[MlMt] Keyboard Shortcut to Moveto/GoTo Source Mailboxes

2013-11-13 Thread Will Styler
I've always been a mutt user, mostly for keyboardyness, and have decided to 
give MailMate a try seeing the IndieGogo campaign.  I love that most of the 
shortcuts I love already work One part of the configuration though has me 
stumped.  I'd like to set it up such that typing "cd" brings me to my ToDo 
folder, "cm" to Temp, etc, and equivalent, "sd" moves a message to my ToDo 
folder, "sm" to Temp, etc.

I know that the relevant portion of my KeyBindings file needs to look like:

// Combo keys
"c" = {
"d" = ( "goToMailbox:", "ToDo" );
"i" = ( "goToMailbox:", "INBOX" );
"s" = ( "goToMailbox:", "Sent Items );
"t" = ( "goToMailbox:", "Trash" );
"m" = ( "goToMailbox:", "Temp" );
"j" = ( "goToMailbox:", "Junk Mail" );

"s" = {
"d" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "ToDo" );
"i" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "INBOX" );
"m" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "Temp" );
"r" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "Receipts2013" );
"n" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "Junk Mail/NotSpam" );
"y" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "Junk Mail/Spam" );

And in fact, it works for Inbox.  And I can use the big long UUID for any of 
the top mailboxes (although saving to them doesn't work).  What I'm struggling 
with is how to make these shortcuts open (or save to) the mailboxes listed 
under my IMAP account's name under "SOURCES".  I've tried "Temp", "/Temp", 
"ProviderName/Temp", and nothing works.

Help!  Thanks!


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Re: [MlMt] Keyboard Shortcut to Moveto/GoTo Source Mailboxes

2013-11-13 Thread Will Styler

Thanks for the quick response.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to get that to 
work.  I've tried:

"m" = ( "goToMailbox:", "imaps://mail.server.com/INBOX/Temp" );
"m" = ( "goToMailbox:", 
"imaps://mail.server.com:993/INBOX/Temp" );
"m" = ( "goToMailbox:", "imaps://mail.server.com/Temp" );

And none appear to resolve.  Any further advice?  Am I missing something silly? 



On 13 Nov 2013, at 10:07, Steve Mayer wrote:

> Will,
> If I'm not mistaken, you need to use the full imap:// string when naming 
> mailboxes in the keybindings:
>   "m" = ( "moveToMailBox:", "imap:///Temp" );
> I could be completely wrong, but this is what works for me.
> -- 
> Steve Mayer
> smaye...@me.com
> On 13 Nov 2013, at 8:58, Will Styler wrote:
>> I've always been a mutt user, mostly for keyboardyness, and have decided to 
>> give MailMate a try seeing the IndieGogo campaign.  I love that most of the 
>> shortcuts I love already work One part of the configuration though has me 
>> stumped.  I'd like to set it up such that typing "cd" brings me to my ToDo 
>> folder, "cm" to Temp, etc, and equivalent, "sd" moves a message to my ToDo 
>> folder, "sm" to Temp, etc.
>> I know that the relevant portion of my KeyBindings file needs to look like:
>>  // Combo keys
>>  "c" = {
>>  "d" = ( "goToMailbox:", "ToDo" );
>>  "i" = ( "goToMailbox:", "INBOX" );
>>  "s" = ( "goToMailbox:", "Sent Items );
>>  "t" = ( "goToMailbox:", "Trash" );
>>  "m" = ( "goToMailbox:", "Temp" );
>>  "j" = ( "goToMailbox:", "Junk Mail" );
>>  };
>>  "s" = {
>>  "d" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "ToDo" );
>>  "i" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "INBOX" );
>>  "m" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "Temp" );
>>  "r" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "Receipts2013" );
>>  "n" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "Junk Mail/NotSpam" );
>>  "y" = ( "moveToMailbox:", "Junk Mail/Spam" );
>>  };
>> And in fact, it works for Inbox.  And I can use the big long UUID for any of 
>> the top mailboxes (although saving to them doesn't work).  What I'm 
>> struggling with is how to make these shortcuts open (or save to) the 
>> mailboxes listed under my IMAP account's name under "SOURCES".  I've tried 
>> "Temp", "/Temp", "ProviderName/Temp", and nothing works.
>> Help!  Thanks!
>> Will
>> ___
>> mailmate mailing list
>> mailmate@lists.freron.com
>> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Keyboard Shortcut to Moveto/GoTo Source Mailboxes

2013-11-14 Thread Will Styler

Thank you very much, I've got it working now.  I definitely understand that 
keybindings are a particularly geeky thing, but it's the reason why Mailmate is 
about to win me away from Mutt after many years (which is HARD to do). GUI 
isn't really necessary, as everything else has been easily configured, but a 
more standard hook for keybinding to account mailboxes (SourceName/Boxname?) 
would have made the transition much easier, as well as some method for 
debugging keystrokes (as I've listened to a lot of beeps in the last few days, 
only to realize that I'd double-assigned something, etc.).

Would you be receptive to a few further suggestions for bindable actions?



On 14 Nov 2013, at 0:33, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 14 Nov 2013, at 1:44, Will Styler wrote:
>> Thanks for the quick response.  Unfortunately, I can't seem to get that to 
>> work.  I've tried:
>>  "m" = ( "goToMailbox:", "imaps://mail.server.com/INBOX/Temp" );
>>  "m" = ( "goToMailbox:", 
>> "imaps://mail.server.com:993/INBOX/Temp" );
>>  "m" = ( "goToMailbox:", "imaps://mail.server.com/Temp" );
>> And none appear to resolve.  Any further advice?  Am I missing something 
>> silly?
> No, it's tricky. It's documented 
> [here](http://manual.mailmate-app.com/custom_key_bindings#special_actions) 
> but not very well. The best you can do is to simply see how the IMAP account 
> name is encoded here:
>   ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Messages/IMAP/
> And it's always `imap:`, for example:
>   imap://usern...@mail.server.com/INBOX/Temp
> or if the username itself contains a `@` then it'll be something like:
>   imap://user%40server@mail.server.com/INBOX/Temp
> Creating custom key bindings is a low level feature and this would of course 
> be much easier if it had some kind of GUI (no plans to do so though). In this 
> particular case, configuring a shortcut to go to a particular mailbox is on 
> the todo as part of some planned changes for the mailbox editor.
> -- 
> Benny
> http://freron.com/crowdfund2014
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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Re: [MlMt] gpg2 error re OpenPGP messages

2013-11-14 Thread Will Styler

I show my sent message as verified just fine.  I've installed GPG using 
GPGTools, and Mailmate had no problem doing all the GPG-ish things I love, 
without any configuration.


On 14 Nov 2013, at 10:00, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 14 Nov 2013, at 17:51, Erik Mueller-Harder wrote:
>> Will’s message just came through with the (attached) error showing in 
>> MailMate.  Does this mean that *he’s* doing something wrong, or that *I* am?
> It means that MailMate cannot verify the signature added by Will (the proof 
> that he wrote the message).
>> I don’t find the “details” very helpful, though I might if I understand PGP 
>> at all:
> You don't need the details. The error in the banner tells you what the 
> problem is. You need to install GPGTools if you want MailMate to able to 
> verify the signature. (The banner wrongly uses the word “create”. I should 
> fix that.)
> -- 
> Benny
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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[MlMt] Suggested Keyboard Shortcuts

2013-11-14 Thread Will Styler
So, Mailmate is awesome in many ways, but most importantly, it's the first 
multi-window, GUI-able Mac Mail Client that I've found which is as 
keyboard-friendly as mutt, and thus, allows me to power through my mail as 

I've got most of my Mutt shortcuts ported over, but a few desires remain.  I've 
checked the Key Binding Selectors page, but can't figure out ways to do the 

1) When composing, add (and select for addition) the CC/BCC/Later box.  
Ideally, such shortcuts would display the field if hidden, and select them for 
entry if visible .

2) I'd love to be able to hide/show the mailboxes sidebar with a single key 
(e.g. "b"), but this isn't configurable using the OSX keyboard panel.  Would a 
hook within the app be possible?

3) Similarly, I'd love to be able to show and hide message view with a single 
key.  Another way to approach this would be to have a mutt layout, where the 
message view is hidden ("index") until a message is selected and then "enter", 
at which point the message view shows up.  

4) Filter by attribute.  Right now, if I use the filter key, it starts me off 
filtering by "From" with the entry box selected, which is well and good, but 
req  uires significant mousing to set criteria.  I'd love the ability to set 
something like:

"/" = {
"f" = ( "FilterBy:", "From" );
"t" = ( "FilterBy:", "To" );
"s" = ( "FilterBy:", "Subject" );
"a" = ( "FilterBy:", "Any Header" );
"d" = ( "FilterBy:", "Date" );  "g" = ( "FilterBy:", 
"Tags/Keywords" );

Which would allow me to "/a Martha /s conference" (look for any message where 
anybody named Martha's been involved, then add another criterion where the 
message's subject has mentioned a conference).  That would be incredibly 
powerful and quick.

None of these are crucial, and you've already got my money (I'm really rooting 
for IndieGogo), but as you're working on 2.x, those would be great to consider.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] gpg2 error re OpenPGP messages

2013-11-14 Thread Will Styler

Realize that GPGTools is separate software, downloadable elsewhere.  I've had 
GPG (which is GnuPG, which is a free-and-open-source version of PGP) installed 
for a long time for Mutt, and I assume that MailMate was just smart enough to 
read my configuration and figure it out.

It's not that I have a special copy of MailMate, just that I've set up GPG 
before, and as such, MailMate read it.

The issue of GPG messages being unverifiable without GPG is a universal one.  
It's rather like if only one out of the 90 apples at the store has a label 
saying "Wash this apple, it may be coated in pesticides".  Naive buyers may 
assume that that Apple's different, rather than that that one apple is simply 
more honest, and all of them may be coated in pesticides.

Grandma, if using MM without GPGTools, may look at my message and go "Whoa, 
sketchy".  That's a risk I take when I sign mail.  But I assume that most of 
the people I talk with either a) Won't care or b) Will look into GPG Tools, or 
c) Have it installed, and will appreciate the assurances.

I appreciate the way MM handles the signatures.  It's a good way to raise 
awareness that such things exist.

Just my two cents,


On 14 Nov 2013, at 10:07, Erik Mueller-Harder wrote:

> Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:
>> It means that MailMate cannot verify the signature added by Will (the proof 
>> that he wrote the message) You need to install GPGTools if you want 
>> MailMate to able to verify the signature.
> and Will Styler wrote:
>> I show my sent message as verified just fine. I've installed GPG using 
>> GPGTools, and Mailmate had no problem doing all the GPG-ish things I love, 
>> without any configuration.
> So because Will has sent this as a secure message and because I somehow have 
> a copy of MailMate that doesn’t include GPGTools, I get a message that seems 
> to imply that Will’s message is somehow less verifiable than all the messages 
> that I get that *don’t* have any errors?
> This seems less than intuitive.
> What should I tell my wife or my mother-in-law when they see an error like 
> this?
> And is there something I should do to make sure that my copy of MailMate 
> supports GPG?  (And is it “GPG” or “PGP”?  I’d thought it was “PGP” for 
> “pretty good privacy”.)
> Thanks for any further elucidation,
> — Erik
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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[MlMt] Too many logins?

2013-11-14 Thread Will Styler
Sorry to be so vocal here, but today's my day for setting up Mailmate.

So, my IMAP server (fast mail) only allows 1000 logins/hour.  I've not run into 
this limit in any app (except OfflineIMAP, but that's a whole other bag of 
issues), yet this seems to be happening often in Mailmate.

I've currently got all mailboxes but INBOX set to "manual", and INBOX is set to 
CONNECTED (which I assume means "IDLE").  The activity viewer shows one IDLE 
for inbox, but somehow, I've just hit the limit again.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Too many logins?

2013-11-14 Thread Will Styler
Looking at it again, now that my hour has expired, I'm getting, in addition to 
the IDLE,

"I0 Capability" then "I5 Logout" over and over again.  There are occasional: 
"Failed to Select Mailbox 'Drafts' errors in that I0/I5 vacillation's logs.  
Which is odd, because that mailbox does exist.

S: I4 NO Mailbox does not exist
Error: Server response: “I4 NO Mailbox does not exist”. Command attempted: “I4 
Error: Failed to select mailbox 'Drafts'

Does that provide more info?



On 14 Nov 2013, at 13:01, Will Styler wrote:

> Sorry to be so vocal here, but today's my day for setting up Mailmate.
> So, my IMAP server (fast mail) only allows 1000 logins/hour.  I've not run 
> into this limit in any app (except OfflineIMAP, but that's a whole other bag 
> of issues), yet this seems to be happening often in Mailmate.
> I've currently got all mailboxes but INBOX set to "manual", and INBOX is set 
> to CONNECTED (which I assume means "IDLE").  The activity viewer shows one 
> IDLE for inbox, but somehow, I've just hit the limit again.
> Help!
> Will
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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Re: [MlMt] Too many logins?

2013-11-14 Thread Will Styler

On 14 Nov 2013, at 14:08, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 14 Nov 2013, at 22:02, Will Styler wrote:
>> Looking at it again, now that my hour has expired, I'm getting, in addition 
>> to the IDLE,
>> "I0 Capability" then "I5 Logout" over and over again.
> Oh, so it is a busy loop bug. Thanks for reporting this.
>> There are occasional: "Failed to Select Mailbox 'Drafts' errors in that 
>> I0/I5 vacillation's logs.  Which is odd, because that mailbox does exist.
>> S: I4 NO Mailbox does not exist
>> Error: Server response: “I4 NO Mailbox does not exist”. Command attempted: 
>> “I4 SELECT Drafts (CONDSTORE)”.
>> Error: Failed to select mailbox 'Drafts'
>> Does that provide more info?
> Yes, MailMate does the wrong thing. It should be `INBOX/Drafts` for that 
> server. You might be able to fix it by looking at this file:
>  ~/Library/Application Support/MailMate/Sources.plist
> Look for the `drafts` key (if there is one). But I would of course like to 
> find out how it got into this state (the tricky part). And I should also look 
> into why it busy-looped instead of failing after a few attempts (the easy 
> part I hope).

Changing to /INBOX/Drafts in the full path in that file did not fix it.  I 
deleted the whole source and am trying again.

For what it's worth, I imported the settings from Mail.app.  Maybe that's the 

Thanks for the help, and for fixing this bug :)


> Sorry about the inconvenience.
> -- 
> Benny
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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Re: [MlMt] Change default folder for attachments

2013-11-15 Thread Will Styler
I too am interested in this question.  I'm sorely missing my "save all 
attachments to desktop" key macro from Mutt.


On 15 Nov 2013, at 14:51, Doug Harrison wrote:

> Is there a way to change the default folder where attachments are saved (when 
> you use Save not Save As)?
> Thanks,
> Doug
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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Re: [MlMt] Mavericks compatibilty

2013-11-25 Thread Will Styler
Seems to be working fine here, I've only used it on Mavericks.


On 25 Nov 2013, at 19:47, Ralph Alvy wrote:

> Can I safely assume MailMate will not be broken if I upgrade to Mavericks? I 
> currently use it on Mountain Lion.
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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[MlMt] Delete with Prejudice?

2013-12-02 Thread Will Styler

I'm wondering if there exists a (key-bindable?) command to flat-out delete a 
message.  Not just to move the message to the trash, but to immediately damn it 
to the ether, removing it from the computer, server, and universe in general 
without even bothering with the the trash can.  This, as well as keyboard-based 
search, is the last thing I miss from Mutt.



Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

Re: [MlMt] Delete with Prejudice?

2013-12-03 Thread Will Styler
Is there a key-binding selector for "Expunge/DeleteNow"? I don't see one listed.



On 3 Dec 2013, at 4:59, Benny Kjær Nielsen wrote:

> On 3 Dec 2013, at 4:46, Kee Hinckley wrote:
>> ``Option-Delete`` does a "Delete Now", which I think is what you're looking 
>> for.
> Yes, this schedules a so-called IMAP expunge immediately and, if online, the 
> message is gone for good a few seconds later.
> -- 
> Benny
> ___
> mailmate mailing list
> mailmate@lists.freron.com
> http://lists.freron.com/listinfo/mailmate

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[MlMt] Copy-paste Bulk Addresses

2014-01-27 Thread Will Styler
One thing I've missed from Mutt or Mail.app is the ability to open an old 
message (say, sent to a large group) and then copy/paste the addresses in the 
"To"  field from that into the "To" field of another message.  

Am I missing something or is that a missing feature?



Description: OpenPGP digital signature
mailmate mailing list

[MlMt] Auto-resize the top pane?

2015-06-15 Thread Will Styler

Hi there,

I'd just like to request that we be given the option to automatically 
resize the top pane (with the list of emails) based on the number of 
messages, perhaps implementing a "max messages shown" setting for when 
you're in a mailbox with many, many messages.

In short, it makes little sense to have 80% of the pane empty when 
you've only got one or two messages in your inbox, and makes similarly 
little sense to have to re-size that top pane to see new mail that comes 
in.  I've just noticed that I spend an inordinate amount of time 
dragging that little bar around.



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