Fair Share Scheduler not worked as expected

2012-03-20 Thread WangRamon

Hi All  I noticed there is something strange in my Fair Share Scheduler monitor 
GUI, the SUMof the Faire Share Value is always about 30 even there is only one 
M/R Job is running, so I don't know whether the value is about the usage 
percentage, if it was the percentage, that explains why all my jobs cannot use 
all the slots configured, here is my configuration file: allocations
pool name=search
 I have 42 map slots and 42 reduce slots, i want the search pool (search is the 
hadoop user, it's the only one user) to use all my configured resource, but it 
seems all the jobs can only use 30% of my configured resource, not sure did i 
miss something, thanks for your help.  Cheers Ramon 

RE: Why most of the free reduce slots are NOT used for my Hadoop Jobs? Thanks.

2012-03-12 Thread WangRamon

Hi Satish I'm not sure about this, but it's a double Quad-Core CPU, each of 
them is Hyper Threading, so 14 mapper and 14 reducer for a node should be OK, 
right? I find each task finishs very quickly, no more than 20 seconds, so is 
this the root cause for this problem? ThanksRamon
 From: satish.se...@hcl.com
To: mapreduce-user@hadoop.apache.org; ramon_w...@hotmail.com
Date: Mon, 12 Mar 2012 09:00:49 +0530
Subject: RE: Why most of the free reduce slots are NOT used for my Hadoop Jobs? 

Just guessing if this has something to do with number of cores/cpus.
Myself noticed this for number of map tasks spawned - depending on number of  
input files and also number of tasks to run concurrently depends on number 

From: WangRamon [ramon_w...@hotmail.com]

Sent: Saturday, March 10, 2012 5:35 PM

To: mapreduce-user@hadoop.apache.org

Subject: RE: Why most of the free reduce slots are NOT used for my Hadoop Jobs? 

Joey, here is the information:


Cluster Summary (Heap Size is 481.88 MB/1.74 GB)

Maps Reduces Total Submissions Nodes Map Task Capacity Reduce Task Capacity 
Avg. Tasks/Node Blacklisted Nodes

06 11  3 42 
  42 28.00  nbsp; 0 






Subject: Re: Why most of the free reduce slots are NOT used for my Hadoop Jobs? 

From: j...@cloudera.com

Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 07:00:26 -0500

To: mapreduce-user@hadoop.apache.org

What does the jobtracker web page say is the total reduce capacity?


On Mar 10, 2012, at 5:39, WangRamon ramon_w...@hotmail.com wrote:

Hi All


I'm using Hadoop-0.20-append, the cluster contains 3 nodes, for each node I 
have 14 map and 14 reduce slots, here is the configuration:
















When I submit 5 Jobs simultane ously (the input data for each job is not so big 
for the test, it's about 2~5M in size), I assume the Jobs will use the slots as 
much as possible, each Job did created 73 Reduce Tasks as configured above, so 
there will be 5 *
 73 Reduce Tasks in total, but, most of them are in pending state, only about 
12 of them are running, it's too small compared to the total slots number for 
reduce, 42 reduce slots for the 3 nodes cluster.


What interestring is that it always about 12 of them are running, I tried a few 


So, I thought it might because about the scheduler, I changed it to Fair 
Scheduler, I created 3 pools, the configure is as below:


?xml version=1.0?


 pool name=pool-a





 pool name=pool -b





 pool name=pool-c








Then I submit the 5 Jobs simultaneously to these pools randomly again, I can 
see the jobs were assigned to different pools, but, it's still the same problem 
only about 12 of the reduce tasks from different pool are running, here is the 
output i copied from
 the Fair Scheduler monitor GUI:


pool-a 2 14 14 0 9

pool-b 0 14 14 0 0 

pool-c 2 14 14 0 3 


pool-a and pool-c have a total of 12 reduce tasks running, but I do have about 
11 reduce slots at least available in my cluster.


So can anyone please give me some suggestions, why NOT all my REDUCE SLOTS are 
working? Thanks in advance.






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Why most of the free reduce slots are NOT used for my Hadoop Jobs? Thanks.

2012-03-10 Thread WangRamon

Hi All I'm using Hadoop-0.20-append, the cluster contains 3 nodes, for each 
node I have 14 map and 14 reduce slots, here is the configuration:  
 When I submit 5 Jobs simultaneously (the input data for each job is not so big 
for the test, it's about 2~5M in size), I assume the Jobs will use the slots as 
much as possible, each Job did created 73 Reduce Tasks as configured above, so 
there will be 5 * 73 Reduce Tasks in total, but, most of them are in pending 
state, only about 12 of them are running, it's too small compared to the total 
slots number for reduce, 42 reduce slots for the 3 nodes cluster.  What 
interestring is that it always about 12 of them are running, I tried a few 
times. So, I thought it might because about the scheduler, I changed it to Fair 
Scheduler, I created 3 pools, the configure is as below: ?xml version=1.0?
 pool name=pool-a
 pool name=pool-b
 pool name=pool-c
/allocations  Then I submit the 5 Jobs simultaneously to these pools randomly 
again, I can see the jobs were assigned to different pools, but, it's still the 
same problem only about 12 of the reduce tasks from different pool are running, 
here is the output i copied from the Fair Scheduler monitor GUI: pool-a 2 14 14 
0 9
pool-b 0 14 14 0 0 
pool-c 2 14 14 0 3  pool-a and pool-c have a total of 12 reduce tasks running, 
but I do have about 11 reduce slots at least available in my cluster. So can 
anyone please give me some suggestions, why NOT all my REDUCE SLOTS are 
working? Thanks in advance.  Cheers Ramon 

RE: Why most of the free reduce slots are NOT used for my Hadoop Jobs? Thanks.

2012-03-10 Thread WangRamon

Joey, here is the information: Cluster Summary (Heap Size is 481.88 MB/1.74 
GB)Maps Reduces Total Submissions Nodes Map Task Capacity Reduce Task Capacity 
Avg. Tasks/Node Blacklisted Nodes 
06 11  3 42 
  42 28.00   0   

 Subject: Re: Why most of the free reduce slots are NOT used for my Hadoop 
Jobs? Thanks.
From: j...@cloudera.com
Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 07:00:26 -0500
To: mapreduce-user@hadoop.apache.org

What does the jobtracker web page say is the total reduce capacity?

On Mar 10, 2012, at 5:39, WangRamon ramon_w...@hotmail.com wrote:

Hi All
I'm using Hadoop-0.20-append, the cluster contains 3 nodes, for each node I 
have 14 map and 14 reduce slots, here is the configuration:

When I submit 5 Jobs simultane
 ously (the input data for each job is not so big for the test, it's about 2~5M 
in size), I assume the Jobs will use the slots as much as possible, each Job 
did created 73 Reduce Tasks as configured above, so there will be 5 * 73 Reduce 
Tasks in total, but, most of them are in pending state, only about 12 of them 
are running, it's too small compared to the total slots number for reduce, 42 
reduce slots for the 3 nodes cluster. 
What interestring is that it always about 12 of them are running, I tried a few 
So, I thought it might because about the scheduler, I changed it to Fair 
Scheduler, I created 3 pools, the configure is as below:
?xml version=1.0?
 pool name=pool-a
 pool name=pool
 pool name=pool-c
Then I submit the 5 Jobs simultaneously to these pools randomly again, I can 
see the jobs were assigned to different pools, but, it's still the same problem 
only about 12 of the reduce tasks from different pool are running, here is the 
output i copied from the Fair Scheduler monitor GUI:
pool-a 2 14 14 0 9
pool-b 0 14 14 0 0 
pool-c 2 14 14 0 3 
pool-a and pool-c have a total of 12 reduce tasks running, but I do have about 
11 reduce slots at least available in my cluster.
So can anyone
  please give me some suggestions, why NOT all my REDUCE SLOTS are working? 
Thanks in advance. 

RE: Mapper Record Spillage

2012-03-10 Thread WangRamon

How man map/reduce tasks slots do you have for each node? If the total number 
is 10, then you will use 10 * 4096mb memory when all tasks are running, which 
is bigger than the total memory 32G you have for each node.
 Date: Sat, 10 Mar 2012 20:00:13 -0800
Subject: Mapper Record Spillage
From: huh...@uhlisys.com
To: mapreduce-user@hadoop.apache.org

I am attempting to speed up a mapping process whose input is GZIP compressed 
CSV files. The files range from 1-2GB, I am running on a Cluster where each 
node has a total of 32GB memory available to use. I have attempted to tweak 
mapred.map.child.jvm.opts with -Xmx4096mb and io.sort.mb to 2048 to accommodate 
the size but I keep getting java heap errors or other memory related problems. 
My row count per mapper is well below Integer.MAX_INTEGER limit by several 
orders of magnitude and the box is NOT using anywhere close to its full memory 
allotment. How can I specify that this map task can have 3-4 GB of memory for 
the collection, partition and sort process without constantly spilling records 
to disk?