[MI-L] Automatic Polygon Creation

2006-07-25 Thread John Nott

Hello Listers,


If I have a table full of
co-ordinates relating to several polygons in the 

form given below, is there
an automatic way of creating these polygons on the 

map (without having to
manually create them)?


Point  E  N  Polygon

1   X  Y   P1

2   X  Y   P1

3   X  Y   P1

4   X  Y   P1

5   X  Y   P2

6   X  Y   P2

7   X  Y   P2

8   X  Y   P2


Any help would as always be
gratefully appreciated!








MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MI - L HP DesignJet 800 and MapInfo Compatibility

2006-06-16 Thread John Nott

Hello All,

Not wishing to come across to negatively but this is a pre-emptive
email!!. We have just taken delivery of a HP Design Jet 800 plotter which I am
planning to connect to our print server on Monday and I am expecting problems!

Has anyone got any experience of getting these printers to “talk”
to MapInfo (we have version 8.0) any experience or warnings would be gratefully




Thanks to everyone who helped out with the stylistic tool on my last query
worked great!


MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MI-L : Funny One - Is there a way to select by boundary colour?...

2006-06-02 Thread John Nott

Hello All,


This is an odd one – I have received a table
containing about 3,000 sites. Approximately half of which have been updated and
half haven’t. The problem is that the data capture team doing the updates
have simply coloured the updated sites red and the left the unupdated ones
black – they haven’t added a column to the database unfortunately.


As you can imagine manually selecting all the red ones would
be a pain as they are scattered amongst the table. Is there anyway or any tool
that can select all the “red” site boundaries??


Told you it was a funny one!!









MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] Advise on Plotters

2006-05-23 Thread John Nott

Hello Listers,


I am working with a medium sized business and we are looking
to get a plotter. We would be hoping to get something of good quality for A1/A0
size plots from MapInfo. As we are still growing we wouldn’t use it that heavily
(perhaps 10 plots/week or thereabouts)


Has anyone any good experience of reasonably priced plotters
for this type of use. Budget is a big consideration but we would like to get a
reasonably reliable and high quality plotter which will work well with MapInfo


Thanks for any help!!!


- John






MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MI-L Linking MS Excel to MapInfo V 8.0

2006-04-06 Thread John Nott

Hello All,


I have an Excel sheet of ward level data that I have mapped
thematically. Is it possible to produce an output whereby the user can open the
excel interface and view both the thematic map and the excel sheet, and can
change the variables in the excel sheet and see an automatically updated
thematic map?


Any suggestions will as always be very helpful!


Thanks a million!


- john




MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MI-L Tool for Batch Opening Large Amount of Tab Files

2006-04-04 Thread John Nott

Hello Listers,


I have a massive amount of tab files (from a landline
dataset). Which I would like to open to create a base map. However when I highlight
all the files to open on the current map, MapInfo does nothing. If I select say
100 of the files to open, then they will open fine but as there are thousands
it would take along time to open them this way.


Has anyone come across this problem before? Are there any
tools that will systematically open a folder full of tab files until they are
all open?


Any help would as always be very much appreciated.


Thanks a million!


- John





MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] 2003 Ward Boundaries for the City of London

2006-03-30 Thread John Nott

Hello List,


I am doing some socio-economic research and have data based
on 25 wards for the city of London (this is 2003
data). However the ward boundaries I used (2001) have 26 wards within the City.
>From what I can tell there has been a review of the wards in the City is 2003.
Has anyone come across this or better still – got a copy of the 2003
boundaries! It would be much appreciated.




- John





MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MI-L Finding Nearest Neighbours

2006-02-10 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I have a table of 37 town centres and another table of 4000 businesses.
What I would like to do is assign all the businesses to a town centre
geographically. So basically calculate the town centre nearest the
business location and perhaps create a line linking the two? I have
tried spider graph (the MI tool) which hasn't worked and had had a go
with CrimeStat but had no joy.


Wonder if anyone has come across this before and had any ideas. Any help
would be as always very much appreciated!







John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst




MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] MI-L Working With OS Raster Tiles

2006-02-07 Thread John Nott
Hello All,

I recently saw a great map which had been made showing the coverage of
OS 1:10,000 raster tiles in London as a grid of square boundaries with
the tile reference number (eg TQ17) labelled in the middle. It was under
laid with a more sensible 1:50,000 base map. Seeing as I spend half my
life trying to find the right tile for say Camden - I would love to know
how to make one of these index maps.


Any help would be greatly appreciated.




- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


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MapInfo-L mailing list

[MI-L] [MI - L] ctrl F Find Function Not Working????

2006-01-25 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I have a strange but I assume simple problem. I have mapped table of
postcodes and I want to use the find function (ctrl F) to search for
postcodes but it is greyed out and not working, cann't understand it -
the layer is selectable. Any ideas???




- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst




MapInfo-L mailing list

MI-L Selecting a Random Sample from a Table

2005-10-26 Thread John Nott
Hello List,

I have a table of about 5,000 sites. What I would like to do is select a
spatially random distribution of about say10% or so of these. Does
anyone know a way of doing this in MI. I suppose I could add a row ID
and do a random number generation is Excel but it would be useful for
future reference.

Thanks for any help you can offer!!


All the best,

- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


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be unlawful.  If you have received this email in error, please reply
immediately to this effect and delete it (and all copies) from your
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MI-L OS Mastermap In Database Format??

2005-10-19 Thread John Nott
Hello All,

I have just received what I assume are OS MasterMap files from a client.
The file is in a Microsof Access format so I am not sure how to import
it into MI. I have version 8.0 - does anyone have any ideas? Would be
very much appreciated.


- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


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MI-L RE: Ang. MI-L RE: Ang. MI-L Advanced Labelling

2005-09-29 Thread John Nott


Yes your absolutely right - unfortunately I have been asked to create a map 
which should probably be done using flash in MI, I though that I could get 
around it but have hit a brick wall Using the "combine" function I have 
combined a layer of polygons with points into one entry. The idea is that when 
I click on the point it highlights the corresponding polygons (this works 
fine). My problem is that because I have 40 such layers - when I click on the 
point in layer 5 for example the computer thinks I am clicking on the polygon 
in layer 1 (which is overlaid on the point). So it highlights layer 1. 


Sorry this probably doesn't make much sense but what I need is to instruct MI 
to only allow the user pick the points regardless of what layer they are in.


I think what I really need is to learn FLASH or something like it!!! ; - ).



- John


-Original Message-
Sent: 29 September 2005 13:44
To: John Nott
Cc: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: Ang. MI-L RE: Ang. MI-L Advanced Labelling


Hi John! 

When you say 'points and regions combined into a single entry' I assume you 
mean 'a single table' as I know no way of combining points and regions to a 
multiple object. 
But they can coexist in one table, that is true. Incidentally, this is uncommon 
in the GIS world and I consider that ability to be an advantage, but at times 
it works against you. 
Your question points to one case, another is when you need to control the 
drawing order of regions, lines and points. 
The same workaround applies to both: Make subselections  from the layer so that 
you separate point objects and region objects into temporary tables. Then 
arrange the point selection on top (or topmost snappable) and set up the label 
expression to your needs. 

Hälsning / Best regards Mats.E

FB Engineering AB
Södra Förstadsgatan 26
211 43 Malmö

Tel: 040-660 25 50
Mobil: 0705-27 60 27
Fax: 040-660 25 99

"John Nott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

2005-09-29 14:18 






MI-L RE: Ang. MI-L Advanced Labelling




Thanks to Mats and Rob; that worked perfectly. Just one more question for the 

I have multiple layers which contain both points and regions combined into a 
single entry - is there anyway to tell MI to only allow selection of points and 
not polygons?

So although the points and polygons are in the same layer, can I set MI so as 
to only allow me select the point object?

Once again, any help would be greatly appreciated.

- John

-Original Message-
Sent: 29 September 2005 09:42
To: John Nott
Cc: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: Ang. MI-L Advanced Labelling

Hi John! 

This is actually an integrated feature in MI Pro but you may have switched it 
Look in  Options > Preferences > Map Window for Show InfoTips and check that 
The help file says: "Choose to display the value of an object's label 
expression in a Tool-Tip like bubble." 

Note two things, first the layer must be snappable which means you can turn off 
background layers from showing their labels. 
Second, any valid label expression can be used, even using multiple lines. 
Label position and offset is not observed, though. 
I think the snap tolerance radius is active but I have found no way to control 
'hover time'. 

Hälsning / Best regards Mats.E

FB Engineering AB
Södra Förstadsgatan 26
211 43 Malmö

Tel: 040-660 25 50
Mobil: 0705-27 60 27
Fax: 040-660 25 99

"John Nott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

2005-09-29 10:09 





MI-L Advanced Labelling

Hello All,

I have created a point map of Europe which is linked to a database
showing various attribute information at each point. Due to the scale of
the map at entire layers, it is not possible to have labels on; I was
wondering if it is possible to set the labels to appear when the mouse
hovers over a point? Is this possible? If so how?

As always any help would be much appreciated!

All the Best,

- John

John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst


Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU

t   020 7831 2711

f   020 7831 7653


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MI-L RE: Ang. MI-L Advanced Labelling

2005-09-29 Thread John Nott
Thanks to Mats and Rob; that worked perfectly. Just one more question for the 


I have multiple layers which contain both points and regions combined into a 
single entry - is there anyway to tell MI to only allow selection of points and 
not polygons?


So although the points and polygons are in the same layer, can I set MI so as 
to only allow me select the point object?


Once again, any help would be greatly appreciated.


- John


-Original Message-
Sent: 29 September 2005 09:42
To: John Nott
Cc: mapinfo-l@lists.directionsmag.com
Subject: Ang. MI-L Advanced Labelling


Hi John! 

This is actually an integrated feature in MI Pro but you may have switched it 
Look in  Options > Preferences > Map Window for Show InfoTips and check that 
The help file says: "Choose to display the value of an object's label 
expression in a Tool-Tip like bubble." 

Note two things, first the layer must be snappable which means you can turn off 
background layers from showing their labels. 
Second, any valid label expression can be used, even using multiple lines. 
Label position and offset is not observed, though. 
I think the snap tolerance radius is active but I have found no way to control 
'hover time'. 

Hälsning / Best regards Mats.E

FB Engineering AB
Södra Förstadsgatan 26
211 43 Malmö

Tel: 040-660 25 50
Mobil: 0705-27 60 27
Fax: 040-660 25 99

"John Nott" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

2005-09-29 10:09 






MI-L Advanced Labelling




Hello All,

I have created a point map of Europe which is linked to a database
showing various attribute information at each point. Due to the scale of
the map at entire layers, it is not possible to have labels on; I was
wondering if it is possible to set the labels to appear when the mouse
hovers over a point? Is this possible? If so how?

As always any help would be much appreciated!

All the Best,

- John

John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst


Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU

t   020 7831 2711

f   020 7831 7653


w www.tymconsult.com

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MI-L Advanced Labelling

2005-09-29 Thread John Nott
Hello All,

I have created a point map of Europe which is linked to a database
showing various attribute information at each point. Due to the scale of
the map at entire layers, it is not possible to have labels on; I was
wondering if it is possible to set the labels to appear when the mouse
hovers over a point? Is this possible? If so how?


As always any help would be much appreciated!


All the Best,

- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


t   020 7831 2711

f   020 7831 7653


w www.tymconsult.com


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that you open any attachment at your own risk.




MI-L selecting multiple variables using one query

2005-09-13 Thread John Nott
Hello Listers,


I hope this is a simple syntax error on my part. I have a table
consisting of building polygons with an attribute table of uses (so just
one column with about 30 different uses). What I would like to do is
select all the buildings of: industrial use, residential use, services
use and workshops use. Up to now I have created 4 separate tables (by
querying one use at a time) then appended them together. Is there a way
of writing 1 SQL to identify all these uses??


Any help would be greatly appreciated.


All the Best,


- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


t   020 7831 2711

f   020 7831 7653


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MI-L Is it possible to order columns in a table (ala Excel "sort" function)?

2005-09-01 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I have a mapped table of attributes and I would like to order the table
by one of the columns. I could export to Excel but would like to keep it
all in MI if its possible.

Does anyone know a way to do this?



- John 



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


t   020 7831 2711

f   020 7831 7653


w www.tymconsult.com


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MI-L Block Conversion From DXF to .TAB

2005-08-04 Thread John Nott
Hello Listers,

I have few hundred or so DXF files that I would like to import into MI -
as far as I can tell using MI import function this has to be done on a
one by one basis - frankly I would be quicker going out and surveying
the area myself!! (not quite) so I was wondering did anyone know of a
tool that can import all these files as a block??





John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst




MI-L Reasonably Priced GIS/CAD Packages For A Small Business

2005-08-03 Thread John Nott
Ok here we go then:


Thanks to:














Ross Charles

And Flavio


I hope I got everyone. It seems that Manifold is getting quite a lot of
votes so I will definitely look into it there are also plenty of other
interesting packages suggested by people which I will look into too.
Considering the response there seems to be a lot out there in terms of
packages and interest in the subject of affordable GIS software. I think
that as our industry grows more and more small businesses will begin to
reap the benefits of using GIS in day to day operations and cost
effective software and solutions will be fairly high on the GIS agenda.


Thanks Again to everyone!


- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst





MI-L Reasonably Priced GIS/CAD Packages For A Small Business

2005-08-02 Thread John Nott
Hello Listers,


Sorry to drift slightly off topic but I have been asked by a client for
advice on cheap, off the shelf fairly basic GIS software packages. My
client is a small planning consultancy and simply needs a package which
will allow him to import, display and do simple analysis on geographical
information compatible with most data formats in particular Ordnance
Survey products. Basically what he wants to do in his own words is:


"Open OS maps, draw a few lines and dots, and then put the resultant
maps in reports"


I have looked at and have experience with most of the main vendors but
would welcome any input from you all.


Thanks very much for your help.


- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst








MI - L Interactive Mapping in MI Pro

2005-07-14 Thread John Nott
Hello Listers,


I have been asked to put together an interactive map in MI. as I only
really use it for spatial analysis this is a little new to me. 


I have a list of companies and their locations. Each company also has a
list of counties in Britain where they do business. What I would like to
do is create a map where by hovering the moss over (or clicking on) a
company 'dot' on the map, its corresponding catchment area of counties
will light up (or change colour). I would preferably like this to happen
when I hover the pointer over the dot.


Is this possible in MI Pro v7.8?? any help or thoughts would be very
much appreciated.


All the Best,


- John


John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


t   020 7831 2711

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MI - L Joining Two Overlapping Tables

2005-05-31 Thread John Nott
Hello List,


I have two tables A and B. table A contains rows with certain attributes
and Table B contains rows with different attributes. Table B is a subset
of table A and what I would like to do is add the attributes of table B
to some of the rows of table A if you know what I mean. So I would like
to keep all rows in Table A but add additional attributes (from B) to


Sorry to be so confusing - is this possible




- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


t   020 7831 2711

f   020 7831 7653


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MI-L Querying data across a table

2005-05-27 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I have a database of addresses that has been compiled by linking two
databases in mapinfo I am concerned that there may be some duplication
is it possible to ask MI to compare data rows within a table something


>From table, select from all rows where address 1 = address 2


Even though they are in the same row


Any help would be very much appreciated.


All the Best,


- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


t   020 7831 2711

f   020 7831 7653


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MI - L Updating Column With Number Sequence

2005-05-11 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I have a table of about 500,000 entries which I need to get into excel
for editing as my access skills aren't what they should be.
Unfortunately excel will only take 65,000 or so. Is there anyway in MI
that I can automatically add a new column with an ID for each row i.e 1
- 500,000 so that I can use SQL select to break it into 'manageable


Thanks in advance for you help,


- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


t   020 7831 2711

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MI-L MI List Setting scale of a map window?

2005-05-05 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I have a map window that I am working in and want to ultimately produce
a 1:1250 scaled plan. Is there a way that I can tell Mapinfo to zoom to
1:1250 either in the layout or map window. I assume this has to be done
at the layout stage once the page setup is complete??


Thanks for any help!



- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



Fairfax House, 15 Fulwood Place, London, WC1V 6HU


t   020 7831 2711

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MI-L MI List - Polygon Overlap Syntax Error

2005-03-18 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I have two tables of polygons and I need to identify all the areas where
one table overlaps another. Ideally I would like to create a new table
showing just the areas of overlap but storing the attributes of both
polygons which make up that area.


I am fairly sure that this is possible but I just cann't get the syntax
correct it the MapBASIC window.


Thanks for all your help!


- John



John Nott

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MI- L Proportioning Areas of Overlap

2005-03-11 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


Firstly thanks very much to everyone who responded to my plea yesterday
when I was looking for help enclosing landline polygons. It was a great
help and I sorted the problem. Hopefully I will get the same response
this time.


I have a polygon which overlaps with 3 polygons from a different layer.
What I would like to do is to assign new attributes to the original
polygon of what percentage of each other polygon is within the original
one. So basically I need it to say. Polygon A overlaps Polygon X ,
Polygon Y and Polygon Z. 25% of Polygon X is within Polygon A, 70% of
Polygon Y is within Polygon A ..


Is this possible? The desired outcome would be to add this data as an
extra attribute field to the original polygon dataset.


Thanks in advance for all your help.


- John



John Nott

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MI-L Lines to Polygon Conversion

2005-03-08 Thread John Nott
Hello List,


I have some Landline files (basically spaghetti line data) and what I
would like to do is convert these lines into Polygons. I know that MI
Pro has these option however the problem is that the lines although they
make building outlines etc. are not captured in such a way that a
building outline is one line and then the next building is a different
line etc.


Unfortunately MasterMap is not available to me which would be an ideal
solution but I was wondering if anyone had any thoughts or ideas?




- john



John Nott

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MI-L Area Centroid Coords

2005-01-24 Thread John Nott
Got that sorted - works now no problem!!


Thanks - 



And everyone else!




- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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MI-L Area Centroid Coords

2005-01-24 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I have a table derived from a database. Have the points have been
created using British National Grid Co-Ordinates and the rest using
polygon centroids.


Problem is that when I update the columns with eastings and northings
for the polygon centroids it gives me Lat/Lon and not BNG


If anyone knows how to solve this I would be very grateful!




- john



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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MI-L Scaling the Layout Page

2005-01-13 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I am drawing a map which I need to scale to A0 for printing. However I
do not have an A0 plotter. The problem is that when I go to the page
setup. I am only offered page sizes that my network printers can handle
(A3 max). Is there anyway that I can scale the map to A0 without having
the ability to print it???


As usual I am sure there is a very simple answer but I just can't find


Any help much appreciated!




- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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RE: MI-L Réf. : RE: MI-L Layer control tool

2004-12-08 Thread John Nott
Is there any way to automatically set the selected layer to being editable. 
Maybe with an option to have this feature on or off (ala the ESRI editing 
environment; seeing as it may not be suitable all the time. 

I think that would be very useful when tweaking a map with many layers rather 
than having the layer control open all the time especially for those of us who 
use the graphics capabilities of MI as well as the GIS.

Would be a nice option for version 7.9!


- John

-Original Message-
Sent: 08 December 2004 17:42
Subject: MI-L Réf. : RE: MI-L Layer control tool

the status bar is not very useful when you want to edit thematic maps.. I 
keep the General tool palette floating, then it's just a clic on the layer 
tool .. but it would be nice to have it permanently open, as you say. It 
should also allow for customizable size (when you have a lot of layers)...

And since were are talking of wishes lists :  when creating thematic maps 
and using data in a separate table, it's a pain that you have to link the 
same data table to your geographic table again and again, each time you 
want to test a new variable. It doesn't help that the link command lies 
down at the bottom of the variable list and that each time you need to 
create a link you have to scroll down the whole list. It's also a pain if 
you want to use manual intervals to create your thematic map instead of 
automated intervals; now you have to enter each value twice (the higher 
bond of a class is the lower bond of the next.. so this should be 
automated) and the cursor doesn't even go automatically to the next value.

Christiane Roh - Section Statistique Lausanne
Statistique Lausanne - SCRIS
Service cantonal de recherche et d'information statistiques 
Rue de la Paix 6, CH-1014 Lausanne
tél.: +41(021) 316 29 51
fax : +41(021) 316 29 50

Peter Horsbøll Møller <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
08.12.2004 18:20

Pour :  "Eric Gagnon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, "Mapinfo List" 
cc : 
Objet : RE: MI-L Layer control tool

If all you are looking for is an easy way to make a layer editable you 
should use the Editable list in the statusbar, where you quickly can 
select the layer you want to edit.

Make sure you have your statusbar visible (see the Options menu if you 

Peter Horsbøll Møller
GIS Developer
Geographical Information & IT
Odensevej 95
DK-5260 Odense S.
Tel  +45 6311 4900
Direct   +45 6311 4908
Mob  +45 5156 1045
Fax  +45 6311 4949

-Original Message-
From: Eric Gagnon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, December 08, 2004 6:16 PM
To: Mapinfo List
Subject: MI-L Layer control tool

Hi everyone,

Is there a tool that would make my "layer contol" window stick on my 
screen so I wouldn't have to open and close it each time I want edit a 
layer. (stick beside my map window)

I sure hope there's a tool available instead of waiting for Mapinfo to 
put it in there 8. something version.

I would also make  a great christmas gift ;-)

Eric Gagnon, B.Sc., GIS Specialist

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MI-L Select by Attribute

2004-12-08 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I have a data set of about 35,000 businesses which I am trying to
geocode using a table with all UK postcode centroids. Out of the 35,000
business postcodes about 5,000 do not match as they have wrong
postcodes. I am trying to do a query that will highlight all the non -
matching ones into a table. I have tried using the <> sign in the
original query but to no avail. 


I suspect that there is quite an easy solution, however I just can't
think what it is!!!


Any Suggestions would be much appreciated




- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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MI-L Prizm / 3D Maps

2004-11-12 Thread John Nott
Hi I'm working with 3D maps in MapInfo 7.8 is there any way to drape
another layer over a 3D surface. For example I fave interpolated some
population data and would like to drape a raster map over it to see the
peaks and pits - is this possible


Thanks for any suggestions


- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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MI-L Workspace with photo won't open

2004-11-03 Thread John Nott
I have been working on a workspace which shows a map and a photo
displayed in a mapwindow. Everything was fine 10 minutes ago but now
none of workspaces will re-open. I get this error message:


Invalid Frame id 2


Anyone got any ideas, as I haven't!



- John



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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MI-L Extracting Polygon Centroids

2004-10-18 Thread John Nott
Hi All!!,


I have a couple of hundred polygons and I need to calculate drivetimes
to their centroids. Problem is I haven't got their centroids. Is there a
way of calculating the centroids and outputting them as a list of points
but maintaining the attributes of the polygons??


Thanks for all your help,


- john



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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MI-L polygon Area

2004-10-07 Thread John Nott


Can someone remind me how to update a table so that I add a column
showing the areas of all the polygons in the table.


I know I add a column and click "update column" but what is the sql code
for an area??


Thanks A Million!,


- john



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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MI-L Transparancy to MapInfo Colours

2004-10-06 Thread John Nott
Hello All,


I need to add transparency to filled in polygons in MapInfo in order to
show overlay better. I have used various forms of hatching, however this
prints very grainy or boxy (if ye know what I mean!!) 


Does anyone know of a way to create transparent polygons in MapInfo. I
know that this is possible in ArcGIS, however I have not got access to
Arc at the moment.


Thank You in advance for all your help!


- john



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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MI-L .PRN files

2004-10-04 Thread John Nott


I have been sent some .PRN files of MapInfo maps. 


My understanding of .PRN is that it is a way to share files created in a
specific software such as MapInfo or AutoCAD with others who do not have
the software, so allowing someone without MapInfo, print a layout or
whatever. It is also my understanding that both parties need to have the
exact same printers and printer set-ups for this to work. Is this true??


Is there anyway that I can bring these .prn files back into a MapInfo
layout and print from there or open and print them in some sort of




- john 



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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MI-L MaoInfo Area Calculator

2004-09-28 Thread John Nott


Does anyone know a way to calculate the areas of a layer of building
outlines and store them as an attribute automatically? I cann't go
through them individually as there is over 2,000!!!




- john



John Nott

Consultant/GIS Analyst



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