RE: MI-L Mapbasic & MapX (Advice request)

2002-10-21 Thread Simmonds, Ashley (PTB)
i do the same, and many others here would also.  if you're familiar with VB,
you'll find MapBasic a doddle, just have handy the help file and a DEF file
(if not included in your app) and it's not hard to figure stuff out.

within your VB code you can easily interact with MapInfo through .DO, .EVAL,
and .RUNMENUCOMMAND commands, and this allows for more control over the

i learnt most of my stuff through having the MapBasic window open while
doing stuff in MapInfo and figuring out what it did.  that, and asking
questions on this list.

i don't know a great deal about MapX, however from a casual observation it
seems to have less control available than MapInfo, but that's a very casual
observation.  it may actually cost less than the MapInfo Pro option if many
users are going to be doing stuff with the product, though the runtime
version may or may not alleviate some of that.

others will have a more valid/useful opinion than mine, but everyone else on
the planet is still asleep.


-Original Message-
From: Matt Bolton [mailto:m3it@;]
Sent: Tuesday, 22 October 2002 3:25 PM
Subject: MI-L Mapbasic & MapX (Advice request)

My job primarily involves writing VB apps to interact with Access 
databases, but has recently expanded to include dealing with MapInfo. 
 I've learnt the very basics of MapInfo and now need to start automating 
it to make operation very simple for end users. This will mainly involve 
extracting data from databases and using this to generate thematic 
layers in Mapinfo.

My research indicates that my options here are either:
a). Learn and use MapBasic, or
b). Purchase and learn to use the MapX control.

Option b) would probably be easier for me, but will cost more due to 
MapInfo's licensing arrangements for this control.
I am seeking advice on the best option to pursue, especially with 
respect to:
1. Whether both options would provide equivalent functionality or if one 
gives much more scope for automation.
2. The ease of learning of both options.
3. Recommendations of books or web sites for learning MapBasic.

Thanks in advance,


Matt Bolton 

Mach 3 IT 

Mobile 0412 122 416

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Message number: 3675

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Message number: 3676

MI-L Mapbasic & MapX (Advice request)

2002-10-21 Thread Matt Bolton
My job primarily involves writing VB apps to interact with Access 
databases, but has recently expanded to include dealing with MapInfo. 
I've learnt the very basics of MapInfo and now need to start automating 
it to make operation very simple for end users. This will mainly involve 
extracting data from databases and using this to generate thematic 
layers in Mapinfo.

My research indicates that my options here are either:
a). Learn and use MapBasic, or
b). Purchase and learn to use the MapX control.

Option b) would probably be easier for me, but will cost more due to 
MapInfo's licensing arrangements for this control.
I am seeking advice on the best option to pursue, especially with 
respect to:
1. Whether both options would provide equivalent functionality or if one 
gives much more scope for automation.
2. The ease of learning of both options.
3. Recommendations of books or web sites for learning MapBasic.

Thanks in advance,


Matt Bolton 

Mach 3 IT 

Mobile 0412 122 416

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Message number: 3675

MI-L precision of float variables

2002-10-21 Thread Gareth Penna


When an object in rectangular co-ordintaes is reprojected using the mapbasic
set coordsys clause to lat longs the resultant precision is only to 3
deciamal places I was wondering how this could be increased to about 6.


Gareth Penna
Analyst Programmer
Lochard PTY LTD
ph 03 95084919

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Message number: 3674

MI-L Print to file via MapBasic

2002-10-21 Thread Bruce . Harvey
Dear All

I'm hoping to construct a tool (button) that will allow a user to print a
layout to file in a specific folder using a specific printer driver, with
the only choice for the user being the paper size. ie everything else would
be hard-wired for consistency.

Haven't found any obvious MapBasic solution to this as the print setup all
seems to be handled by Windows. Does anyone know of a way to tackle this,
either through mapbasic or the Windows API ?? Either way I'd need the
result to be executable from within MapInfo Any pointers to the
solution would be greatly appreciated.

Bruce Harvey

CITS Spatial Systems Services
Department of Infrastructure
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

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Message number: 3673

Re: MI-L MapInfo Cumulative Total

2002-10-21 Thread Eric Mauvière
Hi Cameron,
In the  Mapbasic window, i would try this, assuming that your base table
is called "data"
and the variable to sum "varnum" :

set distance units "m"
Commit Table data As "C:\TMP\data1.TAB" TYPE NATIVE Charset
Open Table "C:\TMP\data1.TAB" Interactive
drop map data1
Create Map For data1 CoordSys NonEarth Units "m" Bounds (-1, -1)
(1, 1)
Add Column "data1" (_rowid integer) From data1 Set to rowid
update data1 set obj=createcircle(0,0,rowid)
Commit Table data1 As "C:\TMP\data2.TAB" TYPE NATIVE Charset
Open Table "C:\TMP\data2.TAB" Interactive
Select data1._rowid, sum(data2.varnum) "csum" from data1, data2 where
data2.obj entirely within data1.obj group by 1 into dt_csum
It's a little weird and time-consuming, but useful when you don't have
Hope this helps,

Eric Mauvière
214 B Ch des Izards 31140 Launaguet

RE: MI-L point labels - losing alignment

2002-10-21 Thread Tim.Nuteson
Hi Darrin. 

This problem is most likely due to a bug in the label position calculations
within MapInfo.  Eric Blasenheim, MapInfo Software Architect, explained the
problem and its workarounds in a post to Mapinfo-L years ago, which I have
quoted below.

I have been experiencing the same issue for years.  It shows up mainly when
putting highway numbers inside highway shields (any slight error in
alignment is glaringly obvious), but also when labeling points on large

Bottom line:  zoom in really tight (800%) on your layout, go back to the
mapper, turn the labels off, turn them back on, and return to the layout.
All should be well.

They need to fix this. 

Tim Nuteson
Target Corporation

[From Eric Blasenheim]:
It is not entirely clear to me that all the recent questions on label
plotting all relate to the same issue. Some may be a result of
misunderstanding how dynamic labels are composed. In particular, many
people still think that labels in the Layout are supposed to be the same as
those in the Map window.  This is not correct. The labels, which are always
sized using paper (Points) units, fit differently in the Layout paper space
than they do in the Map Window which has only the screen connection.

However, there is a bug in the layout label calculation that may be the
source of a number of these inquiries. There is also a workaround until
that bug is fixed.

When the labels are composed, their location is determined by translating
the label location of the object (usually the centroid) from geographic
units into a location on the page. This location is then adjusted according
to the nine label positioning and offset options and the text size which is
determined by querying the operating system (Windows).  Once these labels
are located only changes in the label settings for that layer, the scale of
the map or the size of the layout frame will cause the labels to be
recomposed. A simple zoom change in the layout, will not cause this. It
only changes the display size of all the labels. This is how it should be.

However, when the screen display size of the labels is quite small, the
conversions between geographic, screen and paper locations result in loss
of precision resulting in the labels not being correctly located.
Basically we are querying Windows with user point sizes (8, 10, 12 point)
scaled down to 1 or 2 points. This commonly occurs with large size plots
and/or small screen resolutions where a view which encompasses the entire
layout results in very small on screen text sizes.

The workaround is to force MapInfo Professional to recompose the labels
when the screen size of the text is more reasonable. So, if you zoom in to
the layout to where the text is readable and do any of the following the
labels should recompose correctly:

1) Change any setting in the label settings dialog or the check box for
dynamic label visibility at the first level of layer control. Obviously, if
you choose to turn off visibility you will need to turn it back on again.

2) Run any of the MapBasic  "Set Map Layer Label" commands from the
MapBasic window. These are the same commands generated by the Layer
control/Label settings dialogs.

3) Change any of the zoom/scale settings in the Change View dialog or the
MapBasic commands that they generate.

4) Change the size of the Layout frame where the Map is contained via the
Frame dialog or by dragging the frame corner or side.

Also note that any workspaces that you save can automatically use this
workaround by saving them at a Layout zoom where the text size is not too
small! Opening the workspace causes the layout frames including the labels
to be recomposed from scratch and if the viewed text size is reasonable,
the correct calculations will occur.

We are looking into a fix for this problem.

Eric Blasenheim

[end of quote]

-Original Message-
From: Darrin Clement [mailto:darrin@;]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 4:14 PM
To: Mapinfo-L
Subject: MI-L point labels - losing alignment

Hello everyone,

We have been seeing a very perplexing anomaly for a long
time and it is getting too hard to deal with.  Here's a
brief summary:

We have a point layer (which we happen to style using
symbols) which we also autolabel.  For small layouts
(~8.5x11 inches), the labels appear perfectly on the points
as we set in the label options to be centered.  However,
when we get to larger layouts (~3'x4'), *sometimes* the
labels get randomly off center.  I say "random" because some
are to the left, some under, some over, etc.  I say
"sometimes" because for the exact same data and workspaces,
we can sometimes fix this by turning off other layers.
However, we try the same "fix" on the next map, and it
doesn't work.  We can't figure out why the labels don't snap
to the points they are supposed to be labeling.

We've tried it using both custom symbols and standard
symbols for the points, and we've tried different font
sizes, etc.  We have also ma

Re: MI-L Extraction of objects intersecting a line segment

2002-10-21 Thread Cameron Crum
Your question does not have a simple solution. MapInfo is basically a 2-D
GIS (x,y) tool and you are trying to find intersections in 3 dimensions or
at least in 2 dimensions that MI does not typically operate (x,y,z or x,z or
y,z). What you need to do this type of planning  is terrain data and clutter
data (with elevations). Depending on how accurate you need your terrain and
clutter to be (and I would suggest to do uW planning correctly, you need
very accurate terrain and clutter databases) this can be quite pricey
depending on where you are in the world. You will then have to write a
program which will take into account your transmitter and receiver locations
and elevations (AGL) and then determine the elevation of the "line"
connecting the two at every terrain point along the path. This is not a
simple task either because you must also take into account the curvature of
the earth, and since you're talking about high frequency radio waves, the
atmostpheric conditions (i.e. refractive indexes and such). Also, simply
clearing the obstacles will not provide a reliable communications link. You
also need to determine the first fresnel zone of the path and make sure that
this is not obstructed as well.

I know you are looking for a free solution, but it is unlikely that one
exists that is worth the time to download it. I believe that Vertical Mapper
has a line of sight tool in it that will identify obstructions, but again,
this will not be an entire solution to your problem. There are other tools
available (search the internet for Microwave Planning tools) which are
reasonably priced in my opinion which will accomplish the task at hand, but
they are not MI based. Our RF Planning Tool, Athena, is a comprehensive
MapInfo based solution for all types of wireless network planning, but it
would be overkill for basic uW planning and probably would be way out of
your price range if you are looking for a free tool. We can provide a custom
solution for you if you desire. Let me know.

Cameron Crum
Wave Concepts

Vijayalakshmi wrote:

> Hi
> I am working on wireless network planning. We are using MapInfo for it,
> along with Mapbasic. I am looking for a readymade mapbasic utility to
> find objects on a map that intersect with a given line segment
> (essentially to find the obstructions in the path between a microwave
> Transmitter and Receiver).
> Can anyone let me know if such a utility is available for free download?
> Thanks
> Vijayalakshmi.
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Message number: 3666

MI-L point labels - losing alignment

2002-10-21 Thread Darrin Clement
Hello everyone,

We have been seeing a very perplexing anomaly for a long
time and it is getting too hard to deal with.  Here's a
brief summary:

We have a point layer (which we happen to style using
symbols) which we also autolabel.  For small layouts
(~8.5x11 inches), the labels appear perfectly on the points
as we set in the label options to be centered.  However,
when we get to larger layouts (~3'x4'), *sometimes* the
labels get randomly off center.  I say "random" because some
are to the left, some under, some over, etc.  I say
"sometimes" because for the exact same data and workspaces,
we can sometimes fix this by turning off other layers.
However, we try the same "fix" on the next map, and it
doesn't work.  We can't figure out why the labels don't snap
to the points they are supposed to be labeling.

We've tried it using both custom symbols and standard
symbols for the points, and we've tried different font
sizes, etc.  We have also made sure that zoom layering is
off for the points and labels.

Does anyone have any advice?



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Message number: 3671

MI-L RE:MI-L Thematic mapping (Mohiddin Syed 10/21/2002)

2002-10-21 Thread torbjorn . wikstrom
Try the application AddLegendStyle

Torbjörn Wikström

With out this option, even If I open the individual table I should get the
same color/style/size etc..

* : 040-6104362

-Original Message-
From: Estibaliz Yagüe [mailto:estibaliz.yague@;]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 5:52 PM
To: Mohiddin Syed; MI-L
Subject: Re: MI-L Thematic mapping

Just saving a workspace.


- Original Message -
From: "Mohiddin Syed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 2:01 PM
Subject: MI-L Thematic mapping

> Dear List,
> I have created Thematic map, Is it possible to make those changes
> to the tables. is there any tool available to do this.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Mohiddin
> * : 040-6104362

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Message number: 3670

MI-L Opening of work space

2002-10-21 Thread Mohiddin Syed
Dear List,
I have created work space in computer 1 and when I'M trying to open it threw
net work from another computer I couldn't for every table it is asking for
its path. Is there any way to open the workspace with out this prompt.
thanks in advance.

* : 040-6104362

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Message number: 3657

RE: MI-L Thematic mapping

2002-10-21 Thread Mohiddin Syed
With out this option, even If I open the individual table I should get the
same color/style/size etc..

* : 040-6104362

-Original Message-
From: Estibaliz Yagüe [mailto:estibaliz.yague@;]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 5:52 PM
To: Mohiddin Syed; MI-L
Subject: Re: MI-L Thematic mapping

Just saving a workspace.


- Original Message -
From: "Mohiddin Syed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 2:01 PM
Subject: MI-L Thematic mapping

> Dear List,
> I have created Thematic map, Is it possible to make those changes
> to the tables. is there any tool available to do this.
> Thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Mohiddin
> * : 040-6104362
> -
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Message number: 3665

MI-L Thematic mapping

2002-10-21 Thread Mohiddin Syed
Dear List,
I have created Thematic map, Is it possible to make those changes permanent
to the tables. is there any tool available to do this.
Thanks in advance.

* : 040-6104362

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Message number: 3664

Re: MI-L MapInfo Cumulative Total

2002-10-21 Thread Eric Mauvière
Hi Cameron,
In the mapbasic window, i would try this, assuming that your base table
is called "data"
and the variable to sum "varnum" :

set distance units "m"
Commit Table data As "C:\TMP\data1.TAB" TYPE NATIVE Charset
Open Table "C:\TMP\data1.TAB" Interactive
drop map data1
Create Map For data1 CoordSys NonEarth Units "m" Bounds (-1, -1)
(1, 1)
Add Column "data1" (_rowid integer) From data1 Set to rowid
update data1 set obj=createcircle(0,0,rowid)
Commit Table data1 As "C:\TMP\data2.TAB" TYPE NATIVE Charset
Open Table "C:\TMP\data2.TAB" Interactive
Select data1._rowid, sum(data2.varnum) "csum" from data1, data2 where
data2.obj entirely within data1.obj group by 1 into dt_csum
It's a little weird and time-consuming, but useful when you don't have
Hope this helps,

Eric Mauvière
214 B Ch des Izards 31140 Launaguet

MI-L Patch for MapInfo Runtime 5.5

2002-10-21 Thread digeteca
Hello everyone,

I am a MapInfo Professionnal v5.5 and Runtime v5.5 user, i found at a patch wich upgrade only MapInfo Pro 5.5 to version I don't found the same patch for Runtime v5.5 !!

Is there a way to upgrade runtime 5.5 to using updated files of
professionnal version ?
Is there a place on internet to download this patch for runtime 5.5 ?


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Message number: 3668

MI-L Extraction of objects intersecting a line segment

2002-10-21 Thread Vijayalakshmi

I am working on wireless network planning. We are using MapInfo for it,
along with Mapbasic. I am looking for a readymade mapbasic utility to
find objects on a map that intersect with a given line segment
(essentially to find the obstructions in the path between a microwave
Transmitter and Receiver).

Can anyone let me know if such a utility is available for free download?



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Message number: 3663

MI-L Mapinfo MIG format

2002-10-21 Thread SEMIH OGUN
Dear All,

I need detailed information about Mapinfo MIG format. Any answer would be appriciated.
Thanks in Advance.


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Message number: 3656

RE: MI-L Opening of work space

2002-10-21 Thread Ahmed Saber
This happens because the workspace is trying to open table from locations
relative to computer 1. The solution is to put all tables on a shared folder
where all PC's can see. Nevertheless, this shared directory should be mapped
the same way to all PC's e.g. K:\gis\data\..

If all tables exist on all PC's, just make sure you use absolute reference
which is a topic recently covered in the list and I can send you a summary
if needed.

Ahmed Saber
GIS Expert
+20 12 323 53 50

-Original Message-
From: Mohiddin Syed [mailto:mohiddinsyed@;]
Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 11:32 AM
To: MI-L
Subject: MI-L Opening of work space

Dear List,
I have created work space in computer 1 and when I'M trying to open it threw
net work from another computer I couldn't for every table it is asking for
its path. Is there any way to open the workspace with out this prompt.
thanks in advance.

* : 040-6104362

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Message number: 3660

MI-L save workspace MI 7

2002-10-21 Thread Coubes, Sophie
Hi all!

I have a client who has problem with the save workspace since he has MI 7.
When he saves his workspace a first time, sometimes an error message : "Unable to save 
workspace" appears
but an empty .WOR is created.
The second time, that works...

Anyone knows what is the problem?

Kind regards,
Sophie Coubès / [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
GIS Consultant
GEObroadcasting Technologies

680, Charest East Blvd., Suite 120
Quebec (Quebec)
G1K 3J4
Tel.: (418) 647-1555
Fax: (418) 647-1666
1 888 440-1MAP
* MapInfo Canadian Partner of the Year - 2001
* Best New MapInfo Partner 2000 - North America

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Message number: 3669

MI-L RE: Opening of work space

2002-10-21 Thread Mohiddin Syed
Dear List,
Thanks for your help. I got the solution.

* : 040-6104362

>  -Original Message-
> From: Mohiddin Syed  
> Sent: Monday, October 21, 2002 3:00 PM
> To:   'MI-L'
> Subject:  Opening of work space
> Dear List,
> I have created work space in computer 1 and when I'M trying to open it
> threw net work from another computer I couldn't for every table it is
> asking for its path. Is there any way to open the workspace with out this
> prompt.
> thanks in advance.
> Regards,
> Mohiddin
> * : 040-6104362

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Message number: 3662