Re: [Marxism] moderator's note

2011-05-08 Thread Les Schaffer
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On 05/01/2011 08:00 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 I would remind comrades that Les is co-moderator of the list even
 though he is referred to on the website as technical coordinator. Les
 and I have been working closely together for well over a decade now
 and he helps to rein me in when I get worked up over something. For
 example, Les told me that I made a mistake in unsubbing Dan and
 Angelus and I respected his opinion enough to reverse myself immediately.

and this came about, in part, because three people wrote me offlist
suggesting Lou had been too quick to unsub. so there is at least one way
to get a grievance heard.

in addition, i'd like to see more self-moderating by the list as a
whole. nothing wrong with comrades chiming in on a thread if they see it
get out of hand. if a thread is getting waylaid by two people at each
other's throats, someone can come in with a solid post that the rest of
us can get into. the more Lou and i see this happen, the better we can
gauge the wishes of the list.


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Re: [Marxism] Andrew Levine and the lesser evil

2011-05-08 Thread Debordagoria
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Yes, Levine does cede the possibility of a nose-holding vote for Obama, but he 
delivers a welcome blow to lesser-evilism when he writes:

Lesser evilism is ultimately illogical because lesser evil choices can and do 
affect future choices in ways that make the lesser evil down the road worse 
than the greater evil now is.


--- On Sat, 5/7/11, Louis Proyect wrote:

 Despite the title, Andrew Levine’s Counterpunch article
 “The Illogic of Lesser Evilism: the Obama Example”,
 opens the door a crack for getting behind Obama once again.
 Despite saying all sorts of churlish things about Obama,
 Levine reveals his true orientation in the first and last
     Barack Obama will likely be the lesser
 evil in the 2012 election.  That may be a reason to
 vote for him then; perhaps even a compelling reason in some
 circumstances.  But it is not a reason to support him

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Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he were already dead

2011-05-08 Thread S. Artesian

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I'm just starting to work it out, but  I think the basis for 
anti-imperialism as an ideology is the notion that somehow capitalism 
changed its own spots,  its mode of accumulation, its source of value,  from 
the organization of labor as wage-labor to some sort of advanced 
mechanized mode of plunder and looting, i.e the mis-applied and abused 
concept of primitive accumulation.

[Side note, I think it's kind of ironic, that, IMO, for all  their 
differences, Lenin and Luxemburg both seem to turn to external sources  or 
primitive accumulation  looting  or rents to explain their puzzlement at 
the vitality of capitalism.  I think they are both wrong.  Wrong as you can 

Anyway,  capitalism is not, was not, during the period known as the long 
deflation  1873-1898 morphing into a rentier system, simultaneously 
discounting and bribing the working class in the advanced countries through 
sharing the plunder of the less advanced countries.  This doesn't mean 
that the barbarism and brutality of capitalism weren't greater, harsher etc; 
it just means that this amounted to no structural, logical change in the 
mode of accumulation.

Anyway, again, I think what gave Lenin's  Imperialism, written in the 
moments of an apparent retreat of the working class, republished during 
another apparent retreat, its icon status during and after the great 
defeats suffered by the workers, was this substitute accumulation in which 
value, the existence of capital in the appropriation of a specific social 
organization of labor, recedes and ultimately disappears; such that what we 
are left with is well --is everything and anything from Proudhonist all 
property is theft,  to the developmentalism of so-called national 
revolutions, to baloney evaluations of China and India and wherever as 
semi-feudal, semi-colonial  etc etc  countries where all that counts is 
opposing imperialism-- the foreign capitalists.

Well, the demands of accumulation have put an end to that, even as many try 
furiously to restore these notions by doubling down so to speak in their 
support of a Qaddafi, or Assad, or Kirchner, Morales, Chavez etc.

The historical truth is that the national  anti-imperialist governments, 
and their supporters served quite handily the overall interests of 
capitalism as an international system.  And no, the hostility of this or 
that or all the advanced countries to Iran, or Qaddafi, doesn't change that; 
no more than it changes the bagman's work that OPEC, and all its members 
have performed on behalf the bourgeoisie, because the US would like to see 
Chavez and Ahmedinejad gone.   What all-- the Kirchners, the Chavezs, the 
Ahmedinejads must do is suppress the independent effort of the working class 
to take control of the means of production NOT to simply accumulate more 
means of production, but rather subjugate production to the fulfillment of 
the potential of the labor process.

Whether its austerity one year, and or expansion the next, it's still 
capitalism; it's still all about preserving the means of production as 
property commanding labor, rather than labor consciously directing the means 
of production.

So the problems of accumulation that were suppressed after 2003 through war 
in Iraq, dollar devaluation,  the price rise in oil, restrictions on capital 
investment all of that has come up a few billion dollars short, and days 
late.  Once again the working class is compelled to take action as a class 
in the advanced countries.  And in the less advanced, the failure of 
anti-imperialism, of nationalism to do anything more than mimic 
capitalism,  has illuminated the inadequacy of anti-imperialism as an 
ideology, and the reality of it as a means for suppressing independent 
revolutionary action.

Please excuse the sketchy nature of the I said I'm just trying 
to put it together... while I'm still finishing the 2nd part of the article 
on rent.

- Original Message - 
From: Ralph Johansen

Sent: Saturday, May 07, 2011 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he were
already dead

This is a timely assertion and further discussion of implications and
specifics would be useful.

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Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he were already dead

2011-05-08 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/8/11 12:19 PM, Shane Mage wrote:

Even. There is no necessary concordance between the interests of ITT
and Anaconda and the overall interests of capitalism as an
international system.

This sort of Olympian abstraction is not very helpful.

The succession of US capitalist governments from FDR to LBJ made major
advances in reducing poverty by Social Security, Medicare, minimum-wage
laws, etc.

Yes, but not at the expense of foreign corporations that, for example, 
owned all the oil fields in Texas or the coal in West Virginia. 
Allende's confrontation with American copper companies had an entirely 
different dynamic.

More to the point, the development of Britain, the USA, and western 
Europe is directly related to the underdevelopment of Latin America, 
Asia and Africa. The words Monthly Review leave a bad taste in mouth 
nowadays, mostly because of your feckless younger brother, but Andre G. 
Frank and Harry Magdoff had this figured out.

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Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he were already dead

2011-05-08 Thread S. Artesian

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One more thing the cental issue is, not to put too fine a Marxist point 
on it, is the process of accumulation.  Is that process of accumulation 
dependent, determined by the conditions that Marx analyzed in Capital?  Does 
that process occur on an international scale, expressed in the conditions of 
labor in less advanced as well as more advanced countries?

Or has the process changed, altered, rid itself of its determinants or found 
new determinants?

If the former, then what Marx wrote:  not a farthing to this government 
applies equally to Chavez, Morales, as well as Cameron, Sarkozy, Putin.

- Original Message - 
From: Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he were already dead

2011-05-08 Thread Vladimiro Giacche'
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unfortunately, this reminds me the well-known night in which all the cows are 
I honestly don't see how from such an analysis one could throw other political 
consequences and habits as  doing nothing and wait for the world revolution 
(but only for a synchronized one!)

 sartesian wrote:
 If the former, then what Marx wrote:  not a farthing to this government 
 applies equally to Chavez, Morales, as well as Cameron, Sarkozy, Putin.

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[Marxism] Bolivarian Socialist Movement (Colombia) breaks with Chavez

2011-05-08 Thread Y Plotz
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[I translated some parts of what I consider to be the most important points of 
this article written in Spanish. This latest event shows how Chavez's decision 
to extradite a supporter of the Bolivarian process to Colombia is making 
many people and organizations re-consider their political ties with the 
government. In my view, any support for Venezuela, worker's struggles and so 
on needs to be as independent as possible from the government. Thus, a break 
with PSUV, Chavez's party, is crucial as it demobilizes the popular movement 
and trade unions. Becerra was sent to his death by Chavez. However, this is not 
the first time the Chavez government deports political exiles. Last 
year, Chavez deported several Basque left-wing nationalists to Spain and became 
a target of criticism from left wing organizations in Latin America and 
Europe.  Original spanish version below] 
On Saturday the Bolivian Socialist Movement (MSB-Colombia) broke with the 
Chavez government after Chavez handed in Joaquín Pérez Becerra to the right 
wing government in Colombia. Becerra, who lived   in Sweden since 1994 as a 
political exile due to government persecution, was the editor-in-chief of the 
left wing web site ANNCOL (Colombian News Agency). The announcement was made 
public in a letter sent to Chavez by David Corredor, one of the leaders of 
Becerra’s arrest in Venezuela came as a personal request made by right wing 
Colombian president Juan Manuel Santos, Chavez’s close ally and his “new best 
friend” according to Chavez’s words. 
In the letter, the MSB “make it known to the world that until President Chavez 
does not reverse this mistake [sending Becerra to his torturers] any 
possibility of establishing political ties with the Bolivarian Revolution in 
Venezuela[in other words, with the Chavez government] is out of the question”

Additionally, the MSB asks Chavez not to raise the banner of socialism since he 
violated socialist principles by deporting Becerra to Colombia. 
At the same time, the MSB asks  Chavez to not justify his policies by quoting  
historical and universal figures such as Jesus, Simón Bolívar, Augusto César 
Sandino and Ernesto Che Guevara. 
Movimiento Socialista Bolivariano de Colombia rompe con Chávez por entrega de 
Joaquín Pérez Becerra 
Sáb 07/05/2011 - 14:15 
Le pidieron a Chávez que no enarbole más las banderas del Socialismo 
6 de Mayo 2011.- El Movimiento Comunero Socialista Bolivariano de Colombia 
(MSB-Colombia) rompió con el Gobierno del presidente venezolano, Hugo Chávez, 
por haber entregado al gobierno de Santos a Joaquín Pérez Becerra, director de 
la agencia colombiana de noticias ANNCOL, exiliado en Suecia, anunció hoy la 
organización política. 
El director del MSB Colombia, David Corredor, informó de la decisión en una 
carta abierta a Chávez que divulgó desde la sede de su partido en Cúcuta, 
ciudad de la frontera noreste de su país con Venezuela. 
El MSB Colombia declara al mundo que hasta tanto no se corrija la grave falta 
del presidente Chávez, se margina de cualquier posibilidad de acercamiento con 
la Revolución Bolivariana de Venezuela. 
Asimismo, invitó al Ejecutivo en Caracas que tome urgentes medidas necesarias 
para corregir y enmendar el grave perjuicio causado con la entrega arbitraria 
de Joaquín Pérez Becerra al Gobierno de Colombia. 
Joaquín Pérez Becerra fue deportado a Colombia el pasado 25 de abril, tres días 
después de haber sido detenido en el aeropuerto de Maiquetía que sirve a 
Caracas, donde viajó en un vuelo procedente de Fránkfurt, Alemania 
El arresto lo solicitó personalmente a Chávez el presidente colombiano, Juan 
Manuel Santos, un estrecho aliado a quien Chávez considera su nuevo mejor 
El colombiano, exiliado en Suecia desde 1994, se desempeñaba como periodista en 
Estocolmo, donde dirigía la Agencia de Noticias Nueva Colombia (Anncol) 
dedicada a difundir noticias sobre el acontecer político de Colombia. 
En su país, Joaquín Pérez Becerra afrontaba un proceso judicial amañado por 
presunto concierto para delinquir, financiamiento del terrorismo y 
administración de recursos relacionados con actividades terroristas. 
La organización bolivariana colombiana también le pidió a Chávez que no 
enarbole más las banderas del socialismo por haber violado, con la deportación 
de Pérez, sus principios fundamentales. 
Del mismo modo, que no justifique su política con citas de hombres universales 
como Jesús de Nazareth, Simón Bolívar, Augusto César Sandino y Ernesto Che 
Dos días después de la deportación de Pérez, el MSB Colombia 

Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he were already dead

2011-05-08 Thread S. Artesian

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Wait a minute, I submit an evaluation, somebody responds by saying that's 
interesting what do you mean; I expand--- and you get your knickers in a 
twists because I take exception to your sympathy for popular front 

You want to avoid repititious debates?  Try not foisting  entirely 
superficial 'analyses' of Allende on others.  Some of us have actually 
studied that government.

But you keep on keepin on there comrade, without every coming to grips with 
the core issues, just so you can wind up endorsing the next Allende, the 
next Chavez; the next radical  socialist nationalist who makes it a 
point to suppress the workers' own organizations as Allende most certainly 

- Original Message - 
From: Louis Proyect 

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Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he were already dead

2011-05-08 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/8/11 12:53 PM, S. Artesian wrote:

Wait a minute, I submit an evaluation, somebody responds by saying
that's interesting what do you mean; I expand--- and you get your
knickers in a twists because I take exception to your sympathy for
popular front figureheads?

Okay, let's get down to the essentials. You are basically putting 
forward an argument that the other side in the debate is reformist. You 
have been doing this in one form or another in the 10 years you have 
been on this mailing list.


Frankly, the main reason I have tolerated this is because you are not a 
member of a sect. If you included a sig like The Pannekoek 
Circles--Revolutionary, you would have been unsubbed long ago.

The last time you unsubbed, around the time I dropped Lippmann, the 
level of vituperation on this mailing list dropped off precipitously. I 
found myself quite pleased with this development and will do everything 
in my power to maintain it.


If you want to fight reformism, I invite you to do it elsewhere. Or, if 
you are going to do it, you have to understand that there is a definite 
time-limit because the longer it goes on, the more that temperatures 
rise--including my own. As someone who has the ultimate power over this 
mailing list, that is all that matters in the final analysis.

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[Marxism] chipotle restaurants and undocumented workers

2011-05-08 Thread MICHAEL YATES
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Chipotle Restaurants, based in Denver and headed by Steve Ells, a judge on a 
recent NBC show (America’s Next Great Restaurant), is under investigation for 
massive hiring of undocumented workers. I think undocumented workers should 
have full employment rights and be granted immediate amnesty. The chain, which 
has 1,084 restaurants and sales of $1.8 billion, currently employs 27,000 
workers but has a turnover rate of about 100 percent a year. It plans to hire 
100,000 workers over the next three years. Draw your own conclusions as to what 
this might tell us about wages, working conditions, unpaid wages when workers 
quit, and so forth. A Reuters story says that Denver-based Chipotle has won 
plaudits from Wall Street for its seemingly uncanny ability to hold down labor 
costs. That ability has been a major factor behind its six-fold increase in 
share price since late 2008.
The company has a finely honed image as a progressive restaurant operator. As 
one industry analyst said, Their whole branding strategy is a company that 
does things right — healthful foods, humane treatment of animals, progressive 
procedures. Ells once said, We decided long ago that we didn't want 
Chipotle's success to be tied to the exploitation of animals, farmers, or the 
environment, but the engagement of our customers. No mention here of the 
workers! Ells went to school in Boulder, Colorado, and this sounds a lot like 
the liberal claptrap we’d here so often when we lived there. See 
for details.


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Re: [Marxism] Marxism Digest, Vol 91, Issue 20

2011-05-08 Thread T
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Should the moderators wish to consider it, there is a limit that may be 
reasonable to be enforced.

Political criticism is acceptable.

Personal attacks are not, and will result, after suitable warning, with removal 
from the list.


Suppose I write that “it is quite clear that the Bulgarian peasant movement of 
1923 led inexorably to the rise of a bourgeois nationalist regime in Venezuela 

Personal attack in reply:

“You are a fool and an idiot.  You make no sense.  Why do you write stupid 
trash.  You are nothing but an agent of U.S. Imperialism.”

That is a personal attack on the writer.  That would be grounds for removal 
from the list.

Political criticisms in reply:

“The argument that the Bulgarian peasant movement of 1923 led inexorably to the 
rise of a bourgeois nationalist regime in Venezuela today has no foundation in 
fact, and is complete nonsense.  It contributes less than nothing to our 
understanding of anything.  Furthermore, a bourgeois nationalist regime is 
worthy of defense when attacked by the U.S. Empire, and failure to make that 
clear serves the U.S. Empire.”

This criticizes, however harshly, the argument, rather than invidiously 
characterizing the person, and therefore would be acceptable.



-Original Message-
Sent: May 8, 2011 2:00 PM
To: Thomas F Barton
Subject: Marxism Digest, Vol 91, Issue 20

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Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Today's Topics:

   1. Re:  Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he  werealready
  dead (Louis Proyect)
   2. Re:  Should we treat Perez Bocerra asthough  he  werealready
  dead (S. Artesian)


Message: 1
Date: Sun, 08 May 2011 13:01:57 -0400
From: Louis Proyect
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he  were
   already dead
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

On 5/8/11 12:53 PM, S. Artesian wrote:

 Wait a minute, I submit an evaluation, somebody responds by saying
 that's interesting what do you mean; I expand--- and you get your
 knickers in a twists because I take exception to your sympathy for
 popular front figureheads?

Okay, let's get down to the essentials. You are basically putting 
forward an argument that the other side in the debate is reformist. You 
have been doing this in one form or another in the 10 years you have 
been on this mailing list.


Frankly, the main reason I have tolerated this is because you are not a 
member of a sect. If you included a sig like The Pannekoek 
Circles--Revolutionary, you would have been unsubbed long ago.

The last time you unsubbed, around the time I dropped Lippmann, the 
level of vituperation on this mailing list dropped off precipitously. I 
found myself quite pleased with this development and will do everything 
in my power to maintain it.


If you want to fight reformism, I invite you to do it elsewhere. Or, if 
you are going to do it, you have to understand that there is a definite 
time-limit because the longer it goes on, the more that temperatures 
rise--including my own. As someone who has the ultimate power over this 
mailing list, that is all that matters in the final analysis.


Message: 2
Date: Sun, 8 May 2011 13:17:24 -0400
From: S. Artesian
To: Activists and scholars in Marxist tradition
Subject: Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra asthough  he  
   already dead
Message-ID: E641508B9C7844A4BB757EF9ECDBB11D@dmsthinkpad
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=iso-8859-1;

I didn't say anything about reformism.  You're the one expressing 

[Marxism] Photos and leaftlets of May Day in Lima

2011-05-08 Thread Juan Fajardo

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Photos of May Day in Lima:

*NEW* Some leaflets gathered at the march *NEW*

- Juan

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Re: [Marxism] Marxism Digest, Vol 91, Issue 20

2011-05-08 Thread Louis Proyect

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 5/8/11 2:46 PM, T wrote:

Political criticisms in reply:

“The argument that the Bulgarian peasant movement of 1923 led
inexorably to the rise of a bourgeois nationalist regime in Venezuela
today has no foundation in fact, and is complete nonsense.  It
contributes less than nothing to our understanding of anything.
Furthermore, a bourgeois nationalist regime is worthy of defense when
attacked by the U.S. Empire, and failure to make that clear serves
the U.S. Empire.”

This criticizes, however harshly, the argument, rather than
invidiously characterizing the person, and therefore would be



As it turns out, there is no greater insult in Marxist circles than to 
be called a reformist. I would rather be called an asshole (and actually 
enjoy it, if not plead guilty of the charge) than a reformist.

I doubt that many people have read this, but I have something written up 

MODERATION PRINCIPLES: The Marxism mailing list is extremely permissive. 
There are a couple of things that are frowned upon strongly. If you come 
to the list with the attitude that you are a true Bolshevik, who needs 
to convert 'Mensheviks' to your beliefs, you will be unsubbed. Members 
of self-declared vanguard parties who can adjust to the tolerant 
atmosphere of the list are more than welcome, since they usually bring 
with them years of Marxist study and political experience. We also 
welcome non-Marxists who come to the list in a respectful attitude, 
desiring to learn more. However, if you have decided for yourself that 
Marxism is wrong and that your purpose on the list is to struggle to 
convince others of that, you should not subscribe. The Internet has many 
forums where Marxists and anti-Marxists can debate. This is not one of 

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Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he were already dead

2011-05-08 Thread Shane Mage

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On May 8, 2011, at 2:34 PM, Tom Cod wrote:

 How about a united front against Pinochet fascism.

Is this barndoorism?

Shane Mage

scientific discovery is basically recognition of obvious realities
that self-interest or ideology have kept everybody from paying  
attention to

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[Marxism] U.S. Attorney Escalates Attacks on Civil Liberties of Anti-War, Palestinian Human Rights Activists

2011-05-08 Thread stansfield smith
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U.S. Attorney Escalates Attacks on Civil Liberties of Anti-War, Palestinian 
Human Rights ActivistsCall U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald first thing Monday 

On Friday, May 6, the U.S. government froze the bank accounts of Hatem 
Abudayyeh and his wife, Naima. This unwarranted attack on a leading member of 
the Palestinian community in Chicago is the latest escalation of the repression 
of anti-war and Palestinian community organizers by the FBI, U.S. Attorney 
Patrick Fitzgerald, and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder. Hatem Abudayyeh is 
one of 23 activists from Minnesota, Michigan, and Illinois subpoenaed to a 
federal grand jury in Chicago, and his home was raided by the FBI in September 
of last year. Neither Hatem Abudayyeh nor Naima Abudayyeh have been charged 
with any crime.
One of the bank accounts frozen was exclusively in Naima Abudayyeh’s name. 
Leaders of the national Committee to Stop FBI Repression, as well as Chicago’s 
Coalition to Protect People’s Rights are appalled at the government’s attempt 
to restrict the family’s access to its finances, especially so soon before 
Mothers’ Day. Not only does the government’s action seriously disrupt the lives 
of the Abudayyehs and their five-year-old daughter, but it represents an attack 
on Chicago’s Arab community and activist community and the fundamental rights 
of Americans to freedom of speech.
The persecution of the Abudayyeh family is another example of the 
criminalization of Palestinians, their supporters, and their movement for 
justice and liberation. There has been widespread criticism of the FBI and 
local law enforcement for their racial profiling and scapegoating of Arab and 
Muslim Americans. These repressive tactics include infiltration of community 
centers and mosques, entrapment of young men, and the prominent case of 11 
students from the University of California campuses at Irvine and Riverside who 
have been subpoenaed to a grand jury and persecuted for disrupting a speech by 
Michael Oren, Israeli Ambassador to the US. The government’s attempt to 
conflate the anti-war and human rights movements with terrorism is a cynical 
attempt to capitalize on the current political climate in order to silence 
Palestinians and other people of conscience who exercise their First Amendment 
rights in a manner which does not conform to the
 administration’s foreign policy agenda in the Middle East.
The issuance of subpoenas against the 23 activists has been met with widespread 
opposition and criticism across the country. Six members of the U.S. Congress, 
including five in the past month, have sent letters to either Holder or 
President Obama, expressing grave concern for the violations of the civil 
liberties and rights of the 23 activists whose freedom is on the line. Three 
additional U.S. representatives have also promised letters, as thousands of 
constituents and other people of conscience across the U.S. have demanded an 
end to this assault on legitimate political activism and dissent. Over 60 
Minnesota state legislators also issued a resolution condemning the subpoenas.
The Midwest activists have been expecting indictments for some time. The 
freezing of the Abudayyeh family's bank accounts suggests that the danger of 
indictments is imminent.

Take action Monday, May 9:
Call U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald at 312-353-5300.
Then dial 0 (zero) for the operator and ask to leave a message with the Duty 
Demand Fitzgerald
-- Unfreeze the bank accounts of the Abudayyeh family and
-- Stop repression against Palestinian, anti-war and international solidarity 
In solidarity,
The Committee to Stop FBI Repression and
The Coalition to Protect People’s Rights
For more info go to 

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[Marxism] Take Action: U.S. Attorney Escalates Attacks on Palestinian Activists

2011-05-08 Thread Dennis Brasky
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 3:15 PM, US Palestinian Community Network wrote:

  * US Palestinian Community Network*

 *Web: ** +
 Email:** + Twitter: **

 U.S. Attorney Escalates Attacks on Civil Liberties of Anti-War, Palestinian
 Human Rights 

 *Call U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald first thing Monday morning!*(contact
 info at bottom of this email)

 *On Friday, May 6, the U.S. government froze the bank accounts of Hatem
 Abudayyeh and his wife, Naima.* This unwarranted attack on a leading
 member of the Palestinian community in Chicago is the latest escalation of
 the repression of anti-war and Palestinian community organizers by the FBI,
 U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald, and U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder.
 Hatem Abudayyeh is one of 23 activists from Minnesota, Michigan,
 and Illinois subpoenaed to a federal grand jury in Chicago, and his home was
 raided by the FBI in September of last year. Neither Hatem Abudayyeh nor
 Naima Abudayyeh have been charged with any crime.

 One of the bank accounts frozen was exclusively in Naima Abudayyeh’s name.
 Leaders of the national Committee to Stop FBI Repression, as well as
 Chicago’s Coalition to Protect People’s Rights are appalled at the
 government’s attempt to restrict the family’s access to its finances,
 especially so soon before Mothers’ Day. Not only does the government’s
 action seriously disrupt the lives of the Abudayyehs and their five-year-old
 daughter, but it represents an *attack on Chicago’s Arab community and
 activist community and the fundamental rights of Americans to freedom of
 The persecution of the Abudayyeh family is another *example of the
 criminalization of Palestinians, their supporters, and their movement for
 justice and liberation*. There has been widespread criticism of the FBI
 and local law enforcement for their racial profilingand scapegoating of Arab
 and Muslim Americans. These repressive tactics include infiltration of
 community centers and mosques, entrapment of young men, and the prominent
 case of 11 students from the University of California campuses at Irvine and
 Riverside who have been subpoenaed to a grand jury and persecuted for
 disrupting a speech by Michael Oren, Israeli Ambassador to the US. The
 government’s attempt to conflate the anti-war and human rights
 movements with terrorism is a cynical attempt to capitalize on the current
 political climate in order to silence Palestinians and other people of
 conscience who exercise their First Amendment rights in a manner which does
 not conform to the administration’s foreign policy agenda in the Middle

 The issuance of subpoenas against the 23 activists has been met with
 widespread opposition and criticism across the country. *Six members of
 the U.S. Congress, including five in the past month, have sent letters to
 either Holder or President Obama*, expressing grave concern for the
 violations of the civil liberties and rights of the 23 activists whose
 freedom is on the line. Three additional U.S. representatives have also
 promised letters, as thousands of constituents and other people of
 conscience across the U.S. have demanded an end to this assault on
 legitimate political activism and dissent. Over 60 Minnesota state
 legislators also issued a resolution condemning the subpoenas.

 The Midwest activists have been expecting indictments for some time. The
 freezing of the Abudayyeh family's bank accounts suggests that the danger of
 indictments is imminent.

 *Take action Monday, May 9:
 Call U.S. Attorney Patrick Fitzgerald at 312-353-5300.*
 Then dial 0 (zero) for the operator and ask to leave a message with the
 Duty Clerk.
 *Demand Fitzgerald
 -- Unfreeze the bank accounts of the Abudayyeh family and
 -- Stop repression against Palestinian, anti-war and international
 solidarity activists.*

 In solidarity,
 The Committee to Stop FBI Repression and
 The Coalition to Protect People’s Rights

 For more info go to

 *US Palestinian Community Network (USPCN) is a grassroots community
 network with over twenty democratically-elected chapters. The network
 affirms the right of Palestinians in the Shatat (exile) to participate fully
 in shaping our destiny. USPCN is anchored in the following points of unity:

 *Self-determination and equality for the Palestinian people;*
 *The right of all Palestinian refugees to return to their original homes,
 lands, properties and villages (an inalienable 

[Marxism] Allende

2011-05-08 Thread Paul Cockshott
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Allende was anti-imperialism at work, and what that work required was the
suppression of the independent actions of the proletariat, a work which
Allende's Unidad Popular government, bolstered by our favorite
anti-imperialists, the PCP undertook determinedly, especially when those
workers were a bit unsatisfied with their treatment by the national
bourgeoisie, and took matter into their own hands.

Get real, he did not have a majority in the congress, could not get his budget 
and was very limited in what he could do financially, and legislatively.
There was no chance of the the working class coming to power by non 
constitutional means at that point
given that they had no armed organisation remotely capable of beating the army.

The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

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Re: [Marxism] Allende

2011-05-08 Thread Tom Cod
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No, but there were popular councils organizing in the communities,
factories and armed forces, that if instead of being discouraged by
the Allende regime, had been bolstered and armed, a different outcome
could have occurred.  Think Spain in 1936 for example.  Michel Raptis
aka Pablo has a good discussion of this process in his 1974 book
Revolution and Counter-Revolution in Chile

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 2:11 PM, Paul Cockshott wrote:

 Get real, he did not have a majority in the congress, could not get his 
 budget through
 and was very limited in what he could do financially, and legislatively.
 There was no chance of the the working class coming to power by non 
 constitutional means at that point
 given that they had no armed organisation remotely capable of beating the 

 The University of Glasgow, charity number SC004401

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Re: [Marxism] Should we treat Perez Bocerra as though he were already dead

2011-05-08 Thread Tom Cod
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What exactly is the political point you are trying to make?  The old
sectarian screed against the Popular Front?
When one is trying to build a defensive coalition, yeah it might be
wise to open the barn door or have a big tent approach to obtain as
many allies as possible-while watching one's back obviously.
Intuition, if not dogma, should make that fairly obvious.

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 12:26 PM, Shane Mage wrote:

 On May 8, 2011, at 2:34 PM, Tom Cod wrote:

  How about a united front against Pinochet fascism.

 Is this barndoorism?

 Shane Mage

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Re: [Marxism] Allende

2011-05-08 Thread Tom Cod
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by not relying on those institutions.  by building alternative
institutions as was done in Catalonia in 1936, Petrograd in 1917, Cuba
and haltingly in Venezuela now which doesn't mean copping some
sectarian or dogmatic attitude or having foreign state support.  Yes,
NOT rely on the power structure of the oligarchy's armed forces
obviously.  These councils (soviet:Russian word for council) Raptis
talked about had nothing to do with that, although they would've
welcomed dissident officers.  That was what the problem was in
Indonesia.  Overly relying on the Sukarno and then getting massacred
when he fell, just like in Chile-only worse-and not being able to even
put up a fight.  The right wing tried that on Chavez in 2002 with
differing results because, as Tariq Ali has explained, he and his
followers had learned that lesson.

On Sun, May 8, 2011 at 2:52 PM, Juan Fajardo wrote:
 Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
 ==  wrote:

 There was no chance of the the working class coming to power by non
 constitutional means at that point
 given that they had no armed organisation remotely capable of beating the

 On 5/8/2011 2:26 PM, Tom Cod wrote:

 No, but there were popular councils ...  that if instead of being
 discouraged by
 the Allende regime, had been ... armed, a different outcome
 could have occurred.

 And how do you suppose that could have been accomplished while bypassing the
 military and the Carabineros?  Even supportive generals like Pratts would
 not have gone for such a thing.

 And how to finance and organize it if UP couldn't get a budget passed in
 Congress?  Arms donations from the USSR or China?

 Think to Indonesia for a moment, and see how that worked out.

 - Juan

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Re: [Marxism] Allende

2011-05-08 Thread Tom Cod
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Moreover, the idea that an even more conciliatory attitude would have
prevented this as the CP put out thereafter, is naive.  It may sound
like hyperbole but by the early 70s the main section of the ruling
class and the military elites in South America had opted for fascism
in very blatant way, being determined to wipe out subversives and
the left completely, which meant having no tolerance for liberalism
which they saw as its incubus or starting point.  Put differently, as
the military slogan of the Guatemalan genocide of 60-90s was: to
catch the fish, drain the ocean.  Jacobo Timmerman, a Jewish
Argentine liberal newspaper editor, in his memoir, Prisoner without a
name, Cell without a number, describes being tortured in a room that
had a framed picture of Adolf Hitler (a country with hundreds of
actual German Nazi WW2 veterans younger than Vietnam vets today) in it
and what this regime meant to him as an ordinary liberal and in fact
in these places the New Left was mostly completely exterminated during
the late 1970s, something that hasn't gotten a lot of play in the
history books.  An acquaintance of mine from Argentina described how
when she was 14 in high school circa 1978, one of her classmates was
handing out leaflets.  An older guy came and took him away and he was
never seen or heard from again.

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[Marxism] Pham Binh's website

2011-05-08 Thread Louis Proyect

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Binh wrote the guest post review of Chris Williams's book Ecology and 
Socialism on my blog the other day. For those who want to read other 
articles by Binh, I invite you to check out:

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[Marxism] Concluding declaration: A Joint Struggle for an End to Israeli Occupation and Racism

2011-05-08 Thread Michael Schembri
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Concluding declaration of the 7 May 2011 conference in Hebron entitled
A Joint Struggle for an End to Israeli Occupation and Racism

To read the declaration:

Michael Schembri

From the river to the sea,
Palestine will free!

The Shoah is over, it is finished.
The Nakba is not over.
- Shlomo Sand

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