MI Replies - calls to kernel.exe

1999-12-20 Thread Fraser Gardiner

Thanks to all who replied to my question and saved me a lot of trouble! The
sample applications I was studying were 16-bit programs calling
"kernel.exe". In 32-bit systems the call is to "kernel32.dll".

Anssi Joutsiniemi said:

"Also most of short type (SmallInt in MapInfo) variables are replaced with
Long (ie. Integer in MI). Also the names of dll functions have an additional
'A' on their name in 32 bit system.

So for example the 16 bit declare :
 Declare Function GetProfileString Lib "Kernel" (lpAppName As String,
  lpKeyName As String, lpDefault As String,
  lpReturnedString As String, ByVal nSize As SmallInt) As SmallInt

would look something like this on your Windows98:
Declare Function GetProfileString Lib "Kernel32" Alias "GetProfileStringA"
(lpAppName As String,  lpKeyName As String, lpDefault As String,
lpReturnedString As String,  ByVal nSize As Integer) As Integer

Thanks again. Hope everyone enjoys the festive season.


Fraser Gardiner
Tel: 020 8451 9603
Mob: 07939 081357

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MI Calls to kernel.exe

1999-12-19 Thread Fraser Gardiner

I'm having big problems with my beginner's MapBasic exercises. All DLL calls
to "kernel.exe" fail - this file does not exist anywhere on my system

Can someone please explain to me why I might not have this file and offer me
solution? I think I am missing (or misunderstanding?) something fundamental

Many thanks for any help on this,


Fraser Gardiner
Tel: 020 8451 9603
Mob: 07939 081357

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MI Spy tool

1999-12-17 Thread Fraser Gardiner

I am working my way through Whitener and Ryker's MapBasic Developer's Guide.
They refer to a Visual C++ utility called Spy that enables a developer to
get information on dialog controls by clicking on them. Can Spy be used
independently of VC++, and if so, is there someone who can send me a copy of
this or a similar utility?

Many thanks,


Fraser Gardiner
Tel: 020 8451 9603
Mob: 07939 081357

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MI Rotate region

1999-09-14 Thread Fraser Gardiner

Is it possible to rotate a region and preserve it's shape?
I have some small (maximum 50 nodes) regions that I need to rotate by 90

Fraser Gardiner

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MI Vertical Mapper

1999-09-07 Thread Fraser Gardiner

Where can I get a demo / evaluation copy of Vertical Mapper (preferably 
download from Internet)? Alternatively detailed documentation on its 
Fraser Gardiner

Navan, Bulgaria87 James Boucher St, Sofia, BulgariaTelephone: +359 
2 962 4526/5586Facsimile:    +359 2 962 5316Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

MI buttons in MS Word

1999-08-27 Thread Fraser Gardiner

Is there a way to insert MI button icons (eg. select tool icon) in a MS Word


Fraser Gardiner

Navan, Bulgaria
87 James Boucher St, Sofia, Bulgaria
Telephone: +359 2 962 4526/5586
Facsimile:+359 2 962 5316

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MI Links

1999-08-20 Thread Fraser Gardiner

Here's something I want to do. The concept is simple - has anyone developed
an application that lets me do it?..

I have a map of Bulgaria showing exploration licence blocks and project
areas. I want to set the map up so that a user can select a project and be
given a dialogue showing all available workspaces for that project,
preferably with a short description of what the workspaces are. The user can
then select the workspace he/she wants and open it.
This would let users find and work with data without having to waste time
navigating my filing system.

I use Mapinfo 4.5 / 5.0 on Windows98.

Any suggestions?

Fraser Gardiner

Navan, Bulgaria
87 James Boucher St, Sofia, Bulgaria
Telephone: +359 2 962 4526/5586
Facsimile:+359 2 962 5316

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MI Workspace descriptions

1999-08-20 Thread Fraser Gardiner

"Is there any way that I can append comments and descriptions to my
workspaces so that I / other users can see what they are all about?"

I have just realised that the Discover "User Workspaces" function lets you
do this.

Fraser Gardiner
Navan, Bulgaria
87 James Boucher St, Sofia, Bulgaria
Telephone: +359 2 962 4526/5586
Facsimile:+359 2 962 5316

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MI Programming

1999-08-20 Thread Fraser Gardiner

I use Mapinfo a lot but I'd like to expand my skills base and learn a bit of
programming. Where do I start? Any recommendations / suggestions..?
Also, any beginners courses on programming or databases in London during

Fraser Gardiner

Navan, Bulgaria
87 James Boucher St, Sofia, Bulgaria
Telephone: +359 2 962 4526/5586
Facsimile:+359 2 962 5316

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MI Workspace descriptions

1999-08-20 Thread Fraser Gardiner

Is there any way that I can append comments and descriptions to my
workspaces so that I / other users can see what they are all about? You can
do this with ER Mapper algorithms and something similar for Mapinfo would be


Fraser Gardiner

Navan, Bulgaria
87 James Boucher St, Sofia, Bulgaria
Telephone: +359 2 962 4526/5586
Facsimile:+359 2 962 5316

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MI Linking tool

1999-08-19 Thread Fraser Gardiner

I've lost the original mails, but thanks to whoever it was that asked about
linking MI objects to files, and thanks to the person that recommended the
Linkplus mbx.
I've tried this and it's a trick that I've been wondering about for ages.

But is there a way of linking the objects to Mapinfo tables and workspaces
without opening a new Mapinfo program every time? This gets messy after
opening two or three links.


Fraser Gardiner
Navan, Bulgaria
87 James Boucher St, Sofia, Bulgaria
Telephone: +359 2 962 4526/5586
Facsimile:+359 2 962 5316

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MI local coordinates to geographic

1999-08-06 Thread Fraser Gardiner

My problem:

I have a load of MI maps that have been digitized using local coordinates
(the origin is at the corner of the page or at some other arbitrary point),
and I want to transform these maps to long/lats.

My current solution:

I allocate some control points then export each MI table as a DXF file, use
the set coordinates dialogue to set the coordinate transformation, then
import the DXFs back into MI. Unfortunately the set coordinates dialogue
only uses 2 pairs of coordinates to carry out the transformation, which is
really weak. If I want higher accuracy I go through the routine again using
2 different control points.

This is a real pain. Does anyone have any better solutions?

Also, I am looking for some sympathy / adviceI work for a mineral
exploration company in Bulgaria. Bulgaria is a place that is paranoid about
national security, and although they have the most amazing topo maps and an
excellent grid shown on those maps at all scales, the maps are published
without numbers on the grid.
Apparently it is illegal for foreigners to know the national grid. This
introduces a whole load of problems. When my company first started working
here, they used local grids for each project area. Just before I arrived
they had started digitising maps in Longs and Lats, as these can be provided
when maps are purchased, but again, in the interests of National security,
the coordinates are always shifted by about 150m, in a direction kept secret
from us.
This year, a joint venture partner insisted on carrying out all ground work
using their own nationwide metre-based grid, similar to UTMs but not the
right UTMs. At the same time we had people working on satellite images and
GPS using UTMs.

Has anyone ever experienced such a messy set-up? The end result is that I
spend a lot of time trying to work out if things on maps are in the right
place, and then I am never quite sure how accurate the data is. Does anyone
have any suggestions / advice / consolation..I need to sort something
out for the future.

Thanks for listening.


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