[Marxism] Bolivia to host new People's Summit on climate change

2015-09-15 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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he Bolivian government is organising a World People's Conference on Climate
Change and Defence of Life to be held in Cochabamba on October 10-12.

The conference was announced in August by Bolivian President Evo Morales,
as well as leaders of the Bolivian Workers Central (COB) and the National
Coalition for Change (CONALCAM).


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] New premier in Australia

2015-09-15 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Good take on the issue by Ben Hillier, one of the editors of Red Flag,
paper of the largest of the Australian Marxist groups.  We reblogged it on
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Re: [Marxism] Fw: Re: [ufpj-activist] What if Americans Had Known in 2013 that U.S. rejected Syria Deal in 2012?

2015-09-15 Thread mkaradjis . via Marxism
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Yes, but the article is obvious nonsense, because the US, UK and
France clearly did go along with it, that was the basis of the Geneva
conference several months later, which this article refers to. The
article just mentions that Geneva broke down over whether or not Assad
would remain as part of the Geneva "political solution." It doesn't
say who rejected the idea of Assad "stepping aside" at Geneva. Of
course, Assad did.  But unless my memory doesn't serve me well, so did
Russia! While the US and other western states accepted this outcome,
ie, precisely the outcome allegedly put forward by Russians in this
private correspondence.

There is one other problem with the article. The article assumes that
just because US, UK, France etc DID accept the private Russian
proposal for Assadism without Assad, at Geneva, that they would be
able to bully the FSA and other Syrian resistance organisations to
accept this outcome. Once again, that would have been very unlikely.

On Wed, Sep 16, 2015 at 6:16 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism
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> *
> This news about Russia offering a deal that Obama turned down is pretty
> inconsequential. Basically, Russia sought a Yemen type arrangement that
> would have amounted to Assadism without Assad. If the White House had gone
> along with it, there would have been continuing war because Assadism would
> have left in place the repression and economic inequality that led to the
> uprising. For that matter, Yemen has not fared that well after a new face in
> power. I think the "anti-imperialists" are all atwitter over this because it
> makes Obama look intransigent and not worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize. But
> in reality, the Nobel Peace Prize generally goes to scumbags.
> _
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[Marxism] Obama - maintaining US supremacy in the 21st century

2015-09-15 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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*Grandmaster of the Great Game*
*Obama’s Geopolitical Strategy for Containing China*

By Alfred W. McCoy 

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[Marxism] FT: Israel hits out at EU settlement labelling plan

2015-09-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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September 10, 2015 10:21 pm
Israel hits out at EU settlement labelling plan

John Reed in Jerusalem

Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s right-wing leader, has reacted angrily to a
resolution by the European Parliament calling for the labelling of goods
made in Jewish settlements, invoking the second world war-era
persecution of Jews by speaking of the “historical memory of what
happened when Europe labelled Jewish products”.

Mr Netanyahu spoke after the EU parliament voted on Thursday in favour
of labelling goods made in settlements in the Israeli-occupied West
Bank, east Jerusalem, and Golan Heights, The vote saw 525 MPs vote in
favour, 70 against, and 31 abstain.

The resolution is non-binding, but will give a further boost to steps
already being taken in Brussels to put forward guidelines for labelling
settlement-made goods, which EU diplomats say they expect to be
announced by year end.

European officials say that the measures are only meant to uphold EU
law, which does not recognise the settlements as part of Israel, and
give consumers information, and denies they amount to a boycott.

Diplomats say that labelling will help to underscore the “Green Line”
between Israel’s internationally recognised borders and lands it
occupied in the Six-Day War in 1967, and in so doing ratchet up pressure
on Israel to return to peace talks with the Palestinians

The motion approved on Thursday said that the European Parliament
“welcomes the EU’s commitment – in the spirit of differentiation between
Israel and its activities in the occupied Palestinian Territory – to
ensuring that all agreements between the EU and Israel must
unequivocally and explicitly indicate their inapplicability to the
territories occupied by Israel in 1967”.

Israel’s government sees the push by Brussels to label goods as an
unfair measure that singles out their country for punishment, and will
make the prospects of reaching peace with the Palestinians more remote
by hardening their negotiating positions in a process in which they
would hope to swap some big settlement blocs for land elsewhere.
Israelis also have voiced worries that labelling of settlement-made
goods could presage a broader boycott of all goods made in Israel.

“This is unjust,” Mr Netanyahu, who is on a visit to Britain, said.

“It is simply a distortion of justice and of logic and I think that it
also hurts peace; it does not advance peace.

“The root of the conflict is not the territories, and the root of the
conflict is not the settlements,” he added. “We have historical memory
of what happened when Europe labelled Jewish products.”

Mr Netanyahu’s government is taking steps to fight the “Boycott,
Divestment, and Sanctions” (BDS) movement, a campaign modelled on the
one that ended apartheid, and some officials and commentators have
described the planned labelling moves as a “boycott”.

Emmanuel Nahshon, Israeli foreign ministry spokesman, told the newspaper
Ha’aretz that the EU motion was “discriminatory with a sharp smell of

If implemented, the labelling guidelines would mostly hit fruit,
vegetables and herbs grown at Israeli settlements in the Jordan Valley,
along the eastern fringe of the West Bank.

A few European countries, including Britain, already have guidelines on
labelling settlement-made goods, and some EU governments have advised
their companies against the potential legal and reputational risks of
doing business in settlements.

The last round of US-sponsored Israeli-Palestinian peace talks collapsed
in April 2014. Federica Mogherini, the EU’s foreign policy chief, has
said she wants to bring Arab States and the Middle East quartet,
comprising the EU, the US, the United Nations, and Russia together later
this month on the margins of the UN General Assembly meeting in New York
to see whether the peace process might be revived.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Polmaise: the fight for a pit

2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By John McCormack (former Polmaise NUM delegate)

This book, first published in 1989, is now available on this site in 
electronic form, free to read, copy or download.

In the book, John McCormack tells the story of Polmaise colliery in 
Stirlingshire. Miners there stood at the forefront of the fight against 
pit closures and the national miners’ strike of 1984-85. Polmaise was 
the first pit out on strike, on 21 February 1984 – two weeks before the 
national strike began – and among the last to return to work.

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[Marxism] WaPo: Former Russian rebels trade war in Ukraine for posh life in Moscow

2015-09-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Vice News: The UN Says US Drone Strikes in Yemen Have Killed More Civilians Than al Qaeda

2015-09-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] FT: Alexis Tsipras fights the enemy within: disillusion

2015-09-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Alexis Tsipras fights the enemy within: disillusion

Henry Foy and Kerin Hope. Athens
September 14, 2015 5:04 pm

When Alexis Tsipras last month called a snap election , the Greek prime
minister enjoyed a comfortable lead over his political rivals. But there
was one enemy he may have overlooked: disillusionment within his own
voting machine.

Many of the young supporters who propelled the leftwing Syriza party to
power nine months ago feel betrayed by Mr Tsipras’s compromises and
broken promises. The premier came to office as a fire-breathing,
anti-austerity campaigner but stood down as a subdued pragmatist.

Their disillusionment before Sunday’s ballot is undermining his
re-election bid and threatening a return to power of the centre-right
New Democracy.

“Of course he betrayed us,” said Maria Farou, a 19 year-old student in
Athens. “I was very angry. And I still am.”

Like an overwhelming number of young Greeks, Ms Farou is a Syriza
supporter who voted No in a July referendum, backing Mr Tsipras’s call
to reject an EU bailout that would have imposed more austerity measures
on Greece’s broken economy.

Weeks later, Mr Tsipras reneged on his promise and swallowed the most
intrusive EU reform programme in history. Ms Farou said she would
probably abstain in Sunday’s election.

“We are tired, and we are unimpressed,” she said. “[Syriza] are still
trying to convince us to vote for them but I just don’t know.”

Mr Tsipras’s struggle may be a cautionary tale for leftwing politicians
elsewhere in Europe, such as Spain’s surging Podemos party and Jeremy
Corbyn, who claimed a stunning victory in the UK Labour party’s
leadership contest. Like Mr Tsipras, they have tapped young voters’
frustrations, but may now be hostage to their unrealistic expectations.

“They thought Syriza stood for them, but now they feel let down,” Nassos
Iliopoulos, a member of the party’s 13-strong political secretariat,
said of its young supporters. “This is the last chance. The party is
asking them to give us one last chance.”

Polls show Syriza and New Democracy running neck and neck, each with
about 26 per cent of the vote, and suggest that abstentions could be

“The weekend polls showed Syriza tied or just ahead . . . but if you
factor out people who say they don’t intend to vote, then it’s reversed
and New Democracy is marginally ahead,” said one pollster, who declined
to be named.

Mr Tsipras used a speech on Sunday to appeal “particularly to young
people who are considering abstaining or wasting their vote on
anti-political opinions”.

The key event that fractured the party’s youth wing was Mr Tsipras’s
decision in July to accept stringent bailout terms from Brussels. His
capitulation — after months of bruising negotiations with the country’s
international creditors and an all-night summit of EU leaders — may have
spared Greece a chaotic exit from the euro.

Yet in the aftermath, at least a third of Syriza’s membership defected
to other parties, including those to its left, with others leaving
political campaigning altogether, according to party officials.

Aris Hatzis, an Athens university law professor and political
commentator, believes that Syriza is gradually consolidating its vote as
polling day nears, amid a swirl of competing political currents.

“I think many of the abstainers will reconsider," Mr Hatzis said, citing
Syriza's deep reserve of loyal voters and a decline in support for
Popular Unity, a far-left splinter group formed by anti-bailout defectors.

“Perhaps the overriding factor that will draw Syriza abstainers back by
Sunday is that it was Greece's first government of the left and deserves
the loyalty of committed leftwingers," he added.

Petros Markopoulos resigned from his post on Syriza Youth’s management
committee after Mr Tsipras agreed to the bailout, but has decided to
continue supporting the party. For now.

“If Syriza loses this election, then we will see a total collapse of the
left,” he said. “This is the argument I tell myself. Sure, Syriza has
not achieved the revolution we hoped. But we have to do all we can to
ensure they win now. Then the debate on our future can restart.”

Even if Syriza does win on Sunday, it will probably be unable to gain
enough seats to form a government alone. That could mean a coalition
with one of its centre-right opponents, so despised by rank-and-file
supporters that they would probably see such an alliance as a final

Kostas Fothiadakis, a Syriza Youth official who is in charge of the
party’s main campaign tent in one of Athen’s central squares, believes
that if Syriza forms a coalition with one of the country’s centre-right
parties, “i

Re: [Marxism] Why is the Spanish-language media boycotting Bernie Sanders?

2015-09-15 Thread Wayne M. Collins via Marxism
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The fact is that no matter how committed we are to Third Party politics, we 
have a duty at this time to support Sanders. It is hard to say this after more 
than forty years in the Peace and Freedom Party. But it is a fact. We may know 
that this campaign could lead its newly activated followers into the support of 
Clinton of Biden as the Democratic Party nominee. But disgust at the machine 
assured nomination of one of them in lieu of Sanders can equally well lead to 
revulsion and recognition that the Democratic is, as it always has been, a 
roadblock, not a path to independent political action.
-Original Message-
From: Joaquín Bustelo via Marxism 
To: Wayne M. Collins 
Sent: Mon, Sep 14, 2015 5:16 pm
Subject: [Marxism] Why is the Spanish-language media boycotting Bernie Sanders?

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From my blog, Hatuey's Ashes

Major Spanish language media in the United
States are extensively 
covering Hillary Clinton and other mainstream political
figures but 
almost completely ignoring news about Bernie Sanders.

underfinanced, crotchety old Senator from a tiny, virtually all-white 
with no national organization or a single significant 
endorsement, who (in the
United States!) proclaims himself a socialist, 
no less, mounts his horse,
picks up his lance, and rides off to tilt at 
windmills, thinking they are

And the giants start to fall.

Ignored by the mainstream media and
even the "progressive" outlets, his 
message spreads nonetheless. People come
out by the thousands to hear 
and cheer him. The campaign raises millions from
donations that average 
less than $50.

Yet a study of the web sites of the
five most important Spanish-language 
news outlets in the United States --two
TV networks and three daily 
newspapers-- reveals a lopsidedness that is
impossible to justify except 
as an expression of systematic and generalized
bias on the part of 
journalists and

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Re: [Marxism] Fw: Re: [ufpj-activist] What if Americans Had Known in 2013 that U.S. rejected Syria Deal in 2012?

2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This news about Russia offering a deal that Obama turned down is pretty 
inconsequential. Basically, Russia sought a Yemen type arrangement that 
would have amounted to Assadism without Assad. If the White House had 
gone along with it, there would have been continuing war because 
Assadism would have left in place the repression and economic inequality 
that led to the uprising. For that matter, Yemen has not fared that well 
after a new face in power. I think the "anti-imperialists" are all 
atwitter over this because it makes Obama look intransigent and not 
worthy of the Nobel Peace Prize. But in reality, the Nobel Peace Prize 
generally goes to scumbags.

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[Marxism] Fw: Re: [ufpj-activist] What if Americans Had Known in 2013 that U.S. rejected Syria Deal in 2012?

2015-09-15 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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In case Swanson was not yet on the list of Assad's useful idiots, see his 
chemical weapons denial below.
On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 12:36 PM, David Swanson From DavidSwanson.org 
Please republish and share, but only without editing and with credit and link 
to original included. Thanks!What if Americans Had Known in 2013 that U.S. 
rejected Syria Deal in 2012?By David Swansonhttp://davidswanson.org/node/4914In 
the United States it is considered fashionable to maintain a steadfast 
ignorance of rejected peace offers, and to believe that all the wars launched 
by the U.S. government are matters of "last resort." Our schools still don't 
teach that Spain wanted the matter of the Maine to go to international 
arbitration, that Japan wanted peace before Hiroshima, that the Soviet Union 
proposed peace negotiations before the Korean War, or that the U.S. sabotaged 
peace proposals for Vietnam from the Vietnamese, the Soviets, and the French. 
When a Spanish newspaper reported that Saddam Hussein had offered to leave Iraq 
before the 2003 invasion, U.S. media took little interest. When British media 
reported that the Taliban was willing to have Osama bin Laden put on trial be
 fore the 2001 invasion of Afghanistan, U.S. journalists yawned. Iran's 2003 
offer to negotiate ending its nuclear energy program wasn't mentioned much 
during this year's debate over an agreement with Iran -- which was itself 
nearly rejected as an impediment to war.The Guardian reported on Tuesday that 
the former Finnish president and Nobel peace prize laureate Martti Ahtisaari, 
who had been involved in negotiations in 2012, said that in 2012 Russia had 
proposed a process of peace settlement between the Syrian government and its 
opponents that would have included President Bashar al-Assad stepping down. 
But, according to Ahtisaari, the United States was so confident that Assad 
would soon be violently overthrown that it rejected the proposal.The 
catastrophic Syrian civil war since 2012 has followed U.S. adherence to actual 
U.S. policy in which peaceful compromise is usually the last resort. Does the 
U.S. government believe violence tends to produce better results? The record 
shows oth
 erwise. More likely it believes that violenc!
 e will lead to greater U.S.-control, while satisfying the war industry. The 
record on the first part of that is mixed at best.Supreme Allied Commander 
Europe of NATO from 1997 to 2000 Wesley Clark claims that in 2001, Secretary of 
War Donald Rumsfeld put out a memo proposing to take over seven countries in 
five years: Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, and Iran. The basic 
outline of this plan was confirmed by none other than former British Prime 
Minister Tony Blair, who in 2010 pinned it on former Vice President Dick 
Cheney:"Cheney wanted forcible 'regime change' in all Middle Eastern countries 
that he considered hostile to U.S. interests, according to Blair. 'He would 
have worked through the whole lot, Iraq, Syria, Iran, dealing with all their 
surrogates in the course of it — Hezbollah, Hamas, etc.,' Blair wrote. 
'In other words, he [Cheney] thought the world had to be made anew, and that 
after 11 September, it had to be done by force and with urgency. So he was for
  hard, hard power. No ifs, no buts, no maybes.'"U.S. State Department cables 
released by WikiLeaks trace U.S. efforts in Syria to undermine the government 
back to at least 2006. In 2013, the White House went public with plans to lob 
some unspecified number of missiles into Syria, which was in the midst of a 
horrible civil war already fueled in part by U.S. arms and training camps, as 
well as by wealthy U.S. allies in the region and fighters emerging from other 
U.S.-created disasters in the region.The excuse for the missiles was an alleged 
killing of civilians, including children, with chemical weapons -- a crime that 
President Barack Obama claimed to have certain proof had been committed by the 
Syrian government. Watch the videos of the dead children, the President said, 
and support that horror or support my missile strikes. Those were the only 
choices, supposedly. It wasn't a soft sell, but it wasn't a powerful or 
successful one either.The "proof" of responsibility for that use of 
 chemical weapons fell apart, and public opposition to!
  what we later learned would have been a massive bombing campaign succeeded. 
Public opposition succeeded without knowing about the rejected proposal for 
peace of 2012. But it succeeded without follow-through. No new effort was made 
for peace, and the U.S. went right ahead inching its way into the war with 
trainers and weapons and drones.In Janu

[Marxism] US weapons vs troops

2015-09-15 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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The resolution below was written by Frank Glass and Harold Isaacs .It discusses 
US military assistance in the form of "material aid." It does NOT oppose such 
aid, but rather explains the reactionary policies of the KMT and CCP that led 
to its provision. It further uses the occasion to warn Chinese workers and 
peasants that US troops could be next, and that in any case they must organize 
their armed bodies independently, INCLUDING by imposing the social reforms 
which the CCP refused to (or granted grudgingly in tiny doses). The 
implications for Syria and elsewhere should be clear. 
American Intervention in ChinaResolution Adopted by the Executive Committee of 
the Fourth InternationalMarch 31, 1941 

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[Marxism] Fwd: Gleb Pavlovsky: Putin's World Outlook. New Left Review 88, July-August 2014.

2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Interview by Tom Parfitt

Q: What are the roots of Putin’s ideological worldview?

A: By the beginning of the 1990s Putin had developed almost all the 
ideas he espouses today. He’d only just started working in St 
Petersburg, but if we look at documentary recordings of the time, we see 
that he already had a whole series of attitudes concerning, for example, 
the idea that Russia’s system of administration should be a unitarian, 
centralized state, and also his condoning the chinovniki [bureaucrats] 
taking bribes. That surprised many people, but it’s undeniable that he 
took a positive view of this. He even shared—and repeated—the scandalous 
thesis of the then mayor of Moscow, Gavril Popov, that bureaucrats had 
the right to a commission on contracts.

There was also, of course, his fine contempt for the democrats of those 
years, who had received power for free, without a struggle, as if they 
had just found it in the street. So most of the ideas were already 
present in this period, including signs of Putin’s opportunism—his sense 
that there’s no need to go against the grain, that in fact you need to 
go with it. Why fight a trend and use up your resources? You have to 
take the resources of the trend and achieve what you want with them. 
That instinct was with Putin from the beginning. He had also taken from 
Vladimir Zhirinovsky, head of the ultra-nationalist Liberal Democratic 
Party of Russia, the idea that Russia should be divided up into 
general-gubernatorstva—with a general-governor in charge of every 
region. Yeltsin also dreamed about such an arrangement, but wasn’t able 
to achieve it. It’s a very popular idea in Russia.

Q: In what sense were these ideas shaped by the collapse of the Soviet 

A: Putin belongs to a very extensive, but politically opaque, 
unrepresented, unseen layer of people, who after the end of the 1980s 
were looking for revanche in the context of the fall of the Soviet 
Union. I was also one of them. My friends and I were people who couldn’t 
accept what had happened: who said we can’t let it continue to happen. 
There were hundreds, thousands of people like that in the elite, who 
were not communists—I, for example, was never a member of the Communist 
Party. They were people who just didn’t like how things had been done in 
1991. This group consisted of very disparate people, with very different 
ideas of freedom. Putin was one of those who were passively waiting for 
the moment for revanche up till the end of the 90s. By revanche, I mean 
the resurrection of the great state in which we had lived, and to which 
we had become accustomed. We didn’t want another totalitarian state, of 
course, but we did want one that could be respected. The state of the 
1990s was impossible to respect. You could think well of Yeltsin, feel 
sorry for him. But for me, it was important to see Yeltsin in a 
different light: on the one hand, it was necessary to protect him from 
punishment; on the other, Yeltsin was important as the last hope for the 
state, because it was clear that if the governors came to power they 
would agree another Belovezhsky Accord, after which Russia would no 
longer exist.

Putin is a Soviet person who did not draw lessons from the collapse of 
Russia. That is to say, he did learn lessons, but very pragmatic ones. 
He understood the coming of capitalism in a Soviet way. We were all 
taught that capitalism is a kingdom of demagogues, behind whom stands 
big money, and behind that, a military machine which aspires to control 
the whole world. It’s a very clear, simple picture which I think Putin 
had in his head—not as an official ideology, but as a form of common 
sense. His thinking was that in the Soviet Union, we were idiots; we had 
tried to build a fair society when we should have been making money. If 
we had made more money than the western capitalists, we could have just 
bought them up, or we could have created a weapon which they didn’t 
have. That’s all there is to it. It was a game and we lost, because we 
didn’t do several simple things: we didn’t create our own class of 
capitalists, we didn’t give the capitalist predators on our side a 
chance to develop and devour the capitalist predators on theirs.

full: http://newleftreview.org/II/88/gleb-pavlovsky-putin-s-world-outlook
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: 60 Years Ago, Moscow Tested a Nuclear Weapon on Its Own Citizens

2015-09-15 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> What state would not be willing to use nuclear weapons on its own people?


"During the cold war, all the nuclear powers deliberately exposed some troops 
to radiation in atmospheric tests to see how soldiers would function, even 
though many of the effects of radioactivity were already known. Records show 
that the United States carried out such experiments in Nevada and the South 
Pacific, France did so in the Algerian desert and the Soviet Union in the 
Arctic and Kazakhstan. And on all sides, it is now known, tests also sent 
radioactive fallout into inhabited areas.”

"According to the United States Defense Nuclear Agency, the United States 
conducted 235 atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons from 1944 to 1962, exposing 
some 200,000 military and civilian personnel of the Department of Defense to 
some degree of radiation.”


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: 60 Years Ago, Moscow Tested a Nuclear Weapon on Its Own Citizens

2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 9/15/15 1:26 PM, A.R. G via Marxism wrote:

What state would not be willing to use nuclear weapons on its own people?

Well, any capitalist country at least. But socialist Russia was supposed 
to be different, right? I know that few people here believe that but I 
am wrangling with an unreconstructed Stalinist on my blog now over what 
I wrote about the 1956 uprising in Hungary and was forced to put the 
ultra-Stalinist Charley Andrews, who was removed from Marxmail a while 
back, in a kill file for his obsessive defense of Stalin, etc on PEN-L.

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: 60 Years Ago, Moscow Tested a Nuclear Weapon on Its Own Citizens

2015-09-15 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 1:26 PM, A.R. G via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

What state would not be willing to use nuclear weapons on its own people?
> I'm all for singling out particular states, but in an abstract sense, who
> wouldn't? They are all insane.

Hell, in this damn country, we aren't even safe from *other *countries'
nuclear programs:

-- Forwarded message --
From: IRmep 
Date: Tue, Sep 8, 2015 at 6:01 PM
Subject: CIA releases nuke diversion to Israel file, IRmep sues for intel
budget - IRmep
To: jncat...@gmail.com

 CIA releases files about illegal weapons-grade uranium diversions from US
to Israel - IRmep

WASHINGTON, Sept. 8, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The Central
Intelligence Agency released 130 pages of reports, memos and other files
about the 1960s diversion of weapons-grade uranium to Israel from the
Nuclear Materials and Equipment Corporation NUMEC formerly
headquartered in Apollo,
Pennsylvania. (PDF of CIA files and release statement
). The August 31 CIA
release came in response to a lawsuit (Lawsuit PDF
filed by the director of the Institute for Research: Middle Eastern Policy
(IRmep) on February 13, 2015

Many of the file memos record CIA briefings in the late 1970s to members of
Congress inquiring whether the diversion was a covert CIA operation.
Arizona Democrat Morris Udall asked bluntly on August 23, 1977 "Is it
possible that President Johnson, who was known to be a friend of Israel,
could have encouraged the flow of nuclear materials to the Israelis...?"

...Today the razed NUMEC facilities sites near Apollo will cost $350

 to $500 million
toxic waste cleanup over the next decade according to US Army Corps of
Engineers estimates.  CIA Tel Aviv Station Chief John Hadden, whose
findings are redacted from the new release, publicly characterized NUMEC as
"an Israeli operation from the beginning..."

IRmep plans to further court actions to obtain full release of CIA
operations files that would allow Apollo residents to sue the Israeli
government directly for cleanup costs and massive health-related damages
caused by the smuggling front, or have the funds deducted from Israel's
 annual $3.5 billion package of foreign aid from the United States. (See
the IRmep Center for Policy and Law Enforcement  for
the lawsuit, oral argument transcripts
other legal updates.) More

"Hige sceal þe heardra, heorte þe cenre, mod sceal þe mare, þe ure mægen
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: 60 Years Ago, Moscow Tested a Nuclear Weapon on Its Own Citizens

2015-09-15 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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What state would not be willing to use nuclear weapons on its own people?

I'm all for singling out particular states, but in an abstract sense, who
wouldn't? They are all insane.

Also worth reading:

- Amith

On Tue, Sep 15, 2015 at 1:11 PM, Intense Red via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> > The fate of “more than 10,000 people” who suffered as a result...
>Sickening and tragic. But I cannot help but to wonder what the exact
> definition of "suffered" is -- sick or killed.
>Either way, the number is likely in the same ballpark as the estimated
> 11,000 people who died as a result of the US using the Marshallese as human
> guinea pigs.
> > It provides an insight into the reasons why Vladimir Putin can speak so
> casually about using nuclear weapons...
>No bias there, right? /s
> --
> "Look, if you think any American official is going to tell you the truth,
> then
> you’re stupid. Did you hear that? – stupid." -- Arthur Sylvester, Assistant
> Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: 60 Years Ago, Moscow Tested a Nuclear Weapon on Its Own Citizens

2015-09-15 Thread Intense Red via Marxism
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> The fate of “more than 10,000 people” who suffered as a result...

   Sickening and tragic. But I cannot help but to wonder what the exact 
definition of "suffered" is -- sick or killed.

   Either way, the number is likely in the same ballpark as the estimated 
11,000 people who died as a result of the US using the Marshallese as human 
guinea pigs.

> It provides an insight into the reasons why Vladimir Putin can speak so 
casually about using nuclear weapons...

   No bias there, right? /s

"Look, if you think any American official is going to tell you the truth, then 
you’re stupid. Did you hear that? – stupid." -- Arthur Sylvester, Assistant 
Secretary of Defense for Public Affairs.

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[Marxism] 1994 video showing Cheney knew he was wrong on Iraq

2015-09-15 Thread A.R. G via Marxism
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As this video establishes, Cheney was not only wrong on Iraq, but he knew
it. A prior version of Cheney vocally contradicts the Cheney that invaded


White House video on Cheney:


Also worth it Jon Stewart's hilarious take from 2007 when someone dug this
video up.


- Amith
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[Marxism] Who Apes Whom?

2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Op-Ed, Sept. 15 2015
Who Apes Whom?

ATLANTA — WHEN I learned last week about the discovery of an early human 
relative deep in a cave in South Africa, I had many questions. 
Obviously, they had dug up a fellow primate, but of what kind?

The fabulous find, named Homo naledi, has rightly been celebrated for 
both the number of fossils and their completeness. It has 
australopithecine-like hips and an ape-size brain, yet its feet and 
teeth are typical of the genus Homo.

The mixed features of these prehistoric remains upset the received human 
origin story, according to which bipedalism ushered in technology, 
dietary change and high intelligence. Part of the new species’ physique 
lags behind this scenario, while another part is ahead. It is aptly 
called a mosaic species.

We like the new better than the old, though, and treat every fossil as 
if it must fit somewhere on a timeline leading to the crown of creation. 
Chris Stringer, a prominent British paleoanthropologist who was not 
involved in the study, told BBC News: “What we are seeing is more and 
more species of creatures that suggests that nature was experimenting 
with how to evolve humans, thus giving rise to several different types 
of humanlike creatures originating in parallel in different parts of 

This represents a shockingly teleological view, as if natural selection 
is seeking certain outcomes, which it is not. It doesn’t do so any more 
than a river seeks to reach the ocean.

News reports spoke of a “new ancestor,” even a “new human species,” 
assuming a ladder heading our way, whereas what we are actually facing 
when we investigate our ancestry is a tangle of branches. There is no 
good reason to put Homo naledi on the branch that produced us. Nor does 
this make the discovery any less interesting.

Every species in our lineage tells us something about ourselves, because 
the hominoids (humans, apes and everything in between) are genetically 
extremely tight. We have had far less time to diverge than the members 
of many other animal families, like the equids (horses, zebras, donkeys) 
or canids (wolves, dogs, jackals). If it hadn’t been for the human ego, 
taxonomists would long ago have squeezed all hominoids into a single genus.

The standard story is that our ancestors first left the apes behind to 
become australopithecines, which grew more sophisticated and brainier to 
become us. But what if these stages were genetically mixed up? Some 
scientists have claimed early hybridization between human and ape DNA. 
Did our ancestors, after having split off, keep returning to the apes in 
the same way that today’s grizzlies and polar bears still interbreed 

Instead of looking forward to a glorious future, our lineage may have 
remained addicted to the hairy embrace of its progenitors. Other 
scientists, however, keep sex out of it and speak of incomplete lineage 
separation. Either way, our heritages are closely intertwined.

The problem is that we keep assuming that there is a point at which we 
became human. This is about as unlikely as there being a precise 
wavelength at which the color spectrum turns from orange into red. The 
typical proposition of how this happened is that of a mental 
breakthrough — a miraculous spark — that made us radically different. 
But if we have learned anything from more than 50 years of research on 
chimpanzees and other intelligent animals, it is that the wall between 
human and animal cognition is like a Swiss cheese.

Apart from our language capacity, no uniqueness claim has survived 
unmodified for more than a decade since it was made. You name it — tool 
use, tool making, culture, food sharing, theory of mind, planning, 
empathy, inferential reasoning — it has all been observed in wild 
primates or, better yet, many of these capacities have been demonstrated 
in carefully controlled experiments.

We know, for example, that apes plan ahead. They carry tools over long 
distances to places where they use them, sometimes up to five different 
sticks and twigs to raid a bee nest or probe for underground ants. In 
the lab, they fabricate tools in anticipation of future use. Animals 
think without words, as do we most of the time.

Undeterred by Homo naledi’s relatively small brain, however, the 
research team sought to stress its humanity by pointing at the bodies in 
the cave. But if taking this tack implies that only humans mourn their 
dead, the distinction with apes is being drawn far too sharply.

Apes appear to be deeply affected by the loss of others to the point of 
going totally silent, seeking comfort from bystande

[Marxism] Study Finds Snowpack in California’s Sierra Nevada to Be Lowest in 500 Years

2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Sept. 15 2015
Study Finds Snowpack in California’s Sierra Nevada to Be Lowest in 500 Years

The snow that blanketed the Sierra Nevada in California last winter, and 
that was supposed to serve as an essential source of fresh water for the 
drought-stricken state, was at its lowest levels in the last 500 years, 
according to a new study.

The paper, published on Monday in the journal Nature Climate Change, 
used tree-ring data from centuries-old blue oaks to provide historical 
context for the mountain range’s diminished snowfall. As of April 1, the 
snowpack levels were just 5 percent of their 50-year historical average.

The paper is the first to create a model that describes temperature and 
precipitation levels on the Sierra Nevada that extend centuries before 
researchers started measuring snow levels each year.

“The 2015 snowpack in the Sierra Nevada is unprecedented,” said Valerie 
Trouet, one of the authors of the study and a paleoclimatologist at the 
University of Arizona. “We expected it to be bad, but we certainly 
didn’t expect it to be the worst in the past 500 years.”

Snowmelt from the Sierra Nevada fills reservoirs that provide a third of 
all of the drinking water for the state of California, as well as water 
to fight wildfires and to generate electricity.

“The scope of this is profound,” said Thomas Painter, a snow hydrologist 
with NASA’s Airborne Snow Observatory, adding that models like the one 
developed in the study suggested a dry future for California in years 
beyond the current drought. “This has been a very bad drought, and being 
able to understand the context of it is extraordinarily important.”

To determine snowpack levels from 500 years ago, the research team 
combined two data sets of blue oak tree rings. The first set provided 
historical precipitation levels from more than 1,500 blue oaks from 33 
sites in California’s Central Valley. The team compared part of that 
data from the years 1930 to 1980 with actual snowpack measurements and 
found that both findings matched.

Using this correlation, the team combined the precipitation data with a 
second data set of tree rings that looked at winter temperatures from 
1500 to 1980.

After analyzing the data, the team determined with its model that 
snowpack levels as low as this year’s were a once-in-1,000-years event. 
But because of rising temperatures caused by human activities, the 
researchers said they thought that snow droughts would become much more 

California has a Mediterraneanlike climate, which means that it receives 
most of its precipitation in the winter and is dry during the summer. 
The blue oaks that encircle the Central Valley and cover the rolling 
foothills of the Sierra Nevada serve as a good indicator of snowfall on 
the mountains because they are very sensitive to winter precipitation, 
according to David W. Stahle, a geoscientist from the University of 
Arkansas and an author of the paper.

Many of the winter storms that pile snow on the Sierra Nevada also fall 
as rain on the blue oaks. The trees use the moisture stored in the soil 
to grow during the spring and summer, and the width of their tree rings 
reflects the amount of precipitation from the preceding winter. Wide 
rings indicate wet winters, while narrow rings denote dry ones.

“Having an ultrasensitive record of wet-season precipitation in ancient 
blue oak trees is a gift of nature to the modern water-dependent world,” 
Dr. Stahle said in an email.

Some researchers said the results were valuable to understanding the 
current drought. Others found the results to be less surprising.

“I don’t think anything they say is alarmingly shocking,” said David 
Rizzardo, the chief snow surveyor at the California Department of Water 
Resources. “From a department perspective, you can go back 500 years or 
10,000 years, it doesn’t really change the context of the here and now. 
We’re stuck in this situation.”

Noah Diffenbaugh, a climate scientist at Stanford, said the study 
provided valuable information about the historical context of the 
drought, which would help in understanding its causes. He said that, 
when combined with previous studies, the new findings helped “provide 
strong evidence that global warming has substantially increased the 
probability of getting these extremely low snow conditions.”

A. Park Williams, a bioclimatologist at Columbia University, said the 
study added to evidence that rising temperatures had exacerbated the 
lack of snow in California.

“We are now migrating into this new world where temperatures are 
higher,” Dr. Williams said. “So eve

[Marxism] Marx's presence in the Solidarity Economy movement

2015-09-15 Thread Hans G Ehrbar via Marxism
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Last week, during the 3-day Congress on Solidarity Economy
in Berlin, over 1000 participants discussed how to design a
good life in a sustainable way, without further resource
depletion and unnecessary economic growth.


One session was called "Introduction into the Criticism of
Monetary Logic," with Uli Frank as presenter.  Videos of the
conference sessions are not available, but I found a video


(in German) which was presumably similar.  This video is
worth while to watch for those who understand German.
It seems like a modernized re-telling of the first chapters
of Marx's Capital, with some excellent insights but one
difference: it does not make the link between money and

After remarking that the capitalist exchange economy makes
everything one-dimensional, Frank refers to the book by Eske
Bockelmann called "Im Takt des Geldes" (in the tact of
money) which documents in the history of art and philosophy
and mathematics when this turn to one-dimensionality
occurred (some time around 1620).

Frank marvels about it that today's complex global economy
can function based on such a primitive one-dimensional
organizing principle, but Frank (and apparently also
Bockelmann) fail to explore the conditions which make this
miracle possible.  Marx argues that the market's
one-dimensional organizing principle can only be successful
because production, underneath the diversity of the
use-values produced, is also governed by a one-dimensional
social principle: it is the allocation of one-dimensional
human labor-power to different tasks.  Marx's exploration of
the conditions of possibility of capitalism has gained new
relevance today because it also explains why the capitalist
market economy, which was originally wildly successful, is
failing today.  Today it mistakes the destruction of
resources for production (uneconomic growth), for the simple
reason that labor is no longer the most important factor of
production, but the finite store of natural resources is now
the binding constraint on the economy.

Following Marx, Frank says that the one-dimensionality of
money implies the necessity of growth, because the circuit
M-C-M does not make sense unless the second M is bigger than
the first.  But again Frank deviates from Marx by not asking
how M-C-M' is possible.  Marx's answer is that M-C-M' is
based on the exploitation of labor.  Again, Marx's answer
has relevance today because the exploitation of labor is the
biggest *obstacle* to the changes in the production system
necessary to prevent environmenal degradation.  The modern
capitalist system refuses to produce in a sustainable
fashion not because it lacks the technology and resources to
do so, but because sustainable production is not as
profitable as the unsustainable suicidal business as usual.

Labor and exploitation do not play a role in Frank's talk.
Frank is injecting Marxist thoughts into today's
environmental movement, but he leaves out the pivotal links
between money and abstract labor, and between wage labor and
profit.  I think this makes his theory less powerful in
terms of the question "what to do about all this" than it
otherwise would have been.

Hans G Ehrbar
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[Marxism] Activism in Canada in support of refugees

2015-09-15 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Security at BMO Field order fans to take down 'refugees welcome' banner at 
Toronto FC game

Ottawa Fury FC has Refugees Welcome banner unfurled

Three women removed from Harper event in BC, one wearing "Alan should be here" 

This is me outside my local post office last Saturday.
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: At a Christian University, a Socialist Candidate Takes the Pulpit - Government - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2015-09-15 Thread Joseph Catron via Marxism
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I wonder what's happening with the random kippah in the picture?

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2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A victim of a "recovered memory" witch-hunt fights to be vindicated.

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[Marxism] Fwd: At a Christian University, a Socialist Candidate Takes the Pulpit - Government - The Chronicle of Higher Education

2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Jeremy Corbyn strikes a blow at Blair-ism. And now what? | People and Nature

2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By all accounts Corbyn is not a political machine man – in fact that’s a 
big part of why he is popular. But now he has to do things, and he will 
be compelled (i) to cut deals with Labour party factions (and he’s made 
it crystal clear he will work with them all, up to and including the 
Blairites, if they will work with him), and (ii) turn for advice to 
those with whom he has had the closest political relationships during 
his career, i.e. the tiny remnants of the Labour left (e.g. his election 
agent John McDonnell MP), the Stalinist remains of the Communist Party 
(represented by the Morning Star newspaper, in which Corbyn writes 
regularly), Keynesian economists (such as those who drafted his economic 
policy), and a few Trotskyists who have disappeared furthest into the 
Labour machine. (For more on Corbyn’s politics, see the links at the end.)

How will a Labour left loner operate in high political office? We have 
the example of Ken Livingstone, mayor of London from 2000 to 2008. He 
buried his strongest anti-poverty policy – cheap public transport – and 
combined flashes of rhetoric with a good working relationship with the 
City of London, the enhancement of which as a global financial centre he 
did all he could to support. I live in London, and I know of a few 
laudable welfare projects that benefited from funding from the mayor’s 
office in Livingstone’s time – but I can’t think of a single social 
movement or labour struggle that was significantly strengthened by his 
presence. (If someone can think of an example to prove me wrong, please 
say so.)

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[Marxism] Fwd: Anton Shekhovtsov's blog: Russian politicians building an international extreme right alliance

2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Syria Comment » Archives Liwa Thuwar al-Raqqa: History, Analysis & Interview - Syria Comment

2015-09-15 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Useful background on conflicts between ISIS and anti-Baathist militias.

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[Marxism] Guardian: West 'ignored Russian offer in 2012 to have Syria's Assad step aside'

2015-09-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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