MI Mapbasic Flowcharter tool???

2000-09-14 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Greetings ,

Does anybody know if such a tools exists, that will read in Mapbasic code,
and output a flowchart or logical representation of it??


Peter Doyle
Global Connect 
OnAir Networks Queensland
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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MI MapInfo Pro 6.0 Demo

2000-09-06 Thread Doyle, Peter W


I downloaded a Beta copy of MapInfo v6.0 earlier this year from

It was valid for 3 months I think - But evaluation period expired in July. I
suspect it is no longer available (It would defeat the purpose if you could
keep downloading it)


Peter Doyle
Global Connect 
OnAir Networks Queensland
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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MI Missing Mapinfo DBMS DLL?

2000-08-09 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Greetings list,

Can anybody shed some light on the following problem?

I have just installed Mapinfo DBMS Support from the Mapinfo 5.5
installation disk (This was installed some time after the initial mapinfo
5.5 instalation)

Ever since installing the Mapinfo DBMS Support files, I now get the
error message:-

"MapInfo Database driver failed to load C:\Program

I have searched the installation disk and my drives for this
DLL but it dosn't seem to exist. Does anybody know where I might obtain this
DLL from and where it should live on my system?


Peter Doyle
Global Connect 
OnAir Networks Queensland
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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MI Does Mi v6 have Auto Save Workspace function

2000-07-30 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Can anybody confirm whether MI v6 has an Auto Save Workspace function. I
don't recall coming across it in the Beta release?


Peter Doyle
Global Connect 
OnAir Networks Queensland
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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MI Line rotation utility?

2000-06-20 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Greetings list,

Does anyone know of a utility which will allow you to rotate line objects?

(eg. select a line objectand say rotate to 50 degrees)


Peter Doyle
Global Connect 
OnAir Networks Queensland
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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MI Overlapping Labels - One solution

2000-06-13 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Greetings fellow listers,

For those of you that may be interested, below is a technique that I use to
overcome overlapping labels...

> Initially I had  situation where I use a table of Place names daily. When
> I labelled this layer, I would get a random set of places appearing each
> time (depending on scale of the map etc.)
> Most of the time I would not get the major place names as these would be
> overwritten by lesser place names.
> Instead of manually moving/rearranging and saving the labels each time, I
> did the following
> 1) Added a Population column and a Weighting column to the source Places
> table 
> 2) Manually went through the table and added population and weighting
> figures for each town in the table (time consuming initially) Population
> stats were obtained from local Bureau of Statistics. Weighting values were
> 1,2 & 3 representing Major, Main & Minor Place names respectively. (You
> will have to decide your own population thresholds for the weighting
> values)
> 3) Sort this table by population and save it.
> 4) Query the table from step 3 by each of the weighting values. Save each
> of these queries as a new table.
I called the 3 resulting tables Places1 representing the major towns,
Places2 representing the main towns & Places3 representing the minor towns.

> 5) Add these 3 new tables to your mapper and layer them in the following
> order with respect to each other, Places1 - bottom, Places2 - middle &
> Places3 - top.
> Now turn on the labels for each of these 3 tables and you will always get
> the major places labelled before the main places and the main places label
> before the minor places, no matter what zoom level or map scale, as
> Mapinfo labels its layers from the bottom layer up. 
> Tips.
> -
> If you want the labels for these layer to take precedence over labels for
> other layers, make sure they are the top 3 layers.
> If a place represents a significant area or town but the population
> doesn't show this, give it a lower weighting in step 2 above
> (alternatively give it a dummy population)
> If you set the label values for each layer as follows this gives a good
> effect when printing Layouts.
> Places1 (Major) Font size =9 (Bold)
> Places2(Main) Font size = 7(Bold)
> Places3(Minor) Font size=7(Non Bold)
> Step 2 can be quite time consuming initially, but pays off 100 fold once
> setup as you will always get the labels you want without any (if only very
> minor) rearranging and without having to save label layers each time.
I hope this is of some, its not the ultimate solution,

> Regards
> Peter Doyle
> Global Connect 
> OnAir Networks Queensland
> Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
> '  +61 7  34064304
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MI PDF files - cheaper alternative

2000-05-30 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Greetings Listers

A cheaper alternative to Adobe acrobat distiller is 5D PDF Creator available
from PDF Store - http://www.pdfstore.com


Peter Doyle
Global Connect 
OnAir Networks Queensland
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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MI Tab characters within a message window

2000-04-18 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Greetings Fellow Listers

Is it possible to use Tab spaces when printing to the message window?

I have tried Print Chr$(9), but it only inserts a single space.

I have looked through the reference manuals etc. and can't find any
reference to it.

Any clues? or maybe its one of those things we have to live with?


Peter Doyle
Global Connect 
OnAir Networks Queensland
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI Images on buttons

2000-03-28 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Greetings All,

A while ago I saw a message on the List regarding putting images on Dialog
Buttons. (Had something to do with the symbol library I think)

Would anybody still having the message or knowing where I can find further
information on the topic, be able to forward it to me.


Peter Doyle
Global Connect 
OnAir Networks Queensland
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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"unsubscribe MAPINFO-L" in the message body, or contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI v6 beta - printing problems

2000-02-24 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Greetings list,

Has anybody downloaded the MapInfo Ver 6 beta???

When printing it seems to suffer from the same / similar problems  as the
ver 5.5 patch, in that the layout window will not recognise a landscape
orientation when the printer is set to landscape (it defaults to portrait).
Mybe MI incorporated some of the same code from there 5.5 patch. I realise
this is only a beta release though.

I completely removed MI v5.5 from my system before installing the version 6
beta. OS is NT4

On the plus side the 3D map generator is neat. Not as functional as Vertical
mapper, but still neat.


Peter Doyle
OnAir Networks Queensland
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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MI Workspace regression utility

2000-02-14 Thread Doyle, Peter W


Recently I have noticed there are a number of people inquiring about
how to open a Workspace that was created by a later version of MapInfo.

As most of us are probably aware, the process is relatively simple
yet time consuming. Eg. use a text editor to edit the header of the
workspace, and
then try to eliminate those lines that are not supported be earlier
versions. (can be frustrating at times).

As I have a need to do this quite often, I decided to automate the
process by writing a simple MapBasic utility.  I have taken a very
simplistic approach - 

1) Read in the workspace 
2) Change the header 
3) Disregard all lines except for the table information
4) Save out to new workspace

You are left with a stripped down workspace that should load into
any MapInfo version, although you have now lost any formatting, layouts etc.

If you think this may suite your needs, or you just want to check it
out, Email me directly and I will forward it to you. Someone may even like
to build
on the idea?

If there is enough interest I will upload it to the Mapinfo-L site


Peter Doyle
OnAir Networks Queensland
Geographical Information Systems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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MI Mapinfo v5.5 Patch (printing bug)

2000-01-17 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Greetings all,

Has anybody come across the following problem after installing the MapInfo
v5.5 patch (Patch55026.exe) 

I am running MI v5.5 under NT4, plotting to a HP650c plotter.

I set page setup to print landscape. When opening a  layout window it always
comes up portrait. This has not been a problem till I installed the above
(the same thing has happened on two independent machines, both running)

Apon reinstalling MI v5.5 without the patch, everything is back to normal.

Maybe this is why MapInfo is not promoting the patch?

Comments anybody?


Peter Doyle
OnAir Networks Queensland
(G)eographical (I)nformation (S)ystems & Mapping
'  +61 7  34064304

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Saving printer configuration in MI v5.5

1999-07-07 Thread Doyle, Peter W

Hello list,
Please correct me if I'm wrong, I think I remember reading somewhere
that MI v5.5 could save the Pinter settings in the workspace.
(eg. selected network printer, orientation & paper size) so that
next time the workspace is opened the page layout returns to the saved

We have just upgraded to MI v5.5 and this doesn't seem to be the
case. I haven't been able to find any reference to this in the User guide or
documentation.  Was I dreaming or can someone shed some light on the


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