Re: [Marketing] Press page visuals broken links 404s

2016-06-25 Thread Dave Crossland
On 25 June 2016 at 08:35, Dave Crossland <> wrote:

> Log in to github, click the file in
> and then
> click then pencil icon to edit it directly

It was a simple path issue
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] Press page visuals broken links 404s

2016-06-25 Thread Dave Crossland
On 25 June 2016 at 04:00, Sean DALY  wrote:

> It seems some links to visuals associated with press releases didn't
> survive the site change. AFAICT the broken links just have embedded
> newlines, should be OK if newlines removed. I have no idea how to do this
> in the new site.

Log in to github, click the file in and then
click then pencil icon to edit it directly
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [SLOBS] [IAEP] Motion: to undertake a fund raising drive.

2016-06-24 Thread Dave Crossland
Thanks Sean! I hope we can set up another Google Hangsout On Air call in a
few weeks after we've put a strategy plan together :)
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] The End of Sugar (thought exercise)

2016-06-24 Thread Dave Crossland
On 24 June 2016 at 06:33, samson goddy  wrote:

> I think it's important to use some of the 10,000 $ to maintain and push
> the marketing sector forward. Like the Social manager role i proposed. what
> do you guys think?

There is no $10,000 today; the point was to speculate about what to do with
it if it existed.
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [SLOBS] [IAEP] Fwd: Google for Nonprofits Affiliation Request Sent

2016-06-24 Thread Dave Crossland
On 24 June 2016 at 05:21, Sean DALY  wrote:

> Dropping IAEP from a marketing discussion
> It should be in operation - try calling the number!

Seems not to be - "Call failed to connect because the number was busy."

> Walter felt we could discontinue it, but IMHO it could become very useful
> when fundraising ramps up. And it was incredibly useful on the occasions we
> had media buzz.
> If it's still up (which means I am paying the $5 monthly all this time
> haha) we can sort out the admin transfer.
> i will also forward to you the Marketing list admin info cc'ing Walter.

I have a google voice number - 415-343-5226 - that will take voicemails and
sms 24/7 and is free, so I propose to use that if we need a US #.
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] The End of Sugar (thought exercise)

2016-06-23 Thread Dave Crossland
On 23 June 2016 at 22:01, Samuel Greenfeld <> wrote:

> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 8:55 PM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> On 23 June 2016 at 10:31, Samuel Greenfeld <> wrote:
>> > Perhaps we should ask marketing to do a SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses
>> > Opportunities Threats) analysis.
>> Welcome to the marketing team. Please start a document and I'll add to it
>> :)
Would you like me to start the document?

> > However we might not have enough funds for
>> > more than an online survey of current/past users and indirect friends
>> of the
>> > project.
>> I already have survey listed in
>> :)
>> If we had $10,000 to spend on "marketing," how would you spend it?

Well given we seemed to have scared off Sugar's historical marketing
> expert,


> I have no idea what a fair usage of $10,000 would be, or how it might be
> subdivided.

Fair enough. You said "we might not have enough funds for more than
[something]" which implied to me that you had ideas for things we _could_
do with funding and were discounting them as out of the question, and I
wanted you to not be shy about your ideas about how to use funds :)

> Not everyone wants to work on Sugar like it is a tech startup with a brick
> on the accelerator and the brakes disconnected.

LOL :)

I said that it would be good to get Sugar back to where it was, not that we
should seek venture capital and pursue user growth at the expense of all
other metrics.

I am confused why you would say "stop the bleeding!" and a moment later say
you don't want to get Sugar back to where it was.
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] The End of Sugar (thought exercise)

2016-06-23 Thread Dave Crossland
On 23 June 2016 at 10:44, Walter Bender  wrote:
>> Perhaps we should ask marketing to do a SWOT (Strengths Weaknesses
>> Opportunities Threats) analysis.  However we might not have enough funds for
>> more than an online survey of current/past users and indirect friends of the
>> project.
> I recall we went through such an exercise a few years back...  we should do
> it again.

Can anyone find the results of this exercise?
turns up blank.
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [SLOBS] [IAEP] Fwd: Google for Nonprofits Affiliation Request Sent

2016-06-23 Thread Dave Crossland
Hi Sean

Sincerel I'm sorry to hear that.

Please do share with us the old marketing strategy, I am keen to see it :)

On Jun 23, 2016 7:21 AM, "Sean DALY" <> wrote:

> OK Dave, you're the new Marketing Coordinator!
> Perhaps it's best that I bow out and become just an interested observer. I
> just don't have the time to explain marketing fundamentals and also develop
> strategy and execution.
> thanks & good luck
> Sean
> On Thu, Jun 23, 2016 at 6:41 AM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> Hi Sean
>> On 22 June 2016 at 15:37, Sean DALY <> wrote:
>> >
>> > We agree on using Google AdWords, but no work has been done on
>> communication
>> > strategy, and although I am thrilled there is interest in marketing, I
>> am
>> > also very concerned that more emphasis seems to be on the media rather
>> than
>> > the message, and my requests that this be worked on before starting
>> > campaigns aren't leading anywhere.
>> Where you've requested this be worked on, Samson has got back to you
>> with a proposal document, and there have been comments from members.
>> If you want to lead the marketing effort, I think its incumbent upon
>> you to either ask Samson to go over the feedback he got and use it to
>> improve his proposal document and share a new version, if that is the
>> next step you think he should take; or, to draft your own document
>> that lays out the strategy that you think we ought to be working on
>> together, and solicit comments on it.
>> Do you see alternative actions to take to lead this somewhere? I'm
>> eager to hear them :)
>> If you agree those 2 paths forward would be good, please take one.
>> > It's true that I am more interested in marketing to teachers than
>> recruiting
>> > FLOSS developers, but with social media it's more important than ever to
>> > have an integrated plan.
>> If you want an integrated plan, please work with Samson and myself and
>> all other members to create one :)
>> I am also waiting for a reply to my email asking you to provide links
>> to the plans written in the past.
>> > Dave, if this doesn't make sense to you, you can coordinate marketing
>> from
>> > now on, I'm not sure I have the energy to repeat myself over and over.
>> I can
>> > only say I know what works and what doesn't, and randomness in marketing
>> > doesn't.
>> I don't think Samson and I are opposed to following your lead.
>> If you think our approach is 'random,' then please do work on a
>> structured approach with us.
>> Rather, I think what Samson and I are opposed to is inaction; you said
>> on the call the other day -
>> - that you
>> have been "mystified" for the last 2-3 years on how to market Sugar,
>> that in the early days you developed a good strategy - which I am yet
>> to read - but a crisis developed in how to get tasks that you think
>> needed to be done to become completed within a volunteer community.
>> You didn't do them yourself, and no one did them, and so the marketing
>> aspects of Sugar have dried up.
>> Well, here is me and Samson eager to volunteer and get things going.
>> If you want to "assign" tasks to us, we might say that we don't take
>> orders. Sure. But if you want to work with us to list all the possible
>> tasks, and to prioritise them, and then to do these tasks yourself and
>> ask us to join you in doing them, then I expect we will be happy to
>> join you.
>> Samson, do you agree?
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [IAEP] 172 XO-1s for $24 each (+ freight) $4, 000 total

2016-06-16 Thread Dave Crossland
On 14 June 2016 at 12:09, Sean DALY <> wrote:

> >On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 4:56 PM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
> >> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 3:38 PM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
> >>
> >>> A brand that is not being diluted is stale, rigid, dying.
> >>
> >> I completely disagree, but it doesn't matter.


> Please speak up! :) Why do you think brand dilution is not a
> very positive thing?

> Dropping everyone but SL Marketing from a marketing discussion.

I think this is a really important discussion for the wider community, as
it relates to the future/vision topic :)

> A strong brand is a differentiator, which practices exclusion.

I kindly assert a brand does not need to practice exclusion to
differentiate from other brands in the same space - eg, _many_ companies
use Helvetica as their type identity, but are not confused. Most companies
use 'retail' typefaces that anyone can purchase a license to for a very
modest cost (typically well under $500.) Exclusion _may_ help a brand,
which is why some companies commission custom typefaces that no-one else
has access to. Eg, Google used Catull for over a decade, available to
anyone who could pay, and last year switched to their own custom brand
type, Product Sans.

The premiere NY design museum, the Cooper Hewitt, released its
(expensively) commissioned custom typeface as a libre font - - because its brand
designers have the same position I do.

> This might seem contradictory for a free libre open source software
> project, but then again, most such projects have feeble marketing.

I assert it is contradictory for _any_ brand who wants to engage with the
vibrant remix culture that epitomises the current decade. If your customers
love your brand, they want to participate in diluting it. I think an
insistence on deterring them is a hold-over from previous decades.

> For anyone to adopt a brand, they have to feel close to it and know what
> it stands for, what it is and what it definitely is not.

How can anyone adopt a brand without diluting it?

> Brand dilution means the vision of the brand losing focus, applying its
> values to products, services or ideas outside its core association.

I would rephase this as: Brand dilution means the vision of the brand
expanding to new horizons, apply its values to products, services and ideas
beyond its core that still express its values, and thus add value to the

> Brand owners often try to extend a brand, since the rewards can be
> substantial. However more often than not a diluted brand loses its power
> and is considered has-been, irrelevant or worthless.

I kindly assert this is only true for some brands, and not a universal
truth :)

The point is that Sugar's brand is not very strong, but the green $100
laptop brand is strong. So it would be good to continue using green laptops
if we have any reference hardware.

Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [IAEP] 172 XO-1s for $24 each (+ freight) $4, 000 total

2016-06-14 Thread Dave Crossland
On 14 June 2016 at 09:16, Sean DALY <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 2:03 PM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> > That color combination has been very widely copied, even today.
>> I think the amount of copying ought to be seen as a metrics of success
>> for a brand.
> Sure, except it dilutes the brand.

I am asserting that this dilution is a positive outcome - in the age
of cheap social media and memes, brands don't have control as they did
in the age of expensive mass media; and per the medium is the message
and all that, the new media environment changes the value of the
outcomes. A brand that is not being diluted is stale, rigid, dying.

>> > which is why I invested in the SL branded memory sticks
> At the time everyone clamored for several, to be
> distributed at conferences and such.

How much did you/we sell them for?

> This was over six years ago, so I probably wouldn't recommend the same
> supplier, better to start from scratch, especially since the payment to them
> was delayed at the time - if they remember our small order, it may not be
> fondly. The key criteria in my choice was that they were willing to do
> several color variants in the tiny run of 100 sticks, as a favor if we would
> bring subsequent business,

Cool :)

> which in the end didn't happen.

Yikes - why not?

>> > and had the beauty shots created at the time.
>> Where are these located? :)
> wiki
> see for example:

Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [IAEP] 172 XO-1s for $24 each (+ freight) $4, 000 total

2016-06-14 Thread Dave Crossland
On 14 June 2016 at 05:14, Sean DALY <> wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 14, 2016 at 6:21 AM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> The green case is probably the most important thing, I think, because
>> of that brand equity
> The green and white case (perhaps with a "crank handle") is the only brand
> equity OLPC (and Sugar Labs) have.

Exactly! :)

> That color combination has been very widely copied, even today.

I think the amount of copying ought to be seen as a metrics of success
for a brand.

> It's always far easier to market an object than a virtual product such as
> software,


> which is why I invested in the SL branded memory sticks

Cool! Do you still have any of those sticks left? Where did you get them made?

> and had the beauty shots created at the time.

Where are these located? :)

Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] Suggestions

2016-06-10 Thread Dave Crossland
On 10 June 2016 at 11:05, samson goddy  wrote:
> i really want to make this madatory to all members in SL

Nothing is mandatory for volunteers :)

While I agree that asking members to do this will be good, I would
like to complete the wiki clean up. Would you be willing to spend an hour or two
to help me with this?

In the accounts sheet of this doc,

I am going down the sheet checking real/user/email names to guess if
they are likely from a human or appear to be a spam account, and if
they are NOT a spammer then I change Col H ("Remove?") from Yes to No.

I haven't looked at rows 2,781 to 3,483 - only 702 rows left! - so if
you can do that last bit this weekend, that would be great! :)


- I'll send an email to every user marked for removal, to check if
they really are a human, and wait a week for them to reply

- I'll ask Sam C to remove all the spammer accounts on the wiki,

- I'll merge the wiki-human list into the list of all emails from all
sugarlabs mailman lists, and the members list

- I'll, via mailchimp, email all potential emails asking if they want
to be SL members (and solicit a donation if SLOBs approved asking for

Then we will have a list of members that we can ask to take specific
actions, like participating in social media, vote in elections, etc.
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] Go Social via Social Media (Proposal/Motion)

2016-06-08 Thread Dave Crossland
On 8 June 2016 at 07:11, samson goddy  wrote:
> Nice one mattew, yeah we already proposed $100/Month for ads.

That's $100 for ads on top of the $120,000/year of Google AdWords we
will get to spend thanks to

However, the terms of the AdWords grant are that we can't have further
ads on our own pages (which I think is fine)
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] Go Social via Social Media (Proposal/Motion)

2016-06-07 Thread Dave Crossland
On 7 June 2016 at 16:50, samson goddy  wrote:
> Sure I am going to use your help on that.

Let me know your G+ profiles and I'll add you to the YouTube Channel
that I've set up:
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [IAEP] [Sugar-devel] Smart way to get $$ for posting videos on youtube

2016-06-03 Thread Dave Crossland
On 3 June 2016 at 09:17, Adam Holt <> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 3, 2016 at 10:25 AM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> Adam, please could you confirm with Conservancy that we can set up
>> adsense and youtube advertising accounts to raise revenue?
> I don't see why not, if there is a genuine consensus to move forward here?
> But most important who will manage these and how?

Samson has offered to drive sugarlabs's youtube activity forward, and
I've offered to work with him on this, and I guess Sean might also
offer as its marketing stuff.

> If we have an organized/near-definitive proposal (preferably approved by
> Oversight Board, or similar) for how Sugar Labs wants to move forward, then
> I will approach SFConservancy on any final required mechanics here.

Sounds good!

> Karen Sandler (SFC Exec Director) and her team are currently researching how
> SL can get a donation button for SL (presumably using PayPal) much like
> and helping get Samson Goddy's Yoruba
> translation contract organized, among a quite number of other SL financial +
> legal requests at this time, so we really please need to be understanding to
> avoid sending them trial balloons, doing our own due diligence first, Thanks
> all!

Yep, queuing this up for after all that sounds good to me :)
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] Smart way to get $$ for posting videos on youtube

2016-06-03 Thread Dave Crossland
Adam, please could you confirm with Conservancy that we can set up
adsense and youtube advertising accounts to raise revenue?
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] Smart way to get $$ for posting videos on youtube

2016-06-02 Thread Dave Crossland

On 2 June 2016 at 18:28, samson goddy  wrote:
>> Samson, would you be willing to draft a policy, a regrouping plan,
>> and a content plan?
> Sure I can do that, maybe me and you do work on it next week.

That would be great! Would you prefer to use the wiki, github markdown
files, an etherpad, or a google doc? :)

Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] Smart way to get $$ for posting videos on youtube

2016-06-02 Thread Dave Crossland
On 2 June 2016 at 04:58, Sean DALY  wrote:

> a fundraising drive needs a compelling story about our vision and goals.
> I'm not sure what that story should be.

Please do check out as
it will be officiated by SLOBS tomorrow :)
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [IAEP] Motion: Solicit Membership Donations + Public Statements

2016-05-23 Thread Dave Crossland
On 23 May 2016 at 12:57, Sean DALY  wrote:

> Let's be as serious about marketing as we are about coding.

$600 is plenty serious :)
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [IAEP] Motion: Solicit Membership Donations + Public Statements

2016-05-23 Thread Dave Crossland

On 23 May 2016 at 10:26, Sean DALY <> wrote:

> On Mon, May 23, 2016 at 2:57 PM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> Offering to suggest a codename is hardly "handing over marketing." Let's
>> experiment! :)
> Let's experiment with random code to be inserted anywhere, for only $600!
> :)

Using gitorious we are running this experiment for $0, which is why I'm
keen to get the move to github over with :)

Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] GSoC 2016 Website Redesign

2016-04-21 Thread Dave Crossland
On 21 April 2016 at 09:36, Sean DALY  wrote:

> what's the best way to comment/point out an issue? Do I need to create an
> account with Github or will my SL wiki account work?

Yes, create a github account and file issues in :)
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] GSoC 2016 Website Redesign

2016-04-21 Thread Dave Crossland

I'm confused  :) The www-sugarlabs repo hasn't been updated for 19 days?
How was the site changed?

On 21 April 2016 at 09:18, Sean DALY <> wrote:

> Hi Dave
> I'm not being negative, just surprised that the site was changed. My ideal
> process is to involve marketers in marketing, but that's very unusual for
> FLOSS projects :-)
> In fact the homepage does cycle the logo variants - that's good!
> There are typos in the text though... who can fix those?
> I am relieved to see that the press page survived at its permalink.
> Sean
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2016 at 3:12 PM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> On 21 April 2016 at 09:08, Sean DALY <> wrote:
>>> I didn't realize the existing site had been scrapped already.
>> I would like to ask you to be more positive about the new members of the
>> community being enthusiastic about contributing.
>>> FWIW, the Sugar branding calls for randomly switching between the logo
>>> color schemes [1] on reload. The old site (where ?) did this
>> What is your ideal process for changing the Sugar Branding Guidelines?
>> Cheers
>> Dave

Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] GSoC 2016 Website Redesign

2016-04-21 Thread Dave Crossland

On 21 April 2016 at 09:08, Sean DALY  wrote:

> I didn't realize the existing site had been scrapped already.

I would like to ask you to be more positive about the new members of the
community being enthusiastic about contributing.

> FWIW, the Sugar branding calls for randomly switching between the logo
> color schemes [1] on reload. The old site (where ?) did this

What is your ideal process for changing the Sugar Branding Guidelines?

Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] Fwd: GSoC 2016 Website Redesign

2016-04-19 Thread Dave Crossland
On 19 April 2016 at 15:01, Sanchit Bansal  wrote:

> How do you guys like the slider to the show the three main images of the
> website or I should do something else ?
> What do you think ?

If the images are in a scrolling page that is simple - like today - or
fading in, like - or in a slide JS, like - is a
secondary question.

For me, the primary questions are, what is the visual styleguide that can
be applied to all 3 above options and many more situations, and what is the
content that the style guide is applied to?

That content exists outside of the visual design; and the visual design
exists outside of the content.

The content can be planned by mapping a conversion funnel with stage goals
into a coherent structure of pages expressed in an "information
architecture" site map diagram.

The styleguide shows patterns of color, type, and so on.
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [IAEP] Seeking insights into Oversight_Board/Decisions

2016-04-11 Thread Dave Crossland
Hi Sean!

On 11 April 2016 at 15:57, Sean DALY <> wrote:

> On Mon, Apr 11, 2016 at 7:51 PM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> Given the trademark fee was recently paid to renew the trademarks, I
>> guess the merits were accepted
> For an organization with the possibility of widespread recognition, owning
> your trademark is a vital step. It could be compared to owning your
> Internet domain name. In both cases it gives the organization a legal tool
> to prevent anyone else from creating confusion about your organization and
> your offer. The fine print on our PR has always asserted our trademark, and
> there were at least three instances where we had to contact possible
> infringers. Fortunately, in all three cases an agreement was reached
> quickly, no doubt because of the strength of our trademark.
> Sugar Labs possesses something many projects, nonprofits and certainly
> many startups dream of: top ranking in search engines. This is brand equity
> and the trademark is the shield.

I'm not questioning the merits!! :D I think its awesome that SL owns its
trademarks, and if it didn't, I'd be first to suggest putting it on the
roadmap - The relatively recent GNOME-vs-GroupOn thing - - proves why this is important :)

Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] The future of Sugar on XO-1s

2016-04-07 Thread Dave Crossland
On 6 April 2016 at 17:24, Sean DALY <> wrote:

> On Wed, Apr 6, 2016 at 5:39 PM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> How many kids is Sugar targetting?
>> Low millions? Or billions?
> A few years ago, I estimated at around 10 million the number of teachers
> in classrooms with younger children, and I suggested we target them. Any
> teacher-friendly, ultrasimple, reliable setup and maintenance Sugar
> solution could work towards that goal.

> In my view Sugarizer has a very key role to play - overcoming the
> unfamiliarity barrier for teachers. Which could, ironically, boost the
> opportunities of the Sugar/GNU solutions.

I agree with all of the above

> I do feel that View Source is a key differentiator of Sugar, and I
> subscribe to the "low floor, no ceiling" idea.

I think the fact that "View Source" is a famous web browser menu item is
poignant for this discussion, especially given the power of the
Firebug-style web developer modes of all the big browsers today.

I believe the very simplest and most reliable is ...

I think we ought to think in terms of addressable market, and for me with
that perspective the ranking is,

Sugarizer in a browser,

Sugarizer installed via packages for existing mobile systems,

Sugar/GNU in a VM (which I wonder could be ideally bundled with VM software
and presented as a "desktop app"),

Sugar/GNU on a stick,

Sugar installed via packages for existing GNU systems,

Sugarizer/Android preinstalled on hardware

Sugar/GNU preinstalled on hardware

Sugar/GNU preinstalled on rugged hardware
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] Sugar on Facebook app(Sugarizer)(sugar activities))

2016-04-07 Thread Dave Crossland
On 7 April 2016 at 10:33, Sean DALY  wrote:

> Smart marketing involves identifying a target with an objective, then
> choosing a media channel to touch that target. It's tempting to go the
> other way around and say "facebook is a heavyweight channel, so let's
> concentrate there, and everybody likes games, so let's put up a game", but
> for a workable strategy we need to first identify the target and objective,
> verify the target's presence in media channels (facebook or others), choose
> the best channel(s), then tailor the message to the target to achieve the
> objective. Facebook has massive penetration and it's likely many people in
> our target groups will be there. So we could certainly have separate
> parallel facebook campaigns for recruitment (volunteers), donors
> (resources), and teachers (adopters, prescriptors). To reach teachers, we
> could decide to highlight the pedagogical qualities of some of our
> Activities (Turtle Blocks, eToys), or we could prefer to present the Sugar
> interface. In the first case a standalone facebook app could be a good
> solution. In the second case a link to a Sugarizer instance would probably
> make more sense. In both cases there should be a call to action to invite
> teachers to learn more about the platform and its Activities.

100% agree

Samson, looking forwards to your proposal :)
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] Sugar on Facebook app(Sugarizer)(sugar activities))

2016-04-07 Thread Dave Crossland

You are probably more familiar than I am with the facebook free basics
fiasco. Facebook seeks to establish itself as a grand gateway to what the
internet can do, and the software freedom movement yearns to make Facebook
obsolete. (eg, see

One of the ideas of Sugar is to raise awareness about the software freedom
movement, and as such, providing the full experience within the facebook
police-state playpark is an own-goal. We should reach people where they are
in the playpark and lead them out of it.


On 7 April 2016 at 09:31, Vishal Batchu <> wrote:

> Hi Dave,
> I can see why you want to limit the app on facebook, but don't you think
> that it would be better if everyone could have the full sugar/sugarizer
> experience independent of where they are using it currently (facebook in
> this case)? If it is technically not possible to run the entire sugarizer
> app over there due to some limitations it is fine, but I would personally
> like it if sugar/sugarizer offered as much as possible on facebook as well.
> But then again, sugarizer itself has only a few activities as of now
> compared to Sugar, so I guess it would be limited in that way anyways.
> On Thu, Apr 7, 2016 at 6:36 PM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> I think facebook app/game versions of sugar activities is smart
>> marketing, but I would suggest making them a little limited, to get people
>> hooked on them, and then telling people to upgrade to the main
>> app to play the next level.
>> ___
>> Sugar-devel mailing list

Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [Sugar-devel] Sugar on Facebook app(Sugarizer)(sugar activities))

2016-04-07 Thread Dave Crossland
I think facebook app/game versions of sugar activities is smart marketing,
but I would suggest making them a little limited, to get people hooked on
them, and then telling people to upgrade to the main app to play the next level.
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] [IAEP] FW: Commenting on Treasurer Motions Enabled!

2016-04-06 Thread Dave Crossland
On 6 April 2016 at 04:58, Sean DALY <> wrote:

> On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 10:19 PM, Dave Crossland <> wrote:
>> I agree that it would be awesome if someone holding the Treasurer office
>> was also actively fund raising for the project!
> Fundraising requires a clear vision & roadmap - positioning, technical -
> and the associated marketing materials (read: expenses). And, of course,
> someone organized enough to find prospects / develop suspects / select
> leads / cultivate opportunities - the sales cycle is time-consuming. FLOSS
> projects are not historically strong in this. But the TA grant is a
> fabulous success in adverse circumstances, and can be a springboard.

I agree completely :)
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] Homepage link errors

2016-04-01 Thread Dave Crossland
On 1 April 2016 at 10:39, Dave Crossland <> wrote:

> a static list would be the most simple thing
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] Homepage link errors

2016-04-01 Thread Dave Crossland

Sam, sorry I missed your fork and PR, I didn't look so closely =) I agree
that a static list would be the most simple thing. Currently I see the
activities section contents is generated by a Jeykll plugin, but this will
not work if we migrate the homepage hosting to (which I

Does anyone support or object to hosting the sl.o homepage on

Walter, I'd like to request you take the following 3 actions which should
only require 5 mins max :)

1, merge sam's PR 12 (
to bring your master branch up to date

2, transfer the www-sugarlabs repo from your username to the sugarlabs org
(at the bottom of

3, invite me (davelab6) as a member to the org,


On 1 April 2016 at 01:58, Sam Parkinson <> wrote:

> Hello.  The production website is contained in my fork:
> Currently the activities list is generated from the now dead "ASLO2"
> dataset.  We need to fix this.  Maybe it could be replaced with a static
> list?
> Any contributions are welcome.  I'll add it to my todo list, but anybody
> can probably beat me to it.
> On Fri, Apr 1, 2016 at 4:47 PM, Sebastian Silva <>
> wrote:
> I think Sam Parkinson  (inc cc) is owner of activities-2 -
> Also - Thank you for findig
> . Perhaps we should create it under .
> Regards,
> Sebastian
> On 31/03/16 22:37, Dave Crossland wrote:
> Hi
> On today the activities section links all point
> to and this is down, showing this error:
> 502 Bad Gateway
> nginx/1.8.1
> Eg
> -
> Replacing activities-2 with activities-2 also doesn't work, as it
> redirects to
> When the correct URL is
> Where is the source to the live website hosted? I found
> <>
> but it hasn't been updated
> for over a year... :)
> --
> Cheers
> Dave
> ___
> Marketing mailing 
> listMarketing@lists.sugarlabs.org

Marketing mailing list

[Marketing] Homepage link errors

2016-03-31 Thread Dave Crossland

On today the activities section links all point
to and this is down, showing this error:

502 Bad Gateway


Eg, -

Replacing activities-2 with activities-2 also doesn't work, as it redirects

When the correct URL is

Where is the source to the live website hosted? I found but it hasn't been updated
for over a year... :)

Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] (no subject)

2016-03-25 Thread Dave Crossland
On 25 March 2016 at 08:26, Sean DALY  wrote:

> I pushed to have a common navbar on all our sites some years ago, at the
> time developers didn't want to help code & deploy that. I can refer you to
> that work.

That would be awesome! Perhaps just put it up on a github repo? :)
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] (no subject)

2016-03-25 Thread Dave Crossland
Lets call it May 14/15 :) That gives 1 more week for the GSoC 'community
bonding' period. lists a project mentored
by Tymon that says,

Create new modern and innovative design template for our websites and apply
it to all our systems. Consider, how to improve our webappearance.
Currently, almost every our website looks different than other and is
created in different technology.

Brief Description

The goal is to create new template to be used to unify view of our websites
(main page, Wiki, Planet, Traslation system, ...) and apply it to our
systems. It must include storing all code in one place (like in
repositories on Github), reducing number of technologies used, improving
SEO, considering other solutions to be used instead of obsolete pages and
general design.

Expected Results

new, better webappearance of Sugar Labs, basing on innovative template. All
code should be placed in one place on Github.

Knowledge Prerequisite

Strong skills in HTML5, CSS3, Javascript and other core webtechnologies;
experience in creating modern website design.

So perhaps this effort would dove-tail with that, with this focused on
cleaning up content ready for that project to start :)

Walter, could you arrange a meeting room space with power sockets for
laptops, good wifi, and a projector?

Where (other than this list) should it be announced?
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] (no subject)

2016-03-25 Thread Dave Crossland
May 14/15 or 21/11 would be ideal
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] (no subject)

2016-03-25 Thread Dave Crossland
Just picked that weekend at random. April 30/1 won't work for me, but every
other weekend of May is good for me.
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] (no subject)

2016-03-25 Thread Dave Crossland
On 25 March 2016 at 09:08, Walter Bender  wrote:

> That transition is already in progress [1]. But the wiki itself is still
> in serious need to pruning. A sprint might be the way to get things moving.

Maybe the weekend of April 23/24th would be good? That is the first days of
the GSoC "Community Bonding" period. I could come up to Cambridge MA.
Marketing mailing list

Re: [Marketing] (no subject)

2016-03-25 Thread Dave Crossland
Thanks for the context :)

I've been using Github Pages - - for my libre
culture projects.

Would SL consider using Github Pages for hosting the main website you hack
by hand? That would give a 'wiki like' ability for anyone to propose
changes that you would then accept or reject in the typical pull-request
process of git development
Marketing mailing list