MI Querying Text-Line-Colour

2000-07-05 Thread brian . forrester

I've got a problem with some text objects.  Someone has set up some text
with label-lines of no-linestyle (no, don't ask me why)

This is fine, as the lines never appear; unless, that is, you output them
as WMF files, when they have a nasty habit of reappearing on the final
print (but never the proof copy printed in-house- isn't that always the

There must be an StyleAttr(Objectinfo(obj,x),y) somewhere to trace these,
but I can't find it.

Can anyone help me out or, even better, point me to a definitive list ?


Brian Forrester
Wood Mackenzie
Edinburgh, Scotland

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Re: MI: MapInfo will not start

2000-06-05 Thread brian . forrester


I just received much the same message with Mapinfo running alongside a
Norton Anti-Virus Scan (never a great move, but I wasn't aware of it at the

No solution, but maybe another clue?


Briain Forrester
Wood Mackenzie
Edinburgh, Scotland

Your Message:
"MI 5.0 is installed one of our machines ( PIII-450, 128 meg RAM, NT 4.0,
SP4) in profile All Users.  It runs smoothly for a while, then upon
launching one day displays the message "(c:\program
files\mapinfo\professional\mapinfow.mnu:11) Unrecognized command:
..."; MapInfo then opens with the following message "The file MAPINFOW.MNU
is missing or damaged; MapInfo is unable to start. Please call Tech

I searched the archives and found a thread about a similar problem to which
Cindy, from MapInfo Tech Support, answered that the problem might lie in
startup workspace.  I therefore deleted from it a RUN APPLICATION
to no avail.

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MI International Date Line

2000-05-23 Thread brian . forrester

Dear All,

As I live in Edinburgh, the International Date Line is as far away from me
as just about anything.

However, I have suddenly found a need for it.

Am I supposed to have a Mapinfo table detailing this already or can someone
help me out with one, or even a decent coordinate list?

I would be extremely grateful.


Brian Forrester
Wood Mackenzie
Edinburgh, Scotland

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Re: Anyone used MI 6.0 yet again?

2000-05-09 Thread brian . forrester


Your contribution to the debate on the future direction of Mapinfo is
certainly an interesting view of the macro-environment in which all
computer software resides.  I can only agree that the desktop software of
today will be superceded by the internet-aware products of the future.

Wherever the software resides, it should still do what the users need, as
quickly and efficiently as possible. High-level discussions of company
policy are all very well, but the guys (like me) drafting maps from dawn
'til dusk are the ones who are faced with the time-consuming work-arounds,
and the won't-work-at-alls.

If drafting presentation-quality maps is a slow, cumbersome process,  if
it's difficult to output them in the format required (how many users can
generate a fully-functioning EPS file - I can't), if  WYSI - not-WYG, if
what is considered to be core-functionality in other mapping/drafting
packages is posted missing, then all that will happen in the internet age
is that cartographers will use other forms of software that will.

Focus not just on making products internet-compatible, but making sure that
in the more competitive situation that will develop over the next few
years, Mapinfo remains the software users will chose to work with.  In this
day and age, people expect improved functionality with each upgrade.
In this regard, Mapinfo just isn't delivering.


Brian Forrester

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Personal rant follows:

Does Mapinfo v.6 allow the status-bar to report deg.min'sec" rather than
decimal degrees?  Can I input/read-off locations using deg.min'sec" when
double-clicking on an object? - How much programming time would be involved
in that simple change which would make a significant difference to the
amount of time it takes me to do my job - almost all coordinate information
that I get comes in deg.min'sec" format - I live with a scientific
calculator by my tablet for just this purpose.

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Re: Anyone used MI 6.0 yet?

2000-05-08 Thread brian . forrester

Ladies & Gentlemen,

My company has a large installed base of users, both full installations and
distributed run-time versions.

We still use Mapinfo 4.1, although we have purchased a copy of each upgrade
for evaluation.

Each time, I have investigated whether it is worth our while upgrading the
whole company to the new version.  Are any of you surprised that we have
not done so?  There has been nothing in v4.5, v5 or now, it seems, v6 to
justify the expense.

Looking back at the WishList from a few years back, so few of these
questions have been properly addressed.  All text-objects are anchored
top-left, why can't I fix each text-object at a different location
(bottom,right for example)?; Lat/longs in d.m's" has yet to be fully
implemented (even Encarta WorldAtlas does this); why can't I take a
selection of text objects and itaicise them/rotate them/ in bulk?; why
can't I copy/move objects but retain horizontal/vertical alignment?; why
can't I seamlessly move from editing an object on one layer to an object on
another layer?  Curving text aling a polyline? Continuous line-styles (that
don't stop/start with each line vertex)  etc.etc. etc.  MBX's have answered
some specific questions, but the product itself seems stuck in a rut.

A simple analogy from Autocad days might help to illustrate this point.
Autodesk used to buy-up utilities produced by third-party vendors, fully
implementing the code, seamlessly, into the next upgrade.  I presume they
paid the third-party vendors  who could then move on to the next gap in
Autocad functionality.  With each upgrade, there was a real boost in
functionality;  the best of the third-party stuff, and Autodesk's own work;
a real commitment to working through the User Group wishlist.

If Mapinfo is ever to really challenge AV, or even keep clear of the
clutches of smaller, faster-moving companies, it will have to be more
responsive to it's user-base.  It has been interesting reading the views of
so many who use a number of mapping products.  How many of you would ditch
the others, concentrating on Mapinfo alone - if only Mapinfo v7 was a real
and significant improvement that would genuinely justify the change in
version number, produce better maps and be faster to use and easier to
learn.  But even if the improvement was less significant, how many of you
would still buy Mapinfo;  you wouldn't use it as much as you might, but
Mapinfo would still register a sale.

The best thing that's happenned to Mapinfo in this office since v4.1?
Adobe's PDF writer.  Connection to Mapinfo Corp. - None.

I can only agree that a new version number for v5 and v6 seems like
complete overkill.  I despair of any step-change from Mapinfo.


Brian Forrester

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Re: MI Copying Boundary Lines

2000-04-07 Thread brian . forrester

Myles & Martin,

There are two answers here;

You can draw your new region extending over the original, then Objects Set
Target, Objects Erase

Or (and this is particularly useful if you are using polylines rather than
-  set snap on (toggle the "s" key)
- drawing your region( or polyline) lock onto the first vertex, then,
holding down the "shift" key,  move along the existing region-boundary,
your new region-boundary will be drawn along the same route as the old one.

-Try pressing the "ctrl" key rather than the "shift" key, and the new
region-boundary will be drawn round the existing region in the other

Hope this helps,

Brian Forrester
Wood Mackenzie

Your Message:
I have a mapinfo table of which contains very detailed regions. When I say
detailed I mean the bounday lines are made up of hundreds of points over a
distance. What is the best way of copying a piece of this region's boundary
that when I digitise another region adjacent to it, they have identical

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MI SQL Query- trying to select text objects

2000-03-31 Thread brian . forrester


What you need to do is Query Select, then in the "that satisfy" type in:

str$(obj) = "text"

You can do the same with region, polyline, line or point.

My only question is why such a simple query shouldn't be easier to access!

Hope this helps,

Brian Forrester
Wood Mackenzie
Edinburgh, Scotland

-  -  -  -  -  -  -
  -  -  -  -  -

Your Message

Hi everyone,
I am using SQL Query to select the text objects in a table.  In the 'Where
Condition' I have entered 'objtext' and variations on this, but I keep on
getting a syntax error. Any ideas?

Kind regards,
Erika Klimpsch
Catchment Education Officer

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MI Batch table Export - ASCII format

2000-02-15 Thread brian . forrester

Ladies & gentlemen,

I regularly have to export a number of tables in ASCII format (for checking

As a result, a really useful utility would be a .MBX that does a bulk table
export in ASCII format.

The only ones available seem to export DXF files and MIF files, does anyone
have a utility that
does ASCII format files as well?

Any assistance much appreciated.


Brian Forrester
Edinburgh, Scotland

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Re: MI Object organization in .TABs (ver. 2.0)

2000-01-26 Thread brian . forrester


Strange things happen in Mapinfo, and at the strangest of times..

A few hours after sending you the previous message, I had a prime example
of what can go wrong:

I had copied a filled-region onto the wrong layer, on top of some
pre-existing text. - it looked fine on screen,
but when I printed it out, the text appeared on top of the region !

Be Careful Out There.



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-   -   -

There was a discussion about this some time ago, the conclusion seemed to
be that the
display-order within a layer was dependent upon a number of factors that
are difficult/impossible
to control.

Put simply, you cannot control the display-order by simply drawing one
object on top of another.

I assume this hasn't changed in subsequent releases, a pain, but that's the
 way it is.

Try searching on the Mapinfo-L site for "display order" as I've just done,
Jacques Paris (who else!) hits the nail on
the head in  "RE: MI Obj order and the consequences in labelling..."


Brian Forrester
Edinburgh, Scotland

---Orginal Message---

Hello there,
Does anyone know how MI organizes polygons within
a table (the layering).  Is there a MI or MB way of controling
the order or stacking of polygons within one table?
Sorry if this question is trivial but I cannot find the answer.
Thanks for any help.

Peter Gozdyra
Research Associate
Dpt. of Geography and Planning, U. of Toronto

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Re: MI Object organization in .TABs

2000-01-26 Thread brian . forrester


There was a discussion about this some time ago, the conclusion seemed to
be that the
display-order within a layer was dependent upon a number of factors that
are difficult/impossible
to control.

Put simply, you cannot control the display-order by simply drawing one
object on top of another.

I assume this hasn't changed in subsequent releases, a pain, but that's the
 way it is.

Try searching on the Mapinfo-L site for "display order" as I've just done,
Jacques Paris (who else!) hits the nail on
the head in  "RE: MI Obj order and the consequences in labelling..."


Brian Forrester
Edinburgh, Scotland

---Orginal Message---

Hello there,
Does anyone know how MI organizes polygons within
a table (the layering).  Is there a MI or MB way of controling
the order or stacking of polygons within one table?
Sorry if this question is trivial but I cannot find the answer.
Thanks for any help.

Peter Gozdyra
Research Associate
Dpt. of Geography and Planning, U. of Toronto

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MI RE: dot com addresses

1999-09-27 Thread brian . forrester


As a member of the Mapinfo-L list with a dot.com address, I have a few
points for you all to bear in mind.

We all have an interest in making Mapinfo a better product.  Contributing
to the list is a way of sharing our solutions to the day to day problems we
face as employees, teachers, government employees and as individuals.

Further, I also hope the list also provides Mapinfo with information on the
way that it's product is being used and how it can be improved in future.

My (albeit small) contributions are based on the fact that I have received
useful pointers from the List, and wish to reciprocate in those (sadly few)
areas where I have some expertise.  It never crossed my mind that I would
charge for this - whoever the recipient.

Perhaps you could think back through the Mapinfo-L solutions that you have
found useful that have been provided by dot.com users.  Maybe there are
some freeware utilities that you have taken advantage of - provided by
dot.coms - my favourite form of advertising!

Perhaps Bill Thoen would like to add up all the useful contributions from
.com addresses to the list? (only joking, Bill)

Would Bill deserves a 10% fee for any commerce through the List for his
(unpaid) work in setting up and administering the List? (sorry Bill, I'm
still joking)

All those dot.com solutions were provided free of charge, I'm sure in a
spirit of generosity and goodwill.  Just because we work with Mapinfo
doesn't mean that money is always the first thing on our minds.

Brian Forrester

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MI:Text Editing

1999-09-17 Thread brian . forrester

Dear All,

Text Object dialog - Text Box - Text SIze

I find myself continually peering through my spectacles over the vast
distance past my keyboard,
over my digitising tablet to my 20" computer screen - just to edit text.

The Text box font is so small that I have to lean half-way over my desk
just to see
if my typing is correct.

Do I;

1. make more regular appointments with my optician?

2. get on a "Mavis Beacon-Teaches-Typing" course (the,failed, "do it right
first time" approach) ?

3.  buy a guide dog and learn braille (long-term solution) ?

4.  find some way of increasing the text-box text-size ?

Any suggestions gratefully received.


Brian Forrester
Wood Mackenzie

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MI Open Workspace error

1999-08-26 Thread brian . forrester


Be careful that no-one has changed the name of the first column in any of
the tables loaded by your errant workspace.

If you find out which file has been changed, edit your workspace and get to

You'll find a "Map From" section, with some tables loaded (including the
file whose column-name has been changed).

Count where the file appears in this list.

Go down to the "Set Map" section.

Assume for this example - your faulty table is fourth in the list,
someone's changed the first column from OldColumnName to NewColumn_Name

You'll see the following (or something similar);

Layer 4
Display Graphic
Label Line None Position Center Font ("Arial",0,9,0) Pen (1,2,0)
  With OldColumnName

Just change OldColumnName to NewColumnName.

If this isn't your current problem, be careful, in a multi-user
environment, It'll get you sometime!

Hope this helps.

Brian Forrester
Wood Mackenzie

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MI RE: Editing Tables

1999-08-11 Thread brian . forrester

Dear All,

Searching through the archives for some assistance with text-manipulation,
I came across a message with an explanation of how to remove a bracketed
section from a variable.

The example was removing the "3557004" from " Hilton (3557004) TP 0 "

The quoted mapbasic code didn't work, so after finding the Mapbasic manual,
I managed to work out that

mid$(var, instr(1,var,"(")+1, instr(1,var,")")- instr(1,var,"(")-1)

is the correct code.

To explain,
Mid$ = returns a string from the middle of another string,
var = variable_name
instr = position within string

We need to work out how to get to mid$(var,9,7) = 3557004  <7 chars.
from 9th char>)

withinstr(1,var,"("= 8< 8 characters being "Hilton (">
andinstr(1,var,")"  = 16   < Hilton (3557004)>

mid$(var,9,7) = 3557004

With apologies to Jaques Paris.


Brian Forrester
Wood Mackenzie

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Re: MI Splitting Polygons

1999-08-02 Thread brian . forrester

Dear All,

Splitting polygons or splitting headaches?

Yes I know, I should have worked out the DXF route to split combined
polgons - I'd go home and kick the cat if I had one.

PolyPlus.exe is the business.

If you're only doing a few, try copying the object, then;
Alt+R (reshape) : shift+ctrl+ double-click on one of the vertices : delete.
Select the second object and do the same thing (preferably with the 'other'
Change your attributes.
Game Over.
Much easier than re-drawing.

So the score...
One I knew about, one I should have known about and one neat routine
someone could have written for me. Par for the Mapinfo course so far !


Brian Forrester
Wood Mackenzie
Edinburgh, Scotland

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Re: Re: Re. MI dxf-export

1999-07-12 Thread brian . forrester


One reason at least;

DXF Headers are useful for importing multiple Autocad layers (from a single
DXF file) into different Mapinfo .TABs (I'm sure it's the Header section
that tells Mapinfo what layers to expect). -  If you really want layer-name
as an attribute, import your DXF file into multiple tables, , add a
layer-name variable to each .TAB, then combine your tables.

DXF files output by other programs tend only to have the Entities section
and can seem somewhat simplistic but a true Autocad DXF file is a thing of
beauty (in a nerdish, anorak kind of way).

e.g. The Entities section of a DXF file holds font information as a
font-code and size: the DXF Header stores all the other text font details
(so that it is only written once, not once for every text-object).  Look at
a MIF file with "Font ("Arial",1,0,0)" writen for each text-object - this
could be a single character in a DXF file.

Don't do DXF's down, it's just that Mapinfo isn't all that good at using
the information that's in there!


Brian Forrester

Entities - anything drawn in Autocad, i.e. lines, text, symbols etc.

Previous Message..

MapInfo needs full header section , but why?

None of the programs exports data to DXF properly as much as I know,
DXF  is very stupid and lots of things are messed

So header section should be IGNORED by MapInfo to read full content and
there should be some checkboxes to sotre layer name as an attribute, .

DXF also misses CAD attributes such as color etc..

Beside MIF is a super exchange format ..

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Re. MI dxf-export

1999-07-12 Thread brian . forrester


I gave up on Autocad at R13 so I haven't used R14 DXF files.

What I do know is that Autodesk started adding all sorts of extra sections
to DXF files in R13, with even
more in R14 (to do with transferring extra R13/R14 functionality via

Just to check the basics though, make sure you've saved a "complete
drawing" DXF file, not just the entities,
the Mapinfo table import needs the full header section to work properly.

I haven't got V5.5 yet, but I would have thought that R14 DXF files would
be importable by now.

Otherwise,  ask Steve "more power to his elbow" Wallace to put an R14 DXF
import on his WishList.


Brian Forrester

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Re. Re: MI .wmf export problem

1999-07-08 Thread brian . forrester

Tim & Robert,

I use WMF's almost exclusively for map output, to go into either Word,
Powerpoint or FolioViews.  Fill patterns are, therefore, one of my
perennial  problems.  The first few pattern options on the   Region-Style :
Fill-Pattern   seem to work, but with the others,  WMF'ed output will be

However, on the basis that there's more than one way to skin a cat,  you
might like to try Specfill.mbx,  (on:
http://www.ctmap.com/mapinfo/files2.htm  ),

You could also try http://www.geobasemap.com  which has a fill-pattern
utility that looks cool (but might cost money!)

I also came across Patterns.mbx  recently (somewhere on Mapinfo-L).

All of these will be more time-consuming than the standard fill-patterns,
but the increased flexibility (fill density, line-angles, symbol-patterns
etc.) might cheer you up as you waste your valuable time working-round
Mapinfo / Microsoft's problems.

Yours cynically,,

Brian Forrester
Mapping Analyst
Wood Mackenzie
74-77 Queen Street
Edinburgh EH2 4NS

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