[Marxism] Russians’ Anxiety Swells as Oil Prices Collapse

2016-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Jan. 23 2016
Russians’ Anxiety Swells as Oil Prices Collapse

KRASNODAR, Russia — Last year was bad enough financially for Sergei and 
Victoria Titov, both music teachers getting along in years. Her 
government salary was slashed by one third, and rampant inflation put 
some basic groceries like eggplant and cucumbers out of reach.

Then came Jan. 1, and the abrupt decision by the regional government 
here in Krasnodar, the capital of Russia’s southern agricultural 
heartland, to chop transportation subsidies for older Russians, forcing 
the couple to limit their trolley rides.

Indignant and fearing worse amid Russia’s accelerating economic 
problems, Sergei joined an unauthorized demonstration last week by 
hundreds of older Russians who gathered under the bronze statue of a 
Cossack horseman on the main square here and chanted, “Return our benefits!”

They were not alone, neither in Krasnodar nor across this vast nation, 
where illegal protests and wildcat strikes are erupting with increasing 
frequency by truckers, teachers, factory workers and all sorts of 
Russians facing steep government cutbacks because of plummeting revenue 
from oil and gas.

The global collapse in oil prices is reordering economic relations 
around the world, but the change is particularly daunting for Russia, 
which relies on energy exports for 50 percent of its federal budget.

In December, President Vladimir V. Putin told the nation that the worst 
of the recession — the economy shrank 3.9 percent and inflation hit 12.9 
percent in 2015 — was over and that modest growth would return in 2016. 
He has been pushing the oil collapse as an “opportunity” that will wean 
Russia off energy imports and diversify the economy.

Then in January oil fell below $30 per barrel, with no bottom in sight, 
and the ruble hit a record low of nearly 85 to the dollar before 
recovering slightly.

The last time oil prices dropped so low and stayed there, in the 1980s, 
the Soviet Union disintegrated. Steadily rising prices since 2000 have 
lifted Russia out of poverty and economic chaos, buoying the prosperity 
of many Russians with it. Mr. Putin was lucky enough to be president for 
much of that period, but he now faces an extended decline, with real 
incomes shrinking.

With the federal budget approved in December based on oil at $50 a 
barrel, Anton Siluanov, the finance minister, announced that the country 
faced a budget deficit of about $40 billion, and ministries were ordered 
to cut spending 10 percent. Budgets were similarly guillotined last year.

In Krasnodar, Mr. Titov, 64, braced for harder times. “I do not know 
what they will cut, but I know it will affect us,” he said. “We are 
watching all this with alarm. It is clear that the government lacks the 
necessary resources to give us a normal life.”

In Krasnodar, a city of about 800,000 people, retirees register a kind 
of sticker shock when discussing food prices, yelling out items as they 
remember newly high prices. “Apples!” one shouted, noting that the cost 
had nearly doubled. Then “Zucchini!” Then “Smoked sausages!”

Food prices rose 20 percent last year, according to official statistics, 
but often Russians say their grocery tab is up by a third or more, 
thanks in part to sanctions Moscow slapped on Western food imports in 
retaliation for sanctions the West imposed over Ukraine.

Sergei Galustian, 65, a retired police officer, lives on a downtown 
street with just 27 houses, their proximity making it easy to assess change.

“Nobody is starving yet, but incomes are definitely down,” he said, 
noting that homes are colder, that neighbors turn on just two lamps 
after dark where they once used five and that people have stopped buying 
new clothes. Retail sales across Russia were down by 13.1 percent for 
the year ending in November, according to official statistics, with car 
sales off nearly 40 percent.

The 100 or so workers at the giant Seydin Machine Tool Factory, once the 
pride of the city during the Soviet era, have not seen a paycheck for a 
year and recently received layoff notices. They, too, have on occasion 
gathered in the main square to demand their back pay. The workers “have 
to take to the streets!” they wrote in an open letter to Mr. Putin.

In a tradition dating from Soviet times, most firms, and especially 
state-run companies, tend to cut hours or stop paying salaries rather 
than fire people to diminish the chances for social unrest.

In Moscow on Wednesday, about 15 employees of Sbarro, the pizza chain 
based in Ohio, stood in the brutal cold outside one franchise holding 
signs saying, “Give 

[Marxism] Fwd: Woody Guthrie, 'Old Man Trump' and a real estate empire's racist foundations

2016-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In December 1950, Woody Guthrie signed his name to the lease of a new 
apartment in Brooklyn. Even now, over half a century later, that 
uninspiring document prompts a double-take.

Below all the legal jargon is the signature of the man who had composed 
“This Land Is Your Land,” the most resounding appeal to an equal share 
for all in America. Below that is the signature of Donald Trump’s 
father, Fred. No pairing could appear more unlikely.

Guthrie’s two-year tenancy in one of Fred Trump’s buildings and his 
relationship with the real estate mogul of New York’s outer boroughs 
produced some of Guthrie’s most bitter writings, which I discovered on a 
recent trip to the Woody Guthrie Archives in Tulsa. These writings have 
never before been published; they should be, for they clearly pit 
America’s national balladeer against the racist foundations of the Trump 
real estate empire.


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[Marxism] Fwd: Environmental racism harms Americans in Flint – and beyond | Jason Nichols | Opinion | The Guardian

2016-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Why would Putin have had a former KGB operative murdered? - The Washington Post

2016-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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One notable book, "Blowing Up Russia," suggested that the agency was 
behind a series of apartment bombings in September 1999 that had killed 
more than 300 people. These bombings had been blamed on Chechen 
separatists and were a key rationale for Russia engaging in the Second 
Chechen War — a war that clearly helped the popularity of Putin, prime 
minister at the time of the bombings. Litvinenko's book presented the 
argument that the bombings were a "false flag" that killed ordinary 
Russians for political purposes — something that would create incredible 
anger in Russia if ever proven.


(Don't bother clicking the link for the article below. It has 
disappeared from the CounterPunch archives. Unfortunately when they 
moved to a new format, a bunch of articles got lost apparently.)

Counterpunch, September 8, 2004

The Heavy Hand of Putin
Russia and Chechnia After Beslan

The intentional targeting of a school by Chechen hostage-takers and the
cruelty and the brutality they employed against defenceless children has
horrified the world. It is an atrocity and the Chechen fighters and
Islamist terrorists who carried it out are ruthless criminals.
Absolutely nothing progressive can come of such terrorist attacks on
innocent civilians. The terrorist methods employed by these groups are
absolutely reactionary and entirely counter-productive, and can neither
be supported nor defended.

To recognise this political fact and state it openly in no way minimises
the criminal repression carried out by Putin and the ruling elite of
Russia against the Chechen people. The hostage-taking and other similar
actions are the inevitable consequence of a war that has long since
taken the form of state-organised terror. The brutal war carried out by
the Russian army and security forces for over 10 years in Chechnia has
fuelled the growth of separatist movements, increasing the desperation
of the local people and driving layers of young people towards Islamic
radicalism and suicide bombing.

Since the time of the tsars, the Chechen people have fought for their
independence. The Russian rulers, for most of the time, despised their
Muslim adversaries. They considered these fanatical fighters as
half-witted and primitive, and treated all Chechens as rebels, bandits
and terrorists. This had been the case in the 18th century, and it has
been true for all Chechen opponents of Russia since then. In the Russian
perception, the only way to deal with the Chechen resistance was (and
still is) the policy of massive force, implemented with single-minded
ruthlessness. The Soviet press provides rich material on the numerous
trials of Sufi sheikhs from Chechnia and their murids in the late 1950s
and 1960s. As a rule, the accused were always tried for "banditry" and
"manslaughter". Russian leaders on the face of the evidence should have
learned a good deal from history. One is struck by the repetition of the
same remedies and mistakes in the military and political field for the
last two hundred years.

Putin's own rise to power was closely bound up with similar aggressive
campaigns against Chechnia. In August 1999, Yeltsin nominated the
largely unknown former security service veteran, Vladimir Putin, as head
of the government. Shortly afterwards a series of bomb attacks destroyed
blocks of flats in Moscow and other Russian cities, claiming hundreds of
victims. Although the perpetrators were never properly identified, there
were many indications that the secret service agency FSB was involved.
Putin used the bombings as an excuse to once again undertake a
full-scale military mobilisation against Chechnia. Appealing to Russian
chauvinism and making crude attacks on Chechens he was swept into office
as Russia's president on a wave of nationalist hysteria.

According to the story published by Anna Politkovskaia, a journalist of
Novaia Gazeta, an agent of the FSB infiltrated the group of Chechen
terrorists who took about 800 people hostage in a Moscow theatre in
2002. This agent succeeded in escaping the building and surviving the
government rescue assault, as a result of which 129 hostages and the
whole group of about 50 Chechen militants were killed. If this report is
true, then Putin's government is guilty not only of a cruel and
merciless overreaction to the hostage crisis, but also of directly
organising one of the greatest armed provocations in recent Russian

The Russian army established a brutal dictatorship in Chechnia based on
naked terror. Ten years ago Chechnya had a 

[Marxism] The Children of Manifest Destiny

2016-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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WSJ, Jan. 23 2016
The Children of Manifest Destiny
Andrew Jackson drove a convoy of chained slaves. It was known as a ‘coffle.’

By Ned and Constance Sublette
Lawrence Hill, 754 pages, $35

In 1834, the slave trader Isaac Franklin wrote to a colleague that “the 
old Lady and Susan”—a pair of slaves—“could soon pay for themselves by 
keeping a whore house. . . . It might be . . . established at your place 
[in] Alexandria or Baltimore for the exclusive use of the [concern] and 
[its] agents.” Such a blunt acknowledgment of the sexual exploitation of 
enslaved women was unusual but not unique in the antebellum South, as 
Ned and Constance Sublette make clear in “The American Slave Coast,” an 
often heart-wrenching descent into one of the darkest corners of 
slavery’s history.

Slavery’s defenders hypocritically claimed that emancipation would lead 
to rampant “miscegenation,” although race mixing was extremely rare in 
the free North but ubiquitous in the South, where the rape of enslaved 
women was a way of life. Hundreds of thousands of mulattoes were the 
physical proof: in 1860, they made up at least 13% of the nation’s black 
population. The Sublettes quote the South Carolina diarist Mary Boykin 
Chesnut, who dryly observed in 1861: “Like the patriarchs of old our men 
live all in one house with their wives & their concubines, & the 
Mulattoes one sees in every family exactly resemble the white children—& 
every lady tells you who is the father of all the Mulatto children in 
every body’s household, but those in her own, she seems to think drop 
from the clouds.”

There was no such crime as rape against a slave: A slave owner had full 
right to do whatever he wished with his property, “and sexual use was 
part of the portfolio of privileges,” the Sublettes write. The authors 
note that, beyond the opportunity for unrestrained sexual activity, “the 
existence of a market in young people created a financial incentive for 
slaveowners to intrude into the reproductive lives of enslaved women.” 
At least some plantations seem to have employed “breeding men” as studs, 
or “stock Negroes.” The Sublettes quote a former Louisiana slave, 
Lueatha Mansfield, who in old age told an interviewer that if a slave 
owner “saw a fine woman or man on another plantation, he would buy him 
or her for breeding purposes in order to continue to have good able 
workers. If he didn’t bring them on the same farm, he would arrange for 
them to breed from each other.”

Evidence of systematic breeding remains anecdotal, however. The 
Sublettes found no evidence of plantations devoted explicitly to 
breeding. They point out that such a system would make no economic 
sense, since “human beings grow too slowly to raise them as a 
cash-producing monocrop.” But, they conclude, “that doesn’t mean slave 
breeding didn’t take place on a broad scale, only that it wasn’t 
practiced as an isolated profession.” They segue to the much more 
expansive proposition that, especially after the curtailment of the 
overseas slave trade in 1808, “antebellum slavery was in the aggregate a 
slave-breeding system.” This may be true in the most general sense, but 
it is an oversimplification that does not really illuminate, implicitly 
making slaves’ reproduction everywhere seem congruent with a calculated 
process of controlled breeding.

To make their case, the authors devote most of their book to a lengthy 
and often digressive account of slavery’s entire history in North 
America. They begin with 16th-century slave trading and move on to the 
arrival of the first African slaves in Jamestown and the development of 
slavery in the Chesapeake region and in Barbados. Their broad exposition 
includes the creation of a legal regime to define the status of imported 
Africans; the slaveholding of some of the Founding Fathers; the slave 
trading of Andrew Jackson (he was the only president to have personally 
driven a “coffle,” or convoy, of chained slaves); and the ideology of 
Manifest Destiny, which inspired Americans with a vision of the nation 
as a transcontinental power and in its specifically Southern iteration 
included the spread of slavery all the way to the Pacific Ocean. These 
subjects may well be familiar to readers versed in the larger history of 

Fortunately, the Sublettes’ usually crisp prose keeps their narrative 
moving at a comfortable pace, while their boundless curiosity sometimes 
leads to unexpectedly interesting places. They offer enlightening 
discussion of slavery’s intersection with early newspapers, in which ads 
for slave sales and runaways were a 

[Marxism] Fwd: ‘I was terribly wrong’ - writers look back at the Arab spring five years on | Books | The Guardian

2016-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Gates Foundation is spearheading the neoliberal plunder of African agriculture

2016-01-23 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] Haiti's suffering continues

2016-01-23 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Aristide was trying to build a new Haiti, but the US opposed him and
overthrew him. Clinton allowed him back - if he didn't stray from the
heartless neoliberal economic agenda. All of Haiti's misery since must be
laid at Washington's doorstep.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Revenant; The Hateful Eight | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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“The Revenant” and “The Hateful Eight” have some things in common. 
Alejandro González Iñárritu and Quentin Tarantino, their respective 
directors, are widely considered to have “indie” credibility, pushing at 
the barriers of Hollywood but not breaking them. The two films are 
nominally Westerns but like just about all that are made nowadays wear 
their “revisionist” colors proudly. Finally, I came to them with low 
expectations since their last two films—“Birdman or (The Unexpected 
Virtue of Ignorance)” and “Django Unchained”—were major disappointments. 
While “Birdman” received the Academy Award for best film in 2014, I was 

	The film plays with notions of art versus commerce but only in the most 
superficial way. I suppose if you’ve never seen Preston Sturges’s 
“Sullivan’s Travels” or Jean-Luc Godard’s “Contempt”, “Birdman” might 
pass muster. My misfortune is to be old enough to have seen such films 
in my youth and being spoiled by the experience.

The less said about “Django Unchained” the better. In fact I walked out 
on it after fifteen minutes. When Django shows up at slave-owner’s 
plantation wearing a powder-blue costume that appeared to be borrowed 
from a low-budget production of “Don Giovanni”, my patience wore out. I 
guess my logic fetish got the better of me.

full: http://louisproyect.org/2016/01/23/the-revenant-the-hateful-eight/
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[Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Arrest of Leftist Israeli Activist Underlines Political Split

2016-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Jan. 23 2016
Arrest of Leftist Israeli Activist Underlines Political Split

JERUSALEM — Ezra Nawi, an Israeli Jewish plumber, has a long history as 
a left-wing activist helping Palestinians in their struggle against 
Israel’s occupation of the West Bank. Now he is under arrest in Israel, 
after a right-wing activist surreptitiously filmed him bragging about 
exposing Arab brokers who tried to sell Palestinian land to Jewish 
settlers. Such sales are a capital crime under Palestinian law.

Considered variously as a big-mouthed provocateur and a colorful 
human-rights adventurer, Mr. Nawi has become the latest symbol in the 
battle between advocacy groups on opposite sides of Israel’s political 
spectrum, and the increasingly fierce debate here over the nature of 
Israeli society and democracy.

The debate has heated up as Israel’s conservative government is pushing 
forward contentious legislation that would require nongovernmental 
organizations to disclose funding they receive from foreign governments 
in their publications, advertising and meetings with public officials. 
The proposed bill, which supporters say is meant to increase 
transparency, would apply mainly to leftist groups critical of Israel’s 
policy toward the Palestinians, since rightist groups mostly receive 
private funding from abroad, and it has already drawn harsh criticism 
from the Obama administration and European diplomats.

Daniel B. Shapiro, the American ambassador to Israel, took the unusual 
step of meeting with Israel’s justice minister, Ayelet Shaked of the 
rightist Jewish Home Party, and then released a pointed statement 
afterward noting Washington’s “concern” about the bill.

“A free and functioning civil society is an essential element of a 
healthy democracy,” the statement said. “Governments must protect free 
expression and peaceful dissent and create an atmosphere where all 
voices can be heard.”

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel later endorsed the bill, set 
to be introduced in Parliament as early as next week, saying, “I do not 
understand how a requirement for transparency is antidemocratic; the 
opposite is true.” He added, “Financing by governments is certainly 
something the public should know about.”

Mr. Netanyahu said the legislation should “require reports about the 
first shekel or dollar from foreign governments,” rather than apply only 
to groups that raise more than half their money abroad. But he also 
urged dropping a provision that would require representatives of 
foreign-funded groups who appear in Parliament to wear tags saying so.

Some have compared the legislation to a 2012 law in Russia that required 
nongovernmental organizations to register as “foreign agents” if they 
raised money abroad. In India, foreign-backed groups are prohibited from 
engaging in political activity, a law that activists there feared was a 
way of curbing criticism of government policies.

Here in Israel, it is part of a toxic tug of war over the boundaries of 
political discourse amid mounting international criticism of Israel’s 
policies toward the Palestinians. The dwindling left is frequently 
vilified as traitorous, as empowered right-wingers create ever-narrower 
definitions of Zionism. And the tactics are getting uglier.

Mr. Nawi, a gay Arabic speaker in his 60s and a prominent member of an 
Israeli-Palestinian rights group called Taayush, was not caught in a 
sting by the security apparatus for either Israel or the Palestinian 
Authority. Instead, he was tripped up by a plant from a right-wing 
organization, Ad Kan, which says it aims to “expose the true face” of 
what it terms anti-Israeli organizations.

Video from Ad Kan’s hidden camera was broadcast by the respected 
television documentary program “Uvda” — like an Israeli “60 Minutes” — 
on Jan. 7. A court-imposed gag order on Mr. Nawi’s arrest — for, among 
other charges, contact with a foreign agent and conspiracy to commit a 
crime — was lifted on Thursday.

It is an odd case. Mr. Nawi, described in a 2009 New York Times profile 
as “the Robin Hood of the South Hebron Hills,” helping Palestinians who 
love him and “thwarting settlers and soldiers who view him with 
contempt,” is now accused of endangering the lives of Palestinians. That 
is because selling land to Israeli Jews is punishable by death according 
to the Palestinian Authority. Although the authority is not known to 
have carried out any executions for any offense in more than a decade, 
there have been reports of torture in its prisons.

The Ad Kan video, from about a year ago, shows Mr. Nawi behind the wheel 
of his jeep, 

[Marxism] Syria-Libya-Turkey

2016-01-23 Thread Prashad, Vijay via Marxism
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Dear Friends,

This is a twenty minute segment on TeleSur's The Empire Files: 

It encapsulates my years of reporting from the region, particularly my 
reporting of the Syrian conflict - actively - since 2013, and of course Libya 
and Turkey from long before then. I did my first story from Turkey in 1996, 
from the southwest of the country which was then - as now - in a hot conflict 
between the state and the Kurdish populations. My most recent report from 
Diyarbakir, Turkey is here: 
 Silope, near the Iraq border, is being bombed to bits. Terrible situation 
there. Most recent report from Tripoli, Libya is here: 

Warm regards,

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[Marxism] Fwd: Karl reMarks: Robert Fisk: Reporting from Syria ‘with sensational quotes in the headline’

2016-01-23 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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As I got in the car, a 1962 Mercedes built in the same factory where my 
father had once fought the German army in 1917, the driver smiled and 
nodded wisely, as all taxi drivers in the Middle East do when they’re 
driving a foreign journalist around. Ahead lay a deceptively empty 
stretch of road that my imagination quickly filled with the mental image 
of Sargon II’s soldiers marching along, primarily to illustrate my 
excellent knowledge of history.

The man back at the hotel had warned me about the false tranquillity of 
this part of Aleppo that I was about to visit. He only identified 
himself as ‘the raven’, but something told me that I must trust this man 
dressed strangely in an Abayya made of black feathers despite the 
searing heat. I have stopped long ago questioning those mysterious men I 
encounter while reporting, and so too have my editors.


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