[Marxism] Jerusalem: Ultra right-wing Soccer Hooligans on the Rampage

2014-07-15 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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On July 12th, a violent fascist mob led by ultras attacked an anti war
protest in Tel Aviv. Two of the participants could be seen wearing blatant
neo nazi t-shirts that read “good night left side.” For those who are not
familiar with this slogan, it’s used by neo nazi groups all over Europe and
in the US to combat the original “Good Night White Pride” slogan used by
North London Anti-Fascists
one of the ultras as Tom Katz, a leader of the Maccabi Fanatics.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Zombie DDT ban myth reanimated — Crooked Timber

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A large part blogging, for me, has consisted of attempts at 
zombie-slaying: finding ideas that have been refuted by the facts, but 
that remain undead. Zombies are hard to kill, but one I thought had been 
permanently dealt with – the myth that Rachel Carson brought about a 
worldwide ban on DDT, leading to millions of deaths from malaria. 
Although quite a few people helped to show that this wasn’t true, the 
lion’s share of the credit, at least in the blogosphere, goes to Tim 
Lambert (who stopped blogging a while back, though his site still runs a 
montly open thread).

full: http://crookedtimber.org/2014/07/14/zombie-ddt-ban-myth-reanimated/

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[Marxism] Fwd: Islamic State in Syria, Back With a Vengeance - Sada

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The Islamic State has emerged out of all this as a winner, and it seems 
it has just started. If the group regains ground in the north, that will 
be the single most important achievement of the group inside Syria in 
months, something that might make it even more resilient. The Islamic 
State is still struggling between two strategies—the old strategy, 
imported from its experience in Iraq, of showing zero tolerance to not 
only rivals but potential rivals, and a new strategy of trying to win 
over people rather than using just force, a strategy that the group has 
seemingly picked up from Jabhat al-Nusra. The Islamic State’s ability to 
shield itself from a popular uprising will depend on which strategy will 


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[Marxism] Fwd: Left Forum on Vimeo

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Videos from 2011 and 2014.


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[Marxism] With and Without God on Their Side--US and Israeli Exceptionalism

2014-07-15 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Nathan Weiss: in remembrance | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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My high school social studies teacher.


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[Marxism] Fwd: The Journey of LeBron James » CounterPunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Ukraine's pro-EU gov't to build out nuclear energy. What?

2014-07-15 Thread DW via Marxism
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I thought this was interesting enough to post here since Ukraine is on
everyone's mind it seems:

"Ukraine's cabinet of ministers has a "completely new attitude" towards
nuclear power and
supports the idea of building new reactors using technology "of Western
design", Energoatom
president Yuri Nedashkovskiy has said."

A few things to note here. Generally Europe's politics and regulatory
regime is anti-nuclear and pro-renewable. Pro-nuclear countries in Europe
(France, Sweden, Finland, eastern Euro states) banded together to write a
letter opposing the overall Euro-approach to energy. I would of thought
Ukraine's super-pro-European stance would of mitigated this position
articulated by Ukraine's state run energy consortium and Ministers.

Secondly, anti-nuclear feelings must exist given that Chernobyl is
primarily a Ukrainian experience though it mostly effected Belorussians in
the majority given it's location.

Thirdly, perhaps most interestingly, is that the statement abstract I
posted above is specific about 'Western design' (this means either
Westinghouse or France's two nuclear designs). Ukraine never stopped being
a supplier for Russia in terms of nuclear fuel processing. They clearly
want to maintain that link. How all this effects Ukrainian/Russian
relations will be interesting to watch.


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Re: [Marxism] Ukraine's pro-EU gov't to build out nuclear energy. What?

2014-07-15 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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Thanks for your thoughts, but I wonder if you're reading too much into
this. Perhaps this is simple-minded, but would Ukraine's turn toward
nuclear perhaps just be in response to Russia's threat to cut off the
oil/gas supplies Ukraine is dependent on? After all, Ukraine is the only
country (afaik) that Russia has cut oil supplies to (even while hosting
pipelines carrying oil further west). And given recent history, it's not
surprising they rather rely on technology from Western Europe for new
plants. And even if they continue to buy (some) nuclear fuel from Russia,
that's hardly the same as gas which can be cut off with immediate effect,
whereas I imagine a nuclear reactor would keep running for months (years?)
after a scheduled refueling were supplies lacking.

Might that not explain everything?

- Jeff

On Tue, July 15, 2014 18:12, DW via Marxism wrote:

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Re: [Marxism] Ukraine's pro-EU gov't to build out nuclear energy. What?

2014-07-15 Thread Sergii Kutnii via Marxism
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Jeff is right. And, this can puzzle Westerners, but despite Chernobyl,
there is no strong anti-nuclear movement in Ukraine. Maybe because we
got used to it - Chernobyl zone now attracts tourists.

On Tue, Jul 15, 2014 at 10:39 PM, Jeff via Marxism
> ==
> Rule #1: YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
> ==
> Thanks for your thoughts, but I wonder if you're reading too much into
> this. Perhaps this is simple-minded, but would Ukraine's turn toward
> nuclear perhaps just be in response to Russia's threat to cut off the
> oil/gas supplies Ukraine is dependent on? After all, Ukraine is the only
> country (afaik) that Russia has cut oil supplies to (even while hosting
> pipelines carrying oil further west). And given recent history, it's not
> surprising they rather rely on technology from Western Europe for new
> plants. And even if they continue to buy (some) nuclear fuel from Russia,
> that's hardly the same as gas which can be cut off with immediate effect,
> whereas I imagine a nuclear reactor would keep running for months (years?)
> after a scheduled refueling were supplies lacking.
> Might that not explain everything?
> - Jeff
> On Tue, July 15, 2014 18:12, DW via Marxism wrote:
> Send list submissions to: Marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
> Set your options at: 
> http://lists.csbs.utah.edu/options/marxism/mnkutster%40gmail.com

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[Marxism] Eugene V. Debs Reader

2014-07-15 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Just out from Merlin Press . . . .


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Re: [Marxism] Ukraine's pro-EU gov't to build out nuclear energy. What?

2014-07-15 Thread martin schiller via Marxism
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> On Jul 15, 2014, at 12:39 PM, Jeff via Marxism  
> wrote:
> Might that not explain everything?

Might even use Iran fuel.

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[Marxism] Fwd: [Pen-l] "Joe Catron ... human shield for the El-Wafa Medical Rehabilitation Hospital in Gaza"

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism
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That's our Joseph Catron. Good for him, even if he is a pain in the ass 

 Original Message 
Subject:[Pen-l] "Joe Catron ... human shield for the El-Wafa Medical
Rehabilitation Hospital in Gaza"
Date:   Tue, 15 Jul 2014 17:17:27 -0400
From:   Robert Naiman 
Reply-To:   Progressive Economics 
To: Progressive Economics 

'If they take it out, they’ll take us with it'
Joe Catron gives a first-person account of becoming a human shield for
the El-Wafa Medical Rehabilitation Hospital in GazaÂ

International activists remain in Gaza hospital threatened by Israeli


Robert Naiman
Policy Director
Just Foreign Policy
(202) 448-2898 x1

pen-l mailing list

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Palestinians Must Put an End to Suicidal Hamas | The Nation

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Fucking pig Robert Dreyfuss. Kisses Bashar al-Assad's ass and now this. 
What you'd expect from a former member of Larouche's cult.


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[Marxism] Fwd: The Long, Low Black Schooner | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The Long, Low Black Schooner (pages 114-118 from Marcus Rediker's "The 
Amistad Rebellion")

On September 2, 1839, three days after the Amistad Africans arrived at 
the New Haven jail and thousands of people had already filed through to 
see them, the Bowery Theatre of New York began its performance of The 
Black Schooner, or, The Pirate Slaver Armistead; or The Long, Low Black 
Schooner, as it was more commonly called. An advertisement announced “an 
entire new and deeply interesting Nautical Melo-Drama, in 2 acts, 
written expressly for this Theatre, by a popular author,” almost 
certainly Jonas B. Phillips, the Bowery Theatre’s “house playwright” 
during the 183os.36 Based on “the late extraordinary Piracy! Mutiny! & 
Murder!” aboard the Amistad and the sensa-tional newspaper reports of 
“black pirates” that had appeared in the press before their capture, the 
play demonstrated how quickly the news of the rebellion spread, and with 
what cultural resonance. The title of the play came from the title of 
the New York Sun article about the Amistad rebellion published on August 
31, 1839, which in turn had drawn on the recent descriptions of a pirate 
ship captained by a man named Mitchell, who had been marauding in the 
Gulf of Mexico.37

In 1839 the Bowery Theatre was notorious for its rowdy, raucous 
working-class audiences: youthful Bowery b’hoys and g’hals (slang for 
young working-class men and women of Lower Manhattan) and dandies, as 
well as sailors, soldiers, journeymen, laborers, apprentices, street 
urchins, and gang members. Prostitutes plied their trade in the 
theater’s third tier. The audience cheered, hissed, drank, fought, 
cracked peanuts, threw eggs, and squirted tobacco juice everywhere. 
During an especially popular performance, the overflow crowd might sit 
on the stage amid the actors and props, or they might simply invade it 
and become part of the performance. The owner and manager of the 
theatre, Thomas Hamblin, employed a pack of constables to prevent riots, 
which on several occasions exploded anyway. That the Bowery Theatre was 
associated with a big, violent anti-abolitionist riot in 1834 makes its 
staging of The Long, Low Black Schooner all the more remarkable.38

full: http://louisproyect.org/2014/07/15/the-long-low-black-schooner/

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[Marxism] The Angry Arab's equation

2014-07-15 Thread Anas via Marxism
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"the war--war, not the conflict--in Syria is between an unjust party against an 
unjust party while the war in Gaza is between an unjust party and victims. 
Don't make futile analogies."

Because the Syrian regime doesn't have a sophisticated army and air power like 
Israel does. 


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[Marxism] Fwd: A different cancer story | SocialistWorker.org

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Exciting News - Our Kickstarter for Bellingcat is LIVE!

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(From Elliot Higgins, aka Brown Moses.)

Hi Louis,

I'm reaching out personally to announce that our Kickstarter to 
crowdfund Bellingcat is now LIVE.

Here's the actual Kickstarter link: kck.st/1tHQoeu

Our goal is £47,000. Because Kickstarter is all-or-nothing we must reach 
this goal or we do not get anything.

This goal will bring Bellingcat to life and run the site for six months. 
If we exceed it, we can run it for longer and do even more.

Here are the numbers: As of today 1,638 of you have signed up to this 
Bellingcat mailing list. If you each donated £28.69 right now, we would 
reach our goal.

Rewards for your donations include exclusive access to the beta version 
of the site (live today!); swag like stickers and t-shirts; an 
investigative starter kit; Skype sessions; and a chance to be a sponsor 
on the site.

Please post the campaign on social media, and help spread the word in 
any way possible. Here is a sample Facebook post/Tweet. Feel free to 
tweak it or use as is:

Support and share @brown_moses's new open source journalism website 
@bellingcat. Now on @kickstarter. kck.st/1tHQoeu #bellingcat

The success of this campaign relies on participation. We need your help 
tweeting, posting on Facebook, sending it to friends, family, and 
like-minded individuals.

Everything helps. We need you.

My very best,


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[Marxism] Fwd: There’s something very ugly in this rage against Israel | Israel and Palestine | spiked

2014-07-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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How does James Heartfield remain connected to such people?


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Re: [Marxism] Ukraine's pro-EU gov't to build out nuclear energy. What?

2014-07-15 Thread DW via Marxism
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Well, I never suggested what is behind their move, that's obvious as you
state: cut reliance of 90% of their grid that runs entirely on Russian
supplied natural gas. Hell...for that matter the main reason the Russians
are ramping up their nuclear build even faster is so they don't burn as
much of *their own gas* and they have more to sell to China and Europe.
That should be rather clear.

Still...this couldn't of come as an easy decision and shows, oddly, for me
anyway, a certain amount of independence not only from Russia but the
real-politik of Europe even before they join. I suspect they won't be so
indpendent when comes to privatizing and fiscalizing their economy for
Europe, however. That would be a deal breaker.

Yes, indeed, it's at least 18 months before refueling of a reactor. Buy two
loads of fuel and you have 3 years etc and so on.


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[Marxism] 19 Reasons Latin Americans Come To The U.S. That Have Nothing To Do With The American Dream

2014-07-15 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] What's new at Links: Asia-Pac left on Gaza, Indonesia; Left gains in Slovenia, Belgium; US ISO, "environmental catastrophism", overpopulation?, Catalonia, Canada, Cuba & LGBTI

2014-07-15 Thread glparramatta via Marxism

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What's new at Links: Asia-Pac left on Gaza, Indonesia; Left gains in 
Slovenia, Belgium; US ISO, "environmental catastrophism", 
overpopulation?, Catalonia, Canada, Cuba & LGBTI

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   (Updated July 16) Asia-Pacific socialists: 'Stop Israel's war crimes
   in Gaza!' 

*To add your group's name to the list of signatories please email PSM 
International Bureau .*

*Joint statement by Asia-Pacific left organisations*
July 14, 2014 -- In the past week, Israeli military forces have 
escalated their offensive on the Gaza Strip. Israeli warplanes have 
increasingly targeted houses, civilian-populated areas and civilian 
facilities in the Gaza strip. Israeli warplanes have destroyed a number 
of houses while their residents were inside, without any prior warnings, 
killing and wounding many Palestinian civilians.

The Israeli government has cynically exploited the killing of three 
Israeli youth and used this to whip up a racist hysteria against 
Palestinians and the Hamas government in Gaza. It has done this without 
producing any evidence about who was responsible for those killings. A 
campaign of indiscriminate violence against Palestinians has been 
incited and one Palestinian boy has been tortured and burnt to death. 
Now even more indiscriminate retribution has been inflicted on the 
civilian residents of Gaza. Collective punishment is a violation of 
international humanitarian law.

 * Read more 

   Indonesia: 'Prabowo's defeat will keep open democratic space';
   Jokowi's 'unprecedented' presidential bid

By *Peter Boyle*
July 11, 2014 -- The official results of the July 9 Indonesian 
presidential elections are not expected till at least July 22, but many 
private "quick count" surveys and exit polls have proclaimed a winner. 
Most of these unofficial polls have declared that former Jakarta 
governor Joko Widodo (popularly known as Jokowi) has defeated his sole 
challenger --- sacked Suharto dictatorship general Prabowo Subianto by a 
margin of up to 4%.

 * Read more 

   Slovenia: Radical left wins surprise fourth place in early election

By *Gal Kirn*
July 14, 2014 -- We have broken the vicious circle of anti-communism in 
the post-Yugoslav context. As you imagine we are more than happy to 
present you with such an amazing election result! As all the 
commentators say, the United Left Coalition (ULC) was the biggest 
surprise. But the path was difficult, the ULC was from early on 
marginalised by the mainstream.

 * Read more 

   United States: ISO conference backs red-green alliances, rethinks

By *Peter Boyle*, Chicago
July 15, 2014 -- New red-green electoral alliances, a turn to 
ecosocialism and a deepening of the US International Socialist 
Organization's rethink on feminism were key features of its 
well-attended Socialism 2014 conference held June 26-29 in Chicago.

 * Read more 

   Belgium: Far-left breakthrough as Workers' Party enters parliaments

By */La Gauche/*
July 11, 2014 -- Before May 25, there were no elected representatives of 
what is called the "radical" left in Belgium, unlike in other countries 
in Europe. This anomaly has now been corrected.

 * Read more 

   On 'environmental catastrophism': Ian Angus replies to Sam Gindin

By *Ian Angus***
July 14, 2014 -- Last year in/Monthly Review/, I debated Eddie Yuen, an 
anarchist who believes it is a mistake for radicals to focus on telling 
the truth about the global environmental crisis, because "awareness of 
climate crisis does not necessarily lead to increased political 
engagement." Not only can such awareness lead to apathy, he wrote, but 
"environmental catastrophism is very likely to be mobilized by economic 
and national elites to reinforce existing inequalities and expand 
enclosures, commodification, and militarization".