[Marxism] Israel arrests "Freedom Riders" challenging apartheid road system | The Electronic Intifada

2011-11-15 Thread Greg Adler
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The struggle for Palestinian liberation continues to develop in interesting
Obviously and quite consciously the action is inspired by Civil Rights
struggle in the 50's
I think that the Arab spring is important as a source of inspiration .


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[Marxism] It was our mistake, says Palestinian chief

2011-10-29 Thread Greg Adler
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How abject can Abbas be?


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[Marxism] Why Jobs Is No Edison — The American Magazine

2011-10-08 Thread Greg Adler
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As a non-Apple consumer this article seens a useful corrective to the
ongoing deisation of Jobs
on the level of technological development. Of course issues of market power
and worker explotation
are not dealt with her


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Re: [Marxism] "Cuba does not recognize the Transitional National Council"

2011-09-03 Thread Greg Adler
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It seems contradictory that Cuba was OK about maintaining a relationship with
the Ghaddafi regime while it slaughtered innocent citizens and cooperated with
the CIA and MI6 in accepting rendition victims for torturing as part
and parcel of its
support for the imperialists' war on terror.

Of course the details of this side of Libya's pro-imperialist stance
has been revealed in documents just discovered -but that's the sort of
thing that happens when a revolution shines a light in dark
corners.The Bolsheviks published the secret diplomacy of the the
overthrown regime. I look forward to more being uncovered through the
victory of Libyan people.
On 9/4/11, Fred Feldman  wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> The following is the Google translation of a statement by the Cuban foreign
> ministry. I assume the note below was written by Walter Lippmann, editor of
> the Cuba News list.
> Fred Feldman
> (Google translation. Spanish original below. Official translation to English
> will follow when received.)
> Cuba does not recognize the Transitional National Council
> The Foreign Ministry has withdrawn its diplomatic staff in Libya, where
> foreign intervention and military aggression of NATO have exacerbated the
> conflict and the Libyan people have impeded progress towards a negotiated
> and peaceful solution, in the exercise of self-determination.

> Cuba claims that nothing can justify killing innocent peopl

Greg Adler

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[Marxism] In Pictures: Triumphant entry into Tripoli - In Pictures - Al Jazeera English

2011-08-21 Thread Greg Adler
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A good array of photos of the fast moving events in Libya and reaction to

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[Marxism] New Statesman - Amid the Murdoch scandal, there’s an acrid smell of business as usual

2011-07-23 Thread Greg Adler
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John Pilgers take on the suddenly brave pollies and "quality"newspapers
on the wounded Murdoch.


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[Marxism] Murdoch's solution to phone hacking

2011-07-09 Thread Greg Adler
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[Marxism] YouTube - ‪Rebekah Brooks admits to paying police‬‏

2011-07-08 Thread Greg Adler
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This amazing you tube clip shows Rebekah Brooks the editor of the soon to be
News of the World admitting to a Parliamentary committe that NOTW had paid
police for
information in the past with her then boss Andy Coulson desperately moving
to cover
up by saying the payments only happened within the law.
A nonsense defence as paying police for information is illegal. The Murdoch
petrified parliamentarians
allow this to pass on by.
Coulson went on to become the spokesman for the Tory government under David
Cameron. Cameron defended
him as the phone hacking scandal spread from royals to politicians and
celebrities finally cutting him loose a
couple of months ago.
Now the expectation is that Coulson is to be arrested.
Brooks has been kept on as a buffer to be sacrificed if necessary to
keep the heat off Murdoch and
his son James who runs the UK operations and seems to be his preferred
The closure of NOTW this weekend comes as major advertisers have deserted
it. Already News
has copyrighted the Sunday Sun name so the dead paper can be replaced by a
seventh day
edition of the the Murdoch-owned Sun.This maybe remembers as the rag that
greeted the sinking
of the  Belgrano in the Malvinas War with the full frontpage headline
The other thing playing on the Murdochs minds is their bid to gain complete
ownership of the BSkyB
network-a sort of British version of Fox news  without the hysterical
Beck-O'Reilly-Hannity-Palin edge.


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[Marxism] Australia's ties to Abu Ghraib - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

2011-07-04 Thread Greg Adler
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TV report shows Australian complicity In Abu Grahib atrocities


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Re: [Marxism] American Historical Review discredits Robert Service's Trotsky bio

2011-06-29 Thread Greg Adler
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Does anyone on the list have access to this article -the AHA one
aand able to post it

On Wed, Jun 29, 2011 at 3:36 PM, jay rothermel wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> http://www.wsws.org/articles/2011/jun2011/pers-j28.shtml?utm_source=Book+Link&utm_campaign=0983c08af0-IDLT_Review6_28_2011&utm_medium=email
> “A book that fails to meet the basic standards of historical scholarship”
> The
> American Historical Review discredits Robert Service’s biography of Leon
> Trotsky
> 28 June 2011
> The *American Historical Review*, among the oldest and most prestigious
> academic journals in the United States, has published in its June 2011
> issue
> a critical examination of two books: the denunciatory biography *Trotsky*
> by
> British historian Robert Service and *In Defense of Leon
> Trotsky*
> *, *by David North, the chairman of both the Socialist Equality Party in
> the
> United States and the international editorial board of the *World Socialist
> Web Site*. The author of the combined review is the historian Bertrand
> Patenaude, a lecturer in history and international relations at Stanford
> University, and a fellow at the Hoover Institute. He is also the
> author of *Trotsky:
> Downfall of a Revolutionary*, published by Harper Collins in 2009.

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[Marxism] A hundred years of bombing the Arabs

2011-06-11 Thread Greg Adler
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A brief but interesting history of imperialism bombing Arabs.


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Re: [Marxism] World Socialist Website

2011-06-06 Thread Greg Adler
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I, dear reader, am the former SLLer referred to below.
The whole story would be quite long but the relevant details are:
1)On a few hours notice I replaced another leading member of the
SLL (ie the Australian Socialist Labour League) to travel as a journalist to

attend a meeting in Iraq.

2)I was instructed to seek $100,000 from the Iraqis with a view to
purchasing a printing press.

3)I travelled with a person of Lebanese background who was sympathetic to
the Baath Party
and had an Arabic language newspaper in Sydney.

4)He made it clear to me that he hade his own requests to make to the Iraqis
. I saw high level people
only in company with him.

5)In one of the meetings a fairly high official made it clear that he and
others were dismayed by the
handful of votes received by Vanessa Redgrave-they had been led to have much
greater expectations as to the
strength of the WRP. I assured the official that the 100 or so votes had
been class conscious votes.
He did not seem to be impressed by that.

At no time did it seem to be the remotest possibilty of getting a 100
cents-so I never sought the press money.
Greg Adler

On Mon, Jun 6, 2011 at 8:29 AM, Ozleft  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Healy also appears to have got some Iraqi money around the Newsline period.
> A former SLLer told me of an uncomfortable visit to Baghdad after an
> election campaign featuring Vanessa Redgrave, in which he was asked to
> explain the derisory number of votes.
> Bob Pitt wrote a book-length description and analysis of Healy and his
> operations, based on first-hand experience.
> http://www.scribd.com/doc/33035535/Rise-and-Fall-of-Gerry-Healy
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[Marxism] Controversy dogs Chomsky as he accepts Sydney Peace Prize

2011-06-01 Thread Greg Adler
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[Marxism] Cricket great Khan challenges Pakistan to reject all help from US

2011-05-12 Thread Greg Adler
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Imran Khan is a former captain of the Pakistani cricket team
and a vocal opponent of corruption in the country.
Greg Adler

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[Marxism] Toward Palestine's 'Mubarak moment' - Opinion - Al Jazeera English#

2011-02-26 Thread Greg Adler
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The PA was a trap for the Palestinian people that has worked wonderfully
for Israel  with the toadying cooperation of the corrupt Fatah leadership
This is an an important contribution to the discussion of the way forward
for the Palestinian struggle  taking inspiration from the Tunisian Egyptian
and Libyan struggles

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[Marxism] Imperial arrogance:US general casts doubt on Afghan burn injuries

2011-02-22 Thread Greg Adler
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It's not imperialism at fault its those whacky Afghan parents who dip their
children's hands and feet into boiling water.


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[Marxism] Robert Fisk in Bahrain: 'They didn't run away. They faced the bullets head-on' - Middle East, World - The Independent

2011-02-20 Thread Greg Adler
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Fisk remains the best mainstream reporter on the "Middle East"
the only major problem I have with him is his support for Haririi in Lebanon
This report is very powerful


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[Marxism] Bono causes stir in South Africa over 'shoot the farmer' song

2011-02-13 Thread Greg Adler
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For once Bono appears to have got it more or less right.


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Re: [Marxism] bye bye dictator

2011-02-11 Thread Greg Adler
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Astonishing to watch this live-best coverage on Al Jazeera.
The Arab and Muslim world is awake.
The old spectre haunts Washington'Tel Aviv London Canberra and all
the capitals of imperialism and its lickspittles.

What next-yes we know there are a multitude of dangers but for the moment
Rejoice Rejoice
Viva Egypt
Viva the revolution

Greg Adler

On Sat, Feb 12, 2011 at 4:19 AM, Néstor Gorojovsky  wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Long live the Egyptian people!
> I have NEVER been happier to see my forecast fall down as too gloomy...
> --
> Néstor Gorojovsky
> El texto principal de este correo puede no ser de mi autoría
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Re: [Marxism] Causes of the collapse of USSR

2011-02-06 Thread Greg Adler
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A modest proposal for deep background-so to speak-on the causes of the
collapse of the USSR
The Revolution Betrayed by Leon Trotsky
Greg Adler

On Mon, Feb 7, 2011 at 10:28 AM, Ethan Young wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Moshe Lewin, author of ‘The Soviet Century‘ discusses the book with Sasha
> Lilly on the oral history radio show ‘Talking History‘. Listen here:
> http://www.albany.edu/talkinghistory/ind/atg-20051220-soviet-century-part1.mp3and
> http://www.albany.edu/talkinghistory/ind/atg-20051220-soviet-century-part2.mp3
> .
> On the 90th anniversary of the Russian Revolution, we explore the legacy of
> the revolution with this conversation with Moshe Lewin, former collective
> farm worker and eminent scholar of Soviet social history (
> http://versouk.wordpress.com/2009/10/01/soviet-century-a-conversation-with-historian-moshe-lewin/
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[Marxism] Jewish prayers for Egypt's uprising - Opinion - Al Jazeera English

2011-02-01 Thread Greg Adler
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A different perspective on Egypts struggle


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Re: [Marxism] Dear Mr. Kerry: @#@#@#@#@#.......

2011-01-31 Thread Greg Adler
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I find Joaquins posts educative and interesting even if I don't always agree
him. But I think he is off track here. Many white people revere him for all
the wrong reasons
(eg Attenbrough's "Ghandi".

And many millions of Indians do not revere him at all.

The people of Pakistan who were Indians throughout most of Ghandis life
certainly do
not revere him.

Muslims still within India do not revere him.

The millions of untouchables-who Ghandi opposed having their own political
power- do not revere him.

Even those who claim to revere him such as Congress in fact scarcely give
lip service to him
rejecting non-violence in practice-rejecting his economic ideas in theory
and practice and
happily miring themselves in coruption and cronyism.

Finally he was killed by a Hindu extremist.

I think its highly likely that Ghandi is more revered by some non-Indians
than he is by
many Indians.
Greg Adler

On Mon, Jan 31, 2011 at 4:21 PM, Joaquín Bustelo wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> On 1/30/2011 12:30 PM, Michael Smith wrote:
>>  Remember that Gandhi is the father
>>> >  of our nation and and is revered by all of us, Indians.
> Perhaps. Alas, this reverence does not necessarily extend
>> to all non-Indians.
> Yeah, especially white people.
> Joaquín
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[Marxism] Egypt shuts down Al Jazeera bureau - Middle East - Al Jazeera English

2011-01-30 Thread Greg Adler
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The Egyptian authorities resort to desperate measures


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[Marxism] Women of Egypt (4) in the struggle

2011-01-30 Thread Greg Adler
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Wonderful gallery of women in the developing revolution


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Re: [Marxism] Inspiring video on Egyptian revolution

2011-01-30 Thread Greg Adler
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We will not be silenced.Whether you are Muslim, whether you are Christian
whether you are atheist
you will demand your goddamn rights and we will get them one way or another.
We will not be

This is what make imperialists and their stooges from Obama to Mubarak sick
to their core.
Whatever the outcome the Egyptian people have written an indelible page in
the struggle
that unites us.

The images from this video are worth many thousands of words

On Sun, Jan 30, 2011 at 6:21 PM, Juan Fajardo wrote:

> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ThvBJMzmSZI
> --
> - Juan
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[Marxism] Revealed: story of Israeli troops told to 'cleanse' Gaza - Channel4 News

2011-01-28 Thread Greg Adler
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A powerful exposure of the brutality of Israels war on Gaza in the words
of its own soldiers


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[Marxism] Ikhwanweb :: minute by minute breakdown of events in Egypt

2011-01-28 Thread Greg Adler
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This is amazing getting the coverage from various sources inspite
of attempts to gag the uprising. A spectre is haunting the Middle East and


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[Marxism] Egypt v Tunisia

2011-01-28 Thread Greg Adler
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Very interesting to contrast the braying of Obama in the sotu address
claiming to support the
Tunisian people to the support for Mubarak and the claiming of him as a good
The downfall of Mubarak would open a serious problem for the continued
blockade of Gaza
and put the whole imperialist settlement in the "middle east" in real

The vile regimes of Saudi Arabia and Jordan would be prime targets for
similar developments
with Fatah  coming up close behind.

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