Re: [Marxism] Shachtmanites during WWII
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == "Comrades can check out for themselves what kind of issues their newspaper was covering after the split with Cannon:" "Mostly there's nothing but the table of contents for each issue but there are some articles as well..." Um...this will confuse people, Louis. EVERY issue is there to download and view as a PDF. Each volume and issue number is linked to such a PDF. The table of contents are indeed listed (fascinating to pursue by themselves) and what articles are listed in the 1940/41 period were HTMLed as *individual* articles for quick reading. Usually so we can build up the writers archives and link to them in other parts of the MIA. So one can read the entire 19 year history of the WP/ISL by reading through Labor Action in this way. As they can with The Militant as well. David Send list submissions to: Set your options at:
Re: [Marxism] Shachtmanites during WWII
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == On 4/6/13 6:37 PM, Einde O'Callaghan wrote: Thank you for drawing my attention to the typo - our OCRing isn't always 100% perfect. I'm surprised that Michael missed this one, which was even more open to a witticism: James P. Cannon: "I said that a party which yields to this pressure already before the actual war begins would never be able to stand up when the real beat is turned on." DJ Cannon? Send list submissions to: Set your options at:
Re: [Marxism] Shachtmanites during WWII
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == On 06.04.2013 22:27, Michael Smith wrote: The children who are coming today arrive with their nurses arid governesses and tutors. Governesses are indeed mostly pretty arid, in my experience, but there are exceptions. Thank you for drawing my attention to the typo - our OCRing isn't always 100% perfect. On a more general point: Every issue of Labor Action from 1940 to 1958 is available online in full in PDF format. We are still indexing the contents - we're up to April 1942 - and we're OCRing a selection of articles from each issue - we're up to January 1942. After we've finished the initial trawl we'll start adding other articles until every substantial article is online in searchable HTML format - but that may take a few years. For those who want to compare the theoretical productivity of the SWP and the WP all wartime articles from Fourth International are already online in HTML format and from New International a selection or articles is online in HTML format but the complete magazines are online in PDF format for the years 1942, 1944, 1945 and 1946. Einde O'Callaghan (MIA & ETOL) Send list submissions to: Set your options at:
Re: [Marxism] Shachtmanites during WWII
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == > The children who are coming today arrive > with their nurses arid governesses and tutors. Governesses are indeed mostly pretty arid, in my experience, but there are exceptions. -- -- Michael J. Smith The Comic Spirit conceives a definite situation for a number of characters and rejects all accessories in the exclusive pursuit of them and their speech. He has not a thought of persuading you to believe in him. Follow and you will see. But there is a question of the value of a run at his heels. Send list submissions to: Set your options at:
[Marxism] Shachtmanites during WWII
== Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message. == Comrades can check out for themselves what kind of issues their newspaper was covering after the split with Cannon: Mostly there's nothing but the table of contents for each issue but there are some articles as well, like David Coolidge's Aug. 12, 1940 article titled "Big Business Wrests Huge Profits Out of Preparations for War". It states: They will do all of these things with these war profits just as they did during and after the last war. They will seek to cover up and hide their waste and luxury by claiming that their gaudy social affairs are for the benefit of European refugees. What refugees? For the sons and daughters of the workers of England? No. The children who are coming today arrive with their nurses arid governesses and tutors. J.P. Morgan comes down the gang-plank with little eleven year old Lord Primrose and takes him to his estate to be safe from Hitler’s bombs. All of these things happen while 70,000 black and white forest workers labor for as little as ten cents an hour. While whole families work in Minnesota lumber camps for $10 a week. While thousands of Negro workers are chained to the slave farms of the South and New Jersey. While unemployment remains at 10,000,000. In a country where the mother in an unemployed family kills herself and six children because the family has nothing to eat. Their only comfort was a headstone for the graves paid for with money collected by the neighbors. This is by no means the whole story. But this is enough. Every worker knows full well what the next move is. The main task is to get those profits into the pay envelopes of the workers. This doesn’t require long arguments with the bosses. What is required however is stronger union, unification of the labor movement, a greater militancy and determination. full: And what did Cannon predict about this "petty bourgeois opposition"? In a 1939 letter to Dobbs, he claimed: "I characterised—and, by God, I was right!—the offensive against the Soviet Union inside our party as nothing but a craven capitulation to the pressure of bourgeois public opinion. I said that a party which yields to this pressure already before the actual war begins would never be able to stand up when the real beat is turned on. You see, we didn't get along very well together at all." full: So, where is the evidence of this yielding to pressure? The answer: you won't find any. I should also mention that 5 years after the split the Cannonites and the Shachtmanites opened up discussions about reuniting. I guess the gangrene wasn't terminal. But the sectarianism--which might be likened to impetigo--was. Send list submissions to: Set your options at: