[Marxism] anti-Leninist crap from the RLI

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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The article linked below is boiler-plate, lying anti-Leninism of the worst
kind, and I wouldn't bother bringing it to the list's attention if it
weren't being promoted by the Rosa Luxemburg Institute, which is
increasingly positioning itself as the Great Global Left think tank.

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[Marxism] Fwd: How Greece’s Exit From Euro Could Happen - Bloomberg Business

2015-03-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: A Biography of ‘The Nation’: The First Fifty Years | The Nation

2015-03-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(The Nation finally comes clean.)

Yet the magazine, along with the rest of the country, gradually wearied 
of Reconstruction, and its abandonment of the freed slaves makes for 
painful reading today. Beyond excuse, beyond extenuation, it also defies 
simple explanation. What can be said is that from 1870 onward, Godkin 
and The Nation became increasingly the voice not merely of the Eastern 
establishment, but of the most reactionary elements within that 
establishment. Bound by his “liberal” principles to oppose any attempt 
to interfere with the “freedom of contract,” Godkin had always resisted 
calls for an eight-hour workday and worried that a government able to 
prohibit children from working in factories—a goal, he allowed, for 
which “there is a great deal to be said”—might end by telling “us what 
to eat, drink, avoid, hope, fear, and believe.” When the first great 
railroad strikes convulsed the United States in July 1877, Godkin was 
appalled: no government, he wrote, could tolerate conditions in which a 
few thousand “day-laborers of the lowest class can suspend, even for a 
whole day, the traffic and industry of a great nation, merely as a means 
of extorting ten or twenty cents a day more in wages.” Blaming foreign 
agitators, Godkin called for a show of force: “The kindest thing which 
can be done for the great multitudes of untaught men who have been 
received on these shores…is to show them promptly that society as here 
organized, on individual freedom of thought and action, is impregnable, 
and can be no more shaken than the order of nature.”


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[Marxism] ‘Patriot’ Terrorist Frames Muslims With Quran Bomb

2015-03-26 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] What is Grace?

2015-03-26 Thread Marla Vijaya kumar via Marxism
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Anthony,  Indian Bollywood has become so commercialised and crass, 
that I will cite on example.The famous Indian singer, Lata mangeshkar (above 80 
yrs now) was invited to garce an occasion, which she declined citing her 
health. Picqued, the sponsors had called up on one mediocre singer to imitate 
her and it seems she made remarks denigrating the famous singer. Many people 
were disgusted at this inappropriate display.When she was asked to react, Lata 
simply said, India is a free country.
This is what I call 'Grace'.
Lata is the recipent of the highst civilian honour in India, Bharat Ratna 
(meaning Gem of India), awarded by the Government. It is said, that when she 
sang a song about the dead soldiers on the India-China war front , the then 
Prime Minister, Nehru was in tears. And she is famous for her prayer song , 
Vaishnava Ganato, a fovourite of Mahatma Gandhi.The video I had posted in my 
fist message on this subject, from the Indian film, 'Anupama, you can see how 
dignified she seems in her singing, with matching charm of the actress of 
yester years, Sharmila Tagore..Vijaya Kumar Marla 

 On Thursday, March 26, 2015 7:54 PM, Anthony Boynton via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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[Marxism] Syriza to retreat?

2015-03-26 Thread Dayne Goodwin via Marxism
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[This report from South Africa refers to Kathimerini, Athens as
source.  I didn't find any confirmation at Kathimerini website.]

Tsipras to sway leftist party on package of reforms

BizNews.com, Johannesburg
March 25, 2015

Tsipras’ SYRIZA party won an election in January promising to end the
austerity demanded by Greece’s creditors.

Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras will attempt to sell a package of
economic reforms demanded by creditors to his leftist party in the
next few days, reports said on Wednesday.

According to a report in the daily Kathimerini, Tsipras will try to
win over hardliners within his leftist SYRIZA party to back the reform
plan, which could include the continuation of a highly unpopular
property tax for another year as well as labour and pension reforms.

The government will also only carry out privatisations which will
allow it to retain a controlling majority while the country’s lenders
want the special 30 per cent reduction on VAT enjoyed by the Greek
islands to be scrapped.

Tsipras is expected to sell the package first to SYRIZA’s political
secretariat in the next few days, followed by a gathering of the
party’s parliamentary group where he will attempt to convince all his
149 lawmakers to back the reforms during a vote in parliament.

The rush to finalise the list of economic reforms by next week comes
as officials from the Euro Working Group are scheduled to hold a
teleconference call on Wednesday to discuss Athens’s progress so far
to unlock badly needed bailout funds.

Athens’ left-leaning government needs the money to avoid bankruptcy
and a forced exit from the eurozone. Tsipras’ SYRIZA party won an
election in January promising to end the austerity demanded by
Greece’s creditors.

Greek government sources have said Athens’ reform proposals could
include raising the retirement age. The government also wants to crack
down on money laundering and tax evasion.

Once Athens submits the reform list, it will be reviewed by its
creditors and experts advising the Eurogroup, before being considered
by the panel of eurozone finance ministers. The review process is
expected to take at least 24 hours.

Greece’s bailout still has 7.2 billion euros (7.9 billion euros) in
international aid on hand for the country.

Some 1.8 billion euros are additionally available in a central bank
programme involving the purchase of Greek bonds. The latter is
believed to be more easily and rapidly available to Athens, given the
approval procedures involved.

According to the daily Kathimerini, Greece is also going to request
1.2 billion euros back from one of the eurozone’s bailout funds,
arguing that it transferred too many bonds back to the fund as part of
a bailout-extending deal struck in February.


Eurogroup rebuffs Greek payback bid
Deutsche Welle, Berlin and Bonn
March 25

Eurozone finance ministers have rejected Greece's bid to get back
badly-needed cash, driving Athens closer to the brink of a potential
bankruptcy next month. But relief could be on the horizon.

The Eurogroup on Wednesday dashed Greece's hopes of a 1.2-billion euro
($1.3 billion) band-aid to slow the bleeding of the country's state

The setback comes after the Greek government appealed for the European
Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) to return the money, which Athens
said it had overpaid earlier this month when it transferred 10.9
billions of untapped euros back to the Luxembourg-based rescue fund,
intended for the recapitalization of Greek banks.

Greece's leftist leaders, which came to power in January, claimed they
had found out too late that their predecessors had taken the 1.2
billion euros out of the country's own Hellenic stability fund, and
not the EFSF.

However, Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras' plea fell on deaf ears. In a
telephone conference on Wednesday, EU finance ministers agreed that
Greece was not legally entitled to the money. Paymaster Germany was
among the countries opposing the reimbursement.

We see no reason to release it, German Finance Ministry spokesman
Martin Jäger told a news conference on Wednesday. However, he added
that the fund would still be available to Greece, should it need to
recapitalize its banks in future.

Running out of money

The decision follows reports that Athens will run out of money on
April 20 without a fresh cash injection, Reuters said on Tuesday,
quoting a source familiar with the nation's finances. With 15.5
billion euros in debts coming due through August, a Greek exit from
the eurozone - the so-called 'Grexit' - is looming larger than ever.

[Marxism] Response to PEGIDA in Montreal

2015-03-26 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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English follows the French.

[ALERTE anti-raciste; svp diffusez largement] [Anti-Racist ALERT; please share 

Autodéfense Populaire!
Rassemblement pour contrer la manif de PEGIDA Québec

SAMEDI 28 MARS, 15h30 (pile!)
coin Pie-IX/Bélair
carte: https://goo.gl/maps/bqwI2

Collective Self-Defense!
Gathering to oppose the demonstration of PEGIDA Quebec

SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 3:30pm (sharp!)
at the corner of Pie-IX and Bélair
map: https://goo.gl/maps/bqwI2
[English below]

- DE métro St-Michel (ligne bleu)
MARCHE: aller à l'est et au sud de Pie-IX et Bélair (environ 20 minutes)
AUTOBUS: prendre le bus 141 ou 188 à l'est au coin Pie-IX et Jean-Talon, puis 
marcher vers le sud à Bélair (environ 10 minutes)

- DE métro Pie-IX (ligne vert)
AUTOBUS: prendre le bus 139 ou 439 au nord au coin Pie-IX / Bélair, au nord de 
Belanger, au sud de Jean-Talon (environ 15 minutes)

Parce que les fascistes et crypto-fascistes de PEGIDA Québec ont décidé de 
manifester leur haine envers les musulmans de Montréal réservons leur un petit 
comité d’accueil pour leur faire comprendre qu'il n'y a pas de place pour les 
fachos dans nos quartiers.

- événement facebook de Action Antifasciste Montréal (contre-manif): 
- événement facebook de PEGIDA Québec (manif): 
- affiche pour la contre-manif disponible ici: 

Le groupe raciste, islamophobe et plus généralement anti-immigration «PEGIDA» 
(Patriotes européens contre l'islamisation de l'Occident; originaire 
d'Allemagne) est en train d'essayer de manifester ouvertement, choisissant pour 
leur lancement «canadien» le quartier montréalais du «Petit Maghreb» (un 
quartier de petits commerces et de résidant-es provenant en majorité du nord de 
l'Afrique) et planifient de marcher sur Pie-IX au sud de Bélanger, à 
l'extérieur d'un centre islamique. 

Plusieurs groupes et individus anti-fascistes et anti-racistes locaux 
participeront à cette contre-manifestation. Piétinons PEGIDA ! Les racistes 
ouvertement anti-immigration ne peuvent se voir allouer ce type d'espace à 
Montréal, et certainement pas dans un quartier à majorité migrante.

S'il-vous-plaît, considérez participer à la contre-manifestation en grand 
nombre. Nous avons besoin d'être en grand nombre.

Le chef de PEGIDA est cité dans cet article du Toronto Star - 
http://on.thestar.com/1BpXOkA - et ils ont obtenu la permission de la police 
pour manifester. Mais la permission de la police n'est pas la permission des 
allié-es des migrant-es et des mouvements anti-racistes montréalais ! Encore 
une fois, venez participer en grand nombre. Plus nombreux et nombreuses nous 
sommes, le plus en sécurité nous sommes. PEGIDA est lâche et nous voir légions 
les effraiera. 

Cette manifestation contre PEGIDA est appuyée et soutenue par Personne n'est 


Collective Self-Defense!
Gathering to oppose the demonstration of PEGIDA Quebec

SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 3:30pm (sharp!)
at the corner of Pie-IX and Bélair
map: https://goo.gl/maps/bqwI2

- FROM St-Michel métro (blue line)
WALK: go east and south to Pie-IX  Bélair (approximately 20 minutes)
BUS: take the 141 or 188 bus east to Pie-IX and Jean-Talon then walk south to 
Bélair (about 10 minutes)

- FROM Pie-IX métro (green line)
BUS:  take the 139 or 439 bus north to Bélair, north of Belanger, south of 
Jean-Talon (approximately 15 minutes)

PEGIDA Quebec is organising a demo to spit their hatred on muslims of Montreal. 
Let's reserve them a welcoming committee so they understand that there is no 
place for fascism in our neighbourhoods.

- facebook event by Anti-Fascist Action Montreal (counter-demo): 
- facebook event by PEGIDA Québec (demo): 
- counter-demo poster available here: 

The anti-immigrant, racist and Islamophobic group PEGIDA (Patriotic Europeans 
Against the Islamization of the West, which originates in Germany) is trying to 
demonstrate openly, choosing to do their Canadian launch in the Petit 
Maghreb area of Montreal (an area of small businesses and residents 
predominantly from North Africa) and planning to march on Pie-IX south to 
Belanger, outside an Islamic Center. 

Many local anti-fascist 

Re: [Marxism] The lioness eats the parrot: a feminist response to an “alternative” reading | اللبوات الغاضبات

2015-03-26 Thread MF Kalfat via Marxism
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Forgot to add it's written collectively and anonymously.
On Mar 26, 2015 8:56 PM, MF Kalfat mfkal...@gmail.com wrote:


 A solid radical feminist discourse is coming from Egypt. This is the
 latest from a recently created blog, Angry Labwas. Arabic for lioness (to
 be specific, the Egyptian colloquial version of the standard Arabic word
 but only with a slight difference), labwa is the closest we have here in
 sense to bitches.

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Re: [Marxism] Comment on Russia and Ukraine

2015-03-26 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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This is in response to the posting by Roger Annis yesterday,  Comment on Russia 
and Ukraine.
Based on your description of the situation in Russia and the Ukraine, it is 
surprising that a far right gathering would choose to meet in St. Petersburg 
and not in Kiev.  And why would they chose a hotel whose electrical system is 
so unreliable?

Roger Annis said (in part):
I have been told by several editors during the course of the past
year that they will not publish my articles or those of other writers
associated with New Cold War.org because they, the editors, wish to pay heed to
the belligerence of Russia in Ukraine, said to be equal to that of
the NATO powers, and because, in their view, the extreme right in Russia
presents an equal danger to Ukraine and to Europe as does the
extreme-right in Ukraine. This is ill-informed and misguided.

Ken Hiebert responds:
I do't know which publications you are referring to.  I expect that through 
your work on Haiti you have gained a broad audience for your writing.
There is no reason why you should change your message to be published in these 
Perhaps they would be willing to print your articles if they were part of a 
debate.  Maybe opposing articles by yourself and Louis Proyect.  If not him, 
then someone else on this list.  Failing all else, I would be willing to write 

if you have given up on being published in these outlets, perhaps you should 
challenge them openly. If you were to denounce them as  ill-informed and 
misguided, it could get you a broader hearing for your views.
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[Marxism] The lioness eats the parrot: a feminist response to an “alternative” reading | اللبوات الغاضبات

2015-03-26 Thread MF Kalfat via Marxism
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A solid radical feminist discourse is coming from Egypt. This is the latest
from a recently created blog, Angry Labwas. Arabic for lioness (to be
specific, the Egyptian colloquial version of the standard Arabic word but
only with a slight difference), labwa is the closest we have here in sense
to bitches.
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[Marxism] Comment on Russian and Ukraine

2015-03-26 Thread Thomas Campbell via Marxism
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Roger Annis:

PS Thomas says our man in Vancouver should desist from commenting on
Russia because he doesn't live there. Hmm, I am guessing from Thomas' name
that he is not Russian and cannot call Russia his homeland. Regardless, I
trust he is not arguing for some new listserve guideline that contributors
should only comment on matters concerning the country where they reside, or
some such arbitrary restriction. For Thomas' information, I have spent a
great deal of time and resources during the past year on travel precisely
so I may be better informed on the events in Ukraine and their
international ramifications.

Nowhere did I write that Roger Annis should desist from commenting on
Russia. What did I imply very strongly was that he should be better
informed about what is actually going on here.

I don't understand how my surname and Russia's not being my homeland
could possibly be a handicap in understanding events here. On the other
hand, being completely fluent in Russian (and able to understand Ukrainian
a bit when push comes to shove) and having lived in Russia on and off for
over twenty years, as well as extensive contact and work with grassroots
and leftist organizations should be something of an advantage, no?

As for what country is going extreme rightist in a big way and right off
the edge of the map, my money is on Putin's Russia: hence the illegal
occupation and the invisible invasion of East Ukraine, and the total
media and societal hysteria accompanying it. But more than that, and this
has been going almost since day one of Putin's deplorable reign, there has
been the extreme concentration of all financial and political power in the
hands of a very tiny elite, the terrorizing of civil society and
minorities, rampant clericalism, waves of xenophobia and homegrown, lethal
neo-Nazism on the streets (did you miss the part in my last message, Roger,
about hundreds of murders and beatings of foreign students, antifa
activists, and Central Asian migrants in Petersburg, Moscow and other parts
of the country over the last ten years by skinheads and neo-Nazis? Do the
names Stanislave Markelov, Nikolai Girenko, and Timur Kacharava mean
anything to you?), topdown attacks on Russian's fine traditions and
institutions of education and scholarly research, a bludgeoning of the
country's built heritage, especially in Moscow and Petersburg, a bloating
of the state security and bureaucratic apparatuses to well beyond their
Soviet levels, the official encouragement of the sense of being under
attack from the rest of the world. again to the point of hysteria, etc.

Occasionally, I repost items to this list from my blog. Here is what I
posted there earlier today and yesterday:

This is about trade union activists in Kaluga, which has become a cluster
for foreign auto manufacturing plants, being raided and taken downtown for
a little shake-up by the anti-extremism police. Anyone with any awareness
of how the independent labor movement has been shaping up under Putin's
reign would know that this kind of official intimidation is quite routine.
Now the eshniki (as the Center E officers are affectionately called)
have the added advantage of accusing trade union activists of beings
agents of the West and fifth columnists. It's all part of the exciting
hysterical zeitgeist here now.

This is an even lovelier item, which will give you a good sense of the
Black Hundreds-style direction in which parts of the elite and the
uncivil part of civil society seem to be pushing the society. I'll quote
it in full:

Alexander Novopashin, prior of Novosibirsk’s Saint Alexander Nevsky
Cathedral, has been awarded an Extremism Prevention pin and a Service to
the Motherland medal, second degree, as reported on the cathedral’s site
and an official legal information website.

According to the text of the March 23 decree, signed by Russian President
Vladimir Putin, Novopashin received the Service to the Motherland medal,
second degree, for “successes achieved in his career, many years of
diligent work, and active involvement in public life.”

Earlier, on March 21, the archpriest was awarded the pin of the Main
Directorate for Extremism Prevention. As reported on the site of Saint
Alexander Nevsky Cathedral, the priest has worked on the problem of
totalitarian sects for over twenty years. He argues that contemporary
sectarianism is one form of the extremist movement.

As the noted on the cathedral’s site, “The priest stresses that extremism
has many 

[Marxism] Who are the socialist group Solidarity in Australia?

2015-03-26 Thread John Passant via Marxism
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For readers who may not know, two weeks ago I joined Solidarity, a small 
socialist organisation in Australia. The first step in explaining my decision 
is to explain who Solidarity are. Their 'About Us'  section on the Solidarity 
Online website set out below does this very well.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Leftists, Liberals, and Ukraine: A Tale of Double Standards, by Stephen Velychenko | KRYTYKA

2015-03-26 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] background on Yemen

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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I hope comrades are agitating in their antiwar/solidarity groups for
statements against US support for the Saudi et al. attack on Yemen. The
anti-imperialists will no doubt hail the heroic role of Iran in backing
the Houthis (that's a joke, son). More rational groups of course need not
jump through such hoops.

Some useful background:


The articles describe the nonviolent mass movements in the country,
supporters of which, judging from my Twitterstream, are against both
Houthis/Iran and Saudis/US.
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[Marxism] WikiLeaks publishes TPP full text

2015-03-26 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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- Amith
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[Marxism] More on scary Russian conference

2015-03-26 Thread Roger Annis via Marxism
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The Nazi gap, by Anatoly Karlin, UNZ Review, March 26, 2015 

Published originally on the Russia page of Anatoly Karlin's blog. He is a 
blogger and businessman in San Francisco Bay area, originally from Russia.

The Western media is having a field day
 with this motley gathering of neo-Nazis and assorted freaks at the 
grandiosely named International Russian Conservative Forum – none of the
 more serious alternative right European parties, such as the National 
Front or Fidesz, bothered turning up, and neither did serious Russian 
nationalists – and for once they might just have a point. The operative word 
being “just.” 

Hypocritical as they might try to make Putin out to be with this, it 
would be wrong to see the March 22 conference as a Russian endorsement, 
official or informal, of the European far right...

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[Marxism] The working class movement in Iran

2015-03-26 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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A few days ago I mentioned admiring the political work of Iranian Marxist
Yassamine Mather.  Another Iranian comrade I have a lot of respect for is
Torab Saleth, once upon a time a leading figure in the Fourth International
section in Iran.

Below is a piece on the workers movement from 2014 and also an older
interview I did with Torab:

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[Marxism] Yemen at Crossroads

2015-03-26 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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I find it difficult to catch the audio, but you may get something out of it.
ken h

Yemen at Crossroads: An Interview with Activist Hisham Al-Omeisy

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Re: [Marxism] The working class movement in Iran

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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this is great stuff, thanks!

On Thu, Mar 26, 2015 at 5:14 PM, Philip Ferguson via Marxism 
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu wrote:

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 A few days ago I mentioned admiring the political work of Iranian Marxist
 Yassamine Mather.  Another Iranian comrade I have a lot of respect for is
 Torab Saleth, once upon a time a leading figure in the Fourth International
 section in Iran.

 Below is a piece on the workers movement from 2014 and also an older
 interview I did with Torab:


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[Marxism] Revolutionary Ireland - eirigi statement

2015-03-26 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Struggles have intensified in Ireland, north and south, against austerity.
In the thick of the class struggle, most especially in the south around the
attempt of the Fine Gael-Labour colaiiton to impose a household water tax,
has been the relatively new socialist-republican organisation eirigi.
Here's their 2015 statement:

While I need to write a new article on the anti-water charges resistance in
the south, here's something I wrote a couple of months ago about how
working class communities are resisting water metering (the article only
covers part of Dublin, but this type of resistance is going on in a lot of
places in the south):
Dublin working class communities show how resistance is done:

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[Marxism] background on Yemen unions

2015-03-26 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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[Marxism] What is Grace?

2015-03-26 Thread Anthony Boynton via Marxism
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[Marxism] TONIGHT 3/26: From Ferguson to Palestine, 7PM, GCASL C95, 238 Thompson Street

2015-03-26 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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This will be the final event of NYU SJP's Israeli Apartheid Week (details

Video from yesterday's event *Mowing the Lawn: Understanding Israeli
Violence in Gaza* will be posted online soon.


238 Thompson Street | NYU Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life C95
| 7PM | Thursday, March 26


The St. Louis County Police Department that killed Michael Brown, placed
Ferguson under siege, and sparked a nationwide movement against racism and
police brutality, trained closely with the Israeli military. Over 9,000
American officials, including police, border guards, and military, have
trained closely with the Israeli military. This collaboration has ranged
from monitoring suspect ethnic demographics to domestic counterinsurgency
and crowd control.

Join us for a panel discussion with activists and leaders in the
African-American and Palestinian community emphasizing the importance for
cross solidarity organizing. The summer's events in Palestine and across
the United States, specifically in Ferguson, have placed the connection
between racist and colonial oppression in both places on full display
sparking transnational solidarity and consciousness raising. It is in the
spirit of forming a stronger global movement to liberate all peoples that
inspires and challenges us to move towards thinking in terms of joint

Cherrell Brown is a national organizer with Equal Justice USA. This past
year, Cherrell was part of a delegation to Palestine and has written about
the similarities between black struggle in America and the plight of

Dr. Robyn Spencer is professor of history at Lehman College and an
organizer of the World Stands with Palestine Rally. She has written
extensively on the Black Power Movement in America and parallels between
the oppression and brutality against African-Americans and Palestinians.

Hazem Jamjoum is a Palestinian activist, writer, and Ph.D. student at NYU’s
Joint History/Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program.






South African Human Sciences Research Council: Israel Practicing Apartheid
in the Palestinian Territories

Not an analogy: Israel and the crime of apartheid

Factsheet: What is Apartheid?

The Israeli Invasion of Gaza

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Gaza
Situation Report post-war

Amnesty International on Gaza War Crimes

UNSG Ban Ki-Moon: Israeli attack on Gaza school a “criminal act”

Institute for Middle East Understanding: 50 Days of Death and Destruction

Ferguson and Palestine

Ebony Magazine: The Ferguson/Palestine Connection

Ferguson activists visit Palestine


Palestinian Campaign for the Academic  Cultural Boycott of Israel

NYU Students for Justice in Palestine presents


March 23-26, 2015

I have witnessed the systematic humiliation of Palestinian men, women and
children by members of the Israeli security forces. Their humiliation is
familiar to all black South Africans who were corralled and harassed and
insulted and assaulted by the security forces of the apartheid government.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international series of events
http://apartheidweek.org/events/ that seeks to raise awareness about
Israel’s apartheid policies towards the Palestinians and to build support
for the growing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.

119 faculty at NYU
have thus far signed onto an open letter calling for 

[Marxism] racialized sexism and sexualized racism - the plight of young Black females

2015-03-26 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly  permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

Full posting guidelines at: http://www.marxmail.org/sub.htm
Set your options at: 

[Marxism] TONIGHT 3/26: From Ferguson to Palestine, 7PM, GCASL C95

2015-03-26 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
#1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
#2 This mail-list, like most, is publicly  permanently archived.
#3 Subscribe and post under an alias if #2 is a concern.

This will be the final event of NYU SJP's Israeli Apartheid Week (details

Video from yesterday's event *Mowing the Lawn: Understanding Israeli
Violence in Gaza* will be posted online soon.


238 Thompson Street | NYU Global Center for Academic and Spiritual Life C95
| 7PM | Thursday, March 26


The St. Louis County Police Department that killed Michael Brown, placed
Ferguson under siege, and sparked a nationwide movement against racism and
police brutality, trained closely with the Israeli military. Over 9,000
American officials, including police, border guards, and military, have
trained closely with the Israeli military. This collaboration has ranged
from monitoring suspect ethnic demographics to domestic counterinsurgency
and crowd control.

Join us for a panel discussion with activists and leaders in the
African-American and Palestinian community emphasizing the importance for
cross solidarity organizing. The summer's events in Palestine and across
the United States, specifically in Ferguson, have placed the connection
between racist and colonial oppression in both places on full display
sparking transnational solidarity and consciousness raising. It is in the
spirit of forming a stronger global movement to liberate all peoples that
inspires and challenges us to move towards thinking in terms of joint

Cherrell Brown is a national organizer with Equal Justice USA. This past
year, Cherrell was part of a delegation to Palestine and has written about
the similarities between black struggle in America and the plight of

Dr. Robyn Spencer is professor of history at Lehman College and an
organizer of the World Stands with Palestine Rally. She has written
extensively on the Black Power Movement in America and parallels between
the oppression and brutality against African-Americans and Palestinians.

Hazem Jamjoum is a Palestinian activist, writer, and Ph.D. student at NYU’s
Joint History/Middle Eastern and Islamic Studies Program.






South African Human Sciences Research Council: Israel Practicing Apartheid
in the Palestinian Territories

Not an analogy: Israel and the crime of apartheid

Factsheet: What is Apartheid?

The Israeli Invasion of Gaza

United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs: Gaza
Situation Report post-war

Amnesty International on Gaza War Crimes

UNSG Ban Ki-Moon: Israeli attack on Gaza school a “criminal act”

Institute for Middle East Understanding: 50 Days of Death and Destruction

Ferguson and Palestine

Ebony Magazine: The Ferguson/Palestine Connection

Ferguson activists visit Palestine


Palestinian Campaign for the Academic  Cultural Boycott of Israel

NYU Students for Justice in Palestine presents


March 23-26, 2015

I have witnessed the systematic humiliation of Palestinian men, women and
children by members of the Israeli security forces. Their humiliation is
familiar to all black South Africans who were corralled and harassed and
insulted and assaulted by the security forces of the apartheid government.”

Archbishop Desmond Tutu

Israeli Apartheid Week (IAW) is an international series of events
http://apartheidweek.org/events/ that seeks to raise awareness about
Israel’s apartheid policies towards the Palestinians and to build support
for the growing Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (BDS) campaign.

119 faculty at NYU
have thus far signed onto an open letter calling for