Re: [Marxism] Stephen F. Cohen is not the man he used to be

2014-05-03 Thread Charlie

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Louis Proyect wrote:
If Lenin hadn't died, he would have launched a fight against Stalin over 
the treatment of Ukraine.


Could Louis look into the same crystal ball and tell us whether JFK 
would have pulled U.S troops out of Vietnam? In the meantime, the rest 
of us will have to stick with events that actually happen.

Marv Gandall wrote:
For someone who claims to know more about the Ukraine crisis than anyone 
else on the list you seem oblivious to the most elementary facts: ...


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Re: [Marxism] Lawrence & Wishart: despicable bourgeois profiteers

2014-04-26 Thread Charlie

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Michael Yates wrote:
To demand that MIA take these works down after it has been distributing 
them free for years is pretty outrageous.


You identify something that probably caused much of the controversy. 
They granted MIA a no-fee right to post years ago. What changed? 
Apparently, they discovered a revenue stream. At best, they regard their 
current offerings as more important than wide access to a classic 
resource - a reversal of the choice they made decades ago when they put 
resources into the MECW project.

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Re: [Marxism] Thomas Piketty's Capital in the 21st Century online complete

2014-04-23 Thread Charlie

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Andrew Pollack wrote:
...glorifying income inequality as THE source of all ills and a 
progressive tax as the panacea. From Henry George through David Graeber 
and now Piketty, the monocausalists never go away.


To be fair, Piketty does not indict wealth inequality as the source of 
all ills. (He welcomes a large amount of inequality on Horatio Alger 
grounds.) His main concern is that rentier wealth threatens "democracy."

As for monocausal, it depends on the cause. The capital-labor relation 
is a good candidate, no?

My review of Piketty is at

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[Marxism] Investigative reporter Robert Parry on Seymour Hersh and the sarin attack

2014-04-08 Thread Charlie

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Parry reminds us with details how the U.S. attempt to lay the Ghouta 
sarin attack on the Assad regime fell apart:

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Re: [Marxism] Seymour Hersh's alternate reality

2014-04-07 Thread Charlie

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Louis Proyect wrote:
I see that Charles Andrew and Vladimiro Giacche' are incapable of 
explaining what it is that impresses them so much about Hersh's reporting.


No, all you see is that I posted the link to Hersh's new report:

At best the question is why I posted the link. I will bore you with the 
reason: any new report from this great journalist is worth reading. Each 
reader can assess Hersh's assertions for herself. But you have to read 
them first if you want to do that. Then you can weigh Louis' objections.

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Re: [Marxism] Seymour Hersh's alternate reality

2014-04-07 Thread Charlie

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If it will make our moderator happier, I'm happy to revise a three-line 

  For those who would like to evaluate the report by Hersh instead of
  reading an ad hominem attack on him, his article is at

to a two-line post:
  For those who would like to read the reporting by Hersh instead of 
commentary on it:

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Re: [Marxism] Seymour Hersh's alternate reality

2014-04-07 Thread Charlie

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For those who would like to evaluate the report by Hersh instead of 
reading an ad hominem attack on him, his article is at

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Re: [Marxism] John Cassidy: Is Surging Inequality Endemic to Capitalism? : The New Yorker

2014-03-24 Thread Charlie

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Cassidy's piece is basically a muddy-it-up centrist response to 
Piketty's liberalism. For a Marxist review of Piketty's book, see

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Re: [Marxism] ISO Snuff Porn

2014-02-18 Thread Charlie

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Marc Solomon wrote (about Peter Camejo): "one narcissistic millionaire"

I knew several progressives who placed their retirement in his hands at 
Progressive Asset Management (yes, when he was there) and lost it. They 
regard Camejo as little more than a swindler in finance, after being 
attracted by his political activity.

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Re: [Marxism] Hegel : 'hopeless baggage'?

2014-01-10 Thread Charlie

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Agreed that quantitative prediction is not the criterion of scientific 
knowledge. Nor replication, for that matter.

The problem with positivism and the bourgeois social science to which 
Mark refers are they do not earn their claim to be scientific. If you 
look through Taylor's Principles of Scientific Management, you see that 
there is nothing scientific about it. He measures but he does no science.

A scientific explanation does grasp something necessary, within 
specified conditions. It matters because scientific socialists have won 
the support of masses and achieved far more revolutionary change than 
the utopian socialists and the liberals who deny that the study of 
history can be scientific.

Despite some -ion terms above, I apologize for not using words like 
"sublate," "mediate," and in a more modern vein "post-Quinean."

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Re: [Marxism] Hegel : 'hopeless baggage'?

2014-01-10 Thread Charlie

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Mark Lause wrote:
Saying that the sun rises in the east and sets in the west is hardly a 
predictive science.


People were burned at the stake over the reason why the sun rises and 
sets. And communists are slaughtered over the reasons why capitalism 
makes people's lives hell, since the reasons have a lot to do with the 


Mark Lause rejected the claim:
"that Marxism can, in some serious alchemical way, be a predictive science."

* Class struggle is inevitable under capitalism, no matter what reforms 
are achieved.

* Cycles of downturn and recovery are inherent in capitalist accumulation.

These are not predictions? They are serious although they do fall short 
of being alchemical. :)

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Re: [Marxism] Hegel : 'hopeless baggage'?

2014-01-10 Thread Charlie

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Mark Lause rejected the claim:
"that Marxism can, in some serious alchemical way, be a predictive science."

* Class struggle is inevitable under capitalism, no matter what reforms 
are achieved.

* Cycles of downturn and recovery are inherent in capitalist accumulation.

These are not predictions? They are serious although they do fall short 
of being alchemical. :)

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Re: [Marxism] Why celebrities (and the UN) love twitter and I hate it

2013-12-30 Thread Charlie

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Twitter's Data Business Proves Lucrative
Twitter Disclosed It Earned $47.5 Million From Selling Off 
Information It Gathers

Elizabeth Dwoskin, Wall Street Journal, Oct. 7, 2013

"The United Nations is using algorithms derived from Twitter to pinpoint 
hot spots of social unrest."

 - - -

Your tweet does not publish only its own content. It helps draw a public 
map of your organization, network, or movement.

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Re: [Marxism] Why celebrities love twitter and I hate it

2013-12-29 Thread Charlie

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Louis Proyect:
I thought about trying to explain to him why it is important for the 
left to rally around such campaigns even if you understand what is wrong 
with Socialist Alternative.


Sawant moves masses to act; most will ignore SA -- 47 

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Re: [Marxism] source of quote

2013-12-11 Thread Charlie

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Capital, I, chapter six

found by search on: Marx "moral and historical element"

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Re: [Marxism] From a fellow IT veteran on the ACA website

2013-12-06 Thread Charlie

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Louis Proyect wrote: "In the first stage, I would have provided a 'read 
only' portal to insurance companies along the lines of those travel 
websites that will show you all the hotels in Miami Beach that are 3 
stars and above, etc. Once you see what's available, you will making a 
booking through the hotel.

In stage two, I would have implemented the online registration."

Many corporate and governmental computer projects are mismanaged for 
reasons explained by your IT source. The failure of the Obamacare portal 
is not the same.

Obamacare gives huge subsidies to private health insurance corporations. 
The Administration insisted from the beginning that potential enrollees 
be quoted their price after subsidy. The full price was to be buried in 
tiny type.

The political reality led to the problem of the Web portal. It cannot 
quote an after-subsidy price until it collects your "private" income, 
family and other data, farms it out for verification, and receives 
replies. This is the process that broke the portal.

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Re: [Marxism] Special Page at Monthly Review: Exchange with M. Heinrich on Crisis Theory

2013-12-01 Thread Charlie

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Marx's law on the falling rate of profit has been used to tackle two 
problems of capitalist economy:

* recurring crises and slumps, and
* the turn in the contradiction between the forces and relations of 
production, when momentary resolution of class struggle by reform is no 
longer possible and revolution becomes the only way out.

The law has successfully explained crises and slumps. Attempts to have 
it explain the arrival of the era of revolution have not proven out; a 
deeper analysis of accumulation and labor accomplishes that task.

Heinrich merges the two uses of the law - a fine debating tactic! He 
shows no interest in working on either one of them in real life. His 
textualism is one consequence.

Incidentally, the threads on this list concerning Heinrich were posted 
mostly in Feb.-May 2013. Not all the posts have his name in the Subject 
line. A search that retrieves most of the posts is

"crisis theory" inurl:pipermail inurl:marxism
where you also click on the option that the search engine does _not_ 
omit similar entries.

Charles Andrews

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Re: [Marxism] Interesting factoids

2013-11-25 Thread Charlie

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One more factoid, a sentence from Lenin with his sarcastic quotation marks:

The year 1905 saw the tactical differences take final shape (the 
Bolshevik Congress, Third Congress of the R.S.D.L.P. in London, May 
1905, and the Menshevik "conference" held in Geneva at the same time).

--On Bolshevism, Jan. 1913

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Re: [Marxism] best video EVER about Obamacare

2013-11-24 Thread Charlie

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Please, no ad hominem retorts about the source not getting their video 
past "the party committee." No one said a word about the source. We said 
the content is right-wing.

And please, no straw-man implication that we want to say something good 
about Obamacare. The job is to expose Obamacare for what it does to most 
people and for its giveaways to corporate capital.

If we can set aside the cheap debating tricks, yes, what might trade 
unionists who have struggled to win better plans think?

-- Trade unionists might wonder why there is nothing about the incentive 
in Obamacare to reduce full-time employees to part-time.

-- They might wonder why there is nothing about the fact that Obamacare 
brands their plans "Cadillac" coverage and will soon heavily tax them 
into oblivion.

-- They might wonder why no mention of the administrative exemptions 
given to employers while Taft-Hartley health coverage is decimated 
because the Administration will not do the same for them.

-- They might wonder why Obama's early points for next year's federal 
budget include cuts in Medicare.

-- If the trade unionist is aware that a majority of U.S. organized 
labor now supports Medicare for All, they might be just plain pissed at 
the video.

No doubt we have common ground about the video, Michael. We probably 
agree that the German is enunciated to great comic effect.

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Re: [Marxism] Is Paul Krugman cribbing from Monthly Review?

2013-11-18 Thread Charlie

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Louis Proyect wrote:
When someone lost 50 percent of the value of their 401K or IRA in 2008 
now sees it at 50 percent higher than its previous high-point, they 
become mollified. I say that as someone who has had many conversations 
with such people in Columbia IT. I am sure that someone who has a job as 
coal miner or UPS driver feels exactly the same way.


So sentiment goes up and down with the stock market?

1) Retirees who need to withdraw feel market down periods more 
intensely, with lasting effect since the account no longer receives 

2) Don't lots of Columbia IT employees earn well above median wage 
(currently about $770 a week for full time workers)? The amounts in 
typical accounts are far too small to provide a comfortable retirement 
on top of Social Security. 401K accounts exacerbate wage inequality, 
because it is easier for a higher-income employee to save a given 
percentage of earnings, while lower-income workers must spend on current 
basic needs.

3) Want to bet on whether the typical workers' account will keep up with 
inflation over the next decade or two? That would be a compound of the 
performance of the stock market and the degree of plunder from the 
little guy in the market by Wall Street professionals.

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Re: [Marxism] A Radical Vision for Victory

2013-11-16 Thread Charlie

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From the book review: "The [1966 Freedom] Budget keenly noted that 
poverty arises, above all, from a paucity of jobs. Written a decade 
before the shut down of American factories commenced full scale, it 
assumed the ongoing presence of good paying, unionized jobs, with other 
employment brought under a higher minimum wage legislation."

Co-author Michael Yates, could you tell us how much the book, which 
sounds fascinating, goes into the point that capitalism cannot tolerate 
full employment for more than a moment? No right-wing counterattack in 
the ideological and political arenas is needed; capital slackens hiring 
when serious wage increases encroach on profits.

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Re: [Marxism] History of the Left in the U.S.

2013-11-05 Thread Charlie

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The major achievement of twentieth century communists in the U.S. was 
mass industrial trade unions. A good place to start is the memoir of the 
man who probably did the most of any one person to make it happen, 
Wyndham Mortimer: Organize! My Life as a Union Man. When you go on to 
read other books suggested in this thread, you see striking contrasts 
with the more removed histories (and the pettiness of the more factional 


Wyndham Mortimer was born March 11, 1884 in Karthaus, Pennsylvania. His 
father, an immigrant English miner, and his Welsh mother were both 
supporters of the Knights of Labor. Mortimer, who entered the mines at 
the age of twelve, continued this tradition by becoming an active member 
of the United Mine Workers. When he left the mines at twenty-two, he 
worked in a steel plant and as a railway worker. He married Margaret 
Hunter in 1907, and in 1908 he joined the Socialist Party.

He became an autoworker in 1917, when he joined the White Motor Co. in 
Cleveland. In 1932 he formed an independent union there, which became 
AFL Federal Local 18463. He was elected president of the local and also 
president of the Cleveland Auto Workers Council in 1934.

Mortimer soon became critical of the AFL's reluctance to organize 
industrial workers and participated in the effort to establish a 
national industrial union for auto workers. He was a member of the bloc 
which succeeded in removing Francis Dillon from the presidency of the 
United Automobile Workers Union at the South Bend convention in 1936 and 
was elected First Vice President at that convention.

Mortimer, who was somewhat older than his fellow UAW officers, was then 
sent to Flint, Michigan to begin an organizing drive among GM workers at 
the Fisher Body Co. This led to the Flint Sit-Down Strike of December 
1936 and January 1937. He also participated in the negotiations, which 
resulted in GM's recognition of the UAW.


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Re: [Marxism] Naomi Klein: How science is telling us all to revolt

2013-10-30 Thread Charlie

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This talk starts with basic science by a guy who knows. Then ge goes 
full bore into the revolutionary politics. It is one hour, but you will 
be shaken up within four minutes.

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Re: [Marxism] Request on info on USA and democracy.

2013-10-22 Thread Charlie

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Yup, Freeman worries about too many college students. Powell misses 
that. He wants make sure the students acquire a proper appreciation of 
capitalism. The courtiers were still trying to identify the oligarchs' 
problem with precision and figure out what to do about it.

michael perelman quoted:
Moskowitz, Ron. 1970. "Professor Sees Peril in Education." San Francisco
Chronicle (30 October).
Governor Reagan's aide Roger Freeman, who later served as President 
Nixon's educational policy advisor, while he was working at the time for 
California Governor Ronald Reagan's reelection campaign, commented on 
Reagan's education policy: "We are in danger of producing an educated 
proletariat. That's dynamite! We have to be selective about who we allow 
to through higher education. If not, we will have a large number of 
highly trained and unemployed people."


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Re: [Marxism] An untested system?

2013-10-21 Thread Charlie

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michael perelman wrote:
Has any launch of a large scale public software system been a success, 
except for the private contractors?


Assuming the feds used mainframes to implement Medicare when it passed 
in 1965, that seems to have been a smooth launch.

The key decision that led to the IT collapse of Obamacare's exchanges 
was this: You do not get the true price for the plans on the exchange. 
The website requires you to enter enough information that it can decide 
your eligibility for a subsidy and compute it; then the site quotes you 
after-subsidy prices. (The subsidy amount might be buried in an obscure 
link.) To enter that information, you must create an account. And after 
you enter your personal data, the server transmits it to a number of 
places for verification, including a private credit card reporting 
agency. Then a module run on Oracle software receives the replies. This 
software has a reputation for rejecting input not conforming to 
extremely tight formatting rules. (A report about the process, wrapped 
in reactionary spin, is at 

All this work, requiring no problem at any of the summoned verification 
systems, is the source of crashes and chokeups. The failure to test 
properly was the consequence of a political decision that simply could 
not be implemented in the available time.

Politics at the top: We will not show people the outrageous prices that 
private insurers get from Obamacare. That overrode reality reports from 
the tech workers. It is analogous to the war against Vietnam when 
Kissinger and Westmoreland required underestimates of Viet Minh strength 
and overestimates of enemy kills.

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Re: [Marxism] New book: Destruction of Meaning

2013-09-21 Thread Charlie

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"which values the 'new individual' above collective, historically 
contextualised subjectivity"

Should we struggle against ahistorically contextualized subjectivity -- 
or historically decontextualized subjectivity? People wanna know!

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Re: [Marxism] Obamacare

2013-09-15 Thread Charlie

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Mr. A. Roy obviously speaks for business. The blow to Taft-Hartley 
health plans will be followed by more cutbacks confirming that Obamacare 
is an attack on health care for everyone but the rich.

* The exchanges offer a tier of plans. At one end are low-premium plans 
that hardly amount to health insurance; you are charged huge deductibles 
and co-pays whenever you really need care. At the other end, decent 
coverage is expensive and sure to become more so as health insurance 
corporations and hospital chains resume their squeeze in a year or two 
after a glorious beginning for Obamacare.

* Employer plans resembling the best options in the exchanges are called 
"Cadillac" care. A punitive 40% tax that kicks in come 2018 will destroy 

* And we already see how Medicaid has been delegated to states for 
erosion. The funding is not there, so either more people are covered and 
care for all enrollees deteriorates, or barriers exclude many of the 
people who were supposed to get into Medicaid.

Mr. Roy is clever. He exploits the old contradiction between business 
unionism and social movement unionism. Yes, T-H plans are important 
selling points for business unionists. On the other side, hundreds of 
union locals are on record in favor of Medicare for All. The social 
union strategy is that you fight for all workers' needs on the 
government policy front and the community front as well as for your own 
members, showing workers that they need the union.

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Re: [Marxism] Soaring use of Chinese yuan to settle trades reflects its rapid economic rise

2013-09-10 Thread Charlie

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When a currency is used in a significant amount of trade, the issuing 
country gains flexibility. It can buy from other countries - including 
the "purchase" of investments - without having to sell first.

Wider use of the renminbi also facilitates foreign investment in China, 
which seems to remain one of the anchors of Chinese capitalism run by a 
local capitalist class that writes the rules while it bargains with 
international capitals over divinding the spoils of exploitation.

Ralph Johansen wrote:
I have the impression that the currency used for payment is not 
particularly significant. What counts is what currency commodities are 
priced in, and that is not changing. Is this not accurate?


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Re: [Marxism] What Lenin thought a vanguard was

2013-08-19 Thread Charlie

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Louis Proyect wrote:
> a nation of close to 300 million, people like Laurie Poitras and 
Michael Moore until he degenerated have furnished "the most 
revolutionary appraisal".


Michael Moore until he degenerated is in the fine tradition of Upton 
Sinclair - muckraker, reformer, radical, not a source of revolutionary 

(And the Census estimates, as of a few moments ago, 316,492,000.)

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Re: [Marxism] How Laura Poitras Helped Snowden Spill His Secrets -

2013-08-18 Thread Charlie

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S. Mage wrote:
"Land, Peace, and Bread" was the slogan of the masses in the March 


I don't know whether Lenin distilled these points from a mass of 
information or noticed them in news reports. But he stated their 
importance in March:

Confining ourselves for the present to an analysis of the class struggle 
and the alignment of class forces at this stage of the revolution, we 
have still to put the question: who are the proletariat’s allies in this 
revolution? It has two allies: first, the broad mass of the 
semi-proletarian and partly also of the small-peasant population, who 
number scores of millions and constitute the overwhelming majority of 
the population of Russia. For this mass peace, bread, freedom and land 
are _essential_.
--First letter from Afar. Written on March 7 (20), 1917; published in 
Pravda Nos. 14 and 15, March 21 and 22, 1917

And to second Mark L.'s usual incisive observation about the backward 
situation in the U.S., how many sects give a clear ("literal-minded" in 
the language of the Unrepentant Snarkist) one-page socialist program? 
Surely that is their job -- as well as to hail, honor, and defend Ed 

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Re: [Marxism] How Laura Poitras Helped Snowden Spill His Secrets -

2013-08-18 Thread Charlie

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Louis Proyect wrote:
I consider documentary filmmakers like her to be part of an emerging 
informal vanguard in the true sense. For very little financial reward 
and often great risks (Poitras worked completely on her own in Iraq 
filming "My Country, My Country"), they change more minds about social 
reality than all of the sect newspapers put together.


They change minds about social facts. Snowden's, Poitras' and 
Greenwald's sacrifice of personal security and their willingness to 
forego rewards of playing the game are as noble as it gets.

But it has little to do with a vanguard in a revolutionary sense. For 
all Lenin's rightful insistence on the importance that the RSDLP have 
its own newspaper, anyone who thinks that articles in Iskra led to 1917 
is sadly mistaken. "Only the Bolsheviks stood uncompromisingly for 
peace, land, and bread -- the slogan Lenin had given them in April" 
(Harrison Salisbury!) - and were willing to take power when it could be 
taken. By that time, most Bolsheviks had been party members a few weeks 
or several months.

Don't think the same pattern will be repeated today? A useful question 
to investigate, but turning "vanguard" into a Gumby concept able to bend 
any which way does not provide an answer.

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Re: [Marxism] Vietnam Seeks to Lure Students to Study Marxism With Free Tuition

2013-08-16 Thread Charlie

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This item is not about ideology. It raises a materialist question: are 
opportunities to prosper as a party cadre declining while opportunities 
to be a business manager are expanding?

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Re: [Marxism] George Zimmerman Juror Says He 'Got Away With Murder' - ABC News

2013-07-25 Thread Charlie

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If you read the story instead of taking the Subject line of this thread 
as an accurate distillation, you find a confused juror:

-- When asked by Roberts whether the case should have gone to trial, 
Maddy said, "I don't think so."

-- "That's where I felt confused, where if a person kills someone, then 
you get charged for it. But as the law was read to me, if you have no 
proof that he killed him intentionally, you can't say he's guilty."

-- "George Zimmerman got away with murder, but you can't get away from 
God. And at the end of the day, he's going to have a lot of questions 
and answers he has to deal with."

The commandment says, Thou shalt not kill. It does not say, Thou shalt 
not murder. The juror never had to sort this out previous to the trial.

If someone has you pinned on the ground and pounds your head against the 
pavement, at what point do you decide you cannot free yourself by 
thrashing around, that you might die, and that it has come to your life 
or his? Chilling stuff to the juror and to anyone with a heart. But not 
reducible to, Zimmerman got away with murder.

And notice how far away such questions stray from the institutional 
oppression of Black people. Face it, this incident is not a good vehicle 
for agitation.

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Re: [Marxism] New Study of Foragers Undermines Claim That War Has Deep Evolutionary Roots

2013-07-19 Thread Charlie

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 Correction: Therefore, a hypothesis worth investigating would be: 
the ratio of aggressive to cooperative behavior declined during the 
foraging era.

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Re: [Marxism] New Study of Foragers Undermines Claim That War Has Deep Evolutionary Roots

2013-07-19 Thread Charlie

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Shane wrote: But our intimate cousins, the chimpanzees, do exhibit such 

Louis wrote: How odd to see people in this day and age channeling Robert 

If we set aside unproductive name-calling, we can understand something 
from Shane's observation:

The social behavior, aggressive or cooperative or some amalgam, of 
primate species can apparently vary widely. Human species were foragers 
during a period of two million years. Presumably, the governance of 
behavior by the consequences of labor increased in stages over that long 
period, while the determination of behavior by instinct and conditioned 
responses decreased. Therefore, a hypothesis worth investigating would 
be: the ratio of cooperative to aggressive behavior declined during the 
foraging era.

The reported study only examined remnant existing foraging societies 
studied by ethnographers.

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Re: [Marxism] Black block imbeciles at it again

2013-07-16 Thread Charlie

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The first protests after the verdict were targeted -- except in Oakland, 
California. At least, that is what I saw in the national media. Three 
days after the verdict there was some aimless rioting in the Crenshaw 
district of Los Angeles, while Oakland was the scene of its third day of 
stupidity, like throwing trash cans at random cars coming along the street.

Same thing happened during Occupy. In most cities the main issue 
remained 99 percent versus 1 percent. But in Oakland, except for one 
wonderful day (a march of 10,000 on the Port), aimless vandalism on 
ordinary folks' cars and apartment windows, and a chaotic encampment 
that could not exclude street criminals shooting people, became the 
dominant note, covered by agitation about police brutality. The larger 
issues disappeared.

This is specific to Oakland, not the San Francisco Bay Area. Somethin' 
weird about the city.

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Re: [Marxism] The Marxists Who Explained the Nazis to Washington

2013-07-10 Thread Charlie

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Actually, Neumann, Marcuse and company were social democrats, not Marxists.

But what a turnaround. Today, Washington does all it can to explain 
nazism to social democrats. The latter seem to have trouble learning.

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Re: [Marxism] Glenn Greenwald: 'Good journalism is defined by how much you anger the powerful'

2013-06-30 Thread Charlie

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Greenwald performed an invaluable service. Without him, Snowden might 
never have gotten the news out so far and wide. Greenwald is, of course, 
a messenger, not the message. In this speech to an audience interested 
in socialism, Greenwald pushes the bourgeois democratic approach to the 
limit. He stresses the need to know about the total surveillance state 
so that ... the limits and uses of the technology can be decided 
democratically. No hint that such an outcome is wholly imaginary.

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Re: [Marxism] Profits Without Production

2013-06-21 Thread Charlie

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Here Krugman displays the best and worst of his insight. He sees an 
important contrast, he infers a couple of consequences in the sphere of 
exchange, but he misses the material change -- a change in the nature of 
labor that brings the conflict between capitalist relations and human 
progress to a final barrier.

Charles Andrews
No Rich, No Poor

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Re: [Marxism] What is the Purpose of Marx's Value Theory?

2013-05-12 Thread Charlie

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The fetishism of commodities helps us understand the economic 
determination of many social horrors. It is hardly the sole purpose of 
value theory.

For people who want to make the world a better place, one purpose of 
value theory is scientific. We want to understand the motion and 
development of capitalist economy; understand what is happening now that 
did not happen before, and why; and understand what our program must be 
if indeed we are to make the world a better place. Not our emotional 
wish; our program.

As the discussion on crises a few week ago showed, Heinrich and his 
current cheerleader here are simply not interested in science.

No rich, no poor.

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Re: [Marxism] Boston bombing: likely fallout

2013-04-20 Thread Charlie

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You're right, Shane. He only knew that he had a big day coming up. I 
guess that's why LBJ spent the night before his debate with Barry 
Goldwater getting drunk instead of studying your doctoral dissertation.

 - - - -

Charlie wrote:
At least one of the 9/11 airplane hijackers spent his last night at a 
strip club in Florida. Never did understand that for one's final hours, 
whether you are religious or secular

Shane wrote:
But why do you think that he knew that he was on a *suicide* mission?

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Re: [Marxism] Boston bombing: likely fallout

2013-04-20 Thread Charlie

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These two young men seem completely ordinary moving around in secular 
life. If their mindset was Islamic, it is certainly different than the 
loud expressions of religious irrationality that go with the stereotype 
of Muslims.

At least one of the 9/11 airplane hijackers spent his last night at a 
strip club in Florida. Never did understand that for one's final hours, 
whether you are religious or secular,

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Re: [Marxism] Marx's crisis theory

2013-04-11 Thread Charlie

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"It is questionable, however, whether or to what extent the presentation 
of the 'shapings of the total process' envisioned by Marx for book III 
is at all possible in abstraction from the state and the world market. 
If, however, this is in fact not possible, then the construction of 
Capital as a whole is called into question."

James P. wrote: ~ Is this from the book?

No, it is from Heinrich's essay in the April 2013 issue of Monthly 
Review. Almost at the end.

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Re: [Marxism] Marx's crisis theory

2013-04-11 Thread Charlie

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Heinrich merges two applications of the rate of profit for his attack: 
its explanation of inevitable crises in capitalism, and as an 
explanation of capitalism arriving at a point where it breaks down or 
its economic failure drives people to revolution.

The crisis aspect does not depend on a rising organic composition of 
capital. (See for example my From Capitalism to Equality, chapter five.) 
Ignorin that, Heinrich pounds away at  organic composition in his 
observations about the math, although he carefully avoids the word 

The barrier that capitalism reaches, signaling that its relations of 
production (with the wage relation at the heart) have become an 
impassable fetter on development, is another matter. Arguments that a 
rising organic composition brings capitalism to this barrier have never 
held up.

Marx founded the science of history. The basic concepts are sound. That 
does not mean that Marx explained everything without error. But if you 
want to throw out the entire science, you start with a problem and 
enlarge it to the whole. Heinrich, by not sorting out these two matters 
related to the rate of profit, disparages the whole labor theory of 
value that Marx gave us along with its results about surplus value, 
class struggle, and the capitalists' necessary and inhuman devotion to 
the rate of profit above all else.

And so Heinrich declares that Marx only dimly realized late in life that 
he had failed because in economics everything depends on everything 
else: "It is questionable, however, whether or to what extent the 
presentation of the 'shapings of the total process' envisioned by Marx 
for book III is at all possible in abstraction from the state and the 
world market. If, however, this is in fact not possible, then the 
construction of Capital as a whole is called into question." Despicable 

Charles Andrews

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Re: [Marxism] John Foster is not speaking at the British SWP Marxism 2013 Festival in London this July

2013-03-29 Thread Charlie

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They apologize for listing John Bellamy Foster. It was supposed to be 
John Foster Dulles.

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Re: [Marxism] Heinrich

2013-02-18 Thread Charlie

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Paul Cockshott wrote: "If you reject the independent measurability of 
labour inputs then you reject any possibility of putting the labour 
theory of value to the test. It is impossible to prove that value rather 
than energy for example is the source of value."

No, a theory can be tested by comparing developments it logically leads 
to with what actually happens - all while a basic entity of the theory 
is not directly measurable, not observable.  For example, statistical 
mechanics in the nineteenth century theorized tiny particles and their 
motion without being able to observe or measure them individually. The 
theory derived verifiable macro-quantities of gases, extending Boyle's law.

Similarly, the labor theory of value leads to explanations of crises and 
other macro-economic developments that accord with actual history - 
without measuring the _abstract_ labor in commodities.

Of course you can look at actual hours of labor input, examine the fate 
of firms using one technology and another, bring in other conditions 
like firms' access to credit and distribution channels - and perhaps 
offer an explanation of individual prices. This would be analogous to 
the progress of physics, now able to make microscopic measurements of 
individual molecules that had previously been a concept within a theory. 
One difference is that social measurements at individual firm level are 
hidden by the secrecy of the firm. No one says that Farjoun and Machover 
should not examine data.

Physics has driven its investigations to smaller and smaller distances. 
(It has probed trans-galactic distances, too, but with fewer and less 
solid results.) That has been very fruitful in practical inventions. In 
contrast, the practical task of historical materialism is deeper 
understanding of the broad sweep of national and international history 
today, such as explaining the historic decline since 1973 of workers' 
real earnings in the U.S. (See No Rich, No Poor.)

The above statement by Cockshott is closer to the positivism of Karl 
Popper than to historical materialism.

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Re: [Marxism] A critical article by Cockshott - no context for quote from Engels

2013-02-17 Thread Charlie

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DNA metaphor aside, the bare quote from Engels has almost nothing to do 
with the subsequent value theory of Marx. As _not_ included in the 
quote, Engels in 1843 roughly meant use-value for "utility," and you 
know the distinction that Marx drew between use-value and value. The 
quote contributes nothing to a critique of Cockshott's concept of value.

On Feb 17, 2013, at 3:26 PM, Charlie wrote:

Shane Mage wrote: "Value is the relation of production costs to 
utility." (Engels) What is the point of a bare quote from Engels without 
its 1843 date, before Marx and he had studied value theory in depth?

Shane Mage replied:
Because it was the initial formulation of their value theory, the 
DNA- containing seed out of which their whole theoretical tree grew. 
(like the "scenes from Faust" that Berlioz wrote at the same age, out of 
which the whole magnificent structure of the "Damnation" grew).

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Re: [Marxism] A critical article by Cockshott - no context for quote from Engels

2013-02-17 Thread Charlie

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Shane Mage wrote: "Value is the relation of production costs to 
utility." (Engels)

What is the point of a bare quote from Engels without its 1843 date, 
before Marx and he had studied value theory in depth?

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Re: [Marxism] 3D printing and communism. Any opinions from tech-savvy comrades?

2013-01-22 Thread Charlie

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Yes, we can all manufacture for Wal-Mart. Offered as a stimulating 
observation, not a flippant remark.

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Re: [Marxism] Is Growth Over?

2013-01-17 Thread Charlie

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The issue is not, must methods of production change to avoid disasters 
of climate and biosphere. The question posed was, must we produce and 
consume _less_? "Less" can be defined many ways, but we have all read 
pronouncements that we must become ascetics. The more sophisticated 
phrasing is that the earth has finite resources. Still no answer to the 
question, what resource do we overuse for which we can never find a 

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Re: [Marxism] Is Growth Over?

2013-01-16 Thread Charlie

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Hans: "The reason for this catastrophe is the overuse of the planet's 
resources by human production and consumption."

The evidence is that catastrophe and plenty of local and regional 
disasters before that threaten because of overuse of _certain_ resources 
in production and consumption, such as petroleum and its derivatives. 
Which overused resource do we know to be irreplaceable now and forever?

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Re: [Marxism] Law of Value (was Re: Did the Cuban Revolution enforce socialist realism?)

2012-12-31 Thread Charlie

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Shane Mage wrote:
Thus socialism, as Marxists should conceive it, necessarily combines 
labor and commodity markets (differing from markets under capitalism by 
being radically egalitarian in the distribution of income and hence of 
effective demand, by doing away with all monopolistic constraints on the 
operation of the law of value, and by explicit and ever increasing 
democratic social determination of the overall quantity of resources 
devoted to investment in ecological repair and in improving beneficial 
technologies) with conscious social determination of economic evolution.


It is not clear to me whether this concept might include "market 
socialism." The existence of markets, of course, does not mean market 
socialism. It is rather an economy of public ownership in which firms 
keep a significant portion of profits or, if all profit goes to one or 
another level of the government, the firms are rewarded to a significant 
degree by their rate of profit.

Charles Andrews

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Re: [Marxism] The anthropology wars

2012-12-30 Thread Charlie

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Robert Briffault debated Malinowski on the radio in the 1930s. Usually 
labeled a debate about the institution of marriage, the real topic was 
the classless nature of early human society extending into the period 
when communities were so productive that there was a surplus and classes 
were possible. The facts support Briffault.

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Re: [Marxism] Book inquiry : Mathematics for the masses

2012-12-14 Thread Charlie

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Passages from Engels' Anti-Duhring. On the archive site, search the work 
for the word mathematics.

Passages from Morris Kline's lengthy Mathematical Thought from Ancient 
to Modern Times.

Irving Adler, sometimes with his wife Ruth, wrote a series of popular texts.

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[Marxism] At $3 million, Kerrey at New School was highest paid private college president

2012-12-09 Thread Charlie

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Top 10 recipients, in total compensation, among private-college leaders 
in 2010.

1. Bob Kerrey (x), The New School, $3,047,703
2. Shirley Ann Jackson, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, $2,340,441
3. G. David Pollick (x), Birmingham-Southern College, $2,312,098
4. Mark S. Wrighton, Washington University in Saint Louis, $2,268,837
5. Nicholas S. Zeppos, Vanderbilt University, $2,228,349
6. Steven B. Sample (x), University of Southern California, $1,963,710
7. Lee C. Bollinger, Columbia University, $1,932,931
8. Richard C. Levin, Yale University, $1,616,066
9. Robert J. Zimmer, University of Chicago, $1,597,918
10. Jack P. Varsalona, Wilmington University (Del.), $1,550,218
(x): no longer president

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Re: [Marxism] Eric Foner letter on Lincoln

2012-12-01 Thread Charlie

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Looking back, we fall into seeing slavery as the crucial issue of the 
Civil War. The cry of the North, however, was Save the Union. The issue 
behind that banner not slavery in itself. The issue was the expansionism 
of the slave system. Economically, the big slaveholders and slave 
breeders needed new land; politically, they needed to maintain their 
domination of the federal government, hence the new states and their 
representation in Congress.

The free farmers of the North and the Midwest then being settled came 
into irreconcilable contradiction with this slave system. So, too, did 
the Northern industrial capitalists. Much of the North was willing to 
let slavery persist in the South, hopefully dying out over time, if it 
could be contained there. But they learned that it could not.

The slave system and the big slaveholders' domination of the federal 
government was broken. That led to the end of slavery, but it did not 
rule out a tamed plantation system in the South.

The question is not: who moved history, Lincoln or the slaves? Lincoln 
was the head of the coalition that could not accept the expansionist 
slave system. There was a great mass of people in that coalition, slaves 
comprising part of it.

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Re: [Marxism] Excellent documentary on inequality

2012-11-19 Thread Charlie

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Marv, your reply sharpens the question. Is the growing attack on the 
livelihood of working people in the U.S. and other developed capitalisms 
a result of globalization plus a long deep depression?

Yes and no. Yes, the decline in living standards works through those two 
processes. No, because a curb on globalization and an eventual climb out 
of the depression would not restore prosperity-under-capitalism. Not 
even with a mass movement as militant as can be. (The hyphens are there 
because sure, a movement that passes into the overthrow of capitalism ... )

My post used the phrase "decline of labor," alluding to the decline in 
the real wage, which peaked in the U.S. in 1973, well before 
globalization. You point to a table of strike action. It shows the peak 
occurred somewhere between 1970 and 1974, depending on which column of 
the table you choose. That was the turning point.

Industrial capitalism based on unskilled and semiskilled labor was able 
to combine rapid accumulation and a trend line of a rising standard of 
living. (Not paradise, excluding Blacks, punctuated by boom and bust, 
trading a better life off the job for mind-numbing and body-wrecking 
drudgery in the factory, etc.) Such qualified prosperity is no longer 
possible under capitalism, regardless of what happens with 
globalization. That is the fact in the U.S., it is becoming the fact in 
Europe, and it will become the reality in China in a few decades at most.

Coda: Foxconn has done the math, announcing it will introduce up to a 
million robots in its Chinese factories in the next five years. Allowing 
for bluster, we still see that it pays Foxconn to substitute robots for 
wages and the management costs of supervising and terrorizing the 
workforce in China.

Charles Andrews
(more on this in:) No Rich, No Poor

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Re: [Marxism] Excellent documentary on inequality

2012-11-18 Thread Charlie

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Marv Gandall wrote:
the assault on the welfare state and widening inequality are a 
consequence of the abrupt decline of the labour and socialist movement 
under the combined pressure of new communications, transportation, and 
production technologies which have allowed capital to shed workers at 
home and tap huge new reserves of cheaper labour overseas.


Yes, there is a materialist explanation of the change, not a mysterious 
fluctuation in capitalists' inhumanity.

However, the decline of labor began well before globalization in the 
sense of shifting production easily from one place to another.

There were plenty of new technologies during the height of 
industrialization, roughly, the 100 years after 1860. Averaged across 
boom and bust, capitalist accumulation eagerly exploited as much labor 
as it could find. But no more after 1973, if one must pick a year (well 
before globalization in the above sense),

Charles Andrews
No Rich, No Poor

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Re: [Marxism] Spielberg's 'Lincoln': Passive Black Characters

2012-11-14 Thread Charlie

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The examples that the historian in the NY Times gives of Black slave and 
ex-slave activism are largely secondary.

The capitalists, small farmers, and eventually the workers of the North 
fought such a bloody war as the Civil War because the slave-plantation 
system was a lunge at their jugular. Their recognition of the inhumanity 
of slavery was supportive of their destruction of the Southern regime, 
and their ultimate abolitionism was a genuinely held belief that 
accorded with the economic-political imperative.

Arguing against this view without stating it, the historian is 
ahistorical. Who practices historical materialism in the large these days?

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Re: [Marxism] Boots Riley on the black bloc

2012-10-08 Thread Charlie

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Boots Riley almost a year ago, Nov. 8, 2011:
The truth is that while almost everyone I know in Occupy Oakland 
(including myself) thinks that breaking windows is tactically the wrong 
thing to do and very stupid, many people do not agree with non-violent 
philosophy. If you kicked those folks out then you would have a body of 
folks that wouldn't have been radical enough to even call for a General 
Strike. Occupy Oakland, on the whole, has a radical analysis that leads 
us to campaigns that others wouldn't and which also capture people's 

Sounds like a reasonable position then, but it was not. The 
window-breakers did not combine their tactic with any program at all 
(except Police let us do what we want). Occupy Oakland tapped 
working-class sentiment with the mass march on the port in support of 
the Longview struggle, but OO never came close to generalizing or 
sustaining that sentiment. At least, that is the evidence of reports on 
this list at the time.

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[Marxism] Several Wal-Mart strikes

2012-10-04 Thread Charlie

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: QUERY: How are Loyalists treated in courses? [G Furr]

2012-02-24 Thread Charlie

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It might be suggestive to look at the revolt of farmers and other 
working people against the imposition of the Constitution. Suggestive to 
look backward in order to get on the trail of causation running forward 
in human affairs.

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Re: [Marxism] Inevitable Collapse or Crises

2012-02-05 Thread Charlie

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Marx never self-criticized his famous statement on modes of production 
in the Contribution to the Critique of Political Economy. More 
important, the concept has guided research and analysis to discover the 
limits of capitalist development.

Crises are inevitable from the beginning of industrial capitalism. They 
are not heralds of its end.

Limits turn out to explain why the lot of workers has gotten worse for 
an unprecedented four decades since 1973. There will not be a 
post-industrial era of capitalist economic growth from which workers 
will extract a major share. That is not collapse, but it is the 
introduction to new terms in the debate over reform versus revolution.

Charles Andrews
No Rich, No Poor

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Re: [Marxism] NPR reports China's market explosion came from below

2012-01-21 Thread Charlie

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When officials in China want to legitimize a policy change, they often 
point to a local success story - just as every cause in the U.S. likes 
to have a poster child.

China is a big country, and local practices do vary across the land and 
over time. Class struggle goes on at all levels from the highest peaks 
of power to small villages.

For serious reporting of how agriculture fared under communes and after 
they were dissolved, see the writings of William Hinton.

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Re: [Marxism] The Port Shut-Down, Occupy, and Decision-making

2011-12-23 Thread Charlie

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Mark L.: "If we're serious about building this into a real mass 
movement, we have to encourage these groups to do things differently."

Based on the actions at Oakland, those who steer the course there do not 
want to do things differently. Eidlin's commentary reports that the only 
issue was payback for earlier police actions. Also, see the poster for 
Dec. 12 at the original web page for the commentary. Fine general slogan 
about Wall Street, nothing about union-busting, and no specific or 
agitational demands, neither for dockworkers nor the 99 percent.

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 
_ _ _ _ _ _ No Rich, No Poor

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Re: [Marxism] OccupyOakland moves to the 'hood, sets sights on fighting foreclosures, serving community

2011-11-24 Thread Charlie

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San Francisco Chronicle, November 23, 2011, page C - 1:

"I have asked them to leave," said Gloria Cobb, who owns the lot. "They 
won't leave. I can't afford to stop work and physically go down there."

Activists had said late Monday that  Cobb gave them permission to set up 
their tents, but Cobb denied that. "No, it is not the case," said Cobb, 
the sister of longtime activist and Oakland Post Publisher Paul Cobb. (A 
little search engine work shows that the Oakland Post is a Black 
community newspaper.)

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[Marxism] Nurse Union to Set Up First Aid Station for Occupy Wall Street

2011-10-14 Thread Charlie

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New York – The nation’s largest organization of nurses today announced 
it will set up a first aid station Friday to provide basic medical 
assistance to participants in the Occupy Wall Street protests in New 
York, an effort that will be expanded to other cities where protests 
continue. National Nurses United (NNU) will establish a first aid 
station in New York’s Zuccotti Park Friday at noon, October 14.

- - - - - -

This is wonderful. One likely consequence, though, is that many 
occupiers will learn of serious health issues -- and left feeling 
helpless, lacking that insidious commodity known as health insurance.

No rich, no poor

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Re: [Marxism] The NYT Oglesby obit (and histories of SDS)

2011-09-18 Thread Charlie

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There is another chronicle that turns out to be more favorable to 
Progressive Labor: Alan Adelson, SDS: A Profile, Scribners, 1972. 
Adelson is clearly more interested in telling it like it was, while Sale 
is more interested in bending the story to his interpretation - which 
underscores Sale's acknowledgment that the RYM/Weatherman side made the 
split happen. It is a concession to Progressive Labor by a hostile witness.

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Re: [Marxism] Action Theory

2011-09-04 Thread Charlie

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The main form of action for the human species is labor. If your 
philosophy helps understand the history of labor and makes a case for 
the kind of labor that is approaching, you might write it up for a more 
formal platform than an email list.

No Rich, No Poor

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Re: [Marxism] Radical rupture in property requires radical rupture in ideas

2011-06-08 Thread Charlie

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Michael Y. wrote:
I noticed this on the Kasama Project web site. Does this put the cart 
before the horse?


The horse is always in front of the cart. When the cart has too much 
baggage piled on it, the horse cannot pull it. Someone has to get the 
idea that it's time to throw a bunch of useless old junk off the cart.


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Re: [Marxism] The health benefits of atomic bombing

2011-03-23 Thread Charlie

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Now we understand the problem with the 1950s move to add flourine to 
drinking water - it wasn't radioactive flourine.

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Re: [Marxism] Nuclear Hubris: Could Japan's Disaster Happen Here?

2011-03-15 Thread Charlie

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The tsunami triggered most of the problems at the Fukushima reactors. 
Thirty feet tall, it washed away three-story houses like flicking a 
finger - and left generators and other vital systems at Fukushima 
useless. The seawall was designed to stop a 20-foot tsunami.

Back in the USA, here is a photo of the seaside nuclear complex at San 
Onofre, California:

That wall facing the Pacific Ocean is designed to protect the site from 
a 25-foot tsunami ( ) 

As Les pointed out, locating nuclear reactors by the sea is a 
cost-cutting decision; the reactors depend on large amounts of water - 
circulating in pipes, not smashing into equipment.

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Re: [Marxism] What was the excuse for putting those reactors there?

2011-03-13 Thread Charlie

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Rod Holt wrote: "...In any case, the earthquake was far offshore." Too 
bad the tsunami didn't stay far offshore.

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Re: [Marxism] What was the excuse for putting those reactors there?

2011-03-13 Thread Charlie

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Rod Holt wrote: "...In any case, the earthquake was far offshore." Too 
bad the tsunami didn't stay far offshore.

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[Marxism] What was the excuse for putting those reactors there?

2011-03-13 Thread Charlie

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What was the excuse for putting nuclear reactors on a coast next to 
fault lines, guaranteeing exposure to tsunamis?

In northern California, the developing scandal arises out of killing 
"only" eight people by the explosion of a natural gas transmission line 
in San Bruno. We learn a new outrage almost every week about how the 
utility, Pacific Gas & Electric, cut costs. They didn't want to check 
the welds on a six-decades-old line the safe way, so instead they tested 
by raising the pressure above official safety levels. Great, the line 
didn't blow up. Except last Fall a failure at a pumping station 
something like 20 miles away sent a surge of pressure through the line 
... boom.

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Re: [Marxism] glorious Spring

2011-02-25 Thread Charlie

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Mark Lause wrote: "...waves of social upheaval took the form of a series 
of very different events in very different circumstances. 1968 wasn't 
the same in Paris as Mexico or Prague or elsewhere. And 1848 was 
certainly different and came to different ends, depending on where you 

Agreed. Nonetheless, a common theme in the current movements is that the 
rich are waging a war on the rest of us, and one way or another we must 
fight back. That theme was barely visible in 1968. No Rich, No Poor

Charles Andrews

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