Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibO North American group

2010-10-12 Thread jonathon
On 10/12/2010 05:07 PM, Charles-H. Schulz wrote:

> I would rather like to see one specific group for the US market ...  even if 
> it means have another group for Mexico and one for Canada, but
I'm just a lousy European,

How about creating one group for North America: Saint-Pierre and
Miquelon, Canada, United States, Mexico, and the Caribbean countries
other than Cuba until there are enough people in a country for it to be

The United States has Byzantine laws, when it comes to Cuba.

I am assuming that the Saint-Pierre and Miquelon marketing team would
benefit more from being part of the Canadian marketing team, than it
would be from being part of the French marketing team.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] list name for the US group

2010-10-12 Thread jonathon
On 10/12/2010 07:39 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

> Trying to get some structure in, so any advice welcome.

ISO 639-3 language code, then  These are used for
localization projects.

ISO 3166-2 country code, then .then These are used for
marketing projects. would discuss marketing in New Zealand. would discuss Māori localization issues. would discuss Manx localization issues. would discuss marketing in the Isle of Manx.

I realize that there are some edge cases with this approach.  For example: would discuss Straits Salish localization
issues. would discuss Southern Puget Sound Salish
localization issues. for marketing Straits Salish in the Pacific
Northwest. for discuss marketing Southern Puget Sound
Salish in the Pacific Northwest.
or for marketing Southern Puget Sound Salish for marketing Straits Salish.

Using the assigned ISO numbers, rather than letters would be more
language and country neutral.

Note: I'm using Straits Salish and Southern Puget Sound Salish as
examples. I don't know if there are enough users of either language, to
be able to provide either a UI, or documentation in either language.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] "Microsoft posts video of customers criticizing OpenOffice"

2010-10-15 Thread jonathon
On 10/14/2010 12:00 AM, Andy Brown wrote:

> Basically that if you use open source the instant support, like a help desk, 
> is not there. It is not there and can not be at no cost to the end user.

There are a couple of places that offer 7/24 hour support for FLOSS.
But that support is not gratis. (Anybody that thought that FLOSS equated
to gratis is going to suffer a major case of sticker shock, when they
see the cost of that support.

On the flip side, these places tend to be far more accommodating in
adding software to the list of what they support, than the organizations
that offer support for non-FLOSS packages.

>  The OOo site was links to paid support but I have no idea how often
it was used.

The OOo site had links to firms that allegedly, but did _not_ provide
paid support.

Andy wrote (in a different message):

> Not everyone that uses a computer has the will to learn when for years
all they had to do was pickup a phone.


If a list of organizations that provide non-gratis support for FLOSS is
made, full and complete contact information for that organization needs
to be provided:
* Organization name;
* Voice number;
* Fax number;
* Physical address;
* Mailing address;
* email addresses;
* Website;
* Name and address of the registered agent of the organization;
* Per incident charge;
* Date that the information was last updated, or last verified;

That data should also be verified at least once every ninety one days.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] "Microsoft posts video of customers criticizing OpenOffice"

2010-10-15 Thread jonathon
On 10/14/2010 02:20 AM, Drew Jensen wrote:

> But the problem discussed was not 1st and 2nd line support - it was on 3rd 
> and 4th level support.

For fourth level support, you pretty much have to have developers for
the software in question.

The virtue of FLOSS, is that you have source code, and if you have, or
hire programmers, things that require 4th level support can be done

The vice of FLOSS, is that since source code is available, nobody
advertises the fact that fourth level support is available.

Both of these factors also apply to third level support.

> Yes we do great at supporting individual users and small business


For an individual, or SOHO that is willing to spend the time browsing
the forums, reading the documentation, subscribing to the lists, that
support is good.

For the individual or SOHO that wants to pick up the phone, the
difficulty in finding a usable phone number for an organization that
provides paid support, implies that support is not good.

Where things go really wrong, is when the individual is hit with the per
incident charge.  "You want how much per phone call?" It isn't that the
charge is outrageous --- it is in line with what Microsoft charges. The
issue is that consumers are not used to paying the same prices as
corporations are, when it comes to software support.

>the presentation was on supporting medium to large organizations.

The vendors in that area have tended to provide support contracts only
for their flavour of OOo, and not the "generic" program.

One has to extensive digging into the OOo website, to find out that
support contracts are available. Other than Sun, those companies are,
for all practical purposes, not listed on the OOo website.

> This is where, IMO, we need to focus some thought - how will the document 
> foundation grow this type support environment.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] "Microsoft posts video of customers criticizing OpenOffice"

2010-10-15 Thread jonathon
On 10/14/2010 05:31 AM, Jean Hollis Weber wrote:

> I haven't had time to test LibO much, but OOo has those features 

MSO implements them is a way that is slightly different.   I don't
remember the precise differences, but one of them was that in MSO, one
could have the macro repeat "x" times, where the "x" was selected by the
user when first invoked. Another difference is that the code in the MSO
macro can be edited, and reused elsewhere, which is not the case with
the OOo macro.

>(though perhaps not as many special characters as Word, it can search
for para marks & tab marks),

I don't know if it is MSO, or Windows, but for those that know the UTF-8
value of a character, it is easier to enter special characters in MSO on
Windows, than OOo on Linux. (OTOH, MSO on Windows gives me the Blue
Screen Of Death within ten minutes of starting it --- every version
since roughly Word4Windows (¿MSO 1?) on W4WG through MSO2K7 on Win7.)

For OOo, you pretty much need to install the alt-find extension, to do
decent regex searching. What makes regex searching slightly more
difficult, is that MSO and OOo use different flavours of regex.

> so I'm surprised to hear that LibO doesn't.

I'm not. OOO, and LibO do things just slightly differently enough from
MSO, that people that never learned how to use an Office Suite, are
utterly unable to find the function that they are looking for.
(MOUS Master Certification does not mean that one has learned how to use
an office suite --- to the point that there appears to be an inverse
correlation between that certification, and the ability to use any
random office suite.)

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] list name for the US group

2010-10-16 Thread jonathon
On 10/15/2010 12:32 PM, James Walker wrote:

> be to put the US and Canada in a group. and then try to put Mexico in a
> group with other Cental American countries where spanish is the language that 
> they speak.

I think that there should be at least one person who is part of the US
group, and also part of the Mexico group. This is to simply
co-ordination of materials/events, and other things, that both marketing
groups would be using/need. (The Mexican team may want to be present at
events in Southern California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, and, possibly
Florida. There are a couple of Mexican states, where the US marketing
team might want to attend events.)

There are a couple of other countries where the cross-border situation
is such, that they might want to have representatives on each other's
marketing team. (Southern Africa for one: South Africa, Swaziland,
Lesotho, Botswana. Maybe also Namibia & Mozambique.  When Zimbabwe
finishes imploding, it can be added.)

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] list name for the US group

2010-10-18 Thread jonathon
On 10/15/2010 02:27 PM, Italo Vignoli wrote:

> For the moment, let's use the general marketing list. 

No, no, a thousand times no.

a)  One of the major problems with OOo marketing in the US, was that
they did not have their own list.

Combining a generic, worldwide marketing policy with a geographically
limited marketing list is going harm at least one, and probably both groups.

b) Should the generic marketing list really be filled with messages
about whether or not to attend an event at, say, Wounded Knee?  Or
discussions about how to present LibreOffice to First Nations?

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Roles

2010-10-18 Thread jonathon
On 10/16/2010 06:24 PM, Andy Brown wrote:

>  What next are they going to request all that are connected to the 
> LibreOffice community that to stop being part of the OOo community? 

That would be a stupid request, but given what both Pavel and Louis
wrote, I wouldn't be surprised if that request is made.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: [tdf-discuss] LibO program icon brainstorming

2010-10-22 Thread jonathon
On 10/22/2010 10:05 PM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:

> I did the same, but used the LibreOffice colors (adding an ocher yellow for 
> Draw) 

Which brings up the colour palette.  Has the Libre Colour Palette (or
whatever it was called) been added to the standard palette for LibO?

I have it on my system, but that is because I added it to my custom palette.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] list name for the US group

2010-10-23 Thread jonathon
On 10/12/2010 09:56 PM, Bernhard Dippold wrote:

> So I don't think it to be appropriate to differ between marketing and 
> localization only by different ISO codes.

ISO 639-3 language codes are three letters.
ISO 3166-2 country codes are two letters. would be the German marketing list. would be the German localization list.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] "Microsoft posts video of customers criticizing OpenOffice"

2010-10-23 Thread jonathon
On 10/15/2010 11:46 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

>  When we get to the point where level 3 and 4 support is available through 
> 3rd parties,

Just to be clear.  There are organizations that provide level 3 and
level 4 support for OOo --- Generic OOo. Whether or not they have hopped
onto the LibreOffice wagon, I do not know.

I haven't named them for the following reasons:
* I don't remember their names;
* They do so only on a contract only basis;
* They are regional/local in scope. (Cover one European country or one
state in the United States, or half a state in Canada and Australia.);
* Their specific support offers changes according to their current
client list.  (If they think that they can provide twenty customers with
outstanding support, and they currently have twenty customers, they are
not going to accept new clients. OTOH, if they currently have nineteen
customers, they may take on a new client that requires level 3, but not
level 4 support. On the gripping hand, if they currently have five
clients, they will take on fifteen new clients. I am using the number of
clients as an example.  AFAIK, that specific number does not hold for
any of the organizations I'm thinking of.);

# no "drilling" into the site

My suggestion would be to have the following categories on the page
labelled "Support":

Free support:  This support is most suitable for individuals.

Paid Level 1 support: This support level is suitable for individuals,
SOHO, and organizations that want per incident support;

Paid Level 2 support: This support level is most suitable for small and
medium business;

Paid Level 3 support: This support level is most suitable for medium to
large businesses.

Paid Level 4 support: This support is most suitable for large
businesses. This level of support provides customization of the program,
to the specific business requirements.

Paid Migration support:  This support is for individuals or
organizations that are migrating to LibreOffice from either no software,
or any other software.

Something that would be nice to have, would be a public wiki that covers
virtually everything that Level 1 and Level 2 support would need to
know.  Something that was designed so that the end user that knows
nothing about the program, could find an answer, without having to make
a phone call, email a question.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] "Microsoft posts video of customers criticizing OpenOffice"

2010-10-25 Thread jonathon
On 10/24/2010 12:53 AM, Michel Gagnon wrote:

>> Free support:  This support is most suitable for individuals.
>> Paid Level 1 support: This support level is suitable for individuals,
>> SOHO, and organizations that want per incident support;
>> Paid Level 2 support: This support level is most suitable for small and
>> medium business;
>> Paid Level 3 support: This support level is most suitable for medium to
>> large businesses.
>> Paid Level 4 support: This support is most suitable for large
>> businesses. This level of support provides customization of the program,
>> to the specific business requirements.
>> Paid Migration support:  This support is for individuals or
>> organizations that are migrating to LibreOffice from either no software,
>> or any other software.
>> Something that would be nice to have, would be a public wiki that covers
>> virtually everything that Level 1 and Level 2 support would need to
>> know.  Something that was designed so that the end user that knows
>> nothing about the program, could find an answer, without having to make
>> a phone call, email a question.
>> jonathon
> One thing that has to be clear on the website: apart from IT specialists
> and maybe a few administrators in large corporations, most people don't
> know anything about those levels. Maybe the levels 3 and 4 could
> remained defined that way, 

>but the more basic levels should be defined in terms human beings

# Free Support: This is the support that is available from browsing the
wiki, reading the available documentation, and asking questions on the
web forums, or mailing lists. This support is available gratis.

# Paid support:

* Phone / e-mail Support (Paid Level One Support):  This level of
support is suitable for individuals, and organizations that are willing
to pay for the privilege of being able to pick up the phone and have
their questions answered. The essential difference between this support
and Free Support is that you are paying for your query to be immediately

* In person support (Paid Level Two Support): This level of support is
suitable for individuals and organizations that are willing to pay for
an individual to physically come to their premises, and be shown how to
solve their issue;

* Off site customization (Paid Level Three Support):  This level of
support is intended for medium to large businesses that want specific
functions or capabilities that can be obtained by writing an extension
to LibO;

* On site customization (Paid Level Four Support):  This level of
support is intended for medium to large businesses, that require
extensive customization of LibreOffice, to integrate with their work
flow, or specific business needs.

* Paid Migration Support: This support is for all users (individual,
corporate, enterprise) of LibO.  It covers issues such as:
* How to set up LibO;
* How to access documents created with other software in LibO;
* LibO training;
* Workflow integration;
* Differences with other software;
Depending on the situation, this can be either in person, or by phone.

I realize that these descriptions do not line up with the usual industry
definition or description.   I'm trying to phrase it so that Joe Sixpack
can make a reasonable guess about the support he wants, and is willing
to pay for.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Invite a pro graphic artist to contribute logo/icon design [was: Conference call tomorrow]

2010-10-25 Thread jonathon
On 10/25/2010 12:44 PM, David Nelson wrote:

> 2) What set of standard tools do you want to work with? (Gimp and Inkscape? 
> Anything else?)

I'm aware of the failings of Draw, when compared with The Gimp and
Inkscape.  Nonetheless, I think that Draw should be considered as one of
the standard tools which will be used.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] "Microsoft posts video of customers criticizing OpenOffice"

2010-10-25 Thread jonathon
On 10/26/2010 01:05 AM, Marc Paré wrote:

> Do the levels line up?

I think so.

Level 2 support doesn't always require an in person visit. But an
in-person visit should be by at least a level 2 support person. [I'm
talking about the theory, not the practice.]

I'm not happy with the description I gave for Migration Support.   This
is a sub-category of either level 1 or Level 3 support. This will be
rewritten when an organization that provides migration support is listed.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] US Marketing link on Marketing Wiki

2010-10-27 Thread jonathon
On 10/27/2010 06:15 PM, James Walker wrote:

> Looking at these pages, I am not sure that it is necessary to seperate out
 the US and Canada at this point,

The hope is that eventually the United States can be independent of
Canada. That the United States won't need to point to Canadian success
stories, because there are united states success stories.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: LibreOffice with Windows on new computers: why not?

2010-11-01 Thread jonathon
On 10/31/2010 04:39 AM, Marc Paré wrote:

>>>> money involved in it, but would it be possible to convince the major 
>>>> manufacturers to install the latest version of LibreOffice alongside the 
>>>> other software and crapware they include in their new computers?

How much are you paying the OEMs for each install of LibO?

>>> What I *could* see happening, and where I think OOo missed the boat, is 
>>> boxed sales.

Several companies offer rebranded OOo as boxed software.

>>   A distributor wholesales the software with a support package.  This support
package is backed up by helpdesk staff who have been through the INGOTs

Try this for a more accurate description of what you mean.

TokiKantoor creates a three DVD and paperback book package. Let's call
it LibreOffice TokiKantoor Edition.  Joe Sixpack purchases LibreOffice
TokiKantoor Edition. Joe Sixpack has a 7/24 phone number to call for
support issues.

TokiKantoor is responsible for handling all support issues either by
phone, or in person, for consumers that bought LibreOffice TokiKantoor

TokiKantoor is responsible for getting its package into the wholesalers,
and distributors.  B&T, Ingram, The Distributors, CBD, etc.

TokiKantoor is responsible for getting its package (LibreOffice
TokiKantoor Edition) into the various retail channels.  Amazon, B&N,
WallMart, Target, Costco, Office Depot, Game Stop, etc.

[OK, I'm assuming somebody ports LibO to the XBox 360, Wii, or other
game console, for Game Stop to carry it. Bible Study Software is
available on those platforms, so why not an office suite?]

>> Same thing applies to OEM, they sell a machine with LibO preinstalled with 
>> media and Manual.

Historically, and typically, for the us at least, OEMs are paid for the
software that they pre-install. This is one reason why Linux boxes are
more expensive than Windows boxes.

> However, we do have to be careful not to alienate users who will later find 
> out that the distro is a free download. They would need some kind
 of great value for their money .. as you said support package; clipart;
manual etc.

People are willing to pay for convenience. Which is what the package offers.

>This would obviously require creating a worldwide helpdesk system.

Call center support could be rolled out on a country by country basis.
 Preferably start with a call center in Namibia, Western Cape, or other
country that has low labour costs. (Call centers are abandoning India,
because costs there are too high.)

>I am not quite sure if this would satisfy this user who would have paid
at the retail level even with all of the perks.

If the package contains:
* hard copy manual;
* DVD of The Open ClipArt collection;
* DVD that includes all known templates, all known extensions, all known
dictionaries, all known languages packs, and the other goodies that are
* DVD includes Windows (32 bit and 64 bit), Mac OS X, and various *Nix
then most people will be satisfied.
(Three DVDs and a hard copy manual).

> If you consider the amount of dollars that TDF/LibO would have provide 
> worldwide to print manuals and press DVD's and this as often as the major 
> update to the distro, 

POD production is the most expensive for the consumer, but the least
expensive for the distributor.

If a hard copy manual is included, that will be what sets the price of
the package.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Fwd: Libre Office's future strategy - suggestions from a Computer Weekly article that may be of use to the Foundation

2010-11-01 Thread jonathon
On 10/29/2010 01:29 PM, James Walker wrote:
> Maybe something that we should think about is creating a Document Foundation 
> family of products.

This could go in one of four directions.

# LibO on more platforms:
* Android;
* iPhone/iPod/iPad;
* Symbian;
* RIM;
* WinMo7
* Wii;
* X-Box 360;
* Sony PlayStation 3;
* Cloud based;
# Additional packages that supplement LibO.
* Zotero;
* The Gimp;
* Blender;
* Scribus;
* Inkspace;
* Sunbird;
* Project management;
* Etc;
# Incorporate the additional packages into LibO;
# Incorporate the additional packages into LibO, and expand into other

> I would not really put more products into the main LibreOffice software, 

Some things could be done as extensions, albeit they would be fairly
heavy extensions.

> One thing we really need to think about is an email/calender product.

What happened to the calendering extension for OOo?

What happened to the documentation that explained how to utilize
Thunderbird's contact list within OOo?

What happened to the documentation that explained how to utilizes
Lightning's calenders within OOo?

I don't use the existing email functionality within OOo/LibO to know how
well it functions.

> and some kind of project management product

What happened to the OOo extensions that covered project management?

Why did the OOo project management development team die.  (Their part of
the OOo website looks like it hasn't been touched since mid-2005.)

> Of course the easy thing to do would be a partnership with Mozilla,  and use 
> Thunderbird, and Lightening.

Look at the results of the existing partnership between
and The Mozilla Foundation.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Obstacles to ODF adoption

2010-11-01 Thread jonathon
On 10/28/2010 11:40 PM, Inge Wallin wrote:

>> the fastest growing (Cell phones) MSFT is nowhere but unfortunately neither 
>> is LO/OOo :-(

> But KOffice is!  So ODF is still strong on cell phones, 

There is nothing at or that even hints that it is available for any
cell phone.

Using their search button, there are no results for "symbian", "windows
mobile", "iphone", "ipad", "ipod", "blackberry".

The only hits for "nokia" were about it sponsoring KOffice development.

That is not the way to market your product.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Obstacles to ODF adoption

2010-11-01 Thread jonathon
On 10/28/2010 05:14 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:

>> Or get a port of LO/OOo to cell phones!
> is someone working on that? :)

I've been giving it some thought.

The first issue/stumbling block is rewrite the code in a more portable
language. (Objective C looks like the best candidate, simply because
both Android and the iPhone/iPod/iPad can share the same code base.)
Symbian wants code in Java.

The second issue/stumbling block is that the LGPL is incompatible with
iPhone App store rules.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Obstacles to ODF adoption

2010-11-01 Thread jonathon
On 10/28/2010 04:21 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:

>> Religious organizations are another are where costs and document portability 
>> might not be a major concern because everyone is using the

Small non-profits tend to have big issues with compatibility, because
they typically use old software that is no longer supported.

Those microsoft grants are not all that they are cracked up to be. So
much so, that even with a grant, the costs involved in complying with
the terms of the grant are such, that the organization would be better
off refusing the grant.

>> same thing so there are no problems 

> have met many people from small congregations in the forums

One of the big hurdles that FLOSS advocates have to face, when trying to
migrate religious organizations to FLOSS, is the lack of usable software
that is functionally equivalent to their (usually pirated) Windows product.

The significant software there is the one that handles membership data,
scheduling, sermon preparation, service co-ordination, lyric
presentation, and any number of church stuff that nobody but the church
secretary, the board of elders, and the pastor know about.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Fwd: Libre Office's future strategy - suggestions from a Computer Weekly article that may be of use to the Foundation

2010-11-01 Thread jonathon
On 10/30/2010 09:31 AM, David Nelson wrote:

> IMHO, it would be important to be able to also field LibO on tablets and 
> other mobile appliances.


> But, I don't see current implementations of tablets and other mobile
 appliances totally replacing desktops and laptops in the near term.

How far away is "the near term".

> There's a lot of work that is better done on a conventionally-sized keyboard 
> and display (I'm sure enterprise users would agree).

Most _real_  work in the enterprise is either looking up data, or
entering data.  Creating pretty pictures, and writing pretty pictures is
not real work.

For data entry, a seven inch screen with a keypad is adequate.
For data lookup, a seven inch screen is also adequate.
Granted, i am assuming that the database, and UI is designed logically
with both i18n and a11y in mind. (Something that most software manages
to fail at.)

> As for the idea of going cloud-based? 

Do I really need to explain why being able to setup and run your local
FLOSS cloud is a required next step?

>Huge development effort: the resemblances in the code base between a
desktop-based application and a server-based app must be very limited.
Only the user interface might look visually similar.

The code difference isn't that much bigger than between two platforms
that have different chip architectures and different bit sizes. Intell
486 v PowerPC chip, for example.

> Nor can one ignore that  Google, Zoho and Microsoft have a big headstart.

Unless I've missed something, their offerings are closed source products
that can not be locally installed.

>I'm not at the mercy of network factors or the whims of *any* organization.

> However, there's obviously a big potential to use Web-based community 
> dictionaries, translation engines, templates, bibliographical
 services, online storage services, and other stuff we haven't even
thought of yet...

There is a slight contradiction between those two statements.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Hey

2010-11-01 Thread jonathon
On 11/01/2010 10:22 AM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

>> Where can I find the financial disclosure for the legal entity known as 
>> Deutschland e.V ?

> why would you need that?

In the united states, a non-profit, that is neither a private
foundation, nor a religious organization is obliged to provide, upon
request, a copy of the form that they submit to the IRS.

No reason for the request is required.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: LibreOffice with Windows on new computers: why not?

2010-11-01 Thread jonathon
On 11/01/2010 04:41 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

> We would have to estimate the costs of producing this retail box package

Assuming US production, budget US$5,000 for miscellanous upfront
expenses, and then US$15,000 for 1,000 units that contain one trade
paperback  manual, and 4 DVDs.

That puts the MSRP at roughly US$60.00.

US$49.99 is the highest amount that stays within the "impulse purchase"

>So running a universal helpdesk would not be possible.

Depending upon various factors, that might be possible.  The most likely
scenario is that the helpdesk function is contracted out to a third
party, that can charge for that providing that assistance.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Fwd: Libre Office's future strategy - suggestions from a Computer Weekly article that may be of use to the Foundation

2010-11-01 Thread jonathon
On 11/01/2010 05:52 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

>> Look at the results of the existing partnership between and 
>> The Mozilla Foundation.

> Sorry, I don't know where to find these. Could you point me to them?

is one announcement about a specific project.
describes what might be the only thing that migrated into OOo.

> Was there a partnership?


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: LibreOffice with Windows on new computers: why not?

2010-11-01 Thread jonathon
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On 11/01/2010 05:31 PM, Florian Effenberger wrote:

> can you please use the correct sender for this list? I have to moderate
> all of your messages...

If any of my messages don't come from a subscribed address, reject
them/bounce them back.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Templating Teams

2010-11-02 Thread jonathon
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On 11/02/2010 05:43 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

>The members would be picked according to their expertise in these categories.

The ability to create a template is more important that knowledge of the

> If we were to setup a Templating Team group and published a large variety of 
> templates, then the LibO suite would become more valuable as an Office suite 
> for everyone.

My suggestion would to be provide a templating_team with the
specifications for the template, and let them create the template. A
clean room implementation of the template.

> creating some templates for Evangelical church routines.

For some things, such as membership records, a database is required.
(I'm not going to get into a PICK v RDBM debate here.)

For others, a simple Write, Calc, or Impress template is suitable.

In an ideal situation, there is a database_creation team, that works in
conjunction with the template_creation team.

The template_creation team create a calc, impress, or write template,
that is then passed on to the database_creation team.  This (database)
team then determines whether this is something that is suitable for a
database, and if so, creates a database, and the associated interface

[Database rant: LibO should either add SQLite as a built in database
engine, or else replace Base database engine with SQLite.]

My guess is that some, if not most of the databases, will have to be
constructed as extensions. For example, a genealogical database would
have to be able to both import, and export data in GEDCOM format.

With experience, the database_creation team and the template_creation
team can construct templates, extensions, databases, and other items
that are on a par with those for MSO that have an MSRP of US$10K+.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Templating Teams

2010-11-03 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/03/2010 07:18 AM, Marc Paré wrote:

> How about, where it is possible to use Base in templates, then it will be 
> used.

If my rant was not clear, I don't think Base, as a database engine, is
suitable for anything. Which is why I brought up SQLite.

> Do you know if many devs know their ins and outs of Base?

Only the Java specialists.

> How does this sound?

That should work.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Templating Teams

2010-11-03 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/03/2010 02:09 PM, KAMI911 KAMI911 wrote:

> Lost of templates 

Whilst that ("lost" should be "lots") is a typo on Kami's part, there
are templates, macros, extensions, and other goodies for OOo that are,
for all practical purposes, lost.

That lost material can't be reclaimed.At best, if somebody remembers
roughly what they did, and can provide enough details about them, then
they can be implemented afresh.

I haven't looked at the current (2010) collection of goodies that
OxygenOffice has.  In searching other places for templates and
extensions, I found a number that were for OOo 1.x only. Things that had
not been reimplemented for OOo 3.x. Perhaps a team could convert those
1.x only items to something usable by LibO 3.x.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Templating Teams

2010-11-03 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/03/2010 07:48 PM, Andy Brown wrote:

> All you need to "create a repository" is drive space on the web. 

a)  I've got some templates, colour palettes, and a dictionary or two
for OOo out there somewhere on the web. The issue I found with free
sites, is that the content doesn't always stay there. The issue with
both gratis and paid sites, is promoting the goodies.

b)  Whilst an individual can create their own repository, once there are
twenty or so personal repositories, nobody is going to know where to
find anything, unless somebody spends one or two weeks a month, working
40 hour weeks, doing nothing but locating what is available that week
from which site.

c)  Ideally, there would be a place where people could upload their LibO
content, where it could be vetted for copyright and other legal stuff,
prior to being made available for public distribution.

Not just templates, but extensions, colour palettes, dictionaries,
clipart, and whatever other goodies people throw onto LibO.

OK, clipart probably should be sent to

[Now trying to remember the legal issue that led to the templates I
created not being distributable from ]

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Advice Needed

2010-11-05 Thread jonathon
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On 11/05/2010 06:42 PM, David Nelson wrote:

> I think it's a pity that TDF isn't planning to work up a revenue stream like 
> paid technical support, in a Canonical style.

That model requires a for-profit entity sitting in the wings, handing
over money when needed.

> would be interesting to know why, if someone wanted to take time out to 
> explain... 0.2 cents.

A non-profit in the US is restricted in the amount, and type of revenue
that is generated, without incurring a tax penalty. Essentially, all
profit-generating activity has to be done at an arm's length.   How long
that arm has to be, depends upon the activity, the type of non-profit,
and perhaps one or two other things.

The rules for non-profits in other countries are different. So much so
that what is legal there, might well not be legal in the united states,
and vice versus.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Templating Teams

2010-11-08 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/07/2010 05:23 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

> If we are to offer templates as part of our web service,

LibO has to offer templates on its own website.

There are so many microsoft office templates listed on the template
section of the website, that the entire template section
has to be treated as a microsoft office template repository.

> If we are to offer these services in a cooperative way,

I'm not intrinsically opposed to cooperation with other projects for
which things can be shared:

* Colour palettes:  Possibly something could be done in conjunction with
_The Create Project_. In an ideal wolrd, LibO would utilize .gpl format.

* Clipart: Work with;

* Fonts: Link to Omniglot, and the various libre font archives;


Dictionaries and grammar checkers need to be in their own section. They
should not be treated as either templates, not extensions.  A search for
extensions should not bring up either dictionaries nor grammar checkers.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Templating Teams

2010-11-08 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/07/2010 07:47 PM, Michel Gagnon wrote:

> 1. I think templates are completely different from software development. They 
> may help "sell" LibreOffice, but there doesn't have to be any link between 
> those who design
LibreOffice (both the code and user interface) and those who design

You are right.  The organization that writes the software does not need
to write the templates.   In the case of Microsoft Office, the
overwhelming majority of templates are written by independent organizations.

The major reason for LibreOffice to create the templates, is marketing.

> So in a nutshell, templates that work in LibreOffice will work in
OpenOffice, with the other

The issue I have, is that other template repositories that claim to be
for ODF, contain templates for Microsoft Office. Templates that may or
may not work as advertised with LibO, but are gauaranteed to confuse

> 3. What about something like a forum (see where 
> posts would have a template
attached to it?

A forum would work, if users could _easily_ find the template they want.
IOW, the user must be downloading the template, within three clicks of
landing on

> 4. There could also be a page linking to other websites with templates.

As a supplementary measure, that work.

> In my humble opinion, the more standardized documents people see, the
more they will value LibreOffice.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] BrOffice Guys?

2010-11-08 Thread jonathon
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On 11/07/2010 04:43 PM, Christoph Noack wrote:

> That might be a problem for the other product brandings 

* OOo4Kids;
* OOoLight;
* BrOffice;
* LibreOffice;

a) Which of those brandings would be likely to implement the proposed
changes, and be negatively impacted by it;

b) Are there any other brandings that might implement the proposed
changes?  If so, would they be negatively impacted by implementing the
proposed changes?

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Res: Res: Re: Change icon?

2010-11-09 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/09/2010 09:24 AM, Ivan M. wrote:

> Sorry, that last sentence wasn't supposed to have a question mark. 

I read that question mark as asking if other people also thought it
would be a good idea to contact the various distros, asking for advice
on how to improve our branding, so that they (the other distros) don't
replace our branding.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Fwd: Libre Office's future strategy - suggestions from a Computer Weekly article that may be of use to the Foundation

2010-11-10 Thread jonathon
On 11/01/2010 06:25 PM, David Nelson wrote:

> H... tell that to the graphic designers, advertising people 

a) Their sole job description is to create pretty pictures;

b) David Ogilvy pointed out that more than half of advertizing and
marketing budget was wasted, because it targeted the wrong audience.

> Erm Yes next step to what? ;-) Maybe I'm missing something?

Cloud Server with NAS.  Everything else is a client.

Your TV, your PDA, your desktop, your laptop, your phone, your
refrigerator, your freezer, your desktop, your dishwasher, your netbook,
your security system are all clients that hook into _your_ cloud server.
You'll be doing different tasks from different devices, and
co-ordinating everything on your cloud.

Everything in your home will be connected to everything else through
your cloud.  Whether or not that connection extends to systems outside
of your cloud depends upon your network security system, and the
permissions you have assigned to the various devices.

> Are you perhaps thinking just of enterprise usage?


> Well, AFAIK, increasingly, multi-platform apps are written using
 platform-independent languages like Java,

Platform independence does not equate to cross-platform.

> But, personally, I suspect that a team developing a cloud app that functioned 
> comparably to LibO might well decide to start coding from scratch rather than 
> trying to port the existing code base.

One reason why I prefer the AGPL over the GPL and LGPL, is that the code
for OOo cloud server would be available. As best as I can tell, it uses
the same code as OOo.  (More precisely, it appears to have the same
bugs, and quirks as the version of OOo that it was based on has.)

>wasn't Google offering its products to enterprises for private clouds? (Or was 
>it MS?) 

Both of them.   Google might have gotten down to a large small business.
  Neither addressed the needs/requirements of a SOHO that needed a
private cloud on their premises.

>In any case, Ubuntu certainly does market private clouds [1].

So I've discovered.

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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: Branding Color Refinement Step 3 of 3

2010-11-11 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/10/2010 04:35 PM, Johannes Bausch wrote:

> I've uploaded information on the three most common vision disabilities.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibO Slogan

2010-11-12 Thread jonathon
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On 11/12/2010 04:07 AM, Drew Jensen wrote:
> The background image is from

You'll have to contact the photographer about licensing rights. (The
proposed usage is prohibited by the license that is displayed on flickr.)

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Templating Teams

2010-11-12 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/08/2010 09:30 PM, Andrea Pescetti wrote:

> I don't know exactly what "template section" you refer to, but the
> official repository for templates at
> only accepts ODF files; of

The last time I went browsing through that section, looking for a template,
I kept hitting MSO templates.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Templating Teams

2010-11-12 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/08/2010 11:08 PM, Marc Paré wrote:

> I think our Drupal gurus would take up the challenge. 

The requested functionality is available as an add on module.
(It is installed on the Drupal setup I theoretically administer.)

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: Res: Res: Re: Change icon?

2010-11-12 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/09/2010 03:01 PM, David Nelson wrote:

> Thanks for your time on that... I guess that puts a stopper on the paper 
> plane mascot idea then?

The critical issue is not the words "paper plane", but rather what the
image looks like.

If the image is remotely similar to an existing trademarked image, then
it can not be used.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibO Slogan

2010-11-13 Thread jonathon
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On 11/12/2010 12:58 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:

>> (The proposed usage is prohibited by the license that is displayed on> 
>> flickr 

> Huh, I read it just the opposite - non-commercial use with attribution
 sounds like like that is what this is.

If it was CC-BY, or CC-BY-SA you'd be OK.

The issue is that it is a CC-BY-NC license, and the proposed usage meets
the criteria of "commercial endeavour".

[I've come across several business that prohibit their employees from
attending any conferences in the state of California, regardless of the
connection of the conference to the company, because that attendance can
trip the "commercial endeavour" criteria used by the California
franchise tax board.]

> Anyway, an email to the person would be standard practice for me,
> But then I'm terrible at this license stuff.

Since your standard is to contact the license holder, prior to
distribution, to verify that the proposed usage is acceptable to them,
then you are doing the required due diligence.  Which means that even if
you don't grok the license, you won't run afoul of the license.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] [LibreOffice Drink] Suggestions (branding colour palette)

2010-11-15 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/15/2010 08:26 AM, Simon Brouwer wrote:

> I would advise against association of LO with an alcoholic drink.


Though my take would be due to religious reasons. (One sixth of the
world's population adheres to a religion that prohibits the use of alcohol.)

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Logo/mascot competition

2010-11-15 Thread jonathon
Hash: SHA1

On 11/15/2010 10:13 AM, Gianluca Turconi wrote:

> What else are the governmental invitation for competitive bids in whatever 
> subject a government can be interested in? They are just "contests with 
> guidelines". And they work for whole states.

Have you ever read the guidelines for government contracts for art work?
Have you viewed the submissions for those contests?
Have you seen the results of those contracts?

> Contests worked well in the past 

A strong case can be made the the success or failure of LibO depends
_exclusively_ on the branding.  Branding that includes the logo. This is
not something that should be left to whim.

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[libreoffice-marketing] OOo Migration

2010-11-26 Thread jonathon

I don't know how many people read _The changing shape of the desktop_ at .

On page eight is a graph showing planned migration from MSO2003, to
MSK2K7, OOo, and Google Docs.   Some people might find that data

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] "LibreOffice Magazine" -- official monthly magazine to the LibreOffice world

2010-11-28 Thread jonathon
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On 11/27/2010 02:47 PM, Marc Paré wrote:
> Ok if this peaked your interest, then we should really plan on having a
 team producing such a beast.

Isn't that one of the things on the agenda of the marketing conference call?

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] DVD Label Creation Software

2011-02-01 Thread jonathon
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On 01/30/2011 07:51 PM, Anthony Papillion wrote:

> Does anyone know of good DVD label making software for Linux or should I just 
> stick to something like LibreOffice Drawing?

In both instances, you may run into one crucial problem. The DVD  label
sheets you have don't match any of the templates you can find.

I ended up scanning the DVD label sheets I have, and then using the
resulting image file as the template.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Microsoft: government switch to open source will cause "dissatisfaction"

2014-02-21 Thread Jonathon

On February 21, 2014 6:30:41 AM PST, Jay Lozier wrote:

>When I read the article I got the sense of MS FUD claiming that people  "need" 
>proprietary MS formats to be efficient. 

In one sense, MS is being "truthful". There is a huge ecosystem built around 
Microsoft's file formats: CRM, ERP, and similar software.   However, there is 
nothing preventing the companies that create that software from also 
supportingt ODF in their products. (NOTE: I am assuming that Microsoft has not 
forced those vendors to sign contracts that prohibit them supporting 
non-Microsoft file formats. Given Microsoft's history, such a prospect is 

A second datapoint is that the major a11y vendors do not include support for 
FLOSS in the offerings.  (Two of the biggest vendors have flat out promised 
that their software will never work correctly with  FLOSS program.)

>I also sensed that MS is very concerned about losing the European market  to 
>FOSS and open standards/formats. 

Microsoft's issue with Europe is that unlike BRICS, bribes are more likely to 
have the company put into goal, than achieve the desired outcome.

>governments believing they are doing the bidding of the US NSA.

Any government that relies on any software produced by a foreign firm, is a 
government that is subjecting itself to known security flaws.
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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LiboConf logo with Swiss cross

2014-03-04 Thread Jonathon

On March 4, 2014 8:41:03 AM PST, Sophie  wrote:
>where the "o" in "Conference" is the Swiss cross

That might have trademark related issues.

> may be try with the red cross ?

That will trademark related issues.

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[libreoffice-marketing] Re: LibreOffice Weekly News #5 waiting for reviews

2014-09-15 Thread jonathon
On September 14, 2014 1:24:55 PM PDT, William Gathoye  wrote:

>As promised, I advertised LOWN 5 on social networks [1] [2]
>Even, if LOWN was not intended as a public release [3], the

>[3] "This newsletter is not really meant for people outside our
>community." from

House organs have a long history of being the best PR produced by the 


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Tokushima prefecture published LibreOffice manuals under CC BY 4.0

2014-10-06 Thread jonathon
On October 5, 2014 10:38:34 PM PDT, Naruhiko Ogasawara wrote:


500 error.


404 error.

Did they get mangled in the email conversions?


Your documents. Your language. Your way.

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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: [libreoffice-design] New templates contest

2014-12-23 Thread jonathon

On 23/12/14 19:03, Jean-Francois Nifenecker wrote:

>IOW, providing a template without documenting it is stupid.

Using MSO as an example, I've noticed that the more expensive the
template, the more likely the only documentation is simply a list of
material produced by other people and organizations.

The prime example is those US$100,000 templates for MSO, where the
documentation is a single letter size sheet, listing the primary
reference texts in the field that the template is to be used in.

Within the template, the only "instructions", are hints provided by the
background colour of the various cells. Medium Red: Do not touch; Pale
Green: Change this value; Pale Yellow: Enter value here;
I've forgotten the rest of the background colour conventions.

The users of those templates seem to think that further documentation is
superfluous --- to the point that the support list is only for reporting


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Social Media site MeWe and possible presence?

2019-04-01 Thread jonathon
On 4/1/19 7:11 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:
> created an account over on the website following a number of folks

One _huge_ issue with MeWe is that it is based in the United States.

My understanding is that under US Case Law, the terms and conditions of
usage of a website are meaningless, irrelevant, and are to be
disregarded, in the event of bankruptcy, foreclosure, or any other
condition in which the sale of data is fiscally prudent. Unfortunately,
I no longer have the relevant case citations.

_The California Consumer Privacy Act of 2018_ (CCPA) does not provide
nearly as much in the way of personal data protection, as the EU GDPR.
Personally, I think that it provides less in the way of personal privacy
protection than the GDPR, but most of the material about it that I have
read, claim otherwise. Furthermore, it (CCPA) only comes into effect 1
January 2020, and then only if there are no court cases that need to be
completed.  As an additional kicker, individuals outside of California,
are excluded from its protection. Individuals residing within California
are also excluded, if certain conditions are met.

Whilst the GDPR is vague about both who, and where coverage applies,
European privacy enforcement agencies have uniformly said that the
location of the company that violates the GDPR doesn't matter, and that
they will use the local equivalent of long arm statutes, to enforce it.
(I think that the most recent harmonisation of the GDPR defined coverage
to included both citizens and residents. For the time being, Estonian
Digital Residents are excluded, unless they physically reside in the EU,
or an area in which the GDPR is the law of the land.)

I am not a lawyer.
This is not legal advice.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Social Media site MeWe and possible presence?

2019-04-01 Thread jonathon
On 4/1/19 11:00 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:
> IDK about simply being in the USA is a violation of GDPR, sounds a bit over
> the top as far as an interpretation would go.

I wasn't saying that being in the US is an automatic GDPR violation.
Rather, that being in the US means that the GDPR can be ignored.

> So I doubt the GDPR compliance is an unknown situation.

Whilst their TOS goes to great lengths to look like the GDPR applies,
their policies and practices page all but says that GDPR-related
requests will be ignored.

They are in compliance with the CCPA.

People in the US might join.
People in the EU won't join.
Both using the same rationale --- personal privacy protection.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Re: List of Web Hosting providers offering LibreOffice Online as part of their service?

2019-04-17 Thread jonathon
On 4/17/19 1:49 PM, Drew Jensen wrote:
> So I think it would be good to create a list that has some chance of being
> found if someone searched for 'Web hosts offering LibreOffice Online' or
> something similar.

A tutorial on setting up LibreOffice Online as a Digital Ocean droplet
or AWS Instance or on NextCloud would probably be equally useful.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice promo trailer?

2019-04-17 Thread jonathon
On 4/16/19 9:42 AM, Nigel Verity wrote:

> That is a very interesting point. Perhaps the challenge is to create a 
> promotional video which appeals to both corporates and private individuals in 
> equal measure.

Multiple videos, each focussing upon a different target audience:

* BAILS/TSCP, security, and related features: Military and para-military
* Linguistic diversity/ease of adding language support: Sspell checking,
grammar checking, UI, documentation: First Nation Language advocates;
* Privacy: Calls home only if you check the appropriate box, and then
only when something goes wrong;
* Crafting Work Product: How the different components work together, to
produce great documents:
# Demonstration of R being used as the macro language for Calc, ideally
using a statistical technique that was only discovered/announced last week;
# The process of writing the great American novel, proof reading,
indexing, creating the front cover, and finally exporting everything as
an ePub uploaded to SmashWords for public distribution as a retail book;

Possibly outside the scope of LibO:
* The why of FLOSS;
* The virtue of open standards;

^1: The big issue is finding a language that pop-culture will recognize,
whose franchise owner won't file a copyright infringement lawsuit.
Which nixes Star Trek, Star Gate, Star Wars, Avatar, Game of Thrones,
and Lord of the Rings.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice promo trailer?

2019-04-17 Thread jonathon
On 4/17/19 9:11 PM, Roland Hummel wrote:

> "Yes, LO is nice but it won't beat MS Office because in MSO we will have 
> artificial intelligence".

If the battlefield is functionality, and AI is important,in 2018, the
five most important AI programming languages were:
* Python;
* C++;
* Java;
* Prolog;

Two (Three? I'm not sure about C++) are built-in macro languages. LISP
and Prolog are easy enough to add.

There is documentation on installing and using R as a macro language.

Which underscores that the big issue in the functionality war, is not
what is available, but rather, the knowledge that the features are
available, and how to use them.

_TL;DR: Documentation, not implementation._

I'm not sure why being able to grab LinkedIn resumes from within Excel
is a good thing, but that is the type of functionality that Microsoft is
adding. IMNSHO, this type of functionality is best provided by extension

End users can more easily customize LibO, than MSO, etc.

> base of any argumentation because it is the only superior starting position 
> LO has.

For most organizations, ethics is nothing more than a feel-good talking
point. Something that is neither implemented, nor observed.
As such, appeals based on ethical principles fall upon deaf ears.

> Starting from software freedom any further argumentation will convince (at 
> least in societies claiming freedom as fundamental part of a society):
> -because LO is freedom respecting it is secure
> -because LO is freedom respecting it is privacy respecting
> -because LO is freedom respecting it serves the user
> -because LO is freedom respecting it is sustainable

Neither people nor organizations are concerned about those things, until
they discover that their data has been passed on to nefarious third
parties, by their software vendor.

A white paper showing how LibO meets requirements for various privacy
related legislation might be useful here.

Whilst such a paper might make LibreOffice Cloud Edition look bad, the
quasi-redeeming feature is that the user can control the cloud that it
is installed on.

> In this way LO will convince governments, companies, the educational sector 
> and NGOs, 

The question to be addressed here, is "Who can be sued, if things go

Whilst Microsoft's _Terms and Conditions_ claim no liability, that
doesn't prevent support companies from being sued, when things go wrong.

This is where a lawyer is needed, to explain either who could
sucessfully be sued, if LibO goes wrong, or why such a lawsuit would not
be filable in the first place.

>not by trying to convince users in a perspective that is already totally lost 
>to the proprietary sector ("functionality" 

The functionality issue will be over, when you can pick up _LibreOffice
For Managing you Futures Portfolio: Shorts, Straddles, Puts, and
Candlesticks_ at your local Office Depot, or _Asteroid Hunting using
LibreOffice_ at your local _Books a Million_.

(I've only slightly changed the titles of books about Excel, that I've
seen in bookstores.)

>aka "but MS Office is so easy to use").

Familiarity, not ease of use.


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] Software Freedom Day is 19 September 2020

2020-09-18 Thread jonathon

On 2020/09/18 11:36, Marc Paré wrote:
> Hi all,
> Just a FYI,  this Saturday is Software Freedom Day (SFD) (3rd September
> each year).

For those who are as confused as I initially was, that should be _third
Saturday in September_.

> More information on SFD as well as other particular dates such as DFD
> (Document Freedom Day) here: []

And other dates of note are:

Document Freedom Day:  Last Wednesday of March: 31 March 2021
Hardware Freedom Day: Third Saturday of April: 17 April 2021


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Re: [libreoffice-marketing] LibreOffice and "datamining" - opportunity?

2023-07-20 Thread jonathon

Mike Saunder wrote:

I think the big "NO" is effective on social media here, attracting 
attention. So how about a variant on this image, confirming that 
LibreOffice doesn't "mine" any data or do anything with AI?

Back in the days of OOo, there was a marketing proposal with the slogan:
"Your language, your documents, your way"

Part of the idea was that the UI and spellchecking were available in 
more languages than MSO. I no longer track such things, but I suspect 
that LibO still covers more languages than MSO does, as far as UI, 
spell-checking, and grammar checking go. I suspect that MSO and LibO can 
write the same number of languages.

Your documents meant that the data on your system stayed on your system, 
unless you deliberatly provide it to third parties.

There are three or four instances in which a user can provide their 
documents to a third party, without realising that they are doing so. 
The biggest culprit being the built-in Language-Tool settings;
IIRC, the other culprits require the user to install the extension that 
does that data transmission.

With the appropriate configuration settings, copying data from one 
document to another can be problematic. As in, LibO simply sits there, 
saying copying is not possible, except it displays a much more cryptic 
message. Unfortunately, that security setting doesn't extend to not 
unintentionally send your documents to a third party.

Your way refers to the degree of customisation that is possible.
Extensions, templates, and similar things.
(In my mind I go back to a proposed commercial,depicting the office 
manager onboarding a new employee. As each employee is introduced to the 
new hire, the camera pans over the employees computer screen. The 
software is obviously LibO, but every monitor has a different writing 
system, and every computer uses a different data input system. On the 
manager's desk is a moon printer.)

Of course, some people find AI/LLM tools useful in the context of office software, so we shouldn't try to simply paint them as bad. 

From my perspective, the AI extensions for stock LibO haven't been that 
OTOH,for those that went to trouble of downloading the code, tweaking 
it, and adding the requistite modifications, the AI tools have been 
extremely impressive --- if your desktop has enough RAM, drive space, 
graphics chips, and multiprocessor chips. (20+ TB drives, and 256+ GB 
RAM, etc.)

But stress that LibreOffice does nothing with your content, except let you work 
on it.


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