Re: [MI-L] GeoTracker and Garmin GPSMap76CSx

2006-10-18 Thread Jbgramm

Here is the sequence of events that worked for me.
Start your computer.
Turn on the GPS unit.
After the computer boots up, plug the GPS Unit into the USB port.
Let the computer recognise the new hardware.
Start up Mapinfo and run the Geotrack.mbx
Then start Geotracker.

This was the only way I could get a USB GPS unit to work on my computer 
with version 8.0 of Mapinfo and version 3.3 of Geotracker.

Hope this is of some help.

Jon Gramm
MapInfo-L mailing list

Re: [MI-L] Universal Translator

2006-10-02 Thread Jbgramm

There may be some database table fields that are greater in length than 254 
Also, you mave have too many fields that are of 254 characters.
I receive files like this all of the time, the way to get them to work is 
to restructure the .DBF file included with the shape files.
I use Visual Foxpro to do this. I will open the .dbf file of the offending 
shape file a modify the structure there. You can use other programs that will 
open a .dbf file to modify the structure.
Many times the table will contain fields that have way more characters than 
Social Security fields, Phone Number fields, Addresses, States, Provinces, 
Reduce the field size to something realistic and workable and you might get 
the shape file to work.

I hope this helps.


Jon Gramm
MapInfo-L mailing list

Re: [MI-L] E-mailing TAB file sets

2006-02-08 Thread Jbgramm
I have seen this problem before and it goes beyond just renaming the  
Certain text files if they contain symbols such as a single or  double quote 
followed by a space can actually lose those characters in the text  file.
I have only seen this when receiving mail sent using Outlook, Outlook  
Express, and Earthlink or Outlook and other providers.  AOL is on  the 
receiving end.
Outlook to Outlook using Earthlink does not always produce the  problem.
IF the file is zipped, there are no problems.
When the text files are sent from AOL, the data remains uncorrupted.
Also AOL to AOL, the data is fine.
This is not an endorsement of AOL by any means, just what I have seen from  
my experience.
I would carefully look at the contents of the .tab files in a text  editor to 
see if anything is corrupted.
I have not seen anything get corrupted, but I have never just sent or  
received Mapinfo files that were uncompressed.
My suggestion is to compress everything be sending, and request the same of  
the people sending you files.
One other suggestion, Use an external compression program, rather than the  
one that your ISP might provide internally. I have seen problems when attaching 
 multiple files directly within AOL. Zip the files before signing on.   
(Paranoia on my part? Maybe, Maybe Not.)
Jon Gramm
MapInfo-L mailing list

Re: [MI-L] Need US Infrastructure Data

2005-12-26 Thread Jbgramm
The truth is that the data is not truly available unless you do a One Call  
(Call for locations) in the area that you are interested. The databases in the  
county courthouses are out of date at best. There are new pipelines being  
buried on a daily basis. The data is not necessarily provided to the county in 
 timely fashion.
You will then be assigned a case number, and the companies with assets in  
that area will be notified. The contact information that you provide will be  
passed on to those companies.
The location service does not discriminate, all companies with buried  assets 
will be notified.
The companies will contact you and arrange a time to meet with you or a  
representative of your company. You will then be able to physically map the  
right-of-way for the buried asset.
You might be fortunate and have companies that have their own GIS database  
with the locations of their assets, but don't count on it.
Legislation has been passed requiring all pipelines be mapped and pigged  
(scoped internally)
It will be 2007 before any results of this legislation will be seen in  
earnest. There is also the homeland security issue to contend with in some  
Nothing is insurmountable, it is just time consuming.
Of all of the states that I have worked in that uses a One Call system,  
Louisiana seems to be the best organised. 
I hope this is of some help.
Happy Holidays,
Jon Gramm
MapInfo-L mailing list

Re: [MI-L] Need GPS Unit to produce Snail Trail that ccan be added to Existin...

2005-12-15 Thread Jbgramm
The Delorme Earthmate Consumer Grade Antenna works very well with  Geographic 
Tracker (The latest version) The price was right $179.00 which  included 
Delorme's TopoUsa and StreetAtlas.
It is a simple USB connection with a suction cup mount antenna, I taped  mine 
down (it was on a boat.) The antenna has about twelve feet of cable.
The trick to getting it to work with Geographic Tracker is to have the  
Antenna hooked up first and the Delorme GPS interface software running before  
start Mapinfo and Geographic Tracker.
After that it is very simple to draw lines or points in your editable  layer.
One other thing, it is very important to have the projection of all of your  
layers set to WGS84.
Beyond that, it is almost a no-brainer.
Hope this Helps.
Jon Gramm
MapInfo-L mailing list

MI-L Problems with Select in a Mapbasic Program

2005-07-29 Thread Jbgramm
Hello Listers,
I have a Mapbasic Program that is supposed to Select all the records from a  
table, order them by a specific column, into another table and commit the 
table  as another table.
The problem is the program gives me an error stating the Expression does  
not evaluate to a column or table name
The column that I wish the selection ordered by does exist in the table  that 
I am trying to make the selection from.
I am stumped.
Any Help would be greatly appreciated.
Jon Gramm
Code Below:
Offending line in Red
Print Starting Culture Shot Selection

Select * from Culture_Shot_Styles
Order By  Map_Point_Layer
Into Draw_Layers
Commit Table Draw_Layers as Style_Table
Open Table  Style_Table
Drop Table Draw_Layers
Fetch first from Style_Table
Do While Not EOT  (Style_Table)

Re: MI-L How Do I Create A Centroid That's Always INSIDE a Region?

2005-07-11 Thread Jbgramm
Split the difference between nodes of the diagonal angle points   )
Long_leg_mid_pt_x =((x1 + x2) /2))
Long_leg_mid_pt_y = ((y1 + y2) / 2))
Then do the same thing with the new midpoint and the node at the  
intersection of the two short legs.
Point_in_center_x =((Long_leg_mid_pt_x +  Short_legs_intersection_x)/2))
Point_in_center_x =((Long_leg_mid_pt_y +  Short_legs_intersection_y)/2))
Sorry for the ugly code and I hope this is what you are asking for.
If not, sorry for being such a bonehead.
Jon Gramm

Re: MI-L extracting lat/long coordinates for each node in a table of polygons

2005-04-27 Thread Jbgramm
You could export the table to an MID/MIF file.
This will create a text file with each of the nodes of the polygons.
Then you can view either of the files in an text editor to format them how  
you like.
Hope this helps.
Jon Gramm

Re: MI-L MapInfo Not Responding

2005-04-08 Thread Jbgramm
You will probably need to go to the Documents and Settings\Local  
Settings\Temp folder for the Owner or whatever the Primary user or 
Administrator  has 
named the folder and delete the .tmp files.
If you have over  of any one file type, Windows will balk, and Mapinfo  
will crash.
You might want to delete the queries programmatically after the routine is  
finished with each query that way you won't accumulate an excess number of  
queries (.tmp) files.
Below is some Mapbasic code that is very ugly but might work. and  I am sure 
there are many other better ways to do this and some of the other  listers 
will probably give you a better solution, but you can give this a  try.
Dim query_count as integer
Query_count = 1
Select * From IH_All_Babies Where Study_# In (Select Study_#  From

IF SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS)  0
'***Insert Your other Code Here, Update fields etc.
Drop table selection
Drop table Query + query_count
query_count = query_count + 1
end if
Please be advised that I think this will only work in a Mapbasic program  and 
not in the Mapbasic window.
But the first thing I would do would be to delete all of the .tmp  files.
Regards and I hope this helps,
Jon Gramm

Re: MI-L selecting from a table without getting the mapping objects

2005-03-09 Thread Jbgramm
Maybe you could try exporting the selection as a dbf file.
Or you Save Copy As and choose the Selection then choose the file type that  
suits your needs the best.
I hope this is of some assistance.
Jon Gramm 

Re: MI-L Lat/Long of nodes polygon

2005-02-25 Thread Jbgramm
You could export the Polygon as an Mid/Mif file if the polygon is in  
Lat/Long in the first place.
Hope this Helps,
Jon Gramm

Re: MI-L File corruption

2005-01-27 Thread Jbgramm
One question would be whether or not you are doing a lot of queries before  
You might have exceeded the 1 file limit in the temp folder for .tmp  
I have had a similar error except I was told that I did not have enough  
memory and the program crashed.
I don't know if this is related or not.
Check your temp folder for a bunch of .tmp files (these would be Mapinfo  
If there are  of them then that might be the problem.
If it is then you will need to rewrite your Mapbasic code if you are using  
any to delete the queries after you are finished with them.
Hope this helps,
Jon Gramm

Re: MI-L Cracking .NET Assemblies (was Dot NET and the Future of MapInfo App...

2004-12-19 Thread Jbgramm
I don't see why anyone would want to by an Obfuscation package when they  can 
hire me.
I can't even read my own code.
On a more serious note, everyone knows there is big money in security,  
whether it be Homeland or Software, or even Social. When it comes to the  
side there are going to be a lot of people scrambling with DOT NET to  make it 
secure and to protect their intellectual properties.
I had read somewhere (Maximum PC) that DOT NET and C# was more secure than  
It stated there were fewer weaknesses with the code and compiler, however  it 
seems that the converse is true if you are using the MSIL.
The Managed and Unmanaged Extensions using C++ seems to be a real pain in  
the Nether Regions. (My apologies to the Dutch). I am not real sure if I truly  
like any of the solutions being offered.
I have written Mapbasic code for a long time, and while I have created  
anything earthshaking.
(Well actually I have, since I write code for the Geophysical Exploration  
I have made a decent living with Mapinfo/Mapbasic
The DOT NET coding scheme in Visual Basic and Visual C# will create many  
more lines of code than what we are accustomed to with Mapbasic.
I have written some Visual Basic Script for another GIS package and  compared 
it to what I have written in Mapbasic for the same functionality. I  found 
the Visual Basic Script to be substantially larger, more commands,  
declarations, words what have you.
And while the Drag and Drop programming of Visual Studio DOT NET can be  very 
I for one prefer to do my own typing.
I also come from a Visual Foxpro background and have found it to be very  
easy to code in.
Creating forms etc is very simple, and creating the code behind those forms  
and the buttons, listboxes and other events is very straightforward. You don't 
 see all of the surrounding code as you do in Visual Studio which takes you 
to  the entry point for the event on the form.
Maybe I am a dinosaur, but sometimes over-simplification leads to  confusion.
In the good old days the programs we wrote and ran were procedural, and we  
needed more capability than that. Then Event driven programs with a user  
interface were introduced and it was a good thing. The problem is that  
are being ignored as well as methodology.
I write code that is full of holes, but I know where they are and how to  
deal with them and fortunately I haven't been kicked off the planet for some of 
the things that I have written.
With the new development environments (Studio's) more people are going  
create even sloppier code than I do and then when something goes wrong they  
know where to look because they bought an Obfuscator to protect their  
intellectual property.
This whole thing just gave me a Migraine.
Sorry for the rant, well actually I am not sorry.
Fellow Listers,
Have a Happy Holidays
Jon Gramm 

Re: MI-L MapBasic vs VisualStudio .NET

2004-09-14 Thread Jbgramm
I believe the next version of the Microsoft development platform will be 


Great List and discussion.

Jon Gramm

MI-L Re: FileExists problem Sum

2004-07-23 Thread Jbgramm
Greetings and Hallucinations from the Road of Code.

Again thank you for all of the help.
It is true that the following code fail if the file is not already open.

If FileExists(proj_map_dir + Then
       Drop Table SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
End If

However, the way the mapping project and workspaces are set up the file if it 
will be open.

I suppose the way around this if the file was not open would be to have the 
program kill files.

If FileExists(proj_map_dir + Then
       Kill (proj_map_dir +
   Kill (proj_map_dir + SP_In_No_Source_Buffer.dat)
       Kill (proj_map_dir +
   Kill (proj_map_dir + SP_In_No_Source_Buffer.ID)

End If

In truth there are 10 files that this routines checks for the existence of, 
and if it finds them it deletes them. It then recreates the tables if certain 
types of points fall within the specific buffers.

The next thing that I am going to work on is shortening the code by using 
.dbf files as a default file list for both the point files and the buffer files. 
The code will loop through both .dbf files and delete the existing files, 
create the necessary tables for the points that fall within the buffers.
It will save a couple hundred lines of code.
I will be happy to post it when I am finished if anyone is interested.
Then only caveat would be that it will not be very generic and it might take 
some re-coding to work in your applications.


Jon Gramm

MI-L Re:FileExists Problem Sum

2004-07-21 Thread Jbgramm
Thank You all for the assistance.
The correct code is as follows.

 If FileExists(proj_map_dir + Then
   Drop Table SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
 End If

I don't know what I was thinking with all of the other nonsense that I tried.

Thanks Again,

Jon Gramm

MI-L FileExists problem

2004-07-20 Thread Jbgramm
Hello Listers,

I seem to have a problem with some code I have written to determine if a file 
In theory the code should delete the table if it exists and carry on if it 
However it does not seem to delete the file if it finds it.

I have tried about a bazillion different versions of the code and none of 
them seem to work properly.

I had initially tried to dimension BaseFile as Logical however the FileExists 
command did not seem to return an actual true or false value
(Zero or non-Zero) In many cases it returned TSP_In_No_Source_Buffer to the 
Print Statement.

Below is a snippet of the code that is giving me trouble.

Dim proj_name1 as String
Dim proj_name as String
Dim proj_dir As String
Dim proj_map_dir As String
Dim BaseFile as STRING

Set Coordsys Window Frontwindow()

Register Table C:\stisoft\tdcseis.dbf type DBF
Open Table c:\stisoft\tdcseis 

select * from tdcseis
   where status = .T.
into map_dir

proj_name = Rtrim$(map_dir.projdbf)
   proj_dir = Rtrim$(map_dir.def_dir)+\database\
proj_map_dir = RTrim$(map_dir.def_dir)+\mapping\

set event processing off
set map redraw off
set progressbars off

'Check for Existence of File and delete it if found
'** Have also tried without any success.
'** IF FileExists(proj_map_dir) +
'** Drop Table (proj_map_dir) + SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
'** End If
BaseFile = FileExists(proj_map_dir) +
   Print BaseFile =  + BaseFile
If Basefile = T Then
Drop Table(proj_map_dir) + SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
   Print Deleted Table SP_In_No_Source_Buffer

Select * from gp_postsp
  Where Julian_Date__Local_  2004000 and obj within (Select obj from 
into Bad_SP

 IF SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS)  0 Then
SP_in_no_source = SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS)
Commit Table Bad_SP as (proj_map_dir) + SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
Drop table Bad_SP

Open Table (proj_map_dir) + SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
   Create Map for SP_In_No_Source_Buffer Coordsys Window Frontwindow()
 Add Map Layer SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
Set Map Layer SP_In_No_Source_Buffer Editable On
Coordsys Window Frontwindow()
Distance Units survey ft
Distance Type Cartesian
XY Units survey ft

sSymbolAttr = (73,16711680,14,MapInfo Miscellaneous,256,0)

sCmd = Set Style Symbol MakeFontSymbol + sSymbolAttr
Run Command sCmd

Update SP_In_No_Source_Buffer
  Set obj = CreatePoint(Local_Easting,Local_Northing)

Commit Table SP_In_No_Source_Buffer

SP_in_no_source = 0

End If


Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated..

Jon Gramm

MI-L Creating or Modifying points

2004-07-08 Thread Jbgramm
Hello Listers.

I am having problems with the following portion of code to generate points 
where Helicopters are able to access.

When I run the code I get an error that says 
Found[] while searching for [)] Invalid or Missing Argument List.

The MapBasic code compiles without error.

Select * from postsrc
  Where plan_src = HD
 IF SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS)  0

sSymbolAttr = (91,65535,10,'MapInfo Transportation',257,0)
sCmd = Set Style Symbol MakeSymbol + sSymbolAttr

Run Command sCmd

Update Selection  
  Set obj = CreatePoint(CentroidX(obj),CentroidY(obj))
End if

The sSymbolAttr is dimensioned as a string
The sCmd is dimensioned as a string

If I just use Mapinfo 3 symbols such as
the program works fine.

Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.


Jon Gramm

Re: MI-L Creating or Modifying points

2004-07-08 Thread Jbgramm
Thank You very much for your quick reply.
You sent me along the right track.
I indeed needed to set the style as a MakeFontSymbol.
However using the Chr$(34) for the double quotes gave me a compiler error 
stating that it found MapInfo.
I inserted double quotes and everything worked fine.

Now here is a strange one.

I have a program that changes the symbols of points that are imported on a 
daily basis from shape files. ( We use a Trimble Geoexplorer 3 with Pathfinder 
office to export the shape files. )
After creating MapInfo Tab files using the Universal Translator, we use a 
program that I wrote that will change the Point, Line, and Area styles of the 
Daily Mapping files to styles that are contained in shape_points.dbf, 
shape_lines, shape_areas.dbf files.
The Styles dbf files have fields that define the various styles desired for 
the various cultural items in the daily mapping files. (Kind of a MapInfo 
Geodatabase if you wish to that type of Obscene term)
The styles have both Fonts and Symbols in the defining fields and yet it all 
works flawlessly.
Go figure.

MapBasic is a wonderfully perplexing thing at times.

Thank You again for the Help.

Jon Gramm

MI-L DBMS Connection Using Lotus Notes Error

2003-10-30 Thread Jbgramm
Hello Listers,

I have encountered a problem trying to open a table from a DBMS Connection to 
Lotus Notes Release 6  MapInfo Version 7.0

The Connection is easily made, and I am able to choose from the Open Table 
Dialog Box the Lotus Connection.
It displays all of the Tables that are available and I am able to set the 
Table filter and that seems to work just fine.

However when I choose the View that I would like to create a table from I get 
an error that states 
Cannot Open Table for Live Access, A Single Numeric Key Column is Required 
on the Table

What I think that means is that it needs something similar to a Record ID 
field to index the table or view with, however none of the tables or views in the 
Notes Database have any Record ID fields or any type of Indexing.

I was just looking for any suggestions or workarounds. Any would be 

Thank You,

Jon Gramm

Survey Technologies

MI-L Mapbasic Program Problems

2003-09-04 Thread Jbgramm

My dilemma is this.
I have written a mapbasic program that is designed to change the Line Style 
of many different lines in different layers to specific line styles.

The program registers a .dbf file that contains the names of the layers to 
edit, the feature types to edit, and the line styles to change the features to.

The fields are named Shp_Layer, Map_Event, Map_Line, Pen_Line respectively.

The Program fetches the first line of the .dbf file and checks for the 
existence of the Map_Layer, if the Map_layer exists it is then supposed to alter the 
existing line style to the style that resides in Pen_Line field of the .dbf 

The problem that arises is that I get an error stating that the program was 
unable to convert the data.
The program properly selects the Map_Event however it does not seem to set 
the Pen Style properly

I am including the troublesome code Below

I do not wish to Hardwire the Line styles for this program since it needs to 
be rather dynamic for given projects.
I am sorry for the ugly code and all of the comments, I have pulled out all 
of my remaining hair and started working on my cat. (Just Kidding)

source_layer1 = shape_Lines.daily_lyr  (This is a String)
source_layer = Rtrim$(SHAPE_lines.daily_lyr)
shape_layer = shape_path + source_layer + .tab
event_type = shape_lines.map_event(This is a String)
STRINGSYM = shape_lines.pen_line(This is a String)
newsymb = shape_lines.pen_line  (This is a String)
newsymb = Rtrim$(newsymb)
'Line_style = shape_lines.map_line

- sPenattr = newsymb
 or sPenattr = shape_lines.map_line I 
have tried this as both a String and a Pen

'Set Style Pen newsymb

'   Run Command Set Style Pen  + Newsymb

if FileExists(shape_layer)  0 then
set map
layer source_layer1 editable on
query_count = 1
Select * from Source_Layer1
 where Rtrim$(Feat_type) = Rtrim$(event_type)
'Into Make_file

If SelectionInfo(SEL_INFO_NROWS)  0 then
'Fetch first from Make_file  } 
'Select_counter = 1  }
'Do While Not EOT(Make_file)   }
'   Select obj from Make_file  }
'   Where RowID = Select_counter }
'   into Line_obj}

'Select * from line_obj}

'Pen_style = ObjectInfo(Selection.obj, OBJ_INFO_PEN)}
'qc = query + query_count}

'region_style = MakeBrush(34,PCOLOR,-1) }
'pen_style = MakePen(2,5,PCOLOR) }

'set style Pen pen_style}
'set style Brush region_style }
Select object from selection
into Line_obj

'Sel_obj = selection.obj   --  I have used the 
remaining code sucessfully in other programs
Alter Object Sel_obj
Info OBJ_INFO_PEN, sPennatr

Update Selection Set obj = Sel_obj

'Close Table Selection 

Commit table source_layer1

'Fetch next from Make_file
'Select_counter = Select_counter + 1

end if
End if

fetch next from Shape_lines
select_counter = 0


end sub

The program Compiles in several different iterations, however it never works 

Is it possible to convert a string to a pen?
the map_line field contains data such as this Pen(2,73,16711680)
the pen_line field contains data such as this MakePen(2,73,16711680)

Any advice would be greatly appreciated.


Jon Gramm
Flat Earth