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> The race hatred directed against more recent generations of non-white
> immigrants , especially Muslims, is a much more serious problem than
> contemporary anti-semitism, though manifestations of each should be
> fought equally vigorously.

Don't quite get the logic of this: a serious problem and a
not-so-serious problem should be 'fought equally vigorously'? 

Of course it's a non-issue for me personally; I can't fight 
a thing I never encounter. Oh, I suppose I could deplore it, 
among some faraway people of whom I (quite literally) know
nothing, but that doesn't sound much like a fight to me. 

Leur sçavoir n’estoyt que besterye, et leur sapience n’estoyt 
que moufles, abastardisant les bons et nobles esperitz, et 
corrumpent toute fleur de ieunesse. 

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