MI [SUM]: Dates and Time import from Excel

2000-08-27 Thread Declan Troy

My original inquiry: "Does anyone have any tricks for maintaining the
integrity of dates and times when importing Excel files into MapInfo. I
find that Dates and Times as recognized by Excel are coverted to decimal
format in MapInfo but these are not readily interpreted as Dates once there". 

Thanks to Clayton Harry, Jason Adam, and Stan Johnson for their rapid

The key to using dates is not to have them in a day-month-year format in
Excel. Guess I've been found out! 

Time is another, and apparently unresolved matter.



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Re: MI RE: Using Excel....

2000-08-24 Thread Declan Troy


"Speaking" of importing Excel files. Does anyone have any tricks for
maintaining the integrity of dates and times when importing Excel files
into MapInfo. I find that Dates and Times as recognized by Excel are
coverted to decimal format in MapInfo but these are not readily interpreted
as Dates once there. Anyone with simple/elegant solutions?

Declan Troy
70.25N 148.37W

At 02:46 PM 8/22/00 +0100, you wrote:
>Thanks to all who replied.
>The answer wouldn't come as a surprise to many; You can view but cannot
>directly modify a number of different data formats, including Excel,
>without first saving to native MI format (File|Save Copy As...).
>You can confirm this yourselves, as I did, by searching the On-line
>Help. Search for 'Excel', 'Tables', 'Importing' etc...in fact, just
>about every search brings up a link to 'Tables You Cannot Update'...
>So it's no wonder I couldn't find it!
>One more to add to the wishlist: Improved on-line help for the idle
>and/or mildly stupid.
>Chris Martin
>GIS Consultant
>WS Atkins Consultants Ltd
>(01952) 201234
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MI SUM: Vertical mapper ASCII import

2000-02-11 Thread Declan Troy


I was findng that the Vertical Mapper import ASCII  grid wasn't working as
expected; i.e., it would do it and solicited other suggestions as to how to
get from Arc Grid to VM.  Perhaps a niche problem but I actually got more
feedback than expected.

It took 3 months but the word from Northwood Geo is that there is, or
rather was, a problem. It apparently has been fixed in version 2.5 (I have
2.2.1) so for $$$ the import is possible.

Ole Gregor offered that ASCII grid can both bee numerical and classified,
but VM only supports numerical ASCII grids. [mine is classified but uses
numeric values??]

Jacques Gélinas came up with the following workaround: import the ArcInfo
grid into Surfers. If this works then save the surfer grid to
Surfers'native ASCII xyz grid format. NB, at least with the demo versions
this can be done in version 6 but not 7. There is a surfer ASCII xyz to VM
translator on the mapinfo-l archives.

Thanks to all..


>If anyone has hints about the opposite opperation, getting from Arc Grid
>files to MI/Vertical Mapper I'd like to hear about it. I've tried
>converting the ArcGrid to ASCII Grid but VM chokes. The good folks at
>Northwood Geo have been trying to figure out why but after months no
>success. Anyone have any other suggestions to make this sort of conversion?

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Re: MI: Vertical mapper translator?

2000-02-07 Thread Declan Troy


If anyone has hints about the opposite opperation, getting from Arc Grid
files to MI/Vertical Mapper I'd like to hear about it. I've tried
converting the ArcGrid to ASCII Grid but VM chokes. The good folks at
Northwood Geo have been trying to figure out why but after months no
success. Anyone have any other suggestions to make this sort of conversion?


Declan Troy
Anchorage, Alaska

>Hi Listers.
>Do any of you know of a way of translating a vertical mapper GRD file to
an ESRI GRID file without using vertical mapper?

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Re: MI E00 Translation/Projection Troubles

1999-11-20 Thread Declan Troy


It's a long shot but could your problem getting Alaska and Russia on the
same map simply be a function of the date line (i.e., your translation is
ok). MI doesn't bump up against 180 with much dignity. Unless you use a
polar view it is not possible to get all of Alaska or all of Russia let
alone both of them in a logical layout. An annoyance that I get reminded of
all too often.

You are ahead of me. So far all my attempts to import .eoo files using
arclink has caused MI to choke.


>Hello Group!
>I have a question in regard to a E00 file I downloaded off of the GIS Depot
>web site.  I translated the data with MapInfo's ARC=>MAPINFO mbx tool with
>no problems, except that I can't get the projection I want.  I have a map
>of Alaska, and I want to add a nice boundary file of Russia.  The free
>boundary that comes with MapInfo is terrible (my scale is large), but the
>one from GIS Depot is very nice.  I just can't seem to get it into my map!
>I've tried to translate the data with a LAT/LONG projection, but I doesn't
>work.  I've also tried to save the file as a different name & a different
>projection, but the same problems.  It only seems to work with a Non-Earth
>projection.  Any suggestions???

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MI [SUM] Getting Text From Text Object

1999-11-15 Thread Declan Troy

The question:

Is there an easy way to transfer the text of a text object into a field?
I'd like to, for example, be able to use the update column command to take
whatever infomation in in a text object and move it into a field associated
with the object. Is there a variable associated with each object that
contains this information? Any ideas??

The Answer:

Thanks to Jacques Paris (fastest on the draw), Peter Meier, Bill Thoen,
Robert Crossley, Richard Greenwood, and Bob Young.

Everyone advised that all the information I needed can be accessed using

objectinfo(obj,3) yields the text string of a text object

Fine Print/Helpful Hints

Be careful to create a new column that will hold the longest string
contained in the objects, if not there will be some truncation.

The update I wanted can be done via update column, mapbasic window, or sql

Seems so obvious, I sense I shoul dhave known that. I guess Bob Young was
on the mark in his example which include the command Update Table DECLAN.
I've been updated!

As might be guessed, I'm trying to salvage a coverage for which the
attribute associated with (in this case) point locations were entered as
text objects; i.e., I have point locations and nearby a label. Using the
objectInfo I can move the label into a field (works as advertised). What I
really need to do is to transfer this text string to the true point
location (not a constant distance or direction). Still experimenting with

Thanks to all,


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MI: Getting Text From Text Object

1999-11-12 Thread Declan Troy


In the last few days there has been a bit of a flurry of questions about
text: how to select text objects, or selecting text in fields. I have a
variant not addressed yet

Is there an easy way to transfer the text of a text object into a field?
I'd like to, for example, be able to use the update column command to take
whatever infomation in in a text object and move it into a field associated
with the object. Is there a variable associated with each object that
contains this information? Any ideas??


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MI:[SUM] using .bil files

1999-10-21 Thread Declan Troy


What a difference a file format makes. When I asked about .pdf I received a
veritable cornucopia of opinions. In contrast, my query about .bil
(original question below) resulted in but two respondents (thank you John
Schlosser and Pat Lee).

It seems that there need be a .hdr file corresponding to the .bil file and
even that may require some editting for MI to find happiness. I could not
locate any .hdr files for my bils so I guess I have some research to do in
order to construct them.

Thanks for the leads,

Original Question:
I have some USGS DEM files that came in .bil format. Although bil files are
listed as a format supported by MI, when I attempt to open them (using MI
5) I get the message "raster engine was unable to recognize image file

Does anyone have any tricks for using bil files in MI? Should my problem be
resolved I anticipate my next issue will be accessing the DEM in the bil.
Since bil is a raster format I presume even getting in these files will
provide only a background image. Has anyone had any experience getting from
bil to Vertical Mapper to allow some analyis of/with the DEM information.

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MI: using .bil files

1999-10-18 Thread Declan Troy


I have some USGS DEM files that came in .bil format. Although bil files are
listed as a format supported by MI, when I attempt to open them (using MI
5) I get the message "raster engine was unable to recognize image file

Does anyone have any tricks for using bil files in MI? Should my problem be
resolved I anticipate my next issue will be accessing the DEM in the bil.
Since bil is a raster format I presume even getting in these files will
provide only a background image. Has anyone had any experience getting from
bil to Vertical Mapper to allow some analyis of/with the DEM information.


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Re: MI - Superfund Site Data?

1999-10-05 Thread Declan Troy

The National Atlas of the United States


has EPA envirofacts data available in Shape and SDTS formats. Not sure if
it's what you want but the EPA data includes air releases, hazaradous
waste, superfund, toxic releases, water discharge permits, ...

Lots of other interesting odds and ends there too.


>>Anybody know where I  can get a geocoded list of superfund sites
>and other hazardous chemical  release information?  I have been browsing
>EPA but have not located a  downloadable list yet.Matt Fowler Solid
>Earth, Inc. 109-B North Jefferson Street Huntsville, AL  35801 (256)

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MI [SUM] MapInfo to pdf

1999-09-23 Thread Declan Troy


I usually wait more than a day to summarize responses but the replies came
thick and fast on this one. I guess there was a innate hunger for a topic
other than spam!

I asked for comments about using Acrobat to generate pdf output from
MapInfo, in particular:

Do the pdf files look pretty true to the originals?
Does printed output of the pdf file compare well with printing direct from
Combining pdf files to get map illustrations into reports.

Overall the response was overwhelmingly positive that pdf was a great way
to go for getting good output, ease of circulating results across machines,
platforms, printers, clients... Indeed, some correspondents found output
from pdfs was better than direct from MapInfo! The third part of my inquiry
was only touched upon by the responses (I asked it rather cryptically and
it is more of an Acrobat question than a MapInfo one; but James Marlow
Terry O'Brien caught it) but the vote was pretty positive on that one as

There were some qualified opinions, but even here (at least for messages
directed to the list rather than to me), other users responded with
techniques to solve these problems, demonstrating once again how useful
mapinfo-l can be. Even those who reported problems still recommended using
Acrobat. Jam Buddy (Avenza) might be an alternative for those needing to
provide access to attribute data) within a distributed map. Some of the
specifics from responders include:

Be sure to go for Acrobat 4, much improved from 3 (some of the problems
listed below may be fixed in 4, I couldn't always tell which version the
correspondent had)

Be careful with custom symbols and special characters.

Distiller Assistant can be used to get higher resolution than PDFWriter
(you may have to adjust the default resolution for Distiller).

To avoid ragged bitmaps try using Distiller and/or zip rather than jpeg

OK, lets just say there were many votes for using Distiller!

Watch out for text displacement (not much but if placement is critical be
Try to stick to PS fonts.

Line symbols may be translated into standard lines.

Hatched patterns may be converted to solids.

For larger layouts than the defaults, don't forget custom sizes.

There can be some color shift when printing from pdf to printers, be
careful if you are trying to distinguish between subtle shades (they may
not be distinguishable).

Thanks for the great (and fast) replies to the many respondents including:

Tim Albert
Sylvia Blair
Frank Boscoe
Jo Ellen Brandmeyer
Dyan Catamaran
Kiesett V Collier
Mats Elfström
Joseph Harrison
Sam Kome
Bill Landis
Yannick Leduc
Greg Lindner
James  Marlow
Brad Mathews
Terry O'Brien
Steve Wallace
Adrian Walls
David Ward

and those whose messages past this one in the ether...

Declan (who expects to be purchasing Acrobat)

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MI MapInfo to pdf

1999-09-22 Thread Declan Troy


Anyone with positive comments about printing layouts (map windows) to pdf
files using Acrobat. Do the pdf files look pretty true to the originals?
Does printed output of the pdf file compare well with printing direct from
MapInfo? I've yet to try it but it seems that combining pdf files might be
a good way to get map illustrations into reports with reasonable quality
(better than saving windows as files) if the map pdfs retain printer


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