[Marxism] Fwd: Guatemala's Maya Society Featured Huge 'Megalopolis, ' LiDAR Data Show

2018-02-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: As Mining Companies in Africa Make Billions, Children Are Left Illiterate | Alternet

2018-02-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A Zambian trade unionist, a veteran of many years of struggle in the 
copper belt of the country, tells me that the situation is bleak. It is 
true that the poverty rate is high - unimaginably high, beyond the data 
available from the government and international agencies. The numbers 
oscillate between 60% of the population in poverty to 80% in poverty. 
That means that at least 10 million of the 16 million Zambians live in 


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Re: [Marxism] Viewpoint magazine: Eric Blanc on Rosa L and the Polish Socialist Party

2018-02-02 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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I'm expecting a thorough review from you.
Meanwhile I'm off to polish (pun intended) my Pilsudski medallions.

On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 2:03 PM, DW via Marxism 

> #1 YOU MUST clip all extraneous text when replying to a message.
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> *
>  The Origins of Anti-Imperial Marxism: Rediscovering the Polish Socialist
> Party
> It has often been mistakenly assumed that V.I. Lenin and the Bolsheviks
> were the first anti-imperial Marxists. Yet over a decade before the 1903
> emergence of the Bolshevik faction – and over two decades before it began
> to seriously address the national question – the Polish Socialist
> Party (*Polska
> Partia Socjalistyczna, *PPS) put the fight for national liberation at the
> center of its Marxist project.1
>  rediscovering-polish-socialist-party/#fn1-9016>
> From its birth in 1892 onwards, the PPS developed a strategy of merging
> working-class and anti-imperial struggle, presaging an orientation
> championed by the early Communist International and socialist activists
> across Asia, Africa, and Latin America throughout the 20th century.
> https://www.viewpointmag.com/2018/02/01/origins-anti-imperial-marxism-
> rediscovering-polish-socialist-party/
> _
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[Marxism] Viewpoint magazine: Eric Blanc on Rosa L and the Polish Socialist Party

2018-02-02 Thread DW via Marxism
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 The Origins of Anti-Imperial Marxism: Rediscovering the Polish Socialist

It has often been mistakenly assumed that V.I. Lenin and the Bolsheviks
were the first anti-imperial Marxists. Yet over a decade before the 1903
emergence of the Bolshevik faction – and over two decades before it began
to seriously address the national question – the Polish Socialist
Party (*Polska
Partia Socjalistyczna, *PPS) put the fight for national liberation at the
center of its Marxist project.1

From its birth in 1892 onwards, the PPS developed a strategy of merging
working-class and anti-imperial struggle, presaging an orientation
championed by the early Communist International and socialist activists
across Asia, Africa, and Latin America throughout the 20th century.

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[Marxism] Fwd: The Enemy at Home: U.S. Imperialism in Syria - Viewpoint Magazine

2018-02-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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This article is pure Assadist drivel.


Higgins wrote a similar piece in Jacobin in 2015 that I took up:

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Re: [Marxism] Marxism Digest, Vol 172, Issue 2

2018-02-02 Thread Peggy via Marxism
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>   1. Re:  Can Trump keep up the happy face? (Anthony Boynton)
Cf Richard Burt  
"He said his firm, McLarty Associates – headed by former President Bill 
Clinton’s ex-chief of staff Mack McLarty – was referred the Nord Stream II work 
by a financial PR firm in New York.”
"The elites’ moral and intellectual vacuum produced Trump. They too are con 
artists. They are slicker than he at selling the lies and more adept at 
disguising their greed through absurd ideologies such as neoliberalism and 
globalization, but they belong to the same criminal class and share many of the 
pathologies that characterize Trump. The grotesque visage of Trump is the true 
face of politicians such as George W. Bush, Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack 
Obama. The Clintons and Obama, unlike Bush and Trump, are self-aware and 
therefore cynical, but all lack a moral compass."
Chris Hedges in Truthdig

Q: financial PR firm in NY?

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Re: [Marxism] Can Trump keep up the happy face?

2018-02-02 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Thanks to Anthony Boynton for his thoughtful comments. However, I think he
missed one of my points: In the article, I referred to "Trump’s close ties
with the Russian oligarchy/Russian capitalist class. For this very reason,
the investigation into his campaign’s links with the Putin regime cannot go
away." What I was referring to was the fact that Trump has acted as a
money-launderer for the Russian mafia for many years. This is something
I've written about frequently, and what it means is that he has close ties
to one of the main imperialist rivals to US imperialism, and this guides
much of his foreign policy. Witness, for example, his refusal just in the
last day or two to implement new sanctions against Russia despite its being
required by a law passed by the Republican congress. (Note: I'm not
advocating that he should; just giving an example.)

I think that the attitude of the mainstream of the capitalist class is what
you might call schizophrenic. Yes, they loathe him, but they also love his
tax breaks. The Wall St. Journal is a great example. During the primaries,
they had editorials and columns harshly attacking him almost every day.
Now, their editorials largely support him.

I also don't agree that bonapartism is enshrined in the US Constitution;
rather, I think it's a perfect example of bourgeois democracy, in which the
capitalist class ensures its rule as much through persuasion as through
outright repression while at the same time making sure that the working
class can never get ahold of real power through the (capitalist) state.
They are able to do this because of their base in wide layers of society,
and they have many institutions through which they maintain that base. The
capitalist mass media is one of them. Because that media does not explain
the real basis of the crisis of capitalism (of course!), it has lost a lot
of credibility, a lot of authority, among millions of workers. Then Trump
comes along and deals it one body blow after another. They also have other
institutions which are seen as being "above politics" and simply looking
out for the "national interest". The FBI and the CIA are two of them. Yes,
of course, we on this list and some others understand the roles of those
two institutions, but I'm talking about the great bulk of white middle
America. Now, here comes Trump and Co. and they are undercutting that
respect. That's the meaning of this whole struggle over the Nunes memo.

So, as this process continues, what other means do they have to continue
their rule? I find it hard to see anything other than massive increased
voter suppression and outright repression on a scale far wider than
anything we've seen outside the South during the segregation years. That is
what Bonapartism is.

One qualification: I think the mainstream of the US capitalist class does
not believe that bonapartism is necessary, and maybe they are right. Maybe
they will be able to reverse this drift. The problem is that the working
class hardly even exists as a coherent force in US society, so what is
there to push them? DSA? I'll wait to make that suggestion till April 1.

John Reimann

"No one is going to give you the education you need to overthrow them."
Assata Shakur
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Re: [Marxism] Viewpoint magazine on imperialism

2018-02-02 Thread Tristan Sloughter via Marxism
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And then there is Patrick Higgins who describes Trump's "you have to take out 
their families" campaign as Trump striking "a posture against Hillary Clinton’s 
full throated support of liberal imperialism": 

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[Marxism] White House Wants Pentagon to Offer More Options on North Korea

2018-02-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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(This is a genuinely scary articles. All those people like Stephen F. 
Cohen, Diana Johnstone and Boris Kagarlitsky who saw Trump as a welcome 
relief from neoliberal warmongering Hillary were looking at his 
candidacy with blinders on. Just because Trump has ended sanctions on 
Russia, is this supposed to allow us to breathe a sigh of relief? Six 
years of writing screeds about imperialist warmongering in Syria and 
Ukraine by the Democrats prepared the way for a weakened antiwar 
movement. How many demonstrations has WWP or PSL called for opposing US 
troops in Syria? If the left wasn't so fucked up, there would be a 
coalition formed to build a demonstration in Washington about the threat 
of nuclear war, the continued presence of American forces in 
Afghanistan, drone attacks, etc. What a state of affairs.)

NY Times, Feb. 2, 2018
White House Wants Pentagon to Offer More Options on North Korea

WASHINGTON — The White House has grown frustrated in recent weeks by 
what it considers the Pentagon’s reluctance to provide President Trump 
with options for a military strike against North Korea, according to 
officials, the latest sign of a deepening split in the administration 
over how to confront the nuclear-armed regime of Kim Jong-un.

The national security adviser, Lt. Gen. H. R. McMaster, believes that 
for Mr. Trump’s warnings to North Korea to be credible, the United 
States must have well-developed military plans, according to those 

But the Pentagon, they say, is worried that the White House is moving 
too hastily toward military action on the Korean Peninsula that could 
escalate catastrophically. Giving the president too many options, the 
officials said, could increase the odds that he will act.

The tensions bubbled to the surface this week with the disclosure that 
the White House had abandoned plans to nominate a prominent Korea 
expert, Victor D. Cha, as ambassador to South Korea. Mr. Cha suggested 
that he was sidelined because he warned administration officials against 
a “preventive” military strike, which, he later wrote, could spiral 
“into a war that would likely kill tens, if not hundreds, of thousands 
of Americans.”

But the divisions go back months, officials said. When North Korea 
tested an intercontinental ballistic missile in July that experts 
concluded was capable of reaching the West Coast of the United States, 
the National Security Council convened a conference call that included 
Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis and Secretary of State Rex W. Tillerson.

After General McMaster left the room, Mr. Mattis and Mr. Tillerson 
continued to speak, not realizing that other participants were still on 
the line. The officials familiar with the matter overheard them 
complaining about a series of meetings that the National Security 
Council had set up to consider options for North Korea — signs, Mr. 
Tillerson said, that it was becoming overly aggressive.

For now, the frustration at the White House appears to be limited to 
senior officials rather than Mr. Trump himself. But the president has 
shown impatience with his military leaders on other issues, notably the 
debate over whether to deploy additional American troops to Afghanistan.

As they examine the most effective way of giving credibility to Mr. 
Trump’s threat of “fire and fury,” officials are considering the 
feasibility of a preventive strike that could include disabling a 
missile on the launchpad or destroying North Korea’s entire nuclear 
infrastructure. American officials are also said to be considering 
covert means of disabling the nuclear and missile programs.

While General McMaster also favors a diplomatic solution to the impasse, 
officials said, he emphasizes to colleagues that past efforts to 
negotiate with North Korea have forced the United States to make 
unacceptable concessions.

The Pentagon has a different view. Mr. Mattis and the chairman of the 
Joint Chiefs of Staff, Gen. Joseph F. Dunford Jr., argue forcefully for 
using diplomacy. They have repeatedly warned, in meetings and on video 
conference calls, that there are few, if any, military options that 
would not provoke retaliation from North Korea, according to officials 
at the Defense Department.

Representatives of Mr. Mattis and General Dunford denied that they have 
slow-walked options to the White House.

The Pentagon press secretary, Dana W. White, said that Mr. Mattis 
“regularly provides the president with a deep arsenal of military 
options” and that reports of a delay were “false.” General Dunford’s 
press secretary, Col. Patrick S. Ryder, said: “General Dunford 

Re: [Marxism] Viewpoint magazine on imperialism

2018-02-02 Thread Fred Murphy via Marxism
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I now see that Webber's article on Academia.edu is actually from the
Viewpoint issue as well.

On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 11:08 AM, Fred Murphy 

> ​...
> Meanwhile from another quarter, this just in -
> https://www.academia.edu/35821191/From_Nuestra_Am%C3%
> A9rica_to_Abya_Yala_Notes_on_Imperialism_and_Anti-
> imperialism_in_Latin_America_across_Centuries
> *WeltTrends* 136 Februar 2018
>> Im November 2001 fasste der Chefökonom von Goldman Sachs die vier
>> „Schwellenländer“ Brasilien, Russland, Indien und China unter dem Akronym
>> BRICS zusammen. Aus der finanzstrategischen Überlegung wurde eine
>> politische der vier Staaten. Sie schlossen sich zu einer Gruppe zusammen,
>> später kam Südafrika hinzu. Jährlich finden Treffen statt, auf denen nicht
>> nur Positionen abgestimmt, sondern auch Institutionen aufgebaut werden. Im
>> *Thema* des Februar-Heftes wird eine kritische Bilanz der BRICS gezogen,
>> die deutlich macht, dass diese Gruppe trotz innerer Spannungen ein Pol der
>> multipolaren Welt ist.
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Re: [Marxism] Viewpoint magazine on imperialism

2018-02-02 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

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My quibble with the sub- characterization of the BRICS is that it 
implies they act on behalf of one or another major or full-fledged 
imperialist power, whereas they are mainly acting out of their own 
self-interest, albeit in contexts where they are not the strongest powers.

Well Fred, what, in this sense, is an "imperialist power"? A country, 
and indeed one led by a con-man president such as Donald J Trump?

And from the standpoint of the BRICS, what is "their" self-interest? 
Who's 'they'? If the leading capitalist blocs (neoliberal, financial and 
export mining in my South African case) controlling a state are 
perfectly happy to endorse BRICS as sub-imperial within a world system 
from which they derive maximum profits and hide their wealth (as was the 
case until the 'Zupta' power bloc went out of control on corruption 
around five years ago), then sub-impi is what we can call it.

So isn't it more satisfying, politically and intellectually, to consider 
the broader imperial project of accumulation through global corporate 
power relations, and assess each conjunctural situation on its own merits?

a German journal, out today


Weltmächte im Wartestand?


WeltTrends 136 Februar 2018

South Africa suffers political-economic poisoning from its BRICS membership

By Patrick Bond

The emergence of an alliance between Brazil, Russia, India, China and 
South Africa in 2010 signaled enormous potential for a new political 
arrangement to challenge Western hegemony. The reality, however, has 
disappointed constituencies, especially in the most unequal and troubled 
of the five countries, South Africa, where leaderships talks left but 
walks right.


Jacob Zuma will likely exit the South African presidency earlier than 
the next national elections, due within fifteen months. He will leave, 
presumably, with certain guarantees against prosecution for large-scale 
corruption. He also must give sufficient time to his successor, Cyril 
Ramaphosa, to erase the electorate’s memory of the so-called ‘Zupta’ 
networks combining Zuma’s cronies with the three Gupta brothers, who are 
Indian immigrants. Their ‘state capture’ strategy since Zuma took power 
in 2009 included a luxurious family wedding in 2013 that notoriously 
violated immigration and airport security regulations; the costs were 
paid from agricultural support meant for black farmers in the Free State 
province. Nearly €1 billion per year was lost to Zupta looting, 
according to the former finance minister Pravin Gordhan.[1] (To be sure, 
that is a small fraction of the €15 billion lost annually to 
overcharging on state procurement contracts by what is the world’s most 
corrupt business elite, Johannesburg’s, according to 
PricewaterhouseCoopers polling.)[2]

Just before the December holiday break, Ramaphosa’s party presidential 
acceptance speech at the African National Congress (ANC) convention 
followed a tight election with former African Union chairperson 
Nkosazana Dlamini-Zuma, who if victorious was widely expected to pardon 
her ex-husband Jacob. Ramaphosa graciously thanked Zuma for promoting 
the 2012 National Development Plan (NDP) and providing four million 
South Africans with free AIDS medicines. Indeed, the latter 
accomplishment helped raise life expectancy by 12 years from the early 
2000s trough of 52. But the Treatment Action Campaign’s world-historic 
battle against Big Pharmacorp profiteering and President Thabo Mbeki’s 
AIDS denialism had already been won largely without Zuma’s visible 
assistance back in 2004.

Ramaphosa himself will proudly enforce the NDP in coming years, as he 
was its co-author. Lacking climate-change consciousness, the NDP’s top 
priority infrastructure commitment is a €55 billion rail line, mainly to 
export 18 billion tons of coal, entailing 50 major projects of which 14 
have already begun.[3] The rail agency, Transnet, has a €4.2 billion 
credit from China to finance Chinese-made locomotives that are 
sufficiently strong to carry 3 kilometre-long coal trains, though 
corruption is already a major problem with the acquisitions.[4] Zuma’s 
desired €100 billion purchase of eight nuclear energy reactors from 
Rosatom is now highly unlikely thanks to Pretoria’s worsening debt 
crisis, so that really leaves just one accomplishment as his legacy: 
annual networking with leaders in Beijing, Brasilia, Delhi and Moscow.

BRICS reforms?

Conventional wisdom, as expressed by foreign policy scholar Oscar van 
Heerden in late 2017, is that Zuma “ensured our ascendency into the 
BRICS Geo-Strategic grouping, made up of Brazil, Russia, India and 

Re: [Marxism] Viewpoint magazine on imperialism

2018-02-02 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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A lot of names there new to me, which is good.

One, recommended by friends, is "Selections from Theoretical Preliminaries
to the Study of the Impact of Social Thought on the National Liberation
Movement (1973)," Mahdi Amel and Brahim El Guabli:

Also some great old names, like Ian Birchall.

And there's this:
The Origins of Anti-Imperial Marxism: Rediscovering the Polish Socialist
by Eric Blanc
Which I guess is to be read after or along with his reassessment of
Luxemburg in Historical Materialism.

And then there's this:
Notes on Libya by Max Ajl
A quick skim of a very long article leaves the impression that Max is still
giving "anti-imperialists a free pass, but that deserves to be more
thoroughly assessed (including because the article is a review of the
latest book by Horace Campbell, a significant figure.
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Re: [Marxism] Viewpoint magazine on imperialism

2018-02-02 Thread Fred Murphy via Marxism
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My quibble with the sub- characterization of the BRICs is that it implies
they act on behalf of one or another major or full-fledged imperialist
power, whereas they are mainly acting out of their own self-interest,
albeit in contexts where they are not the strongest powers. Who, for
example, would Russia be “subbing” for in Syria? Who is China or South
Africa subbing for in Africa?

On Fri, Feb 2, 2018 at 10:25 AM Patrick Bond  wrote:

> ... we may want to take up the question of whether the Russian -
> and broader BRICS agenda (which will be on display when their
> head-of-states-summit comes here to Johannesburg in late July) for that
> matter - is better described not as anti- or inter- ... but as
> sub-imperialist.
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Re: [Marxism] Viewpoint magazine on imperialism

2018-02-02 Thread Patrick Bond via Marxism

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On 2018/02/02 05:14 PM, Fred Murphy via Marxism wrote:

... For example, the lead article by Salar Mohandesi at

“Lim­it­ing impe­ri­al­ism only to the “West,” or even just the Unit­ed
States, tends to obscure the impe­ri­al­ism of those states often
com­bat­ting that impe­ri­al­ism. Of course, there are enor­mous
dif­fer­ences between, for exam­ple, U.S. and Russ­ian impe­ri­al­ism,
which become espe­cial­ly impor­tant when con­sid­er­ing the strug­gles on
the ground today, but the fact remains that for those who call them­selves
social­ists, the ulti­mate objec­tive must remain the abo­li­tion of both,
not the defense of one against the oth­er.

Hear hear.

Ah, but there arise the dilemma of whether a country fighting on a 
specific geographic terrain (Russia in Syria) for specific territorial 
and geopolitical reasons is genuinely anti- or perhaps 
inter-imperialist... or whether this conjunctural battle occurs within - 
not against - the broader imperial project of accumulation through 
global corporate power relations. The latter I consider 'imperialism' 
proper, no matter the conjunctures in specific sites.

Which means we may want to take up the question of whether the Russian - 
and broader BRICS agenda (which will be on display when their 
head-of-states-summit comes here to Johannesburg in late July) for that 
matter - is better described not as anti- or inter- ... but as 

More soon as this debate percolates, here and there.


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[Marxism] Viewpoint magazine on imperialism

2018-02-02 Thread Fred Murphy via Marxism
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A great many interesting and provocative essays in the new issue of
Viewpoint - https://www.viewpointmag.com/2018/02/01/issue-6-imperialism/

For example, the lead article by Salar Mohandesi at

“Lim­it­ing impe­ri­al­ism only to the “West,” or even just the Unit­ed
States, tends to obscure the impe­ri­al­ism of those states often
com­bat­ting that impe­ri­al­ism. Of course, there are enor­mous
dif­fer­ences between, for exam­ple, U.S. and Russ­ian impe­ri­al­ism,
which become espe­cial­ly impor­tant when con­sid­er­ing the strug­gles on
the ground today, but the fact remains that for those who call them­selves
social­ists, the ulti­mate objec­tive must remain the abo­li­tion of both,
not the defense of one against the oth­er.

“This point must be empha­sized, since there is a ten­den­cy among some on
the left today to defend what­ev­er regime oppos­es the Unit­ed States,
whether it be Iran, Syr­ia, North Korea, or Rus­sia. The under­ly­ing
con­cerns ani­mat­ing this response are often very real: a desire to block
the vio­lence of U.S. impe­ri­al­ism, a gen­uine com­mit­ment to peace in
war-torn regions, or an urgent need to counter most of the domes­tic left,
which still tends to implic­it­ly or explic­it­ly sup­port U.S.
impe­ri­al­ism. Nev­er­the­less, what­ev­er its moti­va­tions, this kind of
anti-impe­ri­al­ism runs the risk of sub­sti­tut­ing antag­o­nis­tic
rela­tions between the class­es com­pris­ing a state with the
antag­o­nis­tic rela­tions between nation-states. With class­es
homog­e­nized, and class strug­gle down­played, or even erased, the
sub­ject of lib­er­a­tion becomes the nation-state itself, not the work­ing
class­es. At its extreme, this kind of think­ing can lead to sup­port­ing
author­i­tar­i­an states found­ed on the destruc­tion of the left and the
repres­sion of work­ers’ self-activ­i­ty because they are said to be
embark­ing on an autonomous, anti-impe­ri­al­ist path of devel­op­ment in
the face of “West­ern” impe­ri­al­ist depre­da­tions.”
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[Marxism] A History of Resistance--A Review of An African-American and Latinx History of the United States

2018-02-02 Thread Ron Jacobs via Marxism
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Check out my newest books *Still Tripping in the Dark

*,* Capitalism
, Daydream
Sunset:60s Counterculture in the 70s
 and Can We Escape the Eternal Flame?
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[Marxism] Transparency

2018-02-02 Thread Ken Hiebert via Marxism
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Given the current debate over the memo and the merit of transparency, would now 
be a good time to ask for a pardon for Edward Snowden?  Also, Chelsea Manning, 
who did not get a full pardon, only had her sentence commuted.

Those who have had documents released to them heavily redacted can now ask for 
those redactions to be removed.

Also, funding for the FBI and CIA must come up at some point.  The critics of 
the FBI and CIA should be challenged to cut funding for these organizations.

ken h
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[Marxism] "Gilded Age"?

2018-02-02 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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Today's Times announces that Julian Fellowes, creator of "Downton Abbey,"
is making a series called "The Gilded Age."

The paper quotes Fellowes saying "I am a big, big fan of Edith Wharton and
Henry James and that period of history after the Civil War — the
Vanderbilts and the Whitneys and all of those people.”

No mention of the book of the same name by Mark Twain and Charles Dudley
Warner, who were hardly "big, big fans" of the gilded. (I've actually only
read the first quarter of the book and put it down because it was so damned
depressing, but I'm sure it's worth resuming.)
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[Marxism] David Weiss's "No Vietnamese Ever Called Me Nigger"

2018-02-02 Thread Andrew Pollack via Marxism
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[Marxism] Fwd: National Socialist Furniture: Ingvar Kamprad and the IKEA Vision

2018-02-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Fwd: North Korea Calls Trump Administration Racist Billionaires’ Club

2018-02-02 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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