Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-24 Thread Gulf Mann
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"gyp" as in cheat as in Gypsy? Prolly so...

On Thu, Aug 23, 2012 at 5:32 PM, Ken Hiebert  wrote:

> ==
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> ==
> Ken H. said:
> If we can pride ourselves on being more advanced today, don't we owe this
> to the struggles of those who have fought racist oppression? In the absence
> of such struggles, how many of us would be more advanced than Marx? (The
> "us" I am referring to is in particular whites who oppose racism).
> Mark L. said:
> I have no idea what this means. Can you clarify, please
> Ken Hiebert replies:
> Thanks for giving me the chance to express myself more clearly.
> Marx was highly intelligent and a humanist, but this was not enough to
> free him from racist ideas.  The generations that came after him were
> exposed to anti-racist and anti-colonialist struggles.  These struggles
> helped the later generations to free themselves of racist ideas.  So, if we
> are more advanced than Marx on racism, it is not because we are morally or
> intellectually superior.  (Not that anyone was suggesting that}.
> Revolutionaries working in unions have been confronted with a workforce
> divided by race and ethnicity and  have had to develop a response to that.
>  I don't know if Marx had that experience in the union movement of his day.
> I look at my own history of ignorance and how I overcame it. When I was a
> child I would sometimes hear the expression "to jew someone down," meaning
> to haggle or to drive a hard bargain.  I remember clearly that i used this
> expression one day in the classroom and my teacher challenged me on it.  I
> had used the expression as thoughtlessly as you might say "to gyp someone."
>  i wonder how long I might have gone on using that expression if my teacher
> had not challenged me.
> I remember as well being at university and standing looking at a plaque
> that reported the number of women and men in the Arts department.  Men out
> numbered women about 2 to 1.  It didn't dawn on me that there was anything
> wrong with this (aside from the difficulty in dating).  This was 1966.  It
> was a few more years before I was influenced by the women's liberation
> movement.  Without the women's movement would I have advanced at all in my
> thinking?
> ken h
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[Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-23 Thread Ken Hiebert
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Ken H. said:
If we can pride ourselves on being more advanced today, don't we owe this to 
the struggles of those who have fought racist oppression? In the absence of 
such struggles, how many of us would be more advanced than Marx? (The "us" I am 
referring to is in particular whites who oppose racism).

Mark L. said:
I have no idea what this means. Can you clarify, please

Ken Hiebert replies:
Thanks for giving me the chance to express myself more clearly.

Marx was highly intelligent and a humanist, but this was not enough to free him 
from racist ideas.  The generations that came after him were exposed to 
anti-racist and anti-colonialist struggles.  These struggles helped the later 
generations to free themselves of racist ideas.  So, if we are more advanced 
than Marx on racism, it is not because we are morally or intellectually 
superior.  (Not that anyone was suggesting that}.

Revolutionaries working in unions have been confronted with a workforce divided 
by race and ethnicity and  have had to develop a response to that.  I don't 
know if Marx had that experience in the union movement of his day.

I look at my own history of ignorance and how I overcame it. When I was a child 
I would sometimes hear the expression "to jew someone down," meaning to haggle 
or to drive a hard bargain.  I remember clearly that i used this expression one 
day in the classroom and my teacher challenged me on it.  I had used the 
expression as thoughtlessly as you might say "to gyp someone."  i wonder how 
long I might have gone on using that expression if my teacher had not 
challenged me.

I remember as well being at university and standing looking at a plaque that 
reported the number of women and men in the Arts department.  Men out numbered 
women about 2 to 1.  It didn't dawn on me that there was anything wrong with 
this (aside from the difficulty in dating).  This was 1966.  It was a few more 
years before I was influenced by the women's liberation movement.  Without the 
women's movement would I have advanced at all in my thinking?  

ken h

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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-23 Thread Glenn Kissack
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> Of course we should be honest and up-front about any of Marx's failings (his 
> personal treatment of his wife has always stuck in my craw, and in general he 
> seems to have been a pretty miserable bastard). 

Perhaps I haven't read the right biographies, but the ones I've seen argue that 
Marx had a particularly close and warm relationship with Jenny and his 
children, who adored him. This includes Mary Gabriel's recent book, Love and 
Capital. This despite serious family problems of debt, ill health and the 
pressure of Marx's writing and political work.


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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-23 Thread DCQ
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Of course we should be honest and up-front about any of Marx's failings (his 
personal treatment of his wife has always stuck in my craw, and in general he 
seems to have been a pretty miserable bastard). And I'm perfectly willing to 
accept the obvious interpretation (i.e., he didn't like LaSalle and used a 
racist (though kind of non-sensical) epithet in private correspondence, 
indicating a retrograde attitude on race)--if the evidence adds up.

But we should be careful to draw too much from this, especially as others have 
pointed out, that Marx was particularly annoyed with LaSalle's lack of support 
for the North in the US Civil War. Add in the fact that Marx was ethnically 
Jewish and dark-complexioned (called "the Moor" by his friends and family), and 
that he's using the English phrase in another language in private 
correspondence a century and a half ago, and things get tenuous pretty fast. 
Quite simply, we don't know the context. Perhaps this phrase had a particular 
popular usage in Germany (or France or England). Perhaps LaSalle had called 
Marx that in person and Marx was turning it around? Perhaps this is an example 
of the "in-crowd" phenomenon (say, if they had both been called that by others 
and appropriated the name in casual conversation). Verbal nuances are hard 
enough to decode when we know all these things.

It's understandable that people would perform a Google search of Marx's works 
for offensive terms. And of course we should be aware of it (and not apologize 
or justify or be defensive when people on the left say or do retrograde 
things). But we should also be aware of our limited ability to draw any solid 
conclusions from such scant evidence (particularly when there's overwhelming 
evidence of Marx's anti-racism).

my two bits.


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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-22 Thread Mark Lause
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Garibaldi got stabbed in the back by those guys so often that he must
have been a psychological pin cushion.

In the end, though, he supported the Paris, endorsed the
International, and became something of a godfather of the socialist
movement.  i'd certainly claim him as one of ours . . . despite the
cowboy outfit. -)


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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-22 Thread Shane Mage

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On Aug 22, 2012, at 4:34 PM, Mark Lause wrote:
 ...Engels served under Willich and he and Marx--between the lines-- 
were clearly

enamoured of Garibaldi.  His 1860 landing in Sicily of the "Thousand"
that grew as it advanced through the countryside to a point where it
could take Palermo and help detonate a revival of the national
movement across Italy...

Willich failed totally, but Garibaldi succeeded.  The Bavarian  
republic was isolated.  Garibaldi, however sincere, had massive ruling- 
class backing from Cavour (the "Bismarck" of Savoy and its king  
Vittorio Emmanuele). Bribery played a major role in the military  
collapse of the Bourbon Kingdom of the Two Sicilies.  A chapter of  
Umberto Eco's wonderful novel *The Prague Cemetery* is revelatory  
about this whole episode.

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
 kindling in measures and going out in measures.

 Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-22 Thread Mark Lause
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I have no idea what this means.  Can you clarify, please

On Wed, Aug 22, 2012 at 1:04 PM, Ken Hiebert  wrote:
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> My thanks to those who have brought this to our attention.  I'd rather find 
> out about this on this list than be surprised by this in a public meeting.
> If we can pride ourselves on being more advanced today, don't we owe this to 
> the struggles of those who have fought racist oppression?  In the absence of 
> such struggles, how many of us would be more advanced than Marx?  (The "us" I 
> am referring to is in particular  whites who oppose racism).
> ken h
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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-22 Thread Mark Lause
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It's a great subject, Andrew, though the circumstances are so
different today, it's hardly comparable.

In Marx's day, the armed militaries that propped up those top-heavy
regimes were much smaller than we can imagine.  And building a
military force that could confront and defeat them was just within
reach.  Generally Marx and Engels snorted and snickered about such
things, particularly when their comrades like August Willich were
doing such things in Baden in 1849.  Then again, though, Engels served
under Willich and he and Marx--between the lines--were clearly
enamoured of Garibaldi.  His 1860 landing in Sicily of the "Thousand"
that grew as it advanced through the countryside to a point where it
could take Palermo and help detonate a revival of the national
movement across Italy.  Then, too, we should remember the importance
of the legions of black soldiers in the American Civil War, who
changed its course and character.

Moreover, both Baden in 1849 and in Sicily in 1860 had International
Legions.  The concept probably survived into the twentieth century
through things like the International Brigades in Spain or the Irish
Republican Army, though the history of both of these underscore the
outdated nature of the strategy today.


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[Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-22 Thread Ken Hiebert
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My thanks to those who have brought this to our attention.  I'd rather find out 
about this on this list than be surprised by this in a public meeting.

If we can pride ourselves on being more advanced today, don't we owe this to 
the struggles of those who have fought racist oppression?  In the absence of 
such struggles, how many of us would be more advanced than Marx?  (The "us" I 
am referring to is in particular  whites who oppose racism).

ken h

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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-22 Thread Louis Proyect

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In keeping with the overall honesty of "Revolution in the Air", Max 
Elbaum admits that the New Communist Movement held fairly retrograde 
ideas on same-sexers:

"The first wave of party builders also foundered in addressing the 
oppression of gay men and lesbians. Doctrinally, most of the movement 
simply ignored this issue, though the Guardian did decide by 1971 that 
it was appropriate to include opposition to discrimination against gays 
under the broad rubric of defending democratic rights. But whatever was 
formally said or not said, for the most part the movement's attitude 
toward homosexuality and the gay movement was decidedly negative. 
Fundamentally, most Marxist-Leninists shared the homophobia prevalent in 
society as a whole, and on the issue of gay rights they surrendered to 
prejudice instead of analyzing and opposing it."

While most of the left, including these Maoists, eventually superseded 
this kind of backwardness, a few individuals and sects continue to bash 
gays. Among them is a micro-sect in Germany called Neue Einheit that was 
a continuing nuisance in the dark ages of Marxism on the Internet. When 
their gay-baiting reared its ugly head on an email list initiated by 
Mark Jones called Leninist-International, lines were drawn over whether 
homophobia was compatible with Marxism. Those who felt that homophobia 
was okay eventually launched an email list called Marxism-Leninism that 
is singularly meatheaded on all sorts of questions, including gay 

Neue Einheit's specialty is dredging through the writings of well-known 
leaders and thinkers in the Marxist movement in order to find some 
particularly nasty crack against gays. 
( It is not surprising 
that you could find something like this in Engels's private 
correspondence since he was a product of the Victorian era despite his 
advanced thinking on the need for socialism.

(It should be pointed out that Marx and Engels often said crude things 
in their private correspondence that reflected sexist or racial 
prejudices. In a talk at NYC's Brecht Forum a couple of years ago, Tariq 
Ali explained that since telephones were not available in those days, 
people could only rely on letters for personal communications. Whether 
Marx or Engels could anticipate that their future enemies would mine 
their private correspondence for gaffes is open to question. This 
includes a number of black nationalists who tried to prove that Marx's 
use of the term 'nigger' rules out historical materialism as a tool for 
black liberation. It also includes people like Neue Einheit who use 
exactly the same kinds of lapse to shore up their own reactionary 
prejudices in *the name of Marxism*.)


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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-22 Thread Glenn Kissack
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In his brilliant book Marx at the Margins, author Kevin Anderson writes:

"In his often-cited letter, Marx also makes some very problematic personal 
remarks, referring to 'the Jewish nigger Lassalle' (der judische Nigger 
Lassalle) and writing as well that 'the impertinence of the fellow is also 
niggerlike" (niggerhaft) (MECW 41, 389, 390). That Marx was capable of making 
such racist remarks in private should not obscure the fact that a major part of 
what had made him so angry with Lassalle was the latter's indifference to the 
Civil War and the issues of slavery and racism in America." (page 266, note 22)

Marx wrote a great deal about the Civil War and the abolitionist cause, which 
he avidly supported. In an 1862 letter to Engels on the conduct of Northern 
military strategy, Marx predicted:

"The North will finally wage war seriously, adopt revolutionary methods, and 
overthrow the domination of the border state statement. A single 
nigger-regiment would have a remarkable effect on Southern nerves …."

Anderson comments: "In the block quote above, the term "nigger-regiment" is 
written in English in the middle of a German sentence. This is an instance of 
Marx using what today would be considered a very racist phrase to make an 
equally strong anti-racist point. Ironically, it is here that Marx makes his 
strongest case to date on the issue of Black troops, not only for military 
reasons, but also for political and psychological ones."

Anderson notes that in the same month Marx wrote the letter quoted above, he 
also "publishes several critiques of Lincoln's failure to abolish slavery."

In short, Marx consistently took anti-racist positions, despite his unfortunate 
use of contemporary racist terms.


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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-22 Thread Tom Cod
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"As quoted in William Otto Henderson (1989). Marx And Engels And The
English Workers: And Other Essays, Psychology Press, ISBN"

There is a link to a PDF to this work but I can't copy anything out of
it.  Note 11 refers to a letter from Marx to Engels July 30, 1862.
Note 12 refers to an 1858 letter by Jenny Marx quoting Karl referring
to Lassalle as a "Jewish nigger".

On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:28 PM, Mark Lause  wrote:
> ==
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> ==
> Anybody can put anything in Wiki. What's the citation on thjis?

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Re: [Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-21 Thread Mark Lause
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Anybody can put anything in Wiki. What's the citation on thjis?

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[Marxism] Marx's Racist Put-Down of Lassalle

2012-08-21 Thread Tom Cod
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This from Wikipedia's article on Ferdinand Lassalle:

"In the 1850s and '60s, Karl Marx was in regular contact with
Lassalle. Their relationship was superficially cordial, and Marx asked
for a loan of £30. Yet in letters to Friedrich Engels, Marx made
disparaging and racist comments about Lassalle, speculating that his
dark complexion and coarse hair were evidence that 'he is descendant
from the negroes who joined in the flight of Moses from Egypt (unless
his mother or grandmother on the father’s side was crossed with a
nigger)' and declaring that 'the importunity of the fellow is also

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