[Marxism] Fwd: ″I am the misery of the 21st century″

2016-10-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] And Rania Khalek wonders why she gets labeled as being pro-Assad

2016-10-08 Thread Syed Ephraim Hussain via Marxism
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This is one of her comments on her facebook page.

"I don't think it's fair to write off the entire Syrian army. They have
indeed committed crimes, as has literally everyone in this conflict. But
they are also dying fighting ISIS and are the only reason the country
hasn't been totally overrun by gulf state backed insurgents, who like I
said have similar ideologies as Isis and al qaeda. And tens of thousands of
them have died doing so. The Iraqi army has also committed crimes. They
also fight ISIS. My point is this war is incredibly complicated and
contradictory, so blanket statements don't really work IMO."
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[Marxism] Michael Hudson: Economic 'Recovery' Feels Weak Because the Great Recession Hasn't Really Ended

2016-10-08 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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*This was in my inbox yesterday 
***https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0lXz1YFiko*. As many here know, 
Hudson is **a former Wall Street economist who used to work at the Chase 
Manhattan Bank; he has written a number of books, starting with his 
path-breaking 44-year old /Super Imperialism/**/: The Economic Strategy 
of American Empire/. **Years before that, I just learned from Wikipedia, 
he was assigned the English-language rights to the works of György 
Lukácsby the author, and also the rights toLeon Trotsky'swritings and 
archives after his widow's death.He has presented this same talk before, 
**including last Spring on a Left Forum panel with Michael Perelman and 
Bertell Ollman, This is an appalling view of what's coming. As to his 
underlying reasons for it, I miss any linkage/tie-in, pro or con, to the 
tendency of the rate of profit to fall, and I wonder if he has ever 
expressed his thoughts on it.

**For that and other reasons, it's Interesting to compare and contrast 
Hudson's analysis of the just-released IMF report, and his concept of 
debt deflation, with that of Michael Roberts, also in my inbox 

Hudson's emphasis is on debt, what the IMF had to say about the banks 
and the utter failure of the system; Roberts's review of the report, 
consistently with his strong feelings toward the TRPF, concentrates on 
IMF's remarks on the prospects for global slump, and he does so without 
mentioning the comments made in the report on the weakness of banks and 
the global indebtedness now having reached an eye-popping $152 trillion. 
He is not nearly as apocalyptic as Hudson.

Both/and? Blind men and elephants? Any one-eyed kings?

The Real News Network

Published on Oct 7, 2016*

Kim Brown: ...a new report released Wednesday by the International 
Monetary Fund shows that some banks in the United States and Europe may 
not be strong enough to survive another downturn even with state 
assistance. Joining us from New York is Michael Hudson. Michael is a 
distinguished research professor in economics at the University of 
Missouri at Kansas City. His latest book is titled /Killing the Host: 
How Financial Parasites and Debt Bondage Destroy the Global 
Economy/...the IMF report says that despite banks being stronger now 
than before the financial crisis of 2007-2008, about 25% of US banks and 
about a third of European banks are too weak to even benefit from a 
potential rise in interest rates in any recovery, should the economy 
take a downturn. But before we get into any question about the health of 
banks, Michael, are we still in recession or are we firmly in recovery now?

Michael Hudson: We're not in a recovery and we're not fully in a 
traditional recession. People think of a business cycle as a boom and a 
recession and then there are automatic stabilizers that revive the 
economy, but this time we can provide no recovery, because every 
recession since 1945 began with a higher and higher and higher level of 
debt; and the debt is so high now that, since 2008, we're in what I call 
debt deflation. There are people who have to pay so much money to the 
banks that they don't have enough money to buy the goods and services 
they produce, so there's not new investment, there is not new 
employment, the market is shrinking and people are defaulting and the 
companies can't pay the banks. Now the bank's product is debt. They try 
to tell customers that debts are good for you, but the customers can't 
afford any more debt, so there's no way the banks can continue their 
current business plan; in fact there's no way that the banks can be 
paid, so that's what the IMF doesn't follow through in its analysis, by 
saying if the banks are broke it's because the financial system is 
broke, and the financial system is broke because the whole idea of 
trying to get rich by running into debt was a false model; so the end of 
the long cycle since 1945 loaded the economy with debt, and we're not 
going to be able to get out of it until you write down the debt; and 
that's what the IMF thinks is unthinkable. It can't say that because 
it's supposed to represent the interests of the banks so all they can 
say is. "Gee, the banks won't make money even if there is a recovery but 
there isn't a recovery because people have to pay the banks," and it's 
all a vicious circle and they're basically throwing up their hands and 
they don't know what to do.

Kim: Michael, why has growth been so weak over the past 8 years or so?

Michael: Well, if you take the average family budget...if you have to 
pay about 40% of your 

[Marxism] Anonymous goes after Max Blumenthal on Twitter

2016-10-08 Thread MM via Marxism
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“@YourAnonCentral" has 124k followers. The whole thread is worth reading:


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[Marxism] Manpads entering Syria

2016-10-08 Thread Syed Ephraim Hussain via Marxism
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Charles Lister is reporting on Twitter that "vetted" opposition groups in
Northern Syria have received at least two shipments of manpads.
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[Marxism] Fascists attack exhibit in Rome on the Assadist torture machine

2016-10-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This morning about 20 young guys carrying flags of "Forza Nuova", 
Italian fascist movement, broke in "Nome in Codice Caesar" exhibition in 
Rome. They are attacking us (the organisers) with exactly the same words 
used few days ago by "communist" newspaper Il Manifesto.

We are very pleased by the attention and by the further proof that Assad 
and Putin are fascists, and the pseudo-left that support them is fascist 
as well.

Anyway, they have been shameless to praise the genocidal regime while 
watching the faces of its victims.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The new Cuba: myths and realities – International Socialism

2016-10-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Mike Gonzalez:

It might be argued that the revolution was beaten by the fall of Eastern 
Europe and the rise of neoliberalism. If that is the case, then it would 
be the responsibility of socialists to say that and to seek strategies 
in Cuba, as elsewhere, to allow the majority of working class people to 
develop methods to defend themselves against the effects of the crisis 
and to evolve a new strategy for socialism.


Haven't heard from this guy in a while. He reviews a couple of books on 
Cuba including one that sounds quite useful: Steve Cushion, A Hidden 
History of the Cuban Revolution: How the Working Class Shaped the 
Guerrillas’ Victory (Monthly Review Press, 2016).

In terms of seeking strategies that might have led to Cuba's revolution 
moving forward, Gonzalez recommends of course that the workers rule in 
their own name, which in the world of state capitalism serves as a kind 
of liturgy.

Whether that could have led to a deepening of the revolution is open to 
question. Given the economic isolation of Cuba after the fall of the 
USSR, there would have been NEP-like compromises for the same reason 
that they were adopted in the USSR. When a group like the SWP traffics 
in Platonic ideals, this hardly matters.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Washington GOP official: Trump's remarks made when he was a Dem | TheHill

2016-10-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Washington State GOP Party Chairwoman Susan Hutchison is defending 
Donald Trump's controversial comments about going after women.

Hutchison said the 2005 remarks were made when Trump was a Democrat, and 
criticized Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton for slamming 
her Republican rival over the comments.

“Donald Trump’s comments in 2005 – 11 years ago were made when he was a 
Democrat,” Hutchison said, according to a report by KING5 in Washington. 
“The hypocrisy of Hillary Clinton to say Trump does not belong in the 
White House when her husband defined this behavior.”

Trump made a series of lewd remarks in the 2005 audio, including that 
women would let him "do anything" because he's famous.

"You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start 
kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when 
you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything.


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[Marxism] Dear Jeremy: it's time to speak out on Syria

2016-10-08 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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We also urge you to lend your wholehearted support to practical measures to 
support civilians and pressure the regime to end its attacks, such as airdrops 
of aid to besieged civilians by British military forces. Guaranteeing delivery 
of humanitarian aid to civilians is not only a way to save the lives of 
hundreds of thousands of people at risk of disease and starvation. It is also a 
non-violent and humanitarian way to pressure the regime into a negotiated 
political solution to the conflict, by undermining a key part of its strategy: 
the “kneel or starve” campaigns deployed against opposition areas since 2013. 
“Food not bombs” should be the rallying cry, not “Hands off Syria”, which only 
gives the Assad regime and Russia carte blanche to continue with their 

Failure to act on this issue now threatens to undermine practically and 
politically much of the work done over many years by the anti-war movement. The 
legacy of yourself and the anti-war movement over Syria must not be one of 
silence and inaction in the face of such momentous atrocities.
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[Marxism] Fwd: Aleppo in a Time of Monsters – P U L S E

2016-10-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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By Idrees Ahmad.

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[Marxism] WWI documentary

2016-10-08 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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