MI OT: GenesisII as Open Source?

1999-12-17 Thread Matt.Wilkie

Anybody who is interested seeing more GIS related software in
the open source arena should head over to 
comp.graphics.visualization and read the thread "GenesisII - 
to Open Source or not?" (mangled URL below)




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MI Convert TAB to TWF?

1999-12-17 Thread ChuckLock

Does anyone have a method or program for converting registered raster images 
(TAB) to TWF?

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MI opening files in Map_Info

1999-12-17 Thread deny bayona

I am working with files in Map_Info for my research here in the University 
of Arizona (Tucson). The problem is that I can not open the files with 
software available here in the university (Arc_Info, Arc_view). I wonder if 
some Map_Info users here in Tucson or Phoenix may support me in translating 
these files.
I appreciate your consideration,


Dany Bayona

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MI Buffers with problems...

1999-12-17 Thread Ian Erickson

Here's a challenge for those of you who are willing to accept:

I know there has been extensive documentation of buffers created in the
Cosmetic Layer being elliptical.  I understand that MapInfo is aware of the
problem and is working to fix it.  The proposed work-around is to create the
buffers in a MapInfo table that has a projection.  So if I was 'Joe User', I
might find a point layer make the layer editable, select Objects->Buffer...
and then create the buffers in the same layer as the points.  Once the
buffers are created I would save the selected buffers as a new table, and
all is good right?  Wrong!

When 'Joe User' does this, (ie the Objects->Buffer... menu command) MapInfo
executes the command:

Create Object As Buffer 
From Selection
Into Table {sourcetable}
Width 200
Units "mi"
Resolution 50
Group By RowID

Guess what, if your layer is somewhat dispersed over the earth, the objects
on the edges are more and more deformed.  Meaning: they become elliptical.
I've attached an .MBX, source code and the MapInfo table used to recreate
the problem.  All this program does is compute the distance from the center
of the circle, to the nodes on the edge of the circle.  In an ideal world,
you would expect to see the 200 miles from the center of the circle to each
of the points comprising the buffer.  For those of you out there who are
experts in the field of projections, datums and spherical coordinates, help
me out here.  I ran the same program on a version of 4.5 and the problem did
not occur, however, 5.5 really messes things up.  I've got a work-around for
myself, which is slower and more time consuming, but I suggest that this is
a bug NOT a feature.

Ian Erickson
GIS Analyst
 <>  <>  <>  <>  
<>  <>  <> 


MI: Fill pattern choices not displaying

1999-12-17 Thread sandynelson

Of course I'm on a deadline - these things don't happen when there's
time to figure them out.  I've created a thematic with 20 breaks.  When
I go into alter the style, my fill pattern choices are all just black
boxes.  I can't see the pattern choices.  Do I have some setting in my
graphics in Windows 95 set wrong or is there another solution?

Any help is much appreciated.

Sandy Nelson
(303) 747-2594

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MI ArcIink other abnormality

1999-12-17 Thread Michael Gray

When using ArcLink to create an ArcInfo e00 I get this error:

Can't build topology.
Possible bad polygon in table e:\bradat\bldout.tab.
Polygon may have figure 8 or other abnormality
Polygon is in row# 312 or row# 315 or near point (-71.044062,42.371662)

Each time I delete one these rows the AcrLink will run a little further
before dying. How can I find all of these at once and get rid of them. Some
do seem to be figure 8 but many are other abnormalities.

I am new to MapInfo an am not sure of all the things that could go wrong or
what other abnormalities could mean. In some case it seems to just be a copy
of the polygon on top of an existing polygon. How can I find all of these?

Any ideas would be helpful.



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RE: MI help on overlaying tables

1999-12-17 Thread Kikombo Ilunga Ngoy

I just wanted to thank those who provided me with advice. PERRY Chris'
worked. I wish there was a straight forward method.
Have a nice weekend.


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RE: MI Problem importing a file

1999-12-17 Thread John Harrop

1.  Without seeing MapInfo code (wonder if they will catch a Linux bug and
go open source ;) I would assume that the first line of text data read, or
possibly the first few lines if the routine is more sophisticated, is used
to determine the data type for each field.  Since text data does not carry
explicit type information this has to be inferred as the field is read.  I
don't understand what Mark means in his reply that they insert a row
*before* the column headings - perhaps he could expand that method.
Depending on how the text data was saved there may be 'white space'
characters (non printable characters such as space and tabs) at the
beginiing of a numeric data field.  Some programs interpret that as an
indication of a character field.  Look at the first row of data you have
carefully.  Are there any missing or null fields?  These may default to
character type.  What form of delimiting was used?  Space delimited, tab
delimted or comma delimited.  Experience has shown that tab delimited is
iften the most reliable format to import.  Space and comma delimted tend to
create a range of possible leading characters that may be mis-interpreted.

2.  If there is no decimal point in the Height for the first data row then
import routines often assume it must be an integer field.  If there is a
decimal point then float is assumed.

3.  Repeat of some of 1. above.  Try changing the delimiter if you can.
Check for null fields in the first row and change that either manually or be
exporting in a different order.  Import into Excel and force the entire
column(s) to Numeric type.  If the routine is frequently repeated, and the
data is fairly consistent they you could even create an Excel macro to
massage your data before it goes into MapInfo.



Cyberquest Geoscience Ltd
  - Mineral Exploration Fieldwork
  - Computer Geology

> -Original Message-
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Alan Pritchard
> Sent: Friday, December 17, 1999 3:02 AM
> Subject: MI Problem importing a file
> I have been trying to import a .txt (although the same problem
> arises with
> the data put into Excel) file of point data into MI, with some odd
> results.
> The file consists of a mixture of fields, among which are:
> GeoKey1234567
> PlaceName Bournemouth
> LatDec50.1872221
> LongDec   -1.8458333
> Population155488
> Height30
> There are also other character based and numeric fields. The field names
> appear as the top row.
> I open the table, and can see the data clearly in the correct column.
> When I come to Create Points, though, the only fields that appear in the
> drop down box are the GeoKey and the Height. This is consistent and has
> been confirmed by someone else.
> If I look at the table structure, then the GeoKey has been imported as
> Integer, and the Height as Float. The other fields have come across as
> Character [which is presumably why they do not get recognised by Create
> Points]
> If I then make a copy of table, and alter the structure so that the
> numeric lat/long fields are changed from Character to Float, then I can
> Create Points and plot the data.
> Three questions, then,
> 1. Why do only some (2 out of 6) of the numeric fields come across as
> numeric?
> 2. Why should the 2 that are recognised as numeric assigned
> different data
>  types?
> 3. How can I ensure that the lat/long especially are recognised as
> numeric, as it is a real time-waster having to make copies & change the
> structure?
> Best wishes
> Alan Pritchard
> The GLOBAL GAZETTEER: the world on file
> http://www.allm-geodata.com
> --
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> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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MI Layout Redraws

1999-12-17 Thread Tim Rood

I'm having a problem with a layout that redraws just about every time I
click on a toolbar, a toolbar icon or back on the layout with a toolbar
item, such as a zoom mouse pointer.  This problem ("feature?") seems
recent, in that I don't remember having it right along.  It's very
annoying, especially because this particular layout contains lots of
geocoded points, lots of layers and lots of labels.  And there's two maps
on an 11x17 layout.  The thing seems to redraw all the time!   It's
especially linked to the zoom in and zoom out functions.  If I click on the
zoom in icon, it redraws.  If I click to hold down a corner with the
pointer, it redraws.  Ditto the select, grabber, info icons.  There are a
couple of odd things, too:  these redraws don't want to get stopped by an
escape key; they'll keep on going and going.  It seems that when they reach
a certain degree of "doneness" then they'll stop with repeated hits on the
escape key, but not immediately.  The other odd (worth mentioning to
potential diagnosticians, anyway) is that none of this happens when the
layout is sitting in that undrawn state where the graphics are "blued out."
Is this MI, my mouse sending wrong signals?  My karma? Any assistance
greatly appreciated by my very tight jaw muscle.

Tim Rood
Ravenna Planning Associates
5417 21st Avenue NE
Seattle, WA  98015-2408

phone:  (206) 527-3181
fax:   (305) 489-6478
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MI Spy tool

1999-12-17 Thread Fraser Gardiner

I am working my way through Whitener and Ryker's MapBasic Developer's Guide.
They refer to a Visual C++ utility called Spy that enables a developer to
get information on dialog controls by clicking on them. Can Spy be used
independently of VC++, and if so, is there someone who can send me a copy of
this or a similar utility?

Many thanks,


Fraser Gardiner
Tel: 020 8451 9603
Mob: 07939 081357

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Re: MI MapBasic : Distance point to line

1999-12-17 Thread Bill Thoen

The shortest distance between a point and a line is the length of
a line originating at the point and intersecting the line
perpendicularly (not necessaerily the midpoint). You also have to
test the line's endpoints if a perpendicular intersection cannot
be drawn from the point to a line segment. 

- Bill Thoen

"V. VESTRI" wrote:
> Hello,
> Can you tell me how to calculate the minimum distance between one point
> and few lines or polylines with MapBasic ?
> It's the last point of my developpement and i don't have idea how i can
> do that.
> My MapBasic application is simple :
> - it create circle, using coordinates in a table
> - user define the radius
> - it select all line or polyline in the circle
> - it calculate the minimum distance between the circle centroid and this
> line or polyline
> I'm sorry for this very bad english ...
> Thanks a lot,
> Véronique VESTRI
> Ingénieur S.I.G.
> Surveillance de la qualité de l'air
> dans la région grenobloise
> --
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MI Another problem

1999-12-17 Thread Colonel Erick Posner

Hi Folks,

Thank you for the great advice about the file in Access!!

I also have a problem, it seems that when I open an excel file into MI 5.0
(after I auto-fitted the column width)... some clippings occured in some
of the columns and data was chopped off by either one or two chacacters.
Any idea?

   Erick Posner
"I have six locks on my door all in a row.  When I go out, I lock every
other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the
locks, they are always locking three." 
--Elayne Boosler

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Re: MI MapBasic : Distance point to line

1999-12-17 Thread Josee Bouchard / Le Groupe KOREM


Il existe un programme MapBasic gratuit qui te permet d'effectuer ce calcul
entre deux tables. Il est disponible en anglais sur le site de la MapInfo-L
à http://www.directionsmag.com/tools/ (Regarde dans le Top 10)

Si tu le souhaites, je peux te le faire parvenir en français.

> Can you tell me how to calculate the minimum distance between one point
> and few lines or polylines with MapBasic ?
> It's the last point of my developpement and i don't have idea how i can
> do that.
> My MapBasic application is simple :
> - it create circle, using coordinates in a table
> - user define the radius
> - it select all line or polyline in the circle
> - it calculate the minimum distance between the circle centroid and this
> line or polyline
> I'm sorry for this very bad english ...
> Thanks a lot,
> Véronique VESTRI
> Ingénieur S.I.G.
> Surveillance de la qualité de l'air
> dans la région grenobloise
> --
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> "unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

|| //   Josee Bouchard
|| //   #ICQ 8348615
|| \\
||   \\Le Groupe KOREM inc.
|| \\  http://www.korem.com

680, Charest Est, Quebec (QC)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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MI Control Points

1999-12-17 Thread Pablo Berroa

is there any add-on or trick that can be used to manipulate a map location?

I am working with a street map that's not well gereferenced.
I know how to select al segments and locate them to the location I want, but 
still has an azimuth error when I put other layers on top.
The "RotateWindow" utility rotates window, no the actual layer.

So, What I need is some way of georeferencing map thats already been digized 

Thanks in advance to anyone,

Juan P. Berroa
Santo Domingo
Dominican Republic

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RE: MI MTA's and BTA's

1999-12-17 Thread Jon Spinney

Try the FCC http://www.fcc.gov/oet/info/maps/
Jon Spinney

-Original Message-
From: Ryan Richter [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Friday, December 17, 1999 10:01 AM
Subject: MI MTA's and BTA's

Hello all,  I'm looking for layers of MTA's (Major Trading Areas) and BTA's
(Basic Trading Areas) for the US.  I have been told that you can download
them somewhere on the internet, but have had no luck finding it.  I'm trying
to find it for free of course, if that is possible.
I thank you in advance for any someone is willing to give.
Thanks allot.
Ryan Richter
GIS Specialist
DC - Development Consultants
Vox - (215) 348-4239  ext. 110
Fax - (215) 348-4997
Suite 312 Penn's Court
350 South Main St.
Doylestown, PA

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RE: MI Problem importing a file

1999-12-17 Thread Crompton, Mark

Hi Alan,

>From my observations:
MapInfo appears to use the row below the column headings to automatically
determine the data format.  To guarantee the data format, include a dummy
row with data of the correct type under each column heading.  We actually
use "TEXT" in every column and then change the format.  I know it's a pain,
but all this work is done in MapBasic.


-Original Message-
Sent: Friday, December 17, 1999 3:02 AM
Subject: MI Problem importing a file

I have been trying to import a .txt (although the same problem arises with 
the data put into Excel) file of point data into MI, with some odd 

The file consists of a mixture of fields, among which are:
GeoKey  1234567
PlaceName   Bournemouth
LatDec  50.1872221
LongDec -1.8458333
Population  155488
Height  30

There are also other character based and numeric fields. The field names 
appear as the top row.

I open the table, and can see the data clearly in the correct column.

When I come to Create Points, though, the only fields that appear in the 
drop down box are the GeoKey and the Height. This is consistent and has 
been confirmed by someone else.

If I look at the table structure, then the GeoKey has been imported as 
Integer, and the Height as Float. The other fields have come across as 
Character [which is presumably why they do not get recognised by Create 

If I then make a copy of table, and alter the structure so that the 
numeric lat/long fields are changed from Character to Float, then I can 
Create Points and plot the data.

Three questions, then,

1. Why do only some (2 out of 6) of the numeric fields come across as 

2. Why should the 2 that are recognised as numeric assigned different data 

3. How can I ensure that the lat/long especially are recognised as 
numeric, as it is a real time-waster having to make copies & change the 


Best wishes
Alan Pritchard
The GLOBAL GAZETTEER: the world on file
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MI Friday Humor

1999-12-17 Thread ROBERT CARPENTER

Subject: The Pillsbury Doughboy-dead at 71
Date: Wed, 15 Dec 1999 16:41:16 EST
Veteran Pillsbury spokesman, The Pillsbury Doughboy, died yesterday of a 
severe yeast infection and complications from repeated pokes to the belly. He 
was 71.
Doughboy was buried in one of the largest funeral ceremonies in recent years. 
Dozens of celebrities turned out, including Mrs. Butterworth, the California 
Raisins, Hungry Jack, Betty Crocker, the Hostess Twinkies, Cap'n Crunch and many 
The graveside was piled high with flours as longtime friend, Aunt Jemima, 
delivered the eulogy, describing Doughboy as aman who "never knew how much 
he was kneaded."
Doughboy rose quickly in show business but his later life was filled with 
many turnovers. Some say he loafed too much. Others said he had a rye sense of 
humor that went against the grain. He was not considered a very smart cookie, 
wasting much of his dough on half-baked schemes. Still, even as a crusty old 
man, he was a roll model for millions. In most situations, he would always rise 
to the occassion. 
Doughboy is survived by his second wife, Play Dough. They have two children 
and one in the oven. The funeral was held at 3:50 for about 20 

MI Europe Land Use data

1999-12-17 Thread Jon Spinney

Hello all, 

Anyone know of a cheap Land Use data set for Europe?  I'm simply hoping for
something that will allow me to distinguish between urban, rural, and
agricultural area's.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Jon Spinney
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MI MapBasic : Distance point to line

1999-12-17 Thread V. VESTRI


Can you tell me how to calculate the minimum distance between one point
and few lines or polylines with MapBasic ?

It's the last point of my developpement and i don't have idea how i can
do that.
My MapBasic application is simple :
- it create circle, using coordinates in a table
- user define the radius
- it select all line or polyline in the circle
- it calculate the minimum distance between the circle centroid and this
line or polyline

I'm sorry for this very bad english ... 

Thanks a lot,

Véronique VESTRI
Ingénieur S.I.G.

Surveillance de la qualité de l'air
dans la région grenobloise

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MI MTA's and BTA's

1999-12-17 Thread Ryan Richter

Hello all,  I'm looking for layers of MTA's (Major 
Trading Areas) and BTA's (Basic Trading Areas) for the US.  I have been 
told that you can download them somewhere on the internet, but have had no luck 
finding it.  I'm trying to find it for free of course, if that is 
I thank you in advance for any someone is willing to 
Thanks allot.
Ryan Richter
GIS Specialist
DC - Development Consultants

Vox - (215) 348-4239  ext. 110
Fax - (215) 348-4997
Suite 312 Penn's Court
350 South Main St.
Doylestown, PA

MI Friday Humor: Getting Gifts for . . .

1999-12-17 Thread John Hoffmann

Buying gifts for men is not nearly as complicated as it is for women.
 Follow these rules and you should have no problems.
 Rule #1:
 When in doubt - buy him a cordless drill.  It does not matter if he
 already has one.  I have a friend who owns 17 and he has yet to 
 complain.  As a man, you can never have too many cordless drills.  
 No one knows why.
 Rule #2:
 If you cannot afford a cordless drill, buy him anything with the word
 ratchet or socket in it.  Men love saying those two words  "Hey George,
 can I borrow your ratchet?" "OK.  By-the-way, are you through with 
 my 3/8 inch socket yet?"  Again, no one knows why.
 Rule #3:
 If you are really, really broke, buy him anything for his car, a 99 cent
 ice scraper, a small bottle of deicer or something to hang from his rear
 view mirror.  Men love gifts for their cars.  No one knows why.
 Rule #4:
 Never buy men bathrobes.  Once I was told that if God had wanted men to
 wear bathrobes, he wouldn't have invented Jockey shorts.
 Rule #5:
 You can buy men new remote controls to replace the ones they have worn
 out.  If you have a lot of money buy your man a big screen TV with 
 the little picture in the corner.  Watch him go wild as he flips,
 and flips, and flips.
 Rule #6:
 Do not buy any man industrial sized canisters of after shave or
 deodorant.  I'm told they do not stink - they are earthy.
 Rule #7:
 Buy men label makers.  Almost as good as cordless drills.  Within a
 couple of weeks there will be labels absolutely everywhere.  "Socks.  
 Shorts. Cups.  saucers.  Door.  Lock.  Sink." You get the idea.  
 No one knows why. (ABSOLUTELY TRUE!!)
 Rule #8:
 Never buy a man anything that says "some assembly required" on the box.
 It will ruin his Special Day and he will always have parts left over. 
 No one knows why.
 Rule #9:
 Good places to shop for men include Northwest Iron Works, Parr Lumber,
 Home Depot, John Deere, Valley RV Center, and Les Schwab Tire.  
 (NAPA Auto Parts and Sears Clearance Centers are also excellent men's 
 stores.) It doesn't matter if he doesn't know what it is.  
 ("From NAPA Auto, eh? Must be something I need.  Hey!  Isn't this
 a starter for a '68 Ford Fairlane?  Wow! thanks.")
 Rule #10:
 Men enjoy danger.  That's why they never cook - but they will barbecue. 
 (No one knows why)  Get him a monster barbecue with a 100 pound propane 
 tank.  Tell him the gas line leaks.  "Oh the thrill!  The challenge!  
 Who wants a hamburger?"
 Rule #11:
 Tickets to a Cowboys game are a smart gift.  However, he will not
 appreciate tickets to "A Retrospective of 19th Century Quilts."
 Everyone knows why.
 Rule #12:
 Men love chain saws.  Never, ever, buy a man you love a chain saw.  If
 you don't know why - please refer to Rule #7 and what happens when he 
 gets a label maker.
 Rule #13:
 It's hard to beat a really good wheelbarrow or an aluminum extension
 ladder.  Never buy a real man a stepladder.  It must be an extension 
 ladder.  No one knows why.
 Rule #14:
 Rope.  Men love rope.  It takes us back to our cowboy origins, or at
 least The Boy Scouts.  Nothing says love like a hundred feet of 3/8" 
 manila rope.  No one knows why.

On December 17 in history ..

* 1790 - Aztec calendar stone discovered in Mexico City
* 1903 - At 10:35 AM, 1st sustained motorized aircraft flight (Orville


John H. Hoffmann

"My interest is in the future because I am 
 going to  spend the rest of my life there." 
-- C.F. Kettering
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MI Problem importing a file

1999-12-17 Thread Alan Pritchard

I have been trying to import a .txt (although the same problem arises with 
the data put into Excel) file of point data into MI, with some odd 

The file consists of a mixture of fields, among which are:
GeoKey  1234567
PlaceName   Bournemouth
LatDec  50.1872221
LongDec -1.8458333
Population  155488
Height  30

There are also other character based and numeric fields. The field names 
appear as the top row.

I open the table, and can see the data clearly in the correct column.

When I come to Create Points, though, the only fields that appear in the 
drop down box are the GeoKey and the Height. This is consistent and has 
been confirmed by someone else.

If I look at the table structure, then the GeoKey has been imported as 
Integer, and the Height as Float. The other fields have come across as 
Character [which is presumably why they do not get recognised by Create 

If I then make a copy of table, and alter the structure so that the 
numeric lat/long fields are changed from Character to Float, then I can 
Create Points and plot the data.

Three questions, then,

1. Why do only some (2 out of 6) of the numeric fields come across as 

2. Why should the 2 that are recognised as numeric assigned different data 

3. How can I ensure that the lat/long especially are recognised as 
numeric, as it is a real time-waster having to make copies & change the 


Best wishes
Alan Pritchard
The GLOBAL GAZETTEER: the world on file
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Re: Problem with Importing file from MI to Access

1999-12-17 Thread Brian Cooper

>From past experience dbase files only have a maximum of 8  characters in the
name. the first must be an character. Your file name is too long. Have you
tried to export into the access database directly through obdc rather than
saving into dbf.

Brian Cooper
- Original Message -
From: Colonel Erick Posner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, December 17, 1999 11:09 AM
Subject: Problem with Importing file from MI to Access

> We are having a problem.
> We exported the file from MI 5.0 to DBF format.  We then created a new
> Database file from MS Access 97.  When we tried to export the DBF into the
> MS Access 97, we keep getting the following error:
> The Microsoft Jet database engine could not find the object
> 'SpringStreetTestFile.DBF".  Make sure the object exists and that you
> spell its name and path correctly.
> Any solution?
> -
>Erick Posner
> --
> "I have six locks on my door all in a row.  When I go out, I lock every
> other one. I figure no matter how long somebody stands there picking the
> locks, they are always locking three."
> --Elayne Boosler
> --
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Re: MI Using the data in a String Variable

1999-12-17 Thread PEM

Hi Scott,

The command for solving your problem is :

Run Command LastView

I hope this helps you!

Best regards,


Peter Moller
Kampsax Geoplan, Denmark

Scott Wrote:

I have a string variable, (LastView), which contains the MB code to create
Layout window.

Is there a way to extract this data to use in a layout command?

I want to create a layout the same as the last one opened.

If WindowInfo(FrontWindow(),WIN_INFO_TYPE) = WIN_LAYOUT then
LastView = WindowInfo(FrontWindow(),WIN_INFO_CLONEWINDOW)
end if


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