Re: [Marxism] A Mini-Dictionary of Neoliberalism?

2015-07-28 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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Hi Michael

I love words and so enjoyed your post a lot.

There are of course other words which are  crucial to the struggle at the
moment. I have to get round to a proper study of David Mair's work *Ruling
the Void.*  I only know it through the Streeck article in NLR, from whom I
learned that Mair put a lot of emphasis on the dialectic between the
words *responsible
*and* respon*sive. If you add a deal of political economy to the word
*responsible* and understand that it is defined, largely by News Ltd, in
the interests of capital, then one can understand, I believe, the decay of
parliamentary democracy in the West.  The capitalist class have
succeeded, through intimidation and bribery, in convincing Western
politicians that if they are *responsive* to the wishes of their members
and the public, then they are not being *responsible*

To get elected one has to signal to News Ltd that one is *responsible*.  If
one does not do that, one becomes *unelectable*. This is another key word,
especially in the UK context,  where the battle for the leadership of the
Labour Party is being fought out on the terrain of electable or
*unelectable*, at present.



On Wed, Jul 29, 2015 at 3:22 AM, michael perelman via Marxism <> wrote:

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> *
> Richard Parker coined the word "neglectorate" to describe the public's
> alienation from the current dysfunctional political system.  Now that
> economists have, for the most part relegated John Maynard Keynes to the
> dustbin of history, the term Dickenysian seems to be appropriate for the
> present conditions, which are becoming increasingly similar to Charles
> Dickens' portrayal of the world he lived in.  The power of the bond market
> in imposing its will on supposedly independent states, suggests that
> bondage may be appropriate for expressing the power of capital.  Finally,
> we could describe the current economic system as Crapitalism, which treats
> ordinary people as crap.
> --
> Michael Perelman
> Economics Department
> California State University
> Chico, CA
> 95929
> 530 898 5321
> fax 530 898 5901
> _
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[Marxism] A Mini-Dictionary of Neoliberalism?

2015-07-28 Thread michael perelman via Marxism
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Richard Parker coined the word "neglectorate" to describe the public's
alienation from the current dysfunctional political system.  Now that
economists have, for the most part relegated John Maynard Keynes to the
dustbin of history, the term Dickenysian seems to be appropriate for the
present conditions, which are becoming increasingly similar to Charles
Dickens' portrayal of the world he lived in.  The power of the bond market
in imposing its will on supposedly independent states, suggests that
bondage may be appropriate for expressing the power of capital.  Finally,
we could describe the current economic system as Crapitalism, which treats
ordinary people as crap.

Michael Perelman
Economics Department
California State University
Chico, CA

530 898 5321
fax 530 898 5901
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Why the Greek government had to accept the EU's austerity plan - Home | The Sunday Edition | CBC Radio

2015-07-28 Thread Lenin's Tomb via Marxism
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Whaat?  Unbelievable, that guy is lying through his teeth!  

The claim that: 

a) there is any longer term debt restructuring or resolution; 

b) this is a smaller austerity package than all previous packages, and only 
amounts to €8bn; 

c) there is currently €35bn for investment; 

is just a pack of lies. 

This, the ninth austerity package, contains €13bn total austerity measures.  It 
also includes the creation of €50bn fund for the banks paid for out of 

The so-called €35bn for investment was a figure given by Juncker, and it is a 
myth.  The funding is not new.  It comes from existing structural and 
investment funds that are available to all countries to draw upon, and these 
monies had already been requested by Greece.  In the period that it is supposed 
to apply up to 2020, there will also be a significant reduction in EU aid, with 
a total reduction of €6bn.  

There is also no debt restructuring, at all.  Merkel made this clear.  The 
point of this package is that it will force Syriza to implement far deeper 
neoliberal reforms, recessionary, anti-growth measures to boot, than the last 
government had to implement, and it will still leave Greece in dire straits.

It’s one thing for the government to say it had to implement a deal it didn’t 
like.  But now its publicity people are spinning lies, and lies that even the 
EU aren’t bothering to spin.  It’s crazy.

> On 28 Jul 2015, at 16:39, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:

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[Marxism] Fwd: Why the Greek government had to accept the EU's austerity plan - Home | The Sunday Edition | CBC Radio

2015-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Continuing the conversation about IT and the Grexit | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2015-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Cellular ‘Cheaters’ Give Rise to Cancer

2015-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(By the author of "Cancer Chronicles", a book I reviewed a while back:

NY Times, July 28 2015
Cellular ‘Cheaters’ Give Rise to Cancer
by George Johnson

Maybe it was in “some warm little pond,” Charles Darwin speculated in 
1871, that life on Earth began. A few simple chemicals sloshed together 
and formed complex molecules. These, over great stretches of time, 
joined in various combinations, eventually giving rise to the first 
living cell: a self-sustaining bag of chemistry capable of dividing and 
spawning copies of itself.

While scientists still debate the specifics, most subscribe to some 
version of what Darwin suggested — genesis as a fortuitous chemical 
happenstance. But the story of how living protoplasm emerged from 
lifeless matter may also help explain something darker: the origin of 

As the primordial cells mutated and evolved, ruthlessly competing for 
nutrients, some stumbled upon a different course. They cooperated 
instead, sharing resources and responsibilities and so giving rise to 
multicellular creatures — plants, animals and eventually us.

Each of these collectives is held together by a delicate web of 
biological compromises. By surrendering some of its autonomy, each cell 
prospers with the whole.

But inevitably, there are cheaters: A cell breaks loose from the 
interlocking constraints and begins selfishly multiplying and expanding 
its territory, reverting to the free-for-all of Darwin’s pond. And so 
cancer begins.

Although we are getting better at preventing or controlling these 
rebellions, cancer is an inescapable consequence of multicellularity. A 
fascinating review, published last month in Philosophical Transactions 
B, shows how cancer and similar kinds of cellular cheating arise not 
only in mammals, birds, reptiles, fish, insects and other animals, but 
also in plants, fungi — in most, if not all, multicellular organisms.

In “Cancer Across the Tree of Life: Cooperation and Cheating in 
Multicellularity,” researchers at the Institute for Advanced Study in 
Berlin show how maverick cells in species after species engage in the 
kind of pathological behavior that can bring down any society.

In a healthy organism, a cell replicates only as frequently as needed to 
maintain the population and allow for modest growth. Cancer cells begin 
reproducing wildly, consuming more than their share of resources and 
spewing poisons that degrade the environment and reshape it to their own 

Through a process called differentiation, normal cells specialize, 
becoming skin cells, nerve cells, bone cells and so forth. There is a 
division of labor. But cancer cells “dedifferentiate,” abandoning their 
assigned roles and pursuing a course beneficial only to themselves.

Under normal circumstances, a cell that goes berserk is quickly 
eliminated through a mechanism called programmed cell death, or cellular 
suicide. Cancer cells defeat this safeguard. They refuse to die.

No wonder cancer has become a metaphor for human excess — overpopulation 
and consumption, environmental pollution, the concentration of resources 
among a hyperacquisitive 1 percent.

The paper in Philosophical Transactions describes cancerlike phenomena 
in almost every niche of the biosphere. There is even a kind of growth, 
calicoblastic epithelioma, occurring among colonies of corals.

A photograph included in the paper shows a tumorous protrusion on the 
mushroom Agaricus bisporus. In another image, the top of a saguaro 
cactus erupts in elaborate curlicues of uncontrolled growth called 
fasciations — pathological but so visually arresting that “crested 
cacti” are valued by collectors.

The writhing distortions reminded me of those I’ve induced in weeds I 
sprayed with an herbicide called triclopyr. According to the 
manufacturer’s literature, the chemical is believed to work by mimicking 
growth hormones called auxins, causing plant cells to crazily multiply. 
It’s like chemotherapy in reverse, inducing something akin to cancer.

Not all biologists would agree that every instance described in the 
paper should be classified as cancerlike. What is clear from the 
abundance of examples is that multicellular life is a continual struggle 
between competition and cooperation. Tip the balance too far, and the 
result might be a malignancy.

In the long run of evolution, the trade-offs between cellular freedom 
and communalism have frequently paid off. Multicellularity, imperfect as 
it must be, can be so advantageous that it has evolved independently a 
number of times during the history of t

[Marxism] Fwd: Corbyn, Tsipras, Maggie and TINA

2015-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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I don't care if Corbyn is unelectable. I don't care about his views on 
the Middle East. I don't care if his economic plan is not costed. I 
don't care about a tweet he once sent. I don't really give a fuck if he 
is an alien lizard in a human suit. Already, even the mere prospect of 
him as Leader of the Opposition is causing the establishment (on both 
sides of the House) to spin out of control. That's good enough for me.
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[Marxism] [UCE] American racism "in the white frame" - NY Times

2015-07-28 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] WSJ: A Personal War - America’s Marxist Allies Against ISIS

2015-07-28 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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In related news, it was a very awkward day at the State Department press

On Tue, Jul 28, 2015 at 12:15 AM, Shalva Eliava via Marxism <> wrote:

"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen
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[Marxism] Yanis Varoufakis defends ‘Plan B’ tax hack

2015-07-28 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Financial Times, July 28 2015
Yanis Varoufakis defends ‘Plan B’ tax hack
Peter Spiegel in Brussels and Kerin Hope in Athens

Yanis Varoufakis has insisted he did nothing improper as part of a 
five-month clandestine project he ran as Greek finance minister that 
prepared for his country’s possible exit from the euro.

The scheme, which was almost completed but not fully implemented, 
involved hacking into Greece’s independent tax service to set up a 
parallel payment system — accessing individuals’ private identification 
numbers and copying them on to a computer controlled by a “childhood 
friend” of Mr Varoufakis.

Mr Varoufakis described the project in a 25-minute teleconference with 
private investors on July 16.

A tape of the call was released on Monday by the London-based Official 
Monetary and Financial Institutions Forum, which hosted the session, 
after portions were published at the weekend by the Greek newspaper 

“We decided to hack into my minister’s own software programme in order 
to be able to bring it all, to just copy, just copy the codes of the tax 
systems’ website on to a large computer in his office, so he can work 
out how to design and implement this parallel payment system,” Mr 
Varoufakis said on the call.

“We were ready to get the green light from the prime minister when the 
banks closed in order to move into the general secretariat of public 
revenues, which was not controlled by us but is controlled by Brussels, 
and to plug this laptop in and to energise the system.”

Political opponents expressed outrage at the plan. Greek media reported 
that 24 MPs from New Democracy, the largest opposition party, had asked 
Alexis Tsipras, prime minister, whether Mr Varoufakis should face a 
judicial inquiry.

In a statement, Mr Varoufakis’s office said the project was conducted by 
a working group he was authorised to establish in order to prepare 
contingency plans in case Greece was forced out of the eurozone by 
creditors. The working group broke no laws, the statement said.

“The ministry of finance’s working group worked exclusively within the 
framework of government policy and its recommendations were always aimed 
at serving the public interest, at respecting the laws of the land, and 
at keeping the country in the eurozone,” said Mr Varoufakis’s office.

The disclosures about Mr Varoufakis’s “Plan B” come on the heels of 
revelations by the Financial Times and other media organisations that 
far-left members of the governing Syriza party were contemplating a far 
more radical plan to seize government reserves and take over the 
country’s central bank in a transition to a new currency.

James K Galbraith, the University of Texas economist and a longtime 
Varoufakis associate who worked on the finance ministry plan, issued his 
own statement saying their efforts never overlapped with the more 
radical efforts other than an “inconclusive” phone call he had with an 
MP from the Left Platform.

“We had no co-ordination with the Left Platform and our working group’s 
ideas had little in common with theirs,” said Mr Galbraith.

In his taped remarks, Mr Varoufakis said Mr Tsipras authorised him to 
prepare for a possible “Grexit”, even before Syriza won January’s 
parliamentary elections.

“I assembled a very able team, a small team, as it had to be, because 
that had to be kept completely under wraps, for obvious reasons,” said 
Mr Varoufakis.

“The difficulty was going from the five people who planned it to the 
1,000 that would be implementing it. For that, I had to receive another 
authorisation that never came.”

The revelations were shrugged off by government officials, who said Mr 
Tsipras never gave Mr Varoufakis the go-ahead to activate his plan.
“I can’t imagine this [happened],” said Dimitris Mardas, the deputy 
finance minister in charge of revenues. “But what a government 
minister’s team proposes doesn’t constitute government policy.”

Mr Tsipras is known to have grown wary of some of Mr Varoufakis’s ideas, 
a concern that contributed to his decision to replace the outspoken 
finance minister with Euclid Tsakalotos, a more low-key loyalist, 
earlier this month.

Mr Varoufakis’s Plan B involved creating reserve accounts 
“surreptitiously” attached to every taxpayer’s ID that could be used to 
make payments to other taxpayers when the European Central Bank forced 
the shutdown of Greece’s banking system, as it did last month.

“That would have created a parallel banking system while the banks were 
shut as a result of the ECB’s aggressive action, to give us some 
breathing space,” said Mr Varoufakis.

That would have created 

Re: [Marxism] Borotba Stalinist Aleksey Albu claims there are European leftists fighting with the separatists in the Donbass

2015-07-28 Thread modulus via Marxism
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On 28/07/2015 3:34, Shalva Eliava via Marxism wrote:
> This guy is seriously deluded (or a complete hack - maybe both). I
> wonder whether there is any truth to his claims about European
> leftists coming in to fight with these outlaw bands. I know Die Linke
> is particularly deluded by Russian propaganda, but I can't imagine
> what other European leftists would possibly be taken in by this
> bullshit...

Epithets aside, I know for a fact there are Spanish communists involved.

Example video:


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Re: [Marxism] WSJ: A Personal War - America’s Marxist Allies Against ISIS

2015-07-28 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Democratic Confederalism is an offshoot of Marxism? hahahahahaha

Poor Murray Bookchin must be spinning in his grave.
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