Re: [Marxism] Regarding my recent piece on ISIS

2014-06-20 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism

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I was wondering a bit about Al Capote -- any relation to Truman?

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Re: [Marxism] Regarding my recent piece on ISIS

2014-06-20 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism
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On Fri, June 20, 2014 10:43 am, Clay Claiborne via Marxism wrote:
>   I thought I was gathering material
> from many source to layout the genesis of ISI, JAN & ISIS with
> a clarity I
> saw lacking in almost every other commentary. Was I that far off-base.
> More
> than 6k words and almost a week of work. Was I wasting my time?


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Re: [Marxism] U.S. and Iran Signaling New Joint Effort in Iraq Crisis -

2014-06-16 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism

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On 6/16/14 8:22 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
 Obama was guided by Kissinger's dictum that America has no permanent 
friends or enemies, only interests?

If so, he's come a long way, particularly for a Democrat. But events seem
to be moving rather fast.

It's a not uncommon problem to create a monster and find to your
dismay that it has turned. Particularly for imperial powers.

Of course I'm chortling snidely at this latest development. In a sense
it's starting to look like a replay of the Iran-Iraq war -- the oil
sheikhs bankrolled that one too, as I recall. They seem to be
feeling their oats a bit more these days, however, and are clearly
less concerned with what Uncle might think.

Hard to say where this one is going to go. Wouldn't it be lovely
if Uncle finally threw Israel under the bus? That would please the
sheikhs *and* the ayatollahs, though the latter would be the
bigger winners, I'd think. Greater Syria!

I know, I know -- unlikely, but a guy can dream, can't he?

I wonder what the Turks are thinking. They contributed to the
creation of this monster, and they may now get a breakaway
Kurdistan on their border for their pains. No good deed goes
unpunished, as the man said.

They must be shitting bricks in Amman. Jordan as the new Belgium.

What role will the Russkis play? Now *there*, if you please, is a
delightful topic of revery. I think we can be sure they won't be passive.

What delights me most is that all the weisenheimers' settled certainties
are now called into question. Once again we are reminded that history
is not over.

I know, I'm getting over-excited. Time for a cold shower.

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Re: [Marxism] Israel Shamir: rightwing ideologue

2014-06-15 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism

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On 6/15/14 8:45 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism quoted :

Then came Barack Obama's command that GM's (General Motor) president 
step down from leadership of his company. That is correct, dear 
reader, in the land of "pure" free markets, the American president now 
has the power, the self given power, to fire CEOs and we can assume 
other employees of private companies, at will. Come hither, go dither, 
the centurion commands his minions.

Louis seems to be indulging his penchant for sorting the sheep from
the goats here.

People are good guys or bad guys, white hats or black, reactionaries or
progressives, bourgeois or proletarian, tyrants or democrats, stupid or
intelligent, wrong or right, etc.

I don't understand this mentality. In my experience people can be fools
about one topic and quite astute about another; clever today and obtuse

To be sure, there are people who are consistently stupid, though almost
none who are consistently wise. The people in the former category are
generally paid for it -- though not always.

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Re: [Marxism] NYU's new board of trustees chair -- his charter school is tough on 5 year olds

2014-06-15 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism

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On 6/15/14 6:44 PM, Sheldon Ranz wrote:
Excuse me, but just out of curiosity, Michael, are you the same 
Michael Smith was the editor of Heights and Valley News, the paper of 
the Columbia Tenants Union back in the 1980s?

Indeed I was. Are you related to John Ranz? Oh man, what a foolish
Kilkenny Cats donnybrook that was. Haven't thought of it in years. John
nearly strangled me with my own necktie on one particularly undignified
occasion. A tough old bird.

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Re: [Marxism] NYU's new board of trustees chair -- his charter school is tough on 5 year olds

2014-06-15 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism

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On 6/15/14 3:27 PM, Louis Proyect wrote:
I really wonder if you have the foggiest idea of Shamir's rancid 
I certainly do not, and don't much care. But I liked the Counterpunch 
essay --
thought it was rather insightful, and entertaining too. Both in a way I 

sadly lacking in the dour, dogmatical name-calling that constitutes much
of Left discourse, and particularly, I'm sorry to say, on this list.

It was just a couple of days ago that somebody was calling people 'dupes'
here, because they didn't agree with him/her about Syria.

Who really *enjoys* this kind of thing? Why?

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Re: [Marxism] NYU's new board of trustees chair -- his charter school is tough on 5 year olds

2014-06-15 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism

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On 6/15/14 9:20 AM, Louis Proyect wrote:
 Shamir sees no difference between being a Jew and being a Zionist. In 
other words, he is the "leftist" counterpart of Abraham Foxman. Just 
take a look at this:

"Putin’s affability does not turn him into a bountiful source for 
every Jewish initiative. ...

What is a Jewish initiative? Why did he use the word Jewish rather 
than Israeli?

Well, that's easy. The context is a discussion of Putin's rather
emphatically-demonstrated philo-Semitism, which in the Russian context is
a bigger deal than it would be in the American. Indeed the whole piece 
is largely
about how the philo-Semite/anti-Semite card is being played in the 
polemics over

the Ukraine brouhaha. I liked it very much and felt that it showed some
awareness of how many elements are in play, an awareness I find 

lacking on this distinguished list.

You really need to stop putting a plus where I put a minus.
Like all heuristics, it's not infallible. But as heuristics go, it's not 

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Re: [Marxism] NYU's new board of trustees chair -- his charter school is tough on 5 year olds

2014-06-14 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism

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On 6/14/14 9:01 PM, Sheldon Ranz via Marxism wrote:

> Israel Shamir published an article, "The Fateful Triangle", in this 
weekend's edition of Counterpunch.

A delightful piece, I thought, though as Louis accurately observes, 
Shamir has not
read him closely. It is quite true that Louis has never 'called for' the 
Marines. This

'calling-for' trope always puts me in mind of the exchange in Henry IV:

-- I can call spirits from the vasty deep!

-- And so can I, and so can any man;
But will they come when you do call for them?

Shamir's is almost the first thing I've read on this topic that does 
justice to

the muddle and fluidity of the situation. Look at the events of the last
few days in Iraq. Indeed, indeed, history is not over.

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Re: [Marxism] [lbo-talk] "Israeli Citizens Write to Dr. Gregor Gysi and Die Linke– End Your Support of Israeli Apartheid!"

2014-06-09 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism
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On Mon, June 9, 2014 6:25 pm, Joseph Catron wrote:
> If anyone knows Die Linke, please tell 'em I said they suck.

They seem to be more or less the German equivalent of the
Working Families Party.

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Re: [Marxism] [lbo-talk] AP: "Israel no longer a cause that unifies US Jews"

2014-06-08 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism
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On Sun, June 8, 2014 6:05 pm, Joseph Catron wrote:
> "Once a unifying cause for generations of American Jews, Israel is now
> bitterly dividing Jewish communities."

"Generations?" Two generations, okay. A flash in the pan. We may
live to see the end of it! Wouldn't that be nice?

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Re: [Marxism] Piketty's response to

2014-05-29 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism
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TP can strike a wonderfully droll note and keep his poker 
face securely in place at the same time. Among other things, 
he's a very good writer, and so plain-spoken and lucid that he 
must be a breeze to translate. 

I'm still slogging through the book but finding it eminently 

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Re: [Marxism] “Luhansk People’s Republic” declares war on “Donetsk People’s Republic” | Euromaidan PR

2014-05-26 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism
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On May 26, 2014, at 7:50 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 

Ten minutes that shook the world. Or should have. 

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Re: [Marxism] Is Slavoj Zizek a US propaganda psyop?

2014-05-26 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism
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On May 26, 2014, at 3:40 PM, "Einde O'Callaghan via Marxism" 
> My memory from my Latin lessons is that the word order was: "Delenda est 
> Carthago"

That's certainly much better Latin, but the phrase has been 
cited for a long time, at least in the Anglophone world, with 
'est' at the end. I dimly remember years ago reading a fascinating
history of this development (well, it fascinated me, anyway; 
others may prefer to read about Trotsky In Norway, the subject 
of a recent book mentioned here). Can't recall now who wrote
the history of brutish old Cato's tag, or any of the details. 
Quomodo ceciderunt potentates! 

> - I believe that "th" was used in classical Latin to represent
> the sound of the Greek letter "theta", which was similar to the
> voiceless "th" sound in English.

Also the aspirated but un-spirantized 't' (compare the 
't' sounds in English 'teen' and Spanish 'latino'). Which
was, of course, also the original realization of theta. 
The sages are divided about just when it turned from an 
aspirate to a spirant. I was taught to read Homer with 
the aspirate pronunciation -- for chi and phi too -- 
which was deeply confusing to an American ear (American
English has no un-aspirated voiceless stops, except in 

Now that I'm out of school for good, I use the spirant 
renderings with great self-indulgent pleasure. Even to 
this day I feel that I'm doing something delightfully 

> And Zizek would definitely merit a "delendus"!

Wouldn't he just. More than Carthage, actually. 

Michael Smith

A man should take care not to be made a proverb; and, therefore, should avoid 
having any one topick of which people can say, "We shall hear him upon it." 

--Dr J 

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Re: [Marxism] Is Slavoj Zizek a US propaganda psyop?

2014-05-26 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism
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On May 26, 2014, at 12:33 PM, Richard Fidler  wrote:

> Actually, Michael, in Latin it is Cartago delenda est. No "th" in Latin, and
> cities are feminine, hence "delenda".

Of course it is, because as you correctly note, 'Carthago' is feminine; 
but Zizek, presumably, is not. Hence he is delendus rather than 

As for 'no th in Latin', I suggest a quick look at L&S or OLD. 
'Cart(h)ago' is of course not a native Latin word. 

Michael Smith

A man should take care not to be made a proverb; and, therefore, should avoid 
having any one topick of which people can say, "We shall hear him upon it." 

--Dr J 

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Re: [Marxism] Is Slavoj Zizek a US propaganda psyop?

2014-05-26 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism
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On May 26, 2014, at 9:51 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
> Levich is a long time "anti-imperialist" who was a Marxmail subscriber over a 
> decade ago. I can't remember if I booted him or if he unsubbed. The title of 
> the workshop comes from "Carthage delenda est", which means Carthage must be 
> destroyed. I wonder if Michael Smith was an outside consultant on the title.

Unfortunately, I was not. I would have gotten the 
gerundive right (sc. delendus). And oh by the way, 
it's 'Carthago' in Latin. 

But sounds like a fun event, and I would enjoy seeing 
Zizek deconstructed, preferably in the literal sense 
of the term. 

Michael Smith

A man should take care not to be made a proverb; and, 
therefore, should avoid having any one topick of which 
people can say, "We shall hear him upon it." 

--Dr J 

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Re: [Marxism] Thailand: Smells like a coup, tastes like a coup, looks like a coup

2014-05-22 Thread Michael Smith via Marxism
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On May 21, 2014, at 9:38 PM, Louis Proyect  wrote:
> When I read this sort of thing, I have to wonder how people take him 
> seriously. I mean, for christ's sake, how else does a Thai become a 
> billionaire except through the sort of practices found throughout East Asia? 

It's a … Thaidan! 

Michael Smith

A man should take care not to be made a proverb; and, therefore, should avoid 
having any one topick of which people can say, "We shall hear him upon it." 

--Dr J 

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