Re: [MlMt] Trying to understand tags/folders for GMail

2014-06-01 Thread Jonathan Clark


-- Jonathan

On 26 May 2014, at 17:00, wrote:

FromBenny Kjær Nielsen
ToMailMate Users
SubjectRe: [MlMt] Trying to understand tags/folders for GMail
Date26 May 2014 12:54

On 24 May 2014, at 0:38, Jonathan Clark wrote:

I also have _todo and _waiting folders that I also often
copy messages to alongside the other folder.
These are what I would consider to be labels/tags/flags/keywords. 
These messages have a primary location and are then 
labelled/tagged/... as a way to categorize them beyond that primary 
location.I'm guessing that I should be moving the folders _todo and 
_waiting to be tags, leaving the others as folders?

Benny replied:
Yes, you can create the tags “ToDo” and “Waiting” in MailMate 
and then make sure that they are mapped to your existing Gmail labels 
“_todo” and “_waiting”.

But what are the practical benefits of this?
If you do the above then the IMAP mailboxes in MailMate named 
“_todo” and “_waiting” should disappear when the account is 
synchronized (you might need to explicitly do that). Any messages with 
these labels are instead going to appear as tagged in MailMate (with 
ToDo and Waiting). You should create smart mailboxes with, for 
example, the condition: “Tags/Keywords” include “ToDo”.

1. It's about avoiding duplicate messages. In your current setup, a 
message located in both “_todo” and in one of your other mailboxes 
is going to be fetched and stored twice by MailMate.
2. It's about treating labels as tags. If something is used as a label 
(and not a mailbox) then this is also how it should be used in 
MailMate. In MailMate it is known as tags, but it's the same thing. 
Using the “T” shortcut you can easily add/remove your labels/tags.
3. It's about migration. If you ever need to move messages from Gmail 
to some other IMAP server (or the other way) then tags are preserved.

Having formed a _todo tag, I have gone back and used it to tag a 
number of the messages in the _todo folder, and I have synchronised and 
re-started the app. But the _todo folder still shows. Am I missing 

And another issue: when I'm away from the Mac, I will use a variety of 
iOS apps to triage mail. This includes filing to the _todo folder. When 
I do this it doesn't seem to add the _todo tag. Is this related to the 
first issue? Is there a way to get this tagging working in iOS?


mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Fwd: Trying to understand tags/folders for GMail

2014-05-26 Thread Jonathan Clark

I've been using MM for many months with GMail, but decided it was time to
try out the new feature that appeared some months ago. From the release
notes at the time:

Recently, I implemented a workaround in MailMate for the problem of
 multiple labels. It is currently an experimental solution and you can
 enable it following the instructions in the release notes for version 1.7.
 In short, MailMate can be told to handle specific Gmail labels as if they
 were tags. If a label is handled as a tag then MailMate automatically
 ignores the corresponding IMAP mailbox. Tags are already supported by
 MailMate (no integration with Mavericks yet) and uses IMAP keywords on
 standard IMAP servers.

This has left me a little uncertain about what I should change, and what
the end result will be. As it might well be the same for others, I thought
I'd ask some questions about it here, before I dive in and make some

I have about 30 GMail folders based on the topic of the message, and I
move email to one and only one of them as quickly as possible, if it needs
to be kept. I also have _todo and _waiting folders that I also often
copy messages to alongside the other folder.

I'm guessing that I should be moving the folders _todo and _waiting to
be tags, leaving the others as folders? But what are the practical benefits
of this? It's not as if my current method is really broken.


-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Trying to understand tags/folders for GMail

2014-05-23 Thread Jonathan Clark

I've been using MM for many months with GMail, but decided it was time to
try out the new feature that appeared some months ago. From the release
notes at the time:

Recently, I implemented a workaround in MailMate for the problem of
 multiple labels. It is currently an experimental solution and you can
 enable it following the instructions in the release notes for version 1.7.
 In short, MailMate can be told to handle specific Gmail labels as if they
 were tags. If a label is handled as a tag then MailMate automatically
 ignores the corresponding IMAP mailbox. Tags are already supported by
 MailMate (no integration with Mavericks yet) and uses IMAP keywords on
 standard IMAP servers.

This has left me a little uncertain about what I should change, and what
the end result will be. As it might well be the same for others, I thought
I'd ask some questions about it here, before I dive in and make some

I have about 30 GMail folders based on the topic of the message, and I
move email to one and only one of them as quickly as possible, if it needs
to be kept. I also have _todo and _waiting folders that I also often
copy messages to alongside the other folder.

I'm guessing that I should be moving the folders _todo and _waiting to
be tags, leaving the others as folders? But what are the practical benefits
of this? It's not as if my current method is really broken.


-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Sent emails copied to inbox?

2014-03-21 Thread Jonathan Clark
Sometimes - but not all the time - I send an email (without copying 
myself on CC or BCC), and immediately a copy of the email appears in my 
inbox. I'm mystified why this happens, as I don't have any conditions or 
rules on this standard MM inbox, and I don't think Gmail filters could 
do this either. I don't believe I have any other MM clever processing 
bundles active either.

How can I help debug what's going on?


-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Set default Send Later ?

2014-01-13 Thread Jonathan Clark
On Monday, January 13, 2014, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

 On 13 Jan 2014, at 0:35, Max Rydahl Andersen wrote:

 On 10 Jan 2014, at 11:51, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

 defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSendMessageDelayEnabled -bool YES
 defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmSendMessageDelay -integer 600

  I tried setting the above but I don’t see the “send later” filled out ?

 That is kinda what I hoped for - a default of 10 minutes filled in which I
 can delete in case I want it sent immediately.

 Note that you have to relaunch MailMate. I also tried pasting the lines
 above and it worked for me.

Worked for me, after a reboot.





-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Share settings on multiple installs?

2014-01-11 Thread Jonathan Clark

On 10 Jan 2014, at 21:09, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 10 Jan 2014, at 15:28, Jonathan Clark wrote:

Having tried MlMt for a month and love what it already is, and that 
route to even greater things is clear, I'm pleased to commit to it, 
So I'd
like to use it on my college computer as well. Is there a way of 
app settings (and account settings) over Dropbox, so I can keep the 
two in


No, you can easily move all the .plist files in `~/Library/Application 
Support/MailMate`, but there is no way to synchronize these. In 
particular, you should never change these files manually while 
MailMate is running.

I've considered ways to synchronize certain settings using IMAP 
itself, in particular, smart mailboxes and tags, but I haven't yet 
tried anything in practice.

I'll copy the .plist files manually, then. Thanks for a clear answer. I 
know the implementation of such a thing would be difficult. One newish 
app that has added this feature is Alfred, and having declared which one 
is the 'master', sync of settings works nicely.


-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Share settings on multiple installs?

2014-01-10 Thread Jonathan Clark
I thought I had seen this mentioned on the mailing lists, but now can't
find it.

Having tried MlMt for a month and love what it already is, and that the
route to even greater things is clear, I'm pleased to commit to it, So I'd
like to use it on my college computer as well. Is there a way of sharing
app settings (and account settings) over Dropbox, so I can keep the two in


-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] moveToMailbox keybindings w/ Gmail-hosted IMAP

2013-12-19 Thread Jonathan Clark

On 19 Dec 2013, at 9:09, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

On 19 Dec 2013, at 0:26, Jonathan Clark wrote:

I've picked up this same idea, and am trying to use it with different 
keybindings, also with the Gmail keybinding active. Unfortunately 
none of the following seem to work as hoped, even after a re-start.

1 = ( moveToMailbox:, _todo );

You should use `/_todo` to indicate that it's an account-relative path 
(otherwise MailMate thinks it's an unknown shorthand for a standard 
mailbox such as drafts, sent, etc.).

That works just fine. Many thanks.


-- Jonathan___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] moveToMailbox keybindings w/ Gmail-hosted IMAP

2013-12-18 Thread Jonathan Clark
I've picked up this same idea, and am trying to use it with different 
keybindings, also with the Gmail keybinding active. Unfortunately none 
of the following seem to work as hoped, even after a re-start.

1 = ( moveToMailbox:, _todo );
@1 = ( moveToMailbox:, _todo ); // ie, cmd-1
@! = ( moveToMailbox:, _todo ); // ie, cmd-shift-1

Pressing 1 moves between the two most recent messages in the list 
Cmd-Shift-1 moves between the two most recent messages in the list, it 

Cmd-1 is bound to View-Layout-Correspondence.

The longer form of the tag/folder name doesn't work either:

	1 = ( moveToMailbox:, 
imap:// );

As far as I can tell none of these codes are found in any of the system 
or user plists. So this has me confused. What am I missing?


-- Jonathan___
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Multiple copies of 'same' item showing in folders

2013-12-17 Thread Jonathan Clark
Thanks, TJ and Kee. I had a sneaking suspicion this would be because of 
Google's Gimap being not-standard IMAP.

Unfortunately, despite having a look through the preferences, and 
through the help, I can't seem to find the way to unsubscribe from 
[Gmail]/Starred. Could someone help find that option, please?


-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Multiple copies of 'same' item showing in folders

2013-12-16 Thread Jonathan Clark
I use Gmail, and star/flog some items as more urgent ones to deal with. 
In MM I'm wanting to use the built-in 'Flagged' smart folder, but I 
often get multiple copies of apparently the same email shown in it. When 
I expand out its sub-folders (which includes [Gmail]/Starred, 
[Gmail]/Important and INBOX), I see what's happening: each of these is 
showing the message as flagged. These all appear to be the exact same 
message (same timestamps etc.) but turning on the UID column I see that 
each one has a different UID. (I'm running build 3900, but this has been 
the case on earlier builds too.)

To me this isn't expected behaviour, but I don't want to claim it's a 
bug, since I don't understand what the different UIDs imply, and how 
they got to be applied.  Can anyone help?

I don't remember including both [Gmail]/Starred and [Gmail]/Important 
sub-folders under Flagged, but presumably this happens because MM is 
being smart and listing any folder that contains any flagged items. But 
if so, then I might need a way of ignoring the [Gmail]/Starred if it's 
always going to pick up starred items from another folder as well ..?

Yours rather confusedly,

-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] keybinding to load external references

2013-12-03 Thread Jonathan Clark

^L = {loadImagesOnce:};  // ctrl-shift-l

I use the following in my custom keybindings file:

L = loadImagesOnce:; // load external references (e.g. images) 

Aha! I had braces, which I now realise must indicate starting a list. 
Which confused things.

The uppercase L is activated on the keyboard with Shift+L, just as 
when typing an uppercase L. It works just fine.

And on my other point 1, I confirm MailMate needs to re-start before it 
picked up this change to my custom keybinding plist.

Thanks for your help.

-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailmate to Evernote

2013-11-26 Thread Jonathan Clark

On 26 Nov 2013, at 18:07, Edward Thome wrote:

On 26 Nov 2013, at 11:42, Sébastien Zürcher wrote:

Hi Michal, Hi all

I've just tested the Evernote bundle and it works fine for me (Add 
and Add with Summary).

Here my config:
OSX: 10.9 (Maverick)
Mailmate: Version 1.7.1 (3864)
Evernote: Version 5.4.3 (402230) (from the AppStore)

On 26 Nov 2013, at 17:21, Michal Hruska wrote:

Hi Benny,

I've included an Evernote AND a Things bundle matching the 
functionality of OmniFocus/Reminders.

unfortunately the Evernote bundle doesn't work for me. I have 
updated MailMate to 3864 and Evernote 5.4.3 (402231). When I use 
Command - Evernote - Add (with summary) nothing happens. However, 
OmniFocus bundle works perfecly. Anybody else with similar 
experience? My Evernote is installed as stand-alone app, not from 
App Store.

Hello Everyone. The Evernote bundle works for me, but I noted two 

1) Evernote must be running; just having it running in the background 
was insufficient.
2) I had an older version of Evernote installed, and the MailMate 
command worked with that. After updating to the most recent version of 
Evernote, I had to quit MailMate and restart MailMate before the 
command would work with the new Evernote.

Here are my observations (running latest versions of Mavericks, Evernote 
and Mailmate):

1) Evernote didn't have to be running; it was started up when needed, 
and the note created just fine.
2) It created a new notebook (Inbox) for the note. It needs to do 
something, but I'll now dig into the bundle to configure it more to my 
taste, though it was good it didn't fail silently because I didn't have 
an Inbox notebook.
3) The 'Add' command just puts the email subject into the note title 
field. This wasn't what I expected to happen, not having used other 
bundle commands before. I'd expected the 'Add' to put the whole email 
in, but the 'Add with summary' to put the email minus attachments. To 
this new user, then, the command names are confusing.

4) But, mostly, of course, thanks for adding this so quickly.

-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Mailmate to Evernote

2013-11-25 Thread Jonathan Clark
That's excellent news. You have a real eye for useful features, and for
creating a platform that lets others share in that creative spirit. You
have our thanks!

On 25 November 2013 14:13, Benny Kjær Nielsen mailingl...@freron.comwrote:

 On 25 Nov 2013, at 14:50, Sébastien Zürcher wrote:

  I was looking for a Bundle with Evernote. I found one but sadly its not

 Does somebody know something or did something about an Evernote
 intergration in MM?

 Yes, I also looked at the above, but it didn't quite work as I would like
 (and there was some hardcoded stuff which probably meant it didn't work for
 anyone but the creator), so I decided to fetch Evernote and make my own.
 Not quite ready to share, but I'll probably make it part of the next update.


 mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] How to specify Gmail's Important tag?

2013-11-18 Thread Jonathan Clark
I'm using Gmail under the hood, and I'd like to construct a smart 
mailbox in MM that shows either flagged or unread items that are marked 
with Gmail's Important tag (the yellow icon that's a cross between a 
rectangle and a lozenge). I can't see that appearing as an option in the 
Conditions part of the Smart Mailbox definition window. Is it possible?

I can imagine later wanting to extend this to distinguishing between the 
tabs in Gmail's new-look interface: Primary / Social / Promotions / 
Updates / Forums.

(I've checked the archive, and can't seem to find this covered before. 
Apologies if I haven't looked closely enough.)


-- Jonathan
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] How to specify Gmail's Important tag?

2013-11-18 Thread Jonathan Clark

On 18 Nov 2013, at 22:18, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

And to add to this, I went into Gmail settings, and discovered that 
the Important label wasn't being published over IMAP. I'd changed 
that setting ages ago for reasons I now can't remember. However, 
after a re-start or two, MailMate doesn't seem to be showing the 
Important label under Gmail source or [Gmail] folder.

Yes, MailMate ignores it because it leads to duplicates messages.

(And it has picked up other label changes I made in Gmail settings at 
the same time.) More and more curious ...

The “Important” label is a special case. Its Gmail label name 
should, in theory, be “[Gmail]/Important”, but it isn't. It's 
“\Important” instead.

So, you should define a tag named Important. It could then use 
`Important` as IMAP keyword as well, but the Gmail label must be 

Brilliant! That works for new messages ...

There seems to be a problem with MailMate picking up this change. I 
had to select messages and use “Message ▸ Reset…” to make 
MailMate pick up the label (as a tag). You might want to just remove 
the account and re-add it if it's not a big account.

... and for any I Message ▸ Reset ...

Many thanks,

-- Jonathan___
mailmate mailing list