Re: [Marxism] The international Jewish Communist conspiracy department

2013-06-29 Thread Peggy Dobbins
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> As long as anti-semitism continues to exist I will proclaim that I'm Jewish 
> and not try to hide the fact that I'm of Jewish descent."

Same reason I'll never resign from the CPUSA

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Re: [Marxism] The international Jewish Communist conspiracy department

2013-06-29 Thread Alan Bradley
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From: Michael Smith 
> > The race hatred directed against more recent generations of non-white
> > immigrants , especially Muslims, is a much more serious problem than
> > contemporary anti-semitism, though manifestations of each should be
> > fought equally vigorously.
> Don't quite get the logic of this: a serious problem and a
> not-so-serious problem should be 'fought equally vigorously'?

"manifestations of each".

That is, they don't manifest as frequently as each other, but when they do...

Perfectly logical.

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[Marxism] Fwd: We Can Smell the Tear Gas from Rio and Taksim to Tahrir

2013-06-29 Thread Sarah Hawas
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-- Forwarded message --
From: Sarah Hawas 
Date: Sat, Jun 29, 2013 at 7:17 PM
Subject: We Can Smell the Tear Gas from Rio and Taksim to Tahrir

Friends and comrades,

Please circulate this statement from Egypt as much as possible:

Other languages will be up shortly.



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[Marxism] Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela: the myths and the man | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2013-06-29 Thread glparramatta

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By *Terry Bell*, Cape Town

June 28, 2013 -- It was all quite predictable, I suppose, that when 
Nelson Rolihlahla Mandela was rushed to hospital for the fourth time in 
almost as many months, the media would flock, much like vultures around 
an expiring stag, to take up positions outside the hospital. That they 
would be joined by prayerfull well wishers and others was also 
inevitable, as was the massive media outpouring that probably exhausted 
almost every aspect of the equally inevitable obituaries to come.

One Scandinavian news editor at least had the presence of mind to adopt 
a slightly different tack: he instructed his Africa correspondent to try 
to establish who would "carry forward the legacy of Mandela". Of course, 
this begs the essential question: what is the Mandela legacy? Where does 
reality end and myth begin? However, the news editor was reacting to the 
myth, to the idea of the saintly reconciliator, the virtual demi-god who 
had spent 27 years in prison before emerging to stride confidently into 
the spotlight of the world's media.

Twenty years earlier, had Mandela, at that time still fairly newly 
released from incarceration, been able to see into this future, he may 
well have been astounded. Because, in December 1992, sitting in his new 
office in the headquarters of the African National Congress (ANC) in 
Johannesburg, he expressed bemused concern about the image of himself 
that he saw being created. It was the product, he felt, of "naive and 
romantic" expectations; of "the idea of a messiah armed with a magic wand".

Full article at

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Re: [Marxism] The international Jewish Communist conspiracy department

2013-06-29 Thread Marv Gandall
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On 2013-06-29, at 7:38 PM, Michael Smith wrote:
>> The race hatred directed against more recent generations of non-white
>> immigrants , especially Muslims, is a much more serious problem than
>> contemporary anti-semitism, though manifestations of each should be
>> fought equally vigorously.
> Don't quite get the logic of this: a serious problem and a
> not-so-serious problem should be 'fought equally vigorously'? 
> Of course it's a non-issue for me personally; I can't fight 
> a thing I never encounter. Oh, I suppose I could deplore it, 
> among some faraway people of whom I (quite literally) know
> nothing, but that doesn't sound much like a fight to me. 

Point taken. But there are people on this list who are involved in organized 
anti-racism activities. I'm not, but better to deplore these racist outbreaks 
to those we know when the opportunity arises than to remain silent. That's true 
of most issues which concern us. 

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[Marxism] Kevin Rudd: messiah or magician?

2013-06-29 Thread en . passant
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So while the reality may be, as I have argued elsewhere, that it makes no 
difference which Labor leader is selling us the shit sandwich of neoliberalism, 
in the short term it does. The swing to Labor under the newly recycled Rudd 
expresses workers' hopes for a better world. Time, and the reality of 
capitalism, will destroy that illusion but at the moment many of us appear 
spell bound by the magician whose tricks give us hope.

It is false hope to be sure but it will take workers time and the experience of 
Rudd in power for longer than a few weeks second time round to understand that.

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Re: [Marxism] The international Jewish Communist conspiracy department

2013-06-29 Thread Michael Smith
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> The race hatred directed against more recent generations of non-white
> immigrants , especially Muslims, is a much more serious problem than
> contemporary anti-semitism, though manifestations of each should be
> fought equally vigorously.

Don't quite get the logic of this: a serious problem and a
not-so-serious problem should be 'fought equally vigorously'? 

Of course it's a non-issue for me personally; I can't fight 
a thing I never encounter. Oh, I suppose I could deplore it, 
among some faraway people of whom I (quite literally) know
nothing, but that doesn't sound much like a fight to me. 

Leur sçavoir n’estoyt que besterye, et leur sapience n’estoyt 
que moufles, abastardisant les bons et nobles esperitz, et 
corrumpent toute fleur de ieunesse. 

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Re: [Marxism] Half Marxist - Half Buddhist

2013-06-29 Thread Louis Proyect

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Gendun Choephel began life as a Buddhist monk but evolved into a scholar 
of Tibetan history and a political activist during his extended visit to 
India in the 1930s, where he became inspired by Gandhi’s revolt. He 
decided to travel to India after coming into contact with Rahul 
Sankrityayan, an Indian researcher of ancient Buddhist texts in Tibet. 
Surprisingly, Sankrityayan was also a Marxist revolutionary who fought 
for Indian independence. (It should be mentioned that many of these 
texts were burned in huge bonfires during the Chinese Cultural 
Revolution, a barbaric act that rivals the Taliban’s destruction of 
ancient statues of Buddha in Afghanistan.)


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Re: [Marxism] Obama: how much real change on climate change?

2013-06-29 Thread Billy O'Connor
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== writes:

> Rather than celebrating Obama's renewed "commitment" to environmental
> action, we should recognize it for what it is: After five years of
> doing all he can to promote fossil fuel production, it's the first,
> timid, grudging response of the U.S state to the growing
> environmental movement against Obama and all that he represents: the
> economic, political and military priorities of U.S. imperial power.

If I take Obama's remarks correctly, he declared that he wouldn't
approve Keystone unless it could be shown that it wouldn't increase
carbon emissions.

Unfortunately, cooking up a model that shows the pipeline would *reduce*
carbon emissions is a sophomore homework problem, at best.

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[Marxism] US/Opposition "economic hitmen" in Venezuela

2013-06-29 Thread DW
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The are against the Venezuelan economy continues:

Interesting article and lots of photos. Venezuelan subsidized food being
stolen and sold at higher prices in Colombia.

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Re: [Marxism] The international Jewish Communist conspiracy department

2013-06-29 Thread Marv Gandall
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On 2013-06-29, at 1:51 PM, Einde O'Callaghan wrote:

> It may be that anti-semitism is now irrelevant in the USA, but unfortunately 
> it's very much alive and well in Europe (the current Hungarian government 
> officially propagates anti-Semitism and a fascist anti-Semitic party is a 
> junior partner in the government).

Yes, anti-semitism hasn't disappeared, although it is less virulent and has 
less of a mass character that it once had, mainly I think because the Jews are 
no longer predominantly poor working class immigrants with alien features and 
an alien culture, and also because of the shocking effect of the Judeocide on 
popular opinion in the West. The current runs deeper in Eastern Europe, even 
though it is now largely judenfrei, because of the strong historical 
association of Jews with the region's Communist parties and regimes and because 
a remaining handful of Jewish capitalists continue to serve as a convenient 
scapegoat for demagogic politicians.

The race hatred directed against more recent generations of non-white 
immigrants , especially Muslims, is a much more serious problem than 
contemporary anti-semitism, though manifestations of each should be fought 
equally vigorously.

> This is why so many secular socialists of Jewish descent who are absolutely 
> non-religious still identify themselves as Jews as a sign of their opposition 
> to anti-Semitism.
> As on of my secular socialist Jewish friends once said when asked by some 
> Orthodox Jewish students in Poland why he considered himself Jewish even 
> though he was an atheist and didn't adhere to any Jewish religious practices: 
> "As long as anti-semitism continues to exist I will proclaim that I'm Jewish 
> and not try to hide the fact that I'm of Jewish descent."

It doesn't matter to me under what banner people oppose injustice, and I can 
understand why your friend would have a particular interest in the issue. 
However, I don't think you have to be Jewish to fight anti-semitism, nor belong 
to a particular racial or ethnic group in order to effectively fight the forms 
of racism directed at it. The Marxist parties and groups, for example, were 
more prescient and resolute in warning about the genocidal anti-semitism of the 
Nazis  than the religious and conservative leaders of the Jewish masses, even 
discounting the extraordinary pressures on the latter and the ultimately 
hopeless nature of the struggle. 

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[Marxism] Obama: how much real change on climate change?

2013-06-29 Thread en . passant
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Rather than celebrating Obama's renewed "commitment" to environmental action, 
we should recognize it for what it is: After five years of doing all he can to 
promote fossil fuel production, it's the first, timid, grudging response of the 
U.S state to the growing environmental movement against Obama and all that 
he represents: the economic, political and military priorities of U.S. imperial 

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[Marxism] Obama’s spy methods exposed by Snowden

2013-06-29 Thread Andrew Pollack
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Jeff Mackler asked me to forward the link to his new article.

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Re: [Marxism] The international Jewish Communist conspiracy department

2013-06-29 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 28.06.2013 14:34, Marv Gandall wrote:

Trotsky, Zinoviev, Radek, and other lesser known Bolsheviks were materialists 
who rejected religion and had long ceased to identify with the Jewish 
communities into which they had been born. However, as Bolsheviks they still 
regarded the Jews as a nation with a common language, culture,  and territory 
in Eastern Europe, and they viewed anti-semitism as an major ruling class 
weapon in the struggle against the growing mass influence of Marxism. Therein 
lies the importance of being Jewish in that historical period. It was often a 
life and death matter, and it universally doomed the entire Yiddish-speaking 
nation in WWII.

Today, Judaism survives as a transnational religion like Islam, Christianity, Buddhism, 
etc. I've never quite understood understood why Deutscher continued to describe himself 
as a "non-Jewish Jew" since he did not practice the religion and had no longer 
had connection to an organized Jewish community. In his defence, he could claim to have 
come from the shtetl and to speak its distinctive language.

The attenuated attachment to the tradition of contemporary secular non-Jewish "Jews" in 
many countries, however, seems to me to resemble that of the descendants of the Irish, Italian, and 
other European immigrant families: mainly nostalgic - a fondness for pastrami, klezmer, and other 
features of the inherited culture - and an uncritical belief in the blood tie of having been born 
of a Jewish mother and of belonging to a separate Ashkenazi or Sephardic racial or ethnic group. In 
one respect, though, "Jewish" self-identification is unique, owing much to the traumatic 
memory of the Judeocide, still too fresh for a generation once removed to ease fears of its 
recurrence and to fully assimilate even though it is widely dispersed, intermingled, and 

It may be that anti-semitism is now irrelevant in the USA, but 
unfortunately it's very much alive and well in Europe (the current 
Hungarian government officially propagates anti-Semitism and a fascist 
anti-Semitic party is a junior partner in the government). This is why 
so many secular socialists of Jewish descent who are absolutely 
non-religious still identify themselves as Jews as a sign of their 
opposition to anti-Semitism.

As on of my secular socialist Jewish friends once said when asked by 
some Orthodox Jewish students in Poland why he considered himself Jewish 
even though he was an atheist and didn't adhere to any Jewish religious 
practices: "As long as anti-semitism continues to exist I will proclaim 
that I'm Jewish and not try to hide the fact that I'm of Jewish descent."

Einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Guess who's a Jew

2013-06-29 Thread Dennis Brasky
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This discussion reminds me of my late mother's lifelong insistence that
both Elvis and Mickey Mantle were of Jewish ancestry. Maybe she was onto

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Re: [Marxism] Guess who's a Jew

2013-06-29 Thread Daniel Rocha
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Why very few Europeans have very 'Jewish Blood'?

2013/6/29 DW 

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> What a discussion? Well, if you want to know the truth, likely few
> Europeans have 'Jewish blood' in them...however, as the 2nd or 3rd oldest
> Jewish community in the world resided in Iran, if yo scratch a person
> you'll likely find some Jewish DNA. What ever that meansas
> deciperpheral DNA of that type is impossible to can only find
> broad general markers for the later evolved Ashkenazi and the extremely
> diffuse Sephardi Jews from, say, 1,000 AD or so.
> An old sport I guess is "Jew counting"...among certain types.
> David
> Send list submissions to:
> Set your options at:

Daniel Rocha - RJ

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Re: [Marxism] Half Marxist - Half Buddhist

2013-06-29 Thread Richard Fidler
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There is much, much more on this story of the relationship between the Dalai
Lama and the Tibetan and Chinese Communists in the autobiography of the
founder of the Tibetan CP, as told in the book edited by Melvyn C.
Goldstein, Dawei Sherap and William R. Siebenschuh: "A Tibetan
Revolutionary: The Political Life and Times of Bapa Phüntso Wangye"
(University of California Press, 2004). Bapa Phüntso Wangye introduced the
Dalai Lama, then a very young man, to Mao Tse-tung in Beijing.
 At p. 190 there is a photo of Chairman Mao and other leaders of the central
government officially meeting with the Dalai Lama in 1954. The Dalai Lama
was invited to participate in the National People's Congress; he accepted
and served as its vice chairman.


-Original Message-
] On Behalf Of
Sent: June-28-13 2:32 PM
Subject: [Marxism] Half Marxist - Half Buddhist

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Tricycle article on the Dalai Lama and Marx
The Buddhist magazine Tricycle has an interesting on-line article on the
Dalai Lama's relationship with Marxism.

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Re: [Marxism] Guess who's a Jew

2013-06-29 Thread DW
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What a discussion? Well, if you want to know the truth, likely few
Europeans have 'Jewish blood' in them...however, as the 2nd or 3rd oldest
Jewish community in the world resided in Iran, if yo scratch a person
you'll likely find some Jewish DNA. What ever that meansas
deciperpheral DNA of that type is impossible to can only find
broad general markers for the later evolved Ashkenazi and the extremely
diffuse Sephardi Jews from, say, 1,000 AD or so.

An old sport I guess is "Jew counting"...among certain types.


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Re: [Marxism] Guess who's a Jew

2013-06-29 Thread Daniel Rocha
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Pretty much everyone is Jew in Europe, if you go long enough into a
mother's mother genealogical branch.

2013/6/29 Louis Proyect 

> ==**==**==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==**==**==
> Tehran:09:38 ,  6/28/2013
> تعداد بازدید:
> Britain’s Royal Family; Christian or Jewish?
> TEHRAN, Jun. 28 (MNA) – It still remains a question for many people in the
> UK as how a “flight attendant” could marry Queen’s grandson; a fact that
> although hushed and ignored by British mainstream media, did not manage to
> skip some media’s attention.
> The truth is that the Royal Family’s new bride is a Jew. Although in the
> wedding ceremony it was pretended that Kate Middleton is Christian but this
> lady’s family roots show that she is considered a Sephardic Jew from her
> mother’s side. Moreover the timing of the wedding and the way it was held
> which was based on Jewish culture verify the evidences.
> Kate’s mother was surnamed Goldsmith before marrying Kate’s father.
> According to Jewish laws if a mother is a Jew, her children will be Jews,
> too. Therefore Kate Middleton is a Sephardic Jew and her children will be
> Jews based on the Jewish law.
> This gains more significance once we realize that she is stepping in to
> the Buckingham Palace as the wife of a man who will be not only the king of
> England but also the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. Sources
> close to this 30 year-old bride have said that Kate Middleton and her
> parents would not regularly attend the church service, therefore Church of
> England decided to baptize and Christianize the new member unofficially and
> secretly so that her marriage to Prince William could be confirmed.
> Nevertheless even being baptized by the bishop of the church cannot
> prevent Prince William’s son, the next king and the senior governor of the
> Church of England, from being a Jew as Kate and William’s child will
> inevitably remain a Jew.
> The Jewishness of the members of the Royal family does not end up in just
> one case, there are others in the British Royal Family who were and are
> Jews. Princess Diana the bride of Queen Elizabeth was also born to a Jewish
> mother and was thus considered a Jew. Therefore her sons William and Harry
> are also Jews.
> In her book “The Diana Chronicles”, Tina Brown claims that Princess
> Diana’s Jewish mother, Frances Shand Kydd had relationships with a Jewish
> banker called James Goldsmith while she was married to Earl John Spencer.
> She argues that Diana who was born in 1961 was the illegitimate child of
> Goldsmith and was not the real daughter of Spencer. Brown writes that even
> if Diana is not born to a Jewish father, based on the Jewish law, she is
> still considered a Jew as she was born to a Jewish mother.
> In her appearance, Princess Diana significantly resembles James
> Goldsmith’s children- Zack, Ben and Jemima; it is said that they are
> Diana’s stepbrothers and stepsister.
> In 2003 Ben Goldsmith claimed that he was Diana’s stepbrother and thus
> married Kate Rothschild. This made Zach introduce himself as Diana’s
> stepbrother, too; he, as well, became a Parliament member after that and
> divorced his wife. Right now Zach lives with Alice Rothschild. It is
> expected that the Rothschild-Goldsmith couple will get married.
> As previously mentioned, by a Jewish definition of the Jews, a child
> should be born to a Jewish mother so that she or he is considered a Jew
> because in Judaism religion is passed through mothers. Prince William’s
> grandmother, Princess Diana’s mother, a Jewish woman born Frances Ruth
> Roche was a member of the Rothschild family. Evidences allege that Diana’s
> paternal ancestors were Jewish, too and therefore William is certainly a
> Jew.
> In conclusion even if the Royal Family, particularly Kate and William
> introduce themselves as staunch Christians, since the bride of the family,
> Princess Diana the wife of Prince Charles , was Jewish, her two sons Harry
> and William are Jews. On the other hand William’s marriage as the inheritor
> of the crown to a Jewish girl will leave the future of Britain to the hands
> of the couple’s Jewish children.
> __**__
> Send list submissions to: 
> Marxism@greenhouse.economics.**
> Set your options at: http://greenhouse.economics.**

[Marxism] Guess who's a Jew

2013-06-29 Thread Louis Proyect

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Tehran:09:38 ,  6/28/2013
تعداد بازدید:

Britain’s Royal Family; Christian or Jewish?

TEHRAN, Jun. 28 (MNA) – It still remains a question for many people in 
the UK as how a “flight attendant” could marry Queen’s grandson; a fact 
that although hushed and ignored by British mainstream media, did not 
manage to skip some media’s attention.

The truth is that the Royal Family’s new bride is a Jew. Although in the 
wedding ceremony it was pretended that Kate Middleton is Christian but 
this lady’s family roots show that she is considered a Sephardic Jew 
from her mother’s side. Moreover the timing of the wedding and the way 
it was held which was based on Jewish culture verify the evidences.

Kate’s mother was surnamed Goldsmith before marrying Kate’s father. 
According to Jewish laws if a mother is a Jew, her children will be 
Jews, too. Therefore Kate Middleton is a Sephardic Jew and her children 
will be Jews based on the Jewish law.

This gains more significance once we realize that she is stepping in to 
the Buckingham Palace as the wife of a man who will be not only the king 
of England but also the Supreme Governor of the Church of England. 
Sources close to this 30 year-old bride have said that Kate Middleton 
and her parents would not regularly attend the church service, therefore 
Church of England decided to baptize and Christianize the new member 
unofficially and secretly so that her marriage to Prince William could 
be confirmed.

Nevertheless even being baptized by the bishop of the church cannot 
prevent Prince William’s son, the next king and the senior governor of 
the Church of England, from being a Jew as Kate and William’s child will 
inevitably remain a Jew.

The Jewishness of the members of the Royal family does not end up in 
just one case, there are others in the British Royal Family who were and 
are Jews. Princess Diana the bride of Queen Elizabeth was also born to a 
Jewish mother and was thus considered a Jew. Therefore her sons William 
and Harry are also Jews.

In her book “The Diana Chronicles”, Tina Brown claims that Princess 
Diana’s Jewish mother, Frances Shand Kydd had relationships with a 
Jewish banker called James Goldsmith while she was married to Earl John 
Spencer. She argues that Diana who was born in 1961 was the illegitimate 
child of Goldsmith and was not the real daughter of Spencer. Brown 
writes that even if Diana is not born to a Jewish father, based on the 
Jewish law, she is still considered a Jew as she was born to a Jewish 

In her appearance, Princess Diana significantly resembles James 
Goldsmith’s children- Zack, Ben and Jemima; it is said that they are 
Diana’s stepbrothers and stepsister.

In 2003 Ben Goldsmith claimed that he was Diana’s stepbrother and thus 
married Kate Rothschild. This made Zach introduce himself as Diana’s 
stepbrother, too; he, as well, became a Parliament member after that and 
divorced his wife. Right now Zach lives with Alice Rothschild. It is 
expected that the Rothschild-Goldsmith couple will get married.

As previously mentioned, by a Jewish definition of the Jews, a child 
should be born to a Jewish mother so that she or he is considered a Jew 
because in Judaism religion is passed through mothers. Prince William’s 
grandmother, Princess Diana’s mother, a Jewish woman born Frances Ruth 
Roche was a member of the Rothschild family. Evidences allege that 
Diana’s paternal ancestors were Jewish, too and therefore William is 
certainly a Jew.

In conclusion even if the Royal Family, particularly Kate and William 
introduce themselves as staunch Christians, since the bride of the 
family, Princess Diana the wife of Prince Charles , was Jewish, her two 
sons Harry and William are Jews. On the other hand William’s marriage as 
the inheritor of the crown to a Jewish girl will leave the future of 
Britain to the hands of the couple’s Jewish children.

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[Marxism] review of 9.5 Theses on Art and Class

2013-06-29 Thread Adam Turl
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Contemporary art is also riddled with its own contradictions -- related to
the “real world” problems above. What is the role of art when its audience
is a small minority of the general population? What is the role of art
produced by an individual -- or a small group -- when millions of images
are now instantly available at the push of a button? What is art’s answer
to the growing consciousness of social class, inequality, crass
commercialism, racism, sexism, and so on? How do art’s “spiritual” roles --
for lack of a better term -- relate to its social roles and its present
economic location?
For generations art’s answer to technological innovation was to make itself
a radical laboratory for signification -- as expressed in the modernist
succession of avant-garde movements.
In that process something called the “art world” was created—a phenomenon
that is actually a peculiar industry -- peculiar for industrial capitalism
in that it is characterized by autonomous commodity (art) production geared
toward a boutique market (the art gallery), and given validation by a
specialized group of intellectuals (in artschools, journals and museums,

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