Re: [Marxism] These People Are Still Being Held by Armed Separatists in Ukraine | VICE News

2014-05-04 Thread Shane Mage

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On May 4, 2014, at 11:25 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

So how does a People's Republic justify abducting people? I don't  
remember Marx writing about this in "Class Struggles in France".

But in fact Marx did write about the Commune abducting people  
(including the Archbishop of Paris) and executing them. He even  
criticized the Commune for this--that is, for *not* executing them  
until the very end!

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] BBC News - The curious survival of the US Communist Party

2014-05-02 Thread Shane Mage

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On May 2, 2014, at 7:10 PM, wrote:

Hazarding a guess, I would think Hugh De Lacy, Leo Isacson and Vito  
Marcantonio. Bur not really sure about Marcantonio.

I don't know about De Lacy, but Isacson and Marcantonio were not  
Democrats. They were elected on  the ALP (American Labor Party) ticket.

Three Democratic congressmen were secretly Communist Party members.

Does anyone know who they were?

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] Lawrence & Wishart: despicable bourgeois profiteers

2014-04-26 Thread Shane Mage

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Well said, Joaquin!

On Apr 26, 2014, at 6:36 AM, Joaquín Bustelo wrote:

On 4/25/2014 8:56 PM, michael yates wrote: "Can comrades explain to  
me what is so outrageous about the publisher's defense of its  


Lawrence and Wishart have just proved themselves to be opportunist  
bourgeois profiteers pimping of the workers movement by denying  
people access to works from a century and a half ago so they can  
extort money from, in the last analysis, college students or  

Michael Yates hints that he might be OK with it because they co- 
published some book about a strike a hundred years ago.

Oh! I almost forgot. Eleanor Marx was involved. In the strike, not  
the book, but --perhaps-- that makes L&W A-OK.


Maybe Michael Yates should post to a Tea Party list, where bourgeois  
property has more respect, instead of this one, where I hope  
bourgeois "intellectual property" doesn't have quite the same  

Information wants to be free, especially if it can help working  
people understand the nature of the system so we can smash it.

David Walters and the MIA have NO CHOICE but to respect this  
bourgeois "intellectual property," or the MIA would be shut down. So  
I totally understand and support them in their stance of respecting  
bourgeois "intellectual property," including making nice-sounding  
diplomatic noises about copyrights, the DMCA, and so on.

But the rest of us are not under those constraints. People should  
download the material to be censored and share it as widely as  
possible, especially through torrents, which are a very efficient  
means of distribution, and through "darknet" sites, though that is  
quite a bit more complicated.

*  *  *

I'm not just  being ornery or ultraleft. This is the right policy,  
the right response, to a bourgeois publisher who PRETENDS to be an  
ally to the socialist movement, but instead seeks to EXPLOIT working  
people when the opportunity arises.

The argument is that the translations are "new," even if the works  
are old, and copyright fees are just because the people who made  
these new translations have to be paid royalties is 1,000% bogus.

Find me the translator who says they're getting royalties from sales  
of Marx and Engels translations and I'll show you a liar. Or any  
translator of ANY work. Apart from Gregory Rabassa, the translator  
of Gabo's One Hundred Years of Solitude, and one or two others, any  
translator who claims he or she has received one cent from royalties  
AFTER the initial fee is lying.

I've been translating "professionally" (i.e., for money) for more  
than four decades, and Rabassa is the only one of our tribe that  
I've ever met who got post-publication royalties. And as someone who  
has been and continues to be a "content creator," I totally support  
writers, actors, and everyone else like that who is involved in  
actually creating "works of authorship" getting paid.

But PUBLISHERS (whether known by that name or others, like Hollywood  
studios, record labels, TV networks, web sites, content aggregators,  
or whatever), are parasites. They are the ENEMIES of content  
creators (authors, translators, editors, film makers, etc.). In the  
real world, the monopoly that copyright law grants benefits THEM  
much much more than it does US, and is even a weapon used against  
us. The media monopoly mafia use their hoards of "copyrights" to  
tell us we either sell to them cheap, or we won't sell at all. They  
have tons of content that they already own and they don't needs ours.

And because they own the distribution channels, the threat is quite  

In practice, this works out to the overwhelming majority of content  
creators being forced to work under conditions where their EMPLOYER,  
a corporation, is the "author," and the actual creative human beings  
have no rights, none whatsoever, under copyright law.

This corporate monopoly has been based on the capitalist's control  
of the means of producing and reproducing works and distributing them.

What gave rise to this sort of copyright law is the printing press.  
You need to be a capitalist to have one.

We journalists know that "freedom of the press belongs to those that  
own one," but the same is true of copyright. Copyright belongs to  
the capitalists, to the bourgeoisie.

Digital technology and especially the Internet has given regular  
people --us-- tools to begin shattering that monopoly. David Walters  
and his friends in the MIA deserve credit for using those tools to  
give untold millions of people access to something that belongs to  

Now, some will say that a publisher, even in this day and age, needs  
to recoup their investment in these "new" tr

Re: [Marxism] Venezuela: ‘Can a country have a revolutionary state and a capitalist economy?’-- Interview with Steve Ellner | Links International Journal of Socialist Renewal

2014-04-23 Thread Shane Mage

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On Apr 22, 2014, at 9:08 PM, glparramatta wrote:

Poulantzas, Althusser go Caracas

Venezuela: ‘Can a country have a revolutionary state and a  
capitalist economy?’-- Interview with Steve Ellner

"the argument that the state under capitalism enjoys a status of  
relative autonomy vis-à-vis the capitalist class, particularly in the  
realm of economic policy."

This nonsensical (essentially Stalinist) argument simply hypostasizes  
"the state." But the state is composed of people--hired armed people  
and commanders who dictate their use of those weapons. And from what  
class of people are those directors drawn, if not from those who make  
up the ruling class through their hereditary ownership and control of  
social property plus a few from lower origins who have won admittance  
through service? Where do the generals, judges, police commissioners  
and legislators come from? The Marxist concept of state and revolution  
requires destruction of the capitalist state--which means that those  
people are dismissed from their functions and replaced by people drawn  
from  and democratically controlled by the organizations of the  
working people.  Since no ruling class is ever homogeneous the "state"  
incorporates those internal antagonisms and resolves them through  
"normal" or violent (as in the German or Russian blood purges, the  
Chinese 'Cultural Revolution" and current "anti-corruption" campaigns,  
or  political assassinations like that of JFK) processes.  This is not  
"autonomy" in any sense.  And when the group of people making up the  
state apparatus is seriously disrupted by social processes (as in the  
topical Venezuelan example) and a new group of directors installed  
from within a military apparatus plus "qualified experts,"  unless the  
state has been destroyed in the Marxian sense outlined above those  
people (as also in Cuba) inevitably restabilize the state with  
themselves now installed as themselves leaders of the (sometimes  
called "new") ruling class.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] MH370 kept hidden at top-secret US military base - media reports - News - World - The Voice of Russia: News, Breaking news, Politics, Economics, Business, Russia, International current e

2014-04-21 Thread Shane Mage

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On Apr 21, 2014, at 9:05 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

Hey, I figured that out the moment it was revealed that the plane had  
turned and headed  west.

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Re: [Marxism] Ukraine, Through the US Looking Glass

2014-04-16 Thread Shane Mage

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On Apr 16, 2014, at 3:21 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 Robert Parry's article...reprises all the stuff about the Right  
Sector and Svoboda that we have only heard 3000 times before. At  
least when Parry writes nonsense, he at least makes an effort to  
compose his thoughts.

So tell us, O Unrepentant One, what did Parry say about Ukrainian  
Nationalists like Pravy Sektor and Svoboda that you found to be  

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Re: [Marxism] Ukraine, Through the US Looking Glass

2014-04-16 Thread Shane Mage

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The Jewish people have centuries of experience with pogrom-steeped  
Ukrainian Nationalism, than which there is no Nationalism  more  

"The acting president of the coup regime in Kiev announces that he is  
ordering an “anti-terrorist” operation against pro-Russian protesters  
in eastern Ukraine, while his national security chief says he has  
dispatched right-wing ultranationalist fighters who spearheaded the  
Feb. 22 coup that ousted elected President Viktor Yanukovych.
On Tuesday, Andriy Parubiy, head of the Ukrainian National Security  
Council, went on Twitter to declare, “Reserve unit of National Guard  
formed #Maidan Self-defense volunteers was sent to the front line this  
morning.” Parubiy was referring to the neo-Nazi militias that provided  
the organized muscle that overthrew Yanukovych, forcing him to flee  
for his life. Some of these militias have since been incorporated into  
security forces as “National Guard.”

Parubiy himself is a well-known neo-Nazi, who founded the Social- 
National Party of Ukraine in 1991...


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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Who Goes to Jail? Matt Taibbi on American Injustice Gap from Wall Street to Main Street | Democracy Now!

2014-04-16 Thread Shane Mage

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On Apr 16, 2014, at 11:13 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:


...Fast-forward again to the next big wiped out 40  
percent of the world’s wealth...

What unspeakable bullshit! This guy thinks that the market value of  
"financial instruments" (what Marx called "fictitious capital")  
constitutes "the world's wealth!" So now that the market value of that  
fictitious capital is back around where it was in 2008, he presumably
is thankful to Obama, Bernanke, Draghi & Co. for having so brilliantly  
increased the "world's wealth" by two-thirds in a mere five years.  
What would it take to make such a type realize that the world's wealth  
is wiped out even faster during prosperity (through uninhibited  
resource extraction and environmental degradation) than during a  
crisis that inhibits economic "growth?"

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
kindling in measures and going out in measures.

Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] Journal of Musicological Research (Volume 30, Issue 1, 2011)

2014-04-04 Thread Shane Mage

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On Apr 4, 2014, at 5:31 PM, Craig Butosi wrote:


Would someone who is able kindly provide me with the full-text to the
following citation? Please respond off-list.

That "Prague Congress" took place in the immediate aftermath of two  
events: The "Prague Coup" that established a totalitarian Stalinist  
dictatorship over the Czechs and Slovaks; and the Zhdanovchina, the  
Stalinist witch-hunt that began with ludicrous denunciations of the  
only three great Soviet composers--Shostakovich, Prokofiev, and  
Khachaturian--before going on to become a veritable pogrom against  
Jewish cultural figures like Mikhoels.  Western musical figures like  
Bush merited everlasting contempt--like that merited by their Nazi  
German counterpart Parteigenoss Von Karajan--for their participation  
in such a totalitarian travesty!

Shane Mage

> This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
> always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
> kindling in measures and going out in measures."
> Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] Dugin Tells Separatists in Ukraine What to Do Next | The Interpreter

2014-04-02 Thread Shane Mage

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On Apr 2, 2014, at 8:53 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

The only interesting item in this is the following:
 Pavel Gubarev who has been detained by the Ukrainian security  
services for his separatist activities.
which reveals that in the oh-so-not-fascist Ukraine of today  
"separatism,"--the advocacy of or organization for national self- 
determination by a minority nationality like the Scots, Basques,  
Catalans, Corsicans, Tibetans, Uighurs, Chechens, Papuans, or  
Puertoricans--is a crime. A political crime, a thought crime. As in so  
many other Popular Democracies!

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
kindling in measures and going out in measures.

Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] query re A. Roy

2014-03-27 Thread Shane Mage

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On Mar 27, 2014, at 4:01 PM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

And this one, which says it all so succinctly:

 "...the vision of the Communist Manifesto is reversed. There Marx  
brings the Communists in not to prevent the expansion of capitalism  
but to fight it from the standpoint of a more advanced mode of  

So the expansion of capitalism in 2014 has no significant differences  
from the expansion of capitalism in 1847? And today we should "fight  
capitalism" but not its expansion? So unthinkingly you write off the  
whole environmental defense movement as luddite, and the struggle  
against Naruda in which she plays such an important role (and all  
similar struggles) as nothing but a primitive-communist delusion!

Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] query re A. Roy

2014-03-27 Thread Shane Mage

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On Mar 27, 2014, at 3:45 PM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

Fortunately I found soon after the piece below, on global south  
Maoism more

generally, which is a welcome emotional and political antidote to Roy

A "piece" whose factual value is excellently portrayed in this  

"MAOISTS ARE back in the news. In Nepal, after many years of guerrilla  
war, they are now the ruling party of government. They won an  
overwhelming majority of the popular vote in 2008"

This sectarian "authority" misrepresents an election in which the CPN- 
M gained a plurality of votes but were so far short of an  
"overwhelming majority" that they were totally  unable to secure  
passage of any important legislation, let alone carry out their  
promise of enacting a democratic constitution.  As a result, today  
Nepal still  has no  constitution (it is a de facto, not de jure,  
republic) and the Maoists no longer are even in the government, having  
given up their powerless "ruling" position at the head of the  

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
kindling in measures and going out in measures.

Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] No, Ukraine is not being run by fascists - The Week

2014-03-15 Thread Shane Mage

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On Mar 14, 2014, at 10:05 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
When we Marxists talk about fascism, it is in terms of a dynamic  
that is unfolding in capitalist society when parliamentary democracy  
has exhausted itself and the ruling class throws its weight behind  
violent groups whose ideology is a mixture of super-nationalism and  
themes lifted from the socialist movement. Mussolini, for example,  
was a socialist deputy at one time. His "corporatism" was a  
distorted version of leftist concepts but robbed of the idea of  
class conflict.

"We Marxists" shouldn't use the word "fascist" in that way.  Those who  
do so have a great deal to repent for, because they are trying to use  
a word in a self-unique (literally idiotic) way that has no reference  
at all to that word's usage in general--including Marxist--discourse.   
It is to live in a world that has not existed for some 75 years now-- 
and even then the word fascism had already acquired its modern meaning  
either as applying to every rightist (leaving open the question  
whether the Stalin/Mao regime and their successors were/are properly  
termed fascist--Trotsky already had written that Stalinism and Fascism  
were "symmetrical phenomena") dictatorial regime in which oppositional  
political activity is  ruthlessly suppressed, people have no rights as  
worker or citizen, and the police apparatus can kill, disappear, and  
torture with impunity; or as an all-purpose insult for one's political  
adversaries.  If there was, in 1939 (before Aug. 25, anyway), a self- 
described Marxist anywhere in the world who didn't consider Franco  
Spain to be a "Fascist" regime, I for one have never heard of that  
moron. How can a Marxist see any qualitative difference between the  
Franco and Pinochet regimes? Or, for that matter, the current regime  
in Egypt or the regime under which the Tibetan people have suffered  
for the past 55 years?

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Information on the Far-Right in Ukraine.

2014-03-13 Thread Shane Mage

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On Mar 13, 2014, at 3:16 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
Zoltán Grossman...says: "Some elements of the Tea Party--such as  
Glenn Beck and Rand Paul--do seem to straddle conservative and  
fascist ideologies." Really? How neglectful of me not to have  
noticed such characters using socialist rhetoric in a demagogic  
fashion. Must be slipping in my old age.

Don't know nuthin bout Glen Beck (reputedly a stupid comedian). But  
I've seen a lot about Dr. Paul and his rhetorical denunciations of NSA  
spying and US militarism and the drug wars, and as a fetish-free  
socialist rhetorician I wouldn't orate about them very differently.   
So his rhetoric sometimes qualifies as socialist.  But is it demagogic  
(and therefore fascist), or an honest expression of his (right)  
libertarian heritage?

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
kindling in measures and going out in measures.

Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] Ukraine: Between 'Popular Uprising for Democracy' and 'Fascist Putsch'

2014-03-12 Thread Shane Mage

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On Mar 12, 2014, at 4:46 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

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On 3/12/14 4:31 PM, Shane Mage wrote:

Q: How many Nazis were ministers in the German government before they
burnt down the Reichstag?
A: One

I see that Shane is back into his one-line analyses of complex  
political phenomena. Must have gotten tired of smearing Syrians. Now  
it is the Ukrainians who get slimed.

How is it the "Syrians" who are "slimed" when one mentions who makes  
up their armed vanguard?
How is it the "Ukranians" who are "slimed" when one mentions who makes  
up their armed vanguard?
Are the "Russians" "slimed" when one mentions that their ruling class  
is still led a clique of gangsters from the Stalinist secret police?

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Re: [Marxism] Ukraine: Between 'Popular Uprising for Democracy' and 'Fascist Putsch'

2014-03-12 Thread Shane Mage

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On Mar 12, 2014, at 3:15 PM, DW wrote:

Yes, and four ministries. To Clay, it seems, Svoboda can't be  
mentioned or

you are a shill for the Russians. The Parliament is part of the "The
Revolution". The one that has legally banned the opposition parties.
Interesting. Maybe not rump, but far from democratic.

Q: How many Nazis were ministers in the German government before they  
burnt down the Reichstag?

A: One

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Re: [Marxism] Ukraine: Between 'Popular Uprising for Democracy' and 'Fascist Putsch'

2014-03-12 Thread Shane Mage

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On Mar 12, 2014, at 8:17 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

On 3/12/14 5:15 AM, Richard Fidler wrote:

Excellent, informative article:

Well, this is just a crock of shit from Mandel: "The heroes of the  
western provinces collaborated with the German occupation and  
participated in its crimes; the heroes of the east and south fought  
fascism and for the Soviet Union."

What evidence is there of the OUN being regarded as "heroes"? I  
cited a poll conducted by social scientists that found that only 8  
percent of Ukrainians regarded the OUN as the fighting force worthy  
of support during WWII.

Well, what is a "hero?" If that refers to the armed, courageous, and  
self-sacrificing vanguard--well, all the unblind now recognize Pravy  
Sektor as that vanguard. If that refers to political figures in the  
lineage of the politically aware population, who in the "western  
provinces" has that stature? I've not heard of any (AUW and their  
Makhno fetish notwithstanding) except Bandera?  Have you?  You cited  
some poll by "social scientists," but you denounce citing the real  
poll in the most recent elections, in which Svoboda got 13 percent  
nationally out of the "western provinces" that make up less than half  
the voters--thus more than a quarter of the vote in  those areas--as a  
"crock of shit."  The only such crock visible being the one from which  
you seem constantly to be grasping turds to sling at anyone who  
disagrees with you.

Shane Mage

"L'après-vie, c'est une auberge espagnole. L'on n'y trouve que ce  
qu'on a apporté."

Bardo Thodol

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Re: [Marxism] Marxism versus conspiracism

2014-03-09 Thread Shane Mage

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On Mar 9, 2014, at 3:59 PM, Jeff wrote:
The Reichstag fire in 1933 was set by Marinus van der Lubbe, an  
independent left-communist who
traveled from Holland to Berlin in the hopes of taking action  
against the
rise of the Nazis...The Nazis used the incident to crack down on  
some Stalinist leaders...

How quickly the supporters of a united front with fascists in Ukraine  
and Syria morph into open apologists for Hitler and Göring!

Shane Mage

"L'après-vie, c'est une auberge espagnole. L'on n'y trouve que ce  
qu'on a apporté."

Bardo Thodol

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Re: [Marxism] Xpress Reviews: Graphic Novels | First Look at New Books, February 28, 2014

2014-03-02 Thread Shane Mage

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On Mar 2, 2014, at 1:39 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

Bohemians: A Graphic Anthology. Verso. Apr. 2014. 207p. ed. by Paul  
Buhle & David Berger. ISBN 9781781682616. pap. $16.95; ebk. ISBN  

bohemian022814 Xpress Reviews

Buhle begins with an introduction that distinguishes the denizens of  
a particular Eastern European district from the colloquial use of  
Bohemian as a term for artistic, social, and political rebels.

Nobody ever thought that the term "Bohemian" had any reference to the  
nation now known as the Czech Republic (which, by the way is in  
Central, not Eastern, Europe). It explicitly referred to the Gypsies  
(now preferably called Roma or Romany) whose lifestyle was in the 19th  
century thought of as the very image of Freedom.  "L'amour est enfant  
de Boheme; il n'a jamais, jamais, connu de loi" (Carmen, Act I)

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Observations on Credit and Surveillance — Antebellum Red-Baiting: When Slaveholders Accused Northerners of Fomenting Communism

2014-02-07 Thread Shane Mage

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On Feb 7, 2014, at 12:37 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:


See also Richard Hofstedter's chapter on  Calhoun, "The Marx of the  
Master Class."

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Re: [Marxism] Frankenpolitics: The Left defence of GMOs,

2014-01-08 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jan 8, 2014, at 6:57 PM, Jeff wrote:

Natural cross-breeding introduces nothing into the make-up of an
edible plant or animal that hasn't been proven edible over thousands
of millennia  of practice.

Wrong. Of course there are many poisonous plants!

"Edible" means edible *to humans*, "practice" means human activity.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] "Angry Arab" or CIA operative?

2013-12-29 Thread Shane Mage

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On Dec 29, 2013, at 3:34 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

This Kuwati press functionary in its "Washington Bureau" wants to  
unmask the "Angry Arab." But he is someone who can perpetrate a howler  
like "If you are a US citizen, working for the government, including  
the CIA, is an honorable task. Indeed, Americans are required to  
recite the pledge of allegiance, and this entails doing whatever it  
takes to defend the homeland."  Someone who can write a sentence like  
that is obviously someone whose assertions, without independent  
documentation, should not be given any credence whatsoever.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Castro on WWII

2013-12-22 Thread Shane Mage

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On Dec 21, 2013, at 11:26 PM, Ken Hiebert wrote:

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"The Second World War broke out when, on September 1, 1939, the Nazi- 
Fascism invaded Poland and fell like a thunderbolt on the heroic  
people of the USSR, which contributed 27 million lives to preserve  
humanity from that brutal massacre that took end the lives of over  
50 million people."

It certainly seems to me that Castro has telescoped the Nazi  
invasion of Poland with the invasion of the Soviet Union which did  
not happen until June of 1941.  I understand that Castro is a  
revered figure in Cuba.  But still, it seems that an editor should  
have caught this and corrected it.

It's just his ongoing whitewash of Stalinism, his way of hiding (from  
himself  as well?) Stalin's open complicity and participation in  the  
invasion of Poland; his murder of the irreconcilable anti-Nazi  
communists like Bukharin, Preobrazhensky, Rakovsky, and Trotsky; his  
decimation of the Red Army command and incompetent preparation for the  
ultimate German invasion; and the brutal massacre known as the "Great  
Purge" whose toll was exceeded only by that of the war itself! This  
sentence is, to put it as charitably as posxsible, senile.

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
kindling in measures and going out in measures.

Herakleitos of Ephesos

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[Marxism] Yves Smith savages Krugman (gently) on TPP

2013-12-13 Thread Shane Mage

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Is Krugman Running on Brand Fumes? (TransPacific Partnership Edition)

"It may seem a bit de trop to take on a Paul Krugman blog posts yet  
again, but the reason for focusing on his post yesterday on the  
TransPacific Partnership is less for its substance and more as a  
political zeitgeist indicator.
The distressing part about the role Krugman has chosen to play is that  
he too often throws his good name behind dubious Team Dem initiatives  
and orthodox economic thinking. Lesser figures, as in mere working  
journalists and commentators who advance various interests among the  
political and policy elites (think Ezra Klein or Andrew Ross Sorkin)  
take care to have enough substantive, independent-looking work so as  
to lend credence to their defenses of an increasingly corrupt status  

Krugman, of course, as a Nobel prize winner, operates in a completely  
different league. His credibility rests on his economics chops. He can  
thus rely on his established brand more heavily than lesser figures.  
But even for someone like Krugman, there are limits on how far your  
authority will take you...

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Re: [Marxism] SYRIA: Who are Assad’s fascist supporters? | Tahrir-ICN

2013-12-11 Thread Shane Mage

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On Dec 11, 2013, at 4:56 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 anti-semitism (they believe Assad’s regime acts as resistance to  

They may be wrong that Assad's regime, any more than his Islamist  
opponents, acts as resistance to Israel.  But to call that error "anti- 
semitism" marks the authors as  Zionist stooges.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Special Page at Monthly Review: Exchange with M. Heinrich on Crisis Theory

2013-12-11 Thread Shane Mage

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On Dec 1, 2013, at 4:00 AM, Angelus Novus wrote:

Heinrich's critics, and his answers to his critics.

My reply to Heinrich's answer:

"Shane Mage follows a different strategy to maintain the LTRPF: he  
simply changes the formula for the profit rate. While Marx considers s/ 
(c+v) as profit rate, Mage argues that v becomes smaller and smaller  
and therefore he simply drops it. Mathematically a little bit  
adventurous, but let us follow his considerations. Instead of the  
Marxian profit rate s/(c+v) we consider now the “Mage rate of  
profit” s/c."


Heinrich begins with a formula [s/c+v)] not to be found in Marx (he  
originally had called it "implicit") demonstrating his total  
indifference to the distinction between stocks and flows, between  
fixed and circulating capital, as if he had not bothered to read my  
extensive discussion of precisely this and my careful use of upper and  
lower case symbols to distinguish one from the other.  s [=v(s')] is  
clearly a flow variable, but what about his "c" and his "v?"  It is  
obviously (except to Heinrich?) meaningless to add a stock to a flow.  
So are they both to be taken as flows?  If so we have "v" representing  
the flow of wages over the course of the year and "c" representing the  
flow of capital consumption.  But the rate of profit--for Marx, for  
every economist, and for every capitalist--constitutes the return on  
investment, the ratio between the realized mass of surplus value  
produced during the year and the average value of the stock of social  
capital during that year. And that average value of the social capital  
is a much larger quantity than the amount of capital consumed (and  
thus to be replaced) during the year. So, if "c" and "s" are both flow  
variables Heinrich's "Marxian" profit rate s/(c+v) has nothing to do  
with the profit rate that  in Marx's Law falls tendentially. At most  
it represents a debased form of the *profit margin" (percentage of  
sale price constituting profit, aka "return on sales") which is  
calculated by every business as "s/(c+v+s)" Are both, then, to be  
taken as stocks? We then have p'=s/C+V.  But this is just as  
irrelevant to the Marxian rate of profit's tendency to fall because  
"V" (the average value of the stock of consumer-goods inventories  
destined for consumption by productive laborers) has nothing to do  
with the rate of exploitation, which is the ratio between two flows  
(surplus value appropriated and variable capital expended, or the  
unpaid and paid portions of the average working day).

Heinrich goes on to demonstrate that he misses what is essential in  
Marx's conception of the composition of capital:


"As organic composition Mage does not use the fraction c/v but the  
fraction c/(v+s), abbreviated by Q. With s′ for the rate of surplus  
value s/v, Mage now can write for his profit rate

s/c = s′ / Q(1+s′)

With this formula Mage wants to refute my demonstration that in  
Marx’s profit rate formula one finds the rate of surplus value in the  
numerator and the value composition in the denominator and that there  
is no necessity in any claim as to which one will grow faster. With  
his new formula Mage states triumphantly that now the rate of surplus  
value appears “in both the numerator and the denominator”, but  
constant capital appears only in the denominator. Seemingly Mage has  
the idea when s′ appears in numerator and denominator this  
compensates each other to a certain degree and therefore the effect of  
growing c prevails.

However, that s′ appears in the denominator is a kind of illusion.  
For Q = c/(v+s) we can also write Q = c / v(1+s′) (Mage himself  
mentions [why does he say "mentions" when I *insist* on} this  
expression). When we insert this last expression for Q in the “Mage  
profit rate” we receive

p'=s/c = s′ / [c/v(1+s′)] (1+s′)

and we can see that s′ appears not only one time in the denominator,  
it appears two times. And since these two instances cancel each other  
totally, the two terms (1+s′) in the denominator of Mage’s profit  
rate can simply be shortened and we receive:

s/c = s′/(c/v)"


Which, of course, simplifies right back

Re: [Marxism] Semour Hersh and Richard Sale’s senior moments | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2013-12-09 Thread Shane Mage

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On Dec 9, 2013, at 8:41 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

Perhaps betraying senior moments, long-time reporters Seymour “Sy”  
Hersh (76) and Richard Sale (74) have penned articles of the sort  
that were rampant in the weeks following Barack Obama’s threats to  
do something about Bashar al-Assad’s August 21 sarin gas attack on  
East Ghouta. Despite the consensus among the “anti-imperialist” left  
was that Obama intended to attack Syria as a prelude to attacking  
Iran, after the fashion of Hitler using Poland as a launching pad  
for invading the USSR...

Hitler invaded Poland with the full support and cooperation of the  
USSR and full awareness that the invasion was *casus belli* for  
Britain and France.  It was indeed a launching pad, but for the  
invasion of Western Europe, not Western Asia.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Special Page at Monthly Review (My reply to Heinrich) Part I

2013-12-02 Thread Shane Mage

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On Dec 2, 2013, at 4:40 PM, shaun may wrote:

Not wishing to appear pedantic here but merely hoping to dispel any  
possible confusion.

Shane's formula for the organic composition of capital (which, of  
course, is a value relation; a value composition) is given as C/(s 
+v) at the bottom of part 1. I make no claims  whatsoever for being  
better versed in Volume 3 than Shane. However, my formula for the  
organic composition of capital would be C/v. s (surplus value) is  
not, as I have read Volume 3, part of this value relation. C/v is  
consistent with volumes 1 and 2 of Capital.

C represents the stock of constant capital (fixed capital plus the  
inventories of circulating constant capital) v+s [v(1+s')] represents  
the total labor-time expended by the productive workers, consisting of  
the value of the real wages plus the surplus value (the two by  
definition summing to the total of hours of productive labor. The  
formula C/v is what Marx calls the "value composition" of capital. But  
he specifies that this is equivalent to Organic composition (the ratio  
between the value accumulated as "dead labor" and the value ["living  
labor"] created in the full time worked by the productive workers)  
only insofar as it reflects  "technical composition"  (which increases  
steadily over time).  Moreover, the value composition can only be held  
to represent the organic composition if the value of the real wage is  
constant (ie., there is absolutely no relative surplus value) because  
"v" represents only the *paid*, but not the unpaid, labor hours.

Of course, I always reserve the right to be wrong and to be educated  
by my fellow communists.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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[Marxism] Fwd: [CubaNews] JR/Juana Carrasco Martin: JFK and the Lost Keys

2013-11-24 Thread Shane Mage

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JFK and the Lost Keys
Juana Carrasco Martín •

November 21, 2013   22:11:02 CDT

Fifty years and the truth is still kept under seven locks. Who  
killed John F. Kennedy? Elementary: the bullets fired in Dallas on  
November 22, 1963 sealed a coup d’état where the CIA and the extreme  
right of the American political and economic power had shaken hands  
to use as executioners Italian-American mobsters and anti-Cuban  
terrorists from Miami.

Lee Harvey Oswald? A tale of fiction, without science, that even  
most of the very naive stopped believing long time ago. The  
unfortunate scapegoat manufactured in an attempt to link Cuba to the  
assassination, and to have a new pretext to act against the island  
of strength and dignity; a campaign of rumors and misinformation  
that was linked to the CIA and retold in a recent book by the former  
intelligence agency officer, Brian Latell.

Cuba was was not the only focal point. There was also an ongoing war  
against Vietnam whose escalation was of interest to the military  
industrial complex; there was an agreement to start nuclear  
disarmament that would put aside the danger hanging over humankind  
that almost had fatal consequences during the Missile Crisis in  
October, 1962.

The wide conspiracy spun a web of false leads, censored documents,  
and convenient deaths of witnesses or participants in the events of  
the assassination or the fruitless investigations...  But if there  
has never been a certain conclusion, and the U.S. citizens were  
paralyzed by the media, politicians and authorities who were not  
interested in getting to the truth, doubt persists: 61 percent of  
Americans are convinced that Oswald did not act alone...

Perhaps the assassination of JFK is one of the events that produced  
more literature in history; and I do not mean the hundreds of  
thousands of articles written in virtually every country on this  
planet. I'm talking about books -reaching an estimated figure of  
over 2000- large volumes ready to prove this or that theory.

After five decades of mystery, new research comes to light, like  
that by Italian journalist Claudio Accogli presented in his book  
Kennedy deve morire (Kennedy must die ); or that by James W. Douglas  
described in JFK and The Unspeakable. Why He died and Why It  
Matters; or the views expressed by David Talbot in The Conspiracy  
(whose original title is Brothers) who explained in a recent  
interview: "The plot against JFK was orchestrated by experts, and  
had all the features of a sophisticated intelligence operation . As  
soon as Robert [Kennedy, U.S. Attorney General] learned of the death  
of his brother, he knew he was facing a powerful enemy. And he knew  
he could not trust the security agencies who had betrayed his  
brother: the CIA, the FBI or the Secret Service ...”

By chance, assassinating a U.S. President was not a federal crime in  
1963; it was only declared so in 1965. But hiding the truth of this  
story is still valid in the imperial country and it is unlikely  
that, in 2017, they will open the locks that protect the story that  
is contained in the more than 1100 files related to the  
assassination; a story that belongs to the American people and the  

Also 50 years ago –on November 23, 1963– Fidel, in an analytical  
speech on the terrible event, enlightened the world and called on  
Americans to find out who had –and why– acted in such "a macabre  
plan to conduct a policy of war and aggression, to put the U.S.  
government in the hands of the most aggressive circles of monopoly,  
militarism and the worst government agencies in the United States.  
It is in our own interest, in the interest of all peoples and the  
people of the United States to demand this."

The call has not been answered; the wound that bled the President,  
18,250 days ago, has not yet closed; many questions remain unanswered.


JFK y las llaves perdidas

Juana Carrasco Martín •
21 de Noviembre del 2013 22:11:02 CDT

Cincuenta años y la verdad sigue guardada bajo siete candados.  
¿Quién mató a John F. Kennedy? Elemental, las balas disparadas en  
Dallas el 22 de noviembre de 1963 sellaron un golpe de Estado donde  
estrecharon sus manos la CIA y la extrema derecha del poder político- 
económico estadounidense para utilizar como sicarios a mafiosos  
italo-estadounidenses y terroristas anticubanos de Miami.

¿Lee Harvey Oswald? Un cuento de ficción, sin ciencia, en el que  
prácticamente hace mucho que los ingenuos dejaron de creer. El  
infeliz chivo expiatorio buscado y fabricado para el intento de  

Re: [Marxism] [lbo-talk] Pope Francis today denounced conservative icons Pat Buchanan and Sarah Palin,

2013-11-18 Thread Shane Mage

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This is such an obvious Onion

On Nov 18, 2013, at 8:44 AM, c b wrote:

CB: Long Live the South American Revolution !

"VATICAN CITY – Pope Francis today denounced conservative icons Pat
Buchanan and Sarah Palin, calling their recent objections to his
leadership style “confusing,” “hypocritical” and “borderline-heresy.”
The pontiff—who was elected to lead the Roman Catholic Church in
March—complained that Buchanan and Palin should “look into their own
hearts” before questioning his actions, and suggested that they are
“simply jealous, having repeatedly failed to be elected to high office
themselves.” - See more at:


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Re: [Marxism] [Pen-l] Price Fossil Fuels Out of the Market--economic common sense from China!

2013-11-16 Thread Shane Mage

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(Note: this is reposted from the NYT op-ed page)

On Nov 16, 2013, at 1:46 PM, Shane Mage wrote:

Zhao Zhong, a former nuclear engineer at the Chinese Academy of  
Sciences, is the China program coordinator at Pacific Environment,  
an environmental group.

I agree that we should move away from our dependence on greenhouse  
gas-emitting fossil fuels at a faster pace and find replacements for  
our energy needs at magnitudes much greater than current expectations.

Championing one technology, though, is a distraction. There’s little  
to be gained in engaging folks in a “solar versus nuclear” battle.

The single most important thing we must do is place a high price, or  
a strict cap, on carbon emissions to make fossil fuel energy less  
attractive when compared to other energy sources. We are at the  
beginning stages of capping coal in China but much more needs to be  
done. If we price coal and other fossil fuels to capture their true  
costs, it will immediately make all the alternatives to fossil fuels  
more competitive and drive innovations in the clean energy sector.

In China there is huge room for growth in energy efficiency, solar  
and wind. Nuclear might have a role too, but I predict that it will  
be more limited than what these climate scientists were suggesting  
in their recent appeal.

Nuclear has problems. To many of us in China and nearby regions, the  
Fukushima accident was a huge wake-up call on the dangers of nuclear  
power. First it set off a panic about food safety as millions rushed  
to grocery stores to buy salt, which helps to prevent illnesses  
associated with radiation. But more important, we realized that  
nuclear power creates serious environmental justice burdens: nearby  
communities face hugely disproportionate risks from a nuclear  
catastrophe. Nuclear energy itself is also not as low carbon as  
people think when you factor in true lifecycle costs, including  
mining uranium.

I’d rather see our society focus on new technologies and policy  
incentives that promote the many safer, truly clean forms of energy.  
But it all starts with pricing fossil fuels out of the market.  
That’s the first step and the most important one.

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[Marxism] Price Fossil Fuels Out of the Market--economic common sense from China!

2013-11-16 Thread Shane Mage

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Zhao Zhong, a former nuclear engineer at the Chinese Academy of  
Sciences, is the China program coordinator at Pacific Environment, an  
environmental group.

I agree that we should move away from our dependence on greenhouse gas- 
emitting fossil fuels at a faster pace and find replacements for our  
energy needs at magnitudes much greater than current expectations.

Championing one technology, though, is a distraction. There’s little  
to be gained in engaging folks in a “solar versus nuclear” battle.

The single most important thing we must do is place a high price, or a  
strict cap, on carbon emissions to make fossil fuel energy less  
attractive when compared to other energy sources. We are at the  
beginning stages of capping coal in China but much more needs to be  
done. If we price coal and other fossil fuels to capture their true  
costs, it will immediately make all the alternatives to fossil fuels  
more competitive and drive innovations in the clean energy sector.

In China there is huge room for growth in energy efficiency, solar and  
wind. Nuclear might have a role too, but I predict that it will be  
more limited than what these climate scientists were suggesting in  
their recent appeal.

Nuclear has problems. To many of us in China and nearby regions, the  
Fukushima accident was a huge wake-up call on the dangers of nuclear  
power. First it set off a panic about food safety as millions rushed  
to grocery stores to buy salt, which helps to prevent illnesses  
associated with radiation. But more important, we realized that  
nuclear power creates serious environmental justice burdens: nearby  
communities face hugely disproportionate risks from a nuclear  
catastrophe. Nuclear energy itself is also not as low carbon as people  
think when you factor in true lifecycle costs, including mining uranium.

I’d rather see our society focus on new technologies and policy  
incentives that promote the many safer, truly clean forms of energy.  
But it all starts with pricing fossil fuels out of the market. That’s  
the first step and the most important one.

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Re: [Marxism] Sawant Campaign Optimistic Of Eventual Victory!

2013-11-10 Thread Shane Mage

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On Nov 10, 2013, at 4:36 PM, Mark Lause wrote:

I'm trying to figure out what a member of the Seattle City Council  

have to do with Syria anyway.

For a claim that the electoral results had national significance, the  
campaigns had to focus prominently on national issues--which, of  
course, they did.  But War and Peace is always and only a national  
issue. And during the campaign Obama proposed a Congressional  
resolution giving himself the powers of a Bush to attack one side in  
the Syrian civil war. In that context a *Socialist* campaign for any  
office, however humble, had a very great deal to do with "Syria." What  
should our opinion have been of a "socialist" party that in the 1936  
election refused to include in its platform a denunciation of  
Roosevelt's embargo against the Spanish Republic because "what does a  
member of a City Council have to do with Spain, anyway?"

Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Sawant Campaign Optimistic Of Eventual Victory!

2013-11-10 Thread Shane Mage

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On Nov 10, 2013, at 3:18 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

In terms of the politics, such as they are, nobody including me has  
ever "demanded" military support for the FSA.

Demands can be put negatively or positively.  The steady stream of  
denunciations of Obama for not providing [enough] support for the  
Syrian insurgency (there is no FSA, at least not in the sense of an  
organization with a structured leadership capable of negotiating an  
end to the horrible civil war and expelling the fascist elements from  
its ranks) is in every political sense a demand that he at least  
facilitate provision of that military support by his allies in the  

The only demand I would consider putting on the CIA is to get the  
fuck off the borders with Syria so that Libyan MANPAD's can get  


Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Sawant Campaign Optimistic Of Eventual Victory!

2013-11-10 Thread Shane Mage

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On Nov 10, 2013, at 1:39 PM, Alan Stewart wrote:

Sawant Campaign Optimistic Of Eventual Victory! Election Victories  
for Socialist Alternative - Huge Opportunities for Working-Class  
Politics Must be Seized

Two Socialist Alternative candidates sent historic shock waves  
through the United States left last night. Both candidates, Kshama  
Sawant in Seattle and Ty Moore in Minneapolis, mounted the strongest  
election campaigns by open socialists in a major U.S. city in many  

From those results, I strongly suspect that these campaigns did *not*  
include the demand for military support to the Syrian insurgency!

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Your latest piece was pretty sectarian also...

2013-11-06 Thread Shane Mage

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On Nov 6, 2013, at 4:48 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

I've never met a General I liked, except for Giap of course.

Giap was already Ho's military commander in 1945 when the Vietnamese  
Trotskyists were slaughtered by the Vietnamese Stalinists in order to  
bring the British military (as placeholder for the French) unresisted  
into Saigon.  What's not to like?

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] "American Death Spiral in the Middle East"

2013-11-06 Thread Shane Mage

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On Nov 6, 2013, at 1:18 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

Bob Dreyfuss: American Death Spiral in the Middle East

For over a year we have been hearing from Shane about how Obama was  
so into supporting jihadists. And now he isn't. Why?

Obviously I never ever said that Obama was "so into supporting  
jihadists." The (undeniable except by the blind) reality, to which I  
repeatedly called attention, was that Obama was explicitly calling for  
the overthrow of the Syrian regime through an armed insurgency whose  
most militarily crucial units, whose vanguard, was (and is) made up of  
nazi-type Islamists bolstered by thousands of foreign Jihadist  
fascists imported into Syria with the active connivance of Obama's  
Sunni allies in Turkey and the Gulf (plus the militant political  
support of the Zionists).  "And now he isn't, Why?"  Because, when he  
was on the verge of a Libyan-style aerial aggression in support of an  
all-out FSA/Jihadi military offensive (unanimous world public opinion  
counting for nothing) he was smacked down by the people in first the  
UK and then the USA.  Having been repudiated by a parliamentary vote,  
and on the verge of a disastrous beating in the US Congress, and being  
told by his military that his scheme was so inadequate that he would  
be compelled to do a "Boots on the Ground" operation that they refused  
to contemplate, he called off his bombing campaign at the last minute-- 
so hurriedly that the planes of his feckless "socialist" French ally  
were ready to take off when they were told of the stand-down. Now,  
like a beaten cur, he feigns sanity by offering to negotiate at Geneva  
and the worst of the worst--the Zionists and their Saudi buddies-- 
accuse him of betraying their beloved Syrian people.  An accusation  
echoed, alas, by certain wannabe Marxists!

Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Behind the Blue Veil; Following the Ninth | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2013-11-02 Thread Shane Mage

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On Nov 2, 2013, at 3:13 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

"This is not to speak of Beethoven’s own politics that were in  
sympathy with the French Revolution even when Schiller recoiled from  
its excesses. None other than the composer who fled Bolshevism made  
the case for Beethoven’s revolutionary fiber:
Beethoven is the friend and contemporary of the French Revolution, and  
he remained faithful to it even when, during the Jacobin dictatorship,  
humanitarians with weak nerves of the Schiller type turned from it,  
preferring to destroy tyrants on the theatrical stage with the help of  
cardboard swords. Beethoven, that plebeian genius, who proudly turned  
his back on emperors, princes and magnates – that is the Beethoven we  
love for his unassailable optimism, his virile sadness, for the  
inspired pathos of his struggle, and for his iron will which enabled  
him to seize destiny by the throat.”

–Igor Stravinsky

Stravinsky was a skilled, indeed important, composer.  But as for his  

Beethoven was no revolutionary or sympathizer with revolution.  Unlike  
Haydn and Mozart he never joined the leading bourgeois revolutionary  
movement of his day, Freemasonry.  At the height of the Great  
Revolution he wrote a dreadful coronation ode for the ultra- 
reactionary Emperor Francis II.  Later he wrote (and profited hugely  
from) a "symphony" celebrating the victory of Europe's leading  
counterrevolutionary, Arthur Wellesley Duke of Wellington. And his  
celebrated opera, Fidelio, that culminates in the glorification of a  
Spanish Bourbon monarch.  And his tearing up a dedication to  
Buonaparte solely because the French dictator, whom he had until then  
admired, deposed Beethoven's own emperor, Francis, and named himself  
emperor instead.

Beethoven was one of the greatest composers.  But as for his politics...

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
kindling in measures and going out in measures.

Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] The Arab Revolutions and the Renegade Tariq Ali | Democratic Revolution, Syrian Style

2013-11-02 Thread Shane Mage

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On Nov 2, 2013, at 3:08 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

Does the end of the Ben Ali dictatorship in Tunisia and the  
destruction of its secret police count as “fundamental change“?

Under Ben Ali and his secret police (none of whom, by the way, has  
been "destroyed" or even tried for their crimes) socialist working- 
class leaders were sometimes imprisoned.  Now they are murdered in the  
streets by Nahda-tolerated Salafists.  Now that's a "fundamental"  

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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[Marxism] War on Drugs (antiimperialist version)

2013-10-21 Thread Shane Mage

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from Cuba News

La Paz, Oct 21 (Prensa Latina) The Bolivian Government and the  
Ombudsman''s Office are currently investigating the causes and  
people involved in a clash between coca growers and anti-drug agents  
that resulted in injuries to 27 people and the taking of eight  

The incident occurred on Saturday, when farmers from the northern  
town of Apolo ambushed a group of Joint-Task-Force soldiers  
preparing to eradicate excess crops of coca leaves in that area, 442  
kilometers from La Paz.

The Ombudsman's Office confirmed that a commission had been assigned  
to the locality to analyze the situation, while the Government  
(Interior) Ministry reported that it would verify with Peruvian  
authorities the supposed participation of drug traffickers from that  
country in the clash.

After the death of a soldier on Saturday, the Ministry reported the  
death of a policeman on Sunday afternoon as a result of the wounds  
suffered and denounced the coca growers seizure of eight soldiers as  

Government Minister Carlos Romero said the ambush on the agents was  
premeditated and supported by foreigners.

The coca growers told the local station Radio Fides that the clash  
was a resistance measure, in the face of police abuse.

Although Bolivia defends cultivation of coca as a tradition and way  
of life for the Andean people, it fights excess crops, due to the  
danger that they will be used to make cocaine and not as the leaf  
has been traditionally used for generations.

Bolivian legislation recognizes 12,000 hectares of coca crops for  
chewing, infusions or Andean religious rituals, as legal.

According to official data, Bolivia eradicated more than 9,000  
hectares of illegal coca plantations this year, and as many as  
25,300 hectares in 2012.

According to the UN, coca crops in 2005 occupied 25,400 hectares of  
this nation, but the figure reached 27,500 in 2006, increasing to  
28,900 in 2007, to 30,500 in 2008, and to 30,900 in 2009.

The crop reached 31,000 in 2010, decreasing to 27,200 in 2011.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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[Marxism] Obamacare as model of the pwogwessive future?

2013-10-21 Thread Shane Mage

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By Lambert Strether of Corrente.

"...One of the pervasive tropes that factions in the political class  
have propagated in the “left”-leaning discourse of the present moment  
is that the Republicans/Tea Party/conservatives are reactionary and  
backward-looking, that they want a future where the United States has  
returned to an inferior past, like the Gilded Age, or even the  
antebellum South.[1] There’s even a whole cluster of tropes that  
conservatives like say Wisconsin’s Scott Walker or Alberta’s Ron  
Harper are really seeking secession and the restoration of the  
Confederacy. (OK, I made up the part about Harper.) Never mind the  
teleology implicit in that view, also implicit in the concept  
“progressive” (progress toward what, one might ask). But for the sake  
of the argument let’s accept it. But do we ever consider the notion  
that the Democrats/”progressives”/liberals also have a future in mind  
for us, forward-looking but just as horrific in its own way as a  
future that’s backward-looking? I don’t think we do, and in this post  
I would like to fight my way towards doing so..."

What If We Thought of ObamaCare as a New Model for Future Government  

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] The Historical Precedence of the Question of Revolutionary Agency

2013-10-11 Thread Shane Mage

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On Oct 11, 2013, at 11:21 AM, shaun may wrote:

The question of agency is, in my opinion, the historically precedent  
question of the epoch and must be addessed by the class movement of  
the proletariat globally.

You are far behind the times. Haven't you learned from so many  
profound comments on this list that agency must  no longer be looked  
for in the working class? It is now to be found in the Arab  
Democratic People's RRRevolution with its vanguard of Al Nusra-type  
fighters and their new liberatory tactic of suicide bombing (in  
which point, alone, they go beyond their heroic inspirers, the  
Waffen SS).

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] 'Sex Jihad' and Other Lies: Assad's Elaborate Disinformation Campaign

2013-10-09 Thread Shane Mage

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On Oct 9, 2013, at 1:20 PM, Clay Claiborne wrote:

By Christoph Reuter. Spiegel On Line

Spiegel has about as much inherent credibility as the Syrian Press  
Agency.  But this one line, presented as factual, has the ring of  
truth to it: 	
   "Hundreds of Islamists have left his  
country and traveled
to Syria, and he [the Tunisian interior minister] is apparently  
trying to stem the tide by discrediting

these fighters."

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Syrian Revolution Commentary and Analysis

2013-09-26 Thread Shane Mage

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On Sep 26, 2013, at 11:50 AM, Andrew Pollack wrote:

Bless you, Michael! This is such a boon to have all your articles, and
those you recommend, all in one place!

And the one you posted at the top today couldn't be timelier given the
lead story in today's NY Times...

And which states: "...US imperialist policy of non-intervention..."

Saying, in so many words, that opposition to US intervention (like  
voting against Obomber's abhorrent and abortive attempt to get Iraq- 
style congressional  acquiescence to any military action of his  
choice) is a PRO-IMPERIALIST stance!  And so what once were ordinary  
parts of the sectarian Left sink into the Pabloite quicksand of the  
"Arab Revolution."

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
 always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] NY Times: Reporter Denies Writing Article That Linked Syrian Rebels to Chemical Attack

2013-09-22 Thread Shane Mage

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On Sep 22, 2013, at 3:28 AM, Clay Claiborne wrote:

 Reporter Denies Writing Article That Linked Syrian Rebels to
 Chemical Attack


This lie, as reposted, exposes the pro-intervention bias of its  
authors. It recognizes that Dale Gavrak wrote every word that appeared  
in the incriminated article--which itself had made it clear that the  
on-the-spot reporting was done by, and that the original draft had  
been written in Arabic by, her colleague. The fuss is merely about a  

The real story is that she has obviously been put under extreme  
pressure to disavow her own work.  Do the sources of these pressures  
include the source of the chemical weapons? That question should be a  
focus of any honest investigation into those atrocious incidents.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Obama Warned on Syrian Intel | Consortiumnews

2013-09-06 Thread Shane Mage

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On Sep 6, 2013, at 9:03 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

  Carla Del Ponte investigated over illegal evidence

   Former war crimes prosecutor accused of allowing bullying and  
bribing of witnesses in trial of alleged Serbian warlord Vojislav  

   Ian Traynor, Europe editor
   The Guardian, Wednesday 18 August 2010 13.12 EDT

Three years ago some Serbian thugs made accusations against del  
Ponte.  Since then, nothing.  But your credulity remains intact, now  
extending to anything Obama & co. alleges against their Syrian targets!

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Obama Warned on Syrian Intel | Consortiumnews

2013-09-06 Thread Shane Mage

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On Sep 6, 2013, at 8:28 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

Carla del Ponte, Milosevic's crooked prosecutor...

So you still defend Milosevic! del Ponte tried to prosecute Milosevic  
for murder of civilians in Sarajevo and for a massacre (Sebrenica),  
depassing anything *alleged* against Assad, for which his command  
responsibility was obvious (it was carried out with weapons from the  
"Yugoslav National Army" that he, as ruler of Serbia, aka the rump  
"Yugoslavia", had turned over to the butchers Mladic and Karadzic).  
Her zeal would have indeed been  excessive if he had been charged with  
littering. del Ponte, alas, had to contend with international judges  
for whom genocide and littering were comparable offenses.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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[Marxism] Fwd: Obama Warned on Syrian Intel | Consortiumnews

2013-09-06 Thread Shane Mage

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Begin forwarded message:

From: Shane Mage 
Date: September 6, 2013 8:20:12 PM EDT
To: Shane Mage 
Subject: Obama Warned on Syrian Intel | Consortiumnews

Obama Warned on Syrian Intel
September 6, 2013
Exclusive: Despite the Obama administration’s supposedly “high  
confidence” regarding Syrian government guilt over the Aug. 21  
chemical attack near Damascus, a dozen former U.S. military and  
intelligence officials are telling President Obama that they are  
picking up information that undercuts the Official Story.


FROM: Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity (VIPS)

SUBJECT: Is Syria a Trap?

Precedence: IMMEDIATE

We regret to inform you that some of our former co-workers are telling  
us, categorically, that contrary to the claims of your administration,  
the most reliable intelligence shows that Bashar al-Assad was NOT  
responsible for the chemical incident that killed and injured Syrian  
civilians on August 21, and that British intelligence officials also  
know this. In writing this brief report, we choose to assume that you  
have not been fully informed because your advisers decided to afford  
you the opportunity for what is commonly known as “plausible denial.”

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Re: [Marxism] Saudis Try to Gather Support for a Strike

2013-09-01 Thread Shane Mage

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Saudis Try to Gather Support for a Strike

Saudi Arabia publicly endorsed military action against Syria for the  
first time on Sunday, with its foreign minister urging other Arab  
states to back Western airstrikes.

Or, copy and paste this URL into your browser:
To ensure delivery to your inbox, please add  
to your address book.

Copyright 2013 | The New York Times Company | 620 Eighth  
Avenue New York, NY 10018

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[Marxism] Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack (from naked capitalism)

2013-09-01 Thread Shane Mage

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Begin forwarded message:

From: naked capitalism 
Date: September 1, 2013 7:04:30 AM EDT
EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind  
Chemical Attack Mint

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Re: [Marxism] The Significance of the Referral to Congress

2013-09-01 Thread Shane Mage

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On Sep 1, 2013, at 7:21 AM, Paul Flewers wrote:

I've just received this from a pal of mine; what do list members,
especially US ones, reckon?
Paul F

* * * * *

Obama's decision to refer to Congress military action against Syria  
only be an attempt to find reasons not to engage in military  
operations and

reminds me of Michael Jackson's reverse walk.


Declaring war in the US has always been considered a Presidential
prerogative which the Presidency has always guarded jealously...

US Constitution, Article I Section 8: "The Congress shall have  
Power...To declare War"

The founders, notably Madison and Hamilton, were very explicit that  
this means that the power to take the country to war is *denied* to  
the Office of the President. Until the advent of the Imperial  
Presidency and its Cold War, warmongering presidents had to provide  
pretexts and provocations (The Maine, The Zimmerman Telegram, Pearl  
Harbor etc.) in order to get a declaration of War.  Since then, bald  
fictions (North Korean invasion of the South, Gulf of Tonkin attack,  
Kossovo massacres,WMDs, etc.) have usually sufficed to get retroactive  
congressional consent to undeclared and therefore unconstitutional wars.

Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Obama balks

2013-09-01 Thread Shane Mage

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Does that mean Assad scores a run, or does he only advance to second  
or third base?

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Re: [Marxism] Win-Win for Assad as Obama Response to CW Mass Murder Put on Hold

2013-08-31 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 31, 2013, at 11:37 PM, Clay Claiborne wrote:

Is there any thing else Barack Obama could do to make things better
for his good buddy Bashar al-Assad?

Obama, faced with overwhelming worldwide and even domestic public  
opposition against his announced intention to violate international  
law, US treaty law, and the US constitution by unilateral military  
aggression in Syria, is forced to climb back down (supposedly until he  
has had the chance to twist enough "liberal" congressional arms)  and,  
for the time being, refrain from more war crimes.

And what do we hear from this self-proclaimed RRRevolutionary opponent  
of Imperialist Intervention in Syria? A condemnation of Obama that  
would sound extreme from the mouth of a Cheney or McCain!

Shane Mage

"L'après-vie, c'est une auberge espagnole. L'on n'y trouve que ce  
qu'on a apporté."

Bardo Thodol

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Re: [Marxism] query

2013-08-31 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 31, 2013, at 10:55 PM, Steve Heeren wrote:

Can you recommend any good books or articles on the role Hollywood  
has played in spreading american ideology (esp. "land of  
opportunity", "individualism", etc) worldwide through the  
distribution of its movies?

Start (it all starts with)  "Hollywood" by Gore Vidal.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Wheels Falling Off the Imperial Reality-CreatingMachine

2013-08-31 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 31, 2013, at 1:03 PM, Jeff wrote:

Well, because there’s a boatload of
mis- and disinformation floating about in the form of pictures and
YouTubes, that’s why.

Actually this point is quite true.

but it was all Assad...

This has certainly required considerable resources, but the  
government of
Syria certainly has those. The rebels and people living in liberated  
don't have paid staff to perform that kind of work nor much free  
time to do


Those jihadist gangs sponsored, respectively, by Riyadh, Qatar, and  
Doha have access to unlimited funds and technical personnel--much more  
than Damascus (where is the Syrian Al Jazeera or Al Arabiya?)--to  
carry out propaganda operations in order to provoke US intervention.   
Are they any less physically or morally capable of slaughtering Syrian  
civilians than the Assad regime ?  Aum Shinrikyu, with far fewer  
resources available to them than to the jihadist gangs, assembled and  
used a big arsenal of poison gas.  As for the moral scruples of the  

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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[Marxism] Wheels Falling Off the Imperial Reality-Creating Machine

2013-08-31 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 31, 2013, at 11:11 AM, wrote:

Wheels Falling Off the Imperial Reality-Creating Machine

The sender also included this note:

“Wheels Falling Off the Imperial Reality-Creating Machine”

Sent via a FeedFlare link from a FeedBurner feed.

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Re: [Marxism] Attack Those With & Using Chemical Weapons

2013-08-28 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 28, 2013, at 12:08 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

You can't use MANPAD's as offensive weapons. That is a FACT.

The only difference between an offensive and a defensive weapon is  
whether the force using the weapon is attacking or defending. For  
Vercingetorix the wall around Alesia was a defensive weapon. For  
Caesar the wall circumvallating that wall was an offensive weapon and  
the wall circumvallating that one a defensive weapon. A MANPAD capable  
of downing a fighter jet would find it even easier to down a civilian  
airliner. The US authorities are naturally more than reluctant to put  
such weapons within easy reach of fanatical terrorist fascists, those  
Frankenstein monsters of their own creation, Al Nusra/Islamic State of  
Iraq and Syria/"Al Qaeda"/et. al.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Fmr. Army col.: Chelsea Manning should be jailed with men — MSNBC

2013-08-26 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 26, 2013, at 6:27 PM, Sheldon Ranz wrote:

OK, if that's what passes for logic around here now, then the next  
MSNBC interviews a bonafide progressive, I'll post here, applying  
the same

argument.  That'll be fun!

Of what a "bonafide progressive" is I've no idea.  Anyway, when they  
interview Noam Chomsky, certainly the world's #1 expert on US state  
terrorism, and describe him as a "terrorism expert," you can post away  
to your heart's content--but, a friendly word, don't try to fast until  

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Fmr. Army col.: Chelsea Manning should be jailed with men — MSNBC

2013-08-26 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 26, 2013, at 6:33 PM, Sheldon Ranz wrote:

By the way, I actually read the article linked to by Louis.

The article does not refer to the former army colonel as a 'terrorism
expert', but as a...former (or retired) army colonel.

Are you blind? msnbc's header for the article on its website was 

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Fmr. Army col.: Chelsea Manning should be jailed with men — MSNBC

2013-08-26 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 26, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Sheldon Ranz wrote:

How is the fact that MSNBC is reporting on what the colonel said a
reflection on MSNBC?

MSNBC is responsible for who it puts on its air. That they call this  
type a "terrorism expert" is more than a reflection on MSNBC--it is a  
severe condemnation of it.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] What Lenin thought a vanguard was

2013-08-22 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 22, 2013, at 10:36 PM, Joaquín Bustelo wrote:
The Communists are "that section  which pushes forward all the  
others." It is NOT about being at the front of the parade.

So the phrase "vanguard" is as anapt as it is offputting!

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] What Lenin thought a vanguard was

2013-08-19 Thread Shane Mage

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Everybody knows (if only subconsciously) that the vanguard is the  
part of the force destined to undergo the most casualties if not to  
be wiped out altogether. Ever wonder why vanguard parties find it so  
difficult to recruit and retain members?

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] How Laura Poitras Helped Snowden Spill His Secrets -

2013-08-18 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 18, 2013, at 9:01 PM, Charlie wrote:
 "Only the Bolsheviks stood uncompromisingly for peace, land, and  
bread -- the slogan Lenin had given them in April" (Harrison  

Salisbury was an ignoramus.  "Land, Peace, and Bread" was the slogan  
of the masses in the March revolution.  The slogans Lenin "gave" the  
Bolsheviks (against the opposition of Stalin and his ilk) in April  
were "All Power to the Soviets of Workers', Peasants', and Soldiers'  
Deputies," "Down with the Imperialist War," and "No Confidence in the  
Providsional Government."

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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[Marxism] Escaping from the Friedman Paradigm (Krugman fails to escape.)

2013-08-16 Thread Shane Mage

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" The idea that an empowered democratic government might drive  
progress and social transformation, and disrupt the status quo rather  
than stabilize it,  seems utterly alien to these mainstream  

Escaping from the Friedman Paradigm

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Re: [Marxism] Egypt’s Revolution: Democratic, Not Socialist

2013-08-07 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 7, 2013, at 4:16 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

By Pham Binh.

That is not how Marxists consider revolutions.  In history revolutions  
happen all the time without being either democratic or socialist in  
any sense of either word, and all over the world, not just in Latin  
America and Africa. Revolution being a positive word for many people,  
once a popular revolt breaks out everyone trying to use it to seize  
political power and its perquisites becomes a "rrrevolutionary."

The only relevant differentiation is that between POLITICAL and SOCIAL  
revolutions.  The former (commonplace) change the personnel exercising  
power.  The latter (very rare) change the class holding power.  The  
American revolution was a political revolution--rich colonists born in  
the new world violently replaced rich merchants born in the old.  The  
Great Revolution was a social revolution.  The high clergy and high  
nobility had their property confiscated and taken by formerly small- 
propertied urban and rural elites (and, of course, most of them also  
went to exile or the guillotine).  In Egypt the army carried out its  
revolution when they deposed Mubarak and put power in the hands of al- 
Sisi. Nothing democratic or socialist there.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] "The theoretical bankruptcy of a certain far left" (Trotskyist)

2013-08-01 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 1, 2013, at 10:19 AM, David Thorstad wrote:

Critique from Algeria of a European (mostly Trotskyist/oid/ite) far  
left's bankrupt analysis of the Arab revolts and its realignment  
with its own countries' imperialist policies (focused mainly on  
France and the NPA). David

La faillite théorique d’une certaine extrême-gauche
31 juillet 2013, 22:14

L’extrême gauche européenne et française en particulier vient de  
connaître son second baptême du feu théorique sur les Arabes et  
assimilés. Il y a 60 ans elle était massivement du côté des luttes  
de libération contre les impérialismes finissants...Il a dû s’en  
passer des choses depuis et durant ces quelques années, pour que  
l’on ne trouve plus cette perspicacité implacable de lucidité et  
qu’il soit permis à deux ou trois« théoriciens » d’imposer une  
lecture des faits des plus déconcertantes, de brandir des concepts  
ou le délire le dispute à la pire des compromissions et de  
participer sans risque d’opprobre à l’offensive impérialiste contre  
les peuples. Que cela se fasse au nom de la « démocratie »contre la  
« tyrannie » ou d’une « lutte des classes » dont ils voient seuls  
l’expression. Nous faisant oublier la Libye et le lamentable démenti  
infligé à leur science de la « révolution », ils se sont tournés  
vers la Syrie où, dès l’entame de la crise, ils ont planté les  
éléments constitutifs d’une analyse qui ne donne aucune place et  
aucun rôle fondamental aux entreprises des Etats-Unis et de leurs  
satellites européens et arabes, ni ne prend en compte  
l’investissement massif de groupes djihadistes injectés dans la «  
révolution ». La nébuleuse Armée syrienne libre (ASL), fiction   
militaire soutenue par les médias atlantistes, bénéficie d’une  
reconnaissance sans faille de nos théoriciens, alors même que sur le  
terrain nous sommes en face de chefaillons, la plupart du temps  
guidés par les desiderata de leurs financiers étrangers ou par  
l’appât du gain. Vérité que même la presse occidentale n’arrive plus  
à taire. Mais lorsque nos prétendus « marxistes révolutionnaires »  
ont dû se rendre à l’évidence, ils continuent de prémunir leur  
édifice analytique de la faillite. Jusqu’au bout. Ne pouvant ne pas  
voir et/ou occulter les faits, ils rangent, sans avertir, la «  
luttes des classes » pour se transformer en simples relais de  
l’information, du bon côté du manche. Sur le site du NPA, par  
exemple, nous pouvons lire que« l’état-major de l’ASL et  
l’opposition syrienne ont appelé les différents groupes de l’ASL à  
condamner les combats entre frères et mis en garde de ne pas tomber  
dans le piège des affrontements internes suscités par le régime  
assassin de Bachar el-Assad ». Il s’agit rappelons-le d’une guerre  
dans laguerre où il y a une ASL qui  
combat aux côtés des djihadistes et une ASL qui combat aux côtés des  
Kurdes (encore un acteur ignoré dans la« lutte des classes » qui  
fait irruption). Nous aurions dû nous attendre à ce que cela soit  
une occasion de réviser les prémices et de remise  en cause de la  
ligne adoptée. Il n’en est pas question, il est fait comme si…sauf  
que l’allusion à la « révolution » n’est plus de mise. Mais il y a  
quelque chose de plus déconcertant. C’est cet alignement sans  
hésitation de l’extrême-gauche européenne sur « son propre  
impérialisme » contre les autres. Le reproche est fait aux  
puissances occidentales de ne pas« aider » en armes l’ « opposition  
» ce qui « ne fait que pousser un Assad conforté par ses alliés  
russes, iraniens et libanaisà accélérer son offensive criminelle ».  
Plus loin dans la dégénérescence il n’y a pas.

Ahmed Halfaoui

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[Marxism] Obama and Boehner "broke arms" to escape Amash/Conyers

2013-08-01 Thread Shane Mage

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Obama Starting to Lose It Over Snowden

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] So what happened to imperialist arming of the FSA?

2013-07-29 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 29, 2013, at 5:19 PM, Clay Claiborne wrote:

Then go figure which car bombs were both claimed by the opposition and
killed civilians and report back.

Nobody claims car bombs.  But they happen to be SOP against Shiites  
and other heretics for "The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria" in Iraq.   
As to the suggestion that the Syrian government sets off car bombs  
against its own supporters in order to propagandize people like  
Claiborne and Proyect not to support Al Qaeda and its allies--to quote  
you, this is quite insane.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] So what happened to imperialist arming of the FSA?

2013-07-29 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 29, 2013, at 3:21 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

It is worthless because it is a waste of time to even care about this
conflict, since it lacks a socialist program...

That is quite irrelevant, because socialism (in any sense worthy of  
the word) is not on anybody's agenda anywhere in the world today. For  
that to happen working-class political organization, generally  
moribond, needs massive revitalization.  What makes the Syrian  
conflict "worthless" is that the battle cries, representing the two  
camps, are "Legitimacy of the State" versus "Allahu Akbar." Both  
represent reactionary, antidemocratic, ideologies (shared by their  
governmental backers, respectively).

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] So what happened to imperialist arming of the FSA?

2013-07-29 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 29, 2013, at 3:06 PM, Clay Claiborne wrote:

 *And I challenge
you to backup this slimy pro-Assad charge  that the opposition has
killed "their own share of the civilians slaughtered"*

Have you, for instance, heard of car bombs (as, yesterday, throughout  
Iraq), the weapon of choice for the "Islamic State of Iraq and Syria"  
fascists who supply the military muscle for your favored insurgents?

The government of Calles certainly deserved to be overthrown. Is that  
why you lined up with the Cristeros?

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] So what happened to imperialist arming of the FSA?

2013-07-29 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 29, 2013, at 2:45 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

On 7/29/13 12:56 PM, Shane Mage wrote:
Ordinary negotiation technique among that sort of allied types.   
Let me

know when you see conjfirmed reports of the FSA executing all the
commanders of Al Nusra/Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and expelling
their foreign jihadi recruits from the country.

Shane, you are embarrassing yourself but I guess that anybody with  
the amount of animosity you had toward the FLN in Algeria in the  
1960s is beyond being embarrassed.

Long before deGaulle showed what he meant by "I understand," the FLN  
had shown me its true character in the assassination campaign against  
the USTA and then in the Melouza massacre. If its foreign "leftist"  
allies were capable of embarrassment they would have shown it when the  
FLN (aka the ALN of Boumedienne) on being handed power immediately  
murdered hundreds of thousands of Algerians and expelled more than a  
million from their homes and their homeland.  And repeated that  
behavior on just as grand a scale in the 1990's.  I have seen no sign  
of embarrassment from any of them.

Fighting in Aleppo widens cracks in splintering opposition as  
military gains are reversed

   Martin Chulov, Beirut
   The Observer, Saturday 13 July 2013
Jabhat al-Nusra, the main jihadist group, and the FSA had until  
recently worked alongside each other during major operations in the  
north. While relations between them have not yet broken down, the  
rise in prominence of fringe organisations is eroding discipline  
across opposition ranks...

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] From the WSJ: Crackdown in Egypt Fans U.S. Fears

2013-07-29 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 29, 2013, at 12:27 PM, Marv Gandall wrote:

"On Sunday, the government granted soldiers the right to arrest  
civilians, reviving sections of an emergency law under Mr. Mubarak.  
A day earlier, Interior Minister Mohammed Ibrahim said he planned  
to reconstitute a secret police unit that was responsible for  
decades of oppression under Mr. Mubarak...the U.S.'s goal of  
promoting democracy in Egypt wouldn't be advanced by calling it a  
coup because doing so would alienate the generals and other leaders  
who the U.S. is now counting on to foster an inclusive democratic  

The Brothers did their worst but failed in their appointed task of  
containing the Egyptian working class.  So now it's back to open  
fascist repression, aka "an inclusive democratic process."

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

pen-l mailing list

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Re: [Marxism] So what happened to imperialist arming of the FSA?

2013-07-29 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 29, 2013, at 10:55 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

On 7/29/13 10:21 AM, Shane Mage wrote:

Unfortunately the Syrian faction they want to support is
openly allied with Al Qaeda, and that creates a big problem for their
domestic propaganda operations.  So the financing and arming has to  

out of public view and channeled through Arabia, Qatar, Emirates,
Turkey. Which, you may [or, if you choose, not] note, are invisible  
this article--as invisible as in all the rest of the moaning about  

"primitive" state of the FSA weaponry (with which, according to the
official UN casualty figures, they have so far managed to kill some
40,000 Syrian soldiers plus their own share of the civilians  

in this worthless conflict).

Shane, what are you saying? The Syrian faction they want to support is
openly allied with Al Qaeda? Aren't you aware that the jihadists  
killed a top FSA commander just a couple of weeks ago?

Ordinary negotiation technique among that sort of allied types.  Let  
me know when you see conjfirmed reports of the FSA executing all the  
commanders of Al Nusra/Islamic State of Iraq and Syria and expelling  
their foreign jihadi recruits from the country.

Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] A missile that can reduce city blocks to rubble

2013-07-27 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 27, 2013, at 4:10 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

According to the monitors at the Syrian Observatory for Human  
Rights, the attack struck the Bab al-Neirab neighborhood in the  
city’s southwest, home to the headquarters of a number of rebel  
brigades, including the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria, which is  
linked to Al Qaeda. It was unclear how many of the dead were  

So it was a *military* target, headquarters of at least one fascist  
gang.  The only hope for protection of civilians is an immediate  
negotiated ceasefire, not support of one reactionary gang or the other.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Blithering idiocy at

2013-07-24 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 24, 2013, at 9:03 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

They use the word "plan" in an utterly perverse manner. Dempsey was  
asked to draft some possible forms of intervention in Syria but was  
leery of implementing any of them. If you are going to plagiarize  
the bourgeois press, you might as well engage with what it reports:

US military intervention in Syria would create 'unintended  

General Martin Dempsey, top military officer, warns senators that  
each option under consideration would be costly and uncertain

The question for the anti-anti-imperialists, however, is: Which of  
Gen. Dempsey's "options" do you support? The anti-anti-anti- 
imperialists await your answers!

Shane Mage
"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] The collapse of legitimacy: How Egypt's secular intelligentsia betrayed the revolution – Opinion – ABC Religion & Ethics (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

2013-07-23 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 23, 2013, at 10:17 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

Fetishism of "the process!"

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] New Study of Foragers Undermines Claim That War Has Deep Evolutionary Roots | Cross-Check, Scientific American Blog Network

2013-07-19 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 19, 2013, at 8:49 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

How odd to see people in this day and age channeling Robert Ardrey.

Robert Ardrey Who he?

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Re: [Marxism] New Study of Foragers Undermines Claim That War Has Deep Evolutionary Roots | Cross-Check, Scientific American Blog Network

2013-07-19 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 19, 2013, at 8:22 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

It`s also interesting to consider that chimpanzees are over stressed  

being hunted by humans or by having groups confined in a too small

Those same conditions apply even more, throughout our known history,  
to the human variety of apes.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Understanding Syria's revolution today |

2013-07-19 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 19, 2013, at 3:52 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

Understanding Syria's revolution today

There can be no greater example of question-begging to impose a  
preconceived conclusion than to presume that "revolution" rather than  
"rebellion" is the appropriate label for the Sunni insurrection in  
Syria. It would seem that, in view of the facts that the insurrection  
has no political expression other than its universal battle-cry Allahu- 
Akbar and that its international financiers and armorers are some of  
the most despicable people in  the world (the scorpion bottle  
containing the despots of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Qatar, Turkey...), it  
would require some pretty spectacular contortions for anyone  
pretending to the appellation "marxist" to refer to what has befallen  
the Syrians as a "revolution" rather than a "revolt" or  
"jacquerie." (yes, I know that Pablo and Mandel invented an "Arab  
Revolution" to justify their tailing the dictatorial Algerian FLN. But  
why, a half-century later, would someone repeat such an inanity?).

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
 always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] Egypt's latest revolutionary act was profoundly democratic | Omar Robert Hamilton | Comment is free |

2013-07-18 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 18, 2013, at 8:38 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:


I'm stupified that this could appear in The Guardian: "a possible side  
effect of which could be the poisoning of the Nile, which 98% of  
Egyptians live alongside and depend on for their water. This causes  
tensions with downstream neighbours who have historically been unable  
to exploit the river as effectively as Egypt."

How could they not know that the Nile flows north!

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Cognitive dissonance

2013-07-17 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 17, 2013, at 12:50 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
I have no idea what the Xinhua reporter thought of the film, but she  
looked aghast at me when I said I loved it. Maybe it was because I  
had brought along my pet Python Lucille that was draped across my  

Named after the Revolutionary heroine, Lucille Desmoulins?

Shane Mage

"L'après-vie, c'est une auberge espagnole. L'on n'y trouve que ce  
qu'on a apporté."

Bardo Thodol

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Re: [Marxism] Is There Anything Truly Sustainable or Humane About Eating Meat?

2013-07-13 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 13, 2013, at 4:03 PM, DW wrote:

Tom, I think the broader point the article was trying to make was that
*individuals* ought to choose vegetarianism out of the cruelty to  

The behavior of the ethical omnivore is based on the premise that  
animals have the right not to be treated cruelly, an entirely  
defensible proposition of moral philosophy.

But the behavior of the absolute vegetarian is based on the premise  
that animals have the right not to be eaten, a totally indefensible  
violation of the most basic laws of our great common-cosmic  
trogoautoegocrat (aka "nature").

Shane Mage

"--Now, Hamlet, where's Polonius?
--At supper.
--At supper? where?
--Not where he eats, but where he is eaten. A certain convocation of  
politic worms are e'en at him. Your worm is your only emperor for	  
diet. We fat all creatures else to fat us, and we fat ourselves for  
maggots."  (Act IV, Scene III)

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Re: [Marxism] Help Defend Jacobin / CounterPunch and the War on Transgender People

2013-07-13 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 13, 2013, at 11:34 AM, Sheldon Ranz wrote:

Julian Vigo and Lierre Keith have both claimed that members of the
transgenedered community have launched violent assaults against  

feminist women.  I would like to see a rebuttal of these charges (if

Violent assaults are felonies.  And if the cops are uninterested,  
civil suits are in order.  Before asking for "rebuttals" you should  
first ask for the circumstances: what charges, when filed, against  
whom, where. If there are no answers, the claims can only be treated  
as slanders.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Raul Castro’s Remarks on Cuba’s Social Crises

2013-07-12 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 12, 2013, at 5:47 PM, Daniel Rocha wrote:

Cuba is on the right track, indeed

After sixty years on the wrong track!

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Al Qaeda kills Free Syrian Army commander: FSA spokesman | Reuters

2013-07-12 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 12, 2013, at 8:15 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

More evidence that the knee-jerk "anti-imperialist" left is  
incapable of understanding Syrian reality.

"Kamal Hamami, a member of the Free Syrian Army's Supreme Military  
Council, known by his nom de guerre Abu Bassel al-Ladkani, was meeting  
with members of the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant in the port  
city of Latakia when they killed him, Qassem Saadeddine, a Free Syrian  
Army spokesman, told Reuters..."He met them to discuss battle plans,"  
Saadeddine added."

A falling out among thieves? Or disinformation?

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] North Star Debate on the "Military Coup" in Egypt

2013-07-07 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 7, 2013, at 2:35 PM, wrote:

PHAM BINH: Not backing military coups against democratically elected  
governments and wholesale repression of mass-based Islamist  
opposition movements is something socialists anywhere in the world  
should be able to agree on.

What fetid fetishism of the capitalist electoral farce!  If Morsi was  
"democratically elected" so was Mubarek, not to mention Bush and  
Samaras.  If the Muslim Brotherhood is a "mass based" opposition  
movement so is the Democratic Party, not to mention the PRI.

When thieves fall out honest people come into their own--but only if  
they remember that both of 'em are thieves.  The Egyptian  
Revolutionary Socialists seem to recognize this quite fully.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Johnny Depp’s Tonto misstep: Race and “The Lone Ranger” -

2013-07-04 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 4, 2013, at 4:11 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:

Any writer who says "proscribed" when  he means " prescribed" deserves  
to be proscribed.

Lucius Cornelius Sulla pcc

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Re: [Marxism] Syria: Father Francois Murad Beheading Video an Assad Propaganda Hoax - IBTimes UK

2013-07-03 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jul 3, 2013, at 8:35 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:

The article confirms two things: That Father Murad was killed by the  
rrrevolutionaries and that the video shows executions of prisoners by  
the rrrevolutionaries.  nicht wahr?

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] The Economist on Iran's nuclear program

2013-06-27 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jun 27, 2013, at 6:14 PM, Eli Stephens wrote:

Iran has repeatedly said that it rejects nuclear
weapons as a means of defense (the article talks about "if and when  
decide it wants one", conveniently ignoring that it already HAS  
decided NOT

to have one)

In the days when Persian rulers adhered to the Magian religion, there  
primary religious obligation was always to the truth.  But Zoroaster  
and his followers were mere pre-Islamic heathen.  Today, there is no  
reason to regard the Iranian state as any different from  all the  
others. As such all its statements about its plans and intentions must  
be presumed to be lies.

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
 always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] The international Jewish Communist conspiracy department

2013-06-27 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jun 27, 2013, at 4:59 PM, wrote:

The fact is that Zinoviev, Radek, Kamenev, Bukarrin, were indeed  


None of whom were members of the first Council of Peoples' Commissars

In a message dated 6/27/2013 11:34:19 A.M. Central Daylight Time, writes:

I  haven't bothered to link to the bios of the others to see whether  

others  had a Jewish background, although I doubt it

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Re: [Marxism] From the Belly of the Beast

2013-06-23 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jun 23, 2013, at 3:29 PM, Jeff wrote:

The only issue as far as I'm concerned is getting the U.S. the hell  
out of

there, lock, stock and drone.

Well finally a statement that everyone on this list can fully agree  

True, but some on this list would add (silently, to themselves)  
"especially if they were sent, lock, stock, and drone" to the

Syria-Hezbollah-Iran front!

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Arming the RRRRevolution (part II)

2013-06-23 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jun 23, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Shane Mage wrote:

« Kiribati Drowns? Bomb Syria! | Main | Obama: Network Spying Is  
Serious Human Rights Abuse »

June 22, 2013

The 11 countries who form the friends for the destruction of  
Syria met today in Qatar. Before the meeting started Secretary of  
State Kerry hadplanned to organize a common distribution of weapons  
through the CIA controlled Free Syrian Army head General Idris to  
somewhat cut out the jihadist from the weapon stream:

Western and Arab opponents of Bashar Assad met in Qatar on Saturday  
to tighten coordination of their support for rebels battling to  
overthrow the Syrian president.
Ministers from 11 countries including the United States, European  
and regional Sunni Muslim powers, held talks that Washington said  
should commit participants to direct all aid through the Western- 
backed Supreme Military Council, which it hopes can offset the  
growing power of jihadist rebel forces.

That move was thought to be was necessary as Saudi Arabia as well as  
Qatar were freely distributing weapon to the various takfiri  
terrorist groups:
Two Gulf sources told Reuters on Saturday that Saudi Arabia, which  
has taken a lead role among Arab opponents of Assad, had also  
accelerated delivery of advanced weapons to the rebels.
"In the past week there have been more arrivals of these advanced  
weapons. They are getting them more frequently," one source said,  
without giving details. Another Gulf source described them as  
"potentially balance-tipping" supplies.

Before today's meeting Qatar made an attempt to put the takfiris it  
supports under the nominal umbrella of the Free Syrian Army:
The Free Syrian Army has offered powerful Islamist rebel groups a  
share of advanced new weapons if they unify under the FSA banner.
"Idriss offered to support the Islamist factions by sharing the  
weapons he expects to receive, if they joined an alliance with the  
FSA and agree to certain conditions," the Damascus-based rebel said  

He also said a delegation from Qatar had been in attendance - the  
only non-Syrian presence at the meeting. That had surprised those  
taking part, the rebel said, but might have been linked to the  
summit of opposition backers, known as The Friends of Syria, due to  
take place in Doha today.

The conference in Qatar has ended by now and Kerry has (again) failed:
Ministers from the 11 main countries which form the Friends of Syria  
group agreed "to provide urgently all the necessary materiel and  
equipment to the opposition on the ground, each country in its own  
way in order to enable them to counter brutal attacks by the regime  
and its allies".
"Each country in its own way" means Kerry failed - badly - to united  
the weapon flow. It seems then that Saudi Arabia and Qatar will  
continue to provide weapons to Jabhat al-Nusra and the other takfiri  
terrorist groups in Syria.
This disunity should let the Obama administration recognize that  
their argument to feed weapons to the "good rebels" to starve the  
takfiris will not work. When Qatar and Saudi Arabia continue to  
provide these "in their own way" then the takfiris will continue to  
be the strongest section of the insurgency.

As a lot of new weapons are streaming in the Syrian Arab Army should  
probably stop its current offense and stay defensive while devising  
new tactics against such weapons. Tanks advancing openly or as  
sitting ducks at checkpoints are massive targets and will not  
survive an onslaught of Konkurs-M, Kornet and other modern anti-tank  
weapons. There are ways to counter them but that will need some time  
to be prepared and trained. Meanwhile large weapon transports can be  
observed and raided in quick and surprising raids could interdict  
« Kiribati Drowns? Bomb Syria! | Main | Obama: Network Spying Is  
Serious Human Rights Abuse »

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Re: [Marxism] Arming the RRRRevolution (part I)

2013-06-23 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jun 23, 2013, at 11:13 AM, Shane Mage wrote:

On Jun 23, 2013, at 10:57 AM, Shane Mage wrote:

« Kiribati Drowns? Bomb Syria! | Main | Obama: Network Spying Is  
Serious Human Rights Abuse »

June 22, 2013

On June 12 The NYT's CJ Chivers reported from Syria on workshops  
that make some ammunition for the foreign supported insurgency in  
Syria. The piece, starting with the headline, was a long whine  
about the alleged lack of arms of these poor killers. It included  
photos from the workshops by Chiver's sidekick Tyler Hicks.

Starved for Arms, Syria Rebels Make Their Own

“Everybody knows we do not have the weapons we need to defend  
ourselves,” said Abu Trad, a commander of the Saraqib Rebels Front,  
shortly before he allowed visitors into this mortar-round plant.  
“But we have the will, and we have humble means, and we have tools.”

[T]he arms plants remain a prominent feature of the opposition’s  
logistics, as arms flows from the Arab world fail to keep up with  

“All we need is effective weapons,” [Khaled Muhammed Addibis, a  
rebel commander,] said. “Effective weapons. Nothing else.”
When Chivers wrote the above the official propaganda line said that  
the US was not actively arming the "rebels" but that Obama was  
"withstanding the pressure to do so". That was nonsense and Chivers  
knew it was. While he wrote the story of those poor "rebels" who  
had to make weapons themselves because they do not get them  
elsewhere, Chivers also saw many modern weapons coming in from  
Libya and elsewhere and he knwe that the CIA was involved in  
distributing them. But he never reported on that. Instead he wrote  
the above lies. How do we know that? Well, just look what Chivers  
writes today:
Evidence gathered in Syria, along with flight-control data and  
interviews with militia members, smugglers, rebels, analysts and  
officials in several countries, offers a profile of a complex and  
active multinational effort, financed largely by Qatar, to  
transport arms from Libya to Syria’s opposition fighters.

[W]hile the system appears to succeed in moving arms across  
multiple borders and to select rebel groups, once inside Syria the  
flow branches out. Extremist fighters, some of them aligned with Al  
Qaeda, have the money to buy the newly arrived stock, and many  
rebels are willing to sell.

But the Libyan influx appears to account for at least a portion of  
the antitank weapons seen in the conflict this spring, including  
Belgian-made projectiles for M40 recoilless rifles and some of the  
Russian-made Konkurs-M guided missiles that have been destroying  
Syrian tanks in recent months.

Signs of munitions from the former Qaddafi stockpile are readily  
Late last month The New York Times found crates, storage sleeves  
and spent cartridge cases for antitank rounds from Libya in the  
possession of Ahfad al-Rasul, a prominent group fighting the  
government and aligned with the Supreme Military Council.

While he reported on insurgents "starved of arms" Chivers and his  
photographer Hicks, actually had seen the recoilless rifles, the  
guided missiles and lots of crates of ammunition from Libya. But at  
that time the official propaganda theme was "poor underarmed  
rebels" and Chivers diligently followed it. That propaganda theme  
was used to create some public support for escalating the war by  
pushing even more arms into the rebels hands. The story of the  
"starved of arms rebels" was untrue and Chivers knew that "late  
last month" when he traveled in Syria. As always their are some  
nuggets of truth in the NYT's and Chivers' reporting. But often, as  
shown here, the writers are pushed, or oblige silently, to keep to  
the official line the White House is distributing. The few time the  
NYT is going against the official U.S. propaganda are just  
diversion to keep up an image of a free press.


« Kiribati Drowns? Bomb Syria! | Main | Obama: Network Spying Is  
Serious Human Rights Abuse »

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[Marxism] Arming the RRRRevolution

2013-06-23 Thread Shane Mage

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« Kiribati Drowns? Bomb Syria! | Main | Obama: Network Spying Is  
Serious Human Rights Abuse »

June 22, 2013

On June 12 The NYT's CJ Chivers reported from Syria on workshops that  
make some ammunition for the foreign supported insurgency in Syria.  
The piece, starting with the headline, was a long whine about the  
alleged lack of arms of these poor killers. It included photos from  
the workshops by Chiver's sidekick Tyler Hicks.

Starved for Arms, Syria Rebels Make Their Own

“Everybody knows we do not have the weapons we need to defend  
ourselves,” said Abu Trad, a commander of the Saraqib Rebels Front,  
shortly before he allowed visitors into this mortar-round plant. “But  
we have the will, and we have humble means, and we have tools.”

[T]he arms plants remain a prominent feature of the opposition’s  
logistics, as arms flows from the Arab world fail to keep up with  

“All we need is effective weapons,” [Khaled Muhammed Addibis, a rebel  
commander,] said. “Effective weapons. Nothing else.”
When Chivers wrote the above the official propaganda line said that  
the US was not actively arming the "rebels" but that Obama was  
"withstanding the pressure to do so". That was nonsense and Chivers  
knew it was. While he wrote the story of those poor "rebels" who had  
to make weapons themselves because they do not get them elsewhere,  
Chivers also saw many modern weapons coming in from Libya and  
elsewhere and he knwe that the CIA was involved in distributing them.  
But he never reported on that. Instead he wrote the above lies. How do  
we know that? Well, just look what Chivers writes today:
Evidence gathered in Syria, along with flight-control data and  
interviews with militia members, smugglers, rebels, analysts and  
officials in several countries, offers a profile of a complex and  
active multinational effort, financed largely by Qatar, to transport  
arms from Libya to Syria’s opposition fighters.

[W]hile the system appears to succeed in moving arms across multiple  
borders and to select rebel groups, once inside Syria the flow  
branches out. Extremist fighters, some of them aligned with Al Qaeda,  
have the money to buy the newly arrived stock, and many rebels are  
willing to sell.

But the Libyan influx appears to account for at least a portion of the  
antitank weapons seen in the conflict this spring, including Belgian- 
made projectiles for M40 recoilless rifles and some of the Russian- 
made Konkurs-M guided missiles that have been destroying Syrian tanks  
in recent months.

Signs of munitions from the former Qaddafi stockpile are readily  
Late last month The New York Times found crates, storage sleeves and  
spent cartridge cases for antitank rounds from Libya in the possession  
of Ahfad al-Rasul, a prominent group fighting the government and  
aligned with the Supreme Military Council.

While he reported on insurgents "starved of arms" Chivers and his  
photographer Hicks, actually had seen the recoilless rifles, the  
guided missiles and lots of crates of ammunition from Libya. But at  
that time the official propaganda theme was "poor underarmed rebels"  
and Chivers diligently followed it. That propaganda theme was used to  
create some public support for escalating the war by pushing even more  
arms into the rebels hands. The story of the "starved of arms rebels"  
was untrue and Chivers knew that "late last month" when he traveled in  
Syria. As always their are some nuggets of truth in the NYT's and  
Chivers' reporting. But often, as shown here, the writers are pushed,  
or oblige silently, to keep to the official line the White House is  
distributing. The few time the NYT is going against the official U.S.  
propaganda are just diversion to keep up an image of a free press.


The 11 countries who form the friends for the destruction of Syria met  
today in Qatar. Before the meeting started Secretary of State Kerry  
hadplanned to organize a common distribution of weapons through the  
CIA controlled Free Syrian Army head General Idris to somewhat cut out  
the jihadist from the weapon stream:

Western and Arab opponents of Bashar Assad met in Qatar on Saturday to  
tighten coordination of their support for rebels battling to overthrow  
the Syrian president.
Ministers from 11 countries including the United States, European and  
regional Sunni Muslim powers, held talks that Washington said should  
commit participants to direct all aid through the Western-backed  
Supreme Military Council, which it hopes can offset the growing power  
of jihadist rebel forces.

That move was thought to be was necessary as Saudi Arabia as well as  
Qatar were freely distributing weapon to the various takfiri terrori

Re: [Marxism] Fw: Prehistoric UFO and ET images found in remote cave in India

2013-06-17 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jun 17, 2013, at 11:13 PM, Marla Vijaya kumar wrote:

   I wonder why no one has responded to this message I had sent.  
I would like to have some response from people. I am right now  
working on the implications of extraterrestial life on Dialectical  

Vijaya Kumar marla

That it is a hoax is proven by the "wormhole."  A "wormhole" is a  
purely theoretical construction, a zero-dimensional (ie., non  
physical) point at the center of another theoretical construction, a  
"black hole" which is an infinitely massive, infinitely small (ie.,  
non physical) object.  By definition (having no physical existence) it  
cannot be depicted.  Only an ignorant hoaxer would even try to depict  
it. (the brightness of the images also proves it a hoax).

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
 always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

Subject: [Marxism] Prehistoric UFO and ET images found in remote  
cave in India

I had come across this news item, while I was searching for material  
on Life in the universe.

The purported cave painting in remote Jungles of Madhya Pradesh,  
India, depicts an astronaut, a flying saucer dropping some probes or  
some such things and emitting radio waves or some Electromagnetic  
radiation. Additionally, there is a sketch of some mesh like  
structure, which has been interpreted by the archaeologists who  
discovered the painting as a 'wormhole", implying that they reached  
earth after travelling through a wormhole.
What is striking about the purported cave painting, said to be  
thousands of years old is that the representations are quiet modern,  
in that they resemble the representations being usually made by  
researchers in their notes. An ancient caveman, 15 thousand yeras  
back could not represent such scientific concepts as wormholes and  
em emissions, even if they had been witness to such an encounter.
Either it is a modern day hoax or there might have been an alien  
visit sometime in prehistory and not finding anyone capable of  
communicating with, would have drawn the sketch themselves. A radio  
carbon dating of the paints used might give us an idea of how old  
the painting is.

I tend to believe that the whole thing is a clever hoax.

Nothing clever about it.

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Re: [Marxism] What is a Proxy War? | Darth Nader

2013-06-16 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jun 16, 2013, at 1:45 PM, Jeff wrote:

... Robert Fisk's very mistaken analysis).

What is your experience in the Levant, what knowledge do you have of  
Syria, that qualifies you to correct Fisk instead of learning from him?

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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[Marxism] Syrian "Revolution:" does justice

2013-06-07 Thread Shane Mage

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Re: [Marxism] are you now or ever been a member of the ISO?

2013-06-03 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jun 3, 2013, at 11:04 PM, Michael Smith wrote:

Perhaps it's a bit like hanging around people who are passionate
Bourbon legitimists. Before you know it, you have the Duc d'Orleans'
family tree by heart.

I'm confused.  Wouldn't the Bourbon legitimists be passionate about  
the pedigree of the Comte de Chambord, and the Orléanists about the  
Comte de Paris? And isn't there a Bonapartist pretender somewhere?  Is  
there even a Duc d'Orléans any more?

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Terry Eagleton says we’ve forgotten how to read. Does it matter? - The Globe and Mail

2013-06-01 Thread Shane Mage

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On Jun 1, 2013, at 11:18 AM, Daniel Lindvall wrote:

So really, where is the objectively forcing argument for preferring  
a brand of malt whiskey to any other or, for that matter, to any  
other drink that is neither better or worse for your health? Near- 
consensus among the expertise?  We'd all be economic liberals in  
that case.

What makes you think that real expertise doesn't exist and/or that  
economic liberals exemplify any sort of expertise (except, of course,  
expertise in falsification)?

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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Re: [Marxism] Statement: Refusing to Accept Sexism

2013-05-31 Thread Shane Mage

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On May 31, 2013, at 3:04 PM, Thomas Bias wrote:

For those not fluent in hypertext markup language, the Greek word is:
Βατραχομυομαχία. For those not fluent in Greek (as I  
am not), I can't help


"Βατραχομυομαχία"--a battle between frogs and mice.

Shane Mage

"Thunderbolt steers all things." Herakleitos of Ephesos, fr. 64

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