Re: [Marxism] Forwarded from Nestor (a sanctimonious reply, as given)

2011-05-03 Thread DW
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Nestor's forwarded broadside, which includes his unfortunately far too
used you-have-no–right-to-discuss… non-Marxist form of discussion,
needs a response. Well, it could use a response but since Nestor
really failed to make any political point, let's try to deal with the
issue of Chavez (since, like Chavez himself, Nestor supports the
school of It's All About Chavez) and this latest bruhahah over
Chavez's deportation of a Colombian leftist to a country well known
for it's sense of justice, paragon of national sovereignty and since
the end of the El Salvadorean civil war, the capital of death squad

Nestor frowns on those on the list (I suppose the few who have
commented on it) who dared criticize Chavez, and, by extension,
Venezuela. Unless of course one wrote ones Doctoral Thesis on 19th
Century German Unification and Bismarkian Law. Hey, HE raised this,
not me.

Let's deal with what we DON'T know…we do not, indeed, know if U.S.
Imperialism threatened Venezuela with…to use Nester's hyperbole
immolation. After all, Nestor did accuse those that criticize the
decision to deport  Joaquin Perez Becerra, a Swedish citizen formally
active in the left in Colombia, to Bogota as being in the school of
those that …would love it if Chavez immolated Venezuela, right? So,
we don't know that.

So we have to go with what we do know. Unlike the quote used by Nestor
there were not 'dozens' of protestors who opposed this deportation to
the Death Squad Democracy in Colombia (unless if was the very first
one that went unnoticed, it seems), it was more like 300. And while it
did include, as the quote noted the Bolivarian Continental Movement
it also included, according to  Coordinadora
Simón Bolívar (CSB), the Simón Bolívar National Communal Front
(FNCSB), the “Clara Zetkin” Women’s Movement, the Front for the
Detained and Disappeared of the Continent, and the Revolutionary
Tupamaros Movement. Also in attendance were former Venezuelan Trade
Minister Eduardo Samán, current Venezuelan lawmaker Oscar Figueras Yul
Yalbur, and investigative journalist Eva Golinger. [Louis, I think if
any of these folks try to subscribe to the list, they should be barred
from doing so. Ask Nestor's advice here…]

However, clearly, all of these VENEZUELANS forgot, perhaps
deliberately, to ask Argentinian Nestor's to opine  as to why these
would be traitors and, international provocateurs, if they went ahead
with this ac; thow they would be betraying the Revolution. Nestor
would (please note, I did not use the term 'Nestor could' because I
KNOW Louis would ban ME if I did that) of course,  straighten them out
from 3000 miles away, I'm sure. But wait! There's more!

Chavez, it seems from the reports, is not only a bit touchy about all
this but has really failed to explain the details of this act that
clearly has a lot of people in VENEZUELA, highly pissed off, by
casting Imperialist Sweden to he left of Revolutionary Venezuela, when
it comes to the tradition of not sending militants into the hands of
those that would kill or imprison them. He clearly by his own lack of
explanation, shows that he has little regard to explain to the world
movement, the reasons for this act. But wait! There's more!

The mass Bolivarian trade union, the UNTE, also joined those that
Nestor would condemn, it seems. They also came out against the
deportation demanding *political* answers.

I wonder what all those who went into exile from Colombia now think of
the Venezuelan Revolution? Then again perhaps Chavez thinks all
those that defend Venezuela from Imperialism are named Nestor?


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Re: [Marxism] Forwarded from Nestor

2011-05-03 Thread Ralph Johansen

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Louis Proyect wrote

That is, I guess most comrades in the list would love it if Chavez 
immolated Venezuela to US brutal justice by giving them a pretext? 
What kind of a world are they living in?


Just this kind. An answer is called for: As others have stated, my first 
thought when I read this message yesterday was why couldn't Chavez have 
given the order to return Joaquin Perez to Germany? This is done all the 
time, rather than having to deal with an unwelcome presence, especially 
if the alternative is to hand a political refugee over to his 
executioners in a known draconian state, where Santos the current 
president was the man in charge of the operation that killed Raul Reyes 
in Ecuador. If as he's stated, he feels that he is obligated to 
safeguard the sovereignty of the country and the peace of all 
Venezuelans by refusing entry of a subversive Colombian terrorist, 
then why turn him over to certain death, instead of excluding him?

If, that is, he is really a political refugee as appears to be the case 
and not a wanted criminal, on charges that were credibly criminal within 
the definitions and standard of provenance guiding compliance with 
Interpol. Quoted Colombian sources say only that Perez, a Swedish 
citizen,  was part of the FARC and received money from the FARC to 
finance the Anncol site, which publishes rebel communiques, interviews 
with FARC leaders and pro-insurgent editorials.

Santos described Perez as the head of the international front of the 
FARC in Europe. In that role, he allegedly ran a website dedicated to 
spreading news about the group's efforts, CNN affiliate Caracol TV 
reported. I gave him the name and asked that he collaborate with us in 
his capture. He did not hesitate; it was done immediately when the plane 
landed, Santos said.

But even then, since this was not a problem of Chavez's making, why 
grasp the hot iron? Who could have faulted Venezuela's ruler for 
refusing to take either pole of this Hobson's choice when there was a 
way out? The explanation to Santos would simply be, Oh, no you don't. 
This man is a political refugee. You'll have to deal with Germany about 
this. Come on, man, this is a form of political extortion.

Instead of Chavez shaking his dilemma, we get this quote from Santos, so 
far not contradicted but affirmed by Chavez:

Chavez didn't hesitate. He ordered him arrested,**and he will give him 
to us, Santos was quoted as saying in an interview published Monday in 
El Tiempo newspaper: It's another sign that Chavez is keeping his word.

Not exactly conveying that he was between a rock and a hard place, as 
Chavez claims after seizing Joaquin Perez.

On its face, this stinks. WTF?

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Re: [Marxism] Forwarded from Nestor

2011-03-23 Thread Leonardo Kosloff
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

Mark wrote:
I'm sorry if you took offensive at my alleged obsession with Trotskyism or
something. I was trying to be offensive in an entirely different way.

I'm not offended. Though I will say that if Louis wants to me to avoid 
rambling about when I'm called a pelotudo (a stupid moron) for the nth 
timebecause I happen to be skeptical that a bureaucrat who used to work with 
a paramilitary organization which hunted down communists is to be creditedwith 
the clarification of the murder of yet another young communist, then...he 
oughta tell his buddy to get his shit together.
But it's not about me. It's about stopping to pretend that it's nuanced and 
wise (and Marxist!) to turn the blind eye to things like:“It is impossible to 
achieve even this modest goal without a deal of cudgel brandishing.” –Gorojovsky
and calling for broad support of the revolutionary bourgeoisie.


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Re: [Marxism] Forwarded from Nestor

2011-03-22 Thread Louis Proyect

Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

On 3/22/11 7:41 PM, Leonardo Kosloff wrote:

Not sure Gorojovsky’s distortions need any reply, they pretty much
self-refute themselves (which, incidentally, is a form of “proof”).
Gorojovsky is G, and I’m LK. G: “As to the Ferreyra murder (the only
thing Koslof knows about Galasso is what was his stance on this
issue, which paints Koslof as the ignorant sectarian he is), well,
let it simply be said that” LK: Ah, we’re about out of ideas, now
Goro speculates on what I know or do not know, and since his
catechisms cannot for a moment come down to the level of an objective
argument it follows I’m an “ignorant sectarian”. Well, being called
names by someone who can only call names, doesn’t really do anything
for me, guess I need more cowbell. To give Gorojovsky credit, I have
not read Galasso’s ‘Peron’ but I skimmed through it (you can see it
in google books), if Gorojovsky can refer me to an excerpt where
Galasso approaches remotely closely the reasons for Peron’s rise,
I’ll be obliged. For the most part I saw a load of quotes about what
fulano and mengano said about Peron, (because haven’t you heard? the
class struggle is about what people *say*). Followed by distorted
narrations, cherry-picked quotes from Peron, etc. etc., curiously I
couldn’t find any mention of Peronist repression against, to mention
one important case, workers in Tucuman in 1949. But hey, it’s a big
book, it must be good… I did read more from Galasso about how he
wants to paint the 1810 revolution as led by a group of petty-fogging
lawyers which surprise surprise obscures all the social
transformation of the time, i.e. the penetration of capitalist
relations of production to the core, which was led not by lawyers who
didn’t have anything better to do with their time, but pretty bloody
Jacobinists like Mariano Moreno.

Is that right? I will be checked and double-checked and please pull for 
me. Will you pull? How many good ones and how many bad ones? Please I 
had nothing with him he was a cowboy in one of the seven days a week 
fight. No business; no hangout; no friends; nothing; just what you pick 
up and what you need. I don't know who shot me. Don't put anyone near 
this check~ you might have -please do it for me. Let me get up. heh? In 
the olden days they waited and they waited. Please give me a shot. It is 
from the factory. Sure, that is a bad. Well, oh good ahead that happens 
for trying. I don't want harmony. I want harmony. Oh, mamma, mamma! Who 
give it to him? Who give it to him? Let me in the district -fire-factory 
that he was nowhere near. It smoldered No, no. There are only ten of us 
and there ten million fighting somewhere of you, so get your onions up 
and we will throw up the truce flag. Oh, please let me up. Please shift 
me. Police are here.

Communistic...strike...baloney...honestly this is a habit I get; 
sometimes I give it and sometimes I don't. Oh, I am all in. That settles 
it. Are you sure? Please let me get in and eat. Let him harass himself 
to you and then bother you. Please don't ask me to go there. I don't 
want to. I still don't want him in the path. It is no use to stage a 
riot. The sidewalk was in trouble and the bears were in trouble and I 
broke it up. Please put me in that room. Please keep him in control. My 
gilt edged stuff and those dirty rats have tuned in. Please mother, 
don't tear, don't rip; that is something that shouldn't be spoken about. 
Please get me up, my friends. Please, look out. The shooting is a bit 
wild, and that kind of shooting saved a man's life. No payrolls. No 
wells. No coupons. That would be entirely out. Pardon me, I forgot I am 
plaintiff and not defendant. Look out. Look out for him. Please. He owed 
me money; he owes everyone money. Why can't he just pullout and give me 
control? Please, mother, you pick me up now. Please, you know me. No. 
Don't you scare me. My friends and I think I do a better job. Police are 
looking for you allover. Be instrumental in letting us know. They are 
English-men and they are a type I don't know who is best, they or us. 
Oh, sir, get the doll a roofing. You can play jacks and girls do that 
with a soft ball and do tricks with it. I take all events into 
consideration. No. No. And it is no. It is confused and its says no. A 
boy has never wept nor dashed a thousand kim. Did you hear me?

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Re: [Marxism] Forwarded from Nestor

2011-03-22 Thread Mark Lause
Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.

I wasn't responding to anything specific you said, because I find it
incomprehensible and as irrelevant as the rantings of those people who used
to howl about Pabloism.

I'm sorry if you took offensive at my alleged obsession with Trotskyism or
something.  I was trying to be offensive in an entirely different way.


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