[Marxism] WaPo: Sanders, who launched career on protest votes, dismisses Gary Johnson and Jill Stein as protest votes

2016-09-18 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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This is worth looking at for the embedded youtube video alone. Too bad that 
Bernie Sanders no longer exists...

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: My white neighbor thought I was breaking into my own apartment. Nineteen cops showed up. - The Washington Post

2016-08-14 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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I can think of no better reply to this article than this Dave Chappelle clip:


On Aug 14, 2016, at 5:52 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: What the Tesla autopilot casualty tells us about our ruling class | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-07-03 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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The Guardian published an article last year about how some capitalist fuck was 
selling luxury condos in defunct missile silos:


A friend of mine suggested that someone make a mini series where the rich 
people flee there during an end of days scenarios but are then quickly killed 
by their staff...

> On Jul 2, 2016, at 2:27 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> https://louisproyect.org/2016/07/02/what-the-tesla-autopilot-casualty-tells-us-about-our-ruling-class/
> _
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[Marxism] FT: Emerging market catch-up set back ‘decades’

2016-06-11 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Boom, bust, boom, bust. Maybe they should admit the truth: capitalism promotes 
permanent underdevelopment of the periphery (not to mention what Fatton refers 
to the "outer periphery": http://amzn.to/1tp9xEi). 

"In the five years before the 2008 financial crisis, emerging markets could 
expect to take an average of 42.3 years to catch up with US per capita GDP, 
according to the bank’s analysis.

But over the past three years, as major emerging economies such as Brazil, 
Russia and South Africa have slowed or fallen into recession, the slower 
average growth means the number of years it would take to catch up with the US 
has grown to 67.7 years.

For frontier markets, those more fragile economies further down the development 
scale, such as Nigeria, the catch-up period more than doubled from 43.1 years 
to 109.7 years.

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[Marxism] JWSR: Vol 22, No 1 (2016): Special Issue: Ireland in the World-System

2016-06-07 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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For anyone who might be interested, I just noticed that the latest edition of 
the Journal of World-system Research has been published: 


Here's the Table of Contents:

Symposium: Race in the Capitalist World-System 

Globalization and Race in World Capitalism

William I. Robinson 

What is Racism?

Ramon Grosfoguel

Challenging the Global 
Apartheid Model: A World-Systems Analysis

Wilma A. Dunaway,   
Donald A. Clelland  

Genocide, Race, 
Capitalism: Synopsis of Formation within the Modern World-system

James V. Fenelon

Cruise Ships: 
Continuity and Change in the World System

Francisca Oyogoa

Racialized and Gendered 
Mass Deportation and the Crisis of Capitalism

Tanya Golash-Boza   

Race in the Capitalist 
World-System: Response to Symposium Essays

Bill Fletcher, Jr.  

Special Issue: Ireland in the World-System

Introduction: Ireland 
in the World-System

Aidan Beatty,   
Maurice Coakley,
Sharae Deckard  

An Irish Revolution 
Without A Revolution

Aidan Beatty

Contesting a 
World-Constitution? Anti-Systemic Movements and Constitutional Forms in 
Ireland, 1848-2008

Thomas Murray   

Northern Ireland: From 
Imperial Asset to International Encumbrance

Tommy McKearney 

Loose Ends: 
Considerations on the Aftermaths of the Celtic Tiger and the Northern 'Troubles'

[Marxism] US News & World Report: The Eroding Economy

2016-06-03 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Zuckerman provides a good x-ray of the US economy that reveals what lies below 
all the superficial "improvements" being trumpeted by the press and the Pres...

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[Marxism] Reuters: Israel's settlement drive is becoming irreversible, diplomats fear

2016-06-03 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Not bad, Reuters!

Barely a month goes by without a fresh announcement from the government or one 
of its ministries about West Bank territory being declared "state land", a 
precursor to settlement building, or a decision to allow new construction to 

At the same time, Palestinians living in a part of the West Bank known as Area 
C, which accounts for 60 percent of the total and is where most settlements are 
located, are being uprooted from the land in increasing numbers.

..."It starts to look irreversible," said one official, a view separately 
supported by half a dozen foreign diplomats. 

Under the Oslo accords of the mid-1990s, Israel retains full control over Area 
C, where large tracts have been declared closed military areas. As a result, 
Israeli courts tend to approve the removal of Palestinians from the area and 
the demolition of their homes, even though the accords did not change the 
illegal status of settlements there.

"Settlements are the vehicle for taking control of the land," said Catherine 
Cook, an official with the U.N. office for the coordination of humanitarian 
assistance and an authority on settlements, speaking last month.

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[Marxism] DailyBeast: Israel Warns: Another Gaza War Is Coming

2016-06-03 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Well at least there were some moments of clarity in this piece:

"Still others worry that an economic chokehold over Gaza will continue to make 
life unbearable for ordinary citizens and give Hamas a motivation to punish 
Israel for crippling the Gaza economy, especially during the sweltering Mideast 
summer. Currently, all goods in and out of Gaza move through that single 
Israeli check point along the strip’s eastern border. Situated on a vast, dusty 
expanse of flat, open land, huge trucks carrying fruit, furniture, fabric, all 
the trappings of daily life, queue up to head through a giant X-ray scanner 
which checks for weapons and contraband. It’s an arduous process that involves 
three stages—screening the goods in Israel, loading them onto trucks that carry 
them into Gaza, and finally distributing the goods via Palestinian drivers."


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Richard Wolff and the deepening crisis | Michael Roberts Blog

2016-06-03 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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I think the only Marxist worth reading on the topic of capitalist crises is 
Howard Sherman. His research on the concrete, measurable nature of actual 
business cycles is much more illuminating than the unending debate between 
"underconsumptionists", "overaccumulationists", "profit-squeezers", and falling 
profit fundamentalists. 

> On Jun 3, 2016, at 2:16 PM, Ralph Johansen via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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>   Louis Proyect wrote
>   For Wolff, the “classic contradiction” of capitalism is that
>   capitalists “paid insufficient wages to enable workers to purchase
>   growing capitalist output” (p166). But the main contradiction, in my
>   view, lies not in ‘insufficient wages’ but in Marx’s law of the
>   tendency of the rate of profit to fall. This tendency can for
>   periods (sometimes long) be counteracted by more exploitation and
>   new technology, but it eventually operates to drive down
>   profitability and total profits, leading to a collapse in investment
>   and then incomes and employment.
>   This explanation is entirely missing in Wolff’s book. Wolff’s five
>   reasons for the Long Depression are true only because they describe
>   the nature of the current low-growth world, but the explanation lies
>   with continued low profitability (near post-war lows), a failure to
>   reduce debt levels and the failure of business investment to recover
>   as a result. It’s not too much cash and capacity but too little profit.
> full:https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2016/06/02/richard-wolff-and-the-deepening-crisis/
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[Marxism] WSJ: Mexican President Signs Law for Special Economic Zones

2016-06-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Ah yes, because every peripheral country that has introduced SEZs has then seen 
skyrocketing levels of economic development. Of course, I remember how the 
fundamentalist Marxists used to point to these SEZs as proof of the 
industrialization, hence capitalist development, of the periphery (thus 
"refuting" the theories of the dependistas). Thirty years later...what's 


Mexican President Signs Law for Special Economic Zones
Areas to offer tax breaks together with trade and other benefits to attract 

By Anthony Harrup
May 31, 2016 5:31 p.m. ET

MEXICO CITY—Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto on Tuesday signed a new law 
for the creation of special economic zones that will offer tax breaks together 
with trade and other benefits to attract investment into areas with undeveloped 
economic potential in poor southern states of the country.

In an event in the Pacific port city of Lázaro Cárdenas, Mr. Peña Nieto said 
the government would draw up regulations in the next month and decree the first 
special economic zones by the end of this year.

The first three are Lázaro Cárdenas, Puerto Chiapas in Mexico’s southernmost 
state of Chiapas, and the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, joining the Gulf port of 
Coatzacoalcos with Salinas Cruz on the Pacific Coast. Another zone in the 
oil-belt states of Tabasco and Campeche, which has been hit hard by the 
downturn in the oil industry, is planned for 2017.

An anchor tenant, such as an industrial company that can attract suppliers and 
others, should be in place for each zone in 2018 at the latest, he said.

Mr. Peña Nieto illustrated the regional inequality of Mexico’s $1 trillion 
economy, where northern and central states have raced ahead of the south.

Two of every three people in extreme poverty in Mexico live in southern and 
southeastern states, he said. The three poorest states—Chiapas, Oaxaca and 
Guerrero—are home to one in 10 Mexicans but receive just $1 of every $36 in 
foreign direct investment, and their exports are equivalent to just 2% of those 
in the six states that border the U.S.

“There’s a Mexico that competes and wins in the global economy, with growing 
levels of income, development and well-being. But there is also a Mexico that 
has been left behind, which hasn’t been able to take advantage of its 
potential,” he added.

The special economic zones will include tax incentives for companies investing 
in the designated areas, trade and customs benefits, as well as streamlining of 
regulatory processes. They will also receive increased infrastructure 
investment, such as in energy and communications. The tax benefits should be 
competitive with special economic zones in other parts of the world, Mr. Peña 
Nieto said.

Lázaro Cárdenas, home to one of Mexico’s principal sea ports and a large steel 
industry, lies on the border of Michoacán and Guerrero states which in recent 
years have been racked by drug violence, organized crime and gang wars.

Security for investors and workers, and safe logistics corridors are essential 
for the special economic zones to be successful, said Juan Pablo Castañón, head 
of Mexico’s principal business umbrella group who pledged private-sector 
support for the program.

Special economic zones have a checkered record across the world, with some 
highly successful and others not so, according to the World Bank which advised 
Mexico in drawing up the plan.

Mr. Castañón pointed to the more than 50-year history of Mexico’s maquiladora, 
or export manufacturing industry, as an example of how such development plans 
can be a success. Many of the 2.5 million people employed in maquiladoras come 
from the states that would benefit from the special zones, he added.

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[Marxism] FT: Chinese Scholars Call for More Marxism in Country's Economics

2016-06-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Original is behind a firewall...

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[Marxism] AP: Gulf economic slowdown sees foreign workers trapped by debts

2016-06-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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"Gulf countries like Qatar largely don't have bankruptcy laws, leaving 
laid-off workers on the hook for huge outstanding sums while often 
banned from traveling outside of the country. That leaves many 
unemployed begging friends and family for help while frantically selling
 off all their belongings. Others have killed themselves out of 

Suicides also affect those coming to Gulf countries for work as 
laborers, taxi drivers and other low-paying jobs. They often pay 
recruiters back home in Asia or Africa huge sums that take several years
 to pay off.

India, one of the main countries supplying low-paid workers to the 
Gulf, saw at least 541 of its citizens kill themselves in the United 
Arab Emirates in the last three years, according to government 
statistics offered to parliament in December. At least 337 Indians died 
in suspected suicides in Saudi Arabia during the same period, while 
other Gulf countries saw annual suicide numbers in the double digits.

In Qatar, 21 Indians alone killed themselves in 2015. The deaths continue into 
this year."


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[Marxism] Guardian: US capitalism in crisis while most Americans lose out

2016-06-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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What is particularly noteworthy about this piece is that it's written by CNN's 
economic editor:

"In simple terms, what this means is that rather than funding the new ideas and 
projects that create jobs and raise wages, finance has shifted its attention to 
securitising existing assets (such as homes, stocks, bonds and such), turning 
them into tradeable products that can be spliced and diced and sold as many 
times as possible – that is, until things blow up, as they did in 2008. In the 
US, finance has doubled in size since the 1970s, and now makes up 7% of the 
economy and takes a quarter of all corporate profits, more than double what it 
did back then. Yet it creates only 4 % of all jobs. Similar numbers hold true 
in the UK.

American corporations now get about five times as much of their revenue from 
financial activities such as offering credit to customers, tax “optimisation,” 
and trading, as they did in the 80s. Big tech companies underwrite corporate 
bond offerings the way banks do. Traditional hedging by energy and transport 
firms has been overtaken by profit-boosting speculation in oil futures, a shift 
that actually undermines their core business by creating more price volatility. 
The amount of trading done by these organisations now far exceeds the value of 
their own real-world investments, a sure sign of financialisation)

British firms are very much a part of this trend. The recent history of BP 
(British Petroleum) is a perfect example not only of the rise of financial 
activities as a percentage of business but also of the perverse effect that 
financialisation can have on corporate culture: a focus on trading can lead to 
excessive risk-taking, and an overemphasis on short-term profit can undermine a 
company’s financial future. BP was, from the 90s, an extremely balance-sheet 
focused company, becoming one of the most aggressive corporate costcutters of 
the era. This ultimately led whistleblowers to accuse the company of skimping 
on maintenance and using outdated equipment, even as it encouraged traders in 
its burgeoning US office to take bigger risks in search of trading-desk profits.

The strategy exploded in 2005 and 2006 when BP suffered a number of 
back-to-back disasters, including a refinery explosion in Texas City, Texas, an 
oil spill at Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, and accusations of manipulating energy 
markets via its US trading arm. In a move that echoed the manipulation of the 
California energy markets a few years earlier, Houston-based traders for BP US 
had used company resources to purchase a large quantity of propane gas, which 
they later sold to other market players for inflated prices, costing consumers 
$53m in overcharges. The company eventually had to pay back that amount, as 
well as a criminal penalty of $100m, and another $125m in civil charges to the 
CFTC (the Commodity Futures Trading Commission). The environmental disasters 
resulting from the explosion and Alaskan leaks cost tens of millions of dollars 
more in criminal and civil payments.

Since then, BP’s Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico in 2010 
became the largest marine oil spill in the history of the world, costing the 
company more than $50bn in legal fees, penalties and cleanup charges. You would 
think that all of this would have caused a serious crisis of conscience within 
the company. Yet far from pulling back and focusing on the core business, BP 
has charged full steam ahead into trading, becoming one of the largest 
non-financial players in the field. The firm now obtains at least 20% of its 
income from dealing in swaps, futures, and other financial instruments, up from 
10% in 2005, the last time it disclosed profitability figures for its trading 

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: For many Somali refugees, the meat industry offers hope — then takes it away | The Washington Post

2016-05-25 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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I don't have time to do reproduce it, but Upton Sinclair described all this in 
his The Jungle. So did Eric Schlosser in his Fast Food Nation. Apparently 
nothing changes except for the nationality/ethnicity of the workers...

> On May 25, 2016, at 9:21 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> Only a decade earlier, meatpacking jobs went almost exclusively to Hispanics. 
> But now more Mexican immigrants are leaving the United States than coming to 
> work, and the number of unauthorized immigrants is receding after decades of 
> growth. As much as Hispanics had seized upon low-skill industries with their 
> arrival, their gradual departure — fueled by tighter border enforcement and 
> improved prospects back home — is opening up new opportunities at the bottom 
> of the U.S. economy, particularly in industries like meatpacking that had 
> also been stung by a wave of immigration raids.
> As a result, “Little Somalia” neighborhoods are sprouting up in dozens of 
> towns across the Great Plains, and slaughterhouses are hiring Somali 
> translators for the cutting floors and installing Muslim prayer rooms for 
> employees. Ahmed was now just one in a wave of several thousand Somalis being 
> lured to the meatpacking floors, ready to take jobs that — at $13 or $14 per 
> hour — easily marked the best-paying work they could find.
> For Somalis, the slaughterhouses have emerged as the primary alternative to 
> economic hardship. The poverty rate for Somalis living in the United States — 
> at 57 percent, according to the 2010 Census — towers above those of all other 
> ethnicities or nationalities. They tend to live in inner-city public housing 
> and hold minimum-wage jobs. And their plight in the country — at a time when 
> a record number of refugees globally are fleeing repression and war — shows 
> the lasting disadvantages facing a group escaping a failed state. Even after 
> that group starts over in one of the world’s richest nations.
> full: 
> http://www.washingtonpost.com/sf/national/2016/05/12/for-many-somali-refugees-this-industry-offers-hope-then-takes-it-away/
> _
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[Marxism] Paul Mason: The leftwing case for Brexit (one day)

2016-05-20 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Guardian: Left-leaning users veer right on regulating Uber and Airbnb, study finds

2016-05-20 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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More evidence that these companies are evil...


A companion piece:

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Art, Literature and Culture From a Marxist Perspective | Louis Proyect: The Unrepentant Marxist

2016-05-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Sounds great...too bad it's $90 for the book. 

> 14 мая 2016 г., в 16:23, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  написал(а):
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> If you look at the table of contents of Tony McKenna’s brilliant collection 
> of articles titled “Art, Literature and Culture from a Marxist Perspective”, 
> you will be struck immediately by the seemingly eclectic combination of high 
> and popular culture with Vincent Van Gogh sitting cheek by jowl next to Tupac 
> Shakur. This, of course, leads to an interesting question as to the merits of 
> such a distinction. Keep in mind that Charles Dickens was basically the 
> Stephen King of his day.
> full: 
> https://louisproyect.org/2016/05/14/art-literature-and-culture-from-a-marxist-perspective/
> _
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[Marxism] Truthout: Capitalism Is a Bad Fit for a Technological Revolution

2016-05-13 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Interview with Robert McChesney:

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Explaining the last ten years: Keynes or Marx – who is right? | Michael Roberts Blog

2016-05-02 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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If you're a falling profit prophet, you're always right! Just determine 
arbitrarily the rate of profit and voila!!! 

> On May 2, 2016, at 1:40 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> *
> https://thenextrecession.wordpress.com/2016/05/02/explaining-the-last-ten-years-keynes-or-marx-who-is-right/
> _
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Re: [Marxism] Please help: Spanish Civil War

2016-05-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Thank you to all who replied! You've given me a lot to work with! 

Out of curiosity, has anyone read this particular book on the Spanish Civil War?


> On May 1, 2016, at 2:58 PM, Shalva Eliava via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> Could any comrades here recommend some good English-language histories of the 
> Spanish Civil War? Something that might accompany a reading of For Whom the 
> Bell Tolls...? Many thanks in advance!!!
> _
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[Marxism] Please help: Spanish Civil War

2016-05-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Could any comrades here recommend some good English-language histories of the 
Spanish Civil War? Something that might accompany a reading of For Whom the 
Bell Tolls...? Many thanks in advance!!!

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[Marxism] The Chicago School economists on what to do with the big banks

2016-04-30 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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I've been reading Gar Alperovitz's What Then Must We Do? and was pretty 
intrigued by his chapter on what to do with the banks. He cheekily calls upon 
the authority of the old Chicago School economists to make the case for turning 
the big banks into public utilities:

Big banks like JP Morgan Chase, Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup, and 
Goldman Sachs are simply way too powerful to be systematically regulated. For 
one thing, the amount of money they spend on lobbying and politics is 
stupendous. The year Dodd-Frank was passed, the FIRE sector (finance, 
insurance, and real estate) spent more than $475 million on lobbying. This was 
followed up the next year, 2011, with just under $480 million. That’s almost a 
billion dollars’ worth of high-priced lobbyists who do nothing but try to write 
loopholes into the law – and this is for only two years. 

Senator Dick Durbin is blunt: “The banks…are still the most powerful lobby on 
Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place.” 

…So the question is this: What happens when the next big crisis explodes and we 
afgain have to face the impossibility of regularting banks that too big to fail 
– banks that, when they topple, can bring down the entire system? 

The current nostrum – partially provided for in the Dodd-Frank legislation 
under certain circumstances, and promoted generally by a wide array of 
commentators and politicians – is: “Well, let’s break them up into smaller 

Yet we only have to look as far as the history of banking, on the one hand, and 
of anti-trust law, on the other, to see that even when break-them-up efforts 
occur (which is rarely), the big fish tend to find a way to eat the little 
fish, and in due course we’re back where we started. 

Take a look, for instance, at how fast bank concentration developed in recent 
years. The average size of US banks increased fivefold (measured in 
inflation-adjusted total assets) between 1984 and 2008, and the number of 
banks, correspondingly, dropped by more than 50 percent – from over fourteen 
thousand to barely seven thousand. In 1984, for instance, forty-two different 
banks held 25 percent of all US deposits.  By 2012 one-tenth that number – the 
top four (Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase, Wells Fargo, and Citigroup) – held 
far more: 36.6 percent of all deposits.  

The power of big fish in general to regroup is hardly restricted to banking. 
When Standard Oil was broken up in 1911, the immediate effect was to replace a 
national monopoly with a number of regional monopolies controlled by many of 
the same Wall Street interests. Ultimately, the regional monopolies regrouped: 
In 1999 Exxon (formerly Standard Oil Company of New Jersey) and Mobil (formerly 
Standard Oil Company of New York) reconvened in one of the largest mergers in 
US history. In 1961 Kyso (formerly Standard Oil of Kentucky) was purchased by 
Chevron (formerly Standard Oil of California); and in the 1960s and 1970s Sohio 
(formerly Standard Oil of Ohio) was bought by British Petroleum (BP), which 
then, in 1998, merged with Amoco (formerly Standard Oil of Indiana). 

The tale of AT&T is similar. As the result of an antitrust settlement with the 
government, on January 1, 1984, AT&T spun off its local operations so as to 
create seven so-called Baby Bells. But the Baby Bells quickly began to merge 
and regroup. By 2006 four of the Baby Bells were reunited with their parent 
company AT&T, and two others (Bell Atlantic and NYNEX) merged to form Verizon. 
So the hope that you can make a banking break up stick (even if it were to be 
achieved) flies in the face of some pretty daunting experience. 
...Interestingly, the conservative founders of the Chicago School of Economics 
understood better than most liberals and progressives the general logic at work 
in situations involving really large and powerful corporate institutions. Even 
as the latter kept urging regulation or breakups, leading economists like Henry 
S. Simons cut to the heart of the matter. 

For one thing, Simons and his colleagues were clear about the economics 
involved. “Few of our gigantic corporations,” he wrote, “can be defended on the 
ground that their present size is necessary to reasonably full exploitation of 
production economies.” 

For another, they knew that the big fish could easily manipulate the 
regulators. Chicago School conservative and Nobel laureate George Stigler, for 
instance, demonstrated how regulation was commonly “designed and operated 
primarily for” the benefit of the industries involved. Numerous conservatives, 
including Simons, concluded that antitrust break-them-up efforts could also 
easily be manag

[Marxism] Guardian: Hawaii's last sugar harvest paves the way for a fight over the land's future

2016-04-29 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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a native Hawaiian who grew up next to a sugar mill, is an activist who is 
instrumental in several campaigns fighting what she calls Big Ag – companies 
such as HC&S and Monsanto. 

Lawrence watches the sugar factory belching out sweet acrid fumes and reflects 
on the symbolism that sugar has represented to her homeland and its peoples: 
“The big agricultural businesses which grew sugar as a mono-crop overthrew our 
Hawaiian kingdom and they stole a lot of the lands for their crops and the 
water for their fields. … A lot of families want to return home and farm but 
they need water to do that, and HC&S still keep most of the water for 

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: The (un)Democratic Primary: Why We Need a New Party of the 99%

2016-04-26 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Well if we're offering anecdotal evidence, I see a lot of people in the large 
pro-Sanders groups that I am in on various social media saying the exact 
opposite, with petitions signed by tens of thousands of people calling for 
Sanders supporters to either write him in or vote third party...

> On Apr 22, 2016, at 11:53 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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>> On 4/22/16 8:58 AM, Mark Lause via Marxism wrote:
>> I really want to urge the articulate supporters of the Sanders campaign to
>> put together a balance sheet on this experience.  I'm not making this as a
>> rhetorical call.  There are things worth assessing here.  And there is a
>> need for us to go forward with tools and processes with which to make such
>> assessments.
> John Gulick on FB:
> After devoting a lot of time and energy (months of it) to criticizing the 
> Sanders campaign/movement from the left -- in a circumscribed and 
> non-sectarian fashion, I hope -- last night I wandered on to the Facebook 
> page of an old college acquaintance, an ex-college radical turned liberal 
> (although he calls himself a "leftist") and a diehard Democrat. To me this 
> world is an alternate reality, but of course it's the mainstream reality far 
> more overwhelming than my own little fantasyland. Anyway, there's a very 
> spirited dialogue (sometimes nasty, usually civil) between Clinton supporters 
> and Sanders supporters on his page, but there is almost universal agreement 
> among the Sanders supporters -- many of them quite avid -- that once it's 
> mathematically impossible for Sanders to get the win, he should stand down 
> for the greater good of the DP in the general election. Hardly any of them 
> view the Sanders campaign -- and to them it's a campaign, not a "movement" -- 
> as a left-populist insurgen
 cy that is trying to change the party, much less fracture it. They merely see 
it as a contest between two good candidates with somewhat different ideologies, 
policy ideas, and approaches to socio-political change.
> _
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[Marxism] 'Hope everyone pukes on your artisanal treats': fighting gentrification, LA-style

2016-04-20 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] NYT: After Long Silence, Indonesia Allows Talk of Anti-Communist Atrocities

2016-04-18 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Guardian: 'They sell you a dream': tech workers protest Clooney event for Clinton

2016-04-16 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] NYT: Bernie Sanders Campaign Suspends Jewish Outreach Coordinator for Vulgar Remarks About Netanyahu

2016-04-15 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Well that didn't last long!

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[Marxism] Jerusalem Post: Meet the outspoken critic of Israel who is Bernie Sanders' new Jewish outreach director

2016-04-12 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Suggestions: books on history of Ireland/Dublin

2016-03-30 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Hi comrades,

Looking for some suggestions on good books on the history of Ireland (and/or 
Dublin). Preferably nothing too tome-ish in size - a leftish orientation is 
welcome but not essential. Thanks in advance. 

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[Marxism] CNN: China on Strike

2016-03-30 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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"The scene looked like something out of the Cultural Revolution.

 of local residents massed in the public square, under banners 
denouncing the 'crime of severely obstructing social-administrative 
order' and urging people to pursue 'rational efforts in seeking unpaid 
wages', as judges and prosecutors gave those gathered what they called 
an 'education in the law,' according to state media.

 this was Sichuan province in March 2016, and a dark sign of how far 
labor relations have worsened in Communist China as economic growth has 
slowed to its weakest in a quarter of a century."
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[Marxism] LA Times: Police escorts, curfews and long lines: What it takes to get water in west India

2016-03-30 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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(No mention is made of any link to climate change - how "normal" are these 

Latur is in the middle of a parched farming region known as Marathwada that has 
been reeling under a four-year drought so severe that hundreds of farmers have 
committed suicide just in the last few months. Officials say about 30 people 
have died in the region this year trying to collect water, including two girls 
who drowned in wells.

Last month, residents in Latur swarmed an incoming water tanker. Umesh Gaikwad, 
39, who had been appointed by city administrators to help manage the water 
delivery, suffered cardiac arrest while trying to pacify the mob. Five days 
later, he died at a hospital.

Ravindra Jagtap, a local journalist, said the scarcity of water and 
mismanagement by local officials have triggered fights between residents of 
different towns and villages.

..."The immature manner in which the water crisis is dealt with makes clashes 
inevitable," Jagtap said.

...Some better-off residents have begun to purchase water directly from private 
suppliers. Pramod Mundada, the owner of Sunrich Aqua, the largest bottled water 
plant in the area, said many private suppliers peddle untreated water that 
could make people sick.

"Helpless people end up buying adulterated water," Mundada said.

The situation is likely to worsen as India heads toward the summer, experts 

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[Marxism] Guardian: Has the Brics bubble burst?

2016-03-30 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Last November, Goldman Sachs, where the idea originated, closed its Bric 
investment fund after assets reportedly declined in value by 88% from a 2010 
peak. The bank told the US securities and exchange commission it did not expect 
“significant asset growth in the foreseeable future”.

“The promise of Bric’s rapid and sustainable growth has been challenged very 
much for the last five years or so,” Jorge Mariscal, the chief investment 
officer of emerging markets at UBS Wealth Management, told Bloomberg Business. 
“The Bric concept was popular. But nothing is eternal.”

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[Marxism] Vox: Low-income Americans can no longer afford rent, food, and transportation

2016-03-30 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Low-income Americans are experiencing a staggering price hike in 
housing costs — a change that makes it sometimes impossible to afford 
basic necessities.

A new Pew Charitable Trusts analysis of data
 from the Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that in 2013, low-income 
Americans spent a median of $6,897 on housing. In 2014, that rose to 
$9,178 — the biggest jump in housing spending for the 19-year period of 
data that Pew studied.

The cost of other necessities, like transportation and food, also 
rose, albeit not as dramatically. 2014 was the first year that Pew 
studied in which median spending on these three categories was higher 
than the median income for those in the lower third of income groups.

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[Marxism] Business Insider: EL-ERIAN: 'The road we're on is coming to an end'

2016-03-30 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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"'The road we’re on is coming to an end,' El-Erian told reporters in London on 

The road he’s referring to is the persistent low growth, low 
inflation, low interest rate path that developed economies have 
travelled down since the 2008 financial crisis.

Central banks pumped money into the system to push up asset prices, 
betting rich people would look at their net wealth statements, feel 
richer and spend more, stimulating corporate investment and a return to 

That hasn’t happened.

While the policies worked temporarily, and prices of houses, stocks, 
bonds and even fine art boomed, money didn’t trickle down the chain into
 the real economy, worsening inequality and creating an unsolvable debt 

'In the US, the vast majority of new wealth went to the rich, but the rich 
spent less of it,” El-Erian said.

Meanwhile, the tools central banks used to keep the financial world 
alive after the collapse of Lehman Brothers are getting less and less 

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[Marxism] Truthout: Can We Change the Political System? Strategic Lessons of the Bernie Sanders Campaign

2016-03-30 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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(This is probably the best article I've read on the Democratic primaries. The 
author provides a fairly incisive analysis of the US political system and 
explains the dilemma that a candidate like Sanders ultimately faces when trying 
to effect change within the Democratic Party. I highly urge everyone to read 

"Thus, by choosing to run as a Democrat, Sanders finds himself caught in 
something of a trap. To win the nomination and make the case for his 
democratic socialist program, he has to maximize his criticism of Clinton
 (and by implication Democrats in general). However, if he loses and 
backs Clinton in the general election (as he has promised to do), he 
will be complicit in perpetuating Clintonism. Indeed, the more people he
 mobilizes by contrasting himself with Clinton, the greater the sense of
 disillusionment it may produce if he falls short. Alternatively, should
 he win both the nomination and the general election, he will have to 
work with, and thus placate, the very "establishment" on whose 
cooperation he has built his entire congressional career and whom he is 
now alienating -- with all the limitations that implies."

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[Marxism] Yahoo News: Debt demon looms again over Africa

2016-03-30 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Same old story: commodity boom begins, peripheral capitalist countries borrow 
heavily, boom turns to bust, periphery countries once again mired in debt. 


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Story of cities #6: how silver turned Potosí into 'the first city of capitalism' | Cities | The Guardian

2016-03-28 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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I highly urge Marxmailers to follow up this Guardian article with some of Jason 
Moore's work:



> Date: Mon, 21 Mar 2016 09:14:27 -0400
> Subject: [Marxism] Fwd: Story of cities #6: how silver turned Potosí into 
> 'the first city of capitalism' | Cities | The Guardian
> From: marxism@lists.csbs.utah.edu
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> http://www.theguardian.com/cities/2016/mar/21/story-of-cities-6-potosi-bolivia-peru-inca-first-city-capitalism
> _
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[Marxism] Guardian: Marxist blogger who wrote about his terminal cancer dies aged 16

2016-03-28 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Jarius Banaji's reply to Charles Post

2016-03-24 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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> In terms of the articles mentioned above, unfortunately the online archives 
> for Journal of Peasant Studies begin in 2008 so I don't have access to them. 
> I see that Tom Brass has been in an ongoing debate with Banaji for a number 
> of years. I am loath to interject myself in them since as I stated I have 
> never read that much of him. Maybe I'll take a look at the Brass/Banaji 
> debates after I've had a chance to read "Theory as History".

I can send Brass' articles to anyone who'd like to read them. 
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Re: [Marxism] [SUSPICIOUS MESSAGE] Jarius Banaji's reply to Charles Post

2016-03-24 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Banaji hasn't been much better on this score:




> On Mar 23, 2016, at 3:37 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> *
> I had access to Historical Materialism as a Columbia University employee and 
> retain as a retiree but it has always been for issues that are at least 3 
> years old.
> Checking in on it today, I discovered that issue four in 2013, which I now 
> have access to, is a symposium on Jairus Banaji's "Theory as History" that 
> won the Isaac Deutscher prize in 2013 against finalist Charles Post's 
> "American Road to Capitalism". I rooted for Banaji just like somebody might 
> root for their home team in the NCAA March Madness basketball championship. 
> If you don't know by now, Post is a diehard Brennerite while Banaji is part 
> of the growing movement in academia against it.
> Post was one of the critics of Banaji's book. I hope to read both Banaji's 
> book and this issue of HM when I find a spare moment--maybe in 2021 or so but 
> in the meantime here's Banaji's pithy response to Post's criticisms:
> Among the various points that Charlie Post makes in his critique is that 
> 'Conceptually, the notion of merchant or commercial capitalism represents a 
> step backwards for historical materialism'. But backwards from what exactly? 
> The hermetic stagnation of a formalist historiography that remains thoroughly 
> introverted both intellectually and theoretically? Certainly, infinitely less 
> productive (of good history) than the substantial body of work (both Marxist 
> and non-Marxist) on diverse groups of merchant capitalists across vast 
> swathes of history - from Spanish traders in the Roman Mediterranean to the 
> consorterie of powerful capitalists who controlled Venice's trade to the 
> Levant and Venice itself some ten centuries later," or the Glasgow firms that 
> dominated the tobacco trade in the eighteenth century,-or the London 
> West-India merchant houses who were the backbone of the sugar industry in 
> sectors of the Caribbean that had seen the most rapid expansion of slavery in 
> the seventeenth ce
 ntury, or the London merchant-directors who were pivotal to the De Beers 
diamond business. As if any of these groups, or for that matter the large 
Italian mercantile and banking houses of the fourteenth century, were suspended 
in an economic void and not part of emerging or established networks of 
commercial capitalism! Indeed, in one of his earliest papers Brenner himself 
> "In marked contrast to the established London trades colonial operations 
> required investment in commodity production, not merely in commodity 
> exchange... The nascent plantation economy needed constant injections of 
> outside capital to get it started and keep it going... Merchants might 
> purchase and directly operate their own plantations. Otherwise they could 
> enter into partnership with colonial planters, supplying them with land, 
> tools and servants and marketing the final product... As the number of 
> participants grew, competition became increasingly fierce."
> How is this not capitalism except by the circular abstraction that confines 
> it by definition to industrial capital? In any case, it is almost thirty 
> years since David Ormrod produced an excellent critique of the 'false 
> antithesis' between production and circulation, capitalist agriculture and 
> merchant capitalism, that underpins the whole of this tendency.
> Related to this is our assessment of the place of modern slavery in the 
> growth of capitalism. Post's further argument that 'plantation slavery, even 
> when subordinated to a capitalist world-market, cannot be understood as a 
> capitalist form of social labour' contradicts Marx's own repeated assertions 
> to the effect that the American plantation owners were capitalists, e.g., 
> 'The husiness in which slaves are used is conducted by capitalists']'' 'we 
> now not only call the plantation owners in America capitalists, but... they 
> are capitalists';* and so on. Not so Post, who refers evasively to planters 
> being 'compelled to maximise absolute surplus-la

Re: [Marxism] Did Hillary just lose the Likudnik vote?

2016-03-03 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
f Jewish groups for her words. Alan Solow, chairman of 
the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, summed up 
the unusual and inappropriate nature of Rosenthal’s comments. “As an official 
of the United States government, it is inappropriate for the anti-Semitism 
envoy to be expressing her personal views on the positions ambassador Oren has 
taken, as well as on the subject of who needs to be heard from in the Jewish 

The Israeli government released a statement that said in part, “We received Ms.

Rosenthal’s statements as reported in Haaretz with astonishment and surprise.”

The Obama administration tried to reassure Israel that these comments did not 
represent State Department policy.

Unfortunately, the truth is that based on everything we have seen in these 
email dumps, this is precisely what the State Department’s policy was.

All of these communications put into context another revelatory email from 
Brian Greenspun, owner of the Las Vegas Sun newspaper, who is close to the 
Clintons and who fund-raised for them in the past. Greenspun became aware that 
Oren had been at his job as ambassador for already six months, and astoundingly 
could not get a single meeting with secretary of state Hillary Clinton. 
Greenspun wrote Clinton in December 2009, “Word has it that the Israeli 
ambassador has been trying to meet with you to no avail.

I wanted to make sure you knew that was a belief being shared. I can’t imagine 
why your folks would want to keep you two apart. I hear he is solid...”

This corroborates Oren’s own claims in his book, Ally: My Journey Across the 
American- Israeli Divide, in which he described how in the early months at his 
post as ambassador, Clinton refused to arrange a meeting with him. This was a 
bizarre change in protocol from Condoleezza Rice’s time as secretary of state 
in which she met with Israel’s ambassador on a regular basis. Yet Clinton’s 
staffers pushed off Oren for months with the absurd explanation that she did 
not meet with ambassadors of foreign countries. When Oren happened to later run 
into Clinton, she patronizingly asked him in jest why he never responded to the 
messages she left him.

Clinton’s excuses ring hollow seeing as how six months later her emails show 
she summoned Oren for a meeting. Unfortunately this severance of communication 
and unfortunate treatment of Israel’s ambassador was the inevitable result of 
the attitude toward Israel that seems to have encompassed and defined Clinton’s 
tenure as secretary of state.

Mrs. Clinton owes us all an explanation.

Shmuley Boteach is the international bestselling author of 30 books, including 
his upcoming The Israel Warrior: Fighting Israel’s Battles in the Marketplace 
of Ideas.

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> On Mar 2, 2016, at 9:40 PM, Thomas  wrote:
> Maybe, but this email lost the link.
> T
> -Original Message-
>> From: Shalva Eliava via Marxism 
>> Sent: Mar 2, 2016 9:31 PM
>> To: Thomas F Barton 
>> Subject: [Marxism] Did Hillary just lose the Likudnik vote?
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>> Too comical:
>> http://m.jpost.com/Opinion/NO-HOLDS-BARRED-Hillary-Clintons-treatment-of-Michael-Oren-as-ambassador-446153#article=6022NDlGNDQ3QjlGQUU1NjQ2MDEyMTAyQ0M2OTdGRkY3ODY=
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[Marxism] Did Hillary just lose the Likudnik vote?

2016-03-02 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Too comical:


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Re: [Marxism] Mainstream economics finally recognizes that unequal power produces unequal income and wealth

2016-01-25 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Louis posted a piece by Roberts recently that argued against an 
"overaccumulation" explanation of the looming crisis (entitled something like 
"too much capital or too little?") that made verbatim the same argument that 
Kuttner attributes to neoclassicists below with respect to labor's share. 
Roberts claimed that there is no evidence that labor's share has declined in 
any way since the 1970s (the links were all to Kliman's (and his students') 
"research", which in turn is based on articles by right-wing academics trying 
to refute Piketty/Saez research on rising income inequality. Health insurance 
expenditures and other state transfers feature heavily in Kliman et al's claims 
of a rising worker share. 

I really wouldn't give a fuck about the falling profit rate fundamentalists if 
it wasn't for their own obsession with attacking other Marxists who don't 
subscribe to "the tendency" (whom they always slander as "keynesian" and/or 
"underconsumptionist" while denying them any Marxist credentials). In fact 
their main mission in life seems to be attacking other Marxists exclusively 
(has anyone read a Kliman piece that wasn't centered on an attack on 

Personally, I do not see much point in insisting on one interpretation of 
crisis or another as a litmus test of one's Marxist credentials. Regardless of 
your explanation why crisis happens under capitalism, all Marxists agree that 
it tends toward crisis and always will. I am far more supportive of Louis' 
campaign to beat back "political marxism" since it basically denies that 
capitalism (re)produces underdevelopment in the former colonies (and/or that 
slavery and coercive labor regimes are anyway fundamental to capitalist 
production). I see far more at stake there than differing perspectives on what 
causes crisis under capitalism...

> On Jan 25, 2016, at 6:07 PM, Gary MacLennan  wrote:
> Comrade Shalva,
> thanks for the link.
> I think though you are a little unfair to Michael Roberts. His argument, as 
> far as I understand it, is that capitalism is fatally flawed (Tendency of the 
> Rate of Profit to Fall) and must be replaced by socialism.
> His anti-Keynesianism does at times seem to put him on the side of the 
> right-wing anti-Keynesians in that he argues the state cannot do anything and 
> they argue the state should not try.
> Compromisers like myself, think that a bout of Keynesianism would be a very 
> good thing for the poor whose plight is increasingly desperate. I am too old 
> now to wait for an economic Armageddon which will put a radical alternative 
> in place.
> That does not make me a reformist.  I have no doubt that capitalism must be 
> replaced in toto.
> But we need broad fronts and general movement and that is why I welcome the 
> Kuttner article, though one is tempted to say "Duh!" at the spectacle of a 
> liberal trying to work out capitalism.
> comradely
> Gary
>> On Tue, Jan 26, 2016 at 7:14 AM, Shalva Eliava via Marxism 
>>  wrote:
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>> This article isn't really all that interesting for radicals, but it did have 
>> one line that I liked, since it highlights the affinities between the 
>> latter-day falling profit rate fundamentalists and the neoclassicists:
>> "On the inequality conundrum, conservative economists divide four ways. Some 
>> are denialists. Rising inequality is simply a mirage if you make the right 
>> adjustments to the data. Scott Winship of the Manhattan Institute operates a 
>> small cottage industry purporting to demonstrate that if you correct for a 
>> variety of factors ranging from household size to counting health insurance 
>> as income, the statistical rise in inequality mostly vanishes."
>> - this is exactly the argument that Kliman and his disciples (e.g. Michael 
>> Roberts) make...just so they can rule out "underconsumption" as a factor of 
>> crisis.
>> http://pro

[Marxism] Mainstream economics finally recognizes that unequal power produces unequal income and wealth

2016-01-25 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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This article isn't really all that interesting for radicals, but it did have 
one line that I liked, since it highlights the affinities between the 
latter-day falling profit rate fundamentalists and the neoclassicists:

"On the inequality conundrum, conservative economists divide four ways. Some 
are denialists. Rising inequality is simply a mirage if you make the right 
adjustments to the data. Scott Winship of the Manhattan Institute operates a 
small cottage industry purporting to demonstrate that if you correct for a 
variety of factors ranging from household size to counting health insurance as 
income, the statistical rise in inequality mostly vanishes."

- this is exactly the argument that Kliman and his disciples (e.g. Michael 
Roberts) make...just so they can rule out "underconsumption" as a factor of 


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[Marxism] Time: Rich Democrats Don’t Care About Income Inequality Any More Than Rich Republicans

2016-01-24 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Guardian: Children as young as seven mining cobalt used in smartphones, says Amnesty

2016-01-21 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Guardian: Fears grow of repeat of 2008 financial crash as investors run for cover

2016-01-21 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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"William White, a former chief economist of the Bank for International 
Settlements (BIS), the central bankers club, who now chairs the OECD’s review 
committee warned that central bankers had “used up all their ammunition”.

“The situation is worse than it was in 2007. Our macroeconomic ammunition to 
fight downturns is essentially all used up. Debts have continued to build up 
over the last eight years and they have reached such levels in every part of 
the world that they have become a potent cause for mischief,” he said on the 
eve of the event."


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[Marxism] WaPo: This number proves Bernie Sanders can win Iowa

2016-01-17 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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"A little-noticed data point in the new Selzer & Co. Iowa poll, in fact, shows 
that 43 percent of likely voters in the Feb. 1 caucuses say they would use the 
word "socialist" to describe themselves."


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[Marxism] Guardian: Dark Money review: Nazi oil, the Koch brothers and a rightwing revolution

2016-01-17 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Guardian: At-risk students improve when they take a race and ethnicity class – study

2016-01-17 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Bernie Sanders is no socialist: Socialism is his brand, but he’s a Democrat in every way but name - Salon.com

2016-01-17 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Thanks, Ralph. 

Those were the ideas and sentiments I would have liked to have articulated, but 
I clearly lack your gift of exposition. 


Until Sanders came along and proved he could mobilize millions on behalf of 
these issues, I have always worked on the campaigns of and voted for 
third-party independents/Green candidates. I have always eschewed voting for or 
even paying any attention to DP candidates and primaries. I have engaged in 
endless (and usually fruitless) debates with left-leaning friends, colleagues, 
and comrades over the need to break with the DP. I only mention this so as to 
assure you I have zero illusions about the two party system. That said, I have 
come to the conclusion that the only way for us to even open up an avenue into 
the electoral system is to stop trying to create new and improved third parties 
and to instead work on forging a united front to institute an instant runoff 
voting system everywhere we can. You need to break down people's psychological 
barriers to voting third party first. That's really the only way you can do 

> On Jan 17, 2016, at 2:10 AM, Ralph Johansen via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> Louis Proyect wrote
> ...
> “If he were running as an independent, I'd certainly support him. The problem 
> is that he is a Democrat. The key to class politics is creating a pole of 
> attraction to the left of the Democrats that can challenge wage slavery...”
> No one argues with your analysis of who and where Bernie is. What I disagree 
> with is that Bernie would be more effective for the cause that we espouse, 
> socialism, if he were running as an independent. Can you imagine what 
> response he would be getting as an independent, without access to the bully 
> pulpit furnished by the debates?
> Given our experience here in the US, where there is appreciably no left in 
> existence, we might recall that Marx said “Hic rhodos, hic salta.” Here is 
> where we are. Here is where we dance. While not entirely apposite, it’s close 
> enough. It was a saying originating in Aesop that came to Marx through Hegel. 
> It is about a man who boasts of his exploits in Rhodes. The respondent tells 
> him to show us right here, where we are. This is where it will count.
> Bernie has about as good a track record as a left advocate as anyone in the 
> three branches of government, even if within the Democratic Party which we 
> despise. The issue for me is, does he advocate changes which are consistent 
> with the move toward a better life for all, which therefore are consistent 
> with advance toward socialism. I say that he does, even if his rhetoric is 
> reformist and he’s very weak on foreign policy, and he may well endorse 
> Hillary if she becomes the Democratic candidate, without seeking to impose on 
> her platform in the general election the program that he calls for and that 
> brought him all this mass support. The point is for us to prevent her 
> nomination from happening, if we can, and he is all we have. He is not, as 
> Obama and Hillary and all the others repeatedly do, making the case for the 
> glories of capitalism, and he is therefore anathema to the media and the 
> establishment. His speeches resonate with millions, particularly young and 
> insecure people who have no quarrel with socialism, whatever they may think 
> it is. and who recognize their plight in what he describes. What he would do 
> once in office would, as always, depend very much on us. As an old retired 
> stiff with limited funds, I’m sending another $25 and will volunteer. I’m 
> prepared to be disillusioned, again and yet, but not sit out the only game 
> going.
> --
> --
> ---
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[Marxism] Intercept: Hillary Clinton’s Single-Payer Pivot Greased By Millions in Industry Speech Fees

2016-01-16 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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A shock, I know:


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[Marxism] Guardian: The future of the Egyptian revolution

2016-01-16 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Bernie Sanders is no socialist: Socialism is his brand, but he’s a Democrat in every way but name - Salon.com

2016-01-16 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Psss. I didn't even bother to read the rest of it. His platform is clearly 
within the scope and spirit of social democracy. He's raising awareness and 
expectations - which is more than what the "field socialists" have ever been 
able to accomplish. Sanders' campaign is the only avenue available to actual 
socialists to realize some very important goals. In the context of the US 
social system, his stance on single-payer is downright revolutionary, since it 
involves expropriating a $1 trillion industry. To paraphrase Marx the current 
electoral system is not of our making. Let's accomplish what we can within it 
and accomplish what we must outside it...

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> On Jan 16, 2016, at 4:38 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> Bernie Sanders is a stubborn man, a fact I kept coming across as I reported 
> and wrote “Why Bernie Sanders Matters,” the unauthorized biography of the 
> Democratic presidential candidate. That trait might explain why he continues 
> to describe himself as a “Democratic Socialist,” even though any mention of 
> the “S-word” turns off many American voters. A recent Gallup poll found that 
> less than half of Americans would vote for a candidate who is a socialist. 
> “Socialist” in an epithet, hurled by conservatives at President Barack Obama 
> to discredit his health care reform efforts.
> To be sure, Sanders has been gradually moving away from socialism. As a 
> radical student activist in the 1960s, he identified with the Socialist 
> Workers Party. When he first ran for statewide office in Vermont during the 
> 1970s, he described himself as a socialist. In office, he all but glorified 
> the term. Walk into his Senate office and you will see a plaque on the wall 
> honoring Eugene V. Debs, who ran for president five times as leader of the 
> Socialist Party of America.
> But Bernie Sanders is not a socialist. No way, no how. He’s not even a 
> democratic socialist, as it is practiced in the Scandinavian nations. Fact is 
> the socialists don’t want Sanders.
> full: 
> http://www.salon.com/2016/01/16/bernie_sanders_is_no_socialist_socialism_is_his_brand_but_hes_a_democrat_in_every_way_but_name/
> _
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[Marxism] Bloomberg: Why Bernie Sanders Doesn't Want Your Vote

2016-01-11 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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"The reason a wonky septuagenarian can even convincingly talk about revolution 
is that Sanders is so genuinely angry. Often, he doesn’t play nicely. As mayor 
of Burlington, he was once invited to speak at a United Way fundraiser. His 
speech, perhaps for the only time, lasted just a few minutes and consisted of 
telling people that the United Way shouldn’t exist—that asking for dollars from 
workers’ paychecks to do the government’s job was shameful. As mayor, he 
strong-armed a real estate group that was going to convert low-income housing 
to luxury condos by passing laws specifically to thwart their efforts. The 
righteous can be ruthless."


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[Marxism] Guardian: Unions brace for supreme court case that could be a heavy blow to liberals

2016-01-09 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Since all the public service unions endorsed/are backing Hillary, maybe it's 
not such a bad thing...


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[Marxism] Guardian: Keep Calm and Carry On – the sinister message behind the slogan that seduced the nation

2016-01-08 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Gizmodo: Oregon Was Founded As a Racist

2016-01-08 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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"'The image that the rest of the nation has about Portland is founded a lot on 
the show Portlandia, right? Keep Portland weird — this sort of idea of this 
being a white liberal playground. And it’s predicated on racial exclusionary 
laws and the surplus resources that were purposefully kept from communities of 
color that were redirected into the white community.'"


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[Marxism] Atlantic: Oregon and the Injustice of Mandatory Minimums

2016-01-08 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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An alternative perspective on the Hammond affair and the Oregon militia's 
decision to seize and occupy the federal park building:


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[Marxism] Guardian: Recession, retrenchment, revolution? Impact of low crude prices on oil powers

2016-01-03 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Good account of the repercussions of low oil prices for the major producers 
(and their "foreign policy projects"):


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[Marxism] Guardian: Rosewood massacre a harrowing tale of racism and the road toward reparations

2016-01-03 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Justice delayed...


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[Marxism] Guardian: Nepalese women trafficked to Syria and forced to work as maids

2016-01-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Long live the Assad-linked lumpenbourgeoisie...


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Re: [Marxism] Kiev Struggles to Battle Rampant Corruption

2016-01-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Yep. For those of us who can read Russian and Ukrainian and have been following 
the "revolution" since its inception, it's not a surprise. It just goes to show 
the futility of Maidan-type uprisings in a country where there is no concept of 
a non-Stalinist socialism among the mass of working people. What you see 
happening in Poland right now is pretty much the best you can hope for in these 
post-Stalinist countries (that or Russian imperialist control a la Moldova or 
Belarus); i.e. decidedly right-wing nationalist populism. In Ukraine it may be 
a far more violent affair since the ultra nationalists are being armed by 
various sides and manipulated by oligarchs like Kolomoyskiy...

> On Jan 1, 2016, at 7:09 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> WSJ, Jan. 1 2016
> Kiev Struggles to Battle Rampant Corruption
> Nearly two years after revolution, Ukrainians say government is falling short 
> of promise to tackle graft
> KIEV, Ukraine—At a parliamentary meeting on combating corruption, Ukrainian 
> lawmaker Volodymyr Parasyuk sought to land his own blow against graft—by 
> kicking in the face an official he says owns luxury properties worth much 
> more than a state salary could provide.
> Almost two years after a revolution that brought down a president, Mr. 
> Parasyuk’s outrage reflects public frustration that the new government isn’t 
> doing enough to tackle the rampant corruption that fueled the uprising and 
> that keeps Ukraine among the poorest nations in Europe.
> “I wanted to remind him that he is made of the same sweat and blood as the 
> rest of us, because that is what these bureaucrats forget," said the 
> 28-year-old, one of the most visible protesters in the demonstrations that 
> helped oust pro-Russian President Viktor Yanukovych in 2014. He has since 
> apologized to the nation for the attack in parliament in November, but says 
> he won’t do the same to the official, who denies enriching himself.
> In the chaotic and combative politics of Ukraine—where parliament is the site 
> of frequent mass brawls—it is hard to untangle all the overlapping corruption 
> allegations and squabbling over who is to blame. Mr. Parasyuk himself was 
> named this week as receiving money from an organized crime suspect, a claim 
> he denies.
> Economic overhauls have helped stabilize the economy and unlocked billions of 
> dollars from the International Monetary Fund, despite a 19-month conflict 
> with Russian-backed separatists. But most Ukrainians say the revolution’s 
> promise to replace rule by thieves with the rule of law has fallen short and 
> the government acknowledges that there is still much to be done.
> Only 7% of Ukrainians said they saw an improvement in the fight against 
> corruption since then, according to a September poll by the International 
> Foundation for Electoral Systems. Only 5% say the new government has 
> addressed the issues, including corruption, that drove the revolution.
> The failure is also frustrating Ukraine’s Western backers, who threw their 
> support behind another government after a pledge by leaders of an earlier 
> revolution in 2004 to “send bandits to jail” went largely unfulfilled.
> U.S. Vice President Joe Biden visited Kiev in December and urged Ukrainian 
> lawmakers to crack down in a stern speech. This is “Ukraine’s moment,” he 
> said. “It may be your last moment. Please for the sake of the rest of 
> us…don’t waste it.”
> Ukraine’s leadership has said it is trying to make up for lost time, 
> establishing a new Kiev-based specialized anticorruption prosecutor to tackle 
> a handful of high-profile cases and other offices meant to reduce graft. But 
> it argues its powers are limited.
> “We are not in Stalin’s times—we can’t just give the order to arrest people,” 
> said Borys Lozhkin, President Petro Poroshenko’s chief of staff, in response 
> to a question about how many people the government is willing to arrest.
> Mr. Lozhkin conceded that the General Prosecutor’s office, which investigates 
> a wide range of crimes and prepares cases for court at federal, regional, and 
> local levels, has traditionally been a place where corruption has flourished.
> “It is much easier to find a new building than to rebuild an old one,” Mr. 
> Lozhkin said, refe

Re: [Marxism] Sidney Mintz, Father of Food Anthropology, Dies at 93

2016-01-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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The Braudel Center's Review dedicated an issue to his life and work last year...

> On Jan 1, 2016, at 4:46 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> *
> NY Times, Jan. 1 2016
> Sidney Mintz, Father of Food Anthropology, Dies at 93
> Sidney W. Mintz, a renowned cultural anthropologist who provocatively linked 
> Britain’s insatiable sweet tooth with slavery, capitalism and imperialism, 
> died on Sunday in Plainsboro, N.J. He was 93.
> The cause was a severe head injury from a fall, his wife, Jacqueline Mintz, 
> said.
> Professor Mintz was often described as the father of food anthropology, a 
> mantle bestowed on him after the critical and popular success of his 1985 
> book, “Sweetness and Power: The Place of Sugar in Modern History.”
> Even before that, though, he had stretched the academic boundaries of 
> anthropology beyond the study of aboriginal peoples. (He joked about those 
> who believed that “if they don’t have blowguns and you can’t catch malaria, 
> it’s not anthropology.”)
> His groundbreaking fieldwork in the Caribbean was the basis of his book 
> “Worker in the Cane: A Puerto Rican Life History” in 1960, in which he 
> profiled the rural proletariat — the “millions of people in the world, nearly 
> all of them people of color, working at ghastly jobs producing basic 
> commodities, mostly for consumers in the West,” as he described them to the 
> journal American Anthropologist last year.
> Professor Mintz also explored the legacy of language and religion that slaves 
> took with them from Africa. He was instrumental in creating a black studies 
> curriculum at Yale University in the early 1970s before joining Johns Hopkins 
> University, where he helped found its anthropology department in 1975 and 
> became professor emeritus in 1997.
> The son of a restaurateur and an amateur chef himself, Professor Mintz was 
> best known beyond the academy and his own kitchen for his Marxian perspective 
> on the growing demand for sugar in Britain, beginning in the 17th century.
> In his view, that hunger shaped empires, spawned industrial-like plantations 
> in the Caribbean and South America that presaged capitalism and 
> globalization, enslaved and decimated indigenous populations, and engendered 
> navies to protect trade while providing a sweetener to the wealthy and a 
> cheap source of energy to industrial workers.
> “There was no conspiracy at work to wreck the nutrition of the British 
> working class, to turn them into addicts or ruin their teeth,” Professor 
> Mintz wrote in “Sweetness and Power.” “But the ever-rising consumption of 
> sugar was an artifact of interclass struggles for profit — struggles that 
> eventuated in a world market solution for drug food, as industrial capitalism 
> cut its protectionist losses and expanded a mass market to satisfy 
> proletarian consumers once regarded as sinful or indolent.”
> He added, “No wonder the rich and powerful liked it so much, and no wonder 
> the poor learned to love it.”
> Professor Mintz was as much at home in the 21st century as he was in the 
> 17th. In “Sweetness and Power” he observed that Americans were consuming more 
> by multitasking, writing, “Watching the Cowboys play the Steelers while 
> eating Fritos and drinking Coca-Cola, while smoking a joint, while one’s girl 
> sits on one’s lap, can be packing a great deal of experience into a short 
> time and thereby maximizing enjoyment.”
> Sidney Wilfred Mintz was born on Nov. 16, 1922, in Dover, N.J., the son of 
> Jewish immigrants from Eastern Europe. His father, Solomon, was a dye maker 
> who became a clothing salesman. His mother, the former Fanny Tulchin, was a 
> seamstress and an organizer for the Industrial Workers of the World. (By the 
> time the group was banned by the government as radical, he said, “she was 
> married and organizing only her kids.”)
> His father was a dishwasher in a diner before buying it and converting it 
> into “the only restaurant in the world where the customer was always wrong,” 
> Professor Mintz said. (Its previous owner had been enticed to purchase a 
> Ferris wheel and left town with a carnival.) The diner went bust during the 
> Depression.
> “Very early I became interested in how people acquired, prepared, cooked and 
> served f

Re: [Marxism] Hunger Games

2015-12-09 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Two more articles:

Guardian: In debt, out of luck: why Generation K fell in love with The
Hunger Games

Black Star News: Candidate Bernie Sanders As Mockingjay

The last two movies were the best in my mind (in fact I couldn't help
but think of this Guardian video report on the Syrian war when I saw the
but the movies in general are mostly valuable in that they might
motivate people to read the books, which are definitely quite good and
subversive. I had planned to pen an essay showing the "marxian
imagination" of the project, but never got around to it. The book has an
implicit world-systems analysis/anti-colonial thrust, with plenty of
echoes of the debates between revolutionaries of the late 19th century
about terrorism versus movement building in the final book. Certainly
labor, exploitation, repression, and dependency are notable themes.
Claims that the book has anything other than a left-wing message is

Honestly, I can't help but think that Collins was influenced by London's
book Iron Heel. The main characters even have similar names: Katniss
Everdeen vs Avis Everhard...

On 12/9/2015 6:27 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism wrote:
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> Have seen the first two without much interest but got into it a bit
> more in the final half-hour of MockingJay, part 1.
> This is an interesting write-up:
> LRB, Vol. 37 No. 24 · 17 December 2015
> At the Movies
> Michael Wood
> Perhaps because it’s based on a lively trilogy of novels for supposed
> teenagers, more probably because its writers and directors knew how to
> have a good time with stereotypes, The Hunger Games movie series is
> attractive because it is so eclectic, because it raids whatever
> cultural bank or shopping mall is handy. The heroine’s name combines a
> plant with a character from Thomas Hardy: Katniss Everdeen. If you
> frivolously mishear it as Catnip, as I did, you can be reassured:
> that’s what a friend calls her in the novel. The chief bad guy is
> called Coriolanus, and the place where it all happens, to quote the
> first book, is a ‘country that rose up out of the ashes of a place
> that was once called North America’, now called Panem. The allusion is
> to Juvenal’s ‘bread and circuses’, but as pronounced in the movies it
> sounds like the name of a defunct airline.
> The novels by Suzanne Collins, who also had a hand in writing the
> movies, were published in 2008, 2009 and 2010, and by 2012 their sales
> had broken the record set by the Harry Potter books. The four movies –
> strange how three keeps becoming four in the film world – appeared in
> 2012, 2013, 2014, and last month. The Roman themes are everywhere and
> that’s what the games are about, except that the people just get the
> circus, no bread. The circus is an annual fight to the death among
> teenagers chosen by lottery, two from each of the 12 districts that,
> along with the Capitol, make up the country. Actually there are 13
> districts, but we don’t know that until the third movie, Mockingjay
> Part I: a district that has purportedly been destroyed has literally
> gone underground and is now the centre of the resistance movement. The
> dictator’s idea is that if people have to lose their children and
> watch them die on television all notions of rebellion will be
> perpetually dispersed. He’s wrong, of course, but it’s a great theory
> for an evil dictator to have, and it makes you wonder if a similar
> spirit isn’t behind a lot of programme planning in the real world: the
> unflagging coverage of Donald Trump, for example, which humiliates us
> as we watch it. Why do we watch it? Ask the dictator, he knows.
> The resistance offered by our heroine Katniss is unintentional at
> first, or at least unpolitical. Showing entirely the wrong spirit, she
> suggests a suicide pact to Peeta, her partner from District 12,
> instead of killing him and becoming the winner. This is where they
> both should have ended, but there were more books and movies in the
> offing, and Coriolanus decides to let them live on as a poster-couple
> for the regime: they

[Marxism] NYT: In Nigeria, Chinese Investment Comes With a Downside

2015-12-07 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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It's difficult to imagine anyone probing the US's relationship with its 
peripheries in this manner:
The relationship between China and Nigeria is a complex web of dependency, one 
replicated in dozens of developing countries around the world, like Chile, 
Ethiopia and Indonesia. Such ties are integral to China’s global ambitions. 
President Xi Jinping of China, who was in Africa this week emphasizing economic 
diplomacy, just committed $60 billion in development assistance to the 

But such efforts also pose new and unpredictable challenges for Beijing. China 
has lent heavily to commodity-exporting countries, which are now struggling 
with low commodity prices. At the same time, China’s highly competitive 
manufacturing sector has devastated many smaller-scale rivals across Africa, 
Asia and Latin America. Mr. Xi’s pledge in Africa, in part, seemed aimed at 
quelling criticism over what some see as a lopsided relationship that largely 
benefits China.


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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Writing in the Kremlin's Shadow by Masha Gessen | NYR Daily | The New York Review of Books

2015-12-05 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Didn't read the article (and won't - I can't stand Gessen) but I would point 
out that Salisbury wrote a very sympathetic forward to Roy Medvedev's 
non-Stalinist account of the Russian Revolution: The October Revolution. 

> On Dec 5, 2015, at 9:17 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> The problem with “Walter Cronkite and the rest of them,” the American 
> correspondents in Moscow, my grandmother used to tell me, was that all they 
> ever did was regurgitate the Soviet media. The only exception was, she said, 
> The New York Times’ Harrison Salisbury, who seemed to find sources and 
> stories outside Pravda. My grandmother worked as the censor for foreign 
> correspondents stationed in Moscow. She was never allowed to have direct 
> contact with correspondents, but they loomed large in her imagination, and 
> she in theirs. She loved Salisbury’s stories because they gave her something 
> to read, and a lot of work: whenever she encountered a passage that had not 
> been lifted directly from a Soviet newspaper, she translated it into Russian 
> and called it in to Stalin’s secretary: decisions on what would be cut and 
> what would be transmitted were made in the Kremlin.
> full: http://www.nybooks.com/daily/2015/12/03/writing-in-the-kremlins-shadow/
> _
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[Marxism] VoA: With Authorities Gone, Local Councils Take Charge in Syria

2015-12-02 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Food aid has long been a powerful weapon in the Western imperialists' arsenal:

"While they welcome the funding, some activists complain it comes with strings 

Activist Bassam al-Kuwaiti argues there’s a danger of Western donors dictating 
how local groups operate, and says funds and aid are too often misallocated by 
the donors. He cites food shipments as one example.

'Food is not needed to this level which is being sent now. A lot of it could be 
achieved through agricultural projects inside Syria, except besieged areas of 
course,' al-Kuwaiti said."


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[Marxism] Guardian: Big tobacco targets the young in poor countries – with deadly consequences

2015-12-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Opium Wars part deux??

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[Marxism] Guardian: The Central Valley is sinking: drought forces farmers to ponder the abyss

2015-12-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Head east, young man...?


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[Marxism] Guardian: West Virginia mine explosion trial showcases challenge of jailing a CEO

2015-12-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Ugghhh. What is there to deliberate?

"The prosecutors seem to have laid out a damning pattern of facts. Blankenship 
clearly raked in millions in compensation – $18m in 2009, and $12m in 2010, the 
year of the mine disaster. He was a micromanager, with a staff of individuals 
whom prosecutors derided as “yes men”, who seems – based on some documents and 
tape recordings he himself made of his own phone calls – to have been concerned 
about the costs of safety regulations and their impact on production levels. 
Orders reached the miners to cover up safety violations, and it seemed clear to 
many from who they had originated, according to testimony."


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Re: [Marxism] On the rise of ISIS

2015-12-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Juan Cole laid it all out in the WaPo last week:


> On Dec 1, 2015, at 10:36 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> If you read the "anti-imperialist" bilge about the rise of ISIS, you'd think 
> that it was a conspiracy planned out in advance by American, British and 
> Israeli spooks--the latest version of this articulated by arch-buffoon Tariq 
> Ali at the pro-war rally in London. In fact, ISIS was the result of the 
> American invasion of Iraq that installed a pro-Iranian Shi'ite sectarian gang 
> in Baghdad at the urging of Chalabi in partnership with neocons. When Anbar 
> Province erupted in 2004, the left was ecstatic over the resistance in 
> Fallujah that was led in part by the same exact people who are in the 
> driver's seat of ISIS today: Saddam's officer corps and jihadists. A new book 
> lays this out in detail.
> NY Times, Dec. 1 2015
> Review: ‘Black Flags,’ Tracing the Birth of ISIS
> In the last month, terror attacks that left 130 dead in Paris and 43 dead in 
> Beirut and took down a Russian airliner with 224 people aboard have made the 
> entire world horribly aware that the Islamic State not only seeks to 
> establish a caliphate in Syria and Iraq, but also is beginning to export its 
> monstrous savagery abroad. Although the Islamic State has been in the 
> headlines for only two years, and its metastasis has been alarmingly swift, 
> the seeds of the group — in its many incarnations — were planted many years 
> ago, as Joby Warrick’s gripping new book, “Black Flags,” makes clear.
> Mr. Warrick, a reporter for The Washington Post and the author of the 2011 
> best seller “The Triple Agent,” has a gift for constructing narratives with a 
> novelistic energy and detail, and in this volume, he creates the most 
> revealing portrait yet laid out in a book of Abu Musab Al-Zarqawi, the 
> founding father of the organization that would become the Islamic State (also 
> known as ISIS or ISIL).
> Although this book owes some debts to Jean-Charles Brisard’s 2005 book, 
> “Zarqawi: The New Face of Al Qaeda,” Mr. Warrick places that material in 
> context with recent developments and uses his own copious sources within the 
> United States and Jordanian intelligence to flesh out Mr. Zarqawi’s story and 
> the crucial role that American missteps and misjudgments would play in 
> fueling his rise and the advance of the Islamic State.
> Perhaps emulating the approach Lawrence Wright took in “The Looming Tower,” 
> his masterly 2006 account of the road to Sept. 11, Mr. Warrick focuses parts 
> of this book on the lives of several individuals with singular, inside takes 
> on the overarching story. They include a doctor named Basel al-Sabha, who 
> treated Mr. Zarqawi in prison; Abu Haytham, who ran the counterterrorism unit 
> of Jordan’s intelligence service and fought the Islamic State in its various 
> guises for years; and Nada Bakos, a young C.I.A. officer who became the 
> agency’s top expert on Mr. Zarqawi. This narrative approach lends the larger 
> story of the Islamic State an up-close-and-personal immediacy and underscores 
> the many what-ifs that occurred along the way.
> In “Black Flags,” Mr. Zarqawi comes across as a kind of Bond villain, who 
> repeatedly foils attempts to neutralize him. He was a hard-drinking, heavily 
> tattooed Jordanian street thug (well versed in pimping, drug dealing and 
> assault), and when he found religion, he fell for it hard, having a relative 
> slice off his offending tattoos with a razor blade.
> He traveled to Afghanistan in 1989 to wage jihad; during a stint in a 
> Jordanian prison, he emerged as a leader known and feared for his 
> ruthlessness as an enforcer among Islamist inmates. He began thinking of 
> himself as a man with a destiny, and in the aftermath of the American 
> invasion of Afghanistan in 2001, he set up a small training camp in Iraq’s 
> northeastern mountains, near the Iranian border.
> At this point, Mr. Zarqawi was just a small-time jihadist. But then, Mr. 
> Warrick writes, “in the most improbable of events, America intervened,” 
> declaring — in an effort to make the case for ousting Saddam Hussein — that 
> “this o

[Marxism] NYT, Guardian: Poverty in the US

2015-11-23 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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NYT: Electing to Ignore the Poor


NYT: Who turned my blue state red? Why poor areas vote for politicians who want 
to slash the safety net:


And the Guardian has published a series of dispatches from the US’s poorest 
1) America's poorest white town: abandoned by coal, swallowed by drugs

2) America's poorest border town: no immigration papers, no American Dream


3) Poorest town in poorest state: segregation is gone but so are the jobs


4) A reservation town fighting alcoholism, obesity and ghosts from the past


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[Marxism] Youtube: Hip hop artist Killer Mike introduces Bernie Sanders in Atlanta

2015-11-23 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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I particularly liked the Margaret Thatcher jab:


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[Marxism] Cracked.com: 7 Things I Learned Reading Every Issue Of ISIS's Magazine

2015-11-22 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] New Yorker: Bernie Sanders' New Deal Socialism

2015-11-22 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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"The return of the ["socialist"] label, though, doesn’t mean that anyone knows 
how to get more radical than tacking toward Scandinavian social democracy, with 
its socialized health care and higher education and generous family leave. 
Sanders isn’t much of a socialist compared to F.D.R., either. At the heart of 
Roosevelt’s program was the National Labor Relations Act of 1935, which greatly 
strengthened the hand of unions, essential parts of every welfare-capitalist 
order in the twentieth century, from Scandinavia to Canada. Sanders, 
astonishingly, didn’t once mention unions in his Georgetown speech. Roosevelt 
proposed a maximum income of twenty-five thousand dollars (the equivalent of 
about four hundred thousand dollars today), which we won’t be hearing from 
Sanders. Sanders’s socialism is a national living wage, free higher education, 
increased taxes on the wealthy, campaign-finance reform, and strong 
environmental and racial-justice policies."


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Re: [Marxism] Monthly Review editor's note on the Middle East

2015-11-22 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Maybe you should e-mail MR and ask them to publish a short debate on this 

> On Nov 22, 2015, at 7:36 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> *
> "In 2011 the United States (and NATO as a whole) took advantage of the Arab 
> Spring protests to attack Libya, destroying the regime there under Qaddafi, 
> while fostering a civil war in Syria with the goal of toppling the Assad 
> government."
> full: http://monthlyreview.org/2015/11/01/mr-067-06-2015-10_0/
> The editor's note makes an amalgam of everyone who has picked up a gun 
> against the Baathist dictatorship under the rubric of "political Islam" as if 
> the current editorial board (minus Michael Yates) has no idea that there's 
> little difference between Iran and Saudi Arabia when it comes to religious 
> authoritarianism.
> This is really sad. The idea that the USA "fostered" a war in Syria is 
> asserted with zero evidence. I understand that the editor's note is not meant 
> for analysis but rather this sort of back of the envelope thumb-sucking 
> reductionism. It is remarkable in fact that in the entire 4 years Syria has 
> been the scene of profound social conflict involving a myriad of forces, not 
> a single article has appeared in the magazine. Instead John Bellamy Foster 
> has allowed Yoshie's tweets and crosspostings on her blog (aka MRZine) to 
> substitute for serious analysis.
> There was a time when Monthly Review had a much clearer class understanding 
> of Baathism when Paul Sweezey and Harry Magdoff were the editors. There's an 
> article titled “The Coups in Iraq and Syria”, written by Tabitha Petran, that 
> appeared in the May 1963 Monthly Review.
> Petran minces no words, beginning her article as follows:
>The recent coups in Iraq and Syria realize the six-year-old Eisenhower 
> Doctrine’s goal of anti-Communist “Arab unity” under United States 
> protection. The coups’ authors are the international oil interests, the U.S., 
> and their local placemen—the Baath and Arab Nationalist (Nasserist) parties, 
> assorted militarists and feudal left over from Hashemite rule in Iraq, and in 
> Syria elements from the right-wing of the Moslem Brotherhood.
> She dubs Baathism as an amalgam of demagogy and petty-bourgeois social 
> reforms that is “widely regarded as an instrument of American imperialism”. 
> It is so interesting to see the final dregs of this system being hoisted on 
> the shoulders of John Bellamy Foster, John Mage and Yoshie Furuhashi.
> Petran’s article decries the wholesale slaughter of Communists in Iraq, a 
> crime that no longer tends to bother the MR group based on Furuhashi’s 
> grotesque attempts to provide ex post facto excuses for the slaughter of 
> radicals in Khomeini’s Iran in the early 1980s. These “divisive” elements 
> obviously stood in the way of creating strong states that might become part 
> of counter-hegemonic blocs. Back in the early 60s apparently, MR magazine 
> viewed class criteria as having priority over that kind of leftist 
> realpolitik.
> It’s not much different with Iran, a country whose government rises beyond 
> the level of “lesser evil” and achieves the kind of hallowed status that once 
> brought tears to the eyes of a Communist when watching a newsreel of Stalin 
> receiving a bouquet of flowers from a Red Scout. Much of MRZine’s propaganda 
> on behalf of Syria is most certainly related to what it feels are the 
> geopolitical interests of Iran, as if the Middle East was a chessboard. 
> Questions of the class struggle are of no consequence for these leftist 
> versions of Metternich.
> If you go back through the MR archives, you won’t find any such malarkey 
> about Iran. Typical is a March 2001 article titled Clerical Oligarchy and the 
> Question of “Democracy” in Iran. Co-authored by Saeed Rahnema and Haideh 
> Moghissi, it starts with a sentence that amounts to a stake that can be 
> driven through MR’s heart today:
>For more than twenty years the Islamic regime in Iran, along with its 
> extensive repressive apparatuses, has created an impressive array of 
> ideological and economic mechanisms of control to construct an Islamified 
> civil society and build consensus for the establishment of a theocratic state.
> The article calls attention to the “thugs” who attacked students, 

[Marxism] Guardian: Two months after Oregon legalization, pot saturation sends profits up in smoke

2015-11-21 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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This wonderfully highlights the importance of monopoly/oligopoly to the 
capitalist accumulation process:


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[Marxism] Vox: A leading socialist explains what Bernie Sanders's socialism gets right — and wrong

2015-11-21 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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This sums up well my own view:

"Socialism has been lost in American politics for a generation, swallowed up by 
Cold War politics and the broader assault on the labor movement, and the defeat 
of even the most modest of incremental reform tendencies within liberalism, so 
just having someone calling themselves a socialist on the national stage is 
incredible. It gives people like me the chance to contrast our vision of 
socialism with Sanders's, while still being broadly supportive of many of the 
things he wants to do and the impulses of those who support him."


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[Marxism] Guardian: Gender pay gap closing partially because of men's declining wages, report says

2015-11-18 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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I was tempted to think that this EPI report on the dialectic between men and 
women's wages was really significant:


...until I remembered the wisdom of the Falling Rate of Profit guru Andrew 
Kliman (intellectual father of Michael Roberts):

"Or consider women. [Underconsumptionist heretics] have not a word to say about 
their wages. Is this due to sexism? I doubt it. I suspect, instead, that they 
chose to ignore the strong growth of women’s wages because it does not fit in 
well with the class war/declining labor share thesis. The real “median usual 
weekly earnings” of women employed full-time rose by 22% between 1979 and 2007, 
even if we use the CPI-W to adjust for inflation. They rose by 27% if we use 
the CPI-U-RS and by 35% if we use the PCEPI. How was this possible? Is the 
accelerated class war being waged only against male workers?
A Congressional Budget Office (2011) study reported on trends in real median 
hourly wages among workers with different levels of educational attainment. It 
shows that there was substantial wage growth among women with at least some 
college education and among men with at least a 4-year college degree. How can 
the class war/declining labor share thesis explain this?

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Re: [Marxism] Half of New Yorkers Say They Are Barely or Not Getting By, Poll Shows

2015-11-18 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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This is patently false! Labor's share is amd always has been rising! Just ask 
Michael Roberts. Please stop posting underconsumptionist propaganda...

> On Nov 18, 2015, at 9:30 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
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> NY Times, Nov. 18 2019
> Half of New Yorkers Say They Are Barely or Not Getting By, Poll Shows
> Half of New York City residents say they are struggling economically, making 
> ends meet just barely, if at all, and most feel sharp uncertainty about the 
> future of the city’s next generation, a new poll shows.
> The poll, conducted by The New York Times and Siena College, shows great 
> disparities in quality of life among the city’s five boroughs. The stresses 
> weighing on New Yorkers vary widely, from the Bronx, where residents feel 
> acute concern about access to jobs and educational opportunity, to Staten 
> Island, where one in five report recently experiencing vandalism or theft.
> But an atmosphere of economic anxiety pervades all areas of the city: 51 
> percent of New Yorkers said they were either just getting by or finding it 
> difficult to do so.
> Even in Manhattan, three in 10 said they were just getting by. (Fifty-eight 
> percent said they were doing all right or thriving financially — the highest 
> response of the five boroughs.)
> In some respects, the poll echoed the “tale of two cities” theme of Mayor 
> Bill de Blasio’s 2013 campaign: Residents of the Bronx and Brooklyn shared 
> the most pronounced sense of economic insecurity, and the lowest confidence 
> in local government and the police — a distinctly different experience from 
> the rest of the city.
> In those boroughs, nearly three in five residents said they were straining to 
> make ends meet. In the Bronx, 36 percent said there had been times in the 
> past year when they did not have the money to buy enough food for their 
> family; only one in five said they and their neighbors had good or excellent 
> access to suitable jobs.
> But if the city appears divided into broad camps of haves and have-nots, it 
> was, perhaps surprisingly, the less privileged segments of New York that 
> shared the most positive outlook on the future.
> Four in 10 Brooklyn residents said their neighborhood was getting better, and 
> 36 percent of Bronx residents said the same. Manhattanites and Staten 
> Islanders were most likely to say things were getting worse in their area.
> Almost two years into the term of a liberal mayor elected in a populist 
> landslide, the city’s poor and minorities, and the residents of the Bronx and 
> Brooklyn, describe lives fraught with more difficulty than others. But they 
> also express more optimism.
> Matt Walker, 28, a resident of Flatbush, Brooklyn, said in a follow-up 
> interview that finding long-term employment was a challenge. Mr. Walker, who 
> is an engineer, said he had recently lost a “middle management-type position” 
> and was searching for stable work.
> “I’ll probably find another job in a month or two, because of my field, 
> engineering,” Mr. Walker said. “A lot of people say it’s difficult to find a 
> steady job that pays enough and that you can hold on to. If anything goes 
> wrong with the company, you’re out the door.”
> By almost every measure, residents of the Bronx had the deepest concerns 
> about their neighborhoods: Half of respondents there said it was likely that 
> a young person in the neighborhood would abuse drugs or alcohol. Thirty-seven 
> percent said it was likely that a young person in the neighborhood would join 
> a gang, whereas 19 percent of Manhattan residents and 16 percent of Staten 
> Island residents said the same.
> Just six in 10 Bronx residents said it was likely that a young person in 
> their neighborhood would graduate from high school, compared with about 
> three-quarters of New Yorkers over all. Meanwhile, 44 percent of respondents 
> in the Bronx said it was probable that the children around them would grow up 
> having a relative who is incarcerated. (The citywide number is lower, about 
> one-third, but it rises to 52 percent among African-Americans.)
> Government is not seen as addressing the problems that trouble these areas: 
> In the Bronx, only one in five respondents gave local government hig

[Marxism] Sanders vs. McLevy

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Reason Magazine columnist Jesse Walker just published a piece singing
the praises of Jasper McLevy - another self-avowed socialist politician
from pre-WWII New England, but one that even a libertarian could admire
because he was a fiscal conservative:


Apparently, Walker didn't do his homework on Sanders:

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Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Too much profit, not too little? | Michael Roberts Blog

2015-11-10 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Roberts (taking his cue from his mentors Andrew Kliman and Alan Freeman) claims 
that labor's share did not decrease at the expense of capital's following the 
counterattack that began in the 1970s.

They are basing this assertion on the work of reactionary economists who in 
turn were trying to refute Saez and Picketty's work on income inequality in the 
US. The reactionaries (and thus Kliman and co) contend that this disparity 
virtually disappears when you factor in various state transfers and employer 
expenses on health insurance and other benefits (Kliman usually makes some 
additional claim about it all coming out in the wash because women joined the 
workforce, hence no real decline in the household income). Those claims have 
been refuted six ways from Sunday by economists of all stripes (a good summary 
here: http://bit.ly/1Nqmf7S ). Putting aside statistical analyses of wages, 
benefits, and state transfers, does it make sense that labor's share in the US 
was rising despite the crushing of unions and collective bargaining that began 
in late 70s? Shrinking expenditures on welfare, disability, UI benefits, etc? 
Round after round of tax cuts for corporations and the top 1% of inco
 me earners (which always results in rising taxes on workers in the form of 
rising sales taxes, road tolls, "vice taxes",  the resort to state lotteries, 

When reading the Kliman gang's work you 
always have to look out for the word "adjustments"...since that's the only way 
they can produce their results - whether it's on labor's share or the falling 
profit rate (even then they can't agree on how to calculate the rate of profit 
- they all do it differently as Roberts admits in his Great Recession book). 
These people are not really interested in investigating capitalism's evolution 
over time. They proceed from the position that Marx's judgments on capitalism 
and its dynamics are infallible and timeless and refuse to do anything but 
examine the present through the lens of the 19th century (19th century England 
at that). The falling profit fundamentalists have to prove that consumption is 
irrelevant to crisis, so in turn they HAVE to prove that labor's share is 
actually always rising and consumer debt either unrelated or insignificant (the 
organic composition is also always rising, hence why they must completely 
discount or ignore the capital-saving revolution that is containeri
 zation coupled with global labor arbitrage). Meanwhile those of us who aren't 
employed at a university with tenure haven't been able to make ends meet for 
long before the great recession. Once again, if you want an honest, logical 
explanation of the latest crash check out Howard Sherman's Roller Coaster 
Economy. He looks at the behavior of both consumption and investment in the 
run-up to crisis and how they interact to produce downturns.

Ultimately, I think Marxists need to stop arguing (let alone establishing 
Marxist litmus tests like Kliman, Carchedi, Roberts, Mattick, etc do) about 
crisis theory. Whatever one's pet theory is, all Marxists agree on one thing: 
capitalism is prone to crisis and based on exploitation and the simultaneous 
degradation of man and nature (to the degree that two can be meaningfully 
separated). Why can't we all just form a movement based on that straightforward 
critique and stop with the circular firing squads? 

> On Nov 8, 2015, at 8:35 AM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
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> Most years I attend the London conference of the Historical Materialism 
> journal.  This brings together academics and others to present papers and 
> discuss issues from a generally Marxist viewpoint.  This year I presented a 
> paper on whether rising inequality causes crises under capitalism (Does 
> inequality causes crises).  My session was well attended and the audience 
> included many of the small band of Marxist economist s around at the moment.
> The gist of what I said was this.  Rising inequality of income and wealth in 
> the major economies has become a popular thesis among both mainstream and 
> heterodox economists.  The thesis is founded on the arguments that wages as a 
> share of GDP have been falling in the major economies. This creates a gap 
> between demand and supply, or a tendency to underconsumption.  That gap was 
> filled by an explos

Re: [Marxism] Fwd: Bernie Sanders: ‘I Am a Democrat Now’ - Washington Wire - WSJ

2015-11-10 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Meh. It was bound to happen and certainly not the worse thing he's ever said or 
done). Maybe he's hoping that it will help him get some more endorsements. I 
could care less about whether he's now officially a Democrat or not (wasn't he 
always really a Democrat anyway?). Granted it's a low bar, but I still think 
he's the best left candidate the US has seen in decades. I realize what I'm 
saying is anathema to sectarians and maximalists, but my view is that we need 
someone talking about all the issues he's talking about on a national level. 
Like I mentioned in an earlier post, his candidacy has forced major media 
outlets to hold non-caricature based discussions of socialism (and gotten a lot 
of young people talking and thinking about socialism v. capitalism). It doesn't 
matter if it's only the DSA-brand of socialism...it's a sea change nonetheless. 
I'll support him while he's running (and talk to other supporters about 
socialism while I'm doing it). If he loses, oh well. 

> On Nov 10, 2015, at 5:57 PM, Louis Proyect via Marxism 
>  wrote:
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> http://blogs.wsj.com/washwire/2015/11/08/bernie-sanders-i-am-a-democrat-now/
> _
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[Marxism] Guardian: Men think they do equal work at home, when facts show otherwise

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I'm not particularly a fan of Valenti, but occasionally she writes something 
worth reading/sharing:


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[Marxism] Policy.Mic: The Most Important Socialist in America Not Named Bernie Sanders Just Won Re-election

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[Marxism] HuffPost: Open Letter to Hillary Clinton from a Young Palestinian Feminist

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[Marxism] NYT: rotesting Against Israel, Youth in Gaza Also Defy Hamas

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[Marxism] Vice News: The Most Militarized Universities in America

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[Marxism] NYT: Spain’s News Media Are Squeezed by Government and Debt

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"Many in the industry say the formidable combination of government and 
financial pressures has blunted their ability to cover any range of conflicts 
of interest among big business and politicians at a time of multiplying 
financial and political scandals that emerged after the onset of Spain’s debt 

'The newspapers are in the hands of creditors, and also in those of a 
government that has helped convince the creditors that the papers should be 
kept alive rather than just asphyxiated because of their debts,' said Miguel 
Ángel Aguilar, a veteran Spanish journalist who founded his own publication, 
Ahora, in September.

'This is a situation of dependency that has done terrible damage to the 
credibility of the media in this country,' he said."


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[Marxism] Fox News: Blair urges Libya no-fly zone because oil prices up, markets down

2015-11-04 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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I hate to post a Fox News article but I just had to share this:

"A newly released email from February 2011 shows Blumenthal advocated for a 
no-fly zone over Libya, writing, 'U.S. might consider advancing tomorrow. 
Libyan helicopters and planes are raining terror on cities.' The email was 
forwarded by Clinton to her deputy chief of staff Jake Sullivan with the 
question, 'What do you think of this idea?'

A second email from former British Prime Minister Tony Blair in March 2011 also 
advocated for a no-fly zone, with Blair stating, 'Please work on the non-fly 
zone, or the other options I mentioned. Oil prices are rising, markets are 
down. We have to be decisive.'"


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[Marxism] Guardian: Indonesia is burning. So why is the world looking away?

2015-11-01 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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[Marxism] Sawant v. Banks debate

2015-10-30 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Sawant is wonderful. Sanders should take some notes from her:


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[Marxism] Guardian: BLM shouted down by pro-Hillary audience at historic black college

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With all the big names in Black Democratic politics (e.g. John Lewis, Jesse 
Jackson - whose own presidential campaigns Sanders endorsed, incidentally) 
being in the tank for Hillary, it seems unlikely that Sanders will make much 
headway with black voters in the south. 


I went to see Sanders speak at George Mason University this past Wednesday. It 
was a good talk and the audience was extremely diverse. During the question and 
answer session, there was a great moment when a young female Muslim student 
stood up to denounce anti-Islamic bigotry in the US whereupon Sanders invited 
her on stage and talked about the divide and rule tactics of the ruling class 
and the need for solidarity. I thought it was quite moving. I realize most 
people have written Sanders off as a doomed-to-fail bourgeois reformer, but I 
think that, within the context of the US, what he is calling for is quite 
revolutionary. He's raising expectations and forcing important debates onto the 
national stage. I'm glad he's running, regardless of the outcome. 
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[Marxism] VOX: Higher deductibles mean sick people use less health care

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What a surprise...

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[Marxism] WSJ: Leftist Party’s Exiles Return for Colombia Vote

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Leftist Party’s Exiles Return for Colombia Vote
Party’s return a windfall of government peace talks with Marxist guerrillas

By Juan Forero
Oct. 24, 2015 8:00 a.m. ET

VALLEDUPAR, Colombia—In 1989, after hundreds of her political comrades
had been assassinated, Imelda Daza left this city in northeast Colombia
for exile in Sweden.

Gunmen from a right-wing paramilitary movement had effectively wiped out
her party, the leftist party Patriotic Union, in a campaign to eliminate
what it said was a front for Marxist rebels.

Now, Ms. Daza has returned to run for governor in this parched, largely
rural state, testing the bounds of a political opening in a more
peaceful era. Her party, which disappeared from ballots in 2002, will
contend for votes on Sunday as Colombians go to the polls to elect
mayors, governors, and members of town councils and state assemblies.

Polls show that the 900 candidates the party is fielding will win only a
smattering of seats. But their return is seen as an encouraging windfall
of government peace talks with Marxist guerrillas, which many Colombians
hope will end a tradition of political violence that had stigmatized
leftist politicians.

“Physically I left, but my spirit never abandoned my roots,” said Ms.
Daza, a stout, gray-haired 67-year-old who has been a whirlwind of
activity since her return from Sweden in July. “I’m from here, and I’m
here to exercise my rights.”

The Patriotic Union was formed in the mid-1980s by the Marxist rebel
group Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, or FARC, as it sought to
disarm and needed a vehicle to win power at the ballot box. Its success
was immediate: Party members, many of whom had never been guerrillas but
had joined to advance its leftist ideology, secured posts in Congress
and a range of local offices.

But by the early 1990s, illegal antiguerrilla militias, sometimes
working with renegade military officers, had killed more than 1,000
party politicians, including two presidential candidates and eight

“The point of killing great numbers of people of a political affiliation
was to destroy a political party,” said Steven Dudley, author of
“Walking Ghosts,” a book on the Patriotic Union. “And those who wanted
to destroy a political party achieved their goal.”

The slayings prompted many FARC fighters who had joined the party to
take up arms again, convinced that their political goals could only be
achieved through armed insurrection. With the country descending into
violence, and most of the party’s leaders dead or exiled, the Patriotic
Union in 2002 lost the legal voter threshold required by law to operate
as a party.

A judge in 2013, though, ruled in favor of the Patriotic Union’s right
to field candidates, a decision supported by President Juan Manuel
Santos’s government. Encouraged by government peace talks with FARC
rebels, former party members who had disappeared from public view or who
had exiled themselves in Europe returned to campaign for office.

“It’s very significant that they’re back,” said Michael Shifter,
president of the Inter-American Dialogue, a policy group in Washington.
“The fact that these candidates feel secure enough to campaign and run
for office shows that the country has made progress.”

The party has little money for its campaigns, nor are its candidates
well known. The Patriotic Union uses offices at the Communist Party
headquarters in Bogotá, where bookshelves contain tracts from Lenin and
Engels and pictures of Argentine guerrilla icon Ernesto “Che” Guevara
hang from the walls.

Aida Avella, 65, who returned in 2013 from a 17-year exile in
Switzerland after surviving an attack with a rocket-propelled grenade,
said she now feels that “it’s not hard to forgive but what you cannot do
is forget.”

“Many of our comrades were shot dead—in their offices, in their homes
and in the street,” said Ms. Avella, the Patriotic Union’s president and
a candidate for Bogotá’s city council.

She said something fundamental had changed in Colombia and there is a
new tolerance, which the party wants to test. “It’s a great thing to sit
down and use politics to try to resolve the country’s problems,” she said.

On the campaign trail in Cesar state, Ms. Daza, an economist who
describes herself as “socialist and anticapitalist,” reminded voters at
rallies that seven small-town council members and a state assemblyman
from the Patriotic Union were all killed in this region in the 1980s.
“The only one who survived was me,” she said.

In Valledupar, a city known for its accordion-laced music and 100-degree

[Marxism] WSJ: Portugal Government Fuels Debate About Democracy in Europe

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Portugal Government Fuels Debate About Democracy in Europe
President sparked criticism after ruling far-left parties out of solution

By Stephen Fidler in Brussels,
Patricia Kowsmann in Lisbon and
Matt Moffett in Madrid
Oct. 25, 2015 4:15 p.m. ET

A decision by Portugal’s president to ask a fellow center-right
politician to form a minority government after elections this
month—rather than turning to a left-wing option that includes two
euroskeptic parties—has sparked a new debate about democracy in the

Similar questions were posed earlier this year when Greece had to
swallow the tough terms of a eurozone bailout even after the election
victory of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras’s antiausterity Syriza
movement—and an earlier referendum that had rejected the bailout terms.

On Thursday, President Aníbal Cavaco Silva, a conservative politician
whose term ends early next year, appointed the winner of the Oct. 4
elections, Prime Minister Pedro Passos Coelho, to a second term as prime

In doing so, he followed Portuguese precedent in which the leader of the
party winning the most seats in parliament is asked to form a
government, even a minority one.

But his decision and his criticism of the opposing parties was condemned
by left-wingers across Europe—and seized upon by right-wing opponents of
the European Union in the U.K., who claimed democracy had been
subverted. The hashtag #PortugalCoup was popular on Twitter.
“You can have democracy, or you can have a political union in the EU.
You can’t have both. #PortugalCoup #ThisIsACoup,” tweeted Daniel Hannan,
a British Conservative Party euroskeptic in the European Parliament.
Stewart Wood, a pro-EU Labour Party member of the U.K. House of Lords,
tweeted: “Message from Portugal’s President: ‘You can have democracy or
the EU, but not both.’ Bad for the pro-European cause.”

Mr. Cavaco Silva’s sharp words against the bid by Socialist Party leader
Antonio Costa to lead a leftist government has sparked a wider debate
across Europe, given that he suggested he won’t allow the far-left
parties to be part of any governing solution.

“Never in 40 years of democracy have the governments in Portugal relied
on the support of anti-European political forces,” the president said.

The maneuvering is being watched very closely in neighboring Spain,
where another conservative government that, like Portugal’s, followed
Brussels’ austerity recipe faces a tough election on Dec. 20.

Mr. Passos Coelho’s governing coalition—which joins his SocialDemocratic
Party with the smaller Democratic and Social Center Party—won 107 of the
230 seats in Parliament. Mr. Costa’s Socialist party, which promised to
ease some belt-tightening measures but to stick to EU standards of
fiscal restraint, won 86 seats.

The Left Bloc, an ally of Greece’s ruling Syriza party that favors
restructuring Portugal’s debt and an open discussion about the country’s
future in the euro, won 19 seats, followed by a coalition of the
Communists, who advocate ditching the euro right away, and Greens, with
17 seats.

In Portugal, parties on the left have traditionally disagreed on key
issues, and many Portuguese doubted they could ever unite. They were
still working on an agreement under which the Socialists would form a
minority government with parliamentary support of the two smaller
parties when the president announced his decision.

Both the Communist and Left Bloc, Mr. Cavaco Silva noted, also have
called for dissolving the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, of which
Portugal is a founding member.

The Socialist Party grouping in the European Parliament issued a
statement backing Mr. Costa and said: “Portuguese voters were very clear
in the last general election with a strong majority (62%) against the
austerity policies of the last four years.”

Center-right politicians echoed Mr. Cavaco Silva’s concerns. “The
sacrifices made by the people of Portugal must not be jeopardized by a
government composed of anti-EU and anti-NATO parties,” said Joseph Daul,
president of the center-right grouping in the European Parliament.

At a meeting of Europe’s center-right leaders Wednesday in Madrid,
Spanish Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy expressed concern about a possible
leftist government in Portugal, saying “those things always end badly.”

On Thursday, he went further, sounding an alarm that “coalitions of
losers want to join forces to do away with moderate majorities in our
societies, to attain through deals what they didn’t achieve at the
ballot box.”

He attacked Socialist policies as p


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The beginning of the end for the Hillary campaign or just the Clinton brand?


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[Marxism] CNN: Actually, Denmark is becoming more like us

2015-10-27 Thread Shalva Eliava via Marxism
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Becoming more like the US? Poor Denmark:


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