[Marxism] Colombia supreme court dismisses Reyes files as evidence

2011-05-19 Thread Jorge Martin
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Very important. Remember that the case against Pérez Becerra was based on
these files, as well as the constant media campaign alleging that
Venezuela's Bolivarian government was backing FARC terrorists

Documents found on computers of slain
Raul Reyes are inadmissible as evidence in court as the material is
illegally obtained and provides no evidence, Colombia's Supreme Court ruled

According to the court, the military officials who obtained the evidence
were not authorized to gather evidence to be used in Colombian courts,
because this falls under the responsibilities of the judicial police.

Except for the Prosecutor General's Office no other power in the country
has the authority to bring evidence from abroad, even less when ignoring
foreign authorities, said the court.

The validity of the content of what was found on the computers can also not
be verified as the alleged emails were copied into Word documents without
indication of sender or receiver, the country's highest court said.

Full article here:

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2011-05-19 Thread Hunter Gray
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Just some early morning coffee thoughts.

And, on coffee, it tastes even better right now since the revelations of the 
past day or so that add up to its medical benefits, including its role as 
something of bulwark against male prostate cancer.  (Not a problem of mine, I'm 
glad to add.)

But coffee, along with the Human Horrors that grace the world, and natural ones 
as well such as the rejuvenation of Old Man River, has taken something of a 
back seat to Sex.  Specifically, Sex in New York City and Sex on the West Coast.

Brings to mind a pleasant dinner of slightly more than half a century ago.  The 
setting was Wasau, Wisconsin, and the dinner was on the nickel of a good guy 
and developing friend, Elwood Taub, then research and education director of the 
International Woodworkers of America -- the CIO lumber workers union.  He, a 
seasoned veteran of a good many extremely tough  organizing campaigns in Dixie, 
much of this in Textile before he took the IWA job, and aware of my developing 
interest in going South, was trying to maneuver my being hired as an 
organizer by his international.  Though not without influence therein, he -- 
and I -- were aware that the top leadership, in contrast to the still extant 
Wobbly spirit that pervaded much of the grassroots in the Pacific Northwest, 
had grown cautious.  In the end, the officialdom balked at me -- and I, of 
course, found my Dixie door and Destiny at Tougaloo College, just a bit north 
of Jackson. Elwood and I remained friends and, in time, he found another union.

During our leisurely dinner, he looked at me and remarked rather directly, 
When you go South, always remember this:  Keep your pecker in your pants.

Actually, I'd heard that advice a bit earlier, not delivered quite so bluntly, 
by a Mine-Mill organizer and good friend, a Southerner by origin, who'd been 
through his share of fire fights.

I've followed that advice -- obviously figuratively.   Hardly a tight 
personality sort by any remote stretch [and I hate formal suits], I was 
occasionally tagged cordially by such worthies as my late Dixie [and elsewhere] 
buddy, some years younger than I, the late J.V. Henry and himself a North 
Carolinian, as the Puritan of the Civil Rights Movement.

A couple of months after Wasau, Eldri and I married. The world is much the 
better via our four offspring, and the now ten grandchildren.

And, decades later, when I penned my little and subsequently much reprinted 
piece, Just What Makes A Damn Good Community Organizer,  the second basic 
dimension of my eleven point catechism, is this:

The Organizer should be relatively pure in the moral sense. But not
too pure -- because no one, anywhere, wants a sanctimonious conscience
hovering about. Set a good personal example. Do your recreational thing
away from the project. Wherever you are, avoid all drugs and go easy on
alcohol [if you are even into that sensitivity-dulling stuff.] Remember the
old labor adage: You can't fight booze and the boss at the same time.
Always a special target, the organizer has to be aware of the consistent
danger of frame-ups.


Sometimes, when starting a talk, I hand my Eleven Points out to the audience.  
Older people read it somberly and younger folk, coming almost immediately to 
that which I've just quoted, often look up at me, grinning.

I always grin back.

And no, I am not sanctimonious,  But I am very serious.

In Solidarity,

Hunter [Hunter Bear]

Abenaki/St. Regis Mohawk 
Protected by Na´shdo´i´ba´i´ 
and Ohkwari' 

I have always lived and worked in the Borderlands.
Our Hunterbear website is now eleven years old..
Check out http://hunterbear.org/directory.htm

See - Personal and Detailed Background Narrative:

See Outlaw Trail: The Native as Organizer:
[Included in Visions  Voices: Native American Activism [2009]

And see Forces and Faces Along the Activist Trail:

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[Marxism] Translation (Cuba): Guidelines debate 4, Cooperatives

2011-05-19 Thread Marce Cameron
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From Cuba's Socialist Renewal
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Cooperatives seem poised to multiply, expand their range of activities
and play a critical role in the new Cuban socialist-oriented economic
model that is emerging. Here is Part 4 of my translation of the
booklet Information on the
results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for
the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document that has been
published together with the final version of the Guidelines adopted by
the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) Congress in April.

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Re: [Marxism] Translation (Cuba): Guidelines debate 4, Cooperatives

2011-05-19 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/19/2011 9:53 AM, Marce Cameron wrote:

From Cuba's Socialist Renewal
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Cooperatives seem poised to multiply, expand their range of activities
and play a critical role in the new Cuban socialist-oriented economic
model that is emerging. Here is Part 4 of my translation of the
booklet Information on the
results of the Debate on the Economic and Social Policy Guidelines for
the Party and the Revolution, an explanatory document that has been
published together with the final version of the Guidelines adopted by
the Cuban Communist Party (PCC) Congress in April.

Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
On Cooperation

Written: January 4  6, 1923

It seems to me that not enough attention is being paid to the 
cooperative movement in our country. Not everyone understands that 
now, since the time of the October revolution and quite apart from 
NEP (on the contrary, in this connection we must say—because of 
NEP), our cooperative movement has become one of great 
significance. There is a lot of fantasy in the dreams of the old 
cooperators. Often they are ridiculously fantastic. But why are 
they fantastic? Because people do not understand the fundamental, 
the rock-bottom significance of the working-class political 
struggle for the overthrow of the rule of the exploiters. We have 
overthrown the rule of the exploiters, and much that was 
fantastic, even romantic, even banal in the dreams of the old 
cooperators is now becoming unvarnished reality.

full: http://www.marxists.org/archive/lenin/works/1923/jan/06.htm

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Re: [Marxism] Ethics in International Affairs

2011-05-19 Thread Jim Farmelant
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On Thu, 19 May 2011 06:36:06 -0700 (PDT) Ismail Lagardien
ilagard...@yahoo.com writes:

 Hi Everyone
 I will be teaching Ethics in international affairs in August as part 
 of my new 
 position (University of Guyana). The last good texts on the subject 
 were kinda 
 liberal, Terry Nardin and Mervyn Frost. Now that I will design and 
 teach my own 
 course, I would like to take a more Critical approach.

You might wish to take a look at the writings of
Darrel Moellendorf:

I remember him from the time that he published
an article on just war theory from a Marxist perspective
in Science  Society:

Marxism, Internationalism, and the Justice of War.
Science  Society, Vol. 58, No. 3, Fall 1994, 264-286.

Jim Farmelant
Learn or Review Basic Math

 This is not self-promotion as I have nothing to gain from your 
 visiting the blog 
 I created. I really created it mainly for my family who are 
 befuddled about why 
 I am moving from the US to one of the poorest countries in the 
 world... http://heytaguyana.wordpress.com/ I am thrilled, they are 
 I am fairly comprehensive in my teaching, and there is a lot of 
 produced by liberal internationalists and liberals like the Carnegie 
 Council on 
 Ethics and International Affairs. However, I would like to find more 
 sources. I am not a post-modernist, and share some solidarities with 
 post-colonial theorists (and as the saying goes, Marx never did 
 write anything 
 on International Relations - but Marxists have! - I am open to 
 anything to the 
 left of liberal internationalism. While I have taught IR theory 
 courses and 
 political theory courses - my training is mainly in political 
 especially International Political Economy - this will be the first 
 time, since 
 my first degree that I will read/write or do anything on 
 Ethics/Ethics in International Affairs.
 I leave the US on 28 June and would like to get hold of a couple of 
 good books 
 before I leave. Have you any suggestions?
 Ismail Lagardien
 Department of Politics and Public Administration
 Elon University
 Elon, NC
 Tel: +1(612) 227-5037 (Personal)

Groupon#8482 Official Site
1 ridiculously huge coupon a day. Get 50-90% off your city#39;s best!

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Re: [Marxism] Counterpunch fave defends DSK

2011-05-19 Thread mckenna193
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Yes, but CP did publish good pieces against DSK (like below). Perhaps CP turned 
down PCR's piece and he found another venue for thoughts?

May 18, 2011
Au Revoir, Monsieur Pig
Le Rapist is a Socialist? Non!
. . . .that one of the most powerful figures in international finance and 
politics has assaulted a journalist trying to interview him for a book, 
manipulated an IMF economist who was his subordinate into sleeping with him at 
a conference and now raped a maid trying to clean his room tells us another 
thing about him—and the people and institutions that have covered for him all 
these years. Strauss-Kahn, and by extension, the French Non-Socialist Party and 
IMF, all appear to have a curious hostility to working women. None of the 
incidents we've read about so far in the press took place in social settings, 
but at the women's place of work, where they were earning a living and being 
full human beings. Not to psycho-babbleize Strauss-Kahn, but he's a caveman—no 
offense to Neanderthals intended. Third of all, $3,000 a night?! That's a lot 
of mints on your pillow. Strauss-Khan calls himself a socialist (exceedingly 
small s) and heads an organization, the International Monetary Fund (IMF), 
which pretends to help the poor, but, pardon the parallel, rapes them. 
full: http://www.counterpunch.org/wolf05182011.html

-Original Message-
From: Louis Proyect l...@panix.com
To: Brian mckenna...@aol.com
Sent: Thu, May 19, 2011 12:15 pm
Subject: [Marxism] Counterpunch fave defends DSK

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It is possible that Strauss-Kahn eliminated himself and saved Washington the 
trouble. However, as a well-travelled person who has often stayed in New York 
hotels and in hotels in cities around the world, I have never experienced a 
maid entering unannounced into my room, much less when I was in the shower. 
In the spun story, Strauss-Kahn is portrayed as so deprived of sex that he 
attempted to rape a hotel maid. Anyone who ever served on the staff of a 
powerful public figure knows that this is unlikely. On a senator’s staff on 
which I served, there were two aides whose job was to make certain that no 
woman, with the exception of his wife, was ever alone with the senator. This 
was done to protect the senator both from female power groupies, who lust after 
celebrities and powerful men, and from women sent by a rival on missions to 
compromise an opponent. A powerful man such as Strauss-Kahn would not have been 
starved for women, and as a multi-millionaire he could certainly afford to make 
his own discreet arrangements. 
full: http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=vaaid=24840 
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[Marxism] The Big Uneasy

2011-05-19 Thread Louis Proyect

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Best known as a comic actor, and especially for his performance as 
a maladroit heavy metal musician in the mockumentary “This is 
Spinal Tap”, Harry Shearer is also one of the entertainment 
industry’s most trenchant social critics. Sometimes he combines 
comedy and social criticism in the same package. His radio show 
“Le Show” (is this where Stephen Colbert got the inspiration for 
the French pronunciation of his last name?) is archived at 
http://www.kcrw.com/etc/programs/ls and will introduce you to his 
sharply honed satire.

As a part-time resident of New Orleans, Shearer was understandably 
traumatized by the Hurricane Katrina flooding and began blogging 
about it on Huffington Post a while back. On August 29, 2010 he 
filed an item titled President Obama Speaks to New Orleans From 
Planet Zarg that pretty much sums up the subject of his powerful 
documentary “The Big Uneasy” that opens tomorrow at Cinema Village 
in New York (screening information for other cities is at 

	Sorry, can’t be sure that’s the planet he’s living on, but this 
intelligent, well-informed man surely can’t be living on this orb. 
Otherwise, he wouldn’t have been able to start off his speech at 
Xavier University Sunday afternoon with this reprise of his 
town-hall remarks here last October:

	“It was a natural disaster but also a manmade catastrophe; a 
shameful breakdown in government that left countless men, women, 
and children abandoned and alone.”

	Note that the “manmade catastrophe” and “breakdown” are linked 
only to the response to the flooding of New Orleans, not the 
cause, as if this intelligent, well-informed man is unaware that 
two separate, independent forensic engineering investigations of 
the disaster, conducted over a period of a year or more, agreed on 
this conclusion (in the words of UC Berkeley’s ILIT report): the 
flooding of New Orleans was “the greatest man-made engineering 
catastrophe since Chernobyl”.

full: http://louisproyect.wordpress.com/2011/05/19/the-big-uneasy/

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[Marxism] Another B-HLevy Humanitarian Intervention

2011-05-19 Thread Matthew Russo
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on behalf of DSK's human right' to be a global swinging dick along with the
rest of the financial gang-bangers:

What I do know is that nothing in the world can justify a man being thus
thrown to the dogs.

What I know is that nothing, no suspicion whatever (for let’s remind
ourselves that, as I write these lines, we are dealing only with
suspicions!), permits the entire world to revel in the spectacle, this
morning, of this handcuffed figure, his features blurred by 30 hours of
detention and questioning, but still proud. [suppressed guffawing]

What I know as well is that nothing, no earthly law, should also allow
another woman, his wife, admirable in her love and courage, to be exposed to
the slime of a public opinion drunk on salacious gossip and driven by who
knows what obscure vengeance.


the entire world...is not permitted to revel.. - let's not ask why the
entire world should take great joy in such a revel.  Effing IMF austerity



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[Marxism] Gary Younge on Obama

2011-05-19 Thread Louis Proyect

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(A pretty decent article by an Obama supporter in 2008.)


The Paradox of Hope: Obama's Presidency Breaks Racial Barrier, But 
Most Black Americans Are Worse Off

Gary Younge | May 18, 2011

When Barack Obama was pondering a run for the presidency Michelle 
asked him what he thought he could accomplish. He replied,“The day 
I take the oath of office, the world will look at us differently. 
And millions of kids across this country will look at themselves 
differently. That alone is something.” His victory was indeed 
something. The world certainly looked at America differently, 
though this had as much to do with who he wasn’t—George W. Bush—as 
what he was, black, among other things.

Polls show that African-Americans indeed look at themselves 
differently. A January 2010 Pew survey revealed huge optimism. The 
percentage of black Americans who thought blacks were better off 
than they were five years before had almost doubled since 2007. 
There were also significant increases in the percentages who 
believed the standard-of-living gap between whites and blacks was 

But for all the ways black America has felt better about itself 
and looked better to others, it has not actually fared better. In 
fact, it has been doing worse. The economic gap between black and 
white has grown since Obama took power. Under his tenure black 
unemployment, poverty and foreclosures are at their highest levels 
for at least a decade.

Millions of black kids may well aspire to the presidency now that 
a black man is in the White House. But such a trajectory is less 
likely for them now than it was under Bush. Herein lies what is at 
best a paradox and at worst a contradiction within Obama’s core 
base of support. The very group most likely to support him—black 
Americans—is the same group that is doing worse under him.

This condition was best exemplified by Velma Hart, the black chief 
financial officer for a Maryland veterans organization, who backed 
Obama in 2008. She told Obama at a town hall meeting in September, 
“I’m exhausted of defending you…. My husband and I have joked for 
years that we thought we were well beyond the hot-dogs-and-beans 
era of our lives. But, quite frankly, it is starting to knock on 
our door and ring true that that might be where we are headed 
again.” In November Velma Hart was laid off.

If it were white Americans who remained this loyal to a Republican 
president under whom they were doing this badly, the left would be 
claiming false consciousness. If a Republican president were 
behind statistics like these, few liberals would be offering that 
president the benefit of the doubt.

So, how do we explain this apparent inconsistency? There would 
appear to be three main reasons. The first is white people. Not 
all of them. But enough. Half of white Americans in a Pew survey 
shared the birthers’ doubt that Obama was born in this country. 
After the president produced his long-form birth certificate, 
Donald Trump demanded his college transcripts (claiming he was not 
smart enough to get into the Ivy League), and Newt Gingrich 
branded him the “food stamp president.” In the face of such 
brazenly racist attacks, defending Obama’s right to the office 
becomes easily blurred with defending his record.

Second, the post–civil rights era concept of corporate diversity, 
which many black people have embraced, is central to his 
symbolism. Racial advancement is increasingly understood not as a 
process of social change but of individual promotion—the elevation 
of black faces to high places. Instead of equal opportunities, we 
have photo opportunities. “We have more black people in more 
visible and powerful positions,” Angela Davis told me before 
Obama’s nomination. “But then we have far more black people who 
have been pushed down to the bottom of the ladder….There’s a model 
of diversity as the difference that makes no difference, the 
change that brings about no change.”

Third and perhaps most important, the discrepancy reflects a 
mixture of realism and low expectations. That black Americans are 
doing worse than everyone else, and that the man they elected to 
turn that around has not done so, does not fundamentally change 
their view of how American politics works; almost every other 
Democratic president has failed in a similar way. Conversely the 
fact that a black man might be elected president, that enough 
white people might vote for him, that nobody has shot him, really 
has changed their assumptions.

In the black commentariat, opinion is divided over whether 
African-Americans should demand a more overt commitment to racial 

[Marxism] oil, wars, Arab spring, etc

2011-05-19 Thread Paula
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It’s a complex situation, but here are two pieces of the jigsaw:

This article shows how important and widespread inter-imperialist rivalries 
over oil are (and helps explain why Russia and Italy have been so reluctant to 
join in the war against Libya):

This article says that in the second wave of the Arab spring, “US hesitance has 
provided opportunities for other second tier regional players (France, Turkey, 
Quatar) to take the lead in developing policies, while Germany, Russia, China 
watch from the wings”:


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[Marxism] DSK

2011-05-19 Thread Dan
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Any number of French people with Internet access are currently active on
the bloggosphere, distilling their skepticism regarding various points
relating to the DSK case.

For my part, I prefer to hedge my bets and just shut up, while I, like
the rest of you, wait for more elements to come out.

I am aware that the rich and powerful are  my masters (my former future
president for instance is definitely in that category), my overlords,
quite simply MY CLASS ENEMIES.

On a more analytic note, the domineering, overbearing, brow-beating
nature of social domination by one superior group of people over
another, means that extracting sexual favours is universally used by
those in a position of power.
The CEO will have his harem, as will the politician, the mafia kingpin,
the cult leader, the factory overseer, the gulag guard, the university
professor, the high-ranking member of the single party, anyone who can
have a say over your day-to-day life, your social status and your
prospects for the future. 

This is so universal in fact that I just pooh-pooh any attempt at
describing French society as more (or less) inclined to passing a blind
eye over using one's status to indulge in sexual gratification as
American society.

And of course, this is assuming DSK is guilty. But he has a history.
More and more reports are coming out in France (former female students
of his, members of the SP, secretaries and assistants, etc.) which don't
exactly point to someone with a respectful, considerate and
non-predatory attitude towards sexual partners. 

This being said, all the conspiracy theories circulating in Le Figaro
and Le Monde are getting to me. 
Apparently, a lot hinges on the forced oral sexual act which is seen
as somehow contradictory with a handmaid trying to escape being groped.
And on the fact that she entered the room as he was having a shower. And
on the presence of another staff member at the start of the encounter
(as reported by Le Figaro). I find all this a bit seedy and have no
problem imagining how a high-profile guest as DSK could get his way with
an African chambermaid, so I only repeat these doubts with great
Nonetheless, they are currently being aired in the French media.

I fear hatred of Sarkozy may bring some of my countrymen (and women) to
view any attack on DSK's character as somehow the result of a set up.
Not that they really like DSK to begin with, just that they really,
really hate Sarkozy and all he stands for. Imagine , not Obama, but Al
Gore vs. Bush.

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Re: [Marxism] DSK

2011-05-19 Thread Ralph Johansen

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Dan wrote

... I only repeat these doubts with great distaste.

. . . . .

Tsk dsk

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[Marxism] City of Life and Death, China does big budget block buster

2011-05-19 Thread DW
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City of Life and Death is a new film out from China. It's first big
budget film, according to the raves. It will also be
controversial...not in China so much, but in Japan. It's about the
Rape of Nanking.  From the synopsis:

On December 9, 1937, the Imperial Japanese Army laid siege to the
Chinese capital of Nanking, beginning a reign of terror that killed as
many as 300,000 civilians -- an infamous tragedy now referred to as
the Rape of Nanking. The first big-budget fiction film by the Chinese
to deal with this seminal event in their modern history, CITY OF LIFE
AND DEATH is a visceral, heartbreaking portrait of life during
wartime, and an unforgettable masterpiece of contemporary world

I'm wondering if they will ever show this in Japan? At any rate, for
me, what is interesting is that this is a movie not about the People's
Liberation Army but about the Kuomintang army's failure to protect
it's own capital, yet fighting bravely and they suffering the
massacres that accompanied this huge strategic defeat. That is
interesting. So...I'm wondering how this movie will be perceived
in...Taiwan as well and if THEY shot it.

The trailer for it is here:



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Re: [Marxism] City of Life and Death, China does big budget block buster

2011-05-19 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/19/11 10:22 PM, DW wrote:

City of Life and Death is a new film out from China. It's first big
budget film, according to the raves. It will also be
controversial...not in China so much, but in Japan. It's about the
Rape of Nanking.  From the synopsis:

Reminder. I reviewed it here:


Basically I said that it lacked historical context. You have no idea why 
the Japanese committed atrocities. The movie is based on Iris Chang's 
The Rape of Nanking which a number of historians consider flawed.

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[Marxism] Scheduled Downtime

2011-05-19 Thread ehrbar
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There will be a scheduled downtime at the mailing list server
starting in 5 minutes.  Don't know how long.


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Re: [Marxism-Thaxis] Marx and the Non-Western World

2011-05-19 Thread Peggy Dobbins
Clear statement, chris, of macro Marx, massively missed by most.  I agree this 
macro view is essential not just to accurately getting marx's main 
contribution but also to using his writings to anticipate and help advance the 
humanization process of our species' history along
Peggy Powell Dobbins 
Sociology as an Art Form

In the long history of humankind (and animal kind, too) those who learned to 
collaborate and improvise most effectively have prevailed. - Charles Darwin

On May 18, 2011, at 11:41 AM, c...@yorku.ca wrote:

 This truly path-breaking book goes against the grain of the conventional
 wisdom which reduces Marx to an Eurocentric 
 It seems to me, actually, that Anderson ironically contributes to this general
 characterization of Marx, even among Marxists, as being eurocentric. In 
 all Anderson does is create a delineation between the young Marx--- still
 beholden, as Anderson regards it, to the eurocentric legacy of historiography,
 ethnography, sociology and anthropology during the 19th century--- and an 
 Marx who allegedly abandoned all notions of dialectical development, 
 stages--- in a word, he 'abandoned' the whole of his philosophical basis
 (which, to me at least, it sees he was committed to until the last breath).
 Marx was certainly concerned with,  and sensitive to, those peripheral 
 struggle[s] taking place on the margins of European empires, but, by that
 account alone, he refrained from placing the sort of primacy on these 
 which he did when he emphasized the possibility of social change in England,
 America, and France.
 Of course, as Marx says, nothing prevents us from making criticism of 
 participation in politics, and therefore real struggles, the starting point of
 our criticism. however, from this, we should in no way conclude that 
 in Poland, Russia, Indonesia, India, etc., which raged during Marx's own life
 (or, for that matter, those which draw our attention today toward places like
 Nepal, Venezeula, etc.), are the loci around which the future of world-history
 In the Communist Manifesto, as well as in his first articles on India (1853),
 one can still find an “Orientalist” — according to Edward Said’s well known
 criticism — i.e., unilinear and Eurocentric approach, leading to a qualified
 support for colonialism.
 I can't accept such a vulgar treatment of Marx's claims. In no way, as Said
 suggests, was he an Orientalist (in the sense that he provided Europe with
 qualified support for colonialism). In fact, in his articles on India,
 letters on Russia, etc., all he insisted upon was that social transformations
 occur historically...that is, in 'stages'. In fact, he was one of the severest
 critics of the European mission in  India. Aside from a few exceptions like a
 William Cobbett, I would challenge anyone to find a major thinker who was in
 any way as critical as Marx was about the British in India. Yes, the British
 empire brought India into history as it were, but this was no qualified
 support for imperialism since--- just like the transition from feudalism to a
 market-society in Europe--- this process of colonization destroyed native
 industry, broke down the mutual dependency of the old social order, etc.
 Marx in no way could be said to have shied away from observing the negative
 impact of the British in India. Marx also believed, however, that this 
 process of exproproriation and market-expansion would lead to the
 proletarianization of the Indian peasantry. This wasn't any more of a friendly
 transition for India than it was for German peasants convicted of stealing 
 wood from the enclosed commons. It wasn't friendlyMarx's whole point is 
 it was necessary though--- 'necessity', that is, in the distinctly hegelian
 sense of the term.
 Marx’s writings on Poland and even more so on Ireland reveal an increasing
 awareness of the importance of movements for national liberation,
 Certainly it does...but it doesn't change the emphasis and primary loci of the
 struggle for socialism in advanced industrial countries. These are progressive
 and positive developments--- national liberation is a necessary movement 
 the higher movement (for a genuinely human society) can take place.
 “In the USA … labor in a white skin cannot emancipate itself where it is 
 in a black skin” (1866).
 Again, this only signals that one of the primary arenas for classs struggle is
 the united states and the white working-class there. Certainly, Marx's
 progressivism lies in the fact that he links the emancipation of black slaves
 to the emancipation of the white working-class, but, nonetheless, it doesn't
 change his general view of historical development. The same can be said for 
 letters on Russia. Yes, he emphasized new possibilities for Russia, but only 
 a result of communion with the more