[Marxism] Letter from the US: Racist austerity poisons Flint's water

2016-01-29 Thread Stuart Munckton via Marxism
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One of the most worst cases of environmental pollution in US history is
taking place in Flint, Michigan — a suburb of Detroit that is majority
African American.


“Disobedience, in the eyes of anyone who has read history, is humanity’s
original virtue. It is through disobedience that progress has been made,
through disobedience and through rebellion.” — Oscar Wilde, Soul of Man
Under Socialism

“The free market is perfectly natural... do you think I am some kind of
dummy?” — Jarvis Cocker
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[Marxism] The Oregon Militia Spokesman Has Been Killed and Its Leaders Detained After FBI Confrontation

2016-01-29 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Two excerpts from ioannis aposperites followwd by my replies.
ken h
IO  That said, it is one thing to stop the occupation and another to 
enforce that specific law, even if its enforcement implies stopping the 
occupation. The difference lays into who makes the occupiers go. Is it a 
group of environmentally concerned citizens, a left wing collectivity 
perhaps, or is it the repressive apparatus of the state?

KH  When you use the expression "make the occupiers go," how do you envisage 
dong this?  Armed force?  A blockade of the occupation site?  Some other way?

IO  For, the repressive apparatus of the state does NOT care about the 

KH  You may well be right.  How should that affect our course of action?

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[Marxism] 68th anniversary of assassination of Gandhi

2016-01-29 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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January 30 marks the 68th anniversary of the assassination of Mahatma
Gandhi.  While widely held up as the key figure responsible for the
independence of India and a pacifist icon, the story of Gandhi and Indian
independence is much more complex.  Whether his pacifism really worked is
highly debatable. . .

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[Marxism] Ramzy baroud on Bernie sanders' Orientalism -

2016-01-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Same orientalist nonsense, Bernie: "We will support Israel, the Arabs have
to fight and we cannot do it for them, the soul of Islam at stake", blah
blah. And Bernie, is supposedly the sensible, smart one for crying out
loud. How about this for change: end aid to Israel, respect international
law, apologize for all the wars you started or instigated and accept
international jurisdiction over war crimes, end support of corrupt, brutal
Arab regimes and for God's sake stop talking gibberish about Islam since
religion has little to do with the mess your country created in the first
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[Marxism] Phytoplankton population – the base of the ocean’s food chain - drops 40 % since 1950

2016-01-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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[Marxism] Two-state, one-state

2016-01-29 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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I used to tend to think of the Israeli government as pretty shrewd
operators.  However, these days they seem to have maybe screwed up.  Arafat
effectively surrendered to them and was willing to be their stooge - but
they destroyed him.  They have done the same thing with the Palestinian

The Brits always played stooges and handed authority over the oppressed to
the stooges at some point.  Ireland is a classic example.

Most recently, the Brits figured out who in the Provos' leadership was up
for a deal and fastened on Adams (and McGuiness) and did a deal with them.

But the Zionist leaders just don't seem interested in deals and handing
over some authority to stooges as the price for maintaining the overall
set-up - the method of reworking the set-up by a bit of exclusive
inclusiveness as it were.  They just seem to want to humiliate *all* the
Palestinians, even the most supine people like the Fatah leaders.  It's all
stick and no carrot, which doesn't seem a very clever and sophisticated way
for oppressors to operate.
On the other hand, folks like Netanyahu received their political education
in the US, whose rulers are less sophisticated operators than the old
British and French imperialists were.  Since the stick usually worked well
for the US imperialists - well, up until Vietnam - perhaps they never
really learned the importance of the carrots, and so the Zionists they
trained didn't either.

I think another element is that the Zionist state is, of necessity, pretty
brittle.  It's one thing to use carrots when you're British imperialism and
your colonies are thousands of miles away, or across a stretch of sea in
the Irish case; it's quite another thing to use the carrot when the people
you're oppressing are among you and next to you.  It seems that the Zionist
state, by its very nature, may have little negotiating room, little 'give'
in it.


A couple of other pieces on Redline folks might be interested in:
For a campaign of solidarity with the Palestinian struggle:
NZ interview with Leila Khaled:
Veteran Israeli Marxist Moshe Machover on Does Israel have a future?:
Veteran British anti-imperialist and working class activist Tony Greenstein
on Israel: world's most racist state?:
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[Marxism] Building the Irish revolutionary movement

2016-01-29 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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Material about the Irish socialist-republican organisation eirigi:

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[Marxism] A Little Late For Christmas, But...

2016-01-29 Thread William Quimby via Marxism

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This Christmas lights .gif blew me away!

(And no, don't worry - it's not a silly Santa thing.)

The blog itself, though mostly in French and German, is fun to wander 

Catch the Yiddish anarchist song!

- Bill

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[Marxism] St. Buddy Cianci

2016-01-29 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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No doubt some members have seen the news of Cianci's death.

I grew up during his time in office and vividly remember some of his major
news stories. There is a very unique dynamic to Rhode Island. Everybody is
related to everybody. With the exception of the few remaining WASPs and
Jewish families on the East Side, the majority is Catholic. About 65 years
ago the local mob families entered the political process and took over the
Democrats, who run this place like a one-party Soviet state gone to hell.

Here's my reporting on this:

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] Populism = profits?

2016-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times, Jan. 29 2016
Drop Dead? Not the Newly Relevant Daily News

On a recent afternoon, Jim Rich, the editor in chief of The Daily News 
of New York, sat at his computer playing around with front-page 
headlines, a few well-chosen words that would capture the day’s biggest 
news: Sarah Palin’s endorsement of Donald Trump in the Republican 
presidential primary.

In a few minutes, he had what he thought was a promising candidate: 

Mr. Rich walked it out into the newsroom for feedback. The paper’s copy 
chief, Jon Blackwell, proposed an alternative: “I’M WITH STUPID!”

“I said, ‘Yes, that’s much better,’” Mr. Rich recalled recently at the 
paper’s offices in Lower Manhattan. “That’s a winner.”

A designer set the phrase over a pair of photographs of Mr. Trump and 
Ms. Palin, pointing at each other. The image was soon rolling off the 
presses in New Jersey and going viral on Facebook and Twitter.

It was the latest in a series of attention-grabbing covers that have 
shifted the conversation around the struggling paper. Just a few months 
ago, after an aborted sale and sweeping layoffs, The News seemed to have 
completed its devolution from the model of a big-city tabloid to a 
battered symbol of the diminished state of America’s newspapers. But the 
recent string of covers, which were all widely shared on social media, 
have sent a very different message — if not about the paper’s long-term 
financial prospects, than at least about its continuing cultural relevance.

Put another way, Mr. Rich, a News veteran who took over the paper in 
October, seems determined to make sure that the tabloid that famously 
shamed President Ford for abandoning New York in its time of need will 
at least go down swinging.

“I think that’s fair,” said Mr. Rich, 44, of the characterization. “I 
wouldn’t put the accent on ‘going down,’ but we’re swinging.”

William Holiber, the chief executive, who was seated nearby, said, “The 
mentality is that we definitely have nothing to lose, so let’s just go 
for it.”

The News has certainly been going for it, most notably with its 
provocative front page after December’s mass shooting in San Bernardino, 
Calif. “GOD ISN’T FIXING THIS,” read the headline, accompanied by 
screen-grabs of tweets from a variety of conservative politicians 
offering “thoughts and prayers” to the families of the victims. The next 
day, the cover of The News identified the head of the National Rifle 
Association, Wayne LaPierre, as a terrorist.

Gun control has been an important issue for The News since the massacre 
at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, and the paper, which has long 
identified itself as the voice of New York City’s working class, has a 
rich history of championing particular causes. But even by tabloid 
standards, this was unusually pointed rhetoric.

Predictably, the News was denounced on the right and celebrated on the 
left for the way it chose to frame the story. But whatever one made of 
the paper’s San Bernardino covers, they demonstrated that the front-page 
headline — “the wood,” in tab-speak — can still pack a punch, even if 
most readers are encountering it on their smartphones. Like popular 
video clips from Jimmy Fallon or John Oliver, The News’s covers are 
finding a new set of viewers on a different platform. The art of tabloid 
headline writing may yet outlive the tabloid. (“How The New York Daily 
News Became Twitter’s Tabloid,” read a recent headline in New York 

“As someone who’s been at this in one form or another for quite a while, 
it’s surreal to think that 99 percent of the millions of people who will 
look at our Page 1 on a given day will actually never hold the paper in 
their hands,” said Mr. Rich.

The news has cooperated with The News’s efforts to attract notice. A 
vocal champion of immigrants’ rights, the paper has had a field day with 
Mr. Trump — “he makes it easy,” said Mr. Rich — as well as Ted Cruz, who 
committed the unpardonable sin of criticizing the city. The candidate’s 
attack on Mr. Trump’s “New York values” produced the headline “DROP 
DEAD, TED,” alongside an image of the Statue of Liberty raising a middle 
finger to Mr. Cruz. Even Rupert Murdoch, the owner of The News’s bitter 
tabloid rival, The New York Post, provided good fodder with his recent 
engagement to the former supermodel Jerry Hall. “BEAUTY AND THE BEAST,” 
blared the next day’s front page, with a photo of the couple. 
(“Low-hanging fruit,” Mr. Rich said of the Murdoch cover.)

These covers can now reach more people than they ever did on the 
newsstand. The problem is that readers don’t have to pay

[Marxism] Fwd: World Out of Joint: Wolfgang Streeck’s Vision of the End of Capitalism

2016-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A German sociologist Wolfgang Streeck argues that the capitalist system 
will be coming to an end because basically it doesn't work. What a 
strange argument.

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[Marxism] Fwd: BRICS face brewing external capitalist crisis and Growing Internal Strife

2016-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Patrick Bond

Hope that rebellious Russians might delegitimize the IMF, instead of 
propping it up with new funds and support, vanished when Vladimir Putin 
bragged at his press conference last month, “Despite all limitations, we 
complied with all our [loan repayment] commitments to our partners, 
including international credit institutions. We pay everything due on 
time and in full.” Two weeks later, he began vicious budget cuts 
affecting Russia’s poorest people.

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[Marxism] Fwd: An American Shakespeare scholar, with new Ph.D. from British university, ends up detained over visa expiration

2016-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Hillary, Bernie and Jill

2016-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The argument for supporting Jill Stein

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Re: [Marxism] The Oregon Militia Spokesman Has Been Killed and Its Leaders Detained After FBI Confrontation

2016-01-29 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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On 1/29/16 10:00 AM, ioannis aposperites via Marxism wrote:

For, the repressive apparatus of the state does NOT care about the
environment. It's all about law-and-order.

Yeah, but the objective effect of the occupation being smashed is the 
environment being protected. It is too bad that someone got killed in 
the process but this will teach these reactionary elements that they are 
not entitled to use weapons to enforce their will.

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Re: [Marxism] The Oregon Militia Spokesman Has Been Killed and Its Leaders Detained After FBI Confrontation

2016-01-29 Thread ioannis aposperites via Marxism

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 Ken Hiebert:" Having advocated such a law, can I advocate that it
> be enforced?  Should I make an exception where there might be armed
> resistance to enforcement?"

1. There is no doubt that the environmental issues must be always 
observed and those occupiers should somehow leave.

2. That said, it is one thing to stop the occupation and another to 
enforce that specific law, even if its enforcement implies stopping the 
occupation. The difference lays into who makes the occupiers go. Is it a 
group of environmentally concerned citizens, a left wing collectivity 
perhaps, or is it the repressive apparatus of the state?
For, the repressive apparatus of the state does NOT care about the 
environment. It's all about law-and-order. And since the bourgeois laws 
are not generally against right wing extremists but against the working 
class, calling on the law enforcement you exchange the implicit 
concession to the future repression of the working class movement which 
is (more than anyone) likely to break the "law", with an easy 
non-victory: you haven't even defeat those fascists for what they 
represent, but merely for breaking the law. And according to Jeff 
DeBonis' article, posted by our moderator, the defeat of those fascists 
seems to me (although i am jugging from afar and the absent is always 
wrong) a very urgent issue

3. If the occupiers were to be unemployed homeless workers who had 
settled in that restricted (i suppose) area and were refusing to leave 
we would be in the same situation: A group of people challenges an 
environmental issue. Obviously they should too leave the protected area. 
But then what? Call the federal agents to evict them at any price even 
shoot them down if armed?

4. And what if a nice oil company were to find it profitable to build 
inside that very area, a nice oil well. Who would call the federal 
agents, would find himself accused of industrial sabotage or something 
like this. In any case the oil company would be beyond the range of the FBI.

5. In my view, an environment protecting law is something working class 
can and must fight for. But by imposing a law the relating issue is just 
opened; not concluded. For, the enforcement of a class blind law in a 
class society is always a contradictory process. An environment 
protecting law is nothing more than a better start point for the 
oppressed to fight for their class interests.

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Re: [Marxism] Paul Kantner versus Oregon militia man

2016-01-29 Thread MM via Marxism
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> On Jan 29, 2016, at 4:29 AM, Gregory Adler via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> Applying dialectics to get to essence this is it:
> The death of Paul Kantner makes me sad.
> The death of the militia spokesman makes me happy

The final irony being that, effectively, they killed each other.

Aufhebung can be a bitch, baby.
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[Marxism] Solitary Hell--A Review of Hell is a Very Small PLace....

2016-01-29 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest book, Daydream Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s

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[Marxism] why Henry Ford doubled his workers' wages

2016-01-29 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Is 'two-state solution' dead?

2016-01-29 Thread Gary MacLennan via Marxism
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We should be clear that it is the Israeli government that has killed the
two state solution and not the Palestinians.  The corrupt ninnies that
constitute the Palestinian regime have been so outmaneuvered by the
Zionists that the most radical  way forward and the one most likely to
achieve victory  may be unavoidable. All in all it makes for a strange
dialectic.  We could have a unitary *de facto* state with the Palestinians
demanding universal franchise. Now wouldn't that be embarrassing for the
"only democracy in the Middle east"?



On Fri, Jan 29, 2016 at 2:21 PM, Philip Ferguson via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> At the Palestine Solidarity Campaign AGM last weekend in London, the
> Palestinian ambassador to Britain declared that the two-state solution was
> dead and actually called for a unitary state.
> Interesting given that the Palestine Authority that he represents are
> two-state quislings.
> Whatever about Palestinian quislings - yesterday, today and tomorrow - the
> Zionist state has made a two-state solution impossible anyway.
> https://rdln.wordpress.com/2011/09/09/is-there-a-two-state-solution-to-israel-palestinian-conflict-2/
> _
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[Marxism] Paul Kantner versus Oregon militia man

2016-01-29 Thread Gregory Adler via Marxism
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Applying dialectics to get to essence this is it:
The death of Paul Kantner makes me sad.
The death of the militia spokesman makes me happy
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[Marxism] The Oregon Militia Spokesman Has Been Killed and Its Leaders Detained After FBI Confrontation

2016-01-29 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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A. R. G. said (in part):
Still, the fact that these rightist groups might one day become the Gestapo
does not mean we should ignore the ever-present threat of police abuse. Any
legitimacy they are able to garner by shooting anyone will ultimately be
used to legitimate shooting at leftists, marginalized people, and so forth.
We should always be vigilant.

Ken Hiebert replies:
Was there police abuse in this case?  If there was, then we should say so 
loudly and unequivocally.

A.R. G. is quite right when he says that the state will use an incident such as 
this to bolster their legitimacy.  It is also an opportunity for them to 
demonstrate their armed might.  We should say this.
Beyond that, how should this understanding affect our response in this case?
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