MI-L X Y Coordinates for Road intersections?

2001-02-05 Thread Bob Regier

I have a number of road intersections (like thousands) that I want to
collect the XY coordinates for and save them as attributes.  What is a
good way to do this?

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MI-L MI Disabling the Close (X) button on the map window?

2000-11-28 Thread Bob Regier

I have a complex MapBasic program that I inherited. It runs fine
except that if you click the (X) close button on the Map Window, the program
responds either with "This program has performed an illegal operation and
will be shutdown" (invalid page fault) or "System Error - Internal Error
My questions are:

Does anyone know what might be causing this error? (probably not closing
things off properly) and

What happens in the MapBasic program when you click the (X) Close button
on the Map Window?

If I can't find the problem, is there a way of disabling the (X) close
button in the MapBasic program?

Bob Regier
Township of Langley

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MI-L MI Maintenance Management using MapInfo and Palmtop computing devices.

2000-10-25 Thread Bob Regier

I am writing a program to assist in maintaining Fire Hydrants for our
The Concept:
The concept is that the Public Works foreman would go out with his
handheld computing devise (loaded with MapInfo) call up the map with the
fire hydrants and click on the one to be maintained. All of the installation
and maintenance records to date would pop up on the hand held and he would
then be able to record the maintenance work being done on that hydrant.
That information would then be used to update the MS Access (master) database
of fire hydrant information.
The Assumptions:
The Public Works people want to use a Compaq palm top running Windows
CE with a wireless modem to a Citrix server running both MapInfo and MS
Access. The palmtop would run a thin Citrix client and all the processing
would happen on the Citrix server. When the person out in the field
clicked on the hydrant, a MS Access form would pop up for that hydrant
with check boxes that could be clicked to indicate the work being performed.
The Futures:
If this first phase was a success we would add:

Computer generated maintenance schedules;

Computer generated optimal routing;


The Questions:

Will this work? If so, how? How can MapInfo call MS Access?

Is there a better/easier way to do the same thing?

Could this be done in a browser over the internet instead of Windows CE?

Would it be better to do an upload in the morning and a download in the
evening instead of being connected directly?

Is anyone doing this now?

Thanks for your help,
Bob Regier
GIS Manager
Township of Langley,
BC Canada

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MI Geocoding Lines

2000-09-22 Thread Bob Regier

There are a large number of construction projects in our 5-Year capital
plan which are itemized and geocoded in a spreadsheet.  I need to build
a map of these projects from the spread sheet.  The projects that relate
to points with one X Y coordinate (e.g. new traffic lights, etc.) are
easy to generate using Table  Create Points.  It seems to be more
difficult to build projects that relate to lines with two sets of X, Y
coordinates (e.g. new roads or water lines, etc.)

Is there a way to generate lines from a beginning and end point geocoded
in a spread sheet?

Any suggestions?

Bob Regier
Township of Langley

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MI Downloading Oracle info to MapInfo

2000-09-21 Thread Bob Regier

I need to download attribute data from an Oracle database to a MapInfo
.tab file on a monthly basis.  What is the best way to do this?


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MI Tracking down missing polygons

2000-09-19 Thread Bob Regier

The Scenario:
I am converting AutoCAD dgn files to MapInfo layers.
There are two files from AutoCAD, one that has the polygon (30,000 property
parcels) and another file that has a text parcel identification for each
The result I want is a MapInfo layer (30,000 parcels) with the identification
as an attribute.
The process I am using is the Table>Update Column to add the the text
parcel identification as an an attribute to the text parcel layer.
Then I do a geographic join where the text object is entirely within the
parcel object. This takes care of most of the parcels, but then I
need to reconcile those parcels whose identification is not entirely within
the parcel.
The Problem:
I need a better way to track down the parcels whose text identification
is not entirely within the polygon boundary.
Currently I am overlaying the joined parcels (in one colour) on the
layer that has all the parcels (in a contrasting colour) and when I see
a different coloured parcel I know there is a parcel that needs fixing.
This is a slow and labourious process, especially on some of the small
parcels. I need a better way of tracking down these parcels and identifiers
that need attention.
Do you have any suggestions?
If there were a way of doing some kind of a 'not entirely within' query
that might help, but I don't think that is possible.
The Solution:
(your turn)

Bob Regier

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MI Adding summary information to .tab files.

2000-07-10 Thread Bob Regier

I would like to add a documentation feature to my .tab files that would
allow users who are interested to see:

Who created a file;

When it was created (and modified);


Kind of like the summary properties in a Word document.
What is the best way to do this in MapInfo?
Bob Regier

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MI Live ODBC connection?

2000-06-28 Thread Bob Regier

We currently have a property file which has a number of  attributes such
as property number, owners name, current taxes, etc.  Those attributes
are part of the .tab property file and are displayed by activating the i
(info) tool and clicking on the desired property.  Every two weeks we
download these attributes from Oracle tables into MapInfo.

I would like to be able to access the property attributes directly from
the Oracle files by just clicking the i (info) tool on the desired

Is this possible?

If so, how?

Bob Regier

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MI MapBook Application

2000-05-18 Thread Bob Regier

I'm writing a Mapbook application in MapBasic that prints out the roads
in the Township on 8.5 X 11 mapsheets.  Part of the information I want
to print on the four sides of each page is the map # of the adjoining
page, as well as the current date.

There must be a way to put that information into a variable and then
printing out the variable, but I haven't found it yet.  I am trying to
use the Create Text Statement.

What is the best way to approach this?

Bob Regier

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MI Printing Fire Department Road Atlas

2000-05-12 Thread Bob Regier

I am trying to set up an application in MapBasic to print a road atlas
for the fire department.  The atlas would show all the roads in the
Township and the locations of Fire hydrants (on about 30 8.5 X 11 map
sheets).  This would help the fire fighters to travel to the scene by
the best possible route and connect quickly to the nearest hydrant.

What is the best way to proceed?

I looked at the "cookie cutter" program on the MapInfo web site as a
place to start from, but I need the map pages  to overlap and all roads
need to print, even if their centroids aren't in the selected region.
This doesn't happen with that program.

Anyway  my questions are:
Is there a program on the MapInfo web site that does something like what
I want?
Is there a function in MapBasic that will allow me to specify the
coordinates of the map sheet area to print?
How do I orient the text vertically on the sides of the map to say "this
map continued on map sheet 12"?

Can you help?

Bob Regier

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