://www.mail-archive.com/mailman-users%40python.org/

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