[mapserver-users] Zooming deep and getting tiles with mapcache

2019-07-24 Thread Kai Behncke
Dear users,

With Mapserver and Mapcache I`m using an "utm-grid"

  128 128
  405000 5786000 42 5798000
  0.1 0.05 0.025 0.0125 0.00625 0.003125 0.0015625

...but at a specific zoom-level I don`t get new tiles anymore.
I thought I could "go deeper" by defining the resolutions like

0.1 0.05 0.025 0.0125 0.00625 0.003125 0.0015625
0.00078125 0.00039625 0.0001953125

but there is no change?

Has anybody an idea how I can get tiles at very "deep zoom levels"?

Thank you very much, Kai

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag

Kai Behncke
Tel.: +49 5451 931-7125

E-Mail: kai.behn...@ibbenbueren.de 

Rathaus II
Roncallistraße 3-5
1. Stock, Raum 105
49477 Ibbenbüren

mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Antw: MapServer, MapCache and WMS

2019-07-24 Thread Kai Behncke
Allright, forget that question.

The answer is:
Not the WMS-URL should be opened in the client but the url to the

( http://gisgr/mapcache) 

var wmsSource = new ImageWMS({
url: 'http://blabla/mapcache/?',
params: {'LAYERS': 'kachelnkanal'},
serverType: 'mapserver',
crossOrigin: 'anonymous'

  var wmsLayer = new ImageLayer({
source: wmsSource

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag

Kai Behncke
Tel.: +49 5451 931-7125

E-Mail: kai.behn...@ibbenbueren.de 

Rathaus II
Roncallistraße 3-5
1. Stock, Raum 105
49477 Ibbenbüren

>>> "Kai Behncke"  24.07.2019 14:27 >>>

Dear users,

I try to use MapServer 7.4 with MapCache 1.6.1 on a Suse SLES
Mapserver is delivering a wms very well.
I installed MapCache successfully (I think).
In my mapcache.xml I have set:



  5 5

If I use the WMS-demo application:

http://blablabla/mapcache/demo/wms everything works fine.
A couple of tiles are produced on the server.

But: If I use my WMS e.g. in QuantumGIS or at a simple
...GetMap-Request in an URL
no tiles at all are produced on the server??

Am I right that the tile-producing only works, if the mapclient has
specific entries?`

Thank you very much, Kai

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag

Kai Behncke
Tel.: +49 5451 931-7125

E-Mail: kai.behn...@ibbenbueren.de 

Rathaus II
Roncallistraße 3-5
1. Stock, Raum 105
49477 Ibbenbüren

mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] MapServer, MapCache and WMS

2019-07-24 Thread Kai Behncke

Dear users,

I try to use MapServer 7.4 with MapCache 1.6.1 on a Suse SLES
Mapserver is delivering a wms very well.
I installed MapCache successfully (I think).
In my mapcache.xml I have set:



  5 5

If I use the WMS-demo application:

http://blablabla/mapcache/demo/wms everything works fine.
A couple of tiles are produced on the server.

But: If I use my WMS e.g. in QuantumGIS or at a simple
...GetMap-Request in an URL
no tiles at all are produced on the server??

Am I right that the tile-producing only works, if the mapclient has
specific entries?`

Thank you very much, Kai

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag

Kai Behncke
Tel.: +49 5451 931-7125

E-Mail: kai.behn...@ibbenbueren.de 

Rathaus II
Roncallistraße 3-5
1. Stock, Raum 105
49477 Ibbenbüren

mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Antw: Re: MapServer with oracle-spatial on a linuxsystem

2019-07-16 Thread Kai Behncke
Allright, finally I got it.

I declared:
export ORACLE_HOME=/usr/lib/oracle/12.2/client64
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${ORACLE_HOME}:/usr/lib

and in my case I got a problem with the ORACLE_INCLUDE_DIR.

I changed in the cmake-directory cmake/FindOracle.cmake:

 29   message("ORACLE_HOME=${ORACLE_HOME}")
 31   find_path(ORACLE_INCLUDE_DIR
 32 NAMES oci.h
 35 /usr/include/oracle/12.2/client64)

And I configured mapserver by:

cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE='debug'
/usr/lib:/usr/lib64:/usr/share/gdal -DWITH_ORACLESPATIAL=1

and then I got it:

--   * LIBXML2: /usr/lib64/libxml2.so
--   * POSTGIS: /usr/lib64/libpq.so
--   * GEOS: /usr/lib64/libgeos_c.so
--   * FastCGI: disabled
--   * PROTOBUFC: disabled
--   * Oracle Spatial:
--   * Exempi XMP: disabled
--  * Optional features

Thank you very much, Kai

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag

Kai Behncke
Tel.: +49 5451 931-7125

E-Mail: kai.behn...@ibbenbueren.de 

Rathaus II
Roncallistraße 3-5
1. Stock, Raum 105
49477 Ibbenbüren

>>> Jeff McKenna  15.07.2019 18:42 >>>
Oh and I always use the "Basic" package, but I guess "lite" will work
Mike said.   -jeff

On 2019-07-15 1:40 PM, Jeff McKenna wrote:
> Further to what Mike said, I usually grab the instant client from
> page (it is often hard to find): 

> -jeff

Jeff McKenna
MapServer Consulting and Training Services

mapserver-users mailing list
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Antw: Re: MapServer with oracle-spatial on a linuxsystem

2019-07-16 Thread Kai Behncke
Hi Michael, Hi Jeff,

First of all thank you very much for your responses.

Meanwhile I have installed from that page:

a) in version 11.2: Instant Client Package - Basic: All files required
to run OCI, OCCI, and JDBC-OCI applications
b) Instant Client Package - SDK: Additional header files and an example
makefile for developing Oracle applications with Instant Client

by "rpm -i".

But (so far) nevertheless I don`t get mapserver configured with oracle

For me it`s not clear with path I have to set. I have (e.g.) tried:

cmake .. 

...without success.

On SUSE SLES 15 I have "oracle-entires" at:


I there any other step I have to do?

Thank you very much, Kai

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag

Kai Behncke
Tel.: +49 5451 931-7125

E-Mail: kai.behn...@ibbenbueren.de 

Rathaus II
Roncallistraße 3-5
1. Stock, Raum 105
49477 Ibbenbüren

>>> Michael Smith  15.07.2019 18:19 >>>
To compile mapserver with oracle support, you need the sdk and the
oracle client library. The instant client library and sdk files are fine
for this. You do not need a local install of the database or the full
You need Instant Client Package – SDK and the Basic (or Basic Light)
Michael Smith
Remote Sensing/GIS Center
US Army Corps of Engineers
From: mapserver-users  on
behalf of Kai Behncke 
Date: Monday, July 15, 2019 at 11:49 AM
To: "mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org"

Subject: [mapserver-users] MapServer with oracle-spatial on a
Dear users,
on a SUSE System (SLES 15) I try to configure mapserver 7.4. with
Oracle-spatial support.
Important: The Oracle Database is installed on another server.
I wonder if I need also the oracle-installation on the SLES 15-server
or if the oracle client is enough? So far I installed the client at
I try to configure with:
cmake ..
...but in the output I always get: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:73
(message): ORACLESPATIAL library/component/dependency could not be
Does that mean I definetely need an oracle installation?
Thank you very much, Kai
Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag
Kai Behncke
Tel.: +49 5451 931-7125
E-Mail: kai.behn...@ibbenbueren.de 
Rathaus II
Roncallistraße 3-5
1. Stock, Raum 105
49477 Ibbenbüren
___ mapserver-users mailing
list mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] MapServer with oracle-spatial on a linuxsystem

2019-07-15 Thread Kai Behncke
Dear users,

on a SUSE System (SLES 15) I try to configure mapserver 7.4. with
Oracle-spatial support.

Important: The Oracle Database is installed on another server.

I wonder if I need also the oracle-installation on the SLES 15-server
or if the oracle client is enough? So far I installed the client at

I try to configure with:

cmake ..

...but in the output I always get: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:73
(message): ORACLESPATIAL library/component/dependency could not be

Does that mean I definetely need an oracle installation?

Thank you very much, Kai

Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Im Auftrag

Kai Behncke
Tel.: +49 5451 931-7125

E-Mail: kai.behn...@ibbenbueren.de 

Rathaus II
Roncallistraße 3-5
1. Stock, Raum 105
49477 Ibbenbüren

mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Noch 18 Tage: Die FOSSGIS-Konferenz naht

2012-03-01 Thread kai . behncke

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

Neuigkeiten und Hintergründe zu Technologien des Geo-Webs / 
GIS-Applikationen mit Freier Software und Freien Daten werden dieses 
Jahr auf der FOSSGIS 2012 präsentiert. Die FOSSGIS und deutschsprachige 
Open Street Map Konferenz 2012 – die größte deutschsprachige 
Anwenderkonferenz für Freie Geo-Informationssysteme und freie Geodaten – 
findet vom 20. bis 22. März 2012 an der Hochschule Anhalt in 
Dessau-Roßlau statt.

Der Themenbogen spannt sich von der Datenaufbereitung in OpenStreetMap 
über Geodateninfrastrukturen bishin zu Technologien zur Prozessierung 
von umfangreichen Geodaten und spiegelt damit den Trend der steigenden 
Durchdringung des Internets mit Karten und Geodaten wider.

In mehr als 60 Vorträgen für Einsteiger und Experten, Hands-On 
Workshops und Anwendertreffen erhalten die Besucher Einblick in aktuelle 
Anwendungsmöglichkeiten und Neuigkeiten von Softwareprojekten, die 
derartige Anwendungen ermöglichen. Über die gleichzeitig stattfindende 
Firmenausstellung ist ein direkter Kontakt zu Dienstleistern, die 
professionelle Unterstützung bieten, möglich.

Zusätzlich zum fachlich orientieren Austausch in Community-Sessions und 
Entwicklertreffen findet ein Social-Event statt, um den Austausch aller 
Beteiligten - vom Benutzer über Entwickler und Mapper bis zum 
Entscheider - zu intensivieren, um gegenseitig von Ideen und 
Herausforderungen zu lernen.

Die Konferenzgebühr beträgt für die gesamten drei Konferenztage 120,- 
€. Auch in diesem Jahr können wieder zahlreiche Workshops besucht werden 
für die eine Teilnahmegebühr von 100,- € je Teilnehmer und Workshop 
erhoben wird. Workshop-Teilnehmer erhalten eine Teilnahmebestätigung für 
die besuchten Workshops. Die Einnahmen gehen wie auch in den Jahren 
zuvor vollständig in die Finanzierung der Konferenz ein.

Da mehr als 400 Teilnehmende erwartet werden, ist eine Registrierung 
bis zum 16. März 2012 notwendig. Das Anmeldeformular und andere 
organisatorische Informationen befinden sich auf der Konferenzseite 

Die FOSSGIS Konferenz 2012 wird vom gemeinnützigen Verein FOSSGIS e.V, 
der deutschen OpenStreetMap Community und der Open Source Geospatial 
Foundation (OSGeo) in Zusammenarbeit mit der Hochschule Anhalt in Dessau 

Weitere Informationen:

  Zur Konferenz: http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2012/
   Zu den Veranstaltern:
   FOSSGIS e.V. http://www.fossgis.de
   OSGeo Foundation 

   Deutschsprachige OSM Community http://www.openstreetmap.de
   Hochschule Anhalt in Dessau http://www.hs-anhalt.de/

i.A. des FOSSGIS-Teams, Dr. Kai Behncke
mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] CFP FOSSGIS 2012 Dessau

2011-11-13 Thread Kai Behncke
Note to International Speakers (German announcement follows):

FOSSGIS and Open Street Map conference is a german-language event
primarily for a german audience. The program committee will,
however, also consider applications for talks or workshops held
in English if they are deeemed to add to the quality of the
conference. So if you don't speak German, but are a FOSS/Open
Data celebrity, or have a story that only you can tell, please
do submit your talk [1]. We are unlikely to be able to provide
interpreters, but we'll make sure you don't get lost in Germany.

FOSSGIS und deutschsprachige Open Street Map Konferenz 2012 in

Die FOSSGIS und deutschsprachige Open Street Map Konferenz 2012 - die
größte deutschsprachige Anwenderkonferenz für Freie
Geo-Informationssysteme und freie Geodaten - findet

vom 20. bis 22. März 2012 an der Hochschule Anhalt
in Dessau-Roßlau


An den drei Tagen werden auf der Konferenz in parallel laufenden
Workshops, Vorträgen und Poster-Sessions die neuesten
Open-Source-Entwicklungen u.a. in den Bereichen Webmapping,
Geodatenmanagement, GeoProcessing und Desktop-GIS präsentiert. Im Bereich
freie Geodaten stellt die deutschsprachige Open Street Map Konferenz eine
ideale Veranstaltung dar, um sich über den aktuellen Stand dieses
renomierten Projektes zu informieren.

Veranstaltet wird die Konferenz vom gleichnamigen FOSSGIS e.V., der OSGeo
Foundation, deren deutschsprachige Vertretung der FOSSGIS e.V. ist, der
OpenStreetMap-Community sowie der Hochschule Anhalt am Standort

Sie haben ein interessantes Thema oder eine Anwendung, die Sie auf der
FOSSGIS und OSM Konferenz präsentieren wollen?

Ab sofort ist der Call for Papers für Workshops, Vorträge, Poster und
Lightning Talks eröffnet. Die folgenden Themengebiete bilden den Rahmen
der Veranstaltung:

 * Geodateninfrastrukturen  Geoportale
 * Software und Anwendungen im Open Source und freie Geodaten-Umfeld
   * Editoren
   * Konverter
   * Karten-Rendering
   * Sensor Web
   * WebGIS und Web Mapping
   * Desktop GIS
   * Metadaten
 * Geodatenbanken
 * Location-Based-Services
 * Sicherheit
 * Erfahrungsberichte
 * Forschung  Lehre
 * FOSS Geschäftsmodelle
 * Interessante zukünftige Entwicklungen

Die Beitragseinreichung (Vorträge, Workshops, Poster und und Lightning
Talks) für die Fossgis 2012 ist

vom 07.11.2012 bis 12.12.2012


Abstracts können ab sofort über das Pentabarf[2] eingereicht werden.

Wir freuen uns über Ihr Interesse und aktive Teilnahme an der Fossgis

PS: Please feel free to spread this announcement!

[1] http://www.fossgis.de/konferenz/2012/callforpapers/
[2] http://pb.fossgis.de/submission/FOSSGIS2012/
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mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] WFS Spatial Filter Problem

2011-08-08 Thread Kai Behncke
Hi Bryan,

could you show how you send the request manually to the server?

Might it be possible to send by mail your geodata and your wfs_file?

Best regards, Kai
 Datum: Mon, 08 Aug 2011 16:58:30 +0200
 Von: Bryan Hempen bhem...@sciops.esa.int
 An: John Callahan john.calla...@udel.edu
 CC: mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
 Betreff: Re: [mapserver-users] WFS Spatial Filter Problem

 Hi there!
 These are things that I've tried in the meantime:
 - Manually sending the request to the server, but without different 
 results compared to using OpenLayers functions. Also trying to force the 
 usage of the proxy.cgi by containing it in the URL, but didn't bring up 
 different results.
 - Thought about the solution as suggested by the John, but substituting 
 a Polygon with a BBOX only works for rectangular Polygons! I need to be 
 able to specify arbitrary Polygons/Shapes. I am sure the solution 
 proposed by him will work,
   because it will be just a request just like the one that already works.
 - Thought about trying a newer version of the MapServer. However, I run 
 is the newest ms4w on my local machone and I remember that I had the 
 same problem a few weeks ago. Furthermore, John had the same problem 
 with MapServer 6.0.0,
 and since then nothing changed about WFS or filter encoding according to 
 the release announcements.
 - Thought sending a GET request instead of a POST request could solve 
 the problem! They provided examples in the documentation with links, 
 something they definitely wouldn't have done in case those examples 
 wouldn't work! However, even
 GET requests didn't work! What is strange: Also got errors with code 
 500. Shouldn't the mapserver return some error message?
 I AM CONFUSED! Please hlp!
 On 05/08/2011 15:04, John Callahan wrote:
  This thread may or may not help: 
  I have not tried using AND compound filters.  The following format 
  does work for me using the BBOX filter.
  gml:Envelope xmlns:gml=http://www.opengis.net/gml;
  gml:lowerCorner149081.76574899518 163078.62572595105/gml:lowerCorner
  gml:upperCorner205627.85303800018 194899.95291598293/gml:upperCorner
  - John
  John Callahan, Research Scientist
  Delaware Geological Survey
  University of Delaware
  URL: http://www.dgs.udel.edu
 This message and any attachments are intended for the use of the addressee
 or addressees only. The unauthorised disclosure, 
 use, dissemination or copying (either in whole or in part) of its content
 is not permitted. If you received this message in 
 error, please notify the sender and delete it from your system. Emails can
 be altered and their integrity cannot be guaranteed by   
 the sender. 
 Please consider the environment before printing this email.

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[mapserver-users] Looking for mobile WebMapping-Applications

2011-02-17 Thread Kai Behncke
Dear users,

for a dissertation and an article I´m looking for mobile WebMapping-applications
(means: WebMapping/WebGIS-Applications that work ob mobile handheld devices 
(e.g. PDAs, Smartphones)).

Does anyone know such an application and send me the link please?

Thank you very much, Kai
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mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] MapServer as fast-cgi

2010-05-30 Thread Kai Behncke
Dear users,

I try to set up Mapserver with fast-cgi, but so far it doesn`t work as it 
should do 
(well I think it doesn`t, I`m also not so sure how to test ist).

* I have succesfully compiled MapServer 5.6.3 with fast-cgi (on Debian 5.0)

* Apache runs with mod_fcgid

* In the mapfile I have implemented in the layers  PROCESSING 

But some steps I don`t understand:

In the apache-conf I set:

ScriptAlias /fcgi-bin/ /etc/apache2/cgi-bin/mapserv
Location /fcgi-bin
Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
SetHandler fcgid-script
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
#FastCgiConfig -initial-env PROJ_LIB=/usr/share/proj -initial-env 
#LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib:/usr/local/lib:/usr/local/pgsql/lib #-appConnTimeout 
60 -idle-timeout 60 -init-start-delay 1  -minProcesses 2 #-maxClassProcesses 30 
-startDelay 5


a) If I comment in FastCGIConfig .. I always get from the Apache:
Invalid command 'FastCgiConfig', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not 
included ??

What might be the reason for that?

b) I start the Apache without the FastCGIConfig in the apache-conf-file
 and I run the MapServer as:


...this should be the way to run MapServer as fast-cgi, shouldn`t it?

c) I thought, if I run MS with Debug 5 the layers should be produced much 
faster, right?
But the log-file doesn`t show any difference betwenn MS as cgi or fcgi, this 
might be because of
the missing FastCgiConfig in Apache, right?

Can anybody give me a hint please?

Thank you in advance, Kai
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mapserver-users mailing list

Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer as fast-cgi

2010-05-30 Thread Kai-Behncke
Hi Lars, also working on a sunday :-)

Thank you very much for your reply.

The fcgid-module is enabled/installed.

I changed the pathes in the pathes you use,
in the access.log of apache is written: - - [30/May/2010:17:31:55 +0200] GET 
/blabla/blabla/Testkarte12752335142537.jpg HTTP/1.1 200 26397 
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: 
Gecko/20100401 Firefox/3.6.3 GTB7.0 ( .NET CLR 3.5.30729)

...what looks quite good I think.

If I restart apache I get:

[Sun May 30 17:35:25 2010] [notice] mod_fcgid: process 
/blabla/cgi-bin/mapserv(2537) exit(shutting down), terminated by calling 
exit(), return code: 0
[Sun May 30 17:35:26 2010] [notice] Apache/2.2.9 (Debian) PHP/5.2.6-1+lenny8 
with Suhosin-Patch configured -- resuming normal operations

but I don`t get something like:

[Sun May 30 16:38:27 2010] [info] mod_fcgid: server
/var/www/clients/client1/web1/fcgi-bin/mapserv(21099) started

With fcgi your MapServer processes will stay in memory. You should see
them within top even when the map is already delivered. And with
CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER you can then reuse database connections which in
turn will make your application faster.

I`m not sure if I understand. What do you mean with:
You should see them within top even when the map is already delivered.

And  can`t I check it with the Debug 5 in the log-file?

Thank you very much, Kai
 Datum: Sun, 30 May 2010 16:47:24 +0200
 Von: Lars Lingner m...@lingner.eu
 An: mapserver-users@lists.osgeo.org
 Betreff: Re: [mapserver-users] MapServer as fast-cgi

 Hash: SHA1
 On 30.05.2010 16:10, Kai Behncke wrote:
  Dear users,
  I try to set up Mapserver with fast-cgi, but so far it doesn`t work as
 it should do 
  (well I think it doesn`t, I`m also not so sure how to test ist).
  * I have succesfully compiled MapServer 5.6.3 with fast-cgi (on Debian
  * Apache runs with mod_fcgid
  * In the mapfile I have implemented in the layers  PROCESSING
  But some steps I don`t understand:
  In the apache-conf I set:
  ScriptAlias /fcgi-bin/ /etc/apache2/cgi-bin/mapserv
  Location /fcgi-bin
  Options +ExecCGI -MultiViews +SymLinksIfOwnerMatch
  SetHandler fcgid-script
  Order allow,deny
  Allow from all
  #FastCgiConfig -initial-env PROJ_LIB=/usr/share/proj -initial-env
 #-appConnTimeout 60
 -idle-timeout 60 -init-start-delay 1  -minProcesses 2 #-maxClassProcesses
 30 -startDelay 5
  a) If I comment in FastCGIConfig .. I always get from the Apache:
  Invalid command 'FastCgiConfig', perhaps misspelled or defined by a
 module not included ??
  What might be the reason for that?
 Does Apache load the fcgid module?
 You can check in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled if its enabled
 and in /etc/apache2/mods-available if its installed
 Or check the error.log of apache:
 [Sun May 30 16:38:27 2010] [info] mod_fcgid: server
 /var/www/clients/client1/web1/fcgi-bin/mapserv(21099) started
 I have the following config:
 ScriptAlias /fcgi-bin/ /path/to/fcgi-bin/
 Location /fcgi-bin
 SetHandler fcgid-script
 Options None
 Order allow,deny
 Allow from all
 my /etc/apache2/mods-enabled/fcgid.conf looks like this:
 IfModule mod_fcgid.c
   AddHandlerfcgid-script .fcgi
   IPCConnectTimeout 20
  b) I start the Apache without the FastCGIConfig in the
   and I run the MapServer as:
  ...this should be the way to run MapServer as fast-cgi, shouldn`t it?
 Hmm. I defined the scriptalias as path to the fcgi directory and not to
 the binary. So the request URL is something like this:
 But I don't know if your way might also be ok.
  c) I thought, if I run MS with Debug 5 the layers should be produced
 much faster, right?
  But the log-file doesn`t show any difference betwenn MS as cgi or fcgi,
 this might be because of
  the missing FastCgiConfig in Apache, right?
 With fcgi your MapServer processes will stay in memory. You should see
 them within top even when the map is already delivered. And with
 CLOSE_CONNECTION=DEFER you can then reuse database connections which in
 turn will make your application faster.
 Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)
 Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla - http://enigmail.mozdev.org/
 mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] MapServer and fastcgi-benefits?

2008-03-17 Thread Kai Behncke
Hello list,

I`m testing MapServer with fast-cgi to see if there`s a benefit in performance.

I succesfully compiled MapServer with fast-cgi, in my Apache 2.2 at Debian Etch 
the mod_fastcgi is activated, the httpd.conf has the needed entries and in my 
mapfile I set 
to a very expensive Layer (the data are shapefiles).

But if I check the performance with siege
(siege -c 4 -r 10 
I don`t see any performance benefits in comparison to MapServer without 

Am I do something wrong??
What is the benefit of fast-cgi?
Should`t it be faster than normal-cgi?

Thank you very much in advance, Kai
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mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] LAYER CHART

2008-03-12 Thread Kai Behncke
Hello list,

I have a questions about LAYER CHART.
Is it possible to set a LABLE to the pies or bars so that I can see with value 
they have?
If not is this maybe planned in future versions?
Thank you very much, Kai
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mapserver-users mailing list

[mapserver-users] Some questions to AGG and GD rendering

2008-03-10 Thread Kai Behncke
Dear users,

some questions to AGG and GD-Rendering:

Is it right that even if I use the following output:


the GD library is used for LABELS, Textpositioning and Rasterlayers ?

What about STYLES and SYMBOLS, is AGG used then or GD, in my tests I could`t 
figure it out.
It is said that AGG and GD are combined.

For which objects GD is used?
When is AGG used?

Is it right, that AGG renders faster than GD?

Thank you very much, Kai
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