Re: [Marxism] Howie Hawkins is the nominee

2020-07-11 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> I've been at the Green Party virtual convention all day. Howie got 210 votes. 
> Dario Hunter, the runner-up, got 102. Onward to victory!

Are there significant differences between Hawkins and Hunter?


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[Marxism] Birth of a Nation

2020-06-26 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> These are complex questions. When James Agee was the film critic for the NY 
> Times, he wrote a tribute to D.W. Griffith when he died in 1947. His "Birth 
> of a Nation" was much worse than "Gone With the Wind". Agee understood what a 
> great director Griffith was (so was Leni Riefenstahl), but was far too 
> lenient to him politically.

I own a copy of The Birth of a Nation and have watched it. I don’t recognize 
the film Agee is describing. A friend of mine who teaches Film Studies sent me 
this a while ago.

This is how one film reviewer described the film:

"The film begins with scenes of contented black slaves labouring happily in 
cotton fields, watched over by benevolent masters. After the ensuing war, the 
state government is taken over by blacks who swarm the chamber like monkeys in 
a zoo -- boozing, munching on chicken legs and playing with their feet. 
Encouraged by evil Northerners, the blacks then go on a rampage -- a white 
woman, pursued by a slavering black man, throws herself off a cliff; in the 
town the whites cower indoors, while in the country a gang of black soldiers, 
with rape in mind, beseige a farmhouse. At this point, the Klan gather and ride 
to the rescue of the beleaguered whites."

Griffith's film was a conscious paean to the KKK, which he greatly admired. The 
KKK in turn used the film as a recruiting tool. The Birth of a Natiion is based 
on racist novel by Thomas Dixon, The Clanman: An Historical Romance of the Ku 
Klux Klan, which Dixon dedicated to his uncle, a grand titan of the KKK.  D.W. 
Griffith came from a family of Southern plantation and slave owners in 
Kentucky, who fought for the Confederacy. Griffith's father, Jacob Griffith, 
was a colonel in the Confederate Army and later an active member of the Klan 
and a participant in the infamous KKK "night rides" during which they murdered 
and intimidated blacks and white supporters.

It should be remembered that The Birth of a Nation was received with open arms 
by leading members of the ruling class of the day. President Woodrow Wilson 
requested that the film be shown in the White House, with Wilson and his 
cabinet (and their wives) in attendance. Thomas Dixon, the author of the racist 
novel upon which the film is based, presented the film, and the following night 
also showed it to Supreme Court Chief Justice Edward White (who proudly told 
Dixon that he had been a KKK firebrand in New Orleans) and to members of 
Congress at the luxurious Raleigh Hotel in Washington, D.Ç. Wilson famously 
declared of the film, "It's like writing history with lightning." 

It's important also to remember that the view of history that Griffith and 
Dixon presented -- especially that of Reconstruction -- was standard history at 
the time the film was released. But they were interested in more than just 
history. They aggressively presented a racist view of the inferiority of 
blacks. Dixon wrote that "no amount of education of any kind, industrial, 
classical or religious, can make a negro a white man or bridge the chasm of the 
centuries which separate him from the white man in the evolution of human 
civilization." The Birth of a Nation was one of the more effective tools in 
winning whites to see blacks as inferior and deserving of continued oppression.

A good source is Bruce M. Tyler, "Racist Art and Politics at the Turn of the 
Century," the Journal of Ethnic Studies 15:4 (Winter 1988)

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[Marxism] Bully. Coward. Victim. The Story of Roy Cohn on HBO

2020-06-16 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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[Marxism] Glenn Greenwald on Chomsky & Voting for Lesser Evil

2020-05-13 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Apologies if someone has already posted this. Greenwald makes many sensible 
points in this interview:
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Re: [Marxism] "Trump comments prompt doctors, and Lysol, to warn against injecting disinfectants"

2020-04-24 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Mark, does anything surprise us anymore? 

I was wondering if there's evidence that a significant section of the U.S. 
bourgeoisie is distressed at having a moron in charge of the executive branch 
at a time of great medical and economic peril. Do we know of anyone studying 
this in depth?


> Did any of us ever expect to see a headline like that?

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[Marxism] Michael Moore's New Film

2020-04-22 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Moore is the producer of a new film that it bound to upset some people on the 
left. He takes on the Green Energy interests — solar, wind, biofuel. The film 
can be watched online here for free for the next 30 days.

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[Marxism] Countering Racist Scapegoating Around Covid-19

2020-04-16 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Sanders withdraws: What next?

2020-04-08 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> "Now that Bernie Sanders has officially withdrawn from the race, what
> lessons will be learned by his tens of thousands of supporters? 

It’s a lot more than tens of thousands. My union, the Professional Staff 
Congress, which represents about 30,000 faculty and professional staff at the 
City University of New York, voted to endorse Sander only a few weeks ago, when 
his prospects were already bleak. Sanders has millions of supporters.

The AFT, NEA, UFCW and AFSCME have all endorsed Biden. Some of the socialists 
who supported Sanders are already telling us how important it is to work for 
Biden. I wonder if Jacobin will still be pushing Branko Marcetic’s informative 
book, Yesterday’s Man: The Case Against Joe Biden. What will the DSA position 

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[Marxism] Neo-nazi group The Base Leader in Russia

2020-01-24 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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The FBI is investigating the group The Base and members have been arrested in 
recent days. Their leader, Rinaldo Nazzaro, appears to be running the group 
from Russia: 

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Re: [Marxism] Russia-Turkey 10-point agreement disclosed

2019-10-23 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> Will Chris Slee, or anybody else, please provide any evidence that any 
> significant wing of the US capitalist class and their strategists supported 
> Trump's withdrawal of troops from NE Syria?
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[Marxism] Furr

2019-08-25 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> To start with, I am not going to spend $20 on anything written by Furr. I got 
> bootlegged copies of Sunkara and Blumenthal's books to review for the same 
> reason. I might consider that in Furr's case but Columbia does not have any 
> of his books. Quelle surprise.

Louis: I understand your feelings. So just two final (I promise) questions 
about Grover Furr for the listserv:

1. Are any parts of his work valuable as a corrective to the anti-Soviet 
writings of people like Robert Conquest? As you wrote, Furr reads Russian and 
has worked with Russian historians in examining the Soviet archives. So has he 
made any valuable discoveries?

2. Have there been any scholarly refutations of his claims?

People like J. Arch Getty (Origins of the Great Purges), Robert Thurston (Life 
and Terror in Stalin’s Russia, 1934-1941), and others who were able to look in 
the newly opened archives, were able to correct some of earlier false and 
exaggerated claims about the Stalin period. Is Furr continuing in this 

It’s amazing to me how much Furr written about this period: 

The problem I have is that many of the people (like Conquest) who have written 
about Stalin despised Soviet socialism and wanted to paint it in the worse 
possible light. People like Furr, Losurdo (and many of us, I believe) think 
that Soviet socialism was imperfect but did accomplish a lot, so we have reason 
to question the old anti-communist narrative.


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Re: [Marxism] Katyn

2019-08-23 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Furr’s 2018 book on Katyn does address the Polish-Ukrainian archeological team 
report on the mass grave at Volodymyr-Volyns’kiy in Ukraine. Chapter 5 of the 
book is entirely devoted to the report. Among other things, he notes that 
“between 96% and 98% of the shell casings found at this mass execution site are 
of German make and are date ‘1941’.”


> However, what I did find was a Telegraph article from 2014 titled “Stalin-era 
> mass grave found in Ukrainian castle” 
> (
>  that states the archaeologists found cartridge cases from a TT pistol, a 
> Soviet sidearm, in the mass grave. Odd that such a scrupulous researcher like 
> Furr neglected to mention that, although it goes hand in hand with other 
> findings of his over the years, including the charge that Leon Trotsky 
> conspired “with fascists and his own followers within the USSR to sabotage 
> industry, transportation, and mines.”

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Re: [Marxism] Katyn

2019-08-22 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Okay, but I read his book on Katyn and his meticulous research is very 


>> A different view on Katyn:
>> Glenn
> A review of a Grover Furr book? This guy also argued that Trotsky and 
> Bukharin were Nazi spies. That will give you an idea of his credibility.

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[Marxism] Katyn

2019-08-22 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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A different view on Katyn:

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Re: [Marxism] Mikola Dziadok: What We Can Learn from the Moscow Protests

2019-08-04 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Very interesting, Thomas! Do you know much about the makeup of the people being 
arrested? Are they mostly students, like Olga? Are they working class, or not?


> The logical conclusion is it is stupid and short-sighted for protesters to
> try and keep themselves and their protests on the right side of the law,
> appealing endlessly to the law as a supreme value and, moreover, outing
> protesters who break the law as “provocateurs,” one of the favorite hobbies
> of the legal opposition. It is like trying to win a fight without breaking
> rules drawn up by your enemy. So it is quite pretty to read the Russian
> Constitution out loud to riot policemen, but it is also naive, pretentious,
> and frivolous. They care a thousand times more about their discounted
> apartments and bonuses than they care about the Constitution.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Surprise! Nuclear flack doesn't like "Chernobyl" miniseries

2019-06-08 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> He left Breakthrough in 2016 to work full-time as a publicist for and
> promoter of the nuclear industry.

But could you reply to what he says are inaccuracies in the HBO show?

You make it sound as though Shellenberger works for the nuclear power industry. 
He doesn’t.

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[Marxism] What "Chernobyl" Gets Wrong

2019-06-08 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Nuclear power is not the answer in a time of climate change | Aeon Ideas

2019-05-29 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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I found the debate in the comments section just as interesting as the article 


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[Marxism] Forum

2019-05-16 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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For those in the NYC area,  a joint book launch for Marxist Literary Criticism 
Today by Barbara Foley and Red International and Black Caribbean: Communists in 
New York City, Mexico and the West Indies, 1913-1939 by Margaret Stevens

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[Marxism] Mark Tauger's Work on the Soviet Famine

2019-05-03 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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I’m not competent enough to know what the flaws are, if any, in Mark Tauger’s 
writings, but I read these three articles a while ago and found them to be 

“Natural Disaster and Human Actions in the Soviet Famine of 1931-1933"

“Review of Anne Applebaum’s ‘Red Famine: Stalin’s War on Ukraine”

"Review of 'The Years of Hunger: Soviet Agriculture, 1931-1933’”

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[Marxism] Forum on Sanctions: Today, 6-8pm

2019-05-01 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Sponsored by the International Committee of the Professional Staff Congress, 
the union that represents faculty and staff at the City University of New York

Roundtable, May 1, 6-8 pm
PSC Union Hall, 61 Broadway, 16th floor

Renate Bridenthal, Professor Emerita of History Brooklyn College

Gregory Wilpert, author of Changing Venezuela by Taking Power, founder of & Managing Editor of The Real News.

Hamideh Sedghi, author of Women and Politics in Iran: Veiling, Unveiling and 
Reveiling; & Reza Ghorashi, author of "The Effects of the JCPOA [the nuclear 
deal and sanctions] on the Iranian Economy."

Jeremy Kuzmarov, co-author with John Marciano of The Russians Are Coming, 
Now that the U.S. uses sanctions more and more freely, this roundtable asks 
whether the PSC, as a staunch anti-war union ever since the invasions of 
Afghanistan and Iraq, should oppose U.S. sanctions. The U.S. Treasury says 
sanctions “accomplish foreign policy and national security goals,” such as the 
overthrow of the government of Venezuela. Are they a weapon of modern “hybrid 
war” or a diplomatic tool? Are they non-violent persuasion or a medieval siege? 
If we oppose U.S. endless wars, should we also oppose U.S. sanctions?

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[Marxism] Request for sanctions readings

2019-03-08 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Can anyone recommend readings that provide a general critique of how the U.S. 
government uses sanctions to effect regime change, that analyzes sanctions as 
an act of war? Readings that look at both the historical and current use of 

Thanks in advance,
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Re: [Marxism] Eric Olin Wright's farewell

2019-01-19 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Thanks for posting. This is an exquisitely beautiful and insightful farewell 

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Re: [Marxism] Can New York City’s Mayor Be an Amazon Booster and Still Be Progressive?

2018-11-17 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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It’s amazing how many unions and progressive groups like Make the Road have 
been enamored with de Blasio for so long. My union, the Professional Staff 
Congress, endorsed him twice. I wrote a four-page letter to 200 PSC delegates 
explaining why de Blasio was not worthy of support: his strong support for 
racist “broken windows” policing, his opposition to unions at city-financed 
housing projects, his tight connections to the real estate magnates, his 
aggressive lobbying for the Working Families Party convention to nominate Cuomo 
in 2014, and so. But it had little effect.

Anyone who would like a copy of the letter I wrote can contact me off line.


> (What a fucking dick: “A major international corporation has their own 
> agenda,” Mr. de Blasio said. “Meanwhile the strongest city government in 
> America is basically a European social democracy that somehow broke loose 
> from the continent and came here.”)

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Re: [Marxism] WSJ: U.S. Edges Toward New Cold-War Era With China

2018-10-13 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Is there a way to read the WSJ article without subscribing?


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Re: [Marxism] Blackkklansman: Spike Lee Delivers a Masterpiece

2018-08-17 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Boots Riley expressed some thoughts about this:

> When we are talking about a film the characters are different and distinct 
> entities that are separate from the real world forms that inspire them. The 
> textual Stallworth is different than the real man. 
> Best regards,
> Andrew Stewart 

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Re: [Marxism] Blackkklansman: Spike Lee Delivers a Masterpiece

2018-08-17 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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What does it mean to say that Ron Stallworth was a “good cop”? At the same time 
he was infiltrating the Klan he was infiltrating and reporting on left groups 
that were organizing anti-Klan protests:


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Re: [Marxism] US Teachers at Convention Galvanized by Wave of Strikes

2018-07-16 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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I just returned from the AFT convention. If you believe the expensive videos 
that the  2444 delegates were shown, Randi Weingarten is a modern day Mother 
Jones. Yet the AFT could have — but didn’t — bring rank-and-file teachers from 
the red states to talk about how they organized their walkouts. Aaron has it 
right. One delegate got up and blasted Randi for granting HRC the AFT 
endorsement long before the primaries began.

Instead of talking among ourselves about how to fight back against austerity 
conditions imposed by both parties, we got to hear the following visitors: 
Hillary Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Conor Lamb — one of the 
Democratic centrist military men loved by the Democratic Party establishment. 
He was so bland I had trouble keeping my eyes open.


> If the idea is that the AFT, under Weingarten, was central to the outbreak
> of these struggles or to the subsequent leadership, it is plain wrong.   As
> to her organizing efforts paving the way for massive support, I would argue
> she has spent more time paving the way for Hillary Clinton (also
> prominently featured in this article)  than in organizing teachers.
> -Aaron A.

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[Marxism] Recommendation for book on Russia?

2018-04-14 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Does anyone have a recommendation for a book on current-day Russia that 
includes class analysis?

I’m interested in information on its class structure, the power of the 
oligarchs and their relationship with Putin, conditions for the Russian working 
class, Russian foreign policy, etc.

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Re: [Marxism] Punching Nazis Revisited

2018-03-13 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Just one person’s opinion, but I admire what you did. You spent weeks educating 
people about the dangers posed by racists like Spencer, and you organized 
people to confront him and his goons. “A few hundred antifascist counter 
protesters” sounds good to me. And your action convinced Spencer that having 
these campus provocations “are not fun” anymore! That's a pretty big 

I admire Antifa for bloodying fascists. The problem I have with Antifa is they 
don’t seem to have a strategy for organizing a movement that might one day take 
power and eliminate the really big fascists.


> The issue of using physical force to intimidate fascists and deter them
> from organizing has come up on this list in the past. One week ago Richard
> Spencer spoke at Michigan State University. A few hundred antifascist
> counter protesters including myself gathered outside the venue in an
> attempt to block Spencer and attendees from entering the building. About
> 150 tickets were sold, and only a couple dozen Spencer fans made it into
> the venue. Many turned away after seeing our numbers. Some, including a
> contingent of about 30 featuring Matt Heimbach and his Neo-Nazi Traditional
> Workers Party, were turned away only after physical confrontation. Many of
> those who did make it into the venue had to be escorted one at a time by
> six or so cops through our crowds. This was undoubtedly an unpleasant
> experience for them. Some were bloodied and some had horse shit thrown on
> them.
> Since then, Spencer announced via a youtube video that he would no longer
> be making planned public speaking appearances

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Re: [Marxism] Capitalism in the Twenty-First Century:, Global Inequality, Piketty, and the Transnational, Capitalist Class,

2018-01-10 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Very interesting. What book is this from?


> By William I. Robinson
>> But that is precisely the rub. Capital in the Twenty-First Century has been
>> so well received by the academic, media, and political establishment 
>> precisely
>> because it converges with the reformist agenda of a rising number of
>> transnational elites and intelligentsia. These elites have become 
>> increasingly
>> concerned that the social conflicts and political turmoil sparked by such
>> egregious inequalities may destabilize global capitalism and threaten their
>> control. They seek to save capitalism from itself and from more radical 
>> projects
>> from below. Like Piketty, they call for mildly redistributive measures such
>> as increased taxes on corporations and the rich, a more progressive income
>> tax, the reintroduction of social welfare programs, and a “green capitalism.”
>> They are also alarmed that extreme levels of inequality will undermine the
>> prospects for growth and profit making. The Organization of economic 
>> Cooperation
>> and Development (OECD), the club of the 34 richest countries, for
>> instance, warned in a 2015 report that the “global inequality gap” has 
>> “reached
>> a turning point.” The report did not have much to say about the social 
>> injustice
>> that such inequality represents, nor about the mass suffering it brings 
>> about.
>> It did, however, highlight that “high inequality drags down growth” and 
>> recommend
>> raising taxes on the rich.
> full: 
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Dissent hosts debate on nuclear energy and Germany's "Energiewende"

2017-12-10 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Shouldn’t the first URL be:

> Dissent magazine back in 2013 had a wonderful discussion/debate over
> Germany's dismantling of their nuclear industry in response to Fukushima.
> --David
> Showing Germany's plunge into renewables has been a failure:
> Green Energy Bust in Germany
> By Will Boisvert:
> From Dissent  Summer 2013
> Here is Osha Gray Davidson's reply to Will Boisvert's above-printed
> article defending "Energiewende" (renewables):
> And here is the third of the three articles, Will Boisvert's reply to
> Osha's response to his original article:
> A highly useful discussion on the pros and cons of renewable vs nuclear 
> energy.
> _
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Re: [Marxism] reference to the Port Huron Statement

2017-11-10 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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>  I'm sure that somewhere on line there is the real Port Huron Statement (and 
> maybe even the original draft, which would allow those interested to get a 
> sense of the changes collectively made in Port Huron).

Is this it?

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Re: [Marxism] Suggestions for reads on Portugal??

2017-10-28 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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A friend told me this was good:

> Looking for suggestions for historical readings on Portugal  - the Salazar 
> regime, the resistance to it, the anti-colonial and national liberation 
> struggles, and the revolution of 1974.
> ( Was just in the country for the first time and realized, especially after 
> visiting the remarkable “Museum of the Resistance” in Lisbon, that I really 
> don’t much at all about the history, but came away wit the sense that there 
> are some important lessons there.) 

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[Marxism] Why Democrats Need Wall Street

2017-10-18 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Bill Clinton’s former senior political adviser explains why the Democratic 
Party needs Wall Street and the business elite on its side. Schoen demonstrates 
why the Democrats will always be one wing of the same capitalist bird. 
Interestingly, he also argues that the Democrats should not even pretend to be 
a reformist party:

"Most important, the Democrats have simply had an ineffective, negative and 
coercive economic message. Advocacy of a $15 minimum wage and further banking 
regulation does not constitute a positive, proactive agenda."

Take away the minimum wage demand and support for banking and environmental 
regulations, and what’s left of the Democratic Party pretense at populism? It’s 
already rejected single payer health insurance, the other plank of a possible 
populist program.®ion=rank&module=package&version=highlights&contentPlacement=1&pgtype=sectionfront

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Trump Mocks Bob Corker’s Height, Escalating Feud with a Key Republican - The New York Times

2017-10-10 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Trump’s pattern of ridiculing the physical features of critics is reaching new 
heights, or is lows?

> In labeling Mr. Corker “liddle,” the president was evidently returning to a 
> theme. He considered Mr. Corker for secretary of state during the transition 
> after last year’s election but was reported to have told associates that Mr. 
> Corker, at 5-foot-7, was too short to be the nation’s top diplomat. Instead, 
> Mr. Trump picked Rex W. Tillerson, who is several inches taller but whose own 
> relationship with the president has deteriorated to the point that he was 
> said to have called Mr. Trump a “moron.”

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Re: [Marxism] What a German Communist said about the Nazis in 1930

2017-09-06 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> "Oh yes, we admit that we're in league with the National Socialists, that we 
> together with the National Socialists, want to destroy the existing social 
> system . . . Bolshevism and Fascism share a common goal; the destruction of 
> capitalism and of the Social Democratic Party. To achieve this aim we are 
> justified in using every means."
> --Horst Sindermann, German CP leader, 1930

Are you sure about the date? Wikipedia has this about Sindermann:

"Horst Sindermann joined the Communist Youth Federation (KJVD) in 1929 and in 
1932 became a local functionary in Dresden. The group was banned by the Nazi 
regime and in June 1933, Sindermann was arrested and condemned to eight months 
of imprisonment for illegal political activities. In September 1934, he became 
political director of the KJVD's Dresden branch.”

In 1930, Sindermann was not a CP leader. What is the source?

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[Marxism] Beyond Neoliberal Identity Politics

2017-05-24 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Louis, you’re quoted in the essay.
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Re: [Marxism] A Principal Is Accused of Being a Communist, Rattling a Brooklyn School

2017-05-04 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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This investigation says a lot about the conservatism of de Blasio and his DoE 
Chancellor, Carmen Farina. Jill Bloomberg is a celebrity in the fledgling 
anti-segregation movement in NYC, as this article from New York Magazine makes 

She should be getting awards, but instead she’s under investigation for being a 
leftist. Who else besides leftists stand up for integrated schools and against 
racially discriminatory policies? Very few principals would risk their jobs 
doing that.


> NY Times, May 4, 2017
> A Principal Is Accused of Being a Communist, Rattling a Brooklyn School
> It was early March when a representative from the New York City Department of 
> Education’s Office of Special Investigations sat down with Jill Bloomberg, 
> the longtime principal of Park Slope Collegiate in Brooklyn, a combined 
> middle and high school, to inform her that she was under investigation.

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[Marxism] Barbara Fields essay request

2017-02-11 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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I used to subscribe to New Left Review, but let my subscription lapse. I need a 
copy of Barbara Field’s essay, “Slavery, Race and Ideology in the United States 
of America”. If anyone has a pdf of that article you could send me, it would be 
much appreciated. The article was in the May-June 1990 edition.

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[Marxism] "The Myth"

2017-01-30 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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This seems like a worthy project. I just contributed a few dollars

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[Marxism] Full-page ad in the NY Times

2017-01-05 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Have others seen yesterday’s ad in the NY Times, which can be found here:

Who is this group? They sound a lot like the Avakian cult, RCP. But how can 
they afford an ad that must cost at least $100,000?

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[Marxism] Sanctuary For All

2016-12-15 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Avi Chomsky (Noam’s daughter) has initiated an important petition calling on 
President Obama to issue an legal pardon for all undocumented persons in the 

I’ve signed.

Ms. Chomsky wrote an article for NACLA about the proposal, which is valuable 


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Re: [Marxism] Fukushima radiation has contaminated the entire Pacific Ocean

2016-10-03 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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This is an older article, but it seems a bit less alarmist:

"Researchers have detected 110 new contaminated sites off the American Pacific 
coast, including the highest levels of radioactive contamination around 2,500 
km west of San Francisco. That's still 500 times below US government safety 
limits for drinking water, so there's no need to panic even if you've recently 
been swimming or fishing in the Pacific.”

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Re: [Marxism] Hillary Clinton Takes Aim at Voters Drifting Toward Third Party

2016-09-16 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> On Sep 16, 2016, at 10:49 AM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism 
>> a vote for a third-party candidate is a vote for Donald Trump
> That is the bottom line in this election

This is really getting repetitive. I got it the first time, the tenth time, the 
twentieth time: Vote for Hillary.

Weren’t we supposed to refrain from debating this?


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Re: [Marxism] L.I.U.-Brooklyn Locks Out Professors Amid Contract Dispute

2016-09-07 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> (Every trade unionist in NY should rally to the defense of these professors, 
> especially those who are also college professors represented by the PSC or 
> any other union. As the IWW put it, an injury to one is an injury to all. The 
> Deborah Mutnick mentioned in the article was a member of the CISPES chapter 
> in NY back in the early 80s with me. She is still fighting the good fight.)

Thanks, Louis.

I joined 30 or so PSC people today at the rally to support more than 400 
Brooklyn LIU faculty members who have been locked out of their classrooms, with 
both their salaries and health benefits terminated. Hundreds of faculty and 
students rallied and picketed outside the campus, along with a sizable group of 
blue-collar workers (electricians, carpenters, custodians) who also are working 
without a contract. The huge inflatable rat was present, the speeches were 
militant, and there was a multi-racial group of about 30 students with signs 
supporting the faculty.

Management hired a couple hundred advanced degree scabs. One of the prominent 
issues is management’s demand that salaries for adjuncts be lowered. A number 
of speakers made the point that LIU has a long history of racism, and that the 
Brooklyn LIU campus is far more integrated than the LI campus and faculty at 
the Brooklyn campus have lower salaries.

The enthusiasm of people at the rally and picket line was inspiring. 

The AFT has established a Solidarity Fund for the LIUFF — but hasn’t called for 
thousands of UFT and AFT members in NYC to come to LIU, which it has the power 
to do:

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[Marxism] "Some of her most intimate friends"

2016-09-03 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Interesting, coming from the New York Times:®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news&_r=0
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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Fwd: The Black Political Establishment Should Never Have Given Hillary Clinton a Blank Check - In These Times

2016-08-08 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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This interview speaks to Dennis’ point:

Christina Heatherton has a book on the subject:

Heatherton argues that hostile and brutal policing and mass incarceration is 
systemic and is carried on under both Republican and Democratic 
administrations. We’ve certainly seen that in NYC (with “broken windows” 
Bratton and De Blasio) and in Chicago with Emanuel.

> I most certainly was not making light of the issue of pogroms/lynch mobs.
> In terms of what may happen if Trump is elected - which I highly doubt -
> all I see today are pogroms carried out weekly in cities all over the
> country by Klansmen in blue with badges, and NOT ONE has been prosecuted by
> the Obama "Justice" Department. Will a Hillary adminstration be any more
> vigilant in defense of Black America - the same people she demonized as
> "predators" in the 1990s? Those urging a vote for her as protection are
> leaving people defenseless.

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[Marxism] Is this worth attending?

2016-05-25 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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I don’t know anything about John Weeks. I was thinking of attending just to 
learn more about Corbyn.


"Jeremy Corbyn, the Trident Controversy, and the State of Working Class 
Politics in Britain" with John Weeks

Thursday May 26, 2016 at 6 p.m.
CWA Local 1180
6 Harrison St. (at Hudson St.), lower level
lower Manhattan
#1 train to Franklin St.
A,E,C, 2, 3 trains to Chambers St.

John Weeks is Professor Emeritus, University of London, and founding member of 
the UK group Economists for Rational Economic Policies. He has advised UK trade 
unions and the Labour Party on economic policy, and has a weekly radio program 
of economic commentary. He was a founding member of the Union of Radical 
Political Economists.

This talk will come shortly after the up-coming May UK elections that will test 
Jeremy Corbyn's policies, including his controversial call to ban the Trident 
nuclear submarine from Britain.  Weeks is well placed to assess the political 
currents flowing through Britain, echoed as well here in the U.S.

The program is jointly sponsored by the Center for Study of Working Class Life, 
the Left Labor Project, and the New York City Chapter of U.S. Labor Against the 

Larry Moskowitz, Left Labor Project

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[Marxism] PSL: Vote for Sanders in NY

2016-04-18 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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[Marxism] "Hamilton" for the 1%

2016-04-11 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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The Times finally reports on the doubts about “Hamilton” from professional 

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Re: [Marxism] Letter to George W. Bush.

2016-03-20 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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>  Any time such a state is overthrown, the people have a lot of work to do to 
> get things right again.
> It doesn't matter if an imperialist invasion did it or the people did it
> themselves. The task of rebuilding remains. That is how Iraq is like Libya
> but the solution is not to maintain these brutal dictatorships.

Clay, I recommend you read Anand Gopal’s book, No Good Men Among the Living. He 
shows how the U.S. intervention in Afghanistan in late 2001 shattered the 
Taliban and sent them back to their villagers, vowing never to fight again. Yet 
within a few years, the Taliban had regrouped and come back. Why? Because the 
“men with guns” that the U.S. maintained in power were political strongmen with 
personal armies who were even more corrupt, brutal and misogynist than the 
Taliban, who had set the bar pretty high for those qualities. 

The U.S. is not in the business of creating more humane and egalitarian 
societies. It’s in the business of maintaining power by allying with men who 
know who to use extreme force to maintain stability. The “imperialist invasion” 
does not make it any easier to “rebuild” — it just substitutes one form of 
brutal rule for another.

> You are all worthless and weak.

Thanks, I had forgotten that.


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Re: [Marxism] Tailing Rachel Maddow

2016-03-14 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> Your theory is basically that he's an idiot and doesn't know what he's doing. 

There’s a lot of evidence for the idiot theory.

Or maybe it’s a combination of idiocy, racism and arrogance.

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Re: [Marxism] victims of Trumpette violence?

2016-03-13 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Meanwhile, the GOP billionaire donor class is pulling its hair out trying to 
stop Trump from being the nominee:§ion=us_politics

So here’s an interesting dilemma for Sanders supporters who are justifiably 
unhappy with the sway of the billionaire class. If Trump is the nominee it 
looks as though Clinton will be the favored candidate of most of that class, 
including many who would normally back the GOP candidate.

So Sanders supporters who resign themselves to voting for the lesser of two 
evils — supposedly Hillary — will be voting for the choice of the very people 
they dislike.

I’m reading Doug Henwood’s book about Hillary: My Turn, which convincingly 
shows why the Clintons are loved by the oligarchy.

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Re: [Marxism] [UCE] Proof that God exists

2016-02-13 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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That’s all the proof the public unions need. With Scalia in the ground, the 
Friedrichs case that seeks to curtail agency fee payments will probably be a 
4-4 tie, which saves the unions.


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[Marxism] CPUSA response to SOTU speech

2016-01-14 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Obama’s not perfect, but we really, really like him:

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Meet the Former Militiaman Behind the Fast and Furious Scandal | Mother Jones

2016-01-04 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> Fiery rhetoric about resistance and revolution isn't new for Vanderboegh, 
> though the origins of his activism may seem a bit incongruous. "I used to be 
> a communist," he says. Vanderboegh, who is in his late 50s, claims he joined 
> the anti-war movement in 1967, first with Students for a Democratic Society, 
> then the Socialist Workers Party, and eventually the Maoist Progressive Labor 
> Party.

1967 was 48 years ago. He’s in his late 50’s, so he would have been 10 or 11 
when he joined. Sounds like a big liar to me.
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[Marxism] NYTimes Pro-Nuclear Op-Ed

2015-11-30 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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We already know that today’s energy sources cannot sustain a future we want to 
live in. This is most obvious in poor countries, where billions dream of living 
like Americans. The easiest way to satisfy this demand for a better life has 
been to burn more coal: In the past decade alone, China addedmore coal-burning 
capacity than America has ever had. But even though average Indians and Chinese 
use less than 30 percent as much electricity as Americans, the air they breathe 
is far worse. They deserve a third option besides dire poverty or dirty skies.

Wind and solar together provide less than 2 percent of the world’s energy, and 
they aren’t growing anywhere near fast enough to replace fossil fuels.

The 2011 Fukushima disaster seemed at first to confirm old fears: Nearly 16,000 
people were killed by the Tohoku earthquake and tsunami. But nobody in Japan 
died from radiation, and in 2013 United Nations researchers predicted that “no 
discernible increased incidence of radiation-related health effects are 

Critics often point to the Chernobyl accident in the Soviet Union as an even 
more terrifying warning against nuclear power, but that accident was a direct 
result of both a faulty design and the operators’ incompetence. Fewer than 50 
people were reported to have died at Chernobyl; by contrast, the American Lung 
Association estimates that smoke from coal-fired power plants kills about 
13,000 people every year.
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[Marxism] CUNY union members arrested for civil disobedience

2015-11-05 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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I was one of 54 faculty and staff members arrested yesterday in front of the 
headquarters of the City University of NY. We sat down and blocked the 
entrances. A few hundred other members of the union — the Professional Staff 
Congress — took part in the spirited protest. Governor Cuomo is determined to 
impose an austerity contract on the union, as he did with other state unions, 
and we are determined not to accept it. 


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[Marxism] U.S. Airstrike Hits Doctors Without Borders' Hospital in Kunduz

2015-10-03 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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[Marxism] Recommendations for recent books on Cuba

2015-09-17 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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I was hoping some of you could recommend recent — written in the last 15 years 
-- books about Cuba. I’m looking for books that are supportive of the Cuban 
revolution while not entirely uncritical.

Thanks in advance,
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: 60 Years Ago, Moscow Tested a Nuclear Weapon on Its Own Citizens

2015-09-15 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> What state would not be willing to use nuclear weapons on its own people?

"During the cold war, all the nuclear powers deliberately exposed some troops 
to radiation in atmospheric tests to see how soldiers would function, even 
though many of the effects of radioactivity were already known. Records show 
that the United States carried out such experiments in Nevada and the South 
Pacific, France did so in the Algerian desert and the Soviet Union in the 
Arctic and Kazakhstan. And on all sides, it is now known, tests also sent 
radioactive fallout into inhabited areas.”

"According to the United States Defense Nuclear Agency, the United States 
conducted 235 atmospheric tests of nuclear weapons from 1944 to 1962, exposing 
some 200,000 military and civilian personnel of the Department of Defense to 
some degree of radiation.”


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[Marxism] August 16 Rally at South African consulate

2015-08-10 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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My union, the Professional Staff Congress, which represents faculty and 
staff at the City University of NY, is having a demonstration on Sunday at the 
South African consulate in Manhattan. It was called to remember the Marikana 
Massacre by police of 34 South African platinum miners who were on strike. 

Sunday, August 16, 3:30 - 5 PM
South African Consulate
333 E. 38th St., NYC

There will also be demonstrations in South Africa and in London to commemorate 
this terrible attack, and to demand that those responsible be brought to 

The PSC has a very nice color flyer announcing the event. Please contact me if 
you’d like to receive an electronic copy for distribution.

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Re: [Marxism] Black Lives Matter protesters shut down Sanders event

2015-08-09 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> Thanks, Glenn.  It all makes sense now.  Armed with this information, Sanders 
> should have BLM banned from all of his public events.

Sanders could at least explain to his supporters how Soros is funding both BLM 
and Hillary. However, that’s one of the problems with Bernie — as others here 
have pointed out, he has a long-standing relationship with the Democratic Party 
and is unwilling to sharply attack much of the Party's politics or its leaders.


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Re: [Marxism] Black Lives Matter protesters shut down Sanders event

2015-08-09 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> Gee, I don't know how much clearer I could be.  This is the second time
> they have gone after Bernie, and still nothing about Clinton, as if she
> does not exist. It looks quite suspicious.  Are they working for Hillary?
> Cointelpro?  Take your pick.

It’s a little difficult to ignore the George Soros connection. The billionaire 
has given millions of dollars to both Hillary Clinton and to Black Lives 
Matter. Why would BLM attack Clinton?


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[Marxism] Germans protest in 14 cities against Merkel's stance on Greece

2015-07-19 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Is this authentic?

2015-07-11 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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No, I don’t think so. The text of the letter is here: 

It’s mainly an attack on BDS and a reminder of how loyal she’s been to Israel.

What’s written below seems fabricated.

> Democratic presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton last week penned a 
> controversial letter to Israeli-American media mogul Haim Saban, a major 
> Jewish donor vowing to offer Israel “total” support in its next confrontation 
> with the Gaza Strip’s Islamist rulers:  
> Hillary's letter stated:  “Quite frankly, Israel didn’t teach Hamas a harsh 
> enough lesson last year. True to form, Obama was too hard on our democratic 
> ally, and too soft on our Islamofascist foe,” reads the letter, obtained by 
> the Guardian. “As president, I will give the Jewish state all the necessary 
> military, diplomatic, economic and moral support it needs to truly vanquish 
> Hamas – and if that means killing 200,000 Gazans, than so be it.”

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Re: [Marxism] “The President Blinked”: Why Obama Changed Course on the “Red Line” in Syria | Obama at War | FRONTLINE | PBS

2015-05-27 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> As the documentary details, wary of involving America in a potentially 
> long-term military engagement, Obama decided to seek airstrike authorization 
> from a Congress he knew to be opposed rather than proceed with his initial 
> plan.
> full: 

It’s a very interesting documentary that can be watched at the PBS site: 

Back in 2011, U.S. Ambassador Ford joined the anti-Assad demonstrators and it 
seemed at the time the U.S. would have been content to see the Syrian ruler 
fall. But when it became clear that Assad would hold on for a while, U.S. 
support for the revolt greatly faltered.

The documentary has two themes:

1. Back in 2012, the Obama administration missed an opportunity to arm and 
support a moderate opposition. Ambassador Ford quit over the administration’s 
failure to do so.

2. At this point, there are no good options for the U.S.. None of the 
diplomats, generals or politicians like McCain have any workable suggestions.

The bottom line seems to be that the Obama administration was initially nervous 
about militarily aiding a revolution it wasn’t sure would be compliant with 
U.S. imperialist aims in the region. The devil it knew was better than the 
devil it didn’t know, especially since Assad had proven to be a reasonable 
fellow — supporting the U.S. invasion of Iraq in 1991 and rapidly privatizing 
state-owned businesses over the last couple decades.

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Re: [Marxism] Socialist revolution in Greece–easy to say, harder to do

2015-05-20 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> On May 20, 2015, at 6:42 PM, Dayne Goodwin  wrote:
> They should have continued with what Lenin had in mind with the
> launching of the New Economic Policy in 1921, his last full year
> before serious illness began to incapacitate him.  Open up the economy
> to more private enterprise, as the agricultural economy revived
> increase taxes on the more successful farmers - not so heavily as to
> discourage them - and invest those funds in the urban/industrial
> economy reviving and re/building the working class.  Empower workers
> democracy and workers control in moving toward socialism in the USSR
> while carrying out internationalist revolutionary policies to make the
> most of the new possibilities for socialist revolution which
> capitalism would produce.

Thanks, Dayne. This is an interesting program. I have two reservations:

1. Would opening up “the economy to more private enterprise” have been 
consistent with empowering “workers democracy and workers control”? What if 
factory workers democratically decided to reduce their hours of work and 
receive higher pay? Would the Party have intervened on the side of the owners 
or the workers?

2. Everyone seemed to agree that sooner or later Soviet socialism would be 
attacked by one or more of the Western capitalist armies, and therefore the 
Soviet Union had to industrialize, and couldn’t take its time doing so. Does 
your program take this into account?

Thanks, again.


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Re: [Marxism] Socialist revolution in Greece–easy to say, harder to do

2015-05-18 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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A well-written essay. I have two questions:

1. Re the Soviet Union: Once it became clear that revolution in Western Europe 
would not be successful, what should the Soviet leadership have done?

2. Re Greece: If we agree that socialist revolution is not possible at this 
time, is there any value to advocating now for revolution in the future? If not 
now, when?

Of course, you’re absolutely correct in saying it doesn't the answer the 
question as to what to do immediately. However, Marx did say in the Manifesto: 
"In all these movements, they bring to the front, as the leading question in 
each, the property question, no matter what its degree of development at the 


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Re: [Marxism] Baltimore marxists on the anger in the city

2015-05-12 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> This lacks a local feel. It reads like it could have been written by
> "Marxist " from anywhere. Where is the organic connection to the struggle?

I had that same feeling of detachment. A google search turned up this article 
at the communist Progressive Labor Party website: 

It was clear the writers were there and knew people.


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Re: [Marxism] another step down for Socialist Action

2015-05-07 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Since this disagreement seems to come up over and over, is there a coherent 
critique of Marcy’s theory of “global class struggle” that is the ideological 
justification for supporting Assad, Putin and others?

Louis might have posted a critique a while back, but I couldn’t locate it.

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Re: [Marxism] Callinicos: Syriza’s compromise won’t beat austerity

2015-04-29 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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What is Callinicos proposing that Syriza do instead of compromise?

I read his article carefully and didn’t see an alternative strategy. Other than 
not spending a lot of money upgrading five patrol planes.


> Syriza’s compromise won’t beat austerity
> by Alex Callinicos
> Socialist Worker, UK  April 28

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[Marxism] April 23 Anti-War Forum

2015-04-12 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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My union, the Professional Staff Congress, representing faculty and staff at 
the City University of NY, has a Committee on the Militarization of CUNY, which 
I serve on. It’s sponsoring an event at City College that some of you may be 
interested in:

Forum: “Building a Peaceful World: Ending U.S. Militarism”

Date: Thursday, April 23, 6:30 - 8:30 PM

Speakers: Nick Turse & Rory Fanning

Place: Aranow Theatre, First Floor
   North Academic Center
   City College of NY
   138th St. & Convent Ave.

Facebook event page: 

Info: Nick Turse is the author of the acclaimed book Kill Anything That Moves: 
The Real American War in Vietnam. Rory Fanning, following two deployments in 
Afghanistan, became an opponent of the U.S. occupation and the author of Worth 
Fighting For: An Army Ranger’s Journey Out of the Military and Across America.

Sponsors: Professional Staff Congress Committee on the Militarization of CUNY 
and U.S. Labor Against War


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Re: [Marxism] Yasar Kemal, Master Turkish Novelist and Strident Political Critic, Is Dead

2015-03-01 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Can anyone here recommend one of Kemal’s novels to read? I’m not sure where to 


> NY Times, Feb. 28 2015
> Yasar Kemal, Master Turkish Novelist and Strident Political Critic, Is Dead
> Yasar Kemal, the master storyteller who repeatedly clashed with the Turkish 
> state while emerging as his country’s first novelist of global stature, died 
> on Saturday in Istanbul, according to Turkey’s state-run news agency, Anadolu.

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Re: [Marxism] Katyn massacre

2015-03-01 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> I am not suggesting that Wikepedia is a final authority, but I found this 
> excerpt interesting.  What would be the motivation for acknowledging guilt if 
> the matter is still in dispute?
>   ken h


The S&D article addresses this:

By 1992 the Soviet, and then the Russian, governments had officially declared 
the Stalin-era Soviet leadership guilty of shooting somewhere between 14,800 
and 22,000 Polish prisoners to death in April and May 1940. This was agreeable 
to anticommunists and a bone in the throat for some pro-Soviet people. For a 
few years it did appear that the matter was basically settled. The evidence 
seemed clear: the Soviets had shot the Poles.

The author then goes on to show that several Russian writers began to question 
the verdict and discovered archival information throwing the official version 
into question. Take a look, it’s interesting.


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Re: [Marxism] Katyn massacre

2015-03-01 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> There are still some people who deny that this massacre was carried out by 
> Stalin.  The last time I looked the Communist Party of Canada 
> (Marxist-Leninist) said that the massacre was committed by the Nazis.  This 
> is interesting to me because the CPC (M-L) is not a totally isolated sect.  
> Eg., a supporter of theirs is (or was) president of the USWA local at Stelco 
> in Hamilton, Ontario.  
> I believe the massacre was committed by Stalin.  According to one account I 
> read, after the massacre, Stalin had the Red Army soldiers involved shot.  
> They were, after all, witnesses to the events.


I’ve always believed the Polish officers were killed by the Soviet army. Then 
Socialism and Democracy published this in 2013: 

It’s a well-researched examination of the Katyn massacre, which raises serious 
doubts about the official version that blames all the deaths on the Red Army. 

I realize that some people on this list will not read anything written by 
Grover Furr, but he reads Russian and appears to have done a prodigious amount 
of research. He doesn’t exonerate the Soviets so much as point out serious 
discrepancies with the official version.

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[Marxism] "Our Terrible Country"

2015-01-17 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Has anyone seen this film?

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[Marxism] American Sniper vs Two Days, One Night

2015-01-15 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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I was disappointed that the thoughtful and leftist Belgian film “Two Days, One 
Night” was not nominated for Best Picture. I’ve seen most of the nominees and 
this was my favorite. However, Marion Cotillard was nominated for Best Actress 
for her role as a factory worker who must convinced her fellow workers to 
forego their bonus or else lose her job.

Instead, American Sniper was selected, Clint Eastwood’s hero worship of a 
killer who wrote in his memoirs:

“I couldn’t give a flying fuck about the Iraqis” and “If you see anyone from 
about sixteen to sixty-five and they’re male, shoot ’em. Kill every male you 


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Re: [Marxism] UNAC's Mission to Moscow

2014-12-29 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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"Moscow is a modern city much like any large U.S. city.  The people were 
dressed well, and looked healthy and cared for.  We learned that many of the 
social benefits that existed under the Soviet Union still exist.  These include 
free universal healthcare.  For most people, college was free, and students 
received a stipend for their living expenses.  Putin is very popular with a 
high approval rating among the Russian people.  The people see him as a kind of 
populist leader.”

It really is shocking to read this description of Putin and modern-day Russia 
coming from leftists, some of whom probably consider themselves Marxists. No 
mention that Russia is capitalist, dominated by oligarchs (as is Ukraine), with 
sharp disparities between classes.

So I have two naive questions:

1. Is there a website where one can read a theoretical justification for such 
statements? Is it just the old “the enemy of my enemy is my friend”, class 
analysis be damned?

2. I could be way off base, but my recollection of UNAC is that it was formed 
and sustained to a large degree by Socialist Action  and IAC. So is the view 
that the left should take the side of Russia in conflict with the U.S. a 
significant or marginal viewpoint within U.S. Trotskyism?


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Re: [Marxism] Documentaries about Marx and Marxism?

2014-11-09 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Thanks to Ken, Michael and Paul for their very useful suggestions of 
documentary films.


> I think there are a large number of graphic or cartoon presentations of 
> Marxist ideas.  I have only seen a few and am not able to recommend one over 
> another.
>   ken h

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[Marxism] Documentaries about Marx and Marxism?

2014-11-08 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Would anyone have an answer to this question I received today from a graduate 
student in Florida?


I hope you are doing well! I am searching for a good documentary film that 
talks about Karl Marx and Marxism(s). I thought you might know of a good one. 
It would be for the purposes of talking about the basics of M's theory and also 
some sort of general history of movements throughout eastern europe or other 
places, and to be shown to an undergraduate audience. I know of Stuart Hall's 
1993 film Karl Marx and Marxism, but I think it has a huge number of problems. 
Would appreciate any recommendations.

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Re: [Marxism] Stephen Kotkin on Stalin

2014-10-31 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> This according to a review by Richard Pipes in the current New York Review of 
> Books. Kotkin, it seems, denies the entire rift between Lenin and Stalin in 
> 1922, dismissing Lenin's testament and other documents as a likely forgeries 
> (although even Stalin never made such a claim, and the testament was included 
> by Moscow in Lenin's Collected Works after 1961). 

Can someone post the Pipes article?

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[Marxism] Question about People's Climate March

2014-09-10 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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I’ll be joining other members of my faculty union on Sunday, September 
21 for the People’s Climate March, during the UN conference on climate change. 
It should be very large, with people coming from all over the country. 70 
unions and 1000 organizations have endorsed the march. Many tens of thousands — 
maybe more — will be there.

Yet I know very little about the leadership of the march, what its 
demands are, or what its analysis is of the ecological crisis we face. I’ve 
been told that Bill McKibben and his initiated the event, but others 
are now involved. As for demands, there don’t seem to be any. And for analysis, 
I couldn’t find anything at the website.

I was wondering if members of this list had thoughts about PCM — its 
leadership, politics, future.


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[Marxism] Mearsheimer: Ukraine Crisis Is The Fault Of The West

2014-08-29 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] U. of Texas's new chancellor's pearls of wisdom

2014-08-15 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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Brilliant. McRaven was the commander of U.S. special operations the last few 
years. I remember him from Jeremy Scahill’s wonderful film, Dirty Wars, where 
he’s shown in Afghanistan covering up atrocities committed by U.S. special 
forces there. I hope some student group at the University of Texas distributes 
a flyer exposing him. 


> William C. McRaven is just the right person to run the prestigious state 
> university, having been a Navy Seal officer and supervising the hit squad 
> that killed Osama bin-Laden:
> Every morning in basic SEAL training, my instructors, who at the time were 
> all Viet Nam veterans, would show up in my barracks room and the first thing 
> they would inspect was your bed.
> If you did it right, the corners would be square, the covers pulled tight, 
> the pillow centered just under the headboard and the extra blanket folded 
> neatly at the foot of the rack—rack—that’s Navy talk for bed.
> It was a simple task—mundane at best. But every morning we were required to 
> make our bed to perfection.  It seemed a little ridiculous at the time, 
> particularly in light of the fact that were aspiring to be real warriors, 
> tough battle hardened SEALs—but the wisdom of this simple act has been proven 
> to me many times over.
> If you make your bed every morning you will have accomplished the first task 
> of the day.  It will give you a small sense of pride and it will encourage 
> you to do another task and another and another.
> By the end of the day, that one task completed will have turned into many 
> tasks completed. Making your bed will also reinforce the fact that little 
> things in life matter.
> If you can’t do the little things right, you will never do the big things 
> right.

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[Marxism] Hunter Biden & Ukraine

2014-08-12 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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How anyone been following the controversy over Hunter Biden’s appointment as 
director of a Ukrainian natural gas company with interests in Crimea and 
eastern Ukraine? Another director of the same company is Devon Archer, who’s 
connected to the Heinz fortune (John Kerry is married to Teresa Heinz) and was 
an adviser to Kerry in his 2004 presidential campaign. 

Further, David Leiter, Kerry’s former Senate chief of staff, is a lobbyist for 
the same company, Burisma. (editorial)


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Re: [Marxism] Putin's leftist friends

2014-07-28 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> __

Thanks for posting this. Among other things, the author clearly understands 
that Ukraine is the site of inter-imperialist conflict and that the U.S. has 
been active in pulling Ukraine out of the Russian orbit and into that of 
Western capitalism. In arguing against the left taking pro-Putin positions, he 
consciously avoids letting the U.S. off the hook. The Salon piece stands in 
contrast to Clay's postings.


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Re: [Marxism] NATO over Libya vs. IDF over Gaza

2014-07-25 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> On Jul 25, 2014, at 1:04 PM, Clay Claiborne via Marxism 
>  wrote:
> NATO's performance over Libya shows what a modern air force using smart
> weapons can achieve when it is actually attempting to minimize civilian
> causalities. 

As someone who was active in the struggle against U.S. Imperialist atrocities 
in Vietnam, Iraq, Afghanistan and elsewhere, I find these pro-U.S. postings on 
a Marxism listserv to be bizarre. I agree with Seymour that the reasoning is 
flimsy, but it's more than that. Inter-imperialist rivalries are sharpening, as 
we see in Ukraine with Russia and the U.S. "turn to Asia" to confront China. 
All imperialists are our enemy, but shouldn't we be focusing our fire on our 
"own" imperialism, rather than praising it? 


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Re: [Marxism] The Ideological Fraud of Adam Smith, beginning with the pin factory

2014-06-19 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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> I just posted the paper I will give tomorrow at the History of Economics
> meetings.  The Ideological Fraud of Adam Smith, beginning with the pin
> factory.  I hope you enjoy reading what a fraud he was.

Hi Michael:

This looks really interesting. I went to the web site, but couldn’t see where 
to download the entire article.


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[Marxism] Left Forum recommendations?

2014-05-27 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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I just began looking over the panels for the Left Forum this weekend. I was 
wondering if any of you had a recommendation or two.


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[Marxism] Arundhati Roy on Narendra Modi and Hindu Nationalism

2014-05-26 Thread Glenn Kissack via Marxism
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