[Marxism] Tariq Ali on Greece

2015-07-24 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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This piece by Tariq Ali (http://www.lrb.co.uk/v37/n15/tariq-ali/diary) 
gives some useful details on who avoids tax in Greece, criminal 
corruption and ridiculous military spending:

“Greece, in fact, has a lot of tanks, because the German and French arms 
industries, eager to get rid of surplus hardware in a world where wars 
are fought by bombers and drones, bribed the politicians. During the 
first decade of this century Greece was among the top five importers of 
weapons, mainly from the German companies Ferrostaal, Rheinmetall and 
Daimler-Benz. In 2009, the year after the crash, Greece spent €8 
billion – 3.5 per cent of GDP – on defence. The then Greek defence 
minister, Akis Tsochatzopoulos, who accepted huge bribes from these 
companies, was convicted of corruption by a Greek court in 2013. Prison 
for the Greek; small fines for the German bosses. None of this has been 
mentioned by the financial press in recent weeks. It didn’t quite tally 
with the need to portray Greece as the sole transgressor. Yet a Greek 
court has been provided with conclusive evidence that the largest tax 
avoider in the country is Hochtief, the giant German construction 
company that runs Athens airport. It has not paid VAT for twenty years, 
and owes 500 million euros in VAT arrears alone. Nor has it paid the 
contributions due to social security. Estimates suggest that Hochtief’s 
total debt to the exchequer could top one billion euros.”

Facts are good to have at your fingertips when confronted by everyday 
questions about the “debt” that “Greece” allegedly owes.

He also says:

“On their first trip to Berlin on 20 February this year, Schäuble made 
clear to Tsipras and Varoufakis that their programme was incompatible 
with membership of the Eurozone. Tsipras agreed to put the programme on 
hold and was offered a few ‘concessions’: the Troika – the auditors 
representing the European Commission, the European Central Bank and the 
IMF – was replaced with a structure that was supposedly more accountable 
and whose bureaucrats would not be allowed to enter Greek ministries. 
This was claimed by Tsipras and Varoufakis as a victory. The truth was 
the opposite. It is now known that Schäuble offered an amicable, 
organised Grexit and a cheque for 50 billion euros. This was refused on 
the grounds that it would seem to be a capitulation. This is bizarre 
logic. It would have preserved Greek sovereignty, and if Syriza had 
taken charge of the Greek banking system a recovery could have been 
planned on its terms. The offer was repeated later. ‘How much do you 
want to leave the Eurozone?’ Schäuble asked Varoufakis just before the 
referendum. Again Schäuble was snubbed. Of course the Germans made the 
offer for their own reasons, but a planned Grexit would have been far 
better for Greece than what has happened.”

I think Shalva asked the question before, and nobody bit: in retrospect, 
would it have been better for Syriza to have accepted Schauble’s offer. 
Ali here suggests it was clearly a better alternative, even if he 
offered it of course “for his own reasons”. I’ll be devil’s advocate 
here: for the life of me, I can’t see how it couldn’t be. Can someone 
enlighten me?

London Review of Books 30 July 2015
Tariq Ali http://www.lrb.co.uk/v37/n15/tariq-ali/diary 

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[Marxism] Cuba: Thow in relations with imperialism

2015-07-24 Thread Celeste Murillo via Marxism
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Full article here:

What transition?

In view of this strategic horizon, some hypotheses about the perspectives
of the regime’s transition are interesting, that do not mean inexorably
going to a liberal-bourgeois regime, as imperialism and the Latin American
right wing would like, nor a simple copy of the Chinese political model of
a single party either, contemplating other possibilities of evolution,
like some variant of Latin American Bonapartism that will include a certain
formal, controlled openness. Alfonso Dilla has suggested a parallel with
Mexican PRI-ism (14). The Venezuelan, Ecuadorian and Bolivian regimes and
their constituent processes could also be considered intriguing, from some
ideas of Julio C. Guanche, who proposes a new socialist
constitutionalism. (15)

Although it would be possible to arm oneself with some democratic
concessions and still maintain certain limits to imperialist penetration,
its content would not be progressive for that reason, since its essence
would be carrying out the demolition of what remains of the 1959 Revolution
under the discursive cover of a XXI Century Socialism with a market and
democracy, or with businessmen and foreign capital on an island from which
they were expelled half a century ago. The tentative hypothesis that can be
left for reflection is whether the evolution towards some variant of
Bonapartism of a bureaucratic-bourgeois character would provide the
political formula viable for going to the end on the road of the return to
capitalism in the Cuban style.
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Re: [Marxism] Cuba: Thow in relations with imperialism

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/24/15 11:31 AM, Celeste Murillo via Marxism wrote:

  The tentative hypothesis that can be
left for reflection is whether the evolution towards some variant of
Bonapartism of a bureaucratic-bourgeois character would provide the
political formula viable for going to the end on the road of the return to
capitalism in the Cuban style.

Well, clearly, the answer is for Nahuel Moreno's progeny to seize power 
in Argentina and invade the USA in order to impose a proletarian 
dictatorship to make the world safe for communism--unless they split 
into 20 sects again.

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[Marxism] Stephanie Coontz - The Moynihan Family Circus

2015-07-24 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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How a fifty-year-old report on the black family and poverty continues to
distort American social policy

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[Marxism] Fwd: China’s Global Ambitions, With Loans and Strings Attached - The New York Times

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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While China has substantial funds to withstand serious financial shocks, 
its overall health matters. When China swoons, the effects are felt 
worldwide, by the companies, industries and economies that depend on the 
country as the engine of global growth.

In many cases, China is going where the West is reluctant to tread, 
either for financial or political reasons — or both. After getting hit 
with Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis, Russia, which is on the 
verge of a recession, deepened ties with China. The list of borrowers in 
Africa and the Middle East reads like a who’s who of troubled regimes 
and economies that may have trouble repaying Chinese loans, including 
Yemen, Syria, Sierra Leone and Zimbabwe.

With its elevated status, China is forcing countries to play by its 
financial rules, which can be onerous. Many developing countries, in 
exchange for loans, pay steep interest rates and give up the rights to 
their natural resources for years. China has a lock on close to 90 
percent of Ecuador’s oil exports, which mostly goes to paying off its loans.

“The problem is we are trying to replace American imperialism with 
Chinese imperialism,” said Alberto Acosta, who served as President 
Correa’s energy minister during his first term. “The Chinese are 
shopping across the world, transforming their financial resources into 
mineral resources and investments. They come with financing, technology 
and technicians, but also high interest rates.”

China also has a shaky record when it comes to worker safety, 
environmental standards and corporate governance. While China’s surging 
investments have created jobs in many countries, development experts 
worry that Beijing is exporting its worst practices.

Chinese mining and manufacturing operations, like many American and 
European companies in previous decades, have been accused of abusing 
workers overseas. China’s coal-fired power plants and industrial 
factories are adding to pollution problems in developing nations.


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Re: [Marxism] Anti-Semitism: the Zionism of fools?

2015-07-24 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Joseph Catron said:
This knuckle-dragging settler paper mistakenly thinks Jews in the US
Congress have more loyalty to Israel than their non-Jewish colleagues:


I hope their entire strategy moving forward is based on this idiotic notion!

* * * * * *

Ken Hiebert replies:
Unless I failed to access the full article, I cannot agree with your reading of 
it.  I see statements like this, Alan Lowenthal and another 17 like him will 
be forced to make the painful decision between loyalty to Israel and loyalty to 
US President Barack Obama's Democratic party.
I did not see any statement indicating that Jews in the US Congress have more 
loyalty to Israel than to the US or to their various parties.
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[Marxism] Anti-Semitism: the Zionism of fools?

2015-07-24 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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This knuckle-dragging settler paper mistakenly thinks Jews in the US
Congress have more loyalty to Israel than their non-Jewish colleagues:


I hope their entire strategy moving forward is based on this idiotic notion!

Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen
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[Marxism] On the dangers of faux statehood

2015-07-24 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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Sweden recognizes Palestinian citizenship

The actual policy changes, you'll notice, make the lives of (some)
Palestinians living in Sweden considerably harder.

Aside from longer waits for citizenship, they were just demoted from
one of the world's best passports to one of its worst:


The improvements, meanwhile, are exactly zero.

Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure
mægen lytlað.

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Re: [Marxism] In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect

2015-07-24 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Louis Proyect said (in part):

On June 25th a guest post by Amith Gupta appeared on my blog criticizing Jewish 
Voice for Peace’s decision to terminate relations with Alison Weir, a supporter 
of Palestinian rights because of her appearances on the radio show of Clay 
Douglas, a reactionary racist according to the Southern Poverty Law Center 

Since their objection is not so much about what she said in the interview but 
about her mere appearance on the show, it begs the question about her views. 
Are you to judge someone by the venue they appear on or write for? I ask 
because I have now been Weired, to coin a term.

* * * * *

Ken Hiebert replies:
For whatever reason (perhaps lack of computer skills on my part) I could not 
comment on the CP site, so I am commenting here.

 ...Clay Douglas, a reactionary racist according to the Southern Poverty Law 
Center (SPLC).
Does the qualifying phrase according to the Southern Poverty Law Center... 
mean that you want to look into the question for yourself and not simply accept 
the statement of the SPLC?  You have every right to make your own judgement.  
When you have had a chance to do that, I look forward to your characterization 
of Clay Douglas.  In the meantime, the statement of the US Campaign to End the 
Israeli Occupation offers some useful information.

Your second paragraph offers your reading of the JVP statement.  My own reading 
is different.  As a courtesy to your readers, I suggest you provide a link to 
the JVP statement.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-24 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 15:54 24-07-15 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:


This is just unbelievable. Louis' reaction to an honest (and I believe
accurate) evaluation of Counterpunch must fit the classical pattern of
denial; anyone will be able to see that except, of course, the subject. I
recall so many times him complaining about the reactionary content on
Counterpunch, incredulous that a nominally left-wing newsletter/website
would be open to such anti-revolutionary crap. I didn't pay too much
attention nor did I pay too much attention when he ceased from that sort of
criticism. But now come to think of it, that was at about the time that the
Counterpunch editors, rather than defending their editorial policy, wisely
granted him carte blanche to post his own material on the site. Which I was
usually glad to see appear there, but of course it doesn't undo the damage
caused by the right-wing inspired material also present; now I can see that
his participation arguably lent legitimacy to Counterpunch as a left-wing
outfit while barely changing the proportion of right-wing content
(disguised as anti-imperialist, anti-liberal, libertarian, skeptical,
etc.). And more egregiously it managed to transform him into part of the

It's not unlike the scenario where a long-time member of a stalinist (or
stalinistic, y'know) party gets expelled for disloyalty. And then is
finally given a chance to rejoin and redeem himself. Of course he now
proves his loyalty to the max by denouncing other disloyal members. I
can't hate that person; it's just sad. Sad.


At 14:47 24-07-15 -0700, Ken Hiebert via Marxism wrote:

For whatever reason (perhaps lack of computer skills on my part) I could 
not comment on the CP site, so I am commenting here.

Ha. nothing wrong with your computer skills Ken. I tried to comment
too, but it seems that commenting was disabled for this particular post.
Funny thing though: Louis always used to complain about the Counterpunch
site not allowing comments! Unlike MOST left websites where we value
discourse and democracy, Counterpunch disallows that. I guess it would be
too embarrassing if someone like Paul Craig Roberts could be challenged by
ordinary readers. So now all of a sudden Louis' blogpost has been set to
read-only. Figures. :-(

- Jeff

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 7/24/15 6:21 PM, Jeff via Marxism wrote:

It's not unlike the scenario where a long-time member of a stalinist (or
stalinistic, y'know) party gets expelled for disloyalty. And then is
finally given a chance to rejoin and redeem himself. Of course he now
proves his loyalty to the max by denouncing other disloyal members. I
can't hate that person; it's just sad. Sad.

Jeff, you are a trained scientist. Can you take those statistics 
seriously? They are an insult to one's intelligence. Based on the attack 
on Counterpunch, someone who is not a regular reader would conclude that 
rightwing articles outnumber those of the left. That is simply a filthy 
lie and anybody who gives credence to that is worse than a Stalinist.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Also, I am surprised that any long-time subscriber to Marxmail could 
conclude that I did a 180 degree reversal on CounterPunch just because I 
would write articles bashing Alexander Cockburn from time to time. Just 
go to http://blog.gmane.org/gmane.politics.marxism.marxmail and do a 
search on articles that contain Counterpunch written by Proyect. 
There are literally hundreds of them going back to 2002. In fact next to 
the NY Times, this is the website I refer to more than any other.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-24 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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here here. 

and really jeff i noticed you went quiet when your bald assertion that no one 
called cp a white supremacist periodical was flatly rebutted in the conclusion 
of her rant. 

this has all the earmarks of the lamest of lame attempts at a takedown. i don't 
think you all jumping on this bandwagon really care what the evidence is. 

Can you take those statistics 
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-24 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 19:10 24-07-15 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
choice of rightists is questionable. As I pointed out, Paul Larudee and 
Franklin Lamb are Baathist propagandists, not conservative or 
libertarian ideologues.

Hmmm, you just made me realize that I have no idea whether those
individuals are right or left. AFAIK they only address middle-east issues
in ways which are common to some leftists (sadly) but also rightists (both
properly defining the Syrian and Iranian regimes as right-wing, and also
noting the prominent transformation of yesteryear's far-right antisemites
into more respectable anti-zionists following a literal stroke of
genius). So I'm wondering: have YOU (or anyone else on this list) seen
other writings by either of these two where they deal clearly with class
issues that would place them on the right or left? My general rule, as when
I looked through the website of that eastern-Ukrainian pro-Russian party
that erroneously had socialist in its name, is that if you can write
volumes yet never once speak about clearly left-wing concerns (the
interests of the working class and labor issues, fighting sexism and the
patriarchy, opposing nationalism with international solidarity, etc.) then
I have no reason to call you a leftist. But again, I won't rush to
judgement about these two

 They write the same kind of junk as Tony 

Except Tony Greenstein is a COMMUNIST and could well be a member of this
list! Yes, it's sad that some communists would write about Syria in the
same terms as the rightists -- we've all been struggling with that. But
it's a totally different struggle against the ENEMY which supports Assad
BECAUSE he's a fascist. I don't know whether Franklin Lamb and Paul Larudee
fall in that category, but I'd sure want to find out before I entered into
comradely discussion with them. Wouldn't you? 

- Jeff

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[Marxism] When the Young Lords Were Outlaws in New York

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Go to 
to see some of the art discussed in this article.)

NY Times, July 24 2015
When the Young Lords Were Outlaws in New York

On July 26, 1969, a group of young Latinos stood in the band shell in 
Tompkins Square Park, in the East Village, and made an announcement. 
They were founding a New York branch of a revolution-minded political 
party called the Young Lords.

Inspired by the Black Panthers and an earlier 
street-gang-turned-activist Young Lords group in Chicago, their purpose 
was to gain social justice for New York’s working-class Latino 
population, then largely Puerto Rican and treated with contempt by the 
city government.

Most of the members onstage that day were recent college graduates well 
versed in leftist political theory. To gain the trust and cooperation of 
Latino communities — concentrated in the East Village, East Harlem and 
the South Bronx — they knew they needed to get their feet on the street, 
and they wasted no time.

The next day they started a “garbage offensive” in East Harlem, the 
Barrio, pulling mounds of trash left festering by the city’s sanitation 
department into the middle of Third Avenue and setting the refuse 
alight. Local residents pitched in.

In October of that year, the Young Lords teamed up with a band of mostly 
black and Latino hospital personnel to force improvements in labor 
conditions and medical services for the poor at Gouverneur Hospital on 
the Lower East Side. (Six months later, they would take over Lincoln 
Hospital in the Bronx for the same reasons.)

In December, they occupied an East Harlem church and, until the police 
evicted them, turned it into a food dispensary and free clinic by day 
and a performance space for music, poetry readings and history lessons 
at night.

By that point they had started a newspaper, Palante. (The name, a 
contraction of “para adelante,” means “forward” or “right on.”) 
Bilingual and published every two weeks, it was a color tabloid with 
some of the jazziest graphics around.

You’ll find dozens of copies covering the walls in the tripartite 
exhibition “¡Presente! The Young Lords in New York.” Spread over three 
institutions — the Bronx Museum of the Arts; El Museo del Barrio in East 
Harlem; and Loisaida Inc., a cultural center in the East Village — this 
show departs from straight political history by presenting the Young 
Lords as a cultural phenomenon as well as an ideological one, with a 
highly developed instinct for visual self-projection, right down to 
having an official party photographer, the gifted Hiram Maristany.

Each of the show’s three parts is more or less self-contained, giving a 
general picture of the party’s brief history while centering on events 
specific to each venue. The Bronx Museum portion, for example, organized 
by two New York-based art historians, Johanna Fernández and Yasmin 
Ramirez, focuses on the July 1970 takeover of Lincoln Hospital, which is 
not far from the museum, but also touches on developments elsewhere in 
the city.

It gives particular attention to links between the Young Lords and 
Taller Boricua, a print workshop started in East Harlem in 1970 by a 
group of Puerto Rican artists — Marcos Dimas, Adrián Garcia, Carlos 
Osorio, Manuel Otero, Martin Rubio and Armando Soto.

Still in operation in a converted public school building at 106th Street 
and Lexington Avenue, the workshop was originally across the street from 
the barrio headquarters of the Lords, who occasionally appropriated 
prints for Palante covers. Mostly, though, the exchange was in the form 
of aesthetic influence: The workshop’s presence seemed to inspire 
members of the party who were artists.

Denise Oliver-Velez, an African-American member of the Lords who 
designed several Palante covers, was one. She was also one of the few 
women to gain a place in the party’s governing hierarchy. Like many 
other male-dominated radical groups, the Young Lords were inherently 
sexist and promoted a form of revolutionary machismo in their original 
statement of purpose. She would have none of it. Under pressure from her 
and another female member, Iris Morales, the group revised the statement 
to read: “We want equality for women. Down with machismo and male 

Those words appear in the Bronx show and again in the installation at El 
Museo del Barrio, organized by Rocio Aranda-Alvarado and sharply 
designed by Ignacio Vázquez-Paravano. There are brilliant, monumental 
prints here by Antonio Martorell, Juan Sánchez and Rafael Tufiño, 
although the 

[Marxism] Fwd: Slavoj Zizek: How Alexis Tsipras and Syriza Outmaneuvered Angela Merkel and the Eurocrats - In These Times

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Krugman’s point is that grexit is also an impossible-real that can 
happen with unpredictable consequences and which, as such, can be risked:

	All the wise heads saying that Grexit is impossible, that it would lead 
to a complete implosion, don’t know what they are talking about. When I 
say that, I don’t mean that they’re necessarily wrong — I believe they 
are, but anyone who is confident about anything here is deluding 
himself. What I mean instead is that nobody has any experience with what 
we’re looking at.

While in principle this is true, there are nonetheless many indications 
that a sudden grexit would lead to utter economic and social 
catastrophe. Syriza economic strategists are well aware that such a 
gesture would cause an immediate further fall of the standard of living 
for an additional, at minimum, 30 percent, bringing misery to a new 
unbearable level, with the threat of popular unrest and even military 
dictatorship. The prospect of such heroic acts is thus a temptation to 
be resisted.

Then there are the so-called “left” calls for Syriza to return to its 
roots: Syriza should not become just another governing parliamentary 
party, the true change can only come from grass-roots, from the people 
themselves, from their self-organization, not from the state 
apparatuses. This is another example of empty posturing, since it avoids 
the crucial problem, which is how to deal with the international 
pressure concerning debt, or, more generally, how to exert power and run 
a state. Grass-roots self-organization cannot replace the state. The 
question is how to reorganize the state apparatus to make it function 

It’s nonetheless not enough to say that Syriza put up a heroic fight, 
testing what is possible. The fight goes on, in fact it has just began. 
Instead of dwelling on the “contradictions” of Syriza policy (after a 
triumphant “no,” Syriza accepts the very program that was rejected by 
the people), and of getting caught in mutual recriminations about who is 
guilty (did the Syriza parliamentary majority commit an opportunistic 
“treason,” or was the Left irresponsible in its preference for grexit), 
one should focus on what the enemy’s actions. The “contradictions” of 
Syriza are a mirror image of the “contradictions” of the EU 
establishment as it gradually undermines the very foundations of a 
united Europe. In the guise of Syriza “contradictions,” the EU 
establishment is merely getting back its own message in its true form. 
And this is what Syriza should be doing now. With a ruthless pragmatism 
and cold calculation, it should exploit the tiniest cracks in the 
opponent’s armor. It should use all those who resist the predominant EU 
politics, from British conservatives to UKIP in the UK. It should 
shamelessly flirt with Russia and China, playing with the idea of giving 
an island to Russia as its Mediterranean military base, just to scare 
the shit out of NATO strategists. To paraphrase Dostoyevsky, now that 
the EU God has failed, everything is permitted.


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[Marxism] Fwd: In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Will Daesh have its day? | GulfNews.com

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-24 Thread Jeff via Marxism
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At 18:35 24-07-15 -0400, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:

Jeff, you are a trained scientist. Can you take those statistics 

No, and I know for a fact that the author isn't very comfortable with those
statistics (the left vs. right article count) either but it was the best
she could do (I learned first-hand how hard it was to accurately query the
Counterpunch site by author in order to get such figures) and was an honest
attempt to quantify the problem. She worked yet harder to look through
articles for their attitudes toward Ron Paul, Gilad Atzmon, and the
Israeli lobby controls American foreign policy line (in the other
tables). If someone believes that she intentionally biased the results
(so-called cherry-picking) then they should repeat the exercise and
report their figures.

But you're missing one important point here:

 someone who is not a regular reader would conclude that 
rightwing articles outnumber those of the left.

If they thought Counterpunch had published less than 1000 articles total
they might have thought that. Otherwise they'd realize that this was a
sample of some prominent rightists vs. leftists but a small minority of the
total publication. A lot of the articles on Counterpunch aren't even
political enough to classify and aren't by known figures. But the main
statistic that I think DOES need to be heeded is that she identified 674
(but given an updated count, actually over 1000) articles written by
infamous figures who should NEVER appear ONCE on a truly left wing
publication (except possibly with a disclaimer in order to illustrate what
the enemy is saying).

No, the claim isn't that right wing articles outnumber the legitimate
articles, but that there is a systematic attempt to inject such material
and especially that this corresponds to the Querfront strategy of the
right where they attempt to garner left support for their own purposes.
Like the German fascists wisely calling themselves National Socialists to
gain the legitimacy conferred by the latter term, and countless other

- Jeff
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: In defense of Counterpunch | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-24 Thread Charles Faulkner via Marxism
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so you're vouching for her honesty now? i call bullshit on that. i for one 
question the honesty of the methodology. the cherry picking of the selection is 
exactly what's at issue. 

as louis already pointed out not only does she ignore the majority of articles 
written for cp to conjure an impression that it's primarily a white supremacist 
rag but she even picks writers who have not written for cp and suggests their 
absence means counterpunch is rightist. 

so what about naomi klein and howard zinn (really any of the names on the left 
she searched)? She counted zero articles from these two commentators. what she 
doesn't address at all is how many articles these people submitted to cp. and 
why? is it possible it's because they submitted zero articles? we don't know 
and likely ms. hendrick doesn't know either because she didn't say anything 
about it. is this what you mean by honest? 

with ms. klein it isn't hard to figure out why she doesn't have any articles on 
counterpunch. alex cockburn was rather harsh on her shock doctrine, saying that 
it completely disregarded the rise of india. she's found other outlets. why 
submit to a rag that found her lightweight? but no! it was because cp are 
closeted white supremacists! 

i might have expected to find howard zinn on counterpunch but there's nothing 
in ms. hendricks article that could even address that his absence is because cp 
is hostile to him. rather, when you search cp you find that they gave voice to 
many expressions of admiration for zinn. could his absence from cp possibly be 
because he was generally loyal to zcom and the progressive and toward the end 
gave mostly interviews anyway? no! it had to be because he was shunned due to 
cp's racism! 

and of course, this is it what it means to meet your standard for honesty. 

look, cp is far from perfect. i never liked paul craig roberts and nothing's 
changed in that regard. but alex found he liked his take on neocon economics 
and i suppose enjoyed the irony of a former reaganite pounding the bush 
administration. i also suppose that alex had an appreciation for being the 
resident socialist on the wsj editorial board and felt that his readers too 
could benefit from hearing from a broader political criticism at a time the 
left had become pretty much impotent. 

that this somehow became an advance of a third position looks pretty much like 
some masochistic fantasy. 

there are loads of problems with hendrick's piece that destroy all claims of 
honesty. but i quit. i feel like i've wasted time arguing about something 
that's obvious on it's face. 

Jeff, you are a trained scientist. Can you take those statistics 

No, and I know for a fact that the author isn't very comfortable with those 
statistics (the left vs. right article count) either but it was the best 
she could do (I learned first-hand how hard it was to accurately query the 
Counterpunch site by author in order to get such figures) and was an honest 
attempt to quantify the problem. She worked yet harder to look through 
articles for their attitudes toward Ron Paul, Gilad Atzmon, and the 
Israeli lobby controls American foreign policy line (in the other 
tables). If someone believes that she intentionally biased the results 
(so-called cherry-picking) then they should repeat the exercise and 
report their figures. 

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[Marxism] [UCE] ANA-MPA: Austerity only can't work, 3 top German economists tell ANA-MPA

2015-07-24 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Greek Prime Minister Asked Putin For $10 Billion To Print Drachmas, Greek Media Reports | Zero Hedge

2015-07-24 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Here's the FT's version:


 23 июля 2015 г., в 10:11, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
 marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu написал(а):
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 I don't know if any of this is true (except that Putin was not particularly 
 interested in helping Greece out) but if it is, it should drive the nail into 
 the coffin of Russian anti-imperialism.
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[Marxism] Reuters: German privatisation agency poor model for Greece

2015-07-24 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: NetRoots Nation Confrontation Wasn't About #BlackLivesMatter At All | Black Agenda Report

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Review: ‘Dylan Goes Electric!’ Considers Folk, Rock and a ’60s Divide

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Elijah Wald is a great writer and a solid leftie. I plan to read and 
review this book the first chance I get but I doubt it will do much to 
change my mind about Bob Dylan, who I regard as a great songwriter and 
performer until he lost his voice.)

NY Times, July 24 2015
Review: ‘Dylan Goes Electric!’ Considers Folk, Rock and a ’60s Divide
By Janet Maslin

Newport, Seeger, Dylan, and the Night That Split the Sixties
By Elijah Wald
Illustrated. 354 pages. Dey St. $26.99.

Saturday night is the 50th anniversary of Dylanageddon: the night Bob 
Dylan savaged the Newport Folk Festival by making loud, electrified 
noise at a sanctuary that had never been thus sullied. The story of his 
1965 assault on Newport is very well known. Its effects have been 
contemplated ad nauseam. Its details show up in every Dylan biography. 
It’s so essential to the Dylan story that it may even have engendered 
folk songs of its own. So the idea of a book to commemorate this geezer 
milestone seems unnecessary, to put it kindly.

But what a surprise “Dylan Goes Electric!” turns out to be. This 
splendid, colorful work of musicology and cultural history is written by 
Elijah Wald, whose broad range of other books (“Narcocorrido,” “How the 
Beatles Destroyed Rock ’n’ Roll” and “Global Minstrels”) allows him to 
approach Newport with a broad base of knowledge. He is perhaps best 
known for “The Mayor of Macdougal Street,” a collaboration with Dave Van 
Ronk that became Mr. Van Ronk’s posthumously published memoir. That book 
reads like a labor of love. This one does, too.

Mr. Wald is a superb analyst of the events he describes. And his 
analyses fly in the face of conventional wisdom. Even his introduction 
includes enough startling context to indicate “Dylan Goes Electric!” 
will be seeing the old story with new eyes. What if Mr. Dylan, with his 
new non-folk songs “Maggie’s Farm,” “Like a Rolling Stone” and “It’s All 
Over Now, Baby Blue,” was not presenting something mind-blowingly 
visionary, as he is in most versions of the Newport myth, but signaling 
a retreat into solipsism and selfishness instead?

“In most tellings, Dylan represents youth and the future, and the people 
who booed were stuck in the dying past,” Mr. Wald writes. “But there is 
another version, in which the audience represents youth and hope, and 
Dylan was shutting himself off behind a wall of electric noise, locking 
himself in a citadel of wealth and power.” The Bob Dylan who became the 
spirit of the 1960s — that is, the hipper second half of the decade — 
was part phantom, after all. He had his motorcycle accident, holed up in 
Woodstock and in 1968 asked an old friend “How do you know I’m not — for 
the war?”

Mr. Wald knows that it is impossible to think about the Dylan of the 
Newport Folk Festival — the one who arrived as a new deity in 1963, the 
one who supposedly divided the place into a battlefield of angry 
factionalism two years later — without thinking equally hard about Pete 
Seeger: the folk music movement that Seeger built, the ideals it 
nurtured, the ways it spun away from those ideals as folk turned 
commercial, the story of “what Newport meant to him, and the lights that 
dimmed when the amplifiers sucked up the power.”

And although Mr. Wald tries his best to resist oversimplifications, he’s 
just too good at creating and parsing them. Yes, Seeger can be seen as 
having tried to use folk music to accomplish an ideal of democracy, of 
people working together in a spirit of optimism; and, yes, Mr. Dylan can 
be seen as the loner, the cynic following a path all his own. There are 
big flaws in these stereotypes, which Mr. Wald acknowledges, but not in 
the larger truth that Newport drew an idealistic young audience that 
could be either crushed or encouraged, depending on what kinds of 
messages an ever more commercialized folk music craze delivered.

Mr. Wald does a fascinating job of describing the ways Seeger’s hard 
lessons about the collision of ideals and commerce came into play here. 
By the time of Newport, he had seen both extremes of commercial success: 
chart-topping as one of the Weavers, then being blacklisted. For all of 
his self-sacrifice, he was a man with both a family to support and a 
message to communicate, and he was at a pinnacle of respect and success 
in 1963, when he was welcomed into the Newport fold.

(The famous photograph showing Newport royalty — Seeger; Joan Baez; 
Odetta; Peter, Paul and Mary; the Freedom Singers; and the newbie Bob 
Dylan — linking arms to sing Seeger’s version of “We Shall Overcome” 
includes Theodore Bikel, who died on Tuesday. This major 

[Marxism] Fwd: Commie bastard Jeremy Corbyn is freedom-hating pinko KGB terrorist, confirm opponents

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] Turkey and ISIS

2015-07-24 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Under the pretext of an anti-ISIL operation Turkish security forces have
conducted raids in 13 provinces - most of the areas raided are left-wing
strongholds. A female member of DHKP-C (Revolutionary People's Liberation
Party Front) has been killed by security forces in ‪#‎Bağcılar‬
, ‪#‎Istanbul‬
Heavy clashes reported in ‪#‎Gazi‬
251 detainees but the number is rising, the vast majority of the detainees
are members of Kurdish and leftist groups and organizations. Unsurprisingly
there are no confirmed reports of any arrests of ISIL members.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Politicians think Puerto Ricans are dumb. But we know the debt crisis is their doing | Julio Ricardo Varela | Comment is free | The Guardian

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(Amazing how similar the Puerto Rican situation is to Greece.)

Spending and borrowing were always part of the island’s political 
culture, and Wall Street banks were always more than happy to lend. But 
having borrowed too much for decades, having spent just as much, having 
American companies leave after tax incentives expired in 2006, getting 
hit by the Great Recession and still borrowing more money from Wall 
Street, no one should be surprised that Puerto Rico is teetering on the 
brink of financial ruin and draconian austerity measures.

Wall Street firms have already made $1.4bn in fees off of the 86 bond 
deals Puerto Rico executed to avoid tackling its massive debt problems 
between 2006 and 2013; firms continued to lend Puerto Rico money despite 
the risks of a default precisely for the massive profits. But how do you 
think these firms got the access to sell Puerto Rico a bad deal in the 
first place? The island’s political class.


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[Marxism] Guardian: Grillo calls for nationalisation of Italian banks and exit fr

2015-07-24 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Not quite sure I'd welcome Grillo as an anti-austerity ally...

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[Marxism] Guardian: US deal with Turkey over Isis may go beyond simple use of an airbase

2015-07-24 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Female Power of Danish Noir

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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CounterPunchers, particularly those who watched those Marxist Swedish 
television detective series I recommended last year, will likely 
appreciate “Dicte” and “Borgen”, two shows that appeared originally on 
Danish television. Both feature superb writing and performances even if 
the artistic teams behind them are not exactly Marxist. As Joe E. Brown 
said in the final seconds of “Some Like it Hot”, nobody’s perfect.


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[Marxism] After Defeat, Britain’s Labour Party Argues Over Its New Leader

2015-07-24 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(I wonder what British comrades think about this.)

NY Times, July 24 2015
After Defeat, Britain’s Labour Party Argues Over Its New Leader

LONDON — Having suffered a shocking defeat in May’s general election, 
its worst result since 1987, the British Labour Party is busily ripping 
itself apart over the choice of a new leader.

The battle is less over personalities than the direction of the party, 
with some arguing that Labour should move more toward the center, as it 
did under Tony Blair, and some arguing that it should move farther to 
the left, to re-engage with its working-class roots.

But the result has been messy, with numerous insults (“moron” is the 
latest). Labour has even been unable to unite in parliamentary 
opposition to Conservative-proposed welfare cuts.

While the consensus of political analysts is that Labour must move 
toward the center, where most British voters are, wounded party 
activists are turning toward an old-style socialist, Jeremy Corbyn, 66. 
Mr. Corbyn, articulate and straightforward, only reluctantly entered the 
contest, nominated by some Labour legislators “to broaden the debate.”

But he got a big lift when Britain’s largest trade union, Unite, a 
crucial financial backer of the Labour Party, came out in strong 
support. Mr. Corbyn upsets “the ruling elite,” said the Unite leader, 
Len McCluskey. “They try and rubbish it, they try to turn it into a 
joke, but secretly they will be worried sick that ordinary people are 
suddenly given something to inspire them and something to link onto.”

Outside the party, Mr. Corbyn is considered unelectable, and hence a 
great gift to the Conservative Party, and when the Labour Party finally 
decides, in September, that may emerge as the prevailing wisdom. But his 
rise — with some polls of party members showing him leading — has served 
only to emphasize the depth of Labour’s confusion about its future.

As telling, perhaps, Liz Kendall, 44, the only one of four candidates 
considered close to the policies of Tony Blair — who led centrist “New 
Labour” to three general election victories — is running a poor last. On 
Thursday, she angrily rejected pressure to quit the race to forestall 
the rise of Mr. Corbyn.

Ed Miliband, the former Labour leader, resigned immediately after this 
year’s defeat, and the party that once praised him now blames him for 
all its troubles.

No fan of Mr. Blair, Mr. Miliband pushed the party to the left, but 
voters rejected him. Labour won more votes in England than in 2010, but 
it was slaughtered in Scotland, losing all but one seat there and 26 
seats over all.

The other two contenders, who are more conventional, are Andy Burnham, 
45, born in Liverpool, who was the party’s designated, or “shadow,” 
health secretary, and Yvette Cooper, 46, the shadow home secretary and 
former shadow foreign secretary. Ms. Cooper is married to Ed Balls, who 
was shadow chancellor but lost his seat in May, marking the depth of 
Labour’s troubles. Mr. Balls is keeping out of the way while Ms. Cooper 
tries to become Labour’s first female leader.

Mr. Blair, who is widely disliked in the Labour Party for having led the 
country to war in Iraq on erroneous claims about Iraqi unconventional 
weapons, was no fan of Mr. Miliband. The prospect of Mr. Corbyn, who is 
even farther to the left, prompted another Blair intervention on 
Wednesday, a warning that “an old-fashioned leftist platform” would mean 
Conservative rule for the next 15 years.

“When people say, ‘My heart says I should be with that politics,’ well, 
get a transplant, because that’s just daft,” Mr. Blair said. “You win 
from the center, you win when you support business as well as unions. 
You don’t win from a traditional leftist position.”

Mr. Blair’s advice to the party: “Move on — but for heaven’s sake don’t 
move back.”

But moving on to what exactly? Mr. Corbyn is clear about what he wants — 
an end to austerity, a big tax-and-spend state. But Mr. Burnham and Ms. 
Cooper are trying to thread the needle between an appeal to Labour 
members, who think Mr. Miliband was not sufficiently left-wing, and the 
larger public, including Liberal Democrat voters and centrist 
Conservatives, who want a society with more social justice but one that 
also lives within its means and rewards success.

On Thursday morning, Ms. Cooper, who worries the Conservatives the most, 
floundered under tough questioning about her policy positions, causing a 
BBC interviewer to say that she was good at the rhetoric of unity but 
that she was reluctant to take firm positions, leaving many unclear as 
to what she actually stood for.