Re: MI Grid file

2000-06-06 Thread Andrew_Dressel

Here is an update to the MapBasic sample code I posted earlier that
fixes to a couple of items pointed out by careful readers.

'   Copyright (c) 2000, MAPINFO CORPORATION
'   All rights reserved.
' $Workfile:   GridInfo.mb  $
' $Revision:   1.1  $
' $Author:   DRESSEL  $
' $Date:   May 22 2000 16:14:56  $
' Module Description:
' MapBasic program to retrieve grid info.
' Revision History:
'Rev 1.0   May 22 2000 16:14:56   DRESSEL
'Rev 1.1   June 6 2000 13:30:00   DRESSEL
'  Check for minimum version of MapInfo Professional (5.5)
'  Add support for Northwood's NWGRD30.GHL grid handler
'  Fix bug with button help message
'  Fix typo refering to 'rotatesymbols'
Include "MapBasic.def"
Include "Menu.def"
Include "Icons.def"

Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub GridInfoToolHandler
Declare Sub About
Declare Sub GoodBye

Define AppVersion 1.1

'Note: All MapBasic funtion variables are passed by reference unless
'  explicitly defined to be passed directly with the 'ByVal' key word.

Declare Function GE_OpenGrid Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  lpszFilename As String,
  ByVal lCacheSize As Integer,
  hGrid As Integer) As Logical
Declare Function GE_GetCoordSysInfo Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer,
  ptchCoordSys As String,
  pdMinXVal As Float,
  pdMinYVal As Float,
  pdMaxXVal As Float,
  pdMaxYVal As Float) As Logical
Declare Function GE_GetContinuousMinMax Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer,
  pdMinZVal As Float,
  pdMaxZVal As Float) As Logical
Declare Function GE_GetDimensions Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer,
  plWidth As Integer,
  plHeight As Integer) As Logical
Declare Function GE_StartRead Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer) As Logical
Declare Function GE_GetContinuousValue Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer,
  ByVal lCol As Integer,
  ByVal lRow As Integer,
  pdValue As Float,
  puchIsNull As SmallInt) As Logical
Declare Function GE_EndRead Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer) As Logical
Declare Function GE_CloseGrid Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  hGrid As Integer) As Logical

Global gsPath As String

Sub Main

  OnError Goto HandleError

  If SystemInfo(SYS_INFO_MIVERSION) < 550 Then
Note "This utility depends on the Grid Engine API of " +
 "MapInfo Professional version 5.5 or higher to run."
Exit Sub
  End If

  Create Menu "&Grid Info" As
"&About Grid Info..." Calling About,
"E&xit Grid Info" Calling Goodbye

  Alter Menu "Tools" Add "&Grid Info" As "&Grid Info"

  Alter ButtonPad "Tools"
Calling GridInfoToolHandler
HelpMsg "Retrieve value from grid cell.\nRetrieve grid value"

  Exit Sub

  Note "Main: " + Error$()
  Resume Next

End Sub

Sub GridInfoToolHandler

  OnError Goto HandleError

  Dim sCmd As String
  Dim i As SmallInt
  Dim lVerbose As Logical
  Dim x, y As Float
  Dim MapWindowID As Integer
  Dim lReturn As Logical
  Dim hGrid As Integer
  Dim sPath As String
  Dim ptchCoordSys As String
  Dim pdMinXVal, pdMinYVal, pdMaxXVal, pdMaxYVal As Float
  Dim pdMinZVal, pdMaxZVal As Float
  Dim plWidth, plHeight As Integer
  Dim lCol, lRow As Integer
  Dim pdValue As Float
  Dim puchIsNull As SmallInt

  MapWindowID = FrontWindow()
  If WindowInfo( MapWindowID, WIN_INFO_TYPE) <> WIN_MAPPER Then
Note "Click in a map window."
Exit Sub
  End If

  For i = 1 To MapperInfo(MapWindowID, MAPPER_INFO_LAYERS)
If LayerInfo(MapWindowID, i, LAYER_INFO_TYPE) =
  sPath = LayerInfo(MapWindowID, i, LAYER_INFO_PATH)
  Exit For
End If

  sPath = Left$(sPath, Len(sPath)-3) + "MIG"
  If Not FileExists(sPath) Then
If FileExists(ProgramDirectory$() + "Nwgrd30.ghl") Then
  sPath = Left$(sPath, Len(sPath)-3) + "GRD"
End If
  End If
  If Not FileExists(sPath) Then
Note "Cannot find grid file " + sPath
Exit Sub
  End If

  If sPath <> gsPath Then
gsPath = sPath
lVerbose = TRUE
lVerbose = FALSE
  End If

  sCmd = "Set " + MapperInfo(MapWindowID,
  Run Command sCmd
  x = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X)
  y = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_Y)
  Print "X = " + x + ", Y = " + y

  lReturn = GE_OpenGrid(sPath, 1024, hGrid)
  If Not lReturn Then
Note "Open " + sPath + " failed"
Exit Sub
  End If
  If hGrid = 0 Then
Note "Open " + sPath + " failed: grid handle = 0"
Exit Sub
  End If

  If lVerbose Then
Print "  Opened " + sPath + " with handle " + hGrid
  End If

  ptchCoordSys = Space$(255) 'Initialize to allocate actually memory.
  lReturn = GE_GetCoordSysInfo(hGrid, ptchCoordSys, pdMinXVal

Re: MI Grid file

2000-06-06 Thread Andrew_Dressel

>I have had a bit of a go at using the API from Delphi, but just can't get
>things working.  The problem seems to be what the hGrid relates to in
>Delphi.  Can anybody provide a simple Delphi example that, for example,
>opens a grid and reads a value at x,y ?
>There have been a few questions regarding this on the list so I suspect I
>am not alone.


>I got the documentation for the grid engine from MapInfo (a file named
>grideng30.exe containing 2 word files). It did contain documentation for
>Grid API functions, but missed a description of the various C-structures
>records in Pascal) used by the API.
>It it possible for you to publish the missing documentation for these
>C-structures, or - best of all - a simple C or Delphi (working) example
>source code.??

I don't have access to Delphi nor Pascal, but here is an example that
demonstrates using the GridEngine from MapBasic. This sample program opens
a grid file and retrieves a value from it. Give it a try.

'   Copyright (c) 2000, MAPINFO CORPORATION
'   All rights reserved.
' $Workfile:   GridInfo.mb  $
' $Revision:   1.0  $
' $Author:   DRESSEL  $
' $Date:   May 22 2000 16:14:56  $
' Module Description:
' MapBasic program to retrieve grid info.
' Revision History:
'Rev 1.0   May 22 2000 16:14:56   DRESSEL
Include "MapBasic.def"
Include "Menu.def"
Include "Icons.def"

Declare Sub Main
Declare Sub GridInfoToolHandler
Declare Sub About
Declare Sub GoodBye

Define AppVersion 1.0

'Note: All MapBasic funtion variables are passed by reference unless
'  explicitly defined to be passed directly with the 'ByVal' key word.

Declare Function GE_OpenGrid Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  lpszFilename As String,
  ByVal lCacheSize As Integer,
  hGrid As Integer) As Logical
Declare Function GE_GetCoordSysInfo Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer,
  ptchCoordSys As String,
  pdMinXVal As Float,
  pdMinYVal As Float,
  pdMaxXVal As Float,
  pdMaxYVal As Float) As Logical
Declare Function GE_GetContinuousMinMax Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer,
  pdMinZVal As Float,
  pdMaxZVal As Float) As Logical
Declare Function GE_GetDimensions Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer,
  plWidth As Integer,
  plHeight As Integer) As Logical
Declare Function GE_StartRead Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer) As Logical
Declare Function GE_GetContinuousValue Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer,
  ByVal lCol As Integer,
  ByVal lRow As Integer,
  pdValue As Float,
  puchIsNull As SmallInt) As Logical
Declare Function GE_EndRead Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  ByVal hGrid As Integer) As Logical
Declare Function GE_CloseGrid Lib "Migrid.dll" (
  hGrid As Integer) As Logical

Global gsPath As String

Sub Main

  OnError Goto HandleError

  Create Menu "&Grid Info" As
"&About Grid Info..." Calling About,
"E&xit Grid Info" Calling Goodbye

  Alter Menu "Tools" Add "&Grid Info" As "&Grid Info"

  Alter ButtonPad "Tools"
HelpMsg "Retrieve grid value"
Calling GridInfoToolHandler

  Exit Sub

  Note "Main: " + Error$()
  Resume Next

End Sub

Sub GridInfoToolHandler

  OnError Goto HandleError

  Dim sCmd As String
  Dim i As SmallInt
  Dim lVerbose As Logical
  Dim x, y As Float
  Dim MapWindowID As Integer
  Dim lReturn As Logical
  Dim hGrid As Integer
  Dim sPath As String
  Dim ptchCoordSys As String
  Dim pdMinXVal, pdMinYVal, pdMaxXVal, pdMaxYVal As Float
  Dim pdMinZVal, pdMaxZVal As Float
  Dim plWidth, plHeight As Integer
  Dim lCol, lRow As Integer
  Dim pdValue As Float
  Dim puchIsNull As SmallInt

  MapWindowID = FrontWindow()
  If WindowInfo( MapWindowID, WIN_INFO_TYPE) <> WIN_MAPPER Then
Note "Click in a map window."
Exit Sub
  End If

  For i = 1 To MapperInfo(MapWindowID, MAPPER_INFO_LAYERS)
If LayerInfo(MapWindowID, i, LAYER_INFO_TYPE) =
  sPath = LayerInfo(MapWindowID, i, LAYER_INFO_PATH)
  Exit For
End If

  sPath = Left$(sPath, Len(sPath)-3) + "MIG"
  If sPath <> gsPath Then
gsPath = sPath
lVerbose = TRUE
lVerbose = FALSE
  End If

  sCmd = "Set " + MapperInfo(MapWindowID,
  Run Command sCmd
  x = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_X)
  y = CommandInfo(CMD_INFO_Y)
  Print "X = " + x + ", Y = " + y

  lReturn = GE_OpenGrid(sPath, 1024, hGrid)
  If lReturn Then
If lVerbose Then
  Print "  Opened " + sPath + " with handle " + hGrid
End If
If hGrid <> 0 Then
ptchCoordSys = Space$(255) 'Initialize to allocate actually memory.
lReturn = GE_GetCoordSysInfo(hGrid, ptchCoordSys, pdMinXVal,

Re: MI Grid file

2000-06-05 Thread mose


I have had a bit of a go at using the API from Delphi, but just can't get 
things working.  The problem seems to be what the hGrid relates to in 
Delphi.  Can anybody provide a simple Delphi example that, for example, 
opens a grid and reads a value at x,y ?

There have been a few questions regarding this on the list so I suspect I 
am not alone.


Neil Moseley

>1. Based on the definition of these functions from the API, the size limit
>appears to be about 2,147,483,648 x 2,147,483,648, but I'm sure practical
>limitations become apparent long before that.
>long lCol, long lRow, double *pdValue, unsigned char *puchIsNull);
>  BOOL GRIDENGFUNCTION GE_GetDimensions(GE_HGRID hGrid, long *plWidth,
>long *plHeight);
>long lCol, long lRow, double dValue);
>2. No, the IDW algorithm is just one way to create a grid file.
>3. I know that ESTI-Map in Moscow has written a TIN-based interpolator,
>   and Mercator Geosystems has others.
>4. MapInfo Professional 5.5 (and now 6.0) includes a DEM2GRID utility.
>The complete API for the Grid Engine is available upon request.
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To unsubscribe from this list, send e-mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED] and put
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Re: MI Grid file

2000-06-05 Thread Andrew_Dressel

>Does anyone have experience of using either large grid files or tiled grid
>files to represent, for example, elevation data?

We have some.

>We're trying to determine the best way to distribute DEM data for use by
>MapInfo Professional (without add-in's).  Options we've considered are:
>points (2) square cells as regions and (3) .mig files.  Given around 10
>million readings, option 1 would be bulky and option 2 even more so!

>Specific questions on .mig files- (1) what is the size limit?  (2) is the
>limit related to the IDW algorithm?  (3) are there alternative algorithms?
>(4) has anyone written a .mig loader, say from a point file?

1. Based on the definition of these functions from the API, the size limit
appears to be about 2,147,483,648 x 2,147,483,648, but I'm sure practical
limitations become apparent long before that.

long lCol, long lRow, double *pdValue, unsigned char *puchIsNull);

  BOOL GRIDENGFUNCTION GE_GetDimensions(GE_HGRID hGrid, long *plWidth,
long *plHeight);

long lCol, long lRow, double dValue);

2. No, the IDW algorithm is just one way to create a grid file.

3. I know that ESTI-Map in Moscow has written a TIN-based interpolator,
   and Mercator Geosystems has others.

4. MapInfo Professional 5.5 (and now 6.0) includes a DEM2GRID utility.

The complete API for the Grid Engine is available upon request.

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