[MlMt] Help during evaluation

2021-01-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn


I’m new to the list. I’m currently evaluating MailMate Version 1.14 
(5757). I’m on Big Sur, so I started with the pre-release.

There is a lot I love about MailMate, and I have already used the 
archives and the manual to answer many of my questions. But a few issues 
remain. Is this the right place to ask? If so, do you prefer one mail 
with all my questions, or should I write one per question?

For background: I’m a long time user of Mulberry, and I would’ve 
stayed with it if macOS hadn’t dropped support for 32-bit 
applications. When I considered replacements about a year ago, I looked 
at MailMate, but “out of the box” it didn’t seem to suit my work 
flow. I settled on Thunderbird with various add-ons at the time, but 
Thunderbird 78 has been so unstable for me that I’m taking another 
look at MailMate. I have created my own key bindings and used some of 
the hidden preferences so that I can use the traditional IMAP model for 
deleting messages.

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ 

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] S/MIME and OpenPGP issues

2021-01-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn


I’m having trouble with both security protocols. When I try to use 
S/MIME, the composer window shows;

S/MIME: Failed to generate the message
Log S/MIME sign/-
Certificates found for all addresses

Encoder created
Signer added
Requesting detached content
Content updated
errSecInternalComponent (Error code -2070.)

I enabled debugging and launched MailMate from iTerm. There it says:

Setting security level/protocol: sign/S/MIME (none/Unknown)
 Protocol changed (resetting message): Unknown != S/MIME (none > sign)
Searching for certificate for identity haged...@uni-koeln.de
 Looking for preferred certificate
  Not found
 Require system matched email address
 Looking for candidate(s)
 Found 2 candidate(s)
  Found match (2379AD18EB0F7DADF38A62DF) with score 29
  Found match (2379AD18EB0F7DADF38A62DF) with score 29
  Found 2 valid candidates
S/MIME sign/-
Certificates found for all addresses

 Encoder created
 Signer added
 Requesting detached content
 Content updated
errSecInternalComponent (Error code -2070.)

Warning: Decoding empty text body for id -26
Warning: Decoding empty text body for id -29

FWIW, S/MIME worked for a while, but it showed the notorious “macOS 
wants to make changes” dialog every time (the same in Mail.app). So I 
removed my certificate and private key from the keychain and re-added 
them. Now everything appears to be fine in Mail.app, but MailMate 
isn’t happy. It clearly finds the right key (twice for some reason), 
but then something goes wrong.


As for OpenPGP, I see the following:

OpenPGP: Unexpectedly found no output when decryption and/or verifying 
(it might be a temporary system issue)
Command	/usr/local/bin/gpg --no-verbose --batch --no-tty --compliance 
"openpgp" --status-fd 2 --textmode --armor --local-user 
"" --detach-sign
Output	[GNUPG:] KEY_CONSIDERED CE8BE30386737922A89F86D7197B06994D105B45 

[GNUPG:] USERID_HINT 197B06994D105B45 Sebastian Hagedorn 

[GNUPG:] NEED_PASSPHRASE 197B06994D105B45 197B06994D105B45 17 0
gpg: Sorry, we are in batchmode - can't get input

I have a suspicion that is caused by something in my gpg settings, but I 
don’t see anything obvious.


   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Help during evaluation

2021-01-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

On 5 Jan 2021, at 10:59, Raza Rizvi wrote:

On 5 Jan 2021, at 9:26, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:


I’m new to the list. I’m currently evaluating MailMate Version 
1.14 (5757). I’m on Big Sur, so I started with the pre-release.

There is a lot I love about MailMate, and I have already used the 
archives and the manual to answer many of my questions. But a few 
issues remain. Is this the right place to ask? If so, do you prefer 
one mail with all my questions, or should I write one per question?


I think I recognise you from the Mulberry mailing list, so you will 
probably find you and I are not the only former Mulberry users.

I guess batch questions when you have a lot to ask, otherwise send 
them in when the problems crop up. Feel free to mail me directly if 
you feel shy to ask the group!

Thanks, I’m not shy as long as people don’t complain about me 
“spamming” the list with my questions :D

I’ve decided to use separate mails, so there will be a few.

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME and OpenPGP issues

2021-01-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
Possible, but IMO that’s not really a solution. Every other mail 
application I have used had a method for requesting and/or storing the 
passphrase. It’s also stored in my keychain. Can somebody confirm if 
that is expected behaviour with a protected key?

On 5 Jan 2021, at 12:11, Alexandre Takacs wrote:

It would seems that your key I password protected and PGP is working 
in a batch mode not allowing it to request said pass.

Can you try with a non protected key (as a test to validate the above) 

On 5 Jan 2021, at 10:56, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

gpg: Sorry, we are in batchmode - can't get input

I have a suspicion that is caused by something in my gpg settings, 
but I don’t see anything obvious.


mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Looking for better identity support, or a workaround

2021-01-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn


here is the workflow that I’m used to from Mulberry and Thunderbird:

• I have multiple identities set up for my various roles in my job
• Each identity has values for From:, Cc:, and Reply-To: headers, plus 
a signature
• Ideally, it also has a setting for a mailbox where sent messages 
(along with the original message if I am answering one) are stored.

With MailMate I can set up identities by specifying multiple email 
addresses for my IMAP accounts, and I can tie signatures to the 
addresses (although I notice that only works for one of them?!). But 
there is no way to automatically set the other headers, is there?
I created a workaround for new messages with Keyboard Maestro: I run a 
shell script that invokes the emate CLI tool with arguments for -r, -c, 
and -r. That works fine, but it doesn’t help when I’m answering a 
Am I overlooking something, or is there currently no way to achieve 
that? I expected to find a Key Binding Selector for the Composer that 
would let me set the headers, but I don’t see anything there.

Does anybody have a solution for what I’m looking for?

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ 

mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME and OpenPGP issues

2021-01-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
Thanks. I went one a side quest for a while, because your public key 
couldn’t be loaded. Somehow the Let’s Encrypted certificate for 
hkps://keys.openpgp.org wasn’t trusted. I switched to 
eu.pool.sks-keyservers.net, and now that part is working, at least.

To answer your question: yes, gpg-agent is running:

  505  1633 1   0 11:15am ?? 0:00.30 gpg-agent --homedir 
/Users/hgd/.gnupg --use-standard-socket --daemon

The version that’s running is from MacGPG. I also have a separate 
installation from Homebrew, but that’s not being used. Perhaps we 
could compare configuration files?


default-cache-ttl 300
max-cache-ttl 99


default-key haged...@spinfo.uni-koeln.de
encrypt-to 09C25485
#compress-algo 1
trust-model direct
#keyserver hkp://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
keyserver-options include-subkeys no-include-revoked timeout=5
charset utf8
group uk...@uni-koeln.de=4D105B45 C46E14A6

group BUDDY=
auto-key-locate keyserver
pinentry-mode loopback

To be honest, some of these options are 20 years old, and I don’t even 
remember what there were for :D


On 5 Jan 2021, at 13:05, Thomas Kahle wrote:

On 5 Jan 2021, at 12:23, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

Possible, but IMO that’s not really a solution. Every other mail 
application I have used had a method for requesting and/or storing 
the passphrase. It’s also stored in my keychain. Can somebody 
confirm if that is expected behaviour with a protected key?

I use encrypted pgp keys whose passphrases are stored in keychain and 
it works completely transparently.

When I switched from Thunderbird to Mailmate it just worked out of the 
box.  Have you configured gig-agent?  Is it running?

What’s the output of `ps -ef | grep gpg-agent` ?


On 5 Jan 2021, at 12:11, Alexandre Takacs wrote:

It would seems that your key I password protected and PGP is working 
in a batch mode not allowing it to request said pass.

Can you try with a non protected key (as a test to validate the 
above) ?

On 5 Jan 2021, at 10:56, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

gpg: Sorry, we are in batchmode - can't get input

I have a suspicion that is caused by something in my gpg settings, 
but I don’t see anything obvious.


mailmate mailing list

mailmate mailing list

Thomas Kahle

mailmate mailing list
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME and OpenPGP issues

2021-01-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

that didn’t really help. With that setting I get:

gpg: invalid pinentry mode 

But it led me in the right direction. I commented out the pinentry-mode lines, 
and now it seems to be working! I get a warning that SHA-1 is used and this 

The hash function used for the message digest has been obsoleted due to 
security concerns. You should change your OpenPGP settings to use a stronger 
hash algorithm for the digest (such as SHA256).

Do you know off-hand how I can do that?


On 5 Jan 2021, at 17:26, Thomas Kahle wrote:

> Hi,
> Why not set
> pinentry-program 
> /usr/local/MacGPG2/libexec/pinentry-mac.app/Contents/MacOS/pinentry-mac
> in gpg-agent.conf?
> In both of your files there are things with ‘pinentry loopback’.  I don’t 
> know what it is, but maybe the first step would be to have a pinentry program 
> actually pop-up?  I don’t know what loopback refers to, but I would start to 
> investigate there.
> Good luck,
> Thomas
> On 5 Jan 2021, at 14:56, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
>> Thanks. I went one a side quest for a while, because your public key 
>> couldn’t be loaded. Somehow the Let’s Encrypted certificate for 
>> hkps://keys.openpgp.org wasn’t trusted. I switched to 
>> eu.pool.sks-keyservers.net, and now that part is working, at least.
>> To answer your question: yes, gpg-agent is running:
>>   505  1633 1   0 11:15am ?? 0:00.30 gpg-agent --homedir 
>> /Users/hgd/.gnupg --use-standard-socket --daemon
>> The version that’s running is from MacGPG. I also have a separate 
>> installation from Homebrew, but that’s not being used. Perhaps we could 
>> compare configuration files?
>> gpg-agent.conf:
>> default-cache-ttl 300
>> max-cache-ttl 99
>> #pinentry-program
>> allow-loopback-pinentry
>> gpg.conf:
>> armor
>> #openpgp
>> default-key haged...@spinfo.uni-koeln.de
>> encrypt-to 09C25485
>> force-mdc
>> #compress-algo 1
>> #no-secmem-warning
>> trust-model direct
>> #keyserver hkp://wwwkeys.de.pgp.net
>> keyserver-options include-subkeys no-include-revoked timeout=5
>> charset utf8
>> utf8-strings
>> group uk...@uni-koeln.de=4D105B45 C46E14A6
>> group BUDDY=
>> emit-version
>> auto-key-locate keyserver
>> auto-key-retrieve
>> use-agent
>> pinentry-mode loopback
>> To be honest, some of these options are 20 years old, and I don’t even 
>> remember what there were for :D
>> Cheers,
>> Sebastian
>> On 5 Jan 2021, at 13:05, Thomas Kahle wrote:
>>> On 5 Jan 2021, at 12:23, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
>>>> Possible, but IMO that’s not really a solution. Every other mail 
>>>> application I have used had a method for requesting and/or storing the 
>>>> passphrase. It’s also stored in my keychain. Can somebody confirm if that 
>>>> is expected behaviour with a protected key?
>>> I use encrypted pgp keys whose passphrases are stored in keychain and it 
>>> works completely transparently.
>>> When I switched from Thunderbird to Mailmate it just worked out of the box. 
>>>  Have you configured gig-agent?  Is it running?
>>> What’s the output of `ps -ef | grep gpg-agent` ?
>>> Cheers,
>>> Thomas
>>>> On 5 Jan 2021, at 12:11, Alexandre Takacs wrote:
>>>>> It would seems that your key I password protected and PGP is working in a 
>>>>> batch mode not allowing it to request said pass.
>>>>> Can you try with a non protected key (as a test to validate the above) ?
>>>>> On 5 Jan 2021, at 10:56, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
>>>>>> gpg: Sorry, we are in batchmode - can't get input
>>>>>> I have a suspicion that is caused by something in my gpg settings, but I 
>>>>>> don’t see anything obvious.
>>>>>> Ideas?
>>>>> ___
>>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>>> ___
>>>> mailmate mailing list
>>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>>> --
>>> Thomas Kahle
>>> https://www.thomas-kahle.de
>>> ___
>>> mailmate mailing list
>>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> --
> Thomas Kahle
> https://www.thomas-kahle.de

> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME and OpenPGP issues

2021-01-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

I appreciate your help!


On 5 Jan 2021, at 17:39, Thomas Kahle wrote:

> Hi,
> On 5 Jan 2021, at 17:35, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
>> The hash function used for the message digest has been obsoleted due to 
>> security concerns. You should change your OpenPGP settings to use a stronger 
>> hash algorithm for the digest (such as SHA256).
>> Do you know off-hand how I can do that?
> I use this in gpg.conf:
> ```
> cert-digest-algo SHA512
> default-preference-list SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224 AES256 AES192 AES CAST5 
> ZLIB BZIP2 ZIP Uncompressed
> personal-digest-preferences SHA512 SHA384 SHA256 SHA224
> ```
> Cheers,
> Thomas
> --
> Thomas Kahle
> https://www.thomas-kahle.de

> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Tabs aren't restored

2021-01-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn


I wonder if this is a new feature of the pre-release, because I can’t seem to 
find it in the manual. I like that I can create tabs (mostly for additional 
Viewer Windows), but I don’t like that they aren’t restored when I quit and 
re-launch the app. Instead all formerly open tabs seem to open in separate 
windows. Is that a known issue?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] "Colored Messages" and automatic appearance switching

2021-01-05 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn


I played around with coloring my messages as described here:


I was quite pleased with my result until Big Sur automatically switched the 
appearance to Dark Mode when the sun set … making the message list almost 

I see two solutions: two separate Styles.plist sets for Light Mode and Dark 
Mode, or to disregard the custom styles when Dark Mode is activated.

Are these custom styles something other people are actively using, or should I 
just forget about it?


Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Why is my "parsed output" empty?

2021-01-07 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

I’m trying to write my first Bundle, but apparently I’m doing something wrong. 
I started from the Bundle MailMan, because it does something similar to what I 
want to achieve. When I run that Bundle’s “Approve” command, this is the debug 

2021-01-07 11:25:51.396 MailMate[39607:253140] performBundleItemWithUUIDString: 
Triggered command named “Approve”
Input type is “none”
Triggered command named “Approve” for single message (669206)
 Time elapsed: 12.833000 (Approve)

Raw output from command:
{ actions = (
type = replyMessage;
body = "Approved: 
subpart = "3.1";
headers = {
"#posting-style" = "top";
"#signature" = "";
"from" = "Sebastian Hagedorn 
resultActions = (
type = "openMessage";

Parsed output from command:
{   actions = (
{   body = "Approved: 
headers = {
"#posting-style" = "top";
"#signature" = "";
from = "Sebastian Hagedorn 
resultActions = ( { type = "openMessage"; } );
subpart = "3.1";
type = "replyMessage";

Final result:
{   actions = (
{   body = "Approved: 
    headers = {
"#posting-style" = "top";
"#signature" = "";
from = "Sebastian Hagedorn 
ids = ( 669206 );
resultActions = ( { type = "openMessage"; } );
subpart = "3.1";
type = "replyMessage";

When I run my own Bundle command instead, it looks like this:

2021-01-07 11:28:23.215 MailMate[39607:253140] performBundleItemWithUUIDString: 
Triggered command named “Listmaster-Antwort”
Input type is “none”
Triggered command named “Listmaster-Antwort” for single message (669206)
 Time elapsed: 0.253000 (Listmaster-Antwort)

Raw output from command:
{ actions = (
type = replyMessage;
    body = "Test";
subpart = "3.1";
headers = {
"#posting-style" = "top";
"#signature" = "";
"from" = "Sebastian Hagedorn 
resultActions = (
    type = "openMessage";

Parsed output from command:
{ }

Final result:
{ actions = ( ); }

What is happening? As far as I can tell, the raw outputs are virtually 
identical. Why is the parsed output and the final result for my command empty?

Cheers, Sebastian
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME and OpenPGP issues

2021-01-07 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

OpenPGP is working now, but I still haven’t solved the S/MIME issue. I noticed 
a thread from 2018 in the archives, where this was the last message from Benny 
Kjær Nielsen:

> On 24 Aug 2018, at 13:41, Alexandre Takacs wrote:
>> I get to the point I where I am being asked for my keychain pass to access 
>> the signing cert. But once said password is provided I get 
>> "errSecInternalComponent (error code -2070)".
> I some times see this error, but I'm not sure what can trigger it. Continuing 
> to edit and hitting ⌘S usually clears it up. The error itself is 
> unfortunately not very informative.
> You can enable the following and launch from a Terminal window to see how far 
> MailMate is before it fails:
>   defaults write com.freron.MailMate MmDebugSecurity -bool YES
>   /Applications/MailMate.app/Contents/MacOS/MailMate
> It might also be a good idea to restart the machine. Although I cannot 
> reliably reproduce it I have a feeling that the keychain system often gets 
> into a “bad” state when I'm working with certificates.

That’s the same error message that I get. In my case hitting ⌘S does not work, 
and restarting my Mac hasn’t helped either. I removed one instance of my 
certificate from the keychain so that MailMate only finds one, but that didn’t 
resolve the issue either. I ran “log stream” from the Terminal to observe what 
is happening when that error pos up, but I don’t know what to do with the 

2021-01-07 13:07:17.274425+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) Created 
Activity ID: 0x8641c, Description: SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes
2021-01-07 13:07:17.275346+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) Created 
Activity ID: 0x8641d, Description: SecKeychainSearchCopyNext
2021-01-07 13:07:17.275713+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
[com.apple.securityd:security_exception] CSSM Exception: -2147413737 
2021-01-07 13:07:17.275826+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
[com.apple.securityd:integrity] dbBlobVersion() failed for a non-existent 
2021-01-07 13:07:17.276234+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
[com.apple.securityd:security_exception] CSSM Exception: -2147413737 

Is there anything else I should try?
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

On 5 Jan 2021, at 11:56, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

> When I try to use S/MIME, the composer window shows;
> S/MIME: Failed to generate the message
> Log   S/MIME sign/-
> Certificates found for all addresses
> Encoder created
> Signer added
> Requesting detached content
> Content updated
> errSecInternalComponent (Error code -2070.)
> I enabled debugging and launched MailMate from iTerm. There it says:
> Setting security level/protocol: sign/S/MIME (none/Unknown)
>  Protocol changed (resetting message): Unknown != S/MIME (none > sign)
> Searching for certificate for identity haged...@uni-koeln.de
>  Looking for preferred certificate
>   Not found
>  Require system matched email address
>  Looking for candidate(s)
>  Found 2 candidate(s)
>   Found match (2379AD18EB0F7DADF38A62DF) with score 29
>   Found match (2379AD18EB0F7DADF38A62DF) with score 29
>   Found 2 valid candidates
> S/MIME sign/-
> Certificates found for all addresses
>  Encoder created
>  Signer added
>  Requesting detached content
>  Content updated
> errSecInternalComponent (Error code -2070.)
> Warning: Decoding empty text body for id -26
> Warning: Decoding empty text body for id -29

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME and OpenPGP issues

2021-01-07 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 7 Jan 2021, at 14:49, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> 2021-01-07 13:07:17.274425+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
> Created Activity ID: 0x8641c, Description: 
> SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes
> 2021-01-07 13:07:17.275346+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
> Created Activity ID: 0x8641d, Description: SecKeychainSearchCopyNext
> 2021-01-07 13:07:17.275713+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
> [com.apple.securityd:security_exception] CSSM Exception: -2147413737 
> 2021-01-07 13:07:17.275826+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
> [com.apple.securityd:integrity] dbBlobVersion() failed for a non-existent 
> database
> 2021-01-07 13:07:17.276234+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
> [com.apple.securityd:security_exception] CSSM Exception: -2147413737 
> But I have no idea what `CSSMERR_DL_DATASTORE_DOESNOT_EXIST` means. Googling 
> seems to indicate that it might be related to an empty/faulty keychain. Maybe 
> see if anything in Keychain Access seems out of the ordinary.

Thanks, I already did. There was an empty keychain called 
Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates that I removed. There is another empty one 
that’s called accountsKeychainExport, but apparently that one cannot be deleted.

But it’s clearly a local issue on that specific Mac, because I copied all 
settings to a different Mac. S/MIME signing works there, but there’s a 
different issue: MailMate picks an expired certificate. The problem is that you 
need to keep expired certificates around if you want to be able to decrypt 
older mails. I verified that the current certificate is in the keychain. For 
some reason MailMate picks the wrong one.
I tried to set the certificate using Security.plist. This line looks as if that 

Setup (S/MIME) mapping of address “haged...@uni-koeln.de” to serial: 

… and it did! I will experiment some more and let you know if U can get this 
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] S/MIME and OpenPGP issues

2021-01-08 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 7 Jan 2021, at 16:32, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

> On 7 Jan 2021, at 14:49, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
> 2021-01-07 13:07:17.274425+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
> Created Activity ID: 0x8641c, Description: 
> SecKeychainSearchCreateFromAttributes
> 2021-01-07 13:07:17.275346+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
> Created Activity ID: 0x8641d, Description: SecKeychainSearchCopyNext
> 2021-01-07 13:07:17.275713+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
> [com.apple.securityd:security_exception] CSSM Exception: -2147413737 
> 2021-01-07 13:07:17.275826+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
> [com.apple.securityd:integrity] dbBlobVersion() failed for a non-existent 
> database
> 2021-01-07 13:07:17.276234+0100  localhost MailMate[39607]: (Security) 
> [com.apple.securityd:security_exception] CSSM Exception: -2147413737 
> But I have no idea what `CSSMERR_DL_DATASTORE_DOESNOT_EXIST` means. Googling 
> seems to indicate that it might be related to an empty/faulty keychain. Maybe 
> see if anything in Keychain Access seems out of the ordinary.
> Thanks, I already did. There was an empty keychain called 
> Microsoft_Intermediate_Certificates that I removed. There is another empty 
> one that’s called accountsKeychainExport, but apparently that one cannot be 
> deleted.
> But it’s clearly a local issue on that specific Mac, because I copied all 
> settings to a different Mac. S/MIME signing works there, but there’s a 
> different issue: MailMate picks an expired certificate. The problem is that 
> you need to keep expired certificates around if you want to be able to 
> decrypt older mails. I verified that the current certificate is in the 
> keychain. For some reason MailMate picks the wrong one.
> I tried to set the certificate using Security.plist. This line looks as if 
> that worked:
> Setup (S/MIME) mapping of address “haged...@uni-koeln.de” to serial: 
> “2379AD18EB0F7DADF38A62DF”
> … and it did! I will experiment some more and let you know if U can get this 
> resolved.

For the archive, I managed to solve the problem. The root cause was that the 
private key for my certificate was in the System keychain as a duplicate. I had 
noticed a duplicate of my certificate there before and had already deleted 
that, but the key remained. Before I realized that I had deployed the nuclear 
option and completely reset my user keychain. After I added my certificate and 
key, S/MIME worked again, but the “macOS wants to make changes” dialogs were 
Fortunately I noticed that the System keychain was referenced, and that led me 
to that stray private key. I still see the error 
CSSMERR_DL_DATASTORE_DOESNOT_EXIST, but apparently that’s not related.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: S/MIME digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] BCC contact visibility on sent messages

2021-01-12 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 12 Jan 2021, at 17:00, Raza Rizvi wrote:

> I just noticed that in r5757 (but this could be by design) that when a mail 
> is sent to BCC addressees and the sender includes themselves on the BCC (I do 
> this automatically using the documented hidden preference) that one cannot 
> see the BCC senders to whom the message was sent when the message is viewed 
> by the sender.
> That seems both correct and illogical at the same time. I am sure that with 
> other mail clients the same behaviour lets me see who I have BCCed the 
> message to after it has been sent.
> Am I right, or is this as it should be?

That is definitely as it should be if you are referring to a copy you have 
received via BCC. However, a copy stored in sent-mail or wherever you store 
outgoing messages could and should have that information, and I just verified 
that it does with r5757.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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[MlMt] Support options

2021-01-18 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

I have now bought a MailMate license and I have become a patron (at the lowest 
level for now), but there are still unresolved problems.

There seem to be three options for getting support:

• this mailing list
• the issue tracker (https://tracker.mailmate-app.com/tickets)
• direct feedback to mm-i...@freron.com

I’m unclear on which is for what. I suppose the mailing list is basically 
community support. I have used the list with some success (thanks!), but for a 
few of my issues there was no reply.
I would’ve assumed the issue tracker to be the main “proper” support method, 
but I see there are 1,188 open tickets! That doesn’t instill a lot of 
confidence in me that tickets are actually looked at. That leaves “direct 
feedback”, which I have been hesitant to use, because it feels so intrusive.

In your experience, should I use “direct feedback” for my unanswered questions?

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] Support options

2021-01-18 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 18 Jan 2021, at 16:59, Annamarie Pluhar wrote:

> Sebastian - This is a very active list of people who are interested in 
> helping. I’m not sure what issues you were dealing with that went unanswered. 
> Could it be that the reader wasn’t clear enough about the issue to be able to 
> be of help?

That’s always a possibility, but my guess is my questions were so technical 
that only Benny himself can answer them. I have now sent him my two most 
pressing questions (regarding the use of identities, and how to write Bundles). 
FWIW, the two other unanswered question are more suitable for the issue tracker 
– in fact, one of the issues was already on there:


The other is a feature request for Styles in combination with Big Sur’s 
automatic switching between Light Mode and Dark Mode. I will create a new issue 
in the tracker for that.

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] R5757 is pretty buggy => I see wrong encoding

2021-01-19 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 19 Jan 2021, at 11:55, Robert M. Münch wrote:

> Hi, I’m using 5757 since I abandoned Beta-v2 but fight a lot of annoying 
> little bugs.
> I now see that my name is screwed up like:
> To: Robert M. Münch 
> for many replies I get. That wasn’t the case in the past. Any idea what this 
> could be?
> Since switching to R5757 I used: defaults write com.freron.MailMate 
> MmSMTPUTF8Enabled -bool YES could this be the root cause?

Yes. As the manual says:

“Don’t enable this if you don’t really know what you are doing. Review your 
outgoing messages (⌥⌘U) and make sure both server and recipients can handle it.”

When people’s replies to you are broken, that means some server cannot handle 
it. Your From: header arrived here UTF8-encoded even though our servers do not 
announce 8BITMIME or SMTPUTF8. So at the very least the MTA delivering the 
message to us behaved wrong.

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: S/MIME digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] R5757 is pretty buggy => I see wrong encoding

2021-01-19 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 19 Jan 2021, at 17:04, Robert M. Münch wrote:

> On 19 Jan 2021, at 13:35, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
> Yes. As the manual says: “Don’t enable this if you don’t really know what you 
> are doing. Review your outgoing messages (⌥⌘U) and make sure both server and 
> recipients can handle it.”
> Yes, read it… but OK, my fault. I really thought that all major systems used 
> by companies support this UTF8 stuff these days… well, lesson learned.

Everybody supports UTF8 in the mail body, but mail headers are a different 
issue altogether.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: OpenPGP digital signature
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Re: [MlMt] Messages marked as “read” in Version 1.14 (5757)

2021-02-18 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 18 Feb 2021, at 12:51, Rob McBroom wrote:

> I have MailMate setup with the preview pane hidden. Though I really like the 
> idea, I’ve never used a preview pane in any mail app for one reason: It marks 
> messages as read when they’re *selected*, and not when I *read* them.
> In the latest version of MailMate, disabling the preview pane doesn’t help. 
> Whenever I have a message open (in a separate window, obviously) and I delete 
> it or move it with ⌥⌘T, the next message in the list is selected **and marked 
> as read**, even though it’s never been opened or previewed.
> I haven’t seen anyone else mention this. Is it just me? It’s creating a lot 
> of work, going back and marking things unread.

I use the same approach as you, and that does not happen to me. But I have set 
several hidden preferences that might affect the behavior. Do you have enabled 
MmSingleMessageWindowClosesAfterMove? I’m not sure that’s it, but it might be?
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: S/MIME digital signature
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Re: [MlMt] Labels/colors, global rules, and in-line reply/f=f

2021-03-03 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

I recently learned you can use names instead:

color = "systemRedColor";

Here’s the list:


I’d recommend using the adaptable colors.


On 2 Mar 2021, at 22:33, Topher Buck wrote:

Benny et al.,

This inquiry relates to 

Has there been any significant update to this functionality in the 
last three years? I, too, am interested in using rules to set flags of 
various colors on incoming messages.

Thank you,



Benny Kjær Nielsen Thu, 25 Jan 2018 02:36:07 -0800

On 24 Jan 2018, at 21:05, Randall Gellens wrote:

Is there a cheat sheet for which bit values represent which 

This might be a good time to mention that I spent the past few days on 
refactoring the parts of MailMate dealing with displaying/editing 
search (and smart mailbox) conditions (and also rule actions and the 
mailboxes pane in the mailbox editor). This *should* make it easier 
for me to add new features such as a simpler GUI for matching on 
colored flags. We'll see.

The latest test release includes this refactoring. This doesn't really 
include any (major) new features, but there is of course a risk that 
I've introduced some bugs. In other words, keep an eye out for any 
weird smart mailbox behavior when editing mailboxes/conditions/rules.

The refactoring should make it much harder for me to introduce new 
bugs when adding features to this part of the interface. Technically, 
I think I've finally tamed Apple's NSRuleEditor.


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Re: [MlMt] Apply rule to sent messages?

2021-03-27 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 27 Mar 2021, at 3:47, Andrew Buc wrote:

> 20-odd years ago I was running an OS/2 (really!) mail client, PMMail/2, that 
> would let me apply rules to a message when it was sent. For any given friend 
> I’d set up a rule sending messages to or from that friend to that friend’s 
> dedicated folder. That way I could easily see both sides of the 
> correspondence with the friend.

I used the same approach with Mulberry. I didn’t need rules, because there was 
a setting where you could choose a folder for each outgoing message, with the 
option to save the message being answered to to the same folder. MailMate 
favours a use-model where you don’t separate mail into physical folders, but 
rather use smart folders. So you could have a smart folder for each friend 
instead, and it wouldn’t matter in which actual folder the messages are. But 
I’m “old” and prefer my way, also because it’s faster. Here’s what I do:

• All messages are delivered to my INBOX
• I have enabled the hidden preference 
• So when I reply, the answer is copied to the INBOX as well
• I then select both the original message and the reply and move them to the 
desired folder using Option-Cmd-T

The only issue are messages I send that aren’t replies. I would like the option 
to choose a folder for those while composing my message, but for now I can live 
with my solution.

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Re: [MlMt] Default format=flowed change in 5800?

2021-05-03 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 3 May 2021, at 15:43, Pete Resnick wrote:

> Saw this in the release notes for Test Build 5800:
> Changed: By default, MailMate no longer uses the format=flowed standard. For 
> now, it can be enabled using MmFormatFlowedEnabled if needed/preferred.
> Why the change? There should be more format=flowed in the world, not less, 
> IMO.

I agree, and it appears messages signed with S/MIME never use format=flowed 
(with MailMate), even when MmFormatFlowedEnabled is set. I don’t think that is 
a limitation of the S/MIME standards because old messages I sent using Mulberry 
did use format=flowed together with S/MIME.

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Re: [MlMt] Keyboard shortcuts for message-only window in r5800 are not working

2021-05-10 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 9 May 2021, at 1:02, Mike Alexander wrote:

> I think the problem is not keyboard shortcuts as such, but the next/previous 
> command in single message windows. I've noticed that the next or previous 
> message causes the next or previous message in the mailbox window (which does 
> not have focus) to be selected but not opened.  Instead the currently opened 
> message remains open.  This is true the first time you use next or previous 
> message, subsequent attempts to use it do nothing.  This happens no matter 
> how you trigger the action.
> I suspect this is related to this item from the 5799 release notes: "Fixed: 
> Some actions in the single message window did not work. (Fixing this involved 
> some low level changes which might have unexpected side-effects.)"
> FWIW I'm seeing this running 5802 on Mohave.

That’s a show stopper for me, so I’m sticking with 5798 as long as that isn’t 
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: S/MIME digital signature
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Re: [MlMt] MM copy an paste: empty lines

2021-07-02 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 1 Jul 2021, at 15:14, Robert Anders wrote:

> I don't know when this changed, but im getting empty lines between text 
> and/or copied text from the body of a mail in MM.
> I'm using the plain text view.
> Example: Text copied from a mail or shown in a mail:
> - Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> - Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
> -> this yields extra lines that are not shown in the originating mail
> - Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8; format=flowed
> - Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> -> no extra lines
> - Content-Type: text/plain;
> - charset="iso-8859-1"
> - Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> -> extra lines are shown and are copied
> - Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
> - Content-Transfer-Encoding: QUOTED-PRINTABLE
> - Content-Disposition: inline
> -> No extra lines but extra whitespace in front of the line when pasted (not 
> shown)
> Anyone else having this problem? How can i paste exactly what i'm seeing?

That issue appeared r5813, which is why I have reverted to r5812. Benny has 
promised to fix it eventually.

The issue is caused by this change: “Changed: Added experimental code improving 
copying to the pasteboard from a message body.”
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: S/MIME digital signature
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Re: [MlMt] MailMate needs to be updated warning

2021-08-20 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 20 Aug 2021, at 16:38, Randy H. Tjahjono wrote:

> I'm running the Monterey beta, and when launching MailMate I will 
> occasionally get this warning
> [ "MM Warning-GIF.gif" ]
> Clicking on the *Learn More* link takes me to 
> https://www.python.org/doc/sunset-python-2/
> I'm not sure if this is an issue with Monterey, MailMate, Python, all three, 
> or no issue at all.

Which version of MailMate do you have? When you’re running a macOS beta, you 
should also be running the most recent MailMate beta:

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: S/MIME digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] "return code 554"

2021-09-20 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 20 Sep 2021, at 16:16, Jean-Pierre Gattuso wrote:

> I have not used mailmate for 3 weeks while on vacation. Today every messages 
> that I forward bounce back with the following error:
> Unexpected return code 554 (expected 250):
> “5.7.1 Rejected for policy reason”.
> I do not recall this happened before and wonder how this issue can be 
> overcome.

You need to ask the people running the SMTP server you’re using. Apparently 
they changed their policy for forwarding messages.

Kind regards,
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: S/MIME digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Update check fails (was: Re: Beta Downloads (was: Thanks for r5826 — Composer fix))

2021-10-01 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
It's probably the X3 root certificate:


Von meinem iPhone gesendet

> Am 01.10.2021 um 20:17 schrieb Greg Earle :
> On 24 Sep 2021, at 14:25, Bob Stern wrote:
>> This URL sorts by date:
>> https://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/?C=M;O=D
>> Bob
 On 23 Sep 2021, at 10:18, m...@rhp.tw wrote:
>>> https://updates.mailmate-app.com/archives/
>>> It's not sorted by date so be careful you don't accidentally download an 
>>> old version
> I just noticed (from looking at Bob's archives URL) that I am still running 
> the Public MailMate 1.13.2 (5673) release from last year.
> I went into Preferences... -> Software Update and was surprised to see this:
>Last Check: SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
> I clicked on "Check Now" and I get the same thing - a pop-up saying
>Error Checking for new Version
>SSL certificate problem: certificate has expired
> Is this some local SSL cert on my own system?  If I go to https://freron.com/ 
> in a Web browser I see a valid Let's Encrypt cert issued by "R3" that doesn't 
> expire until
> Expires: Monday, December 20, 2021 at 7:33:44 PM Pacific Standard Time
> So, where is the expired certificate?
>- Greg
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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Re: [MlMt] Update check fails (was: Re: Beta Downloads (was: Thanks for r5826 — Composer fix))

2021-10-07 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 7 Oct 2021, at 18:49, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 1 Oct 2021, at 20:22, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
>> It's probably the X3 root certificate:
>> https://letsencrypt.org/docs/dst-root-ca-x3-expiration-september-2021/
> Do you then also know of an “easy” fix?

No. The issue is client-side, as you have noticed. We (Cologne University) had 
some issues with clients that weren’t easy to upgrade, and in a few specific 
cases my coworkers who run the web servers switched them to use a different CA 
(other than Let’s Encrypt). If the problem is severe enough, i.e., it affects 
many of your customers, you might consider doing that.

Or you could perhaps use freron.com to serve the updates instead of 
mailmate-app.com? I noticed that freron.com has an Amazon certificate, and only 
mailmate-app.com has Let’s Encrypt X1. But I guess you would need to update the 
clients to switch the download path, so that’s a Catch 22 …
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] New problem

2021-10-28 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 28 Oct 2021, at 14:17, aisrael wrote:

> I experience a recent problem, which may or may not be related to Mailmate. 
> Since a week the app no longer fetches the new messages which arrive on the 
> server. I have to quit and relaunch Mailmate to get these new messages, which 
> is of course not a viable solution. Otherwise, my other mail clients work 
> well, so for some reason it only occurs with Mailmate.
> I have tried to change the Mailmate version, just in case that would be the 
> problem, but when I tried to check for new versions, I got the following 
> error message :
> *Error checking for new version
> LibreSSL SSL_connect : SSL-ERROR-SYSCALL in connection to 
> updates.mailmate-app.com:443*
> Does that relate to the port I use? But I don’t use a port for incoming 
> email, only for SMTP.

Try this procedure:


I think that will fix the issue.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] Redirect Auth Error

2021-11-06 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 5 Nov 2021, at 19:30, Chad Albert wrote:

> Good day,
> I am getting an error trying to redirect. I don’t get errors sending or 
> receiving.
> Unexpected return code 551 (expected 250):
> “5.7.1 Not authorised to send from this mailfrom address”.
> Any ideas? The SMTP section in activit viewer shows an %40 in place of @. 
> Might tat be it??
> Chad

That means your provider (the entity running the SMTP server you’re using) 
won’t let you send messages from any address, but probably only the address 
that’s registered with your account there. If you need to redirect messages, 
you will have to find a different mail provider.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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[MlMt] Changes in 5859 break Styles.plist support

2022-01-19 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

I’m unhappy with the changes in the new release wrt color. I have an extensive 
Styles.plist that uses colors to differentiate between flags. With 5859 the 
fontStyle settings are still honored, but whatever color is specified appears 
to be ignored. Could that be fixed?

I’m also unsure how the Accent Color “Multicolor” is supposed to work. Are 
there examples where that works differently from choosing a specific color? I 
don’t like “System Indigo” in MailMate, but I would like to leave the System 
setting as it is.

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: S/MIME digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Changes in 5859 break Styles.plist support

2022-01-19 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 19 Jan 2022, at 20:03, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 19 Jan 2022, at 17:19, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
>> On 19 Jan 2022, at 16:54, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
>>> I’m unhappy with the changes in the new release wrt color. I have an 
>>> extensive Styles.plist that uses colors to differentiate between flags. 
>>> With 5859 the fontStyle settings are still honored, but whatever color is 
>>> specified appears to be ignored. Could that be fixed?
>> Yes, this was not intentionally broken. For now, it should not be a problem 
>> to keep the support for the old configuration file.
> I haven't actually tested this (I'm on 10.15 right now), but I believe this 
> should work in r5860.

It does! Thanks for the quick fix.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] How to disable copying text as Markdown?

2022-01-26 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
From the release notes:

Revision 5861 (Thursday, January 20, 2022)

New: Menu items “Copy as Markdown”/“Copy as HTML” (⇧⌘C/⌥⌘C) added to explicitly 
allow the user to put these variants on the pasteboard.
Changed: Default copy behavior is always simple non-Markdown plain text.

On 27 Jan 2022, at 2:03, Quinn Comendant wrote:

> When I copy text from an email in MailMate, and paste it into another 
> application, it adds Markdown formatting. For example, if I copy this line 
> from an email:
> ```
> sudo bash add-monitoring-agent-repo.sh --also-install
> ```
> And paste it into Terminal.app, this appears:
> ```
> sudo bash 
> [add-monitoring-agent-repo.sh](https://add-monitoring-agent-repo.sh) 
> --also-install
> ```
> This is extra frustrating because add-monitoring-agent-repo.sh isn't even a 
> URL.
> How do I disable this? I always want unformatted plain text on my clipboard.
> It seems this functionality should be something extra that is available in 
> the Commands menu, not default copy behavior.
> Thanks,
> Quinn___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] move up after delete

2022-02-02 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 2 Feb 2022, at 15:10, Zvi Biener wrote:

> Does anyone know what string of characters to use to reference the delete 
> key, if I wanted to rebind it in keybindings.plist?
> Thanks!
> (Context if you care: trying to make it delete a message and then move up the 
> list, as opposed to the usual moving down).

I use this:

"@d" = "toggleTag: Deleted";
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

Description: S/MIME digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] MailMate needs to be updated warning

2022-04-06 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

I have the same version of MailMate as you, I only have python3 installed, and 
yet Markdown works **fine**.

I don’t have the Premailer bundle at all. Did you install that yourself?

On 6 Apr 2022, at 18:16, Erik Mueller-Harder wrote:

> And this, finally, seems to be the answer to the error that I get whenever I 
> attempt to send a Markdown-formatted email in MailMate.  Thanks to Benny’s 
> recently improved error reporting, I see the following whenever I attempt to 
> send such a message:
> ```
> Bundle command failed (Inline CSS/9846E526-1B45-42E8-8E75-F2B47AB5FF76)
> /Users/xyzzy/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Managed/Bundles/Premailer 
> (Python).mmbundle/Support/bin/premailer:
> /Users/xyzzy/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Managed/Bundles/Premailer 
> (Python).mmbundle/Support/premailerize:
> /usr/bin/python2.7: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
> /Users/xyzzy/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Managed/Bundles/Premailer 
> (Python).mmbundle/Support/bin/premailer:
> /Users/xyzzy/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Managed/Bundles/Premailer 
> (Python).mmbundle/Support/premailerize:
> /usr/bin/python2.7: bad interpreter: No such file or directory
> ```
> (I’ve just formatted that with a code fence, but I’ll bet you all will see 
> the raw Markdown rather than the lightly formatted HTML that I want to send.)
> Is my only recourse to figure out how to download Python 2.7 and install it 
> properly in `/usr/bin/`?
> (Again, the formatting works perfectly in MailMate’s preview pane; it doesn’t 
> “fail” until I save the draft or send the message.)
> – Erik
>    MailMate 1.14 (5882)
>    macOS 12.3.1
>    MacBook Pro (16-inch, 2021, Apple M1 Max)
> --
> 2021-08-20 21:17 · [Bill Cole](mailto:mmlist-20120...@billmail.scconsult.com):
>> On 2021-08-20 at 10:38:14 UTC-0400 (Fri, 20 Aug 2021 14:38:14 +)
>> Randy H. Tjahjono 
>> is rumored to have said:
>>> I'm running the Monterey beta, and when launching MailMate I will 
>>> occasionally get this warning
>>> [ "MM Warning-GIF.gif" ]
>>> Clicking on the *Learn More* link takes me to 
>>> https://www.python.org/doc/sunset-python-2/
>>> I'm not sure if this is an issue with Monterey, MailMate, Python, all 
>>> three, or no issue at all.
>> All 3.
>> MM includes a couple of Python scripts (emate and html2text) that are 
>> written in Python and specify Python 2.7.
>> Python 2 is an obsolete version of the Python language. The effort to get 
>> everyone using Python to convert to Python 3 was a 14-year project that did 
>> not go well. There have been no improvements, security patches, or bug 
>> tracking for Python 2.7 since 2019. There are still a lot of Python 2 
>> scripts embedded in other programs like MM and in production as freestanding 
>> software like the GNU Mailman v2 instance running this mailing list. In the 
>> cases where 2->3 conversion is not trivial, it has often led developers to 
>> completely rewrite programs (e.g Mailman v3) from scratch.
>> Operating systems have finally started to remove Python 2.x packages from 
>> their official distributions and Apple is one of the last to do so. They are 
>> apparently including a mechanism for warning users in the Monterey beta, 
>> which is a good thing.
>> -- 
>> Bill Cole
>> b...@scconsult.com or billc...@apache.org
>> (AKA @grumpybozo and many *@billmail.scconsult.com addresses)
>> Not Currently Available For Hire
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] MailMate needs to be updated warning

2022-04-06 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 6 Apr 2022, at 19:44, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 6 Apr 2022, at 18:33, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
> I have the same version of MailMate as you, I only have python3 installed, 
> and yet Markdown works **fine**.
> You are likely using Juice instead of Premailer although it might also be 
> related to the macOS release. I think there's a message on the list 
> indicating a change on macOS 12.3 which I haven't looked into yet.

Yes, I’m using Juice. I’m on 12.3.1, which doesn’t come with Python 2.7 
anymore. So I can confirm that emate doesn’t work there, currently. The good 
news is that it appears to be ready for Python 3:

python3 bin/emate mailto -t haged...@uni-koeln.de

works as expected.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] MailMate needs to be updated warning

2022-04-09 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 9 Apr 2022, at 10:11, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On macOS 12.3, it broke completely when only python3 was included

Actually macOS 12.3 doesn’t include any python at all. You can get python3, but 
you need to install Xcode for that.
Alternatively you can install python3 with Homebrew:

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] Trash Can Icon in Message List

2022-04-24 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 25 Apr 2022, at 4:20, Bill Cole wrote:

> On 2022-04-24 at 18:05:23 UTC-0400 (Sun, 24 Apr 2022 18:05:23 -0400)
> Mike Conley mailmate@lists.freron.com
> is rumored to have said:
> I guess I was not so much interested in the peculiarities of the Xfinity IMAP 
> server as I was in what exactly the trash can icon in the message list meant. 
> Anyone know?
> It sounds like MM is marking messages as deleted rather than moving them to 
> whichever mailbox in the account is being used as the "Trash" mailbox. That 
> is an older model for how deletion is done in IMAP, but I'm not sure why MM 
> would do that for one account and not others or why it would show the deleted 
> but not yet expunged messages.

IMO that’s the only correct way to use IMAP, but I’m a dinosaur :-) My guess is 
that MailMate uses its “normal” Delete model for the account, but that perhaps 
Xfinity IMAP server doesn’t support \Junk flags, and so SpamSieve falls back on 
storing a \Deleted flag instead. That is pure conjecture on my part, but it 
would explain the behavior.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.02.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] attaching free form notes to incoming messages?

2023-01-03 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

in theory this could be implemented using the IMAP ANNOTATE extension specified 
in RFC 5257 (https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5257.html), but I don’t think 
many servers and clients support that.

It’s an interesting idea, but unless it works inter-operably, I don’t think it 
makes much sense to add as a feature to MailMate.


On 4 Jan 2023, at 4:33, Rob Russell wrote:

> Hi There,
> A bit left field: is there a way to add searchable free form notes to 
> incoming messages?
> This is different to tagging and I didn't see anything in the manual that 
> could be repurposed for this.
> Thanks for the bandwidth.
> Rob
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] Showing raw message headers are blurry

2023-01-29 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 28 Jan 2023, at 19:25, Chris Jones wrote:

> Good morning,
> With the latest beta of Mailmate (5937) and showing the raw message (headers) 
> the text is blurry and sometimes quite blurry (see link below). Any ideas of 
> how to fix this?
> https://share.icloud.com/photos/06eeFWSYtG919CnpGH3SFWYDw
> Cheers,
> -Chris___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> https://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

Works for me on Ventura 13.2. Which OS version are you on? When did it last 
work without issues? Could it be caused by your font settings?
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] mail archiving

2023-03-20 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

On 20 Mar 2023, at 12:47, aisrael wrote:

> My institution politely asked me to reduce by half the amount of space my 
> emails occupy on their server (currently 36 Go : given my position in this 
> institution, I had to keep ~20 years of emails; I am now semi-retired and 
> should be able to “delete” some of them). Therefore I decided to archive old 
> emails. I found a lot of relevant suggestions in this forum, and decided to 
> test Eaglefiler, Horcrux and Mailsteward, but I was not thrilled by any of 
> them, for different reasons. Then I thought the simplest solution was to 
> export individual mailboxes under the mbox format. This works well (I am 
> using Mailmate 5937). Then I am left with  : how to easily read, search, …. 
> these mbox files?

you could import them into Apple Mail or Thunderbird. They support local 
folders. Thunderbird dropped native support for import, I believe, but it 
definitely works if you install the Add-On called “ImportExportTools NG”.

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] Is Benny Ok?

2023-06-13 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 13 Jun 2023, at 15:10, Edward Thome wrote:

> I change which columns are available in any pane by Control-clicking the 
> top/heading of one column (say, Subject) and the selecting or deselecting 
> choices from the resulting contextual menu.
> My experience is that if you remove all other columns after enabling Standard 
> Single Column, then there are no further column headings in which to click to 
> add any other columns back…you just have the single headerless column.
> Initially, when I enabled SSC, there was one column with ‘Standard Single 
> Column’ at the top/header, another with ‘Subject’, another with ‘From’, and 
> so on. After switching ‘Outline Column’ to Standard Single Column, it is 
> possible to remove all the columns but one. If you deselect all other columns 
> except ‘Standard Single Column’, then you see the ‘Standard Single Column’ 
> layout in that pane, but it no longer has a top/header to select and so I 
> cannot use the above method to add back a ‘Tags’ column or any other column.
> It might be the method that I use. Or it might be that nobody else in the 
> world would think of removing all the other columns.
> At any rate, if you quit r5965 and open r5964, it will come up with a ‘From’ 
> column. If you add a ‘Subject’ column and quit r5964, then when you open 
> r5965 again, you have column headers with which to add Standard Single Column 
> back…and all can be put back as you want it.

Interesting, because I sent Benny feedback that I wasn't able to remove the 
`From` column in r5965. I wanted to keep a few other columsn, but not ones that 
contain the same information as the Standard Single Column. But in my case the 
`From` column was greyed out.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] Is Benny Ok?

2023-06-14 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

On 13 Jun 2023, at 15:54, Edward Thome wrote:

On 13 Jun 2023, at 8:47, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:

Interesting, because I sent Benny feedback that I wasn't able to 
remove the `From` column in r5965. I wanted to keep a few other 
columsn, but not ones that contain the same information as the 
Standard Single Column. But in my case the `From` column was greyed 


If you Control-click on a column header and go down to ‘Outline 
Column’ and select “Standard Single Column” or any other column 
but “From”, then From will no longer be greyed out and you can 
remove the “From” column.

Thanks, I missed that step.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ 
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Re: [MlMt] How to reliably move incoming messages to separate mailboxes?

2023-11-08 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 8 Nov 2023, at 22:01, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:

> There's no need to move messages for this coloring feature to work. IIRC, all 
> you need to do is create smart mailboxes containing the conditions you want 
> for coloring the messages. Then, use the Mailbox->Color submenu to choose a 
> color for that mailbox, and also select "Use Color in Message List". Your 
> chosen color will be applied not only to the messages in your smart mailbox, 
> but also to the original messages, wherever they reside.

Thanks for the tip! I never would’ve found that out by myself. Now to recreate 
all my Styles.plist colorings as smart mailboxes …

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] (no subject)

2023-11-09 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 8 Nov 2023, at 21:41, Steven wrote:

> When I look in the library, I don’t see a “~/Library/Application 
> Support/MailMate/Resources/“ folder.
> I know this may be stupid for most of you, but do I just create a folder, put 
> the plist file in it?


Caveat: I haven’t used that feature myself, but I have used other features that 
rely on that folder.
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] How to reliably move incoming messages to separate mailboxes?

2023-11-09 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 9 Nov 2023, at 14:16, Pierre Igot wrote:

> I just tried it with one smart mailbox and it does work! So now I just need 
> to convert all my inbox rules to smart mailbox rules and I’ll be good to go. 
> I’ll have to live with a rather long list of smart mailboxes visible at all 
> times at the bottom of my inboxes, but I guess it’s a small price to pay.

FWIW, I found you can keep the smart mailboxes in a folder so they’re not 
always visible.

> I don’t understand why this couldn’t have been documented or explained to us 
> clearly when the transition was made and support for Styles.plist was 
> abandoned. I realize that MM is a one-man shop with limited resources, but I 
> did send enough emails to Benny about this that he could have simply answered 
> with this short explanation.


   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] Office365 not working anymore

2023-11-20 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
Looks like that's something your site admins have to fix:Office365 IMAP Access: User is Authenticated but not Connectedstackoverflow.comThey need to allow your account access via IMAP.Am 20.11.2023 um 17:50 schrieb Alex Abdo :Angelo, thank you so much for the suggestion. I gave that a try but still ended up with the same issue. Here is the log from the activity viewer:16:46:52 Clearing connection to outlook.office365.com
16:46:54 Ready to run action (type: 1000, retry count: 1)
16:46:54 Clearing connection to outlook.office365.com
16:46:54 Trying to connect to outlook.office365.com on port 993 (CFNetwork) without STARTTLS (required)
16:46:54 Resolved hostname (outlook.office365.com).
16:46:54 Prepare secure connection...
16:46:54 Successful connection.
16:46:54 Initiating secure connection...
16:46:54  Returned (4)...
16:46:54 Protocol version: kTLSProtocol12
16:46:54 S: * OK The Microsoft Exchange IMAP4 service is ready. [XXX]
16:46:54 C: A0 CAPABILITY
16:46:54 S: A0 OK CAPABILITY completed.
16:46:54 Retrieving OAuth2 access token
16:46:54 Access token found in keychain
16:46:54 Access token expiration time: 2023-11-20 18:09:45 +
16:46:58 S: A1 OK AUTHENTICATE completed.
16:46:58 C: A2 CAPABILITY
16:46:58 S: A2 OK CAPABILITY completed.
16:46:58 C: A3 ID ("name" "MailMate" "version" "r5937" "vendor" "Freron Software" "contact" "mm-imap...@freron.com")
16:46:58 S: A3 BAD User is authenticated but not connected.
16:46:58 Warning: Detected Exchange IMAP server response state bug. Trying to work around it by interpreting it as a temporary connection issue.
16:46:58 Error code: 1004
16:46:58 Failed action (1000). Reset observed read/write timeouts: 8/8

16:46:58 Handling reply
16:46:58 Handling request
16:46:58 Trying to disconnect nicely (8)...
16:46:58 C: A4 LOGOUT
16:46:58 S: * BYE Microsoft Exchange Server IMAP4 server signing off.
16:46:58 S: A4 OK LOGOUT completed.On Nov 19, 2023, at 1:02 AM, Angelo Machils  wrote:

Hello,On 17 Nov 2023, at 18:55, Alex Abdo wrote:
I’m writing to see if anyone has advice for how to troubleshoot Mailmate’s compatibility with Office365.

I had this happen in the past several times. Office365 (cloud) would work fine and then stop working suddenly. The only thing I found that would work was to completely remove the account in MailMate. Also, I had to remove the key(s) in the Apple Keychain application. Then I set it up again and it kept working (for a while).
With regards,Angelo Machils

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Re: [MlMt] There's a NEW official Test Version (6015)

2024-01-01 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 23 Dec 2023, at 11:07, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 23 Dec 2023, at 10:15, mailmate--- via mailmate wrote:
> The built-in updater does not allow me to get r61015, it reports
> 5673 is the latest version available. You have version 6014.
> You need to hold down ⌥ when clicking “Check Now” in the Software Update 
> preferences pane to look for test releases.

Thanks for the explanation. How about creating a new channel for test releases? 
Currently you can choose between “Normal releases” and “Beta releases”. Would 
it take a lot of effort to make an additional channel für “Test releases”?
   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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[MlMt] Bundles

2024-07-02 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn

I’m confused about the way Bundles are supposed to work. Ever since I’ve 
started using MailMate, the Bundles view in Preferences has been empty. The 
manual says:

"Note that bundles are not included when you download MailMate itself. They are 
fetched dynamically by MailMate when enabled and they are automatically updated 
independently of updating MailMate itself."

But how do I enable Bundles when I can’t see anything? I have successfully 
created my own Bundles, but they didn’t appear there either. In order to 
understand the situation better, I launched MailMan via CLI and saw the 

path::entries: scandir("/Users/hgd/Library/Application 
Support/MailMate/Managed/Bundles"): No such file or directory

My own Bundles are in Library/Application Support/MailMate/Bundles. I tried 
moving that dir to the Managed dir, and then they appeared in Preferences. But 
I still can’t see other Bundles I could potentially enable.

I’m on Version 1.14 (6047).

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] moving tags to a new Mac

2024-07-17 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
This is off-topic for the list, but I hope Benny doesn't mind.I bought Preside and invested some time, but I find myself using Mail most of the time. Preside is powerful, but it doesn't really suit the way I work with mails. It's free to try, so give it a shot.Von meinem iPhone gesendetAm 17.07.2024 um 16:06 schrieb Henry Seiden :

Is the Preside app a good work-alike to replace Mail on iOS/iPad OS? I am VERY disillusioned by Mail’s goofy operation and looking for a change there.
			Henry Seiden 
			E:  Techworks Pro E-mail  
			W:  Techworks Pro Co. Home Page
		Techworks Pro Co.
	Founder, Henry Seiden i...@techworkspro.com
	© 2024 techworkspro.com

On 17 Jul 2024, at 10:01, Eric Sharakan via mailmate wrote:
appreciate the reply. I agree that with server support for custom IMAP keywords, things work great, as it does for my other non-work email accounts. I use the Preside App on my phone for all my email accounts other than my work one, and tags created in MM are visible there and vice-versa.

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Re: [MlMt] How do I generate a new uuid for a signature entry in the Signatures.plist file?

2024-08-25 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 25 Aug 2024, at 8:37, leo wrote:

> Hello fellow MailMaters
> I would like to add signatures with a text editor or with a script to 
> MailMate’s signature config file `MailMate/Signatures.plist`.
> I can base new signatures on old ones. For example, I have already in 
> `Signatures.plist` the XML snippet:
> ```
>   addressGlob
>   teach...@mydomain.net
>   html
>   htmlEnabled
>   name
>   medical
>   string
>   --
> My Name
> Social Scientist/Software Developer/Data Scientist
> e: teach...@mydomain.net
>   uuid
>   095B77F2-CE90-4F9D-A2CF-8E286A539A7A
> ```
> Creating a new snippet, say, for the email `writ...@mydomain.net` is straight 
> forward, except the `uuid` key which — as I suppose — should be unique.
> How do I generate a new uuid for the new signature?

macOS comes with a command-line tool called "uuidgen". Just open the Terminal 
and enter uuidgen followed by a return.

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] How do I generate a new uuid for a signature entry in the Signatures.plist file?

2024-08-27 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 27 Aug 2024, at 16:17, leo wrote:

> On 25 Aug 2024, at 22:43, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
>> On 25 Aug 2024, at 8:37, leo wrote:
>>> Creating a new snippet, say, for the email `writ...@mydomain.net` is 
>>> straight forward, except the `uuid` key which — as I suppose — should be 
>>> unique.
>>> How do I generate a new uuid for the new signature?
>> macOS comes with a command-line tool called "uuidgen". Just open the 
>> Terminal and enter uuidgen followed by a return.
> Cool. Thanks, Sebastian.
> So I can create just _some_ UUID?


> All these UUIDs  have the same format of something like 8-4-4-8 digits?

Yes, but it's actually 8-4-4-4-8


   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-08-28 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
On 28 Aug 2024, at 17:17, Michael Nietzold wrote:

> Hello,
> I’m seeking assistance from the expertise of this mailing list.
> I had an account with DomainFactory, but they are now migrating their email 
> services to Microsoft 365. I heavily relied on the "catch-all" receiving and 
> "wildcard" sending functions, but the new solution does not support these 
> features.
> I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these functions. 
> Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.

Fastmail seems to support that:

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-08-28 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
The page also says:

"In addition to receiving all mail addressed to your domain, you can also send 
mail using catch-all aliases."

If that's not what you mean, could you perhaps explain what you mean?

> Am 28.08.2024 um 17:50 schrieb Michael Nietzold 
> :
> This link is only described for receiving - many support this.
> But more important: can I do a "wildcard" sending?
> On 28 Aug 2024, at 17:22, Sebastian Hagedorn wrote:
> On 28 Aug 2024, at 17:17, Michael Nietzold wrote:
> Hello,
> I’m seeking assistance from the expertise of this mailing list.
> I had an account with DomainFactory, but they are now migrating their email 
> services to Microsoft 365. I heavily relied on the "catch-all" receiving and 
> "wildcard" sending functions, but the new solution does not support these 
> features.
> I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these functions. 
> Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
> Fastmail seems to support that:
> https://www.fastmail.help/hc/en-us/articles/150277942-Catch-all-wildcard-aliases
> --
> .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
> .:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
> .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.
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Re: [MlMt] I need a email provider with: catchall receiving - wildcard sending

2024-08-29 Thread Sebastian Hagedorn
I run the mail server for Cologne University. My advice is: don’t do it. Email 
doesn’t work the way it used to. It’s very difficult to get the big email 
providers to accept your mails if you’re not one of them.

On 29 Aug 2024, at 12:53, Michael Nietzold wrote:

> I can’t estimate how much work it takes to set up a mail server.
> Which server do you use?
> Do you have any advice on which one is the easiest to set up? I’m not sure 
> how to choose between the available options.
> On 29 Aug 2024, at 1:21, Randall Gellens wrote:
>> On 28 Aug 2024, at 8:17, Michael Nietzold wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> I’m seeking assistance from the expertise of this mailing list.
>>> I had an account with DomainFactory, but they are now migrating their email 
>>> services to Microsoft 365. I heavily relied on the "catch-all" receiving 
>>> and "wildcard" sending functions, but the new solution does not support 
>>> these features.
>>> I’m now looking for an email provider that supports both of these 
>>> functions. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated.
>> I run my own for this reason, and to do my own spam blocking. But this is 
>> probably not too helpful for most, who likely have no desire to run their 
>> own servers.
>> --Randall

   .:.Sebastian Hagedorn - Weyertal 121 (Gebäude 133), Zimmer 2.13.:.
.:.Regionales Rechenzentrum (RRZK).:.
  .:.Universität zu Köln / Cologne University - ✆ +49-221-470-89578.:.

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