Re: [mailop] This is..Concerning: DatabaseUSA Wins Case Against The Spamhaus Project

2020-08-03 Thread Jerry Cloe via mailop
That might be a dangerous assumption (admittedly I'm no lawyer) that this means 
zip. It may not mean much against Spamhaus directly, but any kind of injunction 
against them could in theory be used against anyone who uses Spamhaus services. 
It could also be argued as case law against other blacklist providers.

I don't know who DatabaseUSA is, from the description really sounds like an 
email marketer, aka spammer, so this could potentially force mail providers to 
accept their spam.

-Original message-
From:Ralph Seichter via mailop 
Sent:Mon 08-03-2020 06:23 pm
Subject:Re: [mailop] This is..Concerning: DatabaseUSA Wins Case Against The 
Spamhaus Project; 
* Brandon Long via mailop:

  "Founded in 1998, Spamhaus is based in Geneva, Switzerland, and
  Andorra la Vella, Andorra [...]"

>From what I understand, DatabaseUSA's "win" therefore means zip.

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Re: [mailop] AT Block - still valid?

2020-02-11 Thread Jerry Cloe via mailop
Last time I shot something to it, response was almost a full week.
-Original message-
From:Scott Mutter via mailop 
Sent:Tue 02-11-2020 11:06 am
Subject:Re: [mailop] AT Block - still valid?; 
* On  Tue, Feb 11 11:19AM Ken O'Driscoll via mailop  said :
> On Tue, 2020-02-11 at 10:50 -0500, Scott Mutter via mailop wrote:
> > I suppose it's possible that AT is just inundated with abuse
> > requests - but maybe there is a better way to weed out the valid
> > requests from the invalid requests.
> > 
> > If is no longer valid, then perhaps the
> > rejection notice needs to be updated.
> It's still valid and they do respond. But as you correctly surmise,
> they are very busy answering tickets from non-customers so patience is
> required. I'd typically give a request at least a week before poking
> them again.
> Ken.

Well... I guess my thought is, if it takes them a week to weed through all of 
their requests... maybe there's a better way to optimize this?  Or maybe they 
need more personnel manning these positions?

Your statement is certainly valid, and I don't mean to sound whiny.  But it is 
also frustrating when providers (usually large providers, like AT) appear to 
block an IP for... no apparent reason.  The IP is clean on all blacklists and 
SenderScore is 99.  If there were other factors in play I'd be more apt to 
understand and investigate who is sending out spam on this server.  But it's 
just AT blocking it.

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Re: [mailop] Is Spectrum trying to sunset and emails?

2020-02-08 Thread Jerry Cloe via mailop
Several months ago I could no longer deliver to, and this went on 
for months, finally mx records changed one day and all of a sudden its working 
again. I have to wonder if that wasn't some kind of test or mistake, and then 
they realized that yes, customers do still use those addresses.

-Original message-
From:Jay R. Ashworth via mailop 
Sent:Sat 02-08-2020 08:54 pm
Subject:[mailop] Is Spectrum trying to sunset and emails?; 
A client got an email that appeared to be from Keap, or maybe InfusionSoft, 
suggesting that Spectrum was trying to do that, and that users shouldn't add
contacts with those emails unless they were "bone-fide" (which was my only

but my experience of email carrier buyouts is that no-one *ever* sunsets the
domain names, cause there's no real reason to do so, and it pisses off 

The email also pointed to this domain name, which looks semi-official, and
I can't decide if the whole thing is some clever spear-fishing attempt, or
just someone who misunderstood something and is trying to be helpful.

Does anyone on the list know if there's such a sunset policy in process?

-- jra

Jay R. Ashworth                  Baylink             
Designer                     The Things I Think                       RFC 2100
Ashworth & Associates
St Petersburg FL USA      BCP38: Ask For It By Name!           +1 727 647 1274

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Re: [mailop] Looking for a Charter e-mail admin

2019-12-02 Thread Jerry Cloe via mailop
I saw (for at least their mx records changed about two weeks ago. Is 
this an ongoing problem or a new problem?

I was having trouble before the change, now they seem to pass (although I'm not 
confident they are being delivered to user yet).

-Original message-
From:Mark Dale via mailop 
Sent:Mon 12-02-2019 05:04 pm
Subject:Re: [mailop] Looking for a Charter e-mail admin; 

We're also seeing a sudden spate of bounces with mail to

A contact address Charter would be greatly appreciated.

Mark Dale

On 3/12/19 2:35 am, Paul Gover via mailop wrote:
> I'm in search of someone from Charter who can help get a small ISP's
> email servers off the blacklist for If you could reach out
> off list, it would be much appreciated.  (Email to
> was rejected as undeliverable.)
> Kind regards,
> Paul Gover, Adams Cable Service
> ___
> mailop mailing list

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Re: [mailop] Weird blocking by (S3150)

2019-08-29 Thread Jerry Cloe via mailop
The whole "default for companies to hide their information" seems to be a 
reaction to all the European privacy laws (which I admit I know exist, but 
otherwise don't know anything about them or what they say). One of the 
registrars I use on a regular basis (Moniker, based out of Florida) went 
through and changed most of mine and all of my customers whois records to their 
version of privacy records, and they did this with no notification or choice 
what so ever. When I asked Moniker about it, they send me a canned reply about 
complying with current privacy laws (even though as far as I can tell, they 
mostly don't apply to me).

-Original message-
From:Steven Champeon via mailop 
Sent:Thu 08-29-2019 12:50 pm
Subject:Re: [mailop] Weird blocking by (S3150); 

I can't be the only person who believes the whole "privacy" claim for
failing to provide accurate information about who is using the Internet
to be complete and utter nonsensical bullshit, right?

I make a living classifying PTR naming conventions, so I spend much of
my day (and the past 13 years) looking at WHOIS and rwhois lookups. In
the past few years it has become more or less the default for companies
and organizations and ISPs and telcos to hide their information, even
though you can go to their Web site and find out who they are and how to
contact them and where their locations are and so forth.

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