Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman, Postfix and Google Apps

2010-06-28 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
You are correct, Mark:  I do _not_ see the footer for the list on my posts.
So when I look at a thread that I've replied to, gmail only makes it LOOK
like it comes from the list.


On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 4:17 PM, Mark Sapiro  wrote:

> Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
> >
> >Yup.  I'm looking at the expanded version of this thread, and the message
> >before your reply and after Terri Oda's is mine.  It appears as "Ivan Van
> >Laningham to mailman-users", with my name in yellow (arbitrary color:
> yours
> >is red, Terri's is purple, Cameron's is green).
> >
> >Now, gmail may, behind the scenes, insert a link to the sent folder, but
> >from a user's perspective it looks exactly like any other message in the
> >thread, except that to the left of my name is a very small (i.e., 8x8
> >pixels) light grey round icon with a white x in it.  I don't want to push
> it
> >in case it tells gmail "Delete the entire thread this is associated with."
> And when you look at one of the (now two) posts from you in that
> thread, do you see the mailman-users list footer that you see if you
> look at Terri's post? These would be there if the message you are
> seeing came from the list, but I suspect they are not and the messages
> you see are actually those in your Sent folder.
> This is not important for many purposes, but it does mean that you
> can't actually tell if you received a copy of your post from the list.
> --
> Mark Sapiro The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman, Postfix and Google Apps

2010-06-28 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Yup.  I'm looking at the expanded version of this thread, and the message
before your reply and after Terri Oda's is mine.  It appears as "Ivan Van
Laningham to mailman-users", with my name in yellow (arbitrary color: yours
is red, Terri's is purple, Cameron's is green).

Now, gmail may, behind the scenes, insert a link to the sent folder, but
from a user's perspective it looks exactly like any other message in the
thread, except that to the left of my name is a very small (i.e., 8x8
pixels) light grey round icon with a white x in it.  I don't want to push it
in case it tells gmail "Delete the entire thread this is associated with."


On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 3:56 PM, Mark Sapiro  wrote:

> Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
> >
> >Not quite.  The message is there, and is listed in the thread, but you'd
> >never know it because gmail doesn't consider it a new message.
> This is what Google says, but my tests show it is not true. Are you
> sure you're just not seeing the original message in the Sent folder?
> My tests show that if an incoming message to gmail has the same
> message-id as a message already in your Sent folder, the incoming
> message is just discarded.
> For example, if the list adds a footer to your post, do you ever see
> the footer in any message you can find in Gmail. I don't.
> --
> Mark Sapiro     The highway is for gamblers,
> San Francisco Bay Area, Californiabetter use your sense - B. Dylan

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Security Policy:
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman, Postfix and Google Apps

2010-06-28 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 1:02 PM, Terri Oda  wrote:

> Is actually a gmail address?  You may want to read this:
> In short: if sends a message to the list, then
> won't get a copy.  It's a gmail "feature" that complicates
> things when debugging using gmail addresses.

Not quite.  The message is there, and is listed in the thread, but you'd
never know it because gmail doesn't consider it a new message.

I don't quite consider it a bug, but it's certainly a misfeature. ;-)  It's
definitely better behaviour than Outlook, which delivers a copy to you for
every single time your address appears in the To: list. ...

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Spam - from where?

2010-06-08 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
>>>AND setting respond_to_post_requests to No.<<<

I don't recall this setting.  Is it in 2.1.9?  If so, on which page?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
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Re: [Mailman-Users] How to change configs for ALL lists?

2010-01-12 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 12:08 PM, Mark Sapiro  wrote:
> Elaine Ashton
>>Even if it only serves to annoying and slow down spammers, I'd use it. I 
>>noted ~2000 subs overnight and it concerns me that this is just 
>>the opening salvo since this will drive lists which are already closed to 
>>subscribers only to moderate traffic even from subscribers which, for sites 
>>like ours with 400 or more lists, isn't really practical. Banning the domain 
>>and blocking the IP(s) is only a temporary fix.
> My .02 - every list to which someone can subscribe without admin
> approval should moderate new members by default. When they post, if
> their post is on topic, you can clear their mod bit while approving
> the post from the web admindb interface with one extra check in a
> checkbox.

Except that in this case, the new subscribers from zeusmail won't ever
post; they'll lurk and snarf email addresses of those who do post.
Better not to allow them to subscribe to begin with.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Multi list management ..

2008-09-06 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
I visited the website.  It looks legit.

That doesn't mean it is, but the site doesn't feature any malware or
spyware, and there are no attempts to force popups on the visitor.  The
subscription & unsub instructions look like perfectly normal Mailman
instructions, with confirmation & approval required.

And he's right about Godaddy's aversion to spam.  It took me a week to get
them to up the limit for my server so I could operate my small lists without
banging up against the very low default limits after sending one or two
announcements to all the lists.  I had to supply a shitload of documentation
to prove to them I wasn't a spammer:  sample email messages, the url for the
signup page, estimated daily number of messages, number of subscribers,
explicit instructions for signing up and unsubbing.  Even then they cut my
requested limit to 1/3.  Turned out my estimates were off by a bigger factor
than that, but it was clear that if I wanted to increase their limit I
really had to work.


On Sat, Sep 6, 2008 at 9:47 AM, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> At 1:57 AM + 9/6/08, Khalil Abbas wrote:
>   it's a religious list and each subscriber invites all his friends to
>>  subscribe, each one subscriber can make up to 100 people subscribe and
>>  that's the beauty of it..
> Okay, so you're spamming up to 100 people, at the request of a single
> person.  Doesn't sound like a good idea to me.
>   by the way, the list is about 200,000+ in size, but I have to divide it
>>  on several servers because godaddy (where I host the lists) limits the
>>  daily smtp relays so I can't send them all using only one server .. I
>> have
>>  3 servers with 100,000 emails per day limit each..
> Given the way you've described it, I think we should probably contact
> GoDaddy and get them to terminate all your accounts.
> Now, if you can convince me that you've been misinterpreted or
> misunderstood, I might hold off on doing that.  But you've got a tough job
> ahead of you.
> --
> Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> LinkedIn Profile: <>
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
> Mailman FAQ:
> Searchable Archives:
> Unsubscribe:
> Security Policy:

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps: Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author: Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

[Mailman-Users] Yahoo/Mailman

2008-03-03 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
One of my lists is moving to Yahoo, and I'm wondering if there is a
way to integrate the Mailman archives with the Yahoo archives.  I can
always post the zip files in the files section, but it would make the
transition easier for the listmembers if the archives could be

Since this isn't very on-topic, please reply offlist.


Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

[Mailman-Users] List regularly displays junk

2008-01-17 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
This is for a list I don't run, but am a member of.

Regularly, people post documents in some other encoding, and they get 
posted to the list as garbage.  Message source shows:

 >  Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit
 >  X-MIME-Autoconverted: from base64 to 8bit by 
id m0HF0UZX032101
 >  Status:  O

I don't think these are HTML messages that people are posting, just 
differently encoded (it's an international list).

I'd like to give the list-owners some advice (and I do think they'll be 
amenable, providing it's good advice;-) ).  So what are the best 
settings to tell them to use?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Variables in welcome message are not replaced

2008-01-06 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Brad Knowles wrote:
> On 1/7/08, Stefan Burkard wrote:
>>  I posted the following about two weeks ago. Can anybody help me 
>> with this one?
> Two things:
> 1.  You're using Plesk.  You need to talk to your provider about 
> anything that might potentially be caused by Plesk or the customized 
> version of Mailman that they have installed.  The kinds of problems 
> you're describing seem very likely to me to be a result of something 
> that Plesk or your site administrator has done, and only your 
> provider would be able to fix those problems.

Plesk doesn't enter into this one.  I'm using Plesk to create my lists, 
and this doesn't happen to me or my subscribers.

The only thing bizarre that's happened since my forced upgrade from 
2.1.8 to 2.1.9 has been that I sometimes get disable notifications for 
one list from the bounce address at another list.

> See also FAQ 6.15 at 
> <>.
> 2.  You're using Mailman 2.1.5, and the current version of Mailman is 
> 2.1.9 (which is what we're running on, with 2.1.10 in 
> early beta and set to be released soon.  So, part of your problem 
> could potentially be resolved by upgrading the version of Mailman 
> you're running, but then this gets back to point #1 above.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] PHP Script for search archive

2007-12-12 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
Me!  Me!  Me!

;-)  I'm interested, very!

As part of my dedicated server from GoDaddy, which uses Plesk for an 
admin interface, a mysql DB is pre-installed.  How difficult is it for a 
DB neophyte to integrate with an existing setup like that?


Brian Carpenter wrote:
> We have come up with a php script that provides a search function for 
> mailman. It uses the sphyder search engine and requires a mysql database. The 
> script comes with an installation feature that will automatically install 
> sphyder and do the initial indexing of the archive. It works with both 
> private and public archives. You will need a member subscription to the list 
> in question if the archives are private. Once the installation is done then 
> all that is needed is to run a cron job that indexes new posts into the mysql 
> database.
> The limitations to this script is that it requires a mysql db and can only be 
> installed on a list by list basis. Also the search page is NOT integrated 
> with archives. It is setup as a separate page outside of the mailing list 
> archives however that has not been an issue with our clients. It can probably 
> be integrated easy enough into your archives if you want.
> If there is enough interest in this then I will make it a free download and 
> perhaps someone can create a FAQ entry to the download. Just let me know.
> Regards, -  'Powered by 
> Techies'
> -Original Message-From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> On Behalf Of Peter EdleySent: Wednesday, December 12, 2007 10:15 AMTo: [EMAIL 
> PROTECTED]: Re: [Mailman-Users] PHP Script for search archive
> Not sure if there where any replies to this off list if so could youplease 
> repost to the list since this is somthing I would be interestedin.
> On Tue, 2007-12-11 at 12:24 -0300, Hermes PHP wrote:> Hi,> >  > > Does anyone 
> know of any script in PHP that look inside archives of the list?> >  > > The 
> archives of the list are private.> >  > > > > Solution in phyton or perl not 
> serve to me, has to be in PHP> >  > > > > Att,> > 'É um orgulho ter você como 
> nosso cliente'> >  > Hermes Alves> Gerente TI>  > 
>> Hospedagem Web com Facilidade>  
>>> Suporte 
> Telefônico: (85) 3264 9944 / (11) 4063 4844 R. 102> E-mail:  
> mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> [EMAIL PROTECTED]> >  > > > > 
> --> Mailman-Users mailing 
> list>> 
>> Mailman FAQ: 
>> Searchable Archives: 
>> Unsubscribe: 
> http://mail.python
.org/mailman/options/mailman-users/> > Security Policy:
> --Mailman-Users mailing 
> FAQ: Archives: 
> Security Policy: 
> --Mailman-Users mailing 
> FAQ: Archives: 
> Security Policy: 

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Restoring lists on newer version

2007-11-26 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
(Comments interpolated; new question at end.)

Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
>> What's the best procedure to restore my lists?  I've got a dozen, but 
>> only three have significant traffic.  Do I copy the backups to the 
>> proper location and then make the lists with Plesk, or do I make the 
>> lists first and then copy the data in?
> Neither. You just copy the lists// and
> archives/private/*/ directories to the proper locations. If
> there are held messages, you can copy the data/heldmsg* files too, but
> may not want those.

Worked like a charm.

> After copying those things, the lists and archives will be functional
> in the web interface. If the MTA uses aliases automatically created by
> Mailman as with Postfix, run bin/genaliases after copying which will
> regenerate aliases including those for the copied lists. If the MTA
> uses some kind of programatic routing for Mailman as with Exim,
> nothing is required.
> If Plesk makes aliases in some other way, You may have to do them
> manually.

I found a script in the mailman docs, which I modifed to make it useful 
for Plesk.  I give it here to help other users:

if [ $# = 1 ]; then
 echo Making links to $i in the current directory...
 echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman post $i" > .qmail-$i
 echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman admin $i" > .qmail-$i-admin
 echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman bounces $i" > .qmail-$i-bounces
 # The following line is for VERP
 # echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman bounces $i" > .qmail-$i-bounces-default
 echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman confirm $i" > .qmail-$i-confirm
 echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman join $i" > .qmail-$i-join
 echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman leave $i" > .qmail-$i-leave
 echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman owner $i" > .qmail-$i-owner
 echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman request $i" > .qmail-$i-request
 echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman subscribe $i" > .qmail-$i-subscribe
 echo "|/var/qmail/bin/preline /var/qmail/bin/mm_wrapper 
/usr/lib/mailman/mail/mailman unsubscribe $i" > .qmail-$i-unsubscribe

There should be no returns after mm_wrapper.  You need to be in your 
qmail alias directory for this to work.  For example, to create the 
aliases on for a list named 'test', I would go to


and run ' test'

ls -a will show the proper alias files.

>> I also have significant customization of the admin and info pages; can I 
>> rescue that without too much trouble?  Or do I have to transfer all the 
>> custom modifications by hand?  (It's all appearance, by the way; nothing 
>> affects Mailman operation in any way.)
> Do you mean customization of templates or actual modifications to the
> code in (or the Mailman/Gui/ modules) and
> If you've modified templates per list, the lists///
> directory has already been copied per the above copy of
> lists//, so that is done. If you've modified templates per
> host or the site, just copy the templates///
> and/or templates/site// directories.
> If you modified templates in templates//, that is not good.
> Copy the modified templates to templates/site//. See
> <>
> If you've modified, the Gui/ modules, and/or,
> ideally you kept a patch (diff) of your modifications (or you kept the
> unmodified versions and can make a diff now), and you can apply that
> to the new code. If you didn't do that, and all you have is modified
> code, you could download the base 2.1.5 modules from
> <>
> and either diff those against the Plesk 2.1.9 modules to make a patch
> for your modules or diff your modules against the 2.1.5 base to make a
> patch for the Plesk modules.

It turned out that my old installation was 2.1.8, so running diffs on 
various directories was relatively pa

[Mailman-Users] Restoring lists on newer version

2007-11-26 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
My server suffered a catastrophic hard drive failure.  I have backups 
(unfortunately, two weeks old, but that's better than nothing), but when 
the server was restored I was forced to upgrade to Fedora 6 (from 4) and 
to Mailman 2.1.9, where it used to be 2.1.5 (I think).

I also have Plesk, through which I make new lists; once the lists are 
made, their administration is exactly like a normal Mailman 
installation, except for the locations, which I know.  List aliases are 
made by Plesk.

What's the best procedure to restore my lists?  I've got a dozen, but 
only three have significant traffic.  Do I copy the backups to the 
proper location and then make the lists with Plesk, or do I make the 
lists first and then copy the data in?

I also have significant customization of the admin and info pages; can I 
rescue that without too much trouble?  Or do I have to transfer all the 
custom modifications by hand?  (It's all appearance, by the way; nothing 
affects Mailman operation in any way.)

Thanks very much for any advice at all.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

[Mailman-Users] Has anyone done polls/surveys?

2007-09-17 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
Has anyone come up with a mailman-specific way to set up polls/surveys 
similar to what Yahoo does?  I did a quick google and came up with 
nothing, but that doesn't mean that someone hasn't already written such 
a thing.

If no one's done it already, would there be interest in such an 
addition?  Or should I concentrate on quick Python cgi programs instead?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

[Mailman-Users] Size threshold

2007-08-29 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
For version 2.1.8, I've got "Should a digest be dispatched daily when 
the size threshold isn't reached?" set to "Yes", but no digests have 
gone out for two days.  The size is set to 128k, and the digest.mbox is 
only 43k.  Individual emails are being distributed and being appended to 
the digest.mbox.  Is there a known bug here?  Do I need to worry?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] HELPPPPPPPP !!!

2007-07-12 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
didn't take over 5 hours each
> | > day on my
> | > stupid computer with bad internet connection .. and how the heck I
> | > can track
> | > what mailman's doing?? or if it delivered to all subscribers or not??
> | >
> | > please help ...
> | >
> | > Thanks..
> | >
> | > --
> | > View this message in context:
> | > 21%21-tf4071630.html#a11571280
> | > Sent from the Mailman - Users mailing list archive at
> | >
> | > --
> | > Mailman-Users mailing list
> | >
> | >
> | > Mailman FAQ:
> | > Searchable Archives:
> | >
> | > Unsubscribe:
> | >
> | >
> | > Security Policy:
> | > req=show&file=faq01.027.htp
> | 
> | --
> | Mailman-Users mailing list
> |
> |
> | Mailman FAQ:
> | Searchable Archives:
> |
> | Unsubscribe:
> | users/
> | 
> | Security Policy:
> |
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
> Mailman FAQ:
> Searchable Archives:
> Unsubscribe: 
> Security Policy: 

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

[Mailman-Users] Re-sending digests

2007-07-05 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
I couldn't find it, and I couldn't find information in the FAQ or the 
docs, so I suspect the capability is simply not there:  is there any way 
to retrieve or re-create a digest once it has been sent out?  I have 
subscribers who occasionally miss digests and I'd like to be able to 
re-send them.  Short of subscribing to the digest myself, that is.  It 
seems to me it would be hand to have a page where I could select various 
digests by vol & issue and enter an email or group of emails, push 
submit and have the selected digest re-sent.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

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Re: [Mailman-Users] post formatting and timing

2007-06-26 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Mark Sapiro wrote:
> I don't know if there is a standard that says your MUA 'should'
> recognize a single  in the decoded text as a line break, but of
> five MUA's I just tried, four - Ultrafunk Popcorn 1.76, Mozilla
> Thunderbird, MS Outlook Express 6 and Mutt - all
> rendered  in the decoded text as a line break. The fifth -
> Qualcomm Eudora 5.2 (very old) - didn't decode the base64 encoded text
> at all, it just displayed the raw base64 encoded data.

I think something else is going on, besides just the  only line 
ending.  I'm using two versions of T-Bird, 1.5 and 2.0 something, and 
both display the message concerned the same way, all crammed together on 
a single line.  I think there must be some encoding issue.  It probably 
is some configuration issue with T-Bird, but I've not been able to find it.


Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Desperate to find a place without Mailman message limits

2007-06-06 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
I run ten to eleven mailing lists, with, just as you have, 100-500 
members apiece.  I have a dedicated server with Godaddy.  They told me 
that yes, I could run mailing lists.  They didn't tell me in advance 
that there was a daily limit of 1000 outgoing messages per day.  I 
discovered that as soon as the first mailing list went into operation 
and I had to wait 24 hours for the counter to be reset.

In order to raise the limit to something reasonable, I had to provide 
documentation to Godaddy through some automated tools they have.  I 
think in the end it amounted to about 20 pages of justification.  It was 
definitely a pain, because their base assumption is that mailing lists 
are newsletters sent to customers.  It follows that if you are a 
capitalist with customers, you lust to become an evil spammer, and only 
the fear of legal action and forcible disconnection keeps you from 
inundating the net with enlargement ads.

You have to provide samples of your "newsletters," which is a bit 
difficult if you want to provide a modicum of privacy for your subscribers.

I made calculations based on the size of the lists and the number of 
subscribers and requested my limit be raised to that limit.  Godaddy cut 
that request to 1/3, which irritated me a lot, but all the messages went 
through without a hitch.  Later, I realized that my calculations were 
off because I didn't remember that mailman will batch the transmissions 
so that I had far fewer outgoing emails than I thought.  This would be 
different if I turned on full personalization, but I don't have any need 
for that.

All in all, the Godaddy experience has been positive.  I lease a far 
better machine than the prior one that I owned, and pay far less than I 
did when I colocated my server at a local ISP (you can get _substantial_ 
discounts by paying in full for two to five years in advance: _ask_).  I 
get more bandwidth, and the automated tools are, I reluctantly admit, 
not bad at all (Plesk; it's worth the monthly fee, just don't access it 
with IE.  Use only Firefox).

The cons are that Godaddy's service when you call to talk to a tech is 
not the best.  Mostly, it consists of asking, "Did you read the FAQ on 
xxx?", stating "There is nothing wrong with our mail system," or saying, 
"I'm sorry, we don't support that software, since we don't force you to 
use it."  (This last despite the fact that the software in question is 
the only software supplied on the system, and so you are forced to use 
it by default.  They say you can install whatever you want on your 
system.)  You'll end up googling a lot.  You learn quickly, however. ;-)

If you don't have the need for a dedicated server, you could go with a 
dedicated virtual server, which is a great deal cheaper, but you don't 
get things like three dedicated IP addresses and you have to share the 
machine (it looks like your own machine, however, because you're in a 
chroot box).

They also have hosting plans that might include mailing lists, but I 
never really considered those.

Hope this helps.


Sekhar Ramakrishnan wrote:
> We are not sure what the reason is for these limits. Is it that the SMTP 
> servers cannot tell the difference between Mailman mail and other mail so 
> the places are afraid of spammers giving their servers a bad name? Or is it 
> that SMTP takes up so much resource that a limit is necessary?
> Finally, and this is the main reason for this post, are there commercial 
> places that support Mailman with more reasonable limits on the number of 
> messages?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] "No subject" messages in archives

2007-05-25 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Barry Warsaw wrote:
> The only thing I would add is that the default lock lifetime is 15 
> seconds, so it's possible some other process would have broken the lock 
> during that time.  That you didn't get an exception when you exited (and 
> thus unlocked) the list is a good sign that didn't happen. ;)

Urk.  I must live right.

> Given the MailList object, there's no easy way to extend the lock's 
> lifetime.  You can hack the file, or do something like:
>  >>> m._MailList__lock.refresh(60 * minute)

Good to know; I'll add that to the FAQ when I can.

>> I'm actually willing to live with these, unless they're damaging the
>> archives somehow.  Any guesses as to how difficult it would be to fix
>> these by say, simply editing the .mbox and re-running arch --wipe?
> Unsure.  What does bin/cleanarch -n say?

$ cleanarch -n
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] "No subject" messages in archives

2007-05-25 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
I wrote:
> Ah, thanks, Barry.  I will try one of these methods, probably the 
> withlist one, and report back later today.  If all goes well, I'll be 
> able to update two FAQ entries, the one about removing archive entries 
> and the one about importing messages/archives into your mailing list.

I locked the list with withlist.  I then edited the .mbox file with vim 
and deleted 2662737 lines, all the messages that had malformed 'From ' 
lines (no dates at the end of the lines).  On my somewhat slow machine 
(2.2GHZ Celeron), with only a gig of memory, this took about 10 minutes. 
  I was willing to wait. ;-)

After saving modified .mbox, I exited withlist without saving.  I then 
catted the corrected old archive .mbox file to the end of the modified 
.mbox.  Then I ran arch.  That, too, took a while, maybe half-an-hour 
for about 49,000 messages.  Again, I was willing to wait. ;-)

Once it finished, I went to the latest, May 2007, archive index page. 
Here is the top of that page:

May 2007 Archives by date

 * Messages sorted by: [ thread ] [ subject ] [ author ]
 * More info on this list...

Starting: Tue May 1 04:17:11 MDT 2007
Ending: Fri May 25 09:53:46 MDT 2007
Messages: 928

"Messages: 928" is a WHOLE LOT better than "Messages: 5928".  ;-)

I couldn't be more pleased.  I'm chuffed!  Thanks to everyone.  I'll be 
updating the FAQ entries concerned later today, I hope.  Or would it be 
better to post the corrected entries here first in order to get input on 
them upfront?

I looked at the remainder of the archives, and I found only two 
oddities, both on the same page.  Here is the relevant section of the 
index page:

# Peter Abresch   Ellen Stanton
# No subject   Judith Miller
#   Marilyn Kapp
# Happy: Up, down, up, down...   Jmacampora at
# Guppy Digest   Jmacampora at
#   Jmacampora at
# Guppies/Janet A.   Lanier Dodson

The "Marilyn Kapp" and the third "Jmacampora at" entries have no 
subjects and no links to them.  The previous entries are missing the 
"Next message" links, and the following entries are missing the 
"Previous message" links.

I'm actually willing to live with these, unless they're damaging the 
archives somehow.  Any guesses as to how difficult it would be to fix 
these by say, simply editing the .mbox and re-running arch --wipe?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

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Re: [Mailman-Users] "No subject" messages in archives

2007-05-25 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
Ah, thanks, Barry.  I will try one of these methods, probably the 
withlist one, and report back later today.  If all goes well, I'll be 
able to update two FAQ entries, the one about removing archive entries 
and the one about importing messages/archives into your mailing list.


Barry Warsaw wrote:
> Can you just turn off mailmanctl while you're editing the inbox?  Okay, 
> this will shut down your Mailman system globally, which you might not 
> want to do, but it's as safe as it gets.
> If you specifically want to block messages just to the list your 
> editing, then yes, lock it with bin/withlist and just edit the mbox.
> Another option is to restart mailmanctl but temporarily disable the 
> ArchRunner.  You should be safe to edit the mbox file then, and just 
> delay updating all your archives (including the mbox archives) until 
> you've finished your surgery, while the rest of the system continues to 
> churn away.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] "No subject" messages in archives

2007-05-25 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Mark Sapiro wrote:
>> So, if I process the old mbox and convert the "From " lines without 
>> dates into "From " lines without " and <> and add a date/time stamp, and 
>> THEN run cleanarch, cleanarch should escape only the 1006 non-matching 
>> "From " lines, and I should end up with an mbox I can combine with 
>> March, April and May of 2007 from the current list.  Is that a correct 
>> assessment?
> That is correct, but if you can process the old mbox and identify which
> "From " lines without dates are actually message separators, then you
> should be able to identify which ones are not message separators and
> just escape those. I.e. create your own archive cleaner specific to
> this situation.

Which is exactly what I did.  I ran cleanarch on the result, and it 
found four instances of bad email addresses, as in "foo bar" 
(the " were part of the address), but luckily, those four instances were 
forwarded messages, and did indeed need to be escaped.

OK.  Now I have a large inbox to re-process (110 MB), but before I do 
that, I have to remove all the previously processed messages from the 
current archive.  The FAQ ("3.3. How can I remove a post from the list 
archive / remove an entire archive?") says to "edit the raw archive".

Editing 122 MB of raw archive is going to take some time, since I have 
to throw away 110 MB of it.  I'd like to prevent new messages from 
coming into the system while I'm editing it, and I seem to be 
overlooking instructions on how to lock the list.  I find that the help 
message for withlist tells me how to lock the list while I operate on it 
using withlist, but is that what I want?  Can I vi/emacs the mbox while 
it is locked with withlist?

Am I simply obtuse, or is there no way to lock the list while I'm 
editing?  Or do I throw caution to the winds and blithely edit without 
concern for incoming messages?

Thanks for all your help, and patience.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

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Re: [Mailman-Users] "No subject" messages in archives

2007-05-21 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
>> I ran cleanarch, yes, but all it did was to escape every single "From " 
>> line, which would make arch think there was only one message.
> Then either the From line doesn't match the pattern
> mailbox.UnixMailbox._fromlinepattern or it is not followed immediately
> (with no intervening lines or maybe even '\r') by a line that looks
> like a message header.
> If there is intervening whitespace between the "From " line and the
> message headers, that may cause the spurious archived empty messages.

Ah.  Now we're getting somewhere.  Here are some sample "From " lines:

1)  From the current list.mbox (leading '> ' not part of actual line):
 > From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Sun Mar 18 18:17:56 2007
2)  From the old mbox which I want to incorporate (leading '> ' inserted):
 > From "robyn m. fritz" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
 > From [EMAIL PROTECTED] (C Ryplansky)

And here is the _fromlinepattern:

_fromlinepattern = r"From \s*[^\s]+\s+\w\w\w\s+\w\w\w\s+\d?\d\s+" \

Now, I don't understand much of this pattern, but it looks to me as if 
a) there's no provision for matching " or < or > characters; and
b) some sort of date/time mark is required.

All the "From " lines are terminated with a \n, and all are followed 
immediately by what look like valid message header lines, so I don't 
think those are problems.  There do appear to be 1006 unescaped "From " 
lines in the old mbox:

$ grep '^From ' guppies-out.mbox | wc
46295  163728 1800087
$ grep '^From: ' guppies-out.mbox | wc
45289  159710 1803623

So, if I process the old mbox and convert the "From " lines without 
dates into "From " lines without " and <> and add a date/time stamp, and 
THEN run cleanarch, cleanarch should escape only the 1006 non-matching 
"From " lines, and I should end up with an mbox I can combine with 
March, April and May of 2007 from the current list.  Is that a correct 

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] "No subject" messages in archives

2007-05-20 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Mark Sapiro wrote:
> Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
>> But I have one list for which I used archives from two previous 
>> incarnations of the list, plus the current archive mbox, as input to 
>> arch.  I made sure that the previous archives were in mbox format and 
>> that they contained only one "From " line per message.
> Are you sure? Did you run bin/cleanarch against the .mbox file to check
> it?

I ran cleanarch, yes, but all it did was to escape every single "From " 
line, which would make arch think there was only one message.

> This usually results from a message containing an embedded "From "
> somewhere in the message body. The message is archived properly under
> its correct date and subject, but that entry is truncated at the line
> that begins with "From ". Then the rest of the message is archived as
> a separate message. Since it has no From:, Subject: or Date: headers,
> it is archived with the current date and no subject. Also , text
> following the "From " up to the first totally empty (not just blank)
> line is considered part of the header and is not archived with this
> 'second' message.

That would describe what I'm seeing, except that--
> If there is any message body text in the 'No subject' archived entry,
> you should be able to find that in the .mbox.

Right, but there are 5,000 entries with "No subject" and no body, not a 
hint of a body.

>> The _only_ thing I can see, in the current mbox, 
>> is that the end of the last message from the old archives ends on one 
>> line and the "From " line for the next message begins on the very next 
>> line, with no blank lines between,
> That shouldn't cause this.

Good to know.

>> and everywhere else there are either 
>> one or more blank lines or one of those message separator lines from 
>> AOL: 
>>> ""<
>> These bogus entries aren't really hurting anything, I suppose, but they 
>> are annoying and it is irritating to have to scroll down 5000 lines to 
>> get to the next real message.
> They are actually, because they represent missing pieces of other
> messages.

How to track them down?

>> What is causing this?  And is there anything I can do to get rid of the 
>> problem?  I am willing to live with it if I have to, but I would prefer 
>> having a fix.
> I think you have unescaped "From " lines in the bodies of messages. Run
> bin/cleanarch (with the -n/--dry-run option) to check.
> Another possibility is you have real looking but extraneous
> (duplicate?) "From " lines not followed by a real message with
> Subject: and Date: headers prior to the next "From ".

Do lines beginning with whitespace before a From count?  There are about 
a hundred of those in the input mbox.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

[Mailman-Users] "No subject" messages in archives

2007-05-19 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
I have managed to recover and restore all the archives, covering eight 
or nine years, for all my mailing lists, following the excellent advice 
and pointers given by members of this list.

But I have one list for which I used archives from two previous 
incarnations of the list, plus the current archive mbox, as input to 
arch.  I made sure that the previous archives were in mbox format and 
that they contained only one "From " line per message.  Once I was 
convinced they were all ready, I combined the old archive mbox with the 
current archive mbox using cat, and ran arch.

It worked perfectly, creating archive pages going all the way back to 
1999, except that in the archive page for the month in which I ran arch 
(May) for the day on which I ran it (May 7), I have in the vicinity of 
5000 entries for messages with "No subject" and no body.  The index page 
for May looks like this:

# [Guppies] Malice 2008   Suzanne Williams
# No subject
# No subject
# No subject
... 5000 entries
# No subject
# No subject
# [Guppies] harsh words for cheating   peg908 at
# [Guppies] harsh words for cheating   Vwright

I tried to find these mysterious entries in the current archive mbox, 
but they don't appear.  The _only_ thing I can see, in the current mbox, 
is that the end of the last message from the old archives ends on one 
line and the "From " line for the next message begins on the very next 
line, with no blank lines between, and everywhere else there are either 
one or more blank lines or one of those message separator lines from 

These bogus entries aren't really hurting anything, I suppose, but they 
are annoying and it is irritating to have to scroll down 5000 lines to 
get to the next real message.

What is causing this?  And is there anything I can do to get rid of the 
problem?  I am willing to live with it if I have to, but I would prefer 
having a fix.


Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Looking for professional help

2007-05-18 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
Brian, will these be publicly searchable and publicly accessible 
archives?  I would like to make my private archives searchable, but only 
by subscribed members.  Either way, however, you should certainly update 
the FAQ/Wiki.


Barry Warsaw wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On May 18, 2007, at 10:16 AM, Brian Carpenter wrote:
>> My programmer will be doing the installation and configuration and 
>> will be
>> detailing the steps to setup searchable archives outside of mailman's
>> installation directory. Would this be something worthwhile to add to the
>> Mailman FAQ?
> That or the Mailman wiki 
> Please do!
> - -Barry
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.7 (Darwin)
> iQCVAwUBRk24Q3EjvBPtnXfVAQKs4wP/adIoVQmyjPaWCOjykxkVIBHZ2g5S29d0
> I4fNuHvJIdSb+ikalsHJjMh5U+PoM9AUbBiKQWxQfaOmgJKBUQS3ngRLRUv/pbvG
> bomJE3Vf8tfLOOhNxcCXVvulPShNeLgmjejqeQxERiWfIJTZ//A/UQwJMe6GRRCi
> ZfLIxkxkJgM=
> =RhEi

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Looking for professional help

2007-05-17 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Brad Knowles wrote:
> I can't say for sure, but I'm not aware of the Plesk folks making any 
> material changes to the Mailman code.  However. like most binary 
> packagers I would assume that they store things according to the way 
> that makes sense to them and not necessarily in the way that you would 
> get if you were to install our code directly.

Once you figure out the way things are laid out--and it's not well 
documented--it makes sense.  Paths are long, but that makes creating 
lists for multiple virtual servers a snap.

> So far as I know, the biggest issue with most Plesk/Mailman 
> installations is the *ancient* versions of Python, Mailman, and other 
> packages that they install.  I mean, like Mailman 2.0.x.

They seem to have improved things.  I get my dedicated server from 
Godaddy, and it came with the latest version of Plesk, 8.1.0.  Mailman 
2.1.8, and Python 2.4.3.

> So, if you want to run a more recent version of Mailman, you'll have a 
> rough time installing a more recent version of Python that does not 
> interfere with the existing installation (the older version is also 
> required for some other things inside of Plesk), plus the newer version 
> of Mailman with specific references to the newer & non-standard 
> installation of Python, etc
> You can do it if you know what you're doing, and you're able to follow 
> all the compatibility dependencies manually, but that's going to take a 
> lot of work and jury-rigging.  Of course, all of that will mean that you 
> now have a non-standard installation of Plesk, and you probably won't be 
> able to get any support from them, or your ISP, and so on.

I already don't get any support from Godaddy.  They have some FAQs and I 
can call or email, but their answers are, "Wait until our mail server is 
back up to speed," or "We don't make you use that software, so we don't 
support it."

That said, the webtools they provide and the automated services they 
offer do work, often with very little prodding.

 > Moreover,
> upgrading to a newer version of Plesk would un-do all that hard work 
> which you would then have to re-do again manually, assuming it were 
> actually possible to upgrade Plesk in that kind of environment.

I've already customized the snot out of my Mailman installation.  I back 
everything up twice.  If I had to install from scratch, I don't see any 
reason I couldn't get going in a day.

> It's more of a major operational hassle/support nightmare than anything 
> else.

My suspicion is that any changes they've made are in the area of 
creating lists.  I haven't had a chance to investigate how that's done 
and how Plesk ties into it, but I plan to.  (After I get the 
certificates straightened out, and after I get rid of the 5,000 empty 
emails with no subject in the archives of one of my lists.)

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Looking for professional help

2007-05-17 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Brad Knowles wrote:
> Really, these kinds of questions should be directed at your service 
> provider (assuming they installed cPanel for you), or the cPanel 
> folks.  They've made some extensive changes to the Mailman code and 
> haven't contributed those back to us, so our ability to support their 
> package is extremely limited.

That's interesting.  I use Plesk, and have not found anything different 
in my Mailman installation in the Python/HTML and config files other 
than a different base location than an installed-from-source Mailman 
would have.  Everything behaves the way I expect, except for the fact 
that I have to create lists using Plesk, which is not a hardship (and in 
fact it's easier than my much older previous installation from source).

Does anyone know whether or not Plesk has made any changes?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Looking for professional help

2007-05-16 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
Does the built in archiver provide searching?  If it does, I don't think 
the FAQ tells how.


James Dinkel wrote:
> Why not just use mailman's built in pipermail archiver?  With pipermail 
> built into mailman, archiving is set on a list by list basis.
> James Dinkel
> Brian Carpenter wrote:
>> Dear List:
>> I am looking to hire someone experience with mailman to help me setup
>> searchable archives for my clients. My idea at this moment is to use mhonarc
>> and htdig but I am open to suggestions. Not all of my clients require this
>> so I would need to set this up on a list by list basis.
>> I am looking to hire for installation services, configuration, and
>> instruction on how to setup/use the archiving/search software on a list by
>> list basis.
>> I look forward to your replies. Thank you.
>> Kind regards,
>> Brian Carpenter
>> --
>> EMWD -  Executive Officer
>> --
>> Mailman-Users mailing list
>> Mailman FAQ:
>> Searchable Archives:
>> Unsubscribe: 
>> Security Policy: 
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
> Mailman FAQ:
> Searchable Archives:
> Unsubscribe: 
> Security Policy: 

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

[Mailman-Users] Opinions on domainkeys

2007-05-03 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
I just ran across this proposal from Yahoo:

I was examining headers from some yahoogroup email for reasons having to 
do with non-delivery when I ran across the domainkey header.

Has anyone on the list given any thought to it?  Is it a Good Thing(tm)? 
  Or yet another way for Yahoo to try to dominate the planet?

There's a qmail patch available, which is what I'm using, and I wonder 
if there would be Mailman integration issues?  I assume that an 
unmodified Mailman installation would ignore the domainkey header.


Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Server migration problems

2007-04-27 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

On 4/27/07, Aaron Crosman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Apache's error log:
> [Fri Apr 27 11:42:14 2007] [error] [client] Symbolic link
> not allowed or link target not accessible:
> /var/lib/mailman/archives/public/itd_test, referer:
> I can't browse the file system (in bash) to those directories.  I did
> double check the links in public as root, and they do work just fine, so
> I'm at a permissions problem.  What should the perms here be?  Or am I
> missing something else?

Unless I'm missing something, this is an Apache configuration problem.
 It both has to know about the mailman directories and be allowed to
follow symbolic links.  Permissions have to be correct yes, but if
Apache can't follow links then the permissions are moot.  Include this
directive in your httpd.conf file:

Options FollowSymLinks

You must provide it for any directory you need to put symlinks in.  For example:

Alias /icons/ "/usr/share/apache2/icons/"

Options FollowSymLinks
blah blah blah ...

Of course, the directories listed in httpd.conf are dependent on your
*nix, as is the location (and name) of the httpd.conf file.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Setting the FONT globally for the mailman GUI?

2007-04-25 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
I did a quick experiment.  Here's the  I came up with.  Note
that what I had posted earlier, "/Javascript/mailman.css", will not
work, and neither "/mailman.css" nor "mailman.css" will work.
However, it would be easy to make the style sheet dependent on the
list name also:  instead of href="/icons/mailman.css" use
href="/icons/.css", or some permutation of same.

   Info Page

Remember, I'm on a multiple virtual-host system, with the mailman
setup administered through a control panel (Plesk), so a system on
which one has full control of both the Mailman source code and the
Mailman installation, as well as the web-base administration, might
work otherwise.


On 4/25/07, Bryan Carbonnell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/24/07, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > At 1:30 PM -0700 4/24/07, Dragon wrote:
> >
> > >  Actually no, those are not the best way to do this IMO. If ALL of the
> > >  web pages were template-based, it would be a simple matter of
> > >  defining the CSS you want in a CSS file and adding it to the page header.
> >
> > Yup, that would be nice.
> I did write a patch a while back to make Mailman's UI XHTML compliant using 
> CSS.
> The patch for 2.1.7 is sourceforge tracker # 1415956
> It also gives the UI the ability to have sitewide headers and footers,
> giving the UI the ability to look more the hosts site in general.
> Updting it to MM 2.1.9 is one of the many things on my TODO list.
> Hopefully soon as I want to get my site upgraded to 2.1.9
> --
> Bryan Carbonnell - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well
> preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out,
> shouting "What a great ride!"
> --
> Mailman-Users mailing list
> Mailman FAQ:
> Searchable Archives:
> Unsubscribe: 
> Security Policy: 

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
Mailman FAQ:
Searchable Archives:

Security Policy:

Re: [Mailman-Users] Setting the FONT globally for the mailman GUI?

2007-04-25 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

On 4/25/07, Stephen J. Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> But the header I'm talking about is an *HTTP* header.  It seems
> plausible that it requires only *one* change to the routine that
> marshals the headers or to the httpd configuration, giving a mildly
> enormous increase in flexibility.  And it would be a very safe change
> for the distribution: simply provide an empty style sheet as default.
> IIRC that HTTP header has a rather low precedence in the cascade.

But the  element is not being produced in one place.  It's
inside the templates and it's hard-coded in the Python code.  It would
indeed be both flexible and cool to plug in the link header and
provide an empty css file, but I'm pretty sure you can't do it at a
single place.  It's possible I misunderstand, of course.

> Being suboptimal doesn't prevent it from being pretty useful.

  You could say that about a lot of things.

>  > As for the CSS link header, IE does respect such links, why should
>  > it not?
> Experience shows that Microsoft products don't always conform to
> standards, and I can't say that in this case IE does from my own
> knowledge, that's all.  My point is simply that the browsers whose
> behavior needs tweaking should be checked before going to the effort
> of making that change.

All modern major generals--er, browsers obey CSS; there are some
differences in the details, so you end up specifying some things twice
in different ways.  And providing an empty style sheet to start with
means that tweaking is the province of the Mailman-modifier, not the
Mailman-developer. ;-)

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Setting the FONT globally for the mailman GUI?

2007-04-24 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

 Your Title Here

However, note that the "/Javascript/" path in the link above wouldn't
work for Mailman pages, unless the icons parent directory happened to
coincide with the DocumentRoot directory, and there was a Javascript
directory.  On my particular system, Mailman's idea of DocumentRoot
happens to be /var/www, but none of the virtual hosts has a
DocumentRoot anywhere near that. ;-)

I thought about using the link, actually, but since I had to hand-edit
all the template pages and muck about in the Python code anyway, it
seemed like a toss-up whether I pasted a style sheet or a link to a
style sheet.

If there's an easier way, I'm happy to go back and un-edit those files
in order to do less work to use the link. ;-)


On 4/24/07, Stephen J. Turnbull <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dragon writes:
>  > Actually no, those are not the best way to do this IMO. If ALL of the
>  > web pages were template-based, it would be a simple matter of
>  > defining the CSS you want in a CSS file and adding it to the page header.
> There's no reason why the programmatically generated pages can't have
> a LINK element added to their headers.  Then what needs to be done is
> to add appropriate class attributes to the elements in generated content.
> I believe it may be possible *now* to accomplish what the OP
> requested, however, by the simple expedient of adding an appropriate
> header to the HTTP response specifying a style sheet.  I'm pretty sure
> that such a header exists, but I have no idea whether IE respects it.
> --
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Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Setting the FONT globally for the mailman GUI?

2007-04-24 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

On 4/24/07, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 3:19 PM +0200 4/24/07, Ralf Hildebrandt wrote:
> >  How do I globally set the font the mailman HTML pages use?
> Mailman does not (currently) have those kinds of facilities.  See FAQ 3.40.
> If you add anything along these lines to Mailman, we would love to
> see your modifications be contributed back to the community.
> You should also check the SourceForge patches page to see if anyone
> else has made this kind of a modification, and contributed their
> changes back to the Mailman project, although they may not have (yet)
> been accepted into the mainstream codebase.

There's no global option for this, but it's not particularly hard to
do, just a bit fiddly.  I've done it with my lists, with only a few
false starts.  The basic idea is to grep -i through all the config
files, templates and .py files looking for '

Once you make all the changes, restart Mailman for the changes to take effect.

It'd be nice to have an easier way, yes.  We'd have to have a special
web page devoted to Mailman settings, not list settings.  Threel ways
to organize such a meta-page would be: 1) on a per-machine basis; 2)
on a per-list basis; and 3) on a per-virtual-host basis.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Importing archives again

2007-04-20 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

On 4/20/07, Brad Knowles <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> At 2:05 PM -0600 4/20/07, Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
> The .txt files are the text version of the "cooked" archives.  They
> are not in "raw" mbox format.  The format is close to that of a "raw"
> mbox, and it wouldn't take too much work to turn them back into a
> "raw" mbox format file.  However, a lot of headers and other
> information will have been thrown away.

I realize that.  However, the person who upgraded from an early
version of Mailman to an early version of Mailman 2 failed to keep the
raw mboxen.

> If at all possible, when you're working with archives and you want to
> import or regenerate them, you always want to work from the original
> "raw" mbox format files.  That way you minimize the amount of
> information that might accidentally be lost.

It would have been nice, yes, but sadly it is not possible to recover
the mbox files from five years ago.  For one thing, the server they
were on has been completely trashed (as in sent to the recyclers).

I'll be happy to simply retrieve the text and whatever headers that I
can.  I've actually been able to do that, although the recovered early
archives have really sucky headers.  What I've got right now is a vast
improvement over nothing at all.  But if I can make it better without
risking archive loss I'd like to.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
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Re: [Mailman-Users] Importing archives again

2007-04-20 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
Mark writes:

> >
> >[Sangha] Anger and its expression   Ryunyokingryunyo at
> >
> >The address is supposed to be "ryunyo at".
> No, it is supposed to be "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".

Not exactly.  On the index pages for the archives, index lines take
one of two forms:

# [Sangha] Welcome Home   mag at


# [Sangha] Welcome Home   Pat Stacy

Nowhere are @ signs supposed to be used in the archives.  Or at least
in the version of Mailman I'm using and the way I've got it set up.

I looked at .txt files produced by the new list and compared them with
the old .txt files I've got.

>From lines from new .txt file:
>From erstad at  Thu Feb  1 01:01:49 2007
From: erstad at (Nils Andreas Erstad)

>From lines from an old .txt file:
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Mon, 31 Jul 2000 23:34:46 -0600
Date: Mon, 31 Jul 2000 23:34:46 -0600
From: Ivan Van Laningham [EMAIL PROTECTED]

>From lines from existing mbox file:
>From [EMAIL PROTECTED] Wed Feb 28 01:40:24 2007
Date: Tue, 27 Feb 2007 18:38:34 -0700
From: Ivan Van Laningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

The difference appears to be in the address on the From: line:  that
is, "Ivan Van Laningham [EMAIL PROTECTED]" fails but "Ivan Van
Laningham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>"

If that's correct, I can modify those lines easily.


On 4/20/07, Mark Sapiro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
> >Hi All--
> >This is very helpful.  What I have are basically three sets of archives.
> >
> >1)  Archives from the current list, fairly small and created about two
> >months ago after a disastrous ISP debacle (the yo-yos got themselves
> >_evicted_, for heaven's sake);
> >
> >2)  Archives from the previous host and list incarnation and a much
> >earlier version--but still > 2.0--of Mailman;
> >
> >3)  Archives from the previous host, same list, but a version of
> >Mailman that might have started with the digit one. ;-)  The person
> >who upgraded Mailman in Feb 2002 didn't bother to import the existing
> >archives, so now is the first time I've tried to import such old
> >archives.
> >
> >I have successfully dealt with 1 and 2.  Appending the two mboxes
> >works well, probably because there is a two-week gap between the two
> >latest incarnations of the list.
> >
> >However, 3 is a problem.  I don't have an mbox for the earliest
> >archives; instead, I have the text files--2002-February.txt,
> >etc.--which appear to me to be in mbox format.
> The .txt files are similar to .mbox files, but there are various
> differences. Many headers have been removed and, most importantly,
> email addresses may have been obscured by changing [EMAIL PROTECTED] to
> user at
> >If I run cleanarch on these text files before running arch on them,
> >they do not appear in the archives.
> Probably because cleanarch escapes all the "From " separators because
> the email address has " at " instead of "@".
> >If I skip cleanarch, then I get
> >bad addresses in the posts in the archives (and yes, I did use the
> >--wipe option).  The bad addresses look like the following in the
> >index page:
> >
> >[Sangha] Anger and its expression   Ryunyokingryunyo at
> >
> >The address is supposed to be "ryunyo at".
> No, it is supposed to be "[EMAIL PROTECTED]".
> >How can I preprocess the text files to fix the problem addresses?  I
> >assume it's because the old text files have something like From:
> >Ryunyo King<"ryunyo at"> in the from line.  Is there a
> >secret option to cleanarch I didn't see?
> cleanarch won't do this. You need to process the .txt files your self
> with your own script or by hand to replace " at " with "@" in email
> addresses before using cleanarch.
> Obviously, you can't just globally replace " at " with "@" as there
> will be many occurrences of " at " outside email addresses.
> You might limit your self to "From " lines and From: headers. That will
> probably work. You could also try to use some regexp that only matches
> " at " if it looks like it's in an email address.
> >(I also ended up with a slew of duplicates when the upgrade happened
> >in Feb 2002; half the messages are rig

[Mailman-Users] Importing archives again

2007-04-19 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
There's a FAQ entry on importing archives.  However, if the
instructions are followed, the existing list.mbox would be overwritten
with an old archive.  That surely cannot be right.  Can I put it
someplace else in order to import it?  Shouldn't I lock the list while
running bin/arch?

I've got seven years worth of archives to do for as many lists, so I'd
really like to get this right.  I'd be happy to edit the FAQ once I
know the proper steps.  (And if I missed the answers in my admittedly
cursory search of the mailman-users archives, they should still be
inserted into the FAQ.)

Thanks all.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours
Mailman-Users mailing list
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Re: [Mailman-Users] hotmail bouncing

2003-02-13 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

David wrote:
> I've been running an announce only list for a couple of months. Hotmail
> has bounced everything from the last two posts. It's pretty vanilla
> stuff... some text and some url's. Nothing I can imagine them bouncing
> for, unless there is something they don't like in Mailman headers.
> If anyone has any clues I'd be most grateful. A lot of our customers
> unfortunately use these abominable hotmail things.

I have no answers, but I'd like them too;-)  I don't seem to get as many
as David gets, but every now and then hotmail will puke on half (half!)
my subscribers.  I think the last time was about two months ago.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Mailman 2.1 mailpasswds error

2003-02-03 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

"Barry A. Warsaw" wrote:
> >>>>> "MB" == Matt Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> MB> With 2.1 you need to create a "site-wide" mailing list called
> MB> "mailman".
> Note BTW, that I've just modified mailmanctl to refuse to start if the
> site list doesn't exist.

Thanks!  That would have saved me an hour or so of poking around on Feb

-ly y'rs,
Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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Re: [Mailman-Users] missing config file

2003-02-02 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Jon Carnes wrote:
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but I thought that MAILMAN_SITE_LIST in
> ~mailman/Mailman/.. referred to a mailing list name.  In this case the
> mailing list name that is used as the From address for such things as
> password reminders.
> The list defaults to "mailman".  It's format is simple, simply create a
> mailing list called "mailman" (using: ~mailman/bin/newlist mailman).
> Then add your email address to the list membership.

I managed to figure that one out the first time that my passwords didn't
get sent out, and I even managed to sweet talk it into sending them
late.  But is the only purpose of the "mailman" list to make sure the
passwords go out?  Does anyone else get to be on the list, or is it
reserved for the elite of one?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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[Mailman-Users] Kicked out of archives

2003-01-10 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
A user has an Imac power book and IE 5.0.  Her security setting for IE
indicates that all cookies are accepted, yet she cannot view the
archives.  She logs in with her address and password just fine, sees the
page listing the months and ways of viewing that month's archives, but
as soon as she clicks on "Thread", for example, she is kicked out and
sent back to the authorization page.

Mailman version:  version 2.1rc1

Any suggestions?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: Every day

2003-01-08 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

Ivan Van Laningham wrote:
> Hi All--
> David Gibbs wrote:
> >
> > "Ivan Van Laningham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > > OK, I solved my other problem.  But ever since I've installed and used
> > > Mailman (three years), I've received these little notes from cron:
> > > /etc/cron.daily/tmpwatch:
> > > error: failed to open /etc/mtab for reading
> > > Why is it trying to open /etc/mtab?  What possible business could
> > > Mailman have with mtab (Redhat, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3)?
> >
> > What makes you think that message is coming from Mailman?
> >
> > That looks like a message from stock Redhat processes.
> >
> You might be right, but I never received those messages until Mailman
> was installed on RH 6.1, and I have continued to receive them daily
> through several changes/upgrades of RH to and including 7.3.  I think
> it's perfectly normal to suspect something that was install the day
> before the messages started.

Searching Redhat, I found this RPM:  tmpwatch-2.8.1-1.i386.rpm

It may or may not fix the problem; it says it applies to all versions of
RH from 5.2 through 7.2, and I am running 7.2--I thought I'd upgraded to
7.3, but I hadn't.

I'll have to wait till tomorrow to see if that fixed it.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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Re: [Mailman-Users] Re: Every day

2003-01-08 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--

David Gibbs wrote:
> "Ivan Van Laningham" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> > OK, I solved my other problem.  But ever since I've installed and used
> > Mailman (three years), I've received these little notes from cron:
> > /etc/cron.daily/tmpwatch:
> > error: failed to open /etc/mtab for reading
> > Why is it trying to open /etc/mtab?  What possible business could
> > Mailman have with mtab (Redhat, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3)?
> What makes you think that message is coming from Mailman?
> That looks like a message from stock Redhat processes.

You might be right, but I never received those messages until Mailman
was installed on RH 6.1, and I have continued to receive them daily
through several changes/upgrades of RH to and including 7.3.  I think
it's perfectly normal to suspect something that was install the day
before the messages started.

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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[Mailman-Users] Every day

2003-01-08 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
OK, I solved my other problem.  But ever since I've installed and used
Mailman (three years), I've received these little notes from cron:


error: failed to open /etc/mtab for reading

Why is it trying to open /etc/mtab?  What possible business could
Mailman have with mtab (Redhat, 6.1, 6.2, 7.0, 7.1, 7.2, 7.3)?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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[Mailman-Users] illegal commands to wrapper

2003-01-05 Thread Ivan Van Laningham
Hi All--
I'm getting msgs with these errors in them:

"|/etc/smrsh/wrapper bounces sangha"
(reason: 6)
(expanded from: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>)

   - Transcript of session follows -
Illegal command: bounces
554 5.3.0 unknown mailer error 6

And it's true; wrapper doesn't know about the bounces command, even
though the alias exists for it.

I couldn't find anything in the FAQ, and grep -i bounce in the src for
wrapper turned up nothing.  What am I missing here?

Ivan Van Laningham
God N Locomotive Works
Army Signal Corps:  Cu Chi, Class of '70
Author:  Teach Yourself Python in 24 Hours

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