Re: [Mailman-Users] Strange Wiki entry for Postfix Tuning

2009-08-06 Thread Stefan Förster
* Mark Sapiro :
> Stefan Förster wrote:
> > list_lists | awk '(NR > 1){print $1}' | \
> or
> list_lists --bare | \

Thank you, tbh, I didn't read list_lists manpage.

> > I'm running a Debian package of Mailman and I know that it is
> > modified, I just don't know to which extent. Perhaps someone with more
> > knowledge could comment on the availability of those two helper
> > commands in a standard Mailman installation? Perhaps they must be
> > executed as the Mailman user, or with some special environment.
> In the standard source distribution, all the command line commands
> including list_lists and list_members are available in Mailman's bin/
> directory and run from there without any special environment.
> They do need to be run directly or via sudo by root or some user in
> Mailman's group.

That makes sense. The Debian package takes care to create symlinks to
those binaries in /usr/sbin, but it's good to know where to find those
on non-Debian systems.

> Is it the case in Debian that any user on a shared system can run say
> list_members on any list?

Since Mailman's "bin" directory has 755 permissions on Debian, every
user can attempt to run these commands. Most directories (except
private archives) in /var/lib/mailman have world read/execute
permissions, but it seems that the actual data is owned by group
"list" and only readable by group/owner. So running either
"list_lists" or "list_members " result in a EPERM traceback.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Strange Wiki entry for Postfix Tuning

2009-08-06 Thread Mark Sapiro
Stefan Förster wrote:
> Since Mailman's "bin" directory has 755 permissions on Debian, every
> user can attempt to run these commands. Most directories (except
> private archives) in /var/lib/mailman have world read/execute
> permissions, but it seems that the actual data is owned by group
> "list" and only readable by group/owner. So running either
> "list_lists" or "list_members " result in a EPERM traceback.

It's the same in the source install. The only difference appears to be
Debian's addition of symlinks in /usr/sbin/.

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] Approved: password header!

2009-08-06 Thread Khalil Abbas

Dear Mailman admins,


I have a suggestion for you .. I'm running 42 lists for my clients, I let them 
use microsoft outlook to send their newletters to their customers and I do the 
management part .. since someone hacked into one of my lists and started 
posting to it using the modertor's email address (I posted a message about this 
before) and you suggested the : 'Approved: Password' header and I seached all 
over to see how to add a custom header to the damn outlook in vain .. so every 
day  have to approve messages for my clients which is a real pain in the act!


my suggestion is, before I had the honor to use outlook I had Smartermail .. 
they have a cool feature of approving messages with passwords is to use it in 
the subject line itself : "[password: PASSWORD] Subject bla bla bla"..  then it 
removes the password part of course ..


why don't you guys do the same? it sure beats adding a custom header and stuff 
.. because in html messages it's really hard to do that !!


Thanks ..



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Re: [Mailman-Users] Strange Wiki entry for Postfix Tuning

2009-08-06 Thread Brad Knowles

on 8/4/09 5:11 AM, Stefan Förster said:

So, what is the reason for that setting? From man 5 postconf:

,[ man 5 postconf | less +/^smtp_mx_session_limit ]
| smtp_mx_session_limit (default: 2)
| The maximal number of SMTP sessions per delivery request before
| giving up or delivering to a fall-back relay host, or zero (no
| limit). This restriction ignores sessions that fail to complete
| the SMTP initial handshake (Postfix version 2.2 and earlier) or
| that fail to complete the EHLO and TLS handshake (Postfix version
| 2.3 and later).
| This feature is available in Postfix 2.1 and later.

While I can certainly imagine larger sites having somewhere between
five to ten MXs, 100 seems a bit... oversized.

The way I read this, it has nothing to do with the number of MXes you 
have.  It has to do with how many SMTP delivery sessions you'll attempt 
over the same connection before you drop the connection and re-connect 
(if you have more than this number of deliveries left), and that 
re-connection may well end up going to a different MX.

This helps avoid conditions where you get locked into a particular MX 
that is slow, and that slows down all your delivery to that site, for as 
long as you have mail for that site.

But I would expect Ralf to know the answer to this question better than 
I do -- after all, it has been a number of years since I wrote that, and 
at my age, the memory starts to go.

Brad Knowles 
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Approved: password header!

2009-08-06 Thread Mark Sapiro
Khalil Abbas wrote:
>my suggestion is, before I had the honor to use outlook I had Smartermail .. 
>they have a cool feature of approving messages with passwords is to use it in 
>the subject line itself : "[password: PASSWORD] Subject bla bla bla"..  then 
>it removes the password part of course ..
>why don't you guys do the same? it sure beats adding a custom header and stuff 
>.. because in html messages it's really hard to do that !!

We do. Just not in the subject.

As long as the incoming message has a text/plain part (i.e. is either a
text/plain message or a multipart/alternative message with a
text/plain alternative, we recognize and delete "Approved: passord" if
it is the first non-blank line of the body. We also attempt to delete
the line from any other body parts in which it appears, but in
pathological cases, this may fail, so test first.

If your clients insist on posting HTML only messages and can't add an
actual Approved: header to the message, then you can try patching
Mailman/Handlers/ to recognize "[Approved: password]" in the
Subject: header. The attached Approve.patch.txt file contains a patch
that might do it.

I'll consider this as a feature for Mailman 2.2

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

---  2009-08-01 16:54:01.561348900 -0700
+++ 2009-08-06 13:33:24.0 -0700
@@ -25,8 +25,10 @@
 import re
+from email.Header import Header
 from email.Iterators import typed_subpart_iterator
+from Mailman import Utils
 from Mailman import mm_cfg
 from Mailman import Errors
@@ -38,6 +40,7 @@
 False = 0
 NL = '\n'
+PWDRE = re.compile(r'\[Approved?:\s*([^\]\s]+)\s*\]', re.IGNORECASE)
@@ -57,6 +60,23 @@
 missing = []
 passwd = msg.get('approved', msg.get('approve', missing))
 if passwd is missing:
+# Try the Subject header first
+subj = Utils.oneline(msg.get('subject'), 'utf-8')
+if subj:
+mo =
+if mo:
+passwd =
+del msg['subject']
+subj = PWDRE.sub('', subj)
+# Is the subject ascii?
+unicode(subj, 'us-ascii')
+except UnicodeError:
+# It's not, encode it
+msg['Subject'] = Header(subj, 'utf-8')
+msg['Subject'] = subj
+if passwd is missing:
 # Find the first text/plain part in the message
 part = None
 stripped = False
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Approved: password header!

2009-08-06 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
Mark Sapiro writes:

 > If your clients insist on posting HTML only messages and can't add an
 > actual Approved: header to the message, then you can try patching
 > Mailman/Handlers/ to recognize "[Approved: password]" in the
 > Subject: header. The attached Approve.patch.txt file contains a patch
 > that might do it.
 > I'll consider this as a feature for Mailman 2.2

I think this is unwise.  The subject header is read by everybody, and
you can't just delete it, so you have to munge it.  More complexity.
It's not so hard to add an Approved pseudo-header.

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Approved: password header!

2009-08-06 Thread Brad Knowles

on 8/6/09 9:14 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull said:

 > I'll consider this as a feature for Mailman 2.2

I think this is unwise.  The subject header is read by everybody, and
you can't just delete it, so you have to munge it.  More complexity.
It's not so hard to add an Approved pseudo-header.

Some people really, really don't know what their software can do, and 
can't be taught how to make use of advanced features.  Others may be 
able to learn how to use advanced features, but they are forced to use 
software that is locked down into a configuration that they can't change.

So, the question becomes this -- at what point do you stop bending over 
backwards to try to make seriously broken MUAs (or seriously un-savvy 
MUA users) be able to have some sort of minimal functionality, and at 
what point do you decide that it's too much work or opens too large of a 
security hole?

That's not a question I can answer.

Brad Knowles 
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Approved: password header!

2009-08-06 Thread Mark Sapiro
Brad Knowles wrote:

>on 8/6/09 9:14 PM, Stephen J. Turnbull said:
>>  > I'll consider this as a feature for Mailman 2.2
>> I think this is unwise.  The subject header is read by everybody, and
>> you can't just delete it, so you have to munge it.  More complexity.
>> It's not so hard to add an Approved pseudo-header.
>Some people really, really don't know what their software can do, and 
>can't be taught how to make use of advanced features.  Others may be 
>able to learn how to use advanced features, but they are forced to use 
>software that is locked down into a configuration that they can't change.
>So, the question becomes this -- at what point do you stop bending over 
>backwards to try to make seriously broken MUAs (or seriously un-savvy 
>MUA users) be able to have some sort of minimal functionality, and at 
>what point do you decide that it's too much work or opens too large of a 
>security hole?
>That's not a question I can answer.

But it is a good question, and I'm not sure I know the answer either.

I know from experience with users, that it isn't always easy or obvious
how to get MS Outlook/Exchange to even send a multipart/alternative
message instead of just text/html. In that case, an Approved: pseudo
header won't be found because it is only looked for in the first
text/plain part of the message.

Even when it is found, it's removal from other 'fancy' parts of a
multipart/alternative part is on a 'best effort' basis and isn't

And then there's the issue of corporate mail environments that wrap
messages in disclaimers possibly adding an initial text/plain part
preceding the part with the pseudo header, thus hiding it from our

Thus, the idea of allowing "[Approved: password]" in the subject header
and removing only that text from the subject has appeal because it
doesn't depend on any characteristics of the message body.

The idea is to require the square brackets so a mere "approved:" in the
subject (such as this message) doesn't trigger a match. We only match
if we find "Approve:" or "Approved:" followed by a single "word"
inside the square brackets and then we remove the brackets and their

The patch which I attached to my earlier reply does this and also deals
with RFC2047 encoded subjects and encodes the result as utf-8 if and
only if it contains non-ascii.

I'm not completely comfortable with this approach, but neither am I
completely comfortable with the pseudo header in the body of a
multipart/alternative message. I always recommend a true Approved:
header for this purpose, but I've googled more than once trying to
find how to do this with Outlook, and I haven't found a straight
forward way to do it.

Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

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[Mailman-Users] erroneous unsubscriptions

2009-08-06 Thread Lakshmi
i am the owner of a mailing list. Recently people on the list were getting
unsubscribed mysteriously. I have even disabled the bounce process.
A few hours ago i received 30 unsubscription notifications. This is a
serious error.

Can someone please suggest how to fix this problem.


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[Mailman-Users] [Fwd: confirm c0003074d812bbe0fa6cf95465cf94cbd247fe60]

2009-08-06 Thread Oliver Glueck

Hi Mark and Co.,

I get this Email (see below) with the notice that I have
to confirm my membership because mails couldnot delivered to
my mailbox.
BUT: my mailbox is ok! Some other users (not all!) on the mailing list
info get the same notice from mailman, but all mailboxes are ok
and I cant find any errors on the mailserver. (Any emails
to a list or to a user will be delivered. Suddenly some emails
not. All mailing lists are ok. Before this confirmation email
and after this, I get emails through the list info.)

What is the problem?


Betreff:confirm c0003074d812bbe0fa6cf95465cf94cbd247fe60
Datum:  Tue, 04 Aug 2009 09:26:00 +0200

Ihre Mitgliedschaft in der Mailingliste info wurde wegen wegen
wiederholter Unzustellbarkeit Die letzte Unzustellbarkeitsmeldung von
Ihnen kam am 04-Aug-2009 vorübergehend deaktiviert.

Sie werden so lange keine Nachrichten dieser Liste mehr erhalten, bis
Sie Ihre Mitgliedschaft wieder aktivieren. 

Unser System sendet Ihnen noch 3 weitere Mitteilungen, danach wird
Ihre Mitgliedschaft hier komplett gelöscht werden.

Um Ihre Mitgliedschaft wieder zu aktivieren, können Sie einfach auf
diese Nachricht antworten (ohne die Betreff bzw. Subject-Zeile zu
verändern), oder Sie klicken auf den folgenden Link.

Sie können auch Ihre Mitgliedschafts-Seite besuchen:

Dort können Sie verschiedenste Einstellungen, wie den Empfang von
Nachrichtensammlungen oder Ihre E-Mailadresse, konfigurieren.

Zur Erinnerung: Ihr Passwort für diese Liste lautet


Bei Fragen oder Problemen wenden Sie sich bitte an den Betreiber
dieser Liste, erreichbar unter:

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[Mailman-Users] MailMan For LAN Only

2009-08-06 Thread Carlos Williams
I am wanting to implement MailMan for my company LAN. I am currently
running my email server on Postfix. I am wondering if someone can
answer these questions for me. If I install MailMan / Apache on my
mail server, will the MailMan list be visible by anyone on the web who
can access my mail server via Apache? I am worried about spammers
using MailMan to harvest valid email addresses. Even though it appears
from the reading I have done that non-members can't send to the list
w/o moderator approval, I still don't want the vulnerability of
exposing my subscribed members email addresses. Can someone please
tell me if this is possible and or how I should consider configuring
MailMan for my LAN?

Thanks for any assistance!

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Re: [Mailman-Users] STUPID USERS

2009-08-06 Thread Robert Fishel
I agree,

I am subscribed to countless lists over 6 organizations that use
mailman one of which I run, there is no way I would want to receive a
reminder from each list, it's painful enough now for each


On Wed, Aug 5, 2009 at 2:36 PM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Charles Gregory wrote:
>>Is there NO way to get a reminder notice to come FROM the
>>list/list-owner, even given the obvious issue with possible multiple
> It's a simple change. Just send one reminder per list.
> But I for one for example receive a reminder every Mailman Day from
> covering 11 lists. I don't want to receive 11 separate
> reminders.
> Given that periodic password reminders are going away in Mailman 3
> anyway, I don't see an urgent need to "fix" this.
>>I know how mailman works, but these people DON'T. Could there at
>>least be an 'overview' function that recognizes mail sent to
>>'mailman-request' and gives them a list of commands to manage each list?
> If you look carefully at the message you received and quoted, you will
> see that the user first sent two 'help' commands to
>, and then replied to the response saying that
> it couldn't be understood. Perhaps I lack imagination, but I don't
> know what I'd put in "a list of commands to manage each list" that
> wouldn't be essentially what's in the response to a 'help' command, so
> I don't think that would help in this case.
> I could change the response to a 'help' command to be From:
> 'list-owner' instead of 'list-bounces', and I think I will. I suspect
> it's being From: list-bounces is an artifact from Mailman 2.0 when it
> was From: list-admin. But, I don't see that helping in your example.
> It would only remove the 'unrecognized bounce' packaging from the
> message which would still go to you as owner.
> --
> Mark Sapiro         The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, California    better use your sense - B. Dylan
> --
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[Mailman-Users] Custom handler applied to digest to filter excessive quoted text?

2009-08-06 Thread John Williams
Hi all,

Is it possible to create a custom handler for digests only?

I want a mail list that automatically strips out duplicated quoted text in
digests, so the same quoted text doesn't appear over and over. Such a thing
doesn't appear to exist in any mailing list software, so I'm looking for the
second-best thing, which is currently software that easily allows such a
filter to be inserted.

Any other ways people handle this problem, aside from telling users to not
quote excessively?


John Williams
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[Mailman-Users] Custom handler applied to digest to filter excessive quoted text?

2009-08-06 Thread John Williams
Hi all,

Is it possible to create a custom handler for digests only? 

I want a mail list that automatically strips out duplicated quoted text in 
digests, so the same quoted text doesn't appear over and over. Such a thing 
doesn't appear to exist in any mailing list software, so I'm looking for the 
second-best thing, which is currently software that easily allows such a filter 
to be inserted.

Any other ways people handle this problem, aside from telling users to not 
quote excessively?


John Williams
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[Mailman-Users] postfix2mailman interface

2009-08-06 Thread Robert Socha


Sorry for my english. It's not my native language.

I created simple program to integrate postfix with mailman. I do that 
because none other solution was ideal for my configuration of postfix

(my postfix system use only virtual users without local recipients).

My program is writen in C language and is very simple. It's take 
mappings from cdb file (qmail cdb, tinycdb library) and run mailman binary.

For example:

Postfix transport table:

nameOfList  postfix2mailman:

postfix2mailman transport is definied in (example in source code)

postfix2mailman cdb maps (arguments MUST be separate by TAB):

nameOfList  post nameOfList
nameOfList-action   action   nameOfListnextargmore

postfix2mailman translate this configuration to mailman invocation:

/path/to/mailman post nameOfList
/path/to/mailman subscribe nameOfList

In configuration file we can set: nice level, verbosity, mailman path 
and mappings for lists.

This program works for me for more than week and I don't notice any 
problems. Mail volume on lists is about 3 mails per day (this are 
announce type mailing lists).


Maybe somoeone will find this code useful :)


Robert Socha
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[Mailman-Users] mailman is not emailing to mailing list users.

2009-08-06 Thread Oscar Balladares

Hi everybody! this is my first post.!!

Thank you very much, in advance.

I have a functional email server: a domain name system (bind9), Postfix + 
courier + virtual users (mysql).
domain name:;
server alias: mailserver;
host name:;
OS: Centos 5.2.

The email service is working properly, but I had configured mailman with 
another domain name (ucc.lan), and everything was ok,
now that I've changed it to "", mailman is not sending mails to 
the mailling list users. I send a mail to ""
but it doesn't send that message to the list users. It doesnt even appear in 
the "List archive"  neither in the "Pending request list".
The users are not being moderated, so they can send mails in any case.

what is ok:
It sends the message for the new created list (i.e: modulos), to the admin 
account.  i.e : "welcome to your new mailing list: Modulos".When a user wants 
to subscribes, it sends the confirmation email.When a user subscribes, it sends 
the welcome message.
When a user wants to unsubscribes, it sends the confirmation email.
When I type: 
$: newlist modulos
it creates a "" recipient address, I have that account 
enabled in mysql and it is working fine as an email account.

I'm thinking that if everything else is working as it should, it is possible to 
be a "http://localhost/mailman/admin/modulos/"; configuration problem, the GUI 

Last time that it worked I followed these simple instructions at
In short, I have to add a "MTA='Postfix'" to the file. and then make 
a refernce to the mailman aliases file in the 
"virtual_alias_maps=hash:/etc/mailman/aliases"tag, I guess that worked for 
me the first time. (I have a bad memory).

This is my Postfix file:

[r...@uccleon bin]# postconf -n

alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
debug_peer_level = 2
home_mailbox = Maildir/
html_directory = no
inet_interfaces = all

mydestination =, localhost, localhost.localdomain
myhostname =
mynetworks =,
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix
owner_request_special = no
proxy_read_maps = $local_recipient_maps $mydestination $virtual_alias_maps 
$virtual_alias_domains $virtual_mailbox_maps $virtual_mailbox_domains 
$relay_recipient_maps $relay_domains $canonical_maps $sender_canonical_maps 
$recipient_canonical_maps $relocated_maps $transport_maps $mynetworks 
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP $mail_name
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_mynetworks, permit_sasl_authenticated, 
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_authenticated_header = yes
smtpd_tls_cert_file = /etc/postfix/smtpd.cert
smtpd_tls_key_file = /etc/postfix/smtpd.key
smtpd_use_tls = yes
transport_maps = hash:/etc/postfix/transport
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
virtual_alias_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/, 
mysql:/etc/postfix/, hash:/etc/mailman/aliases
virtual_create_maildirsize = yes
virtual_gid_maps = static:5000
virtual_mailbox_domains = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/
virtual_mailbox_limit_override = yes
virtual_mailbox_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/postfix/
virtual_maildir_extended = yes
virtual_uid_maps = static:5000
[r...@uccleon bin]# 

The file shows:

from Defaults import *
import pwd, grp
MAILMAN_UID = pwd.getpwnam('mailman')[2]
MAILMAN_GID = grp.getgrnam('mailman')[2]

#from socket import *
#fqdn = getfqdn()
#fqdn = 'mm_cfg_has_unknown_host_domains'

# Because we've overriden the virtual hosts above add_virtualhost
# MUST be called after they have been defined.

MTA = 'Postfix'

MY /etc/aliases

# STANZA START: modulos

# CREATED: Sun Aug  2 12:56:50 2009

#modulos: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post modulos"

#modulos-admin:   "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman admin modulos"  

#modulos-bounces: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman bounces modulos"   

#modulos-confirm: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman confirm modulos"  

#modulos-join:"|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman join modulos"   

#modulos-leave:   "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman leave modulos"   

#modulos-owner:   "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman owner modulos"   

#modulos-request: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman request modulos"   

#modulos-subscribe:   "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe modulos"   

#modulos-unsubscribe: "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman unsubscribe modulos"  

# STANZA END: modulos

#mailman:  "|/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post mailman"

[Mailman-Users] Load testing a mailman server

2009-08-06 Thread Steve Wray

Hi there,

we are considering deploying a mailman mailing list server.

I want to ensure that its fairly lean and that it also performs adequately.

So I'd like to do some load testing on it to measure its performance.

I'm wondering if anyone can provide any ideas, insights or warnings with 
respect to this sort of thing?


Please remember that an email is just like a postcard; it is not 
confidential nor private nor secure and can be read by many other people 
than the intended recipient. A postcard can be read by anyone at the mail 
sorting office and expecting what is written on it to be private and secret 
is not realistic. Please hold no higher expectation of email.

If you need to send confidential information in an email you need to use 
encryption. PGP is Pretty good for this.

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[Mailman-Users] Trying to get attachments to another partition

2009-08-06 Thread Steven Owley
Hello everyone,

Using a soft link as a substitute for the
/var/lib/mailman/archives/private/my_list_name/attachments directory,
I have tried to get my mailman installation to start putting
attachments on another partition.  This has not worked--I always get a
"permission denied" error in the log.  However, the link is accessible
and the directory it points to is owned by the proper user.

Of course the overall problem is that /var is too small for the number
of lists now running on this server, but I thought that if I
redirected the attachments I could buy more time to get the storage.
I cannot figure out why this is not working.

Thanks for your help,

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Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman user password

2009-08-06 Thread tanstaafl
On 8/2/2009 5:13 AM, Stephen J. Turnbull wrote:
> It's not supposed to work.  mailman privileges should only be
> accessible by the system administrator, ie, someone who has the root
> password.

Ah, ok, that makes sense...

> It's not a problem with the password for the mailman user. :-)
> The init script itself may be broken.  AFAIK, the init script should
> be invoking the set-gid binary called "mailman" or "wrapper".  This
> just cleans up the environment, changes the effective user id to
> mailman, and execs the command specified.  (There's no good reason for
> *any* mailman program to be on anybody's PATH,

Iirc, with gentoo it is only for the mailman user, so running the
command as su - mailman gets the path/prefix...

> The best thing to do at this point is to run the check_perms script
> provided with mailman.  It usually resides in $prefix/lib/mailman/bin,
> but since your installation is non-standard, you may have to search
> a bit.

I thought about doing that, but the 'authentication failure' I got in
the logs was leading me to believe it was a mailman user passwd issue,
but now, after your explanation and looking more closely at the error, I
see it wasn't having trouble with the execution of the mailman start
command, it was having trouble with the su - mailman command... man, I
hate being so blind for a sighted person... ;)

I'll check this when I get into the office in a few hours...

Thanks Stephen...
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Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman user password

2009-08-06 Thread tanstaafl
On 8/2/2009, Mark Sapiro ( wrote:
> This is the real issue. mailmanctl should always be run by root.

Hmmm... ok, thanks.

So, on linux, when an init script runs at startup, it runs as root?

> Your init script should just contain
> /bin/mailmanctl -s start >/dev/null 2>&1
> without the su - mailman

Ok, thanks, but I'll have to find out why the gentoo init script is
written the way it is, just to make sure I don't break something if I
change it.

Thanks Mark, your helpfulness is genuinely appreciated.


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Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman user password

2009-08-06 Thread tanstaafl
On 8/2/2009 10:05 AM, Mark Sapiro wrote:
> This is the real issue. mailmanctl should always be run by root. Your
> init script should just contain
> /bin/mailmanctl -s start >/dev/null 2>&1
> without the su - mailman

Ok, I tried this, but it did the same thing... however, I tried
something else - adding the full path to the command - and it now works:

su - mailman -c '/usr/lib64/mailman/bin/mailmanctl -s start' >/dev/null 2>&1

I'm assuming this is a gentoo issue, but if anyone here runs gentoo and
might know whats up with this I'd appreciate a comment.

Thanks Mark! At least it works now. :)


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Re: [Mailman-Users] mailman user password

2009-08-06 Thread tanstaafl
On 8/2/2009, Stephen J. Turnbull ( wrote:
> (There's no good reason for *any* mailman program to be on anybody's
> PATH, so yes, just having /bin/mailmanctl makes your installation
> nonstandard.)

Hmmm... Mark didn't seem to agree... he said:

> Your init script should just contain
> /bin/mailmanctl -s start >/dev/null 2>&1
> without the su - mailman

Or are you speaking strictly in terms of the fact that I'm on a gentoo


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Re: [Mailman-Users] Load testing a mailman server

2009-08-06 Thread J.A. Terranson

On Thu, 6 Aug 2009, Steve Wray wrote:

> Hi there,
> we are considering deploying a mailman mailing list server.
> I want to ensure that its fairly lean and that it also performs adequately.
> So I'd like to do some load testing on it to measure its performance.
> I'm wondering if anyone can provide any ideas, insights or warnings with
> respect to this sort of thing?
> Thanks!

Load testing is a very simple and staright forward manner, however, I 
would question the need for it unless you are dealing with lists of 
unusual size or settings (VERP comes to mind).  More data from you would 


J.A. Terranson

"Never belong to any party, always oppose privileged classes and public
plunderers, never lack sympathy with the poor, always remain devoted to
the public welfare, never be satisfied with merely printing news, always
be drastically independent, never be afraid to attack wrong, whether by
predatory plutocracy or predatory poverty."

Joseph Pulitzer
1907 Speech
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Load testing a mailman server

2009-08-06 Thread Rakotomandimby Mihamina

08/06/2009 06:29 AM, Steve Wray:

I'm wondering if anyone can provide any ideas, insights or warnings with
respect to this sort of thing?

I think you should firts enquire the debian and python mailing list managers.
They could give you some statistics (CPU usage, Network used, what hardware,...)

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[Mailman-Users] Custom handler applied to digest to filter excessive quoted text?

2009-08-06 Thread Stephen J. Turnbull
John Williams writes:

 > Is it possible to create a custom handler for digests only?

Yes.  The standard pipeline contains a handler named "ToDigest" or
something like that.  You edit the pipeline either in (for
global effect) or create a local pipeline with bin/with_list (this has
some UI gotchas although once you get the pipeline actually edited and
saved it works great; feel free to remind me but I don't have time to
go into it now).

So what you do is write your handler to do its job, then chain
ToDigest's "process" function from there.

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