[Marxism] Coltrane's Offering

2014-11-12 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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 "The discovery and release of a previously unknown recording by the
saxophonist John Coltrane, who died at the age of forty in 1967, is cause
for rejoicing—and I’m rejoicing in “Offering: Live at Temple University
,” the release
of a tape, made for the school’s radio station, of a concert that Coltrane
and his band gave on November 11, 1966, a mere nine months before his death.

I knew and already loved this concert, on the basis of a bootleg of three
of its five numbers. But the legitimate release offers much better sound
and contains the pièce de résistance: a climactic performance of “My
Favorite Things,” the Richard Rodgers tune that Coltrane turned into a jazz
classic in 1960. Yet this 1966 performance of it is very different from that
of 1960
and, indeed, even from Coltrane recordings from a year or two before the
Temple concert. In the intervening years, Coltrane’s musical conception had
shifted toward what can conveniently be called “free jazz.”

The term started as the name of an album
 by one of the form’s
key artists, Ornette Coleman, from 1960, even though that recording only
hinted at the further extremes of free jazz, some of which were in evidence
in Coltrane’s final two years. The idea, roughly, involves playing without
a set harmonic structure (the framework of chords that lasts a pre-set
number of bars and gives jazz performances a sense of sentences and
paragraphs), without a foot-tapping beat, and sometimes even without the
notion of solos, allowing musicians to join in or lay out as the spirit
moves them. Lacking beat, harmony, and tonality, free jazz cuts the main
connection to show tunes, dance-hall performances, or even background music
to which jazz owed much of whatever popularity it enjoyed.

There’s a temptation to consider free jazz as a freedom *from*: freedom
from structures and formats and preëxisting patterns of any sort. But it’s
also a freedom *to*: a freedom to musical disinhibition of tone, a
vehemence and fervor, as well as a freedom to invent. The very word
“freedom” meant something particular to black Americans in the
nineteen-sixties. They didn’t have it, and there’s an implicit, and
sometimes explicit, political idea in free jazz: a freedom from European
styles, a freedom to seek African and other musical heritages, and, also, a
freedom to cross-pollinate jazz with other arts. In the process, jazz
musicians developed new forms and new moods that reflected a new
generation’s experiences and ideals. The politics of free jazz were
inseparable from its aesthetic transformation of jazz into overt and
self-conscious modernism."
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[Marxism] Fwd: Pittsburgh's 'Conflict Kitchen' is latest battleground over Palestine, free speech and criticism of Israel

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The conflict between Israel and Palestine has been writ small, six 
thousand miles away.

Pittsburgh may be known for its steel mill past and its high-tech 
present, but is now emerging as the seat of a lively debate concerning 
Palestinian food, free speech, and criticism of Israeli policies.

The Conflict Kitchen is a take-out eatery that only serves food from 
countries with which the United States is in conflict. The restaurant 
began serving Palestinian food on October 6. On November 8, restaurant 
co-director Jon Rubin received a letter containing a death threat. As a 
result, Mr. Rubin temporarily closed the Conflict Kitchen.

full: http://mondoweiss.net/2014/11/pittsburghs-battleground-palestine
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[Marxism] Fwd: A Palestinian Exception…at Brooklyn College | Corey Robin

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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While I’m excited that our department is co-sponsoring both events, I 
would be less than honest if I didn’t express a certain disappointment 
with my colleagues in other departments. The only departments 
co-sponsoring both events are the departments of sociology, political 
science, and secondary education, as well as the Shirley Chisholm 
Project. Many others were asked to co-sponsor the Salaita event, but 
they refused.


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[Marxism] Fwd: ProQuest ends dissertation sales through Amazon @insidehighered

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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ProQuest first told Jesse Stommel, assistant professor of digital 
humanities at University of Wisconsin at Madison, that it would remove 
his and others’ dissertations from Amazon. Stommel’s dissertation, like 
many others, was on Tuesday still listed for sale, retailing at $62.10.


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[Marxism] Fwd: College Athletes of the World Unite | Jacobin

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Pretty fucking good. Jacobin now has Kareem Abdul-Jabbar writing for them.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Look what we’ve done to the world’s oceans - Salon.com

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The massive amount of CO2 we’re pumping into the atmosphere isn’t just 
warming the climate — a quarter of it ends up in the oceans, where it 
works to lower the waters’ pH level. The oceans have become 30 percent 
more acidic over the past 200 years as a result of human activity, a 
phenomenon that’s already harming coral reefs, dissolving the shells of 
sea snails, an important part of the marine food chain, and threatening 


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[Marxism] How the former Soviet republics have fared on their own

2014-11-12 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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Most of the 32 countries which were formerly Soviet republics have lagged the 
modest growth rates of the developed capitalist countries since the dissolution 
of the USSR in 1990, according to research by former World Bank economist 
Branko Milanovic. 

Seven are basket cases, including Ukraine and Georgia. None of these “is likely 
to reach its 1990 income any time soon. Basically, they are countries with at 
least three  to four wasted generations. At current rates of growth, it might 
take them some 50 or 60 years—longer  than they were  under Communism!—to go 
back to the income levels they had at the fall of Communism.”  

The largest of the former republics, Russia, despite the oil boom and rapid 
growth of the recent decade, has also failed to match 1.7% annual average GDP 
of the OECD countries, undoubtedly owing to its economic collapse under Boris 
Yeltsin in the immediate aftermath of the Soviet breakup. 

“The real capitalist successes are only five: Albania, Poland, Belarus, Armenia 
and Estonia, having grown by at least 3% per capita per annum, almost at twice 
the rate of rich countries, and without an obvious help of natural resources”, 
Milanovic says.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Space Settlement

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Pure insanity courtesy of NASA. "Interstellar" is only a movie but this 
is what our tax dollars is funding.

Space Settlements

spreading life throughout the solar system

"I know that humans will colonize the solar system and one day go 
beyond." Mike Griffin, former NASA Administrator.

A billion years ago there was no life on land. In a phenomenal 
development, by 400 million years ago land life was well established. We 
are at the very beginning of a similar, perhaps even more important, 
development. Today Earth teems with life, but as far as we know, in the 
vast reaches of space there are only a handful of astronauts, a few 
plants and animals, and some bacteria and fungi; mostly on the 
International Space Station. We can change that. In the 1970's Princeton 
physicist Gerard O'Neill, with the help of NASA Ames Research Center and 
Stanford University, discovered that we can build gigantic spaceships, 
big enough to live in. These free-space settlements could be wonderful 
places to live; about the size of a California beach town and endowed 
with weightless recreation, fantastic views, freedom, elbow-room in 
spades, and great wealth. In time, we may see millions of free-space 
settlements in our solar system alone. Building them, particularly the 
first one, is a monumental challenge. If this sounds exciting, read on.

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[Marxism] ISIS incubation

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Dear Nicola Nasser,

You article 
on how ISIS sprang from the womb of American imperialism is really 

"The IS was the illegitimate fetus born and nurtured inside the uterus 
of the US –  engineered political process based on a constitution 
legalizing a federal system based in turn on sectarian and ethnic 
sharing of power and wealth."

I think that your methodology could be the wellspring of a new way of 
conducting historical research. It could persuade one given to leaps of 
the imagination that Nazism sprang from the womb of British imperialism 
since the onerous conditions of the Treaty of Versailles made economic 
misery in Germany inevitable.

But Lloyd George and Clemenceau were not the original architects of the 
Third Reich when you stop and think about it. The real blame for the 
rise of the modern liberal bourgeois democracy was John Locke, the 
naughty British philosopher whose musings on freedom and property surely 
must have been intended to midwife the swastika.

Digging deeper into the tentacles of this vast conspiracy, you have to 
put the blame on Plato and Hellenic imperialism that in many ways was 
the forerunner of modern fascism. Without Plato, you can't have Locke. 
Plato's Republic with its philosopher-kings--that's obviously the 
incubator for "Mein Kampf".

But why stop there? Without Neanderthal man, there is no Greek 
"civilization". They say that Alley-Oop, the headman of the Gubblik 
tribe of Neanderthals in lower Slobovia, was bent on destroying the 
planet way, way back in 200,000 BC. From what archaeologists can glean 
from the relics, Alley-Oop was a bed-wetter whose mom used to beat him 
over the head with the thigh-bone of a saber-tooth tiger. If there's any 
lessons to be drawn from this abysmal tale, it is don't beat your 
children with the thigh-bones of saber-tooth tigers.

With a warm embrace,

Louis Proyect
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[Marxism] US business leaders: Sisi doing just fine

2014-11-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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 US corporate heads praise Egypt's investment environment, say nothing
about Sisi's murder and repression (because after all that's how one
guarantees a stable investment environment).
Notice the praise by the Chamber of Commerce for the regime's efforts to
meet bankers' "structural reform" demands.
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[Marxism] US-China climate deal?

2014-11-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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I would have expected by now many progressive critiques of what seems to be
a uniform mainstream gushing over this deal. The headlines are all about
how great it is, and given the history and interests of the two signors, my
gut reaction is "no fucking way could this be as good as those headlines
make it sound." As great as the climate march was, that alone can't yet be
enough to force significant change by the world's greatest polluters.

So two questions: 1) how does Obama's new pledge, re a percentage drop in
emissions to reach 2005 levels, match against what climate scientists say
is needed; and 2) isn't China's pledge a non-pledge? I.e. they only
committed themselves to peak at 2030, but that peak could be at any level
they feel like.
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[Marxism] Die Linke's Gysi Flees Blumenthal and Sheen, Hides in Bundestag Toilet

2014-11-12 Thread MM via Marxism
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In the hours before the incident, Gysi was behind an unsuccessful effort to 
cancel Blumenthal’s and Sheen’s appearance at the Bundestag earlier that day.

That event was initiated by Die Linke legislators Inge Höger and Annette Groth, 
two long-time supporters of Palestinian rights who have been smeared as 
“anti-Semites” by the Simon Wiesenthal Center.


It was after the event, attended by dozens, that Blumenthal and Sheen requested 
to meet Gysi to confront him about Israel’s crimes in Gaza and the smears that 
Gysi and his acolytes had disseminated against them.

Rather than explain himself, Gysi ran away.


Blumenthal told The Electronic Intifada that several members of Die Linke urged 
Gysi to meet the two writers after their Bundestag meeting. But, according to 
Blumenthal, Gysi sent text messages to his colleagues saying he would not.

“The first message said ‘I will not meet with Max Blumenthal, he always 
compares Israel to Nazis,’” Blumenthal recalled. “The second one said that the 
meeting would be used to make him ‘look bad.’”


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Re: [Marxism] US-China climate deal?

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/12/14 12:22 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

I would have expected by now many progressive critiques of what seems to be
a uniform mainstream gushing over this deal.

Here's one from Juan Cole: 

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Re: [Marxism] US-China climate deal?

2014-11-12 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

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On 2014/11/12 07:22 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

I would have expected by now many progressive critiques of what seems to be
a uniform mainstream gushing over this deal

It takes a bit of time to digest this kind of news and find the devil in 
the details. (Similarly, has anyone found anything about Obama's support 
for net neutrality that we should know?)

But here's one reply, by activist Neil Tangri:

 Neil Tangri 

OK, details are still extremely sketchy, but here are my initial 
impressions. Thoughts?

The good: 1. China is getting serious and actually intends to peak 
emissions in the next 15 years -- huge news, given their emissions & 
rate of increase. 2. Any movement in international climate policy is 
better than none at this point.

The bad: 1. The targets are too weak and too late compared to what we 
need. 2. There's no reason to think that the US will hit its (weak) targets.

The ugly: 1. Obama is apparently trying to show that voluntary, 
bilateral climate deals "work", eliminating the need for a binding 
multilateral deal in Paris in 2015. Given that the UNFCCC has been dead 
in the water for 20+ years, this isn't much of a loss.

2. This agreement does nothing to help developing countries manage a 
just transition, pay for loss & damages, mitigate & adapt.

The hope: Unlike the Americans, the Chinese leadership understands the 
science and knows it needs to bring the rest of the world along. China 
is the one country that has enough diplomatic firepower to change the 
international dynamic -- if it decides to do so.

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[Marxism] Space News: Philae#FaIL

2014-11-12 Thread Shane Mage via Marxism

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Philae Lander @Philae2014 · 24m24 minutes ago
I’m on the surface but my harpoons did not fire. My team is hard at  
work now trying to determine why. #CometLanding

The harpoons were designed to anchor into a Dirty Snowball, as the  
comet was "known" to be accor4ding to the Orthodox model of solar- 
system formation.  Since that model is pure fantasy, Philae's harpoons  
could not anchor into the rocky surface of the asteroid fragment that  
thjis comet. like all the otherds, actually is.

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
kindling in measures and going out in measures.

Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] US-China climate deal?

2014-11-12 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Thanks both of you! Neil and Juan have each provided more than enough solid
facts to use during any day-after "did you hear the great news?"
conversations. (I'll leave aside their illusions in China/individual
options respectively.)

On Wed, Nov 12, 2014 at 12:35 PM, Patrick Bond  wrote:

>  On 2014/11/12 07:22 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:
> I would have expected by now many progressive critiques of what seems to be
> a uniform mainstream gushing over this deal
> It takes a bit of time to digest this kind of news and find the devil in
> the details. (Similarly, has anyone found anything about Obama's support
> for net neutrality that we should know?)
> But here's one reply, by activist Neil Tangri:
>Neil Tangri 
>OK, details are still extremely sketchy, but here are my initial
> impressions. Thoughts?
> The good: 1. China is getting serious and actually intends to peak
> emissions in the next 15 years -- huge news, given their emissions & rate
> of increase. 2. Any movement in international climate policy is better than
> none at this point.
> The bad: 1. The targets are too weak and too late compared to what we
> need. 2. There's no reason to think that the US will hit its (weak) targets.
> The ugly: 1. Obama is apparently trying to show that voluntary, bilateral
> climate deals "work", eliminating the need for a binding multilateral deal
> in Paris in 2015. Given that the UNFCCC has been dead in the water for 20+
> years, this isn't much of a loss.
> 2. This agreement does nothing to help developing countries manage a just
> transition, pay for loss & damages, mitigate & adapt.
> The hope: Unlike the Americans, the Chinese leadership understands the
> science and knows it needs to bring the rest of the world along. China is
> the one country that has enough diplomatic firepower to change the
> international dynamic -- if it decides to do so.
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Re: [Marxism] US-China climate deal?

2014-11-12 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

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On 2014/11/12 07:42 PM, Andrew Pollack via Marxism wrote:

... (I'll leave aside their illusions in China/individual
options respectively.)

Yes! I know both (a bit) and think they're marvellous. But this 
throwaway by Juan grates, eh: "if we’re to dodge this bullet it will 
have to be done from the lab on the one hand and grassroots consumers on 
the other."

Ahem, might an eco-social justice movement be the missing link?
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Re: [Marxism] Hezbollah: US Not in Favour of Destabilizing Syrian Gov’t

2014-11-12 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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Many people both among the imperialists and the "anti-imperialist" Left
prefer Libya as it was and Syria as it is, a people under a fascist
dictatorship that is routinely willing commit mass murder to stay in power
when the wretched police state system of prisons and torture chambers
proves not up to the task, to the chaos of a free people reinventing
themselves and re-creating the state.

This is well known. What's your point?

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust 
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach 

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Re: [Marxism] Hezbollah: US Not in Favour of Destabilizing Syrian Gov’t

2014-11-12 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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I documented all this in great detail, and released over 20 new Wikileaks
documents while doing so, over two years ago:

*Barack Obama's Courtship of Bashar al-Assad*

Clay Claiborne, Director
Vietnam: American Holocaust 
Linux Beach Productions
Venice, CA 90291
(310) 581-1536

Read my blogs at the Linux Beach 

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Re: [Marxism] ISIS incubation

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/12/14 10:15 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

Dear Nicola Nasser,

You article
on how ISIS sprang from the womb of American imperialism is really

"The IS was the illegitimate fetus born and nurtured inside the uterus
of the US –  engineered political process based on a constitution
legalizing a federal system based in turn on sectarian and ethnic
sharing of power and wealth."

I think that your methodology could be the wellspring of a new way of
conducting historical research. It could persuade one given to leaps of
the imagination that Nazism sprang from the womb of British imperialism
since the onerous conditions of the Treaty of Versailles made economic
misery in Germany inevitable.

A useful comment on this from my old friend Reza:

If everything under the sun is ultimately caused by imperialism, then 
there is no need for any analysis. Everything is caused by imperialism. 
Period. What's the point of analysis then? What is there *to* analyze?

But more importantly, such 'analyses' that start and end by saying "It 
was caused by imperialism" simply make themselves look redundant after a 
while. As we used to say, "In the final analysis," this may be true. 
But, from here to the final analysis there are tons of explanations that 
still need to be taken into account.

Civil Engineers, for example, do not resort to 'gravity' as the main 
explanation for everything. Maybe it's time our social commentators 
followed some scientific (i.e., rational) guidelines for providing 
explanations, rather than the "final analysis" shorthand replacing 
complex and more real explanations.

reza f.

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Re: [Marxism] Space News: Philae#FaiL

2014-11-12 Thread Shane Mage via Marxism

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On Nov 12, 2014, at 12:35 PM, Shane Mage via Marxism wrote:

Philae Lander @Philae2014 · 24m24 minutes ago
I’m on the surface but my harpoons did not fire. My team is hard at  
work now trying to determine why. #CometLanding

Three hours later, and after all that "hard work" all we have from   
Darmstadt is--silence!

The harpoons were designed to anchor into a Dirty Snowball, as the  
comet was "known" to be according to the Orthodox model of solar- 
system formation.  Since that model is pure fantasy, Philae's  
harpoons could not anchor into the rocky surface of the asteroid  
fragment that this comet. like all the others, actually is.

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
kindling in measures and going out in measures.

Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] ISIS incubation

2014-11-12 Thread Shane Mage via Marxism

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On Nov 12, 2014, at 2:56 PM, from Louis Proyect via Marxism:

Civil Engineers, for example, do not resort to 'gravity' as the main  
explanation for everything.

But orthodox astrophysicists and cosmologists absolutely DO resort to  
'gravity' as the main explanation for everything. Of course, unlike  
any sort of engineer, their constructions are made of dark matter.

Shane Mage

This cosmos did none of gods or men make, but it
always was and is and shall be: an everlasting fire,
kindling in measures and going out in measures.

Herakleitos of Ephesos

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Re: [Marxism] US-China climate deal?

2014-11-12 Thread Marv Gandall via Marxism
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> On Nov 12, 2014, at 12:35 PM, Patrick Bond via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> (Similarly, has anyone found anything about Obama's support for net 
> neutrality that we should know?)

Nothing beyond that an open internet is very popular with his young liberal 
base and, more significantly, with content providers like Netflix and Google. 
Netflix and Google (through You Tube) account for more than half of peak Web 
traffic. The major internet service providers like Comcast and Verizon, which 
are seeking to levy tolls on the content providers, are opposed. If the latter 
succeed, consumers would face higher costs and the fast lanes would be closed 
to independent bloggers, discouraging readership. The blogs and other social 
media, as we know, are an important source of critical commentary.

In 2013, Obama, the bold champion of net neutrality, appointed Tom Wheeler as 
chairman of the FCC. Wheeler is a telecom and cable lobbyist of long standing 
and a public opponent of regulating the industry under Title II of the 
Communications Act. Are we surprised?

The matter will likely be settled at some future date by the Supreme Court or 
Congress, both controlled by the Republicans who favour the ISP's.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Pope Francis on Mexican Students: 'We Know It Was Murder' - NBC News.com

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: 'We will make soap out of you!': Violent right-wing protest against Jerusalem art exhibit reflects rising anti-democratic tide in Israel

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] How West created Osama bin Laden

2014-11-12 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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I've just stuck up on Redline an old article from 2001 that we did in a
previous publication a number of us were involved in, Mid-East Solidarity
(this was a NZ journal).

The article looks at how the US created Osama bin Laden and, at the end,
there's an interesting extract of an interview with Zbigniew Brzezinski
about how the US 'bear-trapped' the Soviet Union into Afghanistan.
Brzezinski ends up saying that "a few stirred up Moslems" was a small price
to pay for winning the Cold War.

It's at:

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Re: [Marxism] Roland f**king Boer?

2014-11-12 Thread Charlie via Marxism

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Thanks for the heads up. I don't hasten to pigeonhole Boer, which is not 
a productive exercise, although apparently an amusing one for our 
moderator in his more foul-mouthed moments. The current post on Boer's 
blog includes a quotation from Stalin on religion among peasants. It 
provides a useful pole for a compare-and-contrast with today's attendees 
of mega-churches that preach scrambling for prosperity in today's 
degenerate capitalist society.

"To illustrate how tactlessly the peasants are approached sometimes, a 
few words must be said about anti-religious propaganda. ... Often they 
fail to realise that the peasant looks on God in a practical way, i.e., 
he is not averse to turning away from God sometimes, but he is often 
torn by doubt: 'Who knows, maybe there is a God after all. Would it not 
be better to please both the Communists and God, as being safer for my 
affairs?'"(Works, volume 6, page 323)

Connected is a proverb Stalin liked to quote: It needs thunder to make a 
peasant cross himself.


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Re: [Marxism] Roland f**king Boer?

2014-11-12 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 11/12/14 8:34 PM, Charlie via Marxism wrote:

Connected is a proverb Stalin liked to quote: It needs thunder to make a
peasant cross himself

Charlie, is there something wrong with you? Joseph Stalin was an enemy 
of Marxism. Where the hell did you get your education in Marxism anyhow? 
From Bob Avakian? Mike Klonsky? Milt Rosen? Jeez...

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[Marxism] PFLP declaration on 97th anniversary of Balfour Declaration: Israel remains an illegitimate state

2014-11-12 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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2014-11-12 Thread Leozino Listas via Marxism
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The disappearance of 43 students in Ayotzinapa, Mexico has unleashed the
anger of those who have had enough of the corrupt system run by a regime of
assassins made up of the Mexican political parties (PRI-PAN-PRD) in
connection with the Cartels.
Students and unions are taking to the streets and have called for a
national general strike to voice their demands: that the students be
returned alive and the immediate resignation of President Peña Nieto.


Brown University
Salomon 203
Friday, November 21 at 6PM

  Live conference with student activists in Mexico:

- Javier

- Sergio
- Claudio

 Watch it live online @ http://www.workersmedia.com/live_brown_ayotzinapa

United Revolutionary Socialists
MTS Movimiento de los Trabajadores Socialistas

>> Does anyone know more about the issues at stake here?
>> Universities throughout Mexico are closing and students are marching this
>> weekend in protest of the disappearance of the 43 students at the hand of
>> authorities.
>> Yesterday marches and demonstrations in Mexico City, held in solidarity
>> with the students of Ayotzinapa, reached unprecedented size and intensity.
>> More marches and demonstrations throughout the country have been planned
>> for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday of this week, and calls for the ouster
>> of Mexico's authoritarian neoliberal president, Enrique Peña Nieto, have
>> become louder and more numerous.
>> Adding mometum to the protests are the many universities across Mexico
>> which have announced cessations of activities to show their support for the
>> students of Ayotzinapa.  In total, a minimum of 115 universities will
>> cancel classes at some time during this week.
>> Nevertheless, and in stark contrast to these activities, the president of
>> Goldman Sachs, Gary D. Cohn, stated earlier this week his firm conviction
>> that the "Mexican Moment" will continue.  "We are very exited with what is
>> happening in Mexico with the reform agenda," he said.  "Our clients are
>> excited about the opportunities opening up in Mexico, whether they be in
>> petroleum, natural gas, or on the other hand in telecommunications."
>> Asked about the events in Ayotzinapa, Cohn said it would be difficult for
>> them to have any lasting effect on the Mexican economy.  "It is the
>> Mexicans who seem to be more focused on these events than the rest of the
>> world,"  he said. "I don't want to minimize those events," added Cohn, "but
>> these sort of events happen in other parts of the world."
>> Now contrast the sublime remarks of the transnational banker with what
>> happend in Mexico City yesterday:
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[Marxism] FYI: The Other Side of Diversity

2014-11-12 Thread Clay Claiborne via Marxism
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 Forwarded Message   Subject: Re: Interesting
Article...Thoughts?  Date: Wed, 12 Nov 2014 20:01:03 +  From: Walter
  Reply-To: WalterTo:
Dee, raap@lrackspace 

 This is a very powerful article.  Reading someone else’s emotions on a
topic you can directly relate to…has great value to me.  Personally I can
relate.  I have always been the only African American dude in all the IT
teams I have ever worked on in 16 years.  Despite how much I excelled in my
role and despite how much I was promoted…I was never given the title I
deserved.  It was never a compensation thing…always a title issue.  Caused
me to question, was it something more I needed to do? Or is it something
unrelated to what I can control?

 It took me years to settle on the fact that…it was NOT me and it was
something out of my control.  Can not control my nationality :)…  African
American forever!!!  With that clear understanding I could then move
forward and not carry that baggage.  I also can care less about titles and
have been able to prove that it does not matter just by the levels of
responsibility and technical ownership I have gained in my recent career

 Things to come to reality on is:

   - You will be a loan wolf in IT…just what it is
   - There will always be haters…the more folks hate you the better you are
   doing at your job :).  As long as your Director and VP love you…keep up the
   good work.
   - You will always have to be smarter, work harder and be better than
   others.  I teach this to my daughters daily.  There is no provision to fall
   off your game.
   - Embrace being special and let others know that you know you are
   special…and that it is cool with you!

 Sorry for the long email but, I was inspired.

 P.S.:  I hope I have not offended anyone with my direct note here…it comes
from the heart with love.


 *Walter Bentley*
Cloud Solutions Architect – RPC
*Rackspace* – *the #1 Managed Cloud Company*

Email: walter.b@rackspace
Learner | Achiever | Relator | Restorative | Individualization

  From: Dee 
Reply-To: Dee 
Date: Wednesday, November 12, 2014 at 2:43 PM
To: "raap@rackspace" 
Subject: FW: Interesting Article...Thoughts?

Hi Ladies and Gents!

   This has been floating around and I wanted to see what people thought:

Also has any one seen Interstellar I thought it was AMAZING!

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