[Marxism] We have lost Fidel.

2016-11-25 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Questions re Syria

2016-11-25 Thread Michael Karadjis via Marxism

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Original Message- 
From: Ken Hiebert via Marxism

By comparison with the war in Afghanistan, the Syrian air force has 
suffered very few losses of helicopters and planes.  Apparently their 
foreign arms suppliers have not provided them with MANPADS.  Why is 

MK: The reason is very straightforward Ken: the US supported the 
counterrevolutionary forces in Afghanistan (calling them that does not 
imply support for the Soviet invasion, but I still think it is a correct 
description), so supplied them anti-aircraft weapons (and much else), 
whereas the US is opposed to the Syrian revolution, and so moved CIA 
spooks to the Turkish and Jordanian borders in 2012 to try to put a lid 
on the arms flow beginning to get to the Syrian rebels (in the north 
mostly from Qatar, private sources in the Gulf, and post-Gaddafi Libya). 
Above all, this meant imposing a blockade on anti-tank and anti-aircraft 
missiles to the rebels. After the rebels had captured hundreds of 
anti-tank missiles from the battlefield by early 2014, the US ended the 
embargo on anti-tank weapons, and began instead to try to control who 
gets them, how much, be in a position to squeeze them when necessary 
etc. However, the US continues to vigorously enforce the embargo on 
anti-aircraft weaponry, not only blocking delivery from neighbouring 
states, but also blocking attempts by the FSA to procure them on the 
black market. I have dealt with these issues here 
and here 

Given that it is an air war, one of the most brutal and sustained air 
wars in modern history, I don’t think I need to emphasise how crucial 
this US blockade has been in the success of Assad/Russia in carrying out 
daily mass homicide for years. No, warplanes and helicopters dropping 
barrel bombs, cluster bombs, vacuum bombs, bunker busters, napalm, white 
phosphorus, chemicals etc cannot be fought with small arms and 
ammunition. Given that fact, it is rather amazing that this US blockade, 
and the demand to end it as a concrete aid to the Syrian people, is 
simply not treated with the seriousness it deserves, either by 
“anti”-war peacenik folk, plague on both your houses folk, or even many 
supporters of the revolution (who often claim the need to hold your nose 
and ask for a no fly zone is necessary because there is no other 
concrete demand for protection available). People under daily aerial 
massacre for years do deserve the right to protection; we prefer 
revolutionary self-defence; and it is the US that blocks it: simple 


It is widely agreed that ISIS in Syria is headquartered in Raqqa. 
Has the Syrian air force been bombing Raqqa?  How does that bombing 
compare with the bombing of Aleppo?

MK: After ISIS seized Raqqa from the rebels around Aug 2013, the Syrian 
airforce never bombed the city, for at least a year. However, when the 
US began bombing ISIS in September 2014, Assad’s warplanes began 
occasionally joining in, and US and Assadist airforces began often 
bombing Raqqa in tandem (eg, see 
Since Russia began bombing in Sep 2015, we sometimes see US, Russian and 
Assadist planes bombing Raqqa together. In nearby Deir Ezzor, the 
collaboration is even more open: the US openly admits it collaborates 
with Assad against ISIS there, that they bomb together, and at crucial 
points the US airforce has saved Assad’s arse in that city from ISIS. 
The very ironic thing about the recent accidental friendly-fire 
incident, when US warplanes mistakenly bombed Assad troops in Deir Ezzor 
until their Russian allies warned them of the  error, was that in fact 
this incident revealed the ongoing US-Assad alliance in that city.
That said, it must be emphasised that that Assadist planes joining US 
planes bombing Raqqa was more about Assad demonstrating his usefulness 
to the US “war on terror,” rather than any decisive change: 
overwhelmingly, both Assadist and Russian bombing has been directed 
against the FSA and allied rebels; less than 10% of Russian strikes have 
been against ISIS, and considerable less Assadist strikes.
Note that just a few days ago, as Turkish and allied FSA forces were 
attempting to seize the strategic town of al-Bab, in eastern Aleppo 
province, from ISIS, Assadist planes bombed them (even though Erdogan 
has promised to his new mate Putin 100 times 

[Marxism] Iran - Contra 30 years later

2016-11-25 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Yip Harburg

2016-11-25 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Yip Harburg

2016-11-25 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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He did some nifty little campaign tunes for the 1948 Wallace campaign.

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 7:43 PM, Ralph Johansen via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> To make it a little easier here's the url:
> https://democracynow.org/?utm_source=Democracy+Now%21_ca
> mpaign=9fdfd50f9a-Daily_Digest_medium=email_term=0_
> fa2346a853-9fdfd50f9a-191472357
>  Forwarded Message 
> Subject:Yip Harburg
> Date:   Fri, 25 Nov 2016 16:40:08 -0800
> From:   Ralph Johansen 
> To: marx...@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu
> If you want to celebrate our US thanksgiving weekend in an upbeat fashion,
> I can't think of a better way than to watch this Democracy Now! program
> that ran
> today, featuring the communist blacklisted lyricist Yip Harburg. His
> message was pure socialism wherever he could, and everyone hummed along.
> ---
> This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.
> https://www.avast.com/antivirus
> _
> Full posting guidelines at: http://www.marxmail.org/sub.htm
> Set your options at: http://lists.csbs.utah.edu/opt
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[Marxism] Fwd: So Why is the Green Party's Jill Stein Filing For Recounts in Michigan, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania? | Black Agenda Report

2016-11-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: Those Who Failed to Recognize Trump as 'Greater Evil' Made a 'Bad Mistake': Chomsky | Common Dreams | Breaking News & Views for the Progressive Community

2016-11-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] A People's History of Modern Europe [short video]

2016-11-25 Thread Pelz, William A via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: Yip Harburg

2016-11-25 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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To make it a little easier here's the url:


 Forwarded Message 
Subject:Yip Harburg
Date:   Fri, 25 Nov 2016 16:40:08 -0800
From:   Ralph Johansen 
To: marx...@greenhouse.economics.utah.edu

If you want to celebrate our US thanksgiving weekend in an upbeat fashion, I 
can't think of a better way than to watch this Democracy Now! program that ran
today, featuring the communist blacklisted lyricist Yip Harburg. His message 
was pure socialism wherever he could, and everyone hummed along.

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[Marxism] Yip Harburg

2016-11-25 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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If you want to celebrate our US thanksgiving weekend in an upbeat 
fashion, I can't think of a better way than to watch this Democracy Now! 
program that ran today, featuring the communist blacklisted lyricist Yip 
Harburg. His message was pure socialism wherever he could, and everyone 
hummed along.

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[Marxism] Fwd: Who's to blame for Trump's victory? | SocialistWorker.org

2016-11-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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The Electoral College distorts the whole system of presidential 
elections. Because most states' electorates overwhelmingly favor one 
mainstream party over the other, the candidates don't spend their 
resources to campaign in them.

This year, that meant ignoring the three of the four most populous 
states in the country--California, Texas and New York--and the millions 
of ordinary Americans who live and work in them. Instead, the major 
parties concentrate on about 10 or 12 "swing states" that are more 
closely divided, knowing that winning them is the key to winning the 
White House.

Just think about if the president was elected on the strength of the 
popular vote nationwide. The campaigns would be forced to address 
themselves to the aspirations of the multiracial millions in the great 
industrial/service/transportation centers of the country: Los Angeles, 
Houston, Chicago, New York City.

Instead, a massive amount of attention is devoted to winning in a state 
like New Hampshire. No offense to residents of New Hampshire, but its 
statewide population is much smaller than any of those four largest U.S. 
cities. And New Hampshire is much whiter and wealthier than the country 
as a whole.


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[Marxism] New Wikileaks Cache: Yemen Files

2016-11-25 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Today, Friday 25 November, WikiLeaks releases the Yemen Files. .

The Yemen Files are a collection of more than 500 documents from the United
States embassy in Sana'a, Yemen. Comprising more than 200 emails and 300
PDFs, the collection details official documents and correspondence
pertaining to the Office for Military Cooperation (OMC) located at the US
embassy. The collection spans the period from 2009 until just before the
war in Yemen broke out in earnest during March 2015. This time period
covers both Hillary Clinton's term as Secretary of State (20092013) and the
first two years of Secretary John Kerry’s tenure.

Julian Assange said: "The war in Yemen has produced 3.15 million internally
displaced persons. Although the United States government has provided most
of the bombs and is deeply involved in the conduct of the war itself reportage
on the war in English is conspicuously rare

Yemen is of significant strategic interest as Yemen controls a narrow
choke-point to the Red Sea and the Suez Canal through which 11% of the
world's petroleum passes each day. In addition, Yemen borders Saudi Arabia
(to the north) and Oman (to the east) and has access to the Arabian Sea,
through which another 20% of the world's petroleum passes from the Strait
of Hormuz (including the oil of Saudi Arabia and Iran). Saudi Arabia seeks
to control a port in Yemen

to avoid the potential constriction of its oil shipments by by Iran along
the Strait of Hormuz or by countries which can control its other oil
shipment path along the Red Sea.

The Yemen Files offer documentary evidence of the US arming, training and
funding of Yemeni forces in the years building up to the war. The documents
reveal, among other things, procurement of many different weapon types
aircraft, vessels, vehicles, proposals for maritime border security control
and Yemeni procurement of US biometric systems

A US presence remained in the country until February 2015, when the US
closed its embassy due to the continuing unrest between different factions
in the country. The war broke out a month later.

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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Re: [Marxism] David Cobb wins

2016-11-25 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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I see both sides of the argument and respect them both. But having David
Cobb made this look like shit irregardless of the motivation because he
comes with such baggage.

On Fri, Nov 25, 2016 at 5:26 AM, Greg McDonald  wrote:

> Here's what Bruce Dixon is saying:
> "Stop and think about it. In 2017 there will be elections for school
> boards, mayors, alderman, county commissioners and a host of local offices.
> Hundreds of Green candidates will be running. If presidential election
> results in multiple states can be gamed, and there is persuasive evidence
> to suggest they were, what makes you think the same thing won't happen to
> Green candidates in local elections in 2017?
> We don't give a damn about Hillary or Trump. But we care very much about
> the integrity and security of the election process, unlike the Repubs and
> the Dems."

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart
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[Marxism] The Monstrous the Sublime and the Plainly Wondrous- three reviews

2016-11-25 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: “Don’t Think Twice:” Art is Socialism, Life is Capitalism

2016-11-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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My pick for one of the best 3 films of 2016.

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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: Not a Revolution — Yet | Jacobin

2016-11-25 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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On 22 Nov 2016 16:06:15 -0500 (EST) Louis Proyect wrote

   Mike Davis, wtf? This softness on the DP has become an epidemic.

   "But Trumpism, however it evolves, cannot unify millennial economic
   distress with that of older white workers, while Sanders showed that
   heartland discontent can be brought under the umbrella of a
   “democratic socialism” that reignites New Deal hopes for a Economic
   Bill of Rights. With the Democratic establishment in temporary
   disarray, the real opportunity for transformational political change
   (“critical realignment” in a now-archaic vocabulary) belongs to
   Sanders and Warren. We must hurry."


Yes, in an otherwise helpful article.

Christian Parenti, in another thoughtful article, is in the same box. 
Parenti writes, "Perhaps, the Clinton- DNC cabal can be broken up and 
run off and the Democratic Party can re-launch on the basis of a 
neo-Rooseveltian/Sanders style set of programs." (Listening to Trump 

This ignores among other things and first of all the often-acknowledged 
conclusion that FDR with his New Deal sop was softening the effects of 
Depression to avoid chaos and communism, which he thought better of as a 
strategy later on, and Bernie was nothing more than a one-off, who was 
inadvertently let inside the Democratic candidate tent on poking his 
nose in with his declared intention to run and expose class interest. 
Never did they suspect. And never again. One of a raft of inconvenient 
errors made by the Dem honchos in their rotted-out strategies, which 
ignore almost completely, given their comfortable, blinkered perception 
of their obligations to capital, the interests of their 
working-class-at-election-time-only-constituency. Mark Blyth says, "I 
don't know what the Democratic Party is. I know there's a bunch of 
people making very, very nice six-figure incomes bouncing from agency to 
agency, starting wars, getting promoted, never having to pay the price 
for it, waiting for the next administration to give them another pay hike."

Not only is the capitalist system stagnant, maxed out, hollowed out at 
its place of residence in the wealthy countries as elsewhere, but the 
trend obviously is to go with even more of the goods and resources to be 
processed where the wages are lowest, dividing and thereby controlling 
labor even more, automating and downsizing and asset-stripping, to 
render jobs both in the advanced regions and the poor regions even more 
inhumanely precarious and onerous, with labor organization stymied by, 
among other things, oligopsonies' threats to move out and their interim 
success at lock down of labor mobility, globally, precluding (for how 
long?) the clamant urgency, as a matter of survival, for global working 
class solidarity. And their host countries' privileged constituents live 
in what could be characterized as gated national communities with 
bordering walls and heightened security and surveillance and the media 
amplifying nationalist, anti-immigrant sentiment.

While transnational capital, rentier monopolies such as Apple and Nike 
and Wal-Mart, dictate, if at a safe remove from responsibility, the 
price, pay scale and other terms of production to the producers in the 
poor countries, keeping them in relative terms ever poorer. 
Transnational capital roams the globe at will, along with the almost 
complete lock on labor mobility; therefore, gaping wage disparity, along 
with glaring vertical wealth disparity, has no answer, for the time being.

There's an expression for another dominant trend: the "downward 
equalization of the global wage rate," which capsulizes a lot for me. Do 
we have to await equalization of the wage rate before we see workers in 
the richer countries let go of their illusions about the inferior, 
lesser immigrants and join the majority of the human race in solidarity? 
Anti-immigrant status, of course, has a long pedigree everywhere, from 
Ben Franklin despising the Germans, to the Alienation and Sedition Acts, 
to the Chinese exclusion acts just to name a few in the US; we're on a 
long course as bigots in thrall to capital. The explanation of course is 
the historical specter of cheaper labor, and the cause is capitalism, 
which divides labor to capital's continuing benefit.

Meanwhile, the US state like other states, wholly in tow to 
transnational corporate interests, has no more clout when it comes to 

[Marxism] Fwd: Reading Partisan Review: 1930s – metropolitan ideas

2016-11-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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full: https://readingpartisanreview1930s.com/
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Re: [Marxism] David Cobb wins

2016-11-25 Thread Mark Lause via Marxism
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I have immense respect for Bruce and i certainly appreciate his point.

However, I don't think that 2016 represented some great departure from the
usual standards of American electoral integrity (or lack thereof).  Nor do
I think that any recount is going to make the American electoral system

As to the danger of their counting out Green candidates, the only way to
prevent this is for the party to have a membership organization capable of
mobilizing the numbers to stop it.

Conversely, the experience of two decades (and of every other progressive
insurgency in the history of this country) has demonstrated that without
such a membership party, the ruling class won't need to do a lot of
cheating to keep us from office.

Mark L.
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[Marxism] White-Collar Supremacy

2016-11-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NY Times Op-Ed, Nov. 25 2016
White-Collar Supremacy

Tallahassee, Fla. — Richard B. Spencer is one of the main figures of the 
alt-right movement, a former doctoral student from Duke whose movement 
supports the creation of “an ethno-state” for white Europeans and 
“peaceful ethnic cleansing.” The Southern Poverty Law Center describes 
him as “a suit-and-tie version of the white supremacists of old, a kind 
of professional racist in khakis”; a recent Los Angeles Times profile 
ran with a photo of him in sunglasses and a black shirt, looking more 
like a hipster academic than a Klansman.

This sort of image makeover is a big part of the alt-right’s game. They 
want to convince the media that they are a “new form” of white 
nationalism that we’ve never seen before: clean-cut, intellectual, far 
removed from the unpolished white supremacists of the past. But the 
alt-right is not as new as we might think. In fact, efforts to dress up 
white supremacy in ideas and middle-class respectability have been 
around since the first organized movements emerged in the late 19th 
century — and once again, people are falling for it.

Part of the problem is a lack of historical awareness. When white 
supremacist organizations crop up in tellings of American history, they 
appear and recede from the story quickly, a footnote about racism to be 
overlooked, not a central component of the American story. Hence, the 
alt-right appears novel only if we ignore the continuum of 
“intellectual” white supremacy from which it emerged: scientific racism 
in the 19th and early 20th centuries, the national Ku Klux Klan of the 
1920s, and the Citizens Councils of the 1950s and ’60s.

While the first Klan emerged among Confederate Veterans in the 
post-Reconstruction South, by the end of the 19th century some white 
supremacists had begun to move into more respectable circles by using 
science and Darwinism to explain their views. These ideas had proponents 
across the country, from Southern Bourbons to Boston Brahmins concerned 
with influxes of immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe.

Madison Grant, a lawyer, eugenicist and the author of “The Passing of 
the Great Race,” wrote that the American “stock” would be jeopardized by 
these particular European immigrants. Grant established the idea of a 
superior Nordic race, claiming that immigrants from England, Scotland 
and the Netherlands founded America, a Nordic nation.

His book became one of the most popular works on scientific racism to 
originate in the United States; in “The Great Gatsby,” F. Scott 
Fitzgerald reflected the way the ideas of Grant and other scientific 
racists worked their way into mainstream thought. “Have you read ‘The 
Rise of the Colored Empires’ by this man Goddard?” Tom Buchanan asks, in 
a thinly masked allusion to Grant. “It’s a fine book, and everybody 
ought to read it. The idea is if we don’t look out the white race will 
be — will be utterly submerged. It’s all scientific stuff; it’s been 

The book went through multiple printings and translations into different 
languages. Adolf Hitler relied on Grant’s ideas about the supremacy of 
the Nordic race to support sterilization and horrendous medical 
experiments. He called the book “my bible.”

Middle-class white supremacy had another wave of popularity in the 
1920s, when the second Klan, which had a nationwide following, drew on 
the ideas of Grant and others to sell white supremacy to both the rural 
and urban middle classes. It printed newspapers and books, held seminars 
as well as rallies, and even tried to establish a Klan university in 

Along with drumming up racial fears, the 1920s Klan relied on scientific 
and theological racism in The Imperial Night-Hawk, its national 
newspaper. Writing for the paper in 1923, a Louisiana Klansman and 
minister, W. C. Wright, outlined the Klan’s intellectual position on 
white supremacy, in which white people were “the leading race,” America 
was “a white man’s country, discovered, dedicated, settled, defended, 
and developed by white men,” and the distinctions between the races were 
scientific and divinely created.

The 1950s saw another surge of “respectable” racism, this time in the 
form of the Citizens Councils, founded in Mississippi by Robert B. 
Patterson in response to the Supreme Court’s Brown v. Board of Education 
decision. Rather than the vigilantism and terrorism of the 1950s and 
’60s Klan, the councils relied on more middle-class methods of opposing 
civil rights: boycotting black-owned businesses and denying mortgages to 
black people. The sociologist Charles M. Payne 

[Marxism] Fwd: Why are people giving Jill Stein millions of dollars for an election recount? - The Washington Post

2016-11-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] background on our soon-to-be Commerce Secretary

2016-11-25 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: The Short, Frantic, Rags-to-Riches Life of Jack London | At the Smithsonian | Smithsonian

2016-11-25 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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In his stories, London simultaneously occupies opposing perspectives. At 
times, for instance, social Darwinism will seem to overtake his 
professed egalitarianism, but in another work (or later in the same one) 
his political idealism will reassert itself, only to be challenged again 
later on. London fluctuates and contradicts himself, providing a series 
of dialectically shifting viewpoints that resist easy resolution. He was 
one of the first writers to seriously, though not always successfully, 
confront the multiplicities unique to modernism. Race remains an acutely 
vexing topic in London studies. Distressingly, like other leading 
intellectuals of the period, his racial views were shaped by the 
prevailing theories of scientific racism that falsely propagated a 
racial hierarchy and valorized Anglo-Saxons.


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Re: [Marxism] David Cobb wins

2016-11-25 Thread Greg McDonald via Marxism
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Here's what Bruce Dixon is saying:

"Stop and think about it. In 2017 there will be elections for school
boards, mayors, alderman, county commissioners and a host of local offices.
Hundreds of Green candidates will be running. If presidential election
results in multiple states can be gamed, and there is persuasive evidence
to suggest they were, what makes you think the same thing won't happen to
Green candidates in local elections in 2017?
We don't give a damn about Hillary or Trump. But we care very much about
the integrity and security of the election process, unlike the Repubs and
the Dems."
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