Re: [Marxism] Worker strike actions in Donbass?

2014-05-05 Thread h0ost
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[Marxism] Worker strike actions in Donbass?

2014-05-05 Thread h0ost
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Does anyone have any information about what is happening with the recent
protests and strike actions by various industrial workers in the Donbass

Since the article is in Russian, I'll paraphrase it very loosely:

According to the site (not sure how reliable its information
is), the entire cycle of metallurgical production is currently stopped
in the Donbass region, due to protests and work stoppages by miners,
metal workers and related industrial workers.

Striking miners at Enakievo have spontaneously raised the question of a
national political strike.  This has been accompanied by a call to
boycott banks and other business owned by various oligarchs, from
pro-new government financiers like Kolomoisky (accused of also financing
the "Right Sector"), to Ukraine's richest capitalist, Rinat Ahmetov, who
is Donbass-based.

The slogans are "Fascists get out", along with calls for Kiev to remove
its troops from the region.

I don't know what "spontaneous" means in this case, but could such labor
actions provide an opening for genuine (i.e. not neo-Stalinist, or
red-brown) organizing/propagandizing for revolutionary leftists?

Also, what is meant by a "political strike": against the oligarchs?  If
so, on what basis: of shifting factory ownership from Ukrainian
capitalists to Russian ones?  Or, of attempting worker
control/self-management?  Or, perhaps a strike simply against the new
government in Kiev?

I am curious, because almost everything seems to be focused
(understandably) on the fighting in Donbass and the tragedy in Odessa,
but the strikes have also started very recently.

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[Marxism] International Student Initiative for Pluralism in Economics

2014-05-05 Thread Russell Morse
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[Marxism] revolution, reform - 400 panels & events

2014-05-05 Thread Left Forum
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Re: [Marxism] Australian Socialist Alliance edges into the Putinite camp

2014-05-05 Thread Alan Bradley
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Obviously Louis is correct - people who don't know jack shit about the Ukraine 
are the most qualified to comment on it. After all, that's the traditional Left 

The sad truth is that endless circular debates with Putinites are an epic waste 
of time. Even reading them is eye-stabbingly pointless. That's why you don't 
hear much from Socialist Alliance members on these topics.

Articles posted on Links aren't "line" documents. Socialist Alliance *isn't* 
the US SWP in drag.

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Re: [Marxism] Chris Ford Debate on Ukraine/ISN Meeting You Tube

2014-05-05 Thread Stiofan OBuadhaigh
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For anyone who watched this, it is well worth your time to also see the 
presentation by 
Zakhar Popovych of the Ukrainian Left Opposition at the same event. He 
describes the 

struggle of leftist forces during the Maidan uprising, and afterwards, 
contending with Svoboda and
other Banderist  forces.

Zakhar Popovych (Ukrainian Left Opposition, Commons Journal) on Crisis in the 
Ukraine (ISN Meeting)

   Zakhar Popovych (Ukrainian Left Opposition, Commons...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

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Re: [Marxism] These are our peeps, not Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Michael Smith
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On May 5, 2014, at 9:24 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:
> Why would you distinguish yourself from young anarchists and leftists  

They were very charming and appealing, and yes, much like 
Occupy, to all appearances. Youth is -- almost -- irresistible. 

It takes a bit more than that for me to consider somebody 'peeps' 
-- and, for that matter, would they consider me 'peeps'? It's a 
reciprocal relation, innit? 

But yeah, there are a lot of unrelated currents here there and 
everywhere. Putin is no angel, and a dim view of plutocracy is 
always something to encourage.

On the other hand, it's probably mistaken to imagine that German 
or American plutocrats would be preferable to home-brew.  

Michael Smith

A man should take care not to be made a proverb; and, therefore, should avoid 
having any one topick of which people can say, "We shall hear him upon it." 

--Dr J 

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2014-05-05 Thread Max Lane
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Re: [Marxism] Bandera and Ukraine

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 5/5/14 9:25 PM, Stiofan OBuadhaigh wrote:

Bandera's followers believed that Jews were not Ukrainians and were to blame 
for the suffering of the Ukrainian people
and the lack of a Ukrainian state.

It also has a lot to do with the tendency of Jews, who lived in urban 
areas, to back the Bolsheviks against the largely peasant supporters of 
the Ukrainian Rada in 1918. Subeltny covers this in some detail.

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Re: [Marxism] Bandera and Ukraine

2014-05-05 Thread Stiofan OBuadhaigh
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Lou wrote:
"Bandera was a very different phenomena and put 
simply without Stalinism there would have been no Bandera."

I am not so sure about this. The Ukrainian Insurgent Army was active in Eastern 
Poland before WWII
were they engaged in their share of violent ethnic cleansing that had nothing 
to do with Stalin or 

the famine within the Soviet Union. It is incorrect to state that radical 
Ukrainian nationalism of this
period was identical to Nazism, but there were was some ideological overlap. 
Bandera's followers 

believed that Jews were not Ukrainians and were to blame for the suffering of 
the Ukrainian people
and the lack of a Ukrainian state. This strain of virulent right wing 
nationalism predated Stalin and has certainly outlived him.

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Re: [Marxism] These are our peeps, not Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Michael Smith
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In the immortal words of Tonto: "What you mean 'we', paleface?"

Michael Smith

A man should take care not to be made a proverb; and, therefore, should avoid 
having any one topick of which people can say, "We shall hear him upon it." 

--Dr J 

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Re: [Marxism] The settlers/colonizers of Eastern Ukraine

2014-05-05 Thread Stiofan OBuadhaigh
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Thank you to comrade Kutnii for providing  additional historical information
on this issue although I am still at odds over Lou's characterization of 
Russian speakers in Ukraine as 
an oppressive settler/colonizer  class. 

Sergii wrote:
"I would say that SE Ukraine is analogous not to Ireland or Algeria but to some 
parts of the US..."

I am reminded that the shipyards of Belfast were not only Protestant owned but 
every job there was reserved for 
Protestants. It was a neat bit of vertical class collaboration that was the 
whole point of this in migration.
That is to say that this Irish minority was there to create a permanent 
economic and political elite to suppress any signs of nationalism directed at 
the ruling class. The same can be said for French colonial Algeria and the Boer 
"Republic" in Southern Africa. Did this happen in Ukraine?

My specialized knowledge is limited but it seems to me that the oligarchs in 
power in Kiev before, and afte,r the Euromaidan insurrection were all native 
Ukrainian speakers. At the same time I believe that many of the coal miners and 
industrial proletariat of Eastern Ukraine were and are native Russian speakers. 
On the very street were the people were burned to death in Odessa, there were 
violent clashes during the Bolshevik Revolution between Reds, Whites, and 
supporters of Ukrainian independence. This is obviously a very complicated, and 
multi-layered tragedy unfolding before us. At this point I simply can not 
accept Lou's assertion that the right wing street fighters, animated by a 
disturbing vision of who is a "Ukrainian," must be supported as a manifestation 
of a national liberation struggle. 

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[Marxism] Slobodari on Ukraine: Growth of Nationalistic War

2014-05-05 Thread Sergii Kutnii
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'Slobodari' left-wing group from Bosnia wrote an article on current
events in Ukraine.
(in Serbo-Croatian)

And here's the Russian translation by

Apparently, Bosnians, who experienced an ethnic conflict, can feel its
smell across the borders.

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[Marxism] Statement of left and anarchist organizations about “Borotba” organization (English, German, Polish, French, Serbo-Croatian, Lithuanian) | Автономна спілка трудящих

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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Наші дії, Статті / Бер. 03, 2014 / 20 Коментарі

Statement of left and anarchist organizations about “Borotba” 
organization (English, German, Polish, French, Serbo-Croatian, Lithuanian)

We, the collectives and members of Ukrainian leftist and anarchist 
organizations, announce that “Borotba” Union is not a part of our 
movement. During the whole time of this political project’s existence, 
its members tended to be committed to the most discredited, conservative 
and authoritarian “leftist” regimes and ideologies, which do not 
represent the interests of working classes in any way.

”Borotba” has proved itself an organization with a non-transparent 
funding mechanism and unscrupulous principles of cooperation. It uses 
hired workers, who are not even the members of the organization. The 
local cells of “Borotba” took part in the protest actions together with 
PSPU (Progressive Socialist Party of Ukraine, which is an anti-Semitic, 
racist, and clerical party, and has no relation to the world socialist 
movement) and with Kharkiv pro-government, anti-Semitic and homophobic 
group “Oplot”; and are known for their linkage with an infamous 
journalist O.Chalenko, who openly stands for Russian chauvinism.

Recent events demonstrate that the leadership of this union, following 
the example of the “Communist” Party of Ukraine, have been overtly 
defending the interests of president Yanukovych, justifying the use of 
weapons by security forces and denying the acts of unjustified violence 
and cruelty on their part, the use of tortures and other forms of 
political terror.  The representatives of “Borotba” take an extremely 
biased stance concerning the composition of protest movement, which is 
represented both on their own web resources and in the media 
commentaries. According to them, the Maidan protests are supported 
exclusively by nationalists and radical right, and were aimed only at a 
coup d’etat (“fascist putsch”).

We stand on antifascist positions, and our activists have often been 
victims of radical rightists’ attacks. We do not support some of the 
Maidan’s ideas, and are against the bourgeois opposition. We also 
condemn conservative, nationalist, and radical right sentiments, which 
are tolerated in the protesters’ circles nowadays. However, we emphasize 
that labeling all active citizens as “fascists” is not only false, but 
also dangerous. This one-sidedness is fueling chauvinist hysteria and 
divides society, which is only favourable for the ruling class.

On January 24th, the region council deputy and “Borotba” representative 
Oleksiy Albu participated in the protection of Odesa region 
administration building against “Nazis”,  accompanied by Russian 
Cossacks and nationalists (“Slavic Unity”) and the members of ruling 
Party of Regions and Communist Party. In his later interview, he 
admitted his cooperation with  the Security Service of Ukraine.

On March 1st, “Borotba” activists together with pro-Putin organizations 
took part in the assault on Kharkiv region state administration,  which 
resulted in raising of a Russian flag and severe beating of many Kharkiv 
Maidan activists, including a leftist poet Serhiy Zhadan. The members of 
“Borotba” call all of this “an antifascist action” and claim that these 
violent actions were aimed against radical rightists.

Therefore, we conclude that the leadership of “Borotba” union not only 
support the authoritarian Soviet past, but also consciously manipulate 
public opinion, and are acting as “pocket revolutionaries” of the ruling 
elites. Their activity at the moment does not have anything in common 
with leftist politics and class struggle, and is aimed at the support of 
pro-Putinist forces behind the mask of “antifascism” and “communism”. 
Thus, the actions of this organization are discrediting both its name 
(which is derived from revolutionaries-“borotbists” of the beginning of 
the XXth century) and all the modern Ukrainian left in general. 
Moreover, “Borotba” does not disdain overt lies and fact manipulations, 
deceiving foreign leftists and antifascists.

We urge all the conscious revolutionaries, who are still the members of 
“Borotba”, to leave this treacherous, pro-bourgeois union and to cease 
all the political relations with its leadership. We also hope that 
European and Russian left will reconsider their attitude to “Borotba.” 
The organization of this kind should be isolated.

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[Marxism] Australian Socialist Alliance edges into the Putinite camp

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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Over the past nearly 20 years since I have cohabited with these people 
on Marxmail and the mailing list that preceded it, I have gotten used to 
their reticence. There was a time when they were still gung-ho on 
"Leninism" that they were more outspoken. I distinctly remember Peter 
Boyle (the activist, not the comic actor) once making the case that 
Leninism was revolutionary factionalism. Of course, that was a long time 
ago and my memory might be fading. Have to increase the fish oil intake, 
I guess.

The only member of this group that seems to have a mind of his own is 
Michael Karadjis who I had some battle royales with during the war in 
Kosovo. I only wish that I could turn the clock back and have 
distinguished myself more from Jared Israel. Oh well, live and learn. 
Michael is sort of their Richard Seymour, an outlier who has the odd 
notion that membership in a "Bolshevik" group has some relationship to 
the historic Bolshevik Party where members were expected to think and 
speak for themselves. What a quaint notion.

As should be obvious from Links posting Borotba's call 
( for an anti-fascist (ie., pro-Russian) 
protest in Ukraine and Kagarlitsky's addled musings, as well as kindred 
expressions from Renfrey Clarke and Tony Ilitis in Green Left Weekly, 
our friends are moving rapidly toward the John Rees orientation. 
Borotba's statement is really quite an eye-opener, filled with 
formulations that probably wouldn't pass muster in Counterfire 
and--unbelievably--a citation from Frankly, you would think at 
this stage of the game that serious political people would avoid citing, especially on the Ukraine. For me, quoting on the Ukraine 
is like putting on a red rubber nose, grease-paint and squirting people 
with a seltzer bottle.

But even more puzzling is the absence of debate on their own mailing 
list on Yahoo or here about all this. I have trouble figuring out 
whether this is a function of the sort of disdain for the 
petty-bourgeois Internet shared by the ISO and the SWP or instead a 
pronounced tendency in their ranks toward allowing an orientation to be 
determined by "specialists" like Renfrey Clarke. I only wish that I had 
the guts when I was an SWP member to challenge someone like Frank Lovell 
back in 1977 when he told a convention that the working class of the USA 
was more radicalized than any time in the 20th century. Having lived 
through that experience, I resolved to make up my own mind about everything.

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[Marxism] These are our peeps, not Putin

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Darkness in May. A socialist eye-witness in Odessa | People and Nature

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] Syria minister sees 'prosperous tourist season' in Homs | News , Middle East | THE DAILY STAR

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Readers of Marx and Engels Decry Publisher’s Assertion of Copyright - Research - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2014-05-05 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 05.05.2014 22:29, Lüko Willms wrote: on Mittwoch, 30. April 2014 at 
22:38, Einde O'Callaghan wrote:

The material has now been removed and we've started examining the stuff
to see what was originally published in English, e.g. Engels's articles
for the Northern Star, Marx's articles for the New York Tribune or the
Minutes of the IWMA. We've also started looking for available
non-copyright translations of the material taken down. And we've begun
to re-translate some of the material

   You could also make a new try to convince L&W that they are shooting 
themselves in their foot and will get far less money from this copyright shark than 
what he is promising them. And that they will not sell less printed books because 
of that deal.

   And that they would be better of with a deal that MIA puts a link to the L&W 
shop where the readers could order a printed copy of the book.

Under the pressure of the bad publicity Lawrence & Wishart have 
announced that they are investigating ways of making at least some of 
their stuff available to a wider public. We're waiting to see what their 
proposals are.

Meanwhile, we're checking out other available (non-copyright) 
translations. And, as already mentioned, we're also working on getting 
new translations of at least some of the stuff. The latter is a longer 
term project seeing as it took several decades to organise the 
translations in the MECW  - and for about half of that time they had the 
support of a state power and several western academic institutions in 
doing so, something the MIA doesn't have - although we're particularly 
pleased that several of the people who work on the MEGA have given their 
support to us..

Einde O'Callaghan

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[Marxism] Theneeds - Eleanor Marx: A Life by Rachel Holmes, review

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] Readers of Marx and Engels Decry Publisher’s Assertion of Copyright - Research - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2014-05-05 Thread Lüko Willms
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on Mittwoch, 30. April 2014 at 22:38, Einde O'Callaghan wrote:

> The material has now been removed and we've started examining the stuff
> to see what was originally published in English, e.g. Engels's articles
> for the Northern Star, Marx's articles for the New York Tribune or the
> Minutes of the IWMA. We've also started looking for available 
> non-copyright translations of the material taken down. And we've begun
> to re-translate some of the material 

  You could also make a new try to convince L&W that they are shooting 
themselves in their foot and will get far less money from this copyright shark 
than what he is promising them. And that they will not sell less printed books 
because of that deal. 

  And that they would be better of with a deal that MIA puts a link to the L&W 
shop where the readers could order a printed copy of the book. 

  This story reminds me of the blunder which the US computer company Unisys 
made by demanding a fee for their patented LZW compression algorithm which was 
used by Compuserve in their GIF graphic format. Unisys was just getting a lot 
of bad press. 

  They should instead have required that each shelf copy of a software using 
the LZW algorithm had to state that this software originated from Unisys, 
showing the Unisys logo, and a similar requirement for downloadable software. 
Shortsighted fools they are. 

Lüko Willms

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[Marxism] Socialist electoralism: from spectating to participation | spreadtheinfestation

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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If we are following Socialist Alternative’s original vision of a hundred 
Sawants – or preferably, a thousand Sawants – by encouraging people to 
run for office, then we need to understand that it’s going to be utter 
chaos.  Some people will run and have no idea what they’re doing. 
Others will run with somewhat bizarre platforms that maybe we don’t 
entirely like, or want to be associated with.  Still others may run in 
small-town, suburban conditions which we don’t know much about.  Some 
will run with the support of various socialist groups, others will have 
to build their support entirely on their own.  Every attempt is both an 
opportunity and a danger – if people have a tough time and we leave them 
in the dark, they’ll just burn out and wander away more cynical than 
they started.  But in trying, people learn.

So not only are we at the historical stage where we should be 
encouraging everyone and their brother to make electoral attempts, but 
we should also be connecting with them, and connecting them with others. 
 This way people are sharing information about how to do it 
successfully.   They are helping stabilize each other’s emotional swings 
(“this is awesome!,” “this is pointless!”) into a steady consciousness 
that they are part of a larger movement that is trying to make things 
work, and learning through trial by error…

…lots of error.  But if those errors are part of a larger movement, and 
a collective learning process, they are not discouraging.  They are the 
building blocks to getting where we eventually want to go – a mass party 
that can wreak serious havoc on capitalist business as usual.


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[Marxism] Gary Becker on the Family

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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[Marxism] That Q&A protest in Australia - this is what democracy looks like

2014-05-05 Thread En Passant with John Passant
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What a magnificent student protest on ABC's Q&A on Monday night in Australia. 
Tony Jones and the other members of the one percent were not amused. Get used 
to it Tony. This is what democracy looks like.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Comradely Update: No Copyright for Marx Engels

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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 Original Message 
Subject:Comradely Update: No Copyright for Marx Engels
Date:   Mon, 05 May 2014 16:35:16 +
From:   Ammar Aziz 

Dear comrades, Red Greetings!

The petition against Lawrence & Wishart - that was started only a few
days ago, to condemn their copyright claim on Marx-Engels Collected
Works - has now been signed around 5000 people from all over the world,
including all of you! It has certainly created a lot of pressure on the
publishers who have responded to our campaign [],
calling it 'an online abuse'. However, according to the New York Times,
"Lawrence & Wishart has been losing the argument online."
[]. The issue has been widely highlighted in the
international media which has strengthened our viewpoint and the
seriousness of the matter.

I wholeheartedly thank you all for signing it and making it possible.
Whether or not they take back their decision, the works have been
downloaded by thousands of people during the last few days who're
spreading them for free! You can also download the volumes 1-49 from, in
full text printers' PDFs, from here! :

Moreover, sadly, I've been receiving some racist / discriminatory emails
with reference to my country, Pakistan. And I've been asked to close
down the petition. In one of such mails, somebody wrote: 'Why are you so
bothered about our country's issues? Deal with your own mess Paki!' In
another email someone else wrote, 'Stop your bigotry against the white
people you commie terrorist...' Little do the haters know that we
Marxists are free from the boundaries of religion and petty notions of

Long Live Internationalism!
Long Live Marxism-Leninism!
Long Live Workers' International Movement!

In solidarity,
Ammar Aziz

This message was sent by Ammar Aziz using the system. You
received this email because you signed a petition started by Ammar Aziz
on "Lawrence & Wishart: No Copyright for Marx Engels
Collected Works." does not endorse contents of this message.

View the petition

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[Marxism] Dolphinarium: Bandera and Ukraine: A reply from Chris Ford

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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I do not agree with the comparison of Bandera to the revolution of 1648 
at which Khmelnytsky was a leader, the events of that year were 
phenomenal and full of paradox. The military democracy of the Cossacks 
led a mass peasant revolt which overthrew the Polish colonial overlords 
who had introduced serfdom where it had never existed. Ukraine as a 
nation in many ways crystallized then, the peasants were betrayed by the 
elite, everything unraveled, there were vicious pogroms and it 
culminated in an alliance with Muscovy who slowly integrated Ukraine and 
turned it into a colony. Bandera was a very different phenomena and put 
simply without Stalinism there would have been no Bandera.


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[Marxism] the unknown revolution: ukraine 1917-21 | the commune

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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By Chris Ford

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[Marxism] Interesting interview with Hungarian intellectual G. M. Tamás

2014-05-05 Thread michael yates
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This is a very interesting interview. It perhaps sheds a good deal of light on 
the conditions and politics of the countries of Eastern Europe, including 

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[Marxism] ▶ Chris Ford (Debatte / IWGB) on Crisis in the Ukraine (ISN Meeting) - YouTube

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

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Re: [Marxism] The settlers/colonizers of Eastern Ukraine

2014-05-05 Thread Andrew Pollack
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a comrade sent me some Chris Ford articles offline after a Facebook
discussion; I haven't had time to read them yet but he's definitely worth

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 10:13 AM, Louis Proyect  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> On 5/5/14 9:59 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:
>> I wonder if an English-language Marxist history of the Ukraine exists. I
>> am referring on and off to Orest Subtelny's 900 page book but despite
>> being informative lacks a class perspective. Roman Szporluk seems a bit
>> more grounded in Marxism although it is hard to tell where he is coming
>> from politically.
> The benefits of being a Columbia University retiree:
> Maĭstrenko, IvanBorot'bism : a chapter in the history of Ukrainian
> Revolution / Ivan Maĭstrenko ; with a new introduction by Chris Ford ;
> translated by George S.N. Luckyj with the assistance of Ivan L. Rudnytsky.
>Maĭstrenko, Ivan.   Stuttgart : Ibidem, 2007.
> On Ivan Maistrenko:
> Majstrenko was applying positions held by many Marxists of pre-Stalinist
> Russia to Stalinist Russia: “Russia was always the land where Asiatic and
> European influences clashed”, the European being the revolutionary
> democracy with whose defeat “the victory of Stalinism signified for Russia
> the victory of Asiatic influences ... During 20 years of Stalinist rule
> Marxist teaching became an empty ritual and the Russian imperialist
> doctrine became predominant. It revived the spirit of Asiatic traditions,
> in particular unlimited absolutism.” [10]
> Chris Ford
> Supporter of Republican Marxist Bulletin
> full:
> vol3/no3/ford.html
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> Set your options at:
> marxism/

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Re: [Marxism] (no subject)

2014-05-05 Thread Andrew Pollack
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

This is the best reporting and analysis I've seen yet on this incident. I
have been unpleasantly surprised at how quickly some of my friends rushed
to share the most common account, which portrays those inside the building
as innocent bystanders or at most peaceful protesters, leaving out entirely
their role in the violent battles. Which, as the AWU statement makes clear,
is context, but not an excuse for their deaths.
Please use the link at the bottom of Sergii's post and share the statement.

On Mon, May 5, 2014 at 8:56 AM, Sergii Kutnii  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> More than 40 people were killed and nearly 200 were wounded in the
> tragic clash of right-wing combatants in Odessa on May 2: football
> hooligans and Euromaidan self-defence on the one side; Stalinists,
> pro-Russian paramilitaries and local police force on the other.
> It started as a belligerent mob, comprised of men with “St. George’s
> ribbons” and red armbands (such armbands were also spotted on some
> police officers), wielding clubs and firearms, approached the march
> “for united Ukraine” which was made up of right-wing football
> hooligans joined by a large crowd of civilian people. As fighting
> began between the sides, the riot police provided cover to the
> attackers and cooperated with them. 4 people were killed. It is
> noteworthy that in the previous days the Antimaidan protesters had
> repeatedly marched along the centre of Odessa and never met any
> physical counteraction either from their political opponents or the
> police.
> Civilian “pro-Ukrainian” crowd didn’t disperse after the shootings;
> enraged, they started the counterattack. As the fighting became
> sufficiently intense, some of pro-Russian combatants withdrew to the
> Afina trading center, which was then blocked by the police. The crowd,
> incited by hooligans, followed the other part of the attackers and
> proceeded to rout the Antimaidan camp, located near the Trade Union
> house. The Antimaidan protesters fled to that building and then the
> entrances were barricaded. It should also be noted that Alexey Albu,
> leader of Stalinist Borotba organization, personally urged protesters
> to come inside the blocked building, although never joined them
> himself. We see this as a proof enough to any left or anarchist
> organization in the world to sever any ties, either financial or
> informational, with this organization. By sending them money you would
> fund the civil war; by spreading their statements and supporting them
> morally you would contribute to their war propaganda.
> Violence continued, as Euromaidan crowd surrounded the Trade Union
> house and combatants from both sides fired shots and hurled Molotov
> cocktails both to and fro the roof of the building. At this moment is
> still unclear which factor contributed the most to the fire, which
> burned some and suffocated others to death.
> We are sure that the violence of right-wing hooligans was the integral
> part of this tragedy. However, it is clear that this violence was
> planned for and counted on. The people who should also be held
> responsible are the pro-Russian instigators and the local police, who
> supported them.
> Members of AWU wish to express their deepest mourning for the victims.
> They fell prey to the interests of the forces that consistently try to
> instigate a civil war in Ukraine. Sadly, large parts of the working
> class are disoriented and serve as merely blind puppets in the hands
> of such forces, giving their lives for utterly stupid and meaningless
> things and ideas. The immediate effect of the escalation of this
> tragically pointless conflict is the split of the working class in
> Ukraine. While some workers are threatening with a political strike in
> support of the Antimaidan, several members of the (pro-Maidan)
> Confederation of Free Trade Unions are being kidnapped by Antimaidan
> forces. Instead of taking a united stance against the neoliberal
> policies of the government, proletarians are busy fighting each other
> for the interests of various bourgeois cliques.
> The final result of such policies will be a civil war in Ukraine,
> which will mean an ultimate catastrophe for the working class. We are
> not pacifists and will be at the side of the working class whenever it
> fights against the bourgeoisie, no matter what forms this fight takes
> — but this is not the case in Ukraine nowadays. The disoriented and
> weak proletariat will be busy engaging in self-destruction; the
> outcomes will be drastic fall of life standards, rise of unemplo

Re: [Marxism] The settlers/colonizers of Eastern Ukraine

2014-05-05 Thread Sergii Kutnii
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The population of SE Ukraine was created by colonization indeed. We
can speak of 3 distinct waves:

1) agrarian colonization of the steppes in the late XVIII - early XIX
century immediately after Russian conquest of Crimean Khanate;

2) industrialization-related colonization in the late XIX - mid-XX
century that created major urban centers;

3) re-settling of Crimea after forceful displacement of most
non-slavic ethnic groups by Stalin in the late 40s.

I would say that SE Ukraine is analogous not to Ireland or Algeria but
to some parts of the US - especially the states carved out from the
Northwest Territory where similar processes were almost synchronous.

Before the first wave of colonization the steppes had only sparse
nomadic Tatar population rulled by Crimean Khans. The Tatars were
partly assimilated, partly forced to emigrate to Turkey whch now has a
significant Crimean Tatar minority.

The Slavic settlers arrived from both central Ukraine and Russia -
this happened further to the east too, and significant Ukrainian
population still lives in southern Russia and northern Kazakhstan. The
Russian-Ukrainian border roughly corresponds to the borderline between
predominantly Russian and predominantly Ukrainian population.

Relation between Russians and Ukrainians in SE Ukraine thus are more
like WASPs against Catholics in the US than Anglo-Irish vs. Celts in
Ireland and Crimean Tatars play the role of Native Americans.

And American analogy is also helpful in understanding the linguistic
question in the south-eastern Ukrainian cities - all communities speak
a specific variant of Russian with significant Ukrainian influence but
maintain their identity - the same way as almost everyone speaks
American English in the US while keeping their roots. The only
difference is that the rural population speaks mostly Ukrainian.

The Ukrainian-Irish parallel is more valid for Central and Western Ukraine.

On 5/5/14, Louis Proyect  wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> On 5/4/14 6:06 PM, Stiofan OBuadhaigh wrote:
>> Lou, given that you believe the Russian speaking regions of Ukraine
>> were created by a policy of colonization and that those populations
>> in Ukraine that speak Russian are "settlers," when did this policy of
>> social engineering take place? Given the mix of peoples and cultures
>> in Eastern Europe, I am having a difficult time seeing the
>> populations of SE Ukraine as analagous to the French in Algeria, the
>> Scots-Irish in Ulster, or the Boers of South Africa.
> I actually disagree with the Links commenter's characterization of the
> Donetsk pro-Russian segment of the population as anything like Pied
> Noirs or the Ulster Protestants.
> But the analogy with Ireland holds on all other grounds. Here's Lenin:
> What are you, Kerensky, Tsereteli, Chernov, Skobelev, if not “tamed
> socialists”? Did you raise the question of the Russian Ireland and the
> Russian Algeria, i.e., of Turkestan, Armenia, Ukraine, Finland, etc.,
> before the government of the “Russian bourgeoisie now in power”? When
> did you raise this question? Why don’t you tell the Russian “people”
> about it? Why don’t you qualify as “sleight of hand” the Russian
> Narodniks’ and Mensheviks’ blather about “peace without annexations” in
> the Soviet, in the government and before the people, without raising,
> clearly and unambiguously, the question of all Russian annexations of
> the same type as Ireland and Algeria?
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[Marxism] (no subject)

2014-05-05 Thread Sergii Kutnii
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

More than 40 people were killed and nearly 200 were wounded in the
tragic clash of right-wing combatants in Odessa on May 2: football
hooligans and Euromaidan self-defence on the one side; Stalinists,
pro-Russian paramilitaries and local police force on the other.
It started as a belligerent mob, comprised of men with “St. George’s
ribbons” and red armbands (such armbands were also spotted on some
police officers), wielding clubs and firearms, approached the march
“for united Ukraine” which was made up of right-wing football
hooligans joined by a large crowd of civilian people. As fighting
began between the sides, the riot police provided cover to the
attackers and cooperated with them. 4 people were killed. It is
noteworthy that in the previous days the Antimaidan protesters had
repeatedly marched along the centre of Odessa and never met any
physical counteraction either from their political opponents or the

Civilian “pro-Ukrainian” crowd didn’t disperse after the shootings;
enraged, they started the counterattack. As the fighting became
sufficiently intense, some of pro-Russian combatants withdrew to the
Afina trading center, which was then blocked by the police. The crowd,
incited by hooligans, followed the other part of the attackers and
proceeded to rout the Antimaidan camp, located near the Trade Union
house. The Antimaidan protesters fled to that building and then the
entrances were barricaded. It should also be noted that Alexey Albu,
leader of Stalinist Borotba organization, personally urged protesters
to come inside the blocked building, although never joined them
himself. We see this as a proof enough to any left or anarchist
organization in the world to sever any ties, either financial or
informational, with this organization. By sending them money you would
fund the civil war; by spreading their statements and supporting them
morally you would contribute to their war propaganda.

Violence continued, as Euromaidan crowd surrounded the Trade Union
house and combatants from both sides fired shots and hurled Molotov
cocktails both to and fro the roof of the building. At this moment is
still unclear which factor contributed the most to the fire, which
burned some and suffocated others to death.

We are sure that the violence of right-wing hooligans was the integral
part of this tragedy. However, it is clear that this violence was
planned for and counted on. The people who should also be held
responsible are the pro-Russian instigators and the local police, who
supported them.

Members of AWU wish to express their deepest mourning for the victims.
They fell prey to the interests of the forces that consistently try to
instigate a civil war in Ukraine. Sadly, large parts of the working
class are disoriented and serve as merely blind puppets in the hands
of such forces, giving their lives for utterly stupid and meaningless
things and ideas. The immediate effect of the escalation of this
tragically pointless conflict is the split of the working class in
Ukraine. While some workers are threatening with a political strike in
support of the Antimaidan, several members of the (pro-Maidan)
Confederation of Free Trade Unions are being kidnapped by Antimaidan
forces. Instead of taking a united stance against the neoliberal
policies of the government, proletarians are busy fighting each other
for the interests of various bourgeois cliques.

The final result of such policies will be a civil war in Ukraine,
which will mean an ultimate catastrophe for the working class. We are
not pacifists and will be at the side of the working class whenever it
fights against the bourgeoisie, no matter what forms this fight takes
— but this is not the case in Ukraine nowadays. The disoriented and
weak proletariat will be busy engaging in self-destruction; the
outcomes will be drastic fall of life standards, rise of unemployment
and criminal activities, and loss of huge number of lives. All
prospects of working-class self-organization and mobilization will be
buried for some time.
We can see that this scenario is being pushed forward by the alliance
of various right-wing groups, nazis, conservatives and Stalinists. It
is important to understand that Antimaidan cannot be considered a
“working-class social protest”: the typical demands of this movement
in various towns are dictated by the most reactionary clerical
conservatives (abolition of electronic IDs because they include “the
Number of the Beast”; banning of vaccination; etc.) and have little to
do with the interests of workers.

On the other hand, we are disgusted by the reaction of the
right-liberal and patriotic general public which takes delight in the
Odessa deaths. However wrong the killed people might have been, they
shouldn’t have died in this brut

[Marxism] Smoke and Mirrors: The Roots of Russian Revanchism | The Smirking Chimp

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

This is the rotten foundation upon which the increasingly ugly regime of 
Vladimir Putin is built. A culture, a country, a people savaged over and 
over through a century of unprecedented upheaval and violence were once 
again subjected to a firestorm of chaos that killed 3 million innocent 
people and left millions more stripped of hope, of opportunity, of 
meaning. Now Putin, who emerged from the dark nexus of power blocs that 
saved Yeltsin, fills this moonscape with empty symbols that play upon 
the fears and resentments of a battered people: hysterical nationalism, 
cartoon history, blustering machismo, fake religiosity, and "traditional 
values" more aligned with American Tea Party tropes than anything that 
has actually existed in Russian culture. He rails against the West but 
he rules a mirror image of it: a violent, militarized crony-capitalist 
pigsty that degrades and deceives its own people while directing their 
anger and confusion toward outsiders. In many ways, it's the American 
Cold Warriors’ dream come true: we have finally turned the Russians into us.


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Re: [Marxism] What Vladimir Putin chooses not to know about Russian history -

2014-05-05 Thread Louis Proyect

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 5/5/14 1:22 AM, h0ost wrote:

I won't even speak to the points about food and goods being in less
supply, but this is the most absurd mis-characterization of Odessa's
recent history, or Soviet policies, I've ever read.

Odessa is a horrible town. It's common knowledge. Instead of saying "a 
great difference," people them say "two great differences," and "tuda i 
syuda" they pronounce "tudoyu i syudoyu"! And yet I feel that there are 
quite a few good things one can say about this important town, the most 
charming city of the Russian Empire. If you think about it, it is a town 
in which you can live free and easy. Half the population is made up of 
Jews, and Jews are a people who have learned a few simple truths along 
the way. Jews get married so as not to be done, love so as to live 
through the centuries, hoard money no they can buy houses and give their 
wives astrakhn jackets, love children because, let's face it, it is good 
and important to love one's children. The poor Odessa Jews get very 
confused when it comes to officials and regulations, but it isn't all 
that easy to get thorn to budge in their opinions, their very antiquated 
opinions. You might not be able to budge these Jews, but there's a whole 
lot you can learn from them.To a large extent it is because of them that 
Odessa has this light and easy atmosphere.

Isaac Babel, "Odessa"

From Collected Stories at

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[Marxism] The best politicians money can buy?

2014-05-05 Thread En Passant with John Passant
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

The shocking revelations of late about politicians in Australia are not an 
aberration. They would be replicated in parliament after parliament across the 
country and the globe, if we investigated them. The whole system is rotten. It 
produces rotten politicians to do the bidding of rotting capital.

Let me leave you with this thought. There are even bigger crimes politicians 
commit than being open for business, bad enough as that is. We'll see Hockey on 
budget night send many many more people into poverty so capital can luxuriate. 
That is the crime we should be fighting against now as well.

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Re: [Marxism] These People Are Still Being Held by Armed Separatists in Ukraine

2014-05-05 Thread Greg McDonald
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

“It’s horrible,” said Petropavlovska. “We never wanted that to happen. We
are sorry these deaths happened.”

“Youths had been manipulated. I myself called the firefighters many times,
and I really can’t understand even now why they took so long to respond,”
she added.

Read more:
(The Daily Star :: Lebanon News ::

"The conflict is hardening hearts on both sides. As the building burned,
Ukrainian activists sang the Ukrainian national anthem, witnesses on both
sides said. They also hurled a new taunt: “Colorado” for the Colorado
potato beetle, striped red and black like the pro-Russian ribbons. Those
outside chanted “burn Colorado, burn,” witnesses said. Swastika-like
symbols were spray painted on the building, along with graffiti reading
“Galician SS,” though it was unclear when it had appeared, or who had
painted it."

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