[Marxism] Somalia: Drive Out the AMISOM and Western Occupation Forces!

2019-09-30 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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*Somalia: Drive Out the **AMISOM and Western Occupation Forces!*

*/Daring Guerilla Attack against U.S. Army Base and EU Military Convoy/*


Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
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Re: [Marxism] A Long, Weird Convo with the Hardline Trotskyist Running a 2020 Campaign That Makes Bernie Look Centrist - VICE

2019-09-30 Thread Andrew Stewart via Marxism
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Three queries jump to mind:

a) Is Trump a fascist?
-I do not believe so, fascism in America is a nested, long-standing force
that has been not so much implanted externally as awakened from dormancy
after being sidelined in some dimensions while being allowed to run rampant
in others. Trump capitalized on a very old current of politics that had
been germinated by the Tea Party and the more nativist elements in the Ron
Paul presidential campaigns. Ronald Reagan was being fascistic by launching
his 1980 campaign in the Oxford fair on a states rights platform. Sarah
Palin teased at fascism with her bizarre antics in 2008. Fascism in all
political analyses today is divorced from its identity as a colonial
project, first and foremost, because liberals are trying to avoid their

b) Are the Democrats going to do jack about reigning in the free-roaming
fascists of the white nationalist/alt right variety that have been carrying
on like maniacs for the past decade now?
-All signs point to no. Obama expended far more police state energy on
Occupy Wall Street than the Tea Party and Cliven Bundy. I'm not commenting
on choices one makes in electoral politics as much as the fact I do not see
any serious effort from Democrats to come soon. Nancy Pelosi and the rest
of the Monty Python's Partisans, farting mightily in the general direction
of Trump, have squandered 3 years on Russian boogie men and nonsense that I
have seen do absolutely nothing to benefit the poor BIPOC kids I work with
in Providence public schools. FFS,, the activism I do in Providence is 90%
against racist asshole Dems who are absolutely culpable for collaboration
with mass-incarceration, school-to-prison pipeline, police brutality, and
privatizing the commons under the austerity reign of terror.

c) Does Sanders or Howie Hawkins present a viable project that is building
a movement that will oppose these fascist forces?

...To be continued. I was active with the Hawkins campaign for a few months
but it really has been limited by an intransigent, anti-Howie RI Green
Party that doesn't do more than hold meetings in big rooms at libraries
where 3 hippies show up. The Sandernistas never come out for urban
struggles. I'm not holding my breath on this one.

Best regards,

Andrew Stewart


Message: 8
Date: Mon, 30 Sep 2019 08:14:18 -0400
From: Michael Meeropol 
To: Louis Proyect via Marxism 
Subject: Re: [Marxism] A Long, Weird Convo with the Hardline
Trotskyist Running a 2020 Campaign That Makes Bernie Look Centrist -

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="UTF-8"

as usual, (sorry see like a one-trick pony!), the question that needs to be
posed to all on the left -- especially those who don't want any support for
democrats in the Presidential election --- is do you think there is a
qualitative difference between a re-elected Trump and any of the democrats
who would replace him?   (sub-text of the question -- is Trump a fascist or
will his re-election move the US closer to out and out fascism??)
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Re: [Marxism] A Long, Weird Convo with the Hardline Trotskyist Running a 2020 Campaign That Makes Bernie Look Centrist

2019-09-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Jeff Mackler pretty much recruited me to the SWP in 1967. I think to 
some extent his politics are a function of cognitive decline, just as is 
the case with Stephen F. Cohen and Theodore Postol. If any of you 
comrades begin to see me having such problems, please contact my wife 
and ask her to replace my Macbook with a needlepoint kit. I should add 
that my obnoxious personality has been with me since the age of 14 at least.

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Re: [Marxism] A Long, Weird Convo with the Hardline Trotskyist Running a 2020 Campaign That Makes Bernie Look Centrist

2019-09-30 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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Jeff Mackler is a Trotskyist like Bernie Sanders is a revolutionary.
Trotsky would be turning over in his grave (if such were possible) knowing
that somebody who claims his mantle at the least covers up for what is
probably the worst tyrant of this century - Assad. It wasn't so long ago
that Mackler & Co. were sponsoring a public meeting here in Oakland for
that lying Assad supporter, Eva Bartlett, to speak at.

It's also most interesting to compare Socialist Action to the writings of
Trotsky on the US union leadership. The former is really little but the
left cover for the "progressive" union bureaucrats.

John Reimann

*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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[Marxism] bellingcat - Pro-Assad Lobby Group Rewards Bloggers On Both The Left And The Right - bellingcat

2019-09-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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A shadowy group that supports Syrian dictator Bashar-al Assad is giving 
thousands of dollars to far-right activists, conspiracy websites, 
YouTube personalities, and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange — all under 
the guise of an award for “uncompromised integrity in journalism.”

The Association for Investment in Popular Action Committees, an umbrella 
nonprofit based in the San Francisco Bay area, ostensibly exists to 
raise awareness of “social justice issues that are key to sustainable 
world peace.” In practice, that has meant bolstering public support for 
the Assad regime, which has rewarded the group and one of its main 
fronts, the Syria Solidarity Movement, with visas and access to top 
officials in Damascus.


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[Marxism] Is there a Marxist view of climate change? | The Marx Memorial | The Morning Star

2019-09-30 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] Harvard law professor: Trump civil war tweet impeachable on its own

2019-09-30 Thread Ralph Johansen via Marxism

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The "then what" question answers itself. If this is piled onto the 
articles of impeachment it at least is another bow in the quiver against 
Trump in the election.

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[Marxism] Capitalism 'Solves' the Nitrogen Crisis: A Brief History

2019-09-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Part Three of Ian Angus’s examination of the disruption of the global 
nitrogen cycle by an economic system that values profits more than life 

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[Marxism] Rutgers University Foundation | Paul Robeson Graphic Biography

2019-09-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Advice to Corey Robin: Don’t take lawyers at their word, especially Clarence Thomas | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2019-09-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Bernie Sanders Is in Trouble - POLITICO Magazine

2019-09-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Blame lawyer Roy Cohn for Donald Trump’s nasty political tactics, documentary says

2019-09-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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NEW YORK DAILY NEWS, SEP 29, 2019 | 6:58 PM
Blame lawyer Roy Cohn for Donald Trump’s nasty political tactics, 
documentary says


Never admit mistakes. Always attack your accuser. Win no matter what. 
Gloat when you do.

Roy Cohn is considered one of the most malevolent forces in 20th century 
America. He helped convict and execute accused Soviet spies Ethel and 
Julius Rosenberg. They were prosecuted by Cohn and executed for treason 
in 1953.

He was a driving force behind Joseph McCarthy’s anti-Communist and 
anti-homosexual witch hunts. He represented Mob bosses. He broke the law 
repeatedly and was finally disbarred. He took public stances against gay 
rights bills but was in the closet himself and died of AIDS after public 

Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn, directed by the 
Rosenberg’s granddaughter, Ivy Meeropol [Michael's daughter], premiered 
at the New York Film Festival on Sunday. It will run on HBO next year. 
Its debut comes less than 10 days after the theatrical release of Matt 
Tyrnauer’s documentary, Where’s My Roy Cohn.

The impetus for both filmmakers was the election of President Donald 
Trump, who embraced Cohn as a mentor and relied on him as a lawyer for 
more than a decade starting in the 1970s. Echoes of Cohn’s antagonistic 
style can still be heard in Trump’s choleric rally speeches.

“When Trump was elected, Roy Cohn moved into the White House in a way,” 
Meeropol says. “I wanted my film to focus on Cohn, but I was intent on 
exposing Trump.”

“There's an urgent need for this now, examining Cohn's life and career 
turns out to be essential,” says Tyrnauer. “Trump swallowed Cohn whole.”

Both films document how Cohn’s mob connections helped Trump build Trump 
Tower, while Meeropol also reveals how Cohn first promoted the idea that 
the young real estate mogul could best negotiate a nuclear arms deal 
with the Soviet Union. They share similar focal points: Cohn’s 
McCarthy-era posturing and the trouble he brought upon himself and how 
he later used his societal clout — what Tyrnauer calls “the favor bank” 
— to strike at his enemies and protect his friends and himself. Both 
films were released with impeccable timing: on Friday, the FBI released 
its bulging dossier on Cohn, which details a fascinating trove of 
salacious connections. The Cohn files don’t mention Trump, then just a 
building developer, at all.

The movies, Tyrnauer says, aren’t in competition. “We can’t have enough 
films and books about Cohn,” he says.

The biggest difference is personal. Meeropol's film naturally focuses 
more on the Rosenberg case and its impact on her family. “The biggest 
challenge was finding the right balance,” says Meeropol, who previously 
directed Heir to an Execution. “I did not want my family to dominate 
Cohn's story but I did want to put a human face on something Cohn had 
done to real people.”

Meeropol’s coup is an interview with lawyer Alan Dershowitz. Dershowitz 
says Cohn told him that in the Rosenberg case, “We tampered with the 
evidence in order to persuade the judge and the jury.”

Julius had never provided critical information during his spying and 
Ethel was flat out not guilty, the lawyer says.

“I don’t think we’ve ever had a miscarriage of justice that parallels 
the Rosenberg case in my lifetime,” Dershowitz concludes.

Her film’s name comes from a patch on the AIDS quilt in the Washington 
Mall that Meeropol saw by chance in 1988. Calling the closeted Cohn a 
victim sounds strange but Meeropol wants people to think about “how 
societal bigotry and repression victimizes people everywhere.”

“And anyone who died of AIDS is a victim,” Meeropol says, adding that 
putting Cohn in that category would have infuriated him. It’s a fact — 
like the idea that Trump abandoned his mentor upon learning Cohn had 
AIDS-—that she knows viewers may find satisfying.

“He was vicious and a hypocrite and people may say he got what he deserved."
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Re: [Marxism] A Long, Weird Convo with the Hardline Trotskyist Running a 2020 Campaign That Makes Bernie Look Centrist - VICE

2019-09-30 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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Yep -- I voted for NADAR in 2000 --- and I thought the Peace and Freedom
Party in 1968 was the "wave of future" --- I WROTE in Cleaver and Ogelsby
in Wisconsin and actually stayed in my precinct and watched them count the
less than 10 votes for those two --- (that ticket actually got 1200 votes
in Minnesota because they were on the ballot -=

Don't know what I would have done in Florida in 2000 but I was in Mass so I
felt SAFE supporting Nadar --- and I bad mouthed Gore through most of the
campaign (in part because I had no idea how bad Bush would be).   I voted
for Nadar in 1996 as well because I hated Clinton for signing
"welfare reform" ---

I think with Gore as PREZ in 2001 we might have actually headed off 9-11
which would have meant no wars in Afghanistan and Iraq but who knows ... by
2004 I had determined Bush was a MUCH GREATER EVIL --- and of course I
'drank the cool aid" in support of Obama in 2008 and 2012 --- and feared
Trump was a fascist in 2016

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 10:39 AM Dennis Brasky via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

Michael - as we are all aware, the ruling class can always run a
"greaterevil" to frighten much of the left into supporting the "lesser." In
mylifetime, we saw this starting with Nixon vs. Kennedy in 1960,
thenGoldwater vs. Johnson in 1964, all the way to Trump vs. Hillary in
2016.I'm curious if you have ever rejected this approach and worked to
support aleft alternative, not an ultraleft choice like Mackler, but
someonerepresenting  a serious effort to break the left away from the
Democrats,such as Ralph Nader represented in his campaigns of 2000 and 2004.
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[Marxism] Trump impeachment: what lies behind it, what lies ahead

2019-09-30 Thread John Reimann via Marxism
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*Trump crisis part of a global process
*Relationship to Ukrainian politics
*The limits on Trump drive to replace "rule of law" with rule of Trump
*The chain of events that led to present crisis
*Will Republican unity fragment?
*Will Democrats see through to finish?
*Who and what should really be "impeached" and removed

"Ronald Reagan was called the teflon president because his embarrassing
miscues and falsehoods seemed to roll off him like burned food does off of
teflon. Trump makes Reagan a piker in comparison. Now he may have
overstretched the limits. But he is not alone: Similar heads of state are
in similar crises. This includes Boris Johnson in Britain, Benjamin
Netanyahu in Israel and Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil. And just this weekend,
news arrives about a 33% drop in support for the far right Austrian Freedom
Party in elections there.

"The specifics vary in each case, and it is necessary to know the specifics
to understand the general process."


*“In politics, abstract terms conceal treachery.” *from "The Black
Jacobins" by C. L. R. James
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Re: [Marxism] A Long, Weird Convo with the Hardline Trotskyist Running a 2020 Campaign That Makes Bernie Look Centrist - VICE

2019-09-30 Thread Dennis Brasky via Marxism
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Michael - as we are all aware, the ruling class can always run a "greater
evil" to frighten much of the left into supporting the "lesser." In my
lifetime, we saw this starting with Nixon vs. Kennedy in 1960, then
Goldwater vs. Johnson in 1964, all the way to Trump vs. Hillary in 2016.
I'm curious if you have ever rejected this approach and worked to support a
left alternative, not an ultraleft choice like Mackler, but someone
representing  a serious effort to break the left away from the Democrats,
such as Ralph Nader represented in his campaigns of 2000 and 2004.

On Mon, Sep 30, 2019 at 8:19 AM Michael Meeropol via Marxism <
marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu> wrote:

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> *
> as usual, (sorry see like a one-trick pony!), the question that needs to be
> posed to all on the left -- especially those who don't want any support for
> democrats in the Presidential election --- is do you think there is a
> qualitative difference between a re-elected Trump and any of the democrats
> who would replace him?   (sub-text of the question -- is Trump a fascist or
> will his re-election move the US closer to out and out fascism??)
> _
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[Marxism] The Book on Marx That Arendt Never Finished | Boston Review

2019-09-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Trump Seeks Treason Inquiry Into House Impeachment Leader - Bloomberg

2019-09-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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Re: [Marxism] A Long, Weird Convo with the Hardline Trotskyist Running a 2020 Campaign That Makes Bernie Look Centrist - VICE

2019-09-30 Thread Michael Meeropol via Marxism
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as usual, (sorry see like a one-trick pony!), the question that needs to be
posed to all on the left -- especially those who don't want any support for
democrats in the Presidential election --- is do you think there is a
qualitative difference between a re-elected Trump and any of the democrats
who would replace him?   (sub-text of the question -- is Trump a fascist or
will his re-election move the US closer to out and out fascism??)
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[Marxism] A Long, Weird Convo with the Hardline Trotskyist Running a 2020 Campaign That Makes Bernie Look Centrist - VICE

2019-09-30 Thread Louis Proyect via Marxism

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[Marxism] Marxism in the Iranian Revolution

2019-09-30 Thread Philip Ferguson via Marxism
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This was written over a decade ago by Yassamine Mather, a prominent figure
in the Fedayeen (Minority) in Iran, who now lives in Britain.

"The month of September is known in the Iranian exile calendar as the month
to commemorate one of the biggest mass executions of political prisoners in
the Islamic republic’s period of power. This year is the 20th anniversary
of the massacre in 1988.* The figures are very inaccurate, but I think the
government admits that probably 15,000 socialists, communists and some from
the Mujahedin were killed in prison. This was ayatollah Khomeini taking his
revenge on the Iranian left following his defeat in the war against Saddam

"These were not the only working class partisans killed in the prisons of
the islamic republic, of course: thousands had already been executed since
1980 and many more died in Kurdistan. What is sad about this is not just
that so many thousands gave their lives for socialism and Marxism, but
there have been very few lessons learned from. . ."

full at:
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[Marxism] We were told capitalism had won. But now workers can take back control | Grace Blakeley | Opinion | The Guardian

2019-09-30 Thread Kevin Lindemann and Cathy Campo via Marxism
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[Marxism] NEW PAMPHLET: The Kashmir Question and the Indian Left Today

2019-09-30 Thread RKOB via Marxism

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Readers might be interested in this new pamphlet (particularly in the 
context of the discussion about Kashmir and the Indian left which took 
place at this list recently):

The Kashmir Question and the Indian Left Today

The pamphlet has been written by Michael Pröbsting. It contains an 
Introduction and 8 Chapters (see Contents below). It can be read online 
or downloaded as a PDF at this link:


* * * * *

Contents of Pamphlet


1.Summary of the Marxist Position on the Liberation Struggle in Kashmir

2.What is Social-Patriotism?

3.The Reaction of the Indian Left to Modi's Revocation of Kashmir's 
Special Status

4.Blatant Denial of the Right of National Self-Determination (CPI, 

Communist Party of India

Communist Party of India (Marxist)

Excurse: The CPI(M) as a Social-Patriotic Advocate of the Indian Army

Socialist Unity Centre of India (Communist)

Excurse: On the Background of Stalinist Social-Patriotism in India

5.Platonic Acceptance of Right of National Self-Determination and 
Opposition to “Separatism” (CPI(ML) Liberation, WSP)

Communist Party of India (Marxist-Leninist) Liberation

Workers Socialist Party

6.Acceptance of Right of National Self-Determination but Refusal to 
Support Liberation Struggle (Radical Socialist, CWI, Revolutionary 

Radical Socialist

Committee for a Workers' International

Revolutionary Democracy

7.Supporters of the Liberation Struggle (Communist Party of India (Maoist))

8.Concluding Remarks

Revolutionär-Kommunistische Organisation BEFREIUNG
(Österreichische Sektion der RCIT, www.thecommunists.net)
Tel./SMS/WhatsApp/Telegram: +43-650-4068314

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