Re: [Marxism] Egypt vs Greece : Muslim Brotherhood vs Syriza

2012-06-03 Thread Louis Proyect

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On 6/3/12 4:22 PM, Einde O'Callaghan wrote:

Read the article I posted: Egypt is a run-off election between just 2
candidates, one of whom is the open representative of the old regime,
whose victory would spell the immediate victory of the counter-revolution.

Greece is a general election where many parties are presenting their

I want to salute the state capitalist comrades for airing out their 
differences on this question. The fact that the ISO published the 
Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists' criticisms is a big step forward for 
the kind of movement we need.

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Re: [Marxism] Egypt vs Greece : Muslim Brotherhood vs Syriza

2012-06-03 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 03.06.2012 09:55, Ratbag Media wrote:

My concern was that whatever the rationale is  for supporting the
Muslim Brotherhood -- I am bemused as to why very different criteria
should be applied in Greece to stand aside from Syriza especially when
Syriza's primary  'crime'  is supposedly that it is 'reformist'.

Read the article I posted: Egypt is a run-off election between just 2 
candidates, one of whom is the open representative of the old regime, 
whose victory would spell the immediate victory of the counter-revolution.

Greece is a general election where many parties are presenting their 

Einde O'Callaghan

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Re: [Marxism] Egypt vs Greece : Muslim Brotherhood vs Syriza

2012-06-03 Thread Ratbag Media
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My concern was that whatever the rationale is  for supporting the
Muslim Brotherhood -- I am bemused as to why very different criteria
should be applied in Greece to stand aside from Syriza especially when
Syriza's primary  'crime'  is supposedly that it is 'reformist'.

dave riley

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Re: [Marxism] Egypt vs Greece : Muslim Brotherhood vs Syriza

2012-06-03 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 02.06.2012 20:38, Andrew Pollack wrote:

Below is SA's newest on both countries.
I must say Comrade Molyneux's post is disappointing. While making correct
tactical points it evades the difference between a united front and a vote
for a bourgeois party.

Egyptian Revolutionary Socialists reply to ISO:

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Re: [Marxism] Egypt vs Greece : Muslim Brotherhood vs Syriza

2012-06-02 Thread Andrew Pollack
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Below is SA's newest on both countries.
I must say Comrade Molyneux's post is disappointing. While making correct
tactical points it evades the difference between a united front and a vote
for a bourgeois party.
Hossam Hamalawy of the RS has just recently written two brilliant articles,
one on the need to involve the ranks of the MB and even the Salafists in a
united front, the other on the need to build and politicize bases in
workplaces,neighborhoods and campuses. Those tasks can, in fact must, be
taken up while educating the masses about why they're not voting for Mosri.
The reaction today against the Mubarak verdict shows yet again the masses'
hatred of the felool (old regime figures). A united front in the streets
can prevent Shafiq from ever taking office, and can do so without calling
for a vote for the MB (while still demanding the MB sign on as an
organization to a united front in the streets).

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Re: [Marxism] Egypt vs Greece : Muslim Brotherhood vs Syriza

2012-06-02 Thread Einde O'Callaghan

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On 02.06.2012 05:15, Ratbag Media wrote:

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Not that John Molyneux answers the question -- but it warrants some answering:

"Some people are asking how can the IS tendency vote for the Muslim Brotherhood
(MB) but not for the left reformist, Syriza ?"

However John Molyneux does point out that there is a significant 
difference: In Egypt there's a run-off between 2 candidates, one of whom 
directly represents the old regime.

In Greece there is a general election with many different parties and 
coalitions standing.

I don't necessarily agree with everything John says, but I think it 
isn't possible to simply equate the situation in Greece with that in 
Egypt, which seems to be what most critics of the IST are doing.

For a better understanding of the position of the Egyptian Revolutionary 
Socialists it might be useful if the critics read Chris Harman's "The 
Prophet and the Proletariat", which is available online in the Marxists 
Internet Archive at 

The watchword so far has been: "With the MB sometimes, with the military 

Einde O'Callaghan

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[Marxism] Egypt vs Greece : Muslim Brotherhood vs Syriza

2012-06-01 Thread Ratbag Media
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Not that John Molyneux answers the question -- but it warrants some answering:

"Some people are asking how can the IS tendency vote for the Muslim Brotherhood
(MB) but not for the left reformist, Syriza ?"

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