Link syntax (was: definition lists?)

2008-11-21 Thread Thomas Nichols
Tangentially, I notice that this post by Waylan uses a link syntax which
doesn't seem to be defined by but seems to
work in some implementations at - that is,

from the git repo [1]
instead of
from the git repo [1][]
from the [git repo] [1].

The link definition is then


Which of the outputs generated at[1]%0D%0Aat+commit+e968bbf+(on+Nov+6)%2C%0D%0A%0D%0A[1]
(also available at in case the full URI gets
mashed) is considered 'expected'?

IIUC, what I'll refer to Waylan's syntax makes any text enclosed in
square brackets into a candidate for a link; the parser then searches
for a matching link definition. I'm undecided whether the simplicity of
this syntax offsets the risk of breaking existing documents. A link will
only be generated if a matching link definition is found, IIUC, so
perhaps this risk is acceptably low?

Please point me to a previous discussion if available, I couldn't find
one in the archives.


Waylan Limberg wrote on 2008/11/14 20:37:
 It's in the works. We had a working solution last week, but then
 refactored the core this week, so I have to refactor the definition
 list stuff.

 If you want it right now, your free to checkout from the git repo [1]
 at commit e968bbf (on Nov 6), or wait a few more days for me to get
 the refactor done and have the latest and greatest.

 One thing is for sure, I will have something included in the next
 release which I anticipate happening soonish.


 On Fri, Nov 14, 2008 at 1:26 PM, Andreas Åkre Solberg
Any way of writing definition lists?

 Markdown-Discuss mailing list


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: spaces and newlines before list markers (was: evolving the spec)

2008-03-02 Thread Thomas Nichols

Joseph Lorenzo Hall wrote on 2008/03/02 18:26:

On Sun, Mar 2, 2008 at 10:00 AM, John Fraser [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Tightening up indentation rules is definitely a breaking change, and I
 don't see any payoff for users here.  If anything, we should be making
 indentation rules more lenient.

My only desire is to figure out a way to allow the
whitspace-before-list-marker and also avoid the more general class of
bugs where a list is triggered by a sentence ending with a number on
an indented newline.

The reference citation I sent out on another thread is one example but
anything of the following form will trigger this:

* This is a list item with a hanging indent ending with a number,
  4. The rest is considered a child of a new ordered list, no matter
  what I do to this paragraph (other than rephrase to get rid of the
  hanging-indented digit+dot).

Which produces

liThis is a list item with a hanging indent ending with a number,
olliThe rest is considered a child of a new ordered list, no matter
what I do to this paragraph (other than rephrase to get rid of the
hanging-indented digit+dot)./li/ol/li

Is this something we're comfortable with?  If not, can we come up with
something that avoids this? best, Joe


Actually, when I first read your example I was confused -- I thought 
'4.' was a second-level bullet point, despite the comma on the preceding 
line. If a human (admittedly a very tired one) can make this 
interpretation, I can live with a Markdown processor making it also.

John's proposed approach in 
seems to fit well with what a naive (tired) human might expect to 
happen. As ever, YMMV.

-- Thomas.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: evolving the spec (was: forking

2008-02-29 Thread Thomas Nichols

Waylan Limberg wrote on 2008/02/29 15:56:

With all this discussion about evolving the spec, I think we want to
remember the philosophy behind Markdown to begin with. Go re-read the
Overview[1] of the syntax rules.

... snip ...

Take the discussion a short time ago on this list regarding whitespace
allowed at the start of a list item. A quick read of the rules would
indicate the the `*` or number should be the first item on that line.
In practice, allows up to 3 spaces at the start of a list
item. While J.G. agreed (IIRC) that that probably is a bug that should
be fixed, we learned through the course of that conversation that a
number of people actually are relying on that bug as a feature,
and in fact, if the bug was fixed, their documents would break.

FWIW, I (as a humble Markdown user) am in that group. Why? Because it is 
how I _expect_ a list to be formatted in ASCII, and I tentatively 
suggest may be what many others expect also. Certainly it's a form I've 
seen used widely. If I'm not thinking about correct markdown syntax, 
but just what comes naturally when writing a quick email; I might say

Cases in point:
 * Feynman
 * Dirac
 * Bohr

without thinking about inserting an extra line before the list to ensure 
that it gets correctly processed, aligning asterisks with zero indent so 
they get correctly processed, yada yada. Part of the joy of markdown 
(that sounds a little over-caffeinated) is precisely the laxity that 
makes it, I gather, so hard to implement.

think Markdown 2.0 is a good idea. By moving to 2.0, we don't have to
worry about backward compatibility (Markdown 2.0 should not allow
those 3 spaces).

That's one of the scarier suggestions I've read today. So all my 
documents would need to be pre-processed to conform to the new 
markdown-2-0-strict syntax? May I ask why?

Having a spec/ruleset/syntax definition seems an admirable goal; does 
this necessarily imply that, for example, you should not be able to 
begin a list item with zero to three spaces, at your discretion? This 
seems rather at odds with the overall theme of your mail, with which I 
heartily agree.

Please bear in mind I know nothing about the implementation complexity 
of this: if it is infeasible to have such a loose approach, I'll still 
write in Markdown instead of DocBook/HTML, and will simply learn the 
new syntax.

-- Thomas

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: evolving the spec (was: forking

2008-02-29 Thread Thomas Nichols

Joseph Lorenzo Hall wrote on 2008/02/29 17:14:

On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 8:52 AM, Thomas Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Having a spec/ruleset/syntax definition seems an admirable goal; does
 this necessarily imply that, for example, you should not be able to
 begin a list item with zero to three spaces, at your discretion? This
 seems rather at odds with the overall theme of your mail, with which I
 heartily agree.

As a slightly-OT aside, there's another view on this spaces before a
list item issue that sees it as a bug.

When I write a list of references in a academic paper, I do so with
list items.  I do a hanging indent where the rest of the reference is
indented by two or three spaces, like so:

* Aslam, J. A., Popa, R. A.,  Rivest, R. L. (2007). On estimating the
  size and confidence of a statistical audit, USENIX/ACCURATE
  Electronic Voting Technology Workshop 2007. Retrieved February 24,
  2008. from

Markdown sees that   2008. as a list item.


Perhaps a first step to resolving the much broader question of whether 
to define a formal grammar, a ruleset, a textual description or whatever 
could be just to reach consensus on some of these questions? As Yuri 
mentioned, code block syntax is still an open loop, as is indentation 
before list item marker and many others. In the interests of starting 
to close some of these  loops, I'll kick this one to a separate thread - 
and if we can reach consensus, it can be documented and referenced in 
any spec/docs/implementations anyone cares to create.

Once we have a set of these consensus opinions hammered out, it makes 
some sense to me that we then start talking about a spec, a set of rules 
and so on - IETF-style, but perhaps with rather shorter RFCs...

-- Thomas.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

spaces and newlines before list markers (was: evolving the spec)

2008-02-29 Thread Thomas Nichols

Joseph Lorenzo Hall wrote on 2008/02/29 17:14:

As a slightly-OT aside, there's another view on this spaces before a
list item issue that sees it as a bug.

When I write a list of references in a academic paper, I do so with
list items.  I do a hanging indent where the rest of the reference is
indented by two or three spaces, like so:

* Aslam, J. A., Popa, R. A.,  Rivest, R. L. (2007). On estimating the
  size and confidence of a statistical audit, USENIX/ACCURATE
  Electronic Voting Technology Workshop 2007. Retrieved February 24,
  2008. from

Markdown sees that   2008. as a list item.

Ok: that's what sees. Do any of _us_ see it like that?

For a human, I think this is easy. Even removing the comma from the 
preceding line, I think there's enough 'ASCII layout' information here 
for an untrained reader to tell from a casual glance that '2008' is not 
intended to be a list item. So do we need a full-on AI engine to be able 
to build a parser to handle this? Or can we think up some simple 
algorithm - there must be a change of indent for a sub-bullet, perhaps, 
or a new bullet must be at the same level as the preceding one?

If 2008 were indented by a space, then I think it **should** be a new 
item, a sub-bullet. Maybe that's because I'm used to working with 
suboptimal tools (web browsers for blog comments have already been 
mentioned) which don't automatically indent the paragraph beneath the 
bullet point as in this example. In fact, I often see a blank line 
separating bullets instead.

 * Inertial-Electrodynamic Fusion (IEF) Device - Energy/Matter 
Conversion Corporation (EMC2). The fusion process recommended by Dr. 
Bussard takes boron-11 and fuses a proton to it, producing, in its 
excited state, a carbon-12 atom. This excited carbon-12 atom decays to 
beryllium-8 and helium-4.

 * Bussard's website, asking for donations to fund further research

 * American Scientist article mentioning the founding of EMC2

Again, I think each of us understands these are bullets. I'm writing 
this in Thunderbird, just typing '*' instead of pressing the 'bullet' 
button', so I'm getting word-wrap but no automatic indentation (though 
MTAs etc. may reformat the message later). They follow the typographic 
approach of indenting the first line of the para; compare with the 
example Joe quoted which outdents the bullet points and then indents the 
whole paragraph beneath it. Can we consider these to be two equally 
valid approaches?

On a personal note, what inspired me about Markdown was John Gruber's 
[Dive into Markdown][] article. Possibly relevant here:

In fact, I love writing email. Email is my favorite writing medium. I’ve 
sent over 16,000 emails in the last five years. The conventions of plain 
text email allow me to express myself clearly and precisely, without 
ever getting in my way.

Thus, Markdown. Email-style writing for the web.
The typographic constraints of plain text — a single typeface, in a 
single size, with no true italics or bold — are very much similar to the 
constraints of a typewriter.

That's what I'm after ... to be able to use the conventions of plain 
text email when creating content; and conventions are often pretty 
woolly, so creating a formal ruleset from them is probably going to be 
tough. In this instance, though, I haven't yet understood why Markdown 
should not continue to support the following from the [syntax page][],

List markers typically start at the left margin, but may be indented by 
up to three spaces. List markers must be followed by one or more spaces 
or a tab.

As a (weak) analogy, SQL has both a laboriously detailed specification 
and a surprisingly loose query syntax, allowing noise words and using 
intelligent defaults to capture intent wherever possible. TIMTOWTDI, 
especially when writing an email.

So -- any reasons why we should need to tighten the spec? Or can we 
simply document it formally, with a grammar, test suite and so on to 
make sure that the expected behaviour is always known, and ideally is 
consistent with email convention?

-- Thomas.

[Dive into Markdown]:
[syntax page]:

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: spaces and newlines before list markers (was: evolving the spec)

2008-02-29 Thread Thomas Nichols

Waylan Limberg wrote on 2008/03/01 6:12:

Hmm, I don't remember reading that before. Was it always there?

Not sure. Been there for a cuple of years at least, I think.

Anyway, to be honest this has been the hardest thing about markdown
for me to wrap my head around (and probably why I picked it as an
example  in the other discussion). The way I always understood it,
indenting in Markdown is done in increments of 4. Therefore, in my
mind, the only amounts of indent allowed should be 0, 4, 8, 12, 16,
... and so on. It would never even occur to me to use any other
amounts of indent for any reason - ever. And, in fact, I had never
tried it until someone brought it up here on the list. With the
exception of the it makes copy and pasting easier argument, I'll
probably never understand it. Thats just the way my mind works.
Nothing against those who think differently.

I use increments of two - but the same principle applies I think. Using 
~ for spaces for clarity:

~~1. Item One
a. One A
b. One B
~~2. Item Two

... and unsurprisingly some (maybe all) of the Markdown implementations 
I use have a fit about this -- they interpret the 4 space indent as 
implying a precodeblock. In this context, though, I think a human 
would see immediately what is intended. Perhaps M-Spec parts 1 or 2 
could as well?

And, in fact, reading Gruber's Dive into Markdown it would seem
reasonable that one could conceivably take any well crafted email and
run it through a markdown parser and get some decent html. Obviously,
in practice things don't work so well. In the end consesions have to
be made on both sides. I won't enforce my restrictive view of
indentation on the community at large, and perhaps those who like to
indent secondary lines of list items will need to watch their line
breaks to avoid errant list items.

Sounds good to me :-)

We could always require a blank line between list items, but consider
this list of one-word items:

* red
* blue
* green

Do we really want to require the author to add a blank line between
each item? I don't.

Nor me - I agree, compact lists like this are much best without blank 
lines. When list items require more than one line (in whatever tool I'm 
using to edit at the time) it can make sense to insert blank lines. To 
me, at least...

-- Thomas

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Markdown MIME type?

2008-02-04 Thread Thomas Nichols

Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote on 2008/02/04 13:44:

* Thomas Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2008-02-04 14:10]:

When this came up on the list before I think there was a
consensus that `text/x-markdown` is usable -- possibly with a
URI to identify the Markdown syntax used.

Did I understand that correctly?

Yes, you did. Using a type with a subtype starting with `x-` is
permissible, and in absence of a registered MIME type, the only
thing that third parties can do.

Note [RFCÂ 4288, section 3.4][1], though:

However, with the simplified registration procedures
described above for vendor and personal trees, it
should rarely, if ever, be necessary to use unregistered
experimental types. Therefore, use of both x- and x.
forms is discouraged.



Yup, I remembered that -- their definition of simplified may differ from 
mine ;-)

This from Sam Angove is informative:

Andrea Censi confirmed that [Maruku documents could be identified by 
profiles][] and use:

text/x-markdown; profile=;

though there was some ensuing discussion about the legitimacy of 
fragment identifiers for this purpose (or at least of parsing them, 
instead of considering the URIs to be opaque).

If we could reach consensus about mime-type / profile, we could perhaps 
submit them to Mozilla/Opera as recognised types to be rendered as 
text/plain if no helper is installed?

[Maruku documents could be identified by profiles]:

-- Thomas.

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Revisiting mime-types and file extensions

2007-06-21 Thread Thomas Nichols

Michel Fortin wrote:
 Le 2007-06-20 à 5:51, Thomas Nichols a écrit :

 Having a mime type of 'text/x-markdown' and a profile URI
 declared by the author of the language grammar (e.g.;) seems an economical solution, and would follow
 the pattern for [XML namespaces][xml-namespaces], Java JAXP feature
 URIs[jaxp-features] and [OpenID identifiers][openid]

 All these need a unique identifier to work anywhere, ensuring that
 authors will create the unique identifier. Not the case with Markdown:
 anyone can create his own version without creating a corresponding
 unique identifier. If a downstream developer, someone else than the
 original author, needs an identifier and decide to create one, nothing
 ensure others will use the same identifier; and here goes the unique
 part of the identifier.

Yup, this is true - so maybe it would be good for the author of any new
Markdown-derivative syntax to  specify an identifying URI (as you have
done below)? It most certainly should not be the _document_ authors who
create such URIs, and if it is a downstream _processor_ author, for
example Andrea Censi with Maruku, then he could define a new URI - perhaps
 - and declare that it is a superset of the specs
(or whatever Mr Gruber would care to choose as a profile identifier).

 Beside, what does the identifier corresponds to anyway? A specific
 implementation? A particular syntax? One version of that
 implementation or that syntax or all of them? I can't really figure
 out right now: how many unique identifiers are needed and how are
 each going to be used?

A great reason for having formal language grammars! :-)

In the absence of such grammars, though, we have the syntax supported
by 1.01 or the syntax as specified at
(in other words, John Gruber's syntax definition as at 30 May 2006). I'm
guessing that a new URI will typically be issued for a new version of a
spec, introducing features that are not handled (or - gasp - are handled
differently) in earlier versions.

As a CMS developer, when processing a document, I can examine the
mime-type (text/x-markdown) and look for a profile URI. I can then
select an appropriate processor for this profile, or warn the user if it
is not a profile that I recognize. All that is needed to get this to
work is for downstream developers of Markdown-derivative processors to
define their own URI and to declare which other  profiles are supported.
I'd guess that in order to be considered a Markdown processor at all,
John Gruber's original profile should always be supported.

 Any suggested changes to this? Michel, would you care to propose a URI
 for Markdown Extra, should anyone decide they'd like to use one?

 I'm still not sure using URLs for this is worthy, but if someone wants
 a reference URL for Markdown Extra, I'd suggest using this:

 I've put a small explanatory document at this address. If you need
 versioning, here is what I suggest:

 These are the two points at which PHP Markdown Extra changed its
 syntax specification (besides beta versions) to accomodate new features.

Excellent, thank you very much; using fragment identifiers for versions
works for me.  Andrea, would you be happy with
as profiles? And John, as the instigator of this dance, would you care
to suggest a canonical profile URI? Or should it be just

As per the XML namespaces spec, we'll be relying upon exact string
matching to identify profiles.

Thanks to all who've worked on this.


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Revisiting mime-types and file extensions

2007-06-21 Thread Thomas Nichols

Andrea Censi wrote:
 Excellent, thank you very much; using fragment identifiers for versions
 works for me.  Andrea, would you be happy with
 as profiles?

 OK for me.

 It's better with a final slash:

 so that it's easier to serve a document ( does not
 support multiviews).

Ok -- so your primary profile would be
and the current spec would have a profile of
is that correct?

This would allow us to chop the fragment identifier -- '#major.minor' --
from the end of a profile, and match it against
or similar. As a Ruby regex (I don't know Perl/PHP regex, it might
differ) this should I think give $2 as major and $3 as minor version for
the URIs we've discussed here. I'm assuming that version IDs will have a
standard major.minor.bugfix format and that we can disregard the third
element as irrelevant to the specification.

If we ever got energetic enough to implement all of this, we could then
create documents and mark them with mime-type of
and then when we later come to render them (perhaps on a different
system if the database has been dumped and reloaded) we'd be able to
decide whether this document can be safely rendered, or whether the user
should be warned that she needs to 'sudo gem install maruku' or perhaps
'sudo gem update maruku'. We could also allow her to specify 'vanilla
Markdown 1.0 as the syntax, in which case it could still be rendered on
systems which have only BlueCloth available.

This is enough for us to work with for now. For a 'standard' profile,
we'll be guided by John Gruber -- or if he has no objections, we'll use

Best regards,

Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Revisiting mime-types and file extensions

2007-06-21 Thread Thomas Nichols

Phil Mocek wrote:
 On Thu, Jun 21, 2007 at 02:45:08PM +0100, Thomas Nichols wrote:
 Ok -- so your primary profile would be

 and the current spec would have a profile of

 is that correct?

 This would allow us to chop the fragment identifier --
 '#major.minor' -- from the end of a profile, and match it


 or similar.
 If we ever got energetic enough to implement all of this, we
 could then create documents and mark them with mime-type of

 Can anyone confirm that having the HTML fragment identifier
 formatted as Thomas proposes is valid?  Both this [W3C design
 issue paper][1] and [Wikipedia article][2] suggest otherwise, but
 I'm not sufficiently familiar with this to say for certain.



I'm not sure whether [1] implies that 1.0 is an invalid fragment for
HTML documents, for example:   
For HTML, the fragment ID is an SGML ID of an element within the HTML
object. For XML, if it is just a word, then it is the XML ID of an
element in the document

Since an XML fragment could contain any valid XPointer expression, I
don't think there'd be any problem with 1.0 - and [RFC3986] reads:

The semantics of a fragment identifier are defined by the set of
representations that might result from a retrieval action on the primary
resource.  The fragment's format and resolution is therefore dependent
on the media type [RFC2046] of a potentially retrieved representation,
even though such a retrieval is only performed if the URI is
dereferenced.  If no such representation exists, then the semantics of
the fragment are considered unknown and are effectively unconstrained. 

I just noticed the syntax of the URI for this RFC (see below) -- does
that look conclusive?

Best regards,


Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Revisiting mime-types and file extensions

2007-06-20 Thread Thomas Nichols

A. Pagaltzis wrote:
 * Michel Fortin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007-06-16 15:15]:
 Le 2007-06-16 à 2:57, A. Pagaltzis a écrit :
 * Michel Fortin [EMAIL PROTECTED] [2007-06-16 01:30]:
 Specifically, what happens if I change the page URL to PHP
 Markdown Extra some day?
 Nothing. Just because people are accustomed to HTTP URIs being
 derenferencable to some actual page or other resource doesn’t
 mean they actually have to be.
 Yes, but there is no point in using a URI in this case.

 It’s a globally unique identifier.

FWIW, the [Ruby MIME::Type library][ruby-mime-type] chooses URIs as
GUIDs. This seems a sane decision to me, since the domain registration
process guarantees uniqueness without any of the
submission/discussion/approval steps required for a more formal
approval. Having a mime type of 'text/x-markdown' and a profile URI
declared by the author of the language grammar (e.g.;) seems an economical solution, and would follow
the pattern for [XML namespaces][xml-namespaces], Java JAXP feature
URIs[jaxp-features] and [OpenID identifiers][openid] It would allow
creation of a Markdown Extra Plus grammar, say, even if the current
project leads are unavailable to confirm whether
'text/x-markdown-extra-plus' has already been allocated.

I do not expect any resource to be necessarily _available_ at that URI;
if one can be retrieved, I'd expect it to be an explanatory text/html

Would there be any objections to our implementing such a scheme
(internally to Railfrog)? We're considering using  - documents
can be processed by either BlueCloth or Maruku - documents can be processed by Maruku
The version number could be used in future to handle changes to the grammar.

Any suggested changes to this? Michel, would you care to propose a URI
for Markdown Extra, should anyone decide they'd like to use one?



Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Re: Revisiting mime-types and file extensions

2007-06-15 Thread Thomas Nichols

Sam Angove wrote:
 On 6/15/07, Thomas Nichols [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Using the experimental types indicated by 'x.' and 'x-' might also be
 a possibility in the short term, but is not recommended; a properly
 registered mime type in the main tree would provide a clear
 standardisation. Is this important enough to anyone else to warrant an
 attempt to register a name? Or should we just create a solution specific
 to our own problem domain?

 I expect that submitting something acceptable to the IETF standards
 track would be rather a lot of work and probably fail. The lack of
 clear standardisation is an issue regardless, and would have to be
 resolved *before* submission.

Are you referring here to lack of _Markdown_ standardisation? Markdown
!= Markdown Extra != Maruku and so on? If so, I was thinking these might
become subtypes - .markdown.basic, .markdown.maruku etc. But if
a full EBNF grammar must be defined for each before standardisation can
begin then this is evidently a non-starter. My assumption was that, as
for (say) text/rtf, the mime type would identify a _family_ of
specifications, with internal version numbers to distinguish between them.

 For the vendor tree, the guidelines do qualify well-known producer,
 IANA-approved designation of the producer's name, etc. It's not
 clear that `vnd.markdown` is appropriate. Even if it is, what would it

This bothered me too -- and 'vnd.gruber.*' might conflict with some
other 'gruber'. Perhaps 'vnd.daring-fireball.markdown' might work - but
I prefer your suggestion below.

 Right now we really have `text/prs.gruber.markdown`,
 `text/prs.fortin.php-markdown-extra` etc. etc. Markdown
 implementations generally implement something close to the former, but
 there are ambiguous edge-cases so who knows for sure? Proposals for a
 normative grammar went nowhere.

Ok -- well I am most certainly not about to open _that_ debate ;-)

 `text/x-markdown` seems a reasonable media-type to encompass the whole
 murky, underspecified lot of them. Specific extensions/implementations
 could be indicated with an optional parameter, like:


 That seems better than requiring a separate media type for every
 extension. YMMV.

This looks a workable option for us (and is in fact what we were doing
last time we played with this). The 'profile' idea is also interesting
-- though for consistency with other mime-types would this be the
optimal syntax? With embedded space/newline and semi-colon? Looking at
the [Apache mime types][apache-mime-example], for example, they all seem
to be just alphanumerics, hyphens and slashes - or are you suggesting
this as an analogue of a Content-Type string, where I might have
CONTENT=text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1
I'm not at all sure how we'd handle that, but it might make a
straightforward way to distinguish Maruku-flavoured-Markdown from, say,
BlueCloth-flavoured-Markdown. In which case...

What profile URIs would people suggest? How about:


Or should those have major/minor version numbers appended:

If the profile is not sufficient precisely to identify the supported
language syntax, I'm not sure it would have much practical value for us.
OTOH, if by looking at the profile string we could identify exactly
which processor was required then we can build a more flexible tool.

 As an aside, I think the reStructuredText case is one to avoid
 repeating: it has an IANA registration as `text/prs.fallenstein.rst`,
 but its highest-profile [user][1] prefers `text/x-rst`.


Very interesting, thank you. If text/x-markdown is an acceptable
compromise, we'll implement this.

Thanks also to all who suggested file extensions -- all but 'md' seem
unambiguous; it appears that 'md' has some [other
uses][md-associations], including one for Windows Media Player. If we
save a document to the filesystem we'll probably use .markdown as the



Markdown-Discuss mailing list

Revisiting mime-types and file extensions

2007-06-14 Thread Thomas Nichols

I'm in the process of adding support for Markdown to a minimal CMS in
Rails, [Railfrog][railfrog], which uses mime types to select appropriate
processing. I have had a look through the archives but have not been
able to see that a consensus has emerged as to what such a mime type for
Markdown should look like. My reading of the RFCs suggests that it
should be within the text/* media type,  and it looks as though we
could with impunity use our own mime type of, say,


 but this does seem most inelegant. The [registration procedures][reg]
do not seem unduly long-winded, and a mime-type of  
seems entirely suitable, alongside text/rtf and text/html. This would, I
believe, mean 'registration in the IETF tree' -- does that seem
appropriate for Markdown?

The ['text' media type][texttype] looks like the right place if I have
understood correctly; however, if registration at the top level appears
problematic then it should be entirely feasible to register in the
'vendor' tree:

  * text/vnd.markdown.basic
  * text/vnd.markdown.maruku
  * etc.

If I read this correctly, no consultation process is then required.

Using the experimental types indicated by 'x.' and 'x-' might also be
a possibility in the short term, but is not recommended; a properly
registered mime type in the main tree would provide a clear
standardisation. Is this important enough to anyone else to warrant an
attempt to register a name? Or should we just create a solution specific
to our own problem domain?

In Railfrog we also allow content to be loaded from the file system,
with the mime type being inferrred from the file extension. Having
reviewed the archives, our current intent is to load as Markdown any
files with the extensions

  * .markdown
  * .mdtext
  * .mdml (from [file-extensions], though not at

Any suggestions for others we should also be handling?

Any comments/flames would be most welcome - and many thanks to everyone
who has worked to keep Markdown so clear and simple!



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